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        중국의 수출 증치세 환급 취소가 중국산 철강재의 대한국 수출에 미치는 영향

        이승택 ( Lee Seoung Taek ) 한국통상정보학회 2017 통상정보연구 Vol.19 No.3

        국내외 철강산업의 공급 구조가 변화하는 시기에 중국의 수출 증치세 환급 취소를 전후로 중국 정부의 정책에 즉각적인 영향을 받는 중국산 보통강 H형강, 중국산 보통강 열연강판, 중국산 보통강 후판의 대한국 수출 영향관계를 실증적으로 분석하였다. 중국의 수출 증치세 환급 취소 발표 전에는 중후판의 대한국 수출이 열연강판이나 H형강의 대한국 수출을 선도하는 것으로 나타났으나 발표 후에는 각 변수간 인과관계가 미비했다. 현대제철의 고로 건설로 인한 공급여력 확대와 수요산업의 경기 침체에 따른 철강수입 추세 변화, 중국의 보론강 편법 수출 등의 영향으로 국내 철강시장에 나타난 중국산 철강재의 상호 영향력은 많이 쇠퇴된 것으로 판단된다. 경쟁구조 변화 및 중국산 철강재의 지속적 유입으로 인한 국내 공급증가 위험을 극복하기 위하여 우리 철강산업은 철강재 규격 강화를 통한 국내 철강시장 보호 및 국내 수요가와의 긴밀한 협업을 진행하고 대외적으로 고부가가치화, 해외 고객사와의 중장기 밀착 관리, 수출시장 다변화를 지속적으로 실행해야 한다. I tried to analyze export relation of influence in Chinese H beam(common steel), Hot Rolled Steel(common steel), Plate(common steel) which could be influenced immediately by China`s cancellation of the export rebate of value added tax in 2010 through the statistic methods such as cointegration, Granger causality, impulse response and variance decomposition. In the first period they mutually influenced each other in export to Korea but in the second period, this relation of influence was lessoned. Due to production expansion of Hot Rolled Steel(common steel), Plate(common steel) in Korea, the change of import trend, the market change of steel users` industries and China`s expedient export of boron steel to Korea, mutual influence among these products was greatly declined. Ever since Hyundai Steel`s production expansion involving blast furnace facilities, there is need for the industry to concentrate on developing new markets for its facilities` output in Korea. Therefore, Korea`s steel industry desperately needs strength of de-jure standards such as unique quality standards and related certifications, efficient distribution management, as well as export promotion strategy through its global trading network to effectively address its structural supply-demand imbalances.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ중 FTA의 대중국 자동차 무역 영향 고찰

        이승택(Lee, Seoung Taek),김성국(Kim, Sungkuk) 한국통상정보학회 2015 통상정보연구 Vol.17 No.1

        다자간 무역기구인 WTO는 전통적 교역 분야 이외에 회원국의 국내 정책까지 관여하여 지역 정부의 역할과 자주성을 위협함에 따라 최근에는 양자간 FTA 체결이 증가하고 있다. 이와 같은 통상 환경 변화를 활용하기 위하여 한국과 중국은 FTA 체결을 위한 실질적인 합의에 도달하였다. 일반적으로 자동차 분야는 우리나라가 국제 경쟁력을 지닌 주력 산업으로 분류되어 한·중 FTA의 수혜 업종으로 기대되었으며, 실제로 분석 결과 한국의 자동차 산업이 중국에 비해 세계 시장에서 비교우위를 지닌 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 한·중 FTA 관세 철폐 계획에서 자동차는 양허 대상 품목에서 제외되어 우리가 기대했던 관세 철폐를 통한 한국산 자동차의 가격 경쟁력을 누릴 수 없게 되었다. 이에 따라 우리 자동차 업계는 중국의 비관세 장벽 철폐 등 투자 환경 개선을 통해 효율적인 대중국 투자 환경을 조성해야 하고 한·중 FTA상 자동차의 양허 편입에 대비하여 중국 내 세계 유수 자동차 업체의 대한국 수출 확대 가능성 방지를 위한 엄격한 원산지 규정안을 마련해야 한다. 또한 중국 내 브랜드 전략을 더욱 강화하며 친환경 차량 개발 지원을 통해 중국의 환경 정책에 부응하면서 관련 시장을 창출·확대해야 한다. After the establishment of WTO for strengthening of GATT in 1995, the world economy has gradually been integrating toward economic globalisation. Even though this multilateral agreement may be beneficial to many countries but it also interferes domestic policies of member countries and threatens the role of local government and policy independence. For these reasons, FTA between countries or regions has been increasing. According to this trend, Korea and China has reached a substantial agreement of Korea-China FTA for mutual benefits. In general, the Korean automobile industry will benefit from Korea-China FTA due to its competitiveness in the global market and improvement of market access. However in the provisional schedule of concessions and commitment reported by press, the automobile seems to be excluded in this schedule of concessions. Hence, Korean automobile industry can not use the price competitiveness from tariff elimination. Therefore, Korean automobile industry needs aggressive marketing strategies for enhancement of brand equity as well as development of environment-friendly cars for following environment policies of Chinese government. Furthermore, they should make efforts to create the efficient investment environment by the removal of non-tariff barriers.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        글로벌 경쟁 하의 한국 선사들의 효율적 대응 전략에 대한 고찰

