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      • KCI등재

        대학교 엘리트 운동선수들의 국선도 체험에 관한 연구

        이형일,김학덕 한국체육철학회 2008 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        몸과 마음의 통합을 지향하는 국선도에서도 신체자각과 마음 상태에 대한 주의 깊은 관찰을 강조하고 있다. 본 연구는 국선도를 수련한 운동선수들이 신체를 통해 드러나는 내적 마음의 상태를 어떻게 경험하는지 그 경험의 의미와 구조를 심층적으로 탐구하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 2007년 3월부터 2008년 3월까지 7명의 운동선수들과 면담 및 참여관찰 그리고 서면방법을 통해 자료를 수집하였고, 이를 문화기술지적 방법을 활용하여 분석하였다. 분석결과 9가지의 주제와 2가지의 상위범주가 분석되었으며, 중심의미는 존재의 방식, 움직임의 습관, 인식과 효과적 사고, 자아의 자유로움, 심신의 일치, 움직임에서 전일적 신체, 기의 충만감, 자아와 환경의 일치, 절정경험으로 나타났다. 이를 통해 본 연구는 선수생활에서 몸과 마음의 연관성을 결험해 온 운동선수들이 국선도 수련을 통해 신체와 정신에 대한 자각이 더욱 증대되면서 운동수행 능력이 긍정적 변화의 과정을 경험하게 된다는 구조를 발견하였다. 본 연구는 신체를 매개로하여 몸과 마음이 연관되어 있음을 경험할 뿐만 아니라 내적인 심리상태를 이해하고 자각하는 과정을 통해 운동수행 능력을 향상시킬 수 있다는 구조를 이해한 점에서 의의가 있다. 신체적 자각을 통한 운동수행 능력향상에 다양하게 적용되어 보다 새롭고 폭넓은 기법들이 발견되기를 기대하는 바이다. The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences through KukSunDo training of college's elite athletes. This qualitative study examined the experiences of 7 athletes with respect to the KukSunDo Training. Raw data were provided by in-depth interviews using open-ended question and participant observation. An inductive content analysis revealed two broad categories. They were awareness and wholeness. The awareness consists of four sub-category; way of being, movements habits, perception and effective thinking, freedom of self. The wholeness also consists of five sub-category such as an unit of mind and body, whole body in movement, flow of energy, unit of self and environment, peak experience Analysis included a description of the process of learning and employing the skills of the KukSunDo as described by the athletes. Results indicate that these specific athletes attribute positive benefits to their athletic performance from studying the KukSunDo training.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        점용접시편의 과부하해석 및 유효 J-적분에 의한 피로수명예측

        이형일,최진용,Lee, Hyeong-Il,Choe, Jin-Yong 대한기계학회 2000 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.24 No.3

        This paper proposes an integrated approach, which is independent of specimen geometry and loading type, for predicting the fatigue life of spot welded specimens. We first establish finite element models reflecting the actual specimen behaviors observed on the experimental load-deflection curves of 4 types of single spot welded specimens. Using finite element models elaborately established, we then evaluate fracture parameter J-integral to describe the effects of specimen geometry and loading type on the fatigue life in a comprehensive manner. It is confirmed, however, that J-integral concept alone is insufficient to clearly explain the generalized relationship between load and fatigue life of spot welded specimens. On this ground, we introduce another effective parameter $J_e$ composed of $J_I$, $J_{II}$, $J_{III}$, which has been demonstrated here to more sharply define the relationship between load and fatigue life of 4 types of spot welded specimens. The crack surface displacement method is adopted for decomposition of J, and the mechanism of the mixed mode fracture is also discussed in detail as a motivation of using $J_e$.

