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      • KCI우수등재

        HG-AAS법에 의한 요중 비소의 최적 분석법에 관한 연구

        이종화,이의선,홍성철,장봉기,Lee, Jong-Wha,Lee, Ui-Seon,Hong, Sung-Chul,Jang, Bong-Ki 한국환경보건학회 2009 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.35 No.5

        This study was carried out to examine the optimal analytical method for determination of urinary toxic arsenic (inorganic arsenic and its metabolites) by HG-AAS (hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry). In the analysis of SRMs (standard reference materials), method E (addition of 0.4% L-cysteine to pre-reductant and use 0.04M HCl as carrier acid) showed the most accurate results compared with the reference values. In the analysis of 30 urinary samples, analytical results were significantly different depend on the component of pre-reductant and the concentration of carrier acid. When the concentration of carrier acid was higher, the analytical result was lower. The recovery rates of MMA (monomethylarsonic acid) and DMA (dimethylarsenic acid) were varied by the concentration of pre-treatment acid and carrier acid and hydride generation reagents. When the concentration of carrier acid was 1.62 M (5% HCl), the recovery rates of DMA was 1%. The recovery rates of MMA and DMA in method E (=V) were 102% and 100%, respectively. The results of this study suggest that the component and concentration of pre-reductant and carrier acid must be carefully adjusted in the analysis of urinary arsenic, and method E is recommendable as the most precise analytical method for determination of urinary toxic arsenic.

      • 진해만의 해수유동에 관하여

        이종화,봉종헌,한상준,Lee, Jong Wha,Bong, Jong-Han,Han, Sang Joon 한국해양학회 1974 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.9 No.1

        Current observations were carried out in Jinhae Bay area during the period of January to February 1974. The data were synthetically analyzed and the characteristics of the water movement in Jinhae Bay were studied. The water movement in Jinhae Bay area is a reversing tidal current type and the Semi- diurnal tidal current is predominant. The ebb current begins at about high water time and the strongest current occurs at about 3 hour after high water. The flood current begins at 0.2-1.0 hour before low water and the strongest current occurs at about 3-4 hour after low water. The main ebb current flows to SE direction with the maximum welocity, about 100cm/sec and the lood flows to NW with the maximum velocity, about 70cm/sec. Generally, the ebb current in Jinhae Bay is more predominat than the flood current except at the west and the north coast area of Gadeog-do where the flood current is more predominant.

      • 마산, 진해 연안해역 해저퇴적물중의 중금속류 함량에 관한 연구

        이종화,한상준,윤웅구,Lee, Jong Wha,Han, Sang Joon,Youn, Oong Koo 한국해양학회 1974 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.9 No.1

        Concentration of heavy metals in the sediments from the sea off Jinhae and Masan have been studied. Concentration of the elements varied among the stations as the following: 0.32-0.76% Fe, 0.01-0.06% Mn, 29-120ppm Zn, 1-16ppm Co, 2-38 ppm Ni, 2.5-12.4ppm Pb and 0.2-0.7ppm Cd. General tendency of the concentraion of elements except Mn showed considerably high values at stations in the inner bay. This tendency seemed to be caused by waste water from industrial activities in the adjacent land. It can be thought that the pollution status of the studied area is still limited in the inner part of the day.

      • KCI등재

        부처설화의 서양으로의 전이과정 연구 - 각 언어권의 판본을 중심으로 -

        이종화 ( Jong Wha Lee ) 한국이슬람학회 2007 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.17 No.1