        이승택 ( Seoung Taek Lee ) 한국물류학회 2014 물류학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        한국 해운업은 국내 수출입 운송 및 제 3국 운송을 통한 외화 획득을 통해 우리경제 의 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 그러나 2008년 금융위기로 인한 세계 경제 침체로 해 운 선사들은 수요 측면에서 직접적 타격을 받았으며 최근까지 세계 경제 회복 지연의 영향으로 재무구조 악화, 투자 축소 등의 어려움에 직면하였다. 이와 같은 대내외 환경 변화를 적극적으로 극복하기 위하여 국내 선사들은 지속 성장 전략을 추진해야 한다. 이를 위해 내부적으로는 수요 변화에 대응할 수 있는 유연화를 더욱 추진해야 하고 외부적으로는 경쟁 선사, 주요 항만, 하역업체 등과의 협업을 더 강 화해야 한다. 이와 함께 장기적으로는 WTO와 EU등 주요 지역의 법적 변화에 대비하여 해운서비스의 자유화 움직임에 선택적으로 대응해야 할 필요가 있다. The Korean shipping industry has a major role not only in the transport of freight of export/import, but also in direct contribution to the national economy through attainment of foreign currency. The recession of the world economy that occurred in 2008 had critically impacted the demand of container shipping volume. Owing to such a delay of economic recovery from the global recession, in recent years, Korean shipping liners have experienced difficulties such as deterioration of financial structures and a decrease in ship investment. Hence, to overcome these difficulties, on the perspective of internal flexibility capabilities in container shipping liners, and external networks with main ports and cooperation with a stevedoring company, this study has been carried out. Adapting to such changes in the business environment, the Korean container carriers should carry out three strategies. First, container liners should seek flexible operation. Secondly, container liners should seek stronger establishment of network. Finally, container liners should seek cooperation with the stevedoring industry. In a separation of these three approaches, in the long run, the Korean shipping sector should closely examine and prepare the possibility of a legal change in some important jurisdictions and WTO. The shipping sector can prepare through selective adaptation of the trend of liberalization for negotiation with other parties.

      • KCI등재

        농 · 식품 자율인증 발전 및 우리의 대응방향 모색

        이승택(Seoung-Taek Lee) 한국무역연구원 2018 무역연구 Vol.14 No.4

        Voluntary standards can play an important role not only in agrifood manufacturing but also in the distribution industry. Furthermore, it is a main factor to industries seeking product differentiation and operationalizing risk management of their supply chains as well as for customers who want to buy good products. Therefore, our agrifood industry should respond through the acquisition and management of voluntary standards which can influence the establishment of strategy in risk management and strategic differentiation. Government should build a cluster network for innovation and development of standardized voluntary standards in the domestic food industry by enabling an innovative environment which includes tie-ups between the food industry and local universities. An appropriate application of voluntary standards in the agrifood sector will lead to the increase of exports of food products and the sophistication of the domestic food sector.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        방위산업의 글로벌 무역 네트워크 분석에 관한 연구