      • KCI등재

        2차원 동작분석에 의한 치과진료자세의 인간공학적 분석

        이형일,이동춘 대한설비관리학회 1999 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Dental clinic postures are divided into seven ones(neck flexion, trunk flexion, trunk lateral bending, right arm abduction, left arm abduction, right elbow flexion, left elbow flexion) according to clinic activities, and those seven postures are analyzed by camcorder recording. The 2D motion analysis show that the task is done at angle of between 80° and 100° in neck flexion, between 80° and 90° in trunk flexion, between 20° and 100° in right elbow flexion and between 0° and 20° in arm abduction. And comparison has been made between motion analysis and the former body discomfort research. Concludingly, neck flexion and trunk flexion make the most influence on the pain of body discomfort. Thus, unit and general purpose chair system in dental clinic need to be adjusted to ergonomics in order to correct the postures of dentists.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        용접부 3차원 표면균열선단에서의 구속상태

        이형일,서현,Lee, Hyeong-Il,Seo, Hyeon 대한기계학회 2000 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.24 No.1

        초록 The validity, of a single parameter such as stress intensity, factor K or J-integral in traditional fracture mechanics depends strongly on the geometry, and loading condition. Therefore the second parameter like T-stress measuring the stress constraint is additionally needed to characterize the general crack-tip fields. While many, research works have been done to verify, the J-T description of elastic-plastic crack-tip stress fields in plane strain specimens, limited works (especially. for bimaterials) have been performed to describe the structural surface crack-front stress fields with the two parameters. On this background, via detailed three dimensional finite element analyses for surface-cracked plates and straight pipes of homogeneous materials and bimaterials under various loadings, we investigate the extended validity or limitation of the two parameter approach. We here first develop a full 3D mesh generating program for semi-elliptical surface cracks, and calculate elastic T-stress from the obtained finite element stress field. Comparing the J-T predictions to the elastic-plastic stresses from 3D finite element analyses. we then confirm the extended validity of fracture mechanics methodology based on the J-T two parameters in characterizing the surface crack-front fields of welded plates and pipes under various loadings.

      • KCI등재

        $C^{\ast}$-적분에 기초한 고온배관 수명평가

        이형일,Lee Hyungyil 한국가스학회 2000 한국가스학회지 Vol.4 No.4

        In recent years, the subject of remaining life assessment has drawn considerable attention in power plants, where various structural components typically operate at high temperature and pressure. Thus a life prediction methodology accounting for high temperature creep fracture is increasingly needed for the components. Critical defects in such structures are generally found in the form of semi-elliptical surface crack, and the analysis of which is consequently an important problem in engineering fracture mechanics. On this background, we first develop an auto mesh generation program for detailed 3-D finite element analyses of axial and circumferential semi-elliptical surface cracks in a piping system. A high temperature creep fracture parameter $C^{\ast}$-integral is obtained from the finite element analyses of generated 3-D models. Post crack growth module is further appended here to calculate the amount of crack growth. Finally the remaining lives of surface cracked pipes for various analytical parameters are assessed using the developed life assessment program. 최근 들어 가혹한 온도 및 압력조건에서 운전이 요구되는 고온배관들의 잔여수명예측은 상당히 중요한 관심사로 부각되고 있다. 이에 고온손상을 정량적으로 평가하여 설비를 안전하게 사용하기 위한 유지기술 및 수명평가 기술을 확보하는 것은 매우 중요하다. 한편 이러한 고온배관내 대부분의 균열은 반타원 표면균열의 형태로 형상화되어 파괴역학의 실제응용에서 발견할 수 있는 가장 복잡한 형상과 하중특성을 갖게 된다. 이를 배경으로 본 연구에서는 먼저 축방향 및 원주방향 반타원 표면균열이 존재하는 직관의 완전 3차원 유한요소망 자동생성 프로그램을 작성하였다. 이렇게 생성된 유한요소 입력자료를 이용하여 3차원 유한요소 해석을 수행하면 반타원 표면균열선단을 따른 고온 크리프 파괴 지배변수 $C^{\ast}$-적분값을 구할 수 있다. 또한 $C^{\ast}$-적분값에 준해 균열진전량을 계산하는 후처리 균열진전 모듈을 추가하여 사용자 편의 수명평가 프로그램을 개발하였다. 최종적으로 개발된 통합 수명 평가 프로그램을 이용하여 여러 가지 해석변수들의 반타원 표면균열을 갖는 고온 직관 수명에 대한 영향을 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재

