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      • KCI등재

        독해능력 향상을 위한 효율적인 학습 적용 방안 -프랑스어 초급 학습자를 대상으로

        정일영 ( Il Young Jung ) 한국불어불문학회 2011 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.88

        Cet article d`etude a pour but de rechercher une methode efficace pour ameliorer la competence de comprehension ecrite du francais applicable aux debutants. Pour ce faire, nous avons etabli deux parties comme suit : - arriere-plan theorique et etude precedente - repere d`evaluation pour la competence de comprehension ecrite des apprenants et exemples des matieres d`etude pour les debutants Plus precisement, dans la premiere partie, nous avons observe l`importance du vocabulaire pour ameliorer la capacite de comprehension ecrite. Nous avons egalement mis l`accent sur la lecture d`incitation pour susciter l`interet des apprenants. Et nous avons analyse la methode d`approche pour l`etude de la comprehension ecrite. Dans la deuxieme partie, nous nous sommes consacres au point de vue pratique : - comment peut-on evaluer la competence des apprenants concernant la comprehension ecrite ? - quelles matieres doit-on utiliser dans la classe pour ameliorer la capacite de comprehension ecrite ? Du point de vue de la methode d`enseignement, la plupart des gens admettent le fait que les quatre domaines (comprehension orale et ecrite, composition et oral) doivent etre lies etroitement l`un a l`autre pour perfectionner la competence en langue etrangere. Pourtant, on peut constater le fait qu`il n`est pas facile d`appliquer des textes efficaces au cours de la classe pour ameliorer la competence de comprehension ecrite des apprenants. Il peut y avoir plusieurs raisons, mais surtout, nous pouvons surtout remarquer deux choses : - il n`y a pas beaucoup de developpement dans le domaine des manuels utiles concernant la comprehension ecrite. - les textes sont tres difficiles pour les debutants et leur sujets ne sont pas interessants pour attirer l`interet des apprenants. Il serait presomptueux de dire que cette etude peut jouer un role essentiel pour ameliorer la competence de comprehension ecrite du francais applicable aux debutants. Pourtant, j`espere que cet article pourra etre utile aux gens qui reconnaissent a la fois l`importance de la comprehension ecrite et la necessite de manuels efficaces.

      • KCI등재

        외국어 능력을 향상시키기 위한 비언어적 요소의 활용 방안

        정일영(JUNG Il Young) 프랑스학회 2011 프랑스학연구 Vol.55 No.-

        Cet article a pour but de souligner l'importance des composants non verbaux dans l'enseignement des langues concernant la compétence de communication. Dans la première partie, nous avons analysé les types de gestes que l'on peut utiliser pour la transmission de la communication. Pour ce faire, nous avons distingué les gestes non communicatifs de ceux communicatifs. Et nous avons divisé les gestes comme suit, selon la théorie Terrier : emblèmes, réglementation, illustration. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons étudié la méthode efficace pour appliquer les gestes en tant qu'outil pédagogique dans l'apprentissage de la langue. Surtout, nous avons mis l'accent sur le fait qu'il faut considérer la différence de niveau de compétence en langue des apprenants. Dans la troisième partie, nous avons observé l'efficacité du langage d'action pour améliorer la compétence de la langue. Précisément, le langage d'action joue un rôle important non seulement pour transmettre efficacement le message du locuteur, mais aussi pour aider les apprenants qui apprennent la langue d‘une culture différente. En dernière partie, nous avons pris quelques exemples qui ont été appliqués dans les cours du français : - les gestes liés avec les expressions particulières du français - les gestes pour aider l'apprentissage du vocabulaire - les gestes dans l'image pour l'apprentissage de la communication Concernant l'enseignement d'une langue étrangère, l'enseignant doit prendre conscience du fait qu'il y a différentes approches pour l'apprentissage de la communication. Et il est évident que les signes non verbaux (surtout les gestes) peuvent être un outil efficace pour améliorer la compétence de communication des apprenants. C'est la raison pour laquelle il est nécessaire d'appliquer les geste communicatifs dans le cours de langue cible pour permettre aux apprenants de reconnaître l'importance des éléments non verbaux.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스어 읽기 능력 향상을 위한 효율적 학습 방안