        김성국(Sung Kuk Kim),이승택(Seoung Taek Lee) 한국무역연구원 2015 무역연구 Vol.11 No.2

        Realizing that defense industry is a new growth engine, Korean government has clarified continuous promotion of developing the defense industry. As a result, it is expected that the defense industry will be dynamic and will be an export industry based on domestic demands. However, the reality is that though there are many research studies focused on the actual condition of defense industry, there are hardly any studies which has investigated this industry as trade products. Hence, through this research, we want to find the core countries in the global defense industry and to suggest directions for the sustainable development of the Korean defense industry. Thus, in this paper we analyzed the trade networks in the global defense industry by using the trade data of 36 OECD countries and applying social network analysis. As a consequence of this research, it is found that even though the amount of export in the Korean defense industry is large, such defense products have been exported only to a few countries. Therefore, the Korean defense industry needs to guarantee export centrality through diversification of the exporting country. Furthermore, in terms of import, the Korean defense industry has to increase the influence in the global defense market through the government's promotion of the change of weapon system.

      • KCI등재

        전략물자 무역 리스크 관리 방안에 대한 연구

        이경령(Kyung Lyung LEE),이승택(Seoung Taek LEE) 한국무역상무학회 2016 貿易商務硏究 Vol.72 No.-

        Trade can be greatly influenced by the change of international trade environment due to the characteristics of remote transactions. Furthermore, in the circumstance of emphasizing the national security again, the importance of the risk management of special materials has been increasing. As it was noted at Chapter 4, significant results such as the threat of enterprises’ sustainable growthcan be occurredwhen companies are related to the unlawful export of strategicmaterials or experience discouragement of export ofmain products. As the decision of strategic materials greatly depend on a specialized knowledge there is a possibility ofmisjudgement of strategicmaterials in terms of ordinary companies which is not accustomed to them. Furthermore risk management ismore difficult due to the inclusion to the items of export license. To prepare such a risk of export of strategic materials, firstly, it should be checked to find whether counter traders are working in the industry which is not related to the spread of weapons of mass destruction, secondly, an appropriate process shall be designed and operated for products to be safely delivered to the trade counter. Therefore, our export enterprises have to introduce CP(Compliance Program), AEO or ISO28000 considering suitability for their actual situations not only to promote export and but also to avoid risk of export control and additional expenses. Through these appropriate processes, an efficient and effective management of the trade risk of strategic materials can be accomplished.

      • KCI등재

        에너지 수송로 확보를 위한 중국의 해외항만 진출 전략에 관한 연구

        박우(Woo Park),이승택(Seoung Taek Lee) 한국해양비즈니스학회 2015 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.32

        Due to China's economic growth, the demand for energy resources has been growing rapidly and also the need for the safe transportation of energy resources has been growing. In recent years, as a part of the ‘One Belt One Road’ strategy, China has been conducting foreign investment in the South Indian Ocean region Ports such as Kra Channel for overseas investment and construction of infrastructure investments. Furthermore, China tries to find new overland and maritime trade routes in addition to the energy resources transport via the Malacca Strait, and to strengthen cooperation with other countries for weakening the influence of the United States in this Aisan trade route. Therefore, to cope with such China's movement, Korea needs to establish countermeasures for China's overseas ports entry strategy. In this study, we try to analyze and conduct a research on China's new entry strategies for developing transport channel and overseas port to give feedbacks and recommendations for the Korean government and businesses and we also want to give insight them for their future investments on overseas ports and logistics infrastructures.

      • KCI등재

        국제복합운송 실제운송인의 기업이미지, 고객가치, 고객충성도의 관계에 관한 실증연구

        한능호(Neung-ho Han),이승택(Seoung-taek Lee) 한국해양비즈니스학회 2014 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.29

        While the globalization of logistics such as procurement logistics, product production and sales logistics has been being accelerated as the global competition is infinitely increasing, special attention is being paid to the international multimodal transport linking maritime transport, air transport and others. In this study, an empirical analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship among corporate image, customer value and customer loyalty of the international intermodal actual carrier. As the result of the study, it could be realized through the verification of the Hypothesis 1 that the corporate behavior image and the social action image of three factors comprising the corporate image give a positive effect on the customer loyalty, but the corporate contribution image does not indicate a statistically significant effect on the customer loyalty, which says that the factors comprising the corporate behavior image and the social behavior image give affection on the evaluation of the customer value of the international freight forwarder. In addition, through the verification of Hypothesis 2, this study clarified that the relationship between the customer value and the customer loyalty is in effect. Through this study, the corporate image promotion factors, customer value and customer loyalty will be able to be managed effectively.

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