        The Buddha legend, recorded in two Sanskrit texts, the Lalitavistara in the first century BC and the Buddhacarita in the first century AD, was spread to both the Eastern Asia and the Western Asia. These texts served as the starting point for my research of the transmission of the Buddha legend and we examined both of these texts. Among the various routes by which the Buddha legend was transmitted, we followed the one into the Western world, of which the first region of contact was Persia. There, Manichean elements were added to the legend and it resulted in the Manichean version of the Buddha legend, written in the Old Persian. Despite the importance of the Old Persian text, we had to examine the text in the translations by Von Lecoq and by Walter Henning, an expert in Old Persian being unavailable. The Buddha legend with Manichean elements then travels into the Islamic world in the ninth century and there it was transformed into the Arabic version, Kitab Bilauhar wa Budhasaf, with new cultural and religious elements added, and this text was examined in its original. From there, this somewhat transformed Buddha legend was spread further to the West, and in the tenth century it appeared in the Old Georgian version, where the Buddha legend was first transformed into a Christian hagiography. The Old Georgian text is transmitted to us in two versions which were translated into English by D.M. Lang and we based our research about the Old Georgian text on these translations, again an expert in Old Georgian not being available. The transformation of the Buddha legend into a Christian hagiography is consolidated and completed in the Greek version in the eleventh century. The Greek version is handed down to us in more than one hundred manuscripts and it was published by J. F. Boissonade in 1832, which was used for the analysis of the text. The Latin version of the text, now the hagiography of the Saints Barlaam and Josaphat, was the translation of the Greek text, with a few additions. Its oldest manuscript is dated 1048 and about sixty manuscripts of the vulgata version of the Latin texts copied between the twelfth and the sixteenth centuries are handed down to us. Both the Napoli version and vulgata version was examined. The vulgata Latin version serves as the original or the basis of the same story which appeared in abundance in various European languages, including French and Spanish, since the central Middle Ages. We examined the Spanish version of Barlaam and Josaphat in the original.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        안달루스 시인 이븐 카파자의 시에 대한 연구 - ‘알까씨다 알바이야’를 중심으로-

        이종화 ( Lee¸ Jong-wha ) 한국이슬람학회 2020 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.30 No.2

        Ibn Khafāja, who became the natural poet by singing the most poems about nature among the Andalusian poets, sang the beauty of Andalus until his life. He was heavily influenced by the Arab traditional poem ‘Al-Qasīḍah’ and tried to follow the traditions of previous poets. Along with this, he tried to build a poem with a structure and meaning different from that of Arab traditional poems, and unlike traditional poems with a spatial background called desert, his spatial background was Andalus with a beautiful natural environment. Ibn Khapāja sang the beauty of Andalus nature in his poems, the love of lovers, the friendship of friends, and the joy of drinking wine. However, as he grows older, he also writes poems contemplating his own life approaching death, the loneliness he feels after letting go of his friends and feelings of passing away. In particular, in 'Al-qasīḍah Al-bā`iyah', one of his representative works, he concentrates on the traditional theme of 'Raḥīl' and sings a description of the mountain. For Ibn Khafāja, this mountain is personified and is a mountain that protects oneself by talking to one another. He sings of hope and sings of a life of traveling alone to a new destination. This tendency is characteristic of the poems of Ibn Khapāja, which is quite different from the traditional Arab poetry.

      • KCI등재후보

        생산요소 간 대체와 기술진보가 한국 경제의 성장 및 분배에 미친 영향 분석

        이종화 ( Jong-wha Lee ) 한국경제학회 2021 한국경제포럼 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구는 생산요소 간 대체를 고려한 성장모형을 이용하여 한국 경제의 성장과 노동-자본소득의 분배를 분석한다. CES 생산함수 추정 결과, 2000년 이후 노동과 물적자본의 대체탄력성은 0.95로 일인당 물적자본이 증가하면서 노동소득 분배율은 거의 변화가 없었다. 반면에 숙련-비숙련 노동 간의 대체탄력성은 매우 커서 고학력자 공급이 늘면서 숙련노동의 상대적 몫이 증가하였다. 한국 경제는 총노동시간, 물적자본, 인적자본, 총요소생산성의 증가율이 모두 낮아지면서 성장률 추세가 하락하고 있다. 2010~2017년 기간의 연평균 GDP 증가율 3.5%에 대한 총노동시간, 물적자본, 인적자본, 총요소생산성의 기여는 각각 0.3%, 1.7%, 0.3%, 1.2% 포인트로 추정된다. 포용적이고 지속가능한 성장을 위해 인적자본 축적과 기술혁신을 높이는 정책이 요구된다. This study analyzes the growth and distribution of the Korean economy using a neoclassical growth model that considers production factor substitution and technological change. The CES production function estimates show that the substitution elasticity between aggregate labor and physical capital is about 0.95 for the period from 2000 to 2017, suggesting that when physical capital per effective labor expands, labor income share is stable. In contrast, skilled and unskilled labor are highly substitutable, so the income share of skilled labor increases with the supply of highly educated workers. Korea’s labor hours, physical capital, human capital, and total factor productivity growth have slowed, contributing to the downward trend in GDP growth. The estimated contributions of labor hours, physical capital, human capital, and total factor productivity to the average annual GDP growth rate of 3.5% in 2010-2017 were 0.3%, 1.7%, 0.3%, and 1.2% points, respectively. For inclusive and sustainable growth, Korea must pursue policies to enhance human capital accumulation and technological innovation.