        한주학파 성리학의 지역적 전개양상과 사상적 특성

        이형성(李炯性) 한국국학진흥원 2009 국학연구 Vol.15 No.-

        조선은 세도정치로 인한 삼정三政이 문란하여 내부적으로는 정치적 혼란이 야기되고, 외부적으로는 서구의 개항 요구와 일본의 침략을 당하며 내우외환內憂外患을 겪는다. 지식인들은 자신들이 처한 시대를 인지하고 사회현상을 냉철하게 주시하며 자신의 사상을 구축하고자 하였다. 이 글은 한주寒洲 이진상李震相과 그 학문을 계승한 한주학파寒洲學派의 지역적 전개양상과 사상적 특성을 살펴본 것이다. 이진상은 16세기의 사단칠정론四端七情論, 18세기의 예론禮論ㆍ인물성동이론人物性同異論 등의 철학적 논쟁을 치밀하게 분석하면서 주희朱熹의 만년정론晩年定論에 입각하여 리理와 심心을 주재성主宰性의 차원에서 일치시켜 심즉리설心卽理說을 주장하고, 심의 주재적 측면의 주체성을 강조하여 국가의 위기상황을 타개하려고 노력하였다. 하지만 그가 주장한 심즉리설은 중국의 양명학자 왕수인王守仁이 언표한 ‘심즉리설’과 동일하여 언뜻 보기에는 사상적 차이를 감지할 수가 없었다. 그리하여 영남의 퇴계학파는 심합리기적心合理氣的 사고 체계에서, 그리고 호남의 간재학파艮齋學派는 이이李珥의 심시기적心是氣的 사고 체계에서 심즉리설을 비판하였다. 이진상 사후, 그의 학문을 계승한 한주학파는 심즉리설을 옹호하고 변론하는데 치력한다. 그 중심에 있는 인물은 이승희李承熙ㆍ곽종석郭鍾錫ㆍ허유許愈ㆍ이정모李正模ㆍ이두훈李斗勳ㆍq윤주하尹?夏ㆍ김진호金鎭祜ㆍ장석영張錫英 등이다. 세간에서는 이들을 주문팔현洲門八賢이라 일컫는다. 주문팔현은 향촌사회에서 스승 이진상의 심즉리설을 변론하면서 학문적 활동을 전개하였다. 특히, 곽종석은 스승의 학설이 문제가 있다면 도산陶山에서 문제를 삼을 것이 아니라 천하의 모든 사람들에게 보여 객관적인 평가를 받고자 하였다. 호남의 전우田愚가 ‘성사심제性師心弟’라는 명제를 들어 심즉리설을 비판하자, 장석영과 이두훈 등은 심의 주재성을 거론하여 심이 리이고 기氣가 아님을 강력히 주장하였다. 이진상을 비롯한 한주학파가 중시하는 심의 주재성은 원칙(=리)에 의한 공도公道를 주체적으로 드러내 인간의 사사로운 욕구나 생각을 주재ㆍ극복ㆍ배제하여 참된 주체성 확립과 도덕사회의 완성을 추구하였다. 이진상의 재전제자들은 유교의 연원을 정리 및 체계화하거나 새로운 사상을 수용하여 유교와의 절충을 통해 근대적 학문발전을 모색하였다. This thesis said how Hanju(寒洲) Lee Jin-sang(李震相) and Hanju-school who succeeded to him developed regionally and were characterized ideologically. Lee jin sang analyzed thoroughly Sadanchiljunglon(四端七情論) in 16C, Yelon(禮論) and Inmulsungdongilon(人物性同異論) in 18C which were philosophical controversy. Based on Ju Hui(朱熹)’ Mannyunjunglon(晩年定論) according with the superintendent dimension of Li(理)and Sim(心), he asserted Simjeuklisul(心卽理說). By emphasizing the subjectivity of 심 superintendence did he try to overcome national crisis. However, it was difficult to distinguish Simjeuklisul mentioned by him from ‘Simjeuklisul’ mentioned by 왕수인, the scholar of Wang Yangming school. Therefore, Simjeuklisul was criticized by Toegye-school in Young-nam in the aspect of Simhabligi(心合理氣) system and also criticized by Jeon Uh(田愚) in Ho-nam in the aspect of Simsigi(心是氣) system. Hanju-school succeeding to Lee jin sang tried to advocate Simjeuklisul after his death. The important characters were Lee Seung-hee(李承熙), Kwak Jong-seok(郭鍾錫), Heu Yu(許愈), Lee Jung-mo(李正模), Lee Do-hun(李斗勳), Yun Ju-ha(尹?夏), Kim Jin-ho (金鎭祜), Jang Seok-young(張錫英). They were called Jumunpalhyun(洲門八賢) among the contemporary people. Jumunpalhyun advocated Lee jin sang' Simjeuklisul, developing his theory. Especially, Kwak jong seok said if Lee' theory had had the problem, it should have not been examined so much by Dosanseowon(陶山書院) as objectively by all the scholars concerned. While Jeon uh(田愚) in Ho-nam criticized Simjeuklisul by referring to ‘Sungsasimjei(性師心弟)’, Jang seok young and Lee do hun suggested that ‘Sim’ should not be so much ‘Gi’ as ‘Li’ strongly, referring to superintendence of ‘Sim’ Superintendence of ‘Sim’ thought much of by Han-ju school including Lee jin sang revealed 공도(公道) independently, excluding human private desire or interest, pursuing the accomplishment of moral society and the establishment of true subjectivity. Lee jin sang' disciples systematized the origin of Confucianism, accepting the new ideology, seeking to develop modern theory through compromise with Confucianism.