        정일영 ( Il Young Jung ) 한국불어불문학회 2010 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.82

        Cette etude vise a souligner l`importance et la necessite de l`enseignement de la lecture dans l`apprentissage du francais langue etrangere. Dans la premiere partie, nous avons observe la definition de la lecture et ses fonctions: activite de rechercher le sens, processus pour constituer le sens, processus de strategie, processus de correlation, activite d`apprentissage du langage. Nous avons egalement expose les etapes du developpement de la competence de lecture et nous avons insiste sur l`importance de l`apprentissage precedent. En ce qui concerne le type d`apprentissage de la lecture, nous avons montre les deux methodes: fond (bas)-haut, haut-bas vs lecture guidee. En derniere partie, nous avons essaye de demontrer les exemples applicables au cours de la lecture, en les reliant aux autres competences de l`apprentissage du francais. Il est important que l`enseignant mene simultanement l`apprentissage de la lecture et l`apprentissage de la langue. S`il veut mettre en place une methode de lecture specifique et adapee a ses apprenants, il doit s`imposer de suivre une progression en langue orale respectant les imperatifs de structure - acquisitions syntaxiques et lexicales-qu`il adopte pour l`apprentissage de la langue. Cela implique bien evidemment qu`il ne s`en tienne pas aux seuls referents habituels des methodes de lecture mais qu`il y ajoute d`autres indices qui rappellent et facilitent grandement les acquis langagiers.

      • KCI등재

        Pufendorf의 De Officio 解題 - 인간의 행위와 법, 그리고 자연법에 관하여 -

        정일영(Jung, Il-young) 한국법사학회 2021 法史學硏究 Vol.63 No.-

        본 연구는 17세기의 법사상가 푸펜도르프(S. Pufendorf)의 대표적 저작 중 하나인 De Officio Hominis et Civis juxta Legem Naturalem (1673)의 일부를 발췌하여 번역한 후, 이를 바탕으로 그의 자연법 체계의 기초를 이루는 주요 개념인 인간의 행위와 법 일반, 그리고 자연법의 본성에 대한 논의를 그 시대적 배경에 비추어 풀어보고자 한다. 푸펜도르프가 태어나서 자란 곳은 종교 전쟁의 여파가 가장 컸던 신성로마제국 안이었다. 30년 전쟁이 끝나면서 맺어진 베스트팔렌 조약 이전과 이후의 시기를 모두 그 지역에서 경험한 푸펜도르프는 가톨릭과 프로테스탄트 사이의 교리적인 차이가 화해될 수 없는 완전한 분리를 의미한다는 점과 신앙의 대립이 그 사회에 얼마나 큰 혼란과 불안정을 초래할 수 있는지를 이해하였다. 따라서 그는 사회와 국가 전반에 다시 안정과 평화를 되찾기 위하여 모든 이들이 이해하고 따를 수 있는 보편적인 규범을 자연법에서 찾고자 하면서도, 이를 신학의 영역으로부터 분리된 세속의 영역에서 확립시키고자 노력하였다. 그렇기에 그 출발점은 이전의 스콜라 학파와 같이 인간의 내재적 본성에 대한 탐구가 아니라 그 외부적 행위에 초점이 맞추어졌고, 이러한 인간 행동을 구속하는 법의 본질과 더 나아가 그 최고규범으로서의 자연법에 대한 설명으로 논의를 확장한다. 결론적으로 푸펜도르프에게 있어서 법의 구속력이란 법의 내용의 도덕적 옳고 그름이 아니라 이를 외부에서 부과하는 주체의 정당성으로부터 비롯된 것이었으며, 따라서 결국 자연법으로부터 비롯된 인간의 의무 또한 신이라는 불가침적 권위로부터 도출되는 것으로 정리될 수 있다. As his predecessors like Grotius and Hobbes, Samuel von Pufendorf, a renowned natural law jurist and political theorist of his times, played a vital role in the development of the modern natural law theory in the 17<SUP>th</SUP> century. This thesis will focus on Pufendorf’s basic conceptualization on the actions of men, law, and natural law through partial translation of his work, De Officio Hominis et Civis Juxta Legem Naturalem, from the original Latin text into Korean, in order to provide a framework that will help better understand the structure of Pufendorf’s theory on law and men. Pufendorf was born and raised in the Holy Roman Empire, which was one of the most heavily afflicted lands from the devastation of the Thirty Years War before the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Having experienced both the times before and after the war, Pufendorf realized that the religious issues between the Catholics and the Protestants could not be absolved and the separation of the two branches of Christianity was final. He also saw that the conflict of such faith brought about great uncertainty and chaos to the life of men. Therefore in order to restore peace and tranquility to society again, Pufendorf believed that a system of universal norms had to be formed through natural law in which everyone, despite of their difference in faith, was able to agree on. Such system was only possible when it was grounded upon the secular world and separated itself from moral theology. Therefore, he starts out not with the nature of man, but with the nature of man’s actions as the starting point to emphasize the difference between the two. From there, the explanation extends to what law is and why it binds the external actions of men, including natural law which, in Pufendorf’s view, was imposed by God himself.

