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      • 디지털전환으로 부산 첨단 해양일자리 창출

        장하용 부산연구원 2019 BDI 정책포커스 Vol.- No.364

        ◯ 부산 해양산업은 영세성과 더불어 인식 미비로 디지털전환이 지연되어 산업경쟁력이 약화되고 일자리가 감소 - 실제 부산의 주력산업인 조선산업은 수주 감소와 고도화 지연으로 폐업 → 유휴 부지 발생으로 진행됐고, 이는 지역경제 침체로 이어짐 ◯ 네덜란드 로테르담·스웨덴 말뫼·독일 함부르크·미국 LA 등 선진 해양도시들은 침체된 해양산업의 고도화와 첨단 일자리 창출을 위해 디지털전환을 적극 시도해 도시와 산업에 새로운 활력을 부여 ◯ 부산 해양산업이 디지털전환으로 첨단 해양일자리를 창출하기 위해 ▲(기반 조성)부산 부스트 벨트(BOOST Belt) 조성▲(생태계 마련)부산 PortXL 도입▲(핵심주체)부산 공공연구기관-대학의 해양스핀오프 창업 활성화▲(지속성 확보)첨단 해양직무역량강화 전문기관 설립이 필요[그림 본문 참조]

      • KCI등재

        공영방송 PD와 시청자간의 방송 공익성에 대한 인식 차이에 관한 연구

        장하용,조명희 청운대학교 방송·예술연구소 2014 미디어와 공연예술연구 Vol.9 No.2

        This study aims to investigate the Korean public broadcasting company(cf.KBS)roducers’ perception of public interest. The concept of public interest is divided intowo dimensions, ‘normative public interest’ and ‘on-site public interest’. This study alsoooks into the existence of gaps on the perception of public interest between producersnd viewers, and the variables which have effects on thiese perceptual gaps. An in-epth interview is conducted to find the constructing components of ‘on-site publicnterest’, and then a questionnaire survey is carried out with the KBS producers andiewers. The results shows that the perceptions of ‘normative public interest’ among producersnd viewers are quite similar, but the significant differences on the perception of ‘on-ite public interest’ are found. They both recognize that the important elements of publicnterest is political independence and autonomy in the production process, but theyiffer in the aspect of program contents, i. e. the producers pay more attention to therotection of minorities but the viewers emphasize more the importance of educationalenefits. The producer’s career length and genre in charge are both played an importantole in the perception of public interest. The producers who had short careers and inharge of drama and entertainment programs are different with other producers in the perception of ‘on-site public interest. In conclusion, this study shows that there exist perceptual gaps among the producersand between viewers and the producers as well. These results imply the possibleconflicts on the definition and its realization of public interest. The Korean publicbroadcasting company therefore needs to conciliate the concept of public interestamong its producers, and makes various efforts to narrow the perceptual gaps betweenproducers and viewers. 이연구는 제작 PD들이 방송 공익성을 어떻게 인식하고 있는지, 그리고 방송 공익성에 대한 PD의 인식이 시청자들과 얼마나 다르며, 이런 인식적 괴리에 어떤 요인이 개입하는지를 알아보았다. 이를 위해 KBS의 제작 PD들을 대상으로 심층인터뷰를 실시해서 방송 공익성을 구성하는 요인을 추출한 다음, 설문조사를 통해 이들에 대한 제작 PD과 시청자들의 평가를 알아보았다. 분석 결과, 규범적 공익성에 대한 PD와 시청자의 인식은 상당히 유사한 편이었다. PD와시청자 모두 방송 공익성을 구성하는 요소로 ‘정치적 독립성’을 가장 중요한 요소로 꼽고 있었다. 그러나 방송 공익성을 구현하기 위해서 제작 현장에서 필요한 요인들을 의미하는 ‘실천적방송 공익성’에 대한 인식에서는 PD와 시청자 간에 유사성과 괴리가 함께 존재하는 모습을 보이고 있었다. PD의 담당 장르와 경력은 방송 공익성에 대한 인식과 시청자와의 괴리 모두에게복합적으로 작동하는 요인이었다. 경력이 짧은 드라마, 예능 PD와 오랜 경력의 시사교양 PD는 방송 공익성을 서로 다르게 인식하며, 시청자와의 인식적 괴리에서도 동일한 경향이 나타나고 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 방송 공익성에 대한 PD들의 인식이 서로 다르며, 동시에 시청자들과도상당한 인식적 괴리가 있음을 보여주고 있다. 따라서 방송사는 공익성의 개념과 구현 방법에대한 내부적인 조정과 합의를 위해 노력해야 하며, 외부적으로는 수용자가 생각하는 공영방송의 가치를 파악해서 제작진과 수용자 간의 인식 차이를 좁히는 것이 필요하다.