      • KCI등재

        유럽에서의 『천일야화』번역 과정 연구

        이종화 ( Jong Wha Lee ) 한국이슬람학회 2015 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.25 No.1

        This paper studies on the history of process of 『The Thousand and One Nights』 translations in Europe. In the 17th century, Europe began to concern about orient as a romantic region. So, many of Europeans traveled orient, and they recorded customs, traditions and cultures of their visiting countries. They wrote books about orient and introduced to Europeans. In this time, the most important book, which has influenced on European was『The Arabian Nights』. Antoine Galland(1646-1715) was the first European translator of 『The Arabian Nights』. He published the first two volumes of 『Les Mille et une nuits』in 1704 and the twelfth and final volume in 1717. And then in England two writers translated 『The Arabian Nights』by English language. They were Edward William Lane(1801-1876) and Richard F. Burton(1821-1890). Lane translated Bulaq version of 『The Thousand and One Nights』and published『The Arabian Nights』in 1838-1841. Burton translated CalcuttaⅡ version and published『The Arabian Nights』in 1885 by the ten volumes and he added six volumes in 1886-1888. In France, Joseph Charles Mardrus translated Bulaq version and North Africa version of 『The Arabian Nights』and published sixteen volumes in 1899-1904. In Spanish Andalus was considered to bridge of transformation of arabian literature into Europe in medieval ages. So 『The Arabian Nights』 was circulated in medieval Europe by the name of 『Sendebar』. This book was generally known as the『Libro de los enganos』in spanish version, and the latin version by 『Libre de septem sapientibus』.

      • KCI등재

        『천일야화』,『센데바르』,『일곱 현자 이야기』비교 연구 -왕과 왕자와 애첩과 일곱 대신들 이야기를 중심으로-

        이종화 ( Jong Wha Lee ) 한국이슬람학회 2010 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.20 No.1

        『The thousand and one nights』 is the book of folk tales of Middle East. In this book many tales which include all subjects of human life are connected systematically in the narrative device of frame story and contain the thoughts and the emotion of Middle Eastern people. The medieval collection of the exemplars, Sendebar, was so extremly circulated in the Near East and Europe in the Middle Ages that it was translated in much languages such as Arabic, Pahlavi, Syriac, Hebraic, Greek, Spanish, Latin, French, English, Italian, Dutch, Bulgarian, Slavic etc. The book generally known as the Libro de los enganos, which is the spanish version of Sendebar, is a rare example in a European laguage of the Oriental branch of the Seven Sages(Historia septem sapientum). In the medieval Europe the story of an innocent prince sentenced to death by the intrigue of the king`s concubine but saved by the story-telling of the seven sages was read in various versions of many languages. These texts are comprised of the Syriac, Greek, Hebrew, Persian and Arabic texts and Historia septem sapientum written in Latin. This paper aims to comparative study of The thousand and one nights, Sendebar and Historia septem sapientum focusing on the story of King and Prince and Mistress and Seven Ministers.

      • KCI등재

        한국기업의 부채구조 : 재벌기업과 비재벌기업의 비교

        이종화(Jong Wha Lee),이영수(Young Soo Lee) 한국국제경제학회 1999 국제경제연구 Vol.5 No.1

        최근 한국경제가 금융위기를 겪게 된 시점에서 기업들의 과도한 차입경영으로 인한 높은 부채비율이 한국경제의 근본적인 문제점인 것으로 지적받고 있다. 본 연구는 한국기업의 부채비율추이와 결정요인을 1981-1996년 기간에 걸친 1만 64개의 상장기업을 대상으로 분석하고 있다. 한국기업의 부채비율은 1981년 이후 점차 하락한 후, 1989년을 기점으로 다시 크게 상승하여 왔으며, 1-5대 및 6-30대의 재벌그룹은 비재벌기업에 비해 평균적으로 더 높은 부채비율을 보인다. 특히 부채비율을 결정하는 기업규모, 성장률, 유형고정자산, 수익률 등의 요인을 조정한 이후에도 1-5대 및 6-30대 재벌그룹의 부채수준은 비재벌기업에 비해 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 한국경제에서 재벌그룹이 차입경영에 더 의존하였음을 입증하고 있다. 또, 부채구조의 변화를 보면 1989년 이후 1-5대 재벌그룹의 해외부채비율이 크게 상승하였으며, 또한 6-30대 재벌그룹의 국내부채비율이 크게 상승한 것으로 나타났다.

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