      • 증발식 다중효용 담수기에서 열교환기 튜브 배열 및 형상에 따른 액막 유동에 관한 수치해석

        정일영(Jung, Il-Young),윤상국(Yun, Sang-Kook),주홍진(Joo, Hong-Jin),곽희열(Kwak, Hee-Youl) 한국태양에너지학회 2011 한국태양에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.11

        This study was performed numerical analysis in order to analyze liquid film flow of heat exchanger tube arrangement and configuration of evaporative multi effect distillation system using medium-temperature. Simulation was accomplished the two-dimensional calculations using commercial analyses program FLUENT based on the FVM(finite volume method). Fresh water generator of this study used Shell & Tubes heat exchanger with Cu_Nitube, configuration of tube used bare tube and corrugated tube, and arrangement of tube used in-line array and staggered array. Performance of heat exchanger through the formation of liquid film was compared and analyzed. Liquid film flow occurred that falling on heat exchanger tube wall. Result of simulation showed that liquid film thickness of in-line arrangement was found0.57mm with bare tube and 0.67mm with corrugated tube, respectively. And liquid film thickness of staggered arrangement was found 0.39mm with bare tubes and 0.62mm with corrugated tubes, respectively. Liquid film thickness of corrugated tube showed thicker than bare tube, but heat transfer rates of corrugated tube showed higher than bare tube. The reason was considered that surface area of corrugated tube was wider than bare tube. And liquid film thickness of staggered arrangement showed thinner than in-line arrangement, so thermal performance of staggered arrange mentshowed higher than in-line arrangement.

      • KCI등재

        언어,교육 : 이미지와 듣기자료를 중심으로 어휘력 향상을 위한 효율적 학습 적용 방안

        정일영 ( Il Young Jung ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2015 비교문화연구 Vol.38 No.-

        This study aims to investigate the effective method to improve the competence of the Vocabulary by the image and listening towards the ELF. In the first part, we observed the problems and point improvement on learning vocabulary based on learner survey. In the second part, we analyzed two remarkable studies: - consistent and adapt method, communicational context - method based on the lexical, morphological semantical, notional and thematic field Then we proposed effective methods that are applicable to the vocabulary`s learning in the class : - learning vocabulary by combining the words - learning vocabulary based on the meaning field - learning vocabulary as concrete characters - learning vocabulary by the descriptive character - learning vocabulary with the type "who am I?" - learning vocabulary by listening For teachers, one of the difficulties to the conduct of vocabulary course is that learners take passive position. Specifically, it is the teachers who play an important role because it runs in the direction of the course. However, learners do not show the active attitude for vocabulary lessons despite the course to take to improve their vocabulary skills. Therefore, teachers must prepare course materials that can both improve the competence of the vocabulary of learners and cause their interest or desire on the current vocabulary. This is why teachers should exploit various materials depending on the skill level of the learner vocabulary.