      • KCI등재후보

        마취된 흰 쥐 시상의 복후내측핵내 유해성 뉴론의 특성

        이형일,박수정 大韓齒科保存學會 2002 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.27 No.6

        Extracellular single unit recordings were made from the ventral posteromedial thalamic (VPM) nociceptive neurons to determine mechanoreceptive field (RF) and response properties. A total of 44 VPM thalamic nociceptive neurons were isolated from rats anesthetized with urethane-chloralose. Based on responses to various mechanical stimuli including touch, pressure and pinch applied to the RF, 32 of 44 neurons were classified as nociceptive specific (NS) neuron. The other 12 neurons. classified as wide dynamic range (WDR), showed a graded response to increasingly intesnse stimuli, with a maximum discharge to noxious pinch. The VPM nociceptive neurons showed various spontaneous activity ranged from 0-6 Hz. They were located throughout the VPM, and had an contralateral RF including mainly intraoral (and perioral) regions. The RF size was relatively small, and very few neurons had a receptive field involving 3 trigeminal divisions. The NS neurons activated only be pressure and pinch stimuli had high mechanical thresholds compared to WDR neurons activated also by touch stimuli. The VPM nociceptive neurons were tested with suprathershold graded mechanical stimuli. Most of 21 NS and 8 WDR neurons showed a progressive increase in number of spikes as mechanical stimuli intensity was increased. In some neurons, the responses reached a peak before the highest intensity was given. Application of 5 mM CoCl_2 (10 ㎕) solution to the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis did not produce any significant changes in the spontaneous activity, RF size, mechanical threshold, and response to suprathreshold mechanical stimuli of 9 VPM nociceptive neurons tested. 17 of 33 VPM nociceptive neurons responded to noxious heat as well as noxious mechanical stimul applied to their RF. Application of the mustard oil, a small-fiber excitant and inflammatory irritant, to the right maxillary first molar tooth pulp induced an immediate but short-lasting neuronal discharges upto approximately 4 min in 16 of 42 VPM nociceptive neurons. These results suggest that VPM thalamic nucleus may contribute to the sensory discriminative aspect of orofacial nociception.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        결함해석에 기초한 배관용접부 수명평가

        이형일,한태수,정재헌,Lee, Hyeong-Il,Han, Tae-Su,Jeong, Jae-Heon 대한기계학회 2000 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.24 No.5

        In power generation systems a variety of structural components typically operate at high temperature and pressure. Therefore a life assessment methodology accounting for gradual creep fracture is increasingly needed for these components. The most critical defects in such structure are generally found in the form of semi-elliptical surface cracks in the welded tubular joints. Therefore the analysis of a semi-elliptical surface crack in a plate or a shell is an important problem in engineering fracture mechanics. On this background, via shell/line-spring finite element analyses of such surface cracks in the welded T and L joints under various loadings, we investigate J-integral along the crack front We first develop T and L joints auto mesh generation program providing ABAQUS input file composed of shell/line-spring finite elements. We then further develop a T and L joints life assessment program based on the experimental creep crack growth law and auto mesh generation program in a graphical user interface format Finally the remaining life of T and L joints for various analytical parameters are assessed using the developed life assessment program.

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