      • 해양분야 국제기구 부산 유치 전략 마련

        장하용 부산연구원 2017 연구보고서 학연연구 Vol.2017 No.0

        It is essential that Busan city, which is the central city of domestic marine industry and fully equipped with the physical and human infrastructure for international activities, is to attract international organizations for ocean sector to Busan to enhance its status as a global 'maritime central city'. Other studies in the past have addressed only general or national contents of researches on attracting international organizations, and it was imperative to establish a customized attracting strategy optimized for Busan. In this study, the present status of international maritime organizations is comprehensively summarized, and through other cases, it is possible to select international organizations for ocean sector that can actually be attracted and to provide road map I wish to propose preemptive measures for the promotion of international organizations for sector and establish links with marine related organizations in Busan to create a foundation for Busan to enhance to the 'Ocean Capital City, Busan'.

      • KCI등재
      • 부산 스마트항만(Smart Port) 연관산업육성방안연구

        장하용,허윤수,이정훈 부산연구원 2020 연구보고서 정책연구 Vol.2020 No.0

        As noted by world-renowned consulting firm Roland Berger, in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Smart Port can be seen as “the future that is already here.” Smart port is an essential factor for Busan Port to maintain its global hub port status, and the convergence of smart city and smart port is a new model of future port city to harmoniously deal with the issue of urban and port expansion. Therefore, this study aims to create a virtuous cycle of the industrial ecosystem and establish strategies for small port related industry in Busan to enter the smart port market by localizing the port equipment infrastructure market through the smartification of the second new port of Busan. In Concept of smart port and the scope of related industry (Chapter 2)”, the definition, categories, strengths, weaknesses and development directions of smart ports, and the concepts and core technologies of smart port related industry were summarized to improve understanding of smart ports. In Promotion policies for domestic and overseas smart port related industry (Chapter 3), the concept and core goals of smart port policies were examined, and the smart port creation policies and smart port related industry promotion policies for each advanced port were reviewed separately. In “Analysis of the current status and conditions of smart port related industry in Busan (Chapter 4)” analysis and survey on the conditions of Busan’s smart port related industry, the level of smart competitiveness and smart port technology of Busan Port and the results were analyzed. In order to develop “Strategies and measures for fostering smart port related industry in Busan (Chapter 5)”, strategies and tasks were presented by subdividing into areas such as promotion of smart port hardware (H/W) industry, creation of start-up infrastructure, establishment and attraction of innovative institutions, and improvement of related systems and strengthening of supporting policies. In order to create an ecosystem for smart port related industry in the Busan area, domestic smart port market must be created through the development of home-made equipment and domestic ordering. In the case of the new port of Busan, measures to give incentives to local companies should be prepared. The “Medium and Long-Term Roadmap for Korean Smart Port” recently proposed by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries has been prepared with a focus on Busan Port and can be regarded as a Busan-type smart port roadmap, which confirms and summarizes smart port construction strategies and detailed implementation plans for each stage. The economic ripple effect of the localization of smart port unloading equipment was confirmed to be 641.7 billion KRW in production inducement, 211 billion KRW in value added induction, 2,386 people in job creation, 43.3 to 52.8 billion KRW in localization, and 89.4 billion KRW in maintenance and repair. By fostering Busan-type smart port related industry, it is considered to be possible to revitalize local economy, increase the added value of Busan Port, and create high-quality local jobs through virtuous cycle of port industry.

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