      • KCI등재

        알제리의 언어 정책에 관한 고찰 : 아랍어와 프랑스어를 중심으로

        정일영 ( Il Young Jung ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2010 중동연구 Vol.28 No.2

        In the last twenty years, there has been a continual protest over the language question in Algeria and four languages are spoken in one way or another by Algerians: Classical Arabic the official language, Algerian Arabic spoken by almost all Algerians, French and Berber. Beginning in the late 1960s, the government of President Houari Boumediene decided upon complete Arabization as a national goal and began the first steps to promote Arabic in the bureaucracy and in the schools. Arabization was introduced slowly in schools, starting with the primary schools in the social science and humanities subjects. Language politics and Arabization have partly been a reaction to the fact that 130 years of French colonization had left both the state bureaucracy and much of the educated upper class completely Francophone, as well as being motivated by the Arab nationalism promoted by successive Algerian governments. The problems inherent in the process of language promotion immediately came to the fore. One of the most obvious involved literary Arabic, a language in which many Algerians were not conversant. Qualified Arabic teachers were almost totally lacking. Other obstacles included the widespread use of French in the state-run media and the continued preference for French as the working language of government and of urban society. For the urban elite, French constituted the medium of modernization and technology. French facilitated their access to Western commerce and to economic development theory and culture, and their command of the language guaranteed their continued social and political prominence. So, the important point of the language question in Algeria is to the establish the correlation between the Arabic and the French because we can`t ignore the social role of the French in the Algerian community.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        튀니지의 아랍화 정책과 영어, 프랑스어의 공용 현상

        정일영(Jung, Il-Young) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2010 중동문제연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to explore the politics of Tunisia about the language and the culture and the position of the French and the English in Tunisia. The linguistic situation of the Tunisia is very complexe. The reasons of this complexity are multiple (historic and geographic nature, civilization, ideology, politics...etc). In fact, the relationship between the political and economic aspects of modernity and the conservative project of cultural identity has always been complicated by issues of market access. And in Tunisia, the principal language of modernity, as well as the dominant economic language, has been, until very recently, French. Collective cultural identity is so identified with language that it is commonplace to refer to those Tunisians for whom French is the principal language of public intellectual exchange and business as the partisans of French (Francisants) and to those for whom such is Arabic as the partisans of Arabic(Arabisants). Although the number of English-language users in Tunisia is slowly increasing, the "quality" of their language is so uneven that it is unclear what "English" culture they represent.

      • KCI등재

        격언의 언어학적 특성과 프랑스어 학습 적용 방안

        정일영 ( Jung Il-young ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2016 비교문화연구 Vol.44 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 격언을 중심으로 프랑스어 학습 자료의 다양성을 모색하고 학습효과의 효율성을 높이기 위한 학습 방안을 제시하는데 있다. 이 논문은 두 부분으로 구성되어져 있다. 첫 번째 부분에서는 격언들이 프랑스어의 형태, 통사적 특성을 바탕으로 구성되어 있음을 살펴볼 것이다. 또한 격언을 중심으로 한 프랑스어 학습 활용 방안과 관련한 선행 연구들을 분석함으로써 프랑스어 학습에 활용될 수 있는 가능성에 초점을 맞추었다. 두 번째 부분에서는 학습자들의 프랑스어 능력과 학습 내용의 난이도에 따라 초급단계와 중급 단계로 구분하여 실제 학습에서 활용할 수 있는 예들을 살펴볼 것이다. 이를 통해 우리는 격언이 문화적인 영역의 요소일 뿐 아니라 프랑스어 학습 능력을 향상시킬 수 있는 효율적인 학습 자료로 활용될 수 있다는 점을 강조하였다. 언어 학습에서 문화적 요소의 중요성은 이미 오래 전부터 강조되어 왔다. 따라서 학습자의 수준과 학습 내용을 고려한 문화적 특성을 지니는 격언의 교육 현장에서의 적용은 교수법의 측면에서 학습의 효율성을 높일 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to explore the diversity of French learning materials and suggest a learning method to increase the efficiency of learning. In the first part, we explore the linguistic characteristics of the proverb. In the second part, we present the examples that can be utilized in actual learning. In terms of teaching methods, sharing a common cultural consciousness is important for language and communication between interlocutors. In view of this point, the proverb has an extremely important value in the linguistic dimension. It means that the proverb can serve as a very useful material for the comparison of the morphology and phonetics of French. The efficiency of learning can be increased if we can apply an adequate learning plan using proverbs in accordance to the learner`s level and the learning contents.

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