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      • KCI등재

        응용근신경학기반 장-뇌 활성화 뇌체조 개발에 대한 탐색적 연구

        이규수,신재한 한국체육교육학회 2020 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of brain gymnastics is to review the literature for the development of brain gymnastics to improve cognitive and physical functions by activating the brain through relaxation and strengthening of the muscles used in the examination in applied kinesiology, and to strengthen health through smoothing the flow of energy by strengthening the bowel. Method: This study investigated the concept and characteristics of brain gymnastics, exercise and effects through literature review, and the relationship between brain gymnastics and AK, between AK and meridians, and between brain gymnastics and meridians. Results: The new brain gymnastics consists of 15 movements according to Immaek (任脈) and Dokmaek (督脈) and the five organs (五臟六腑) related to 12 meridians. Conclusion: This brain gymnastics is an exercise method that strengthens not only the muscles of the body but also the five organs and improves cognitive function through movements that relax and strengthen the muscles. 장-뇌 활성화 뇌체조의 목적은 응용근신경학에서 검사시 사용하는 근육의 이완과 강화를 통해 뇌 활성화로 인지기능과 신체기능을 향상하고, 장부를 튼튼하게 하여 원활한 에너지 흐름을 통해 건강을 유지할 수 있는 뇌체조 개발을 위한 문헌적 고찰을 하는데 있다. 이 연구는 문헌고찰을 통해 뇌체조의 개념 및 특징과, 운동 및 효과에 대해 알아보았고, 뇌체조와 AK의 관계, AK와 경락과의 관계, 뇌체조와 경락과의 관계를 조사하였다. 결과: 이를 바탕으로 장-뇌 활성화를 위한 뇌체조 개념, 특징, 유형 및 운동효과를 도출하여 새로운 장-뇌 활성화 뇌체조를 개발하였다. 새로운 뇌체조는 임맥(任脈)과 독맥(督脈) 그리고 12경락과 관련된 오장육부(五臟六 腑)에 따라 15개 동작으로 이루어져 있다. 이러한 뇌체조는 근육을 이완하고 강화하는 동작들을 통해 신체의근육뿐만 아니라 오장육부를 튼튼하게 하고 인지기능 향상시킬 수 운동법이며, 또한 누구나 스스로 건강을 지킬 수 있도록 쉽게 접할 수 있는 뇌체조를 개발하였다는데 그 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        USN기반의 외부인 출입감시시스템 설계 및 구현

        이규수,심현,오재철,Lee, Kyu-Su,Sim, Hyeon,Oh, Jai-Cheol 한국전자통신학회 2012 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.7 No.5

        최근 외부인들이 초등학교에 침입하여 학생들을 납치하는 문제가 심각하게 다루어지고 있다. 특히 저학년 학생들은 이러한 위험에 더욱 취약한 상태이다. 이러한 불법침입자의 출입을 통제하는데 대다수 초등학교들은 많은 한계를 가진다. CCTV 및 통제시스템 등 보안시스템 구축과 감시로 출입통제 관리를 위하여 다수 인력이 필요한 문제점이 발생한다. 본 논문에서는 불법침입자들의 이동성 제어를 위한 출입감시 관리를 위해서 USN 기술의 핵심인 센서 네트워크와 PTZ카메라를 이용하여 외부인 출입감시제어시스템을 설계하고 구현 하였다. Latest, it is dealt with seriously problems that an intruder kidnapping students in elementary school. Especially young students is more vulnerable in these risks. Elementary School has many limitations in controlling the intrusion of trespassers. A problem occurs that requires a lot of manpower through the deployment and management of security systems such as CCTV and control systems. In this paper, we is designed and implemented the outsider access management system using a sensor network and PZT camera called the USN's core technology to monitoring the access control for controlling the mobility of the trespassers.

      • KCI등재후보

        전시체제기 동양척식주식회사의 ‘중견인물’ 양성과 농업연성시설

        이규수 서울역사편찬원 2007 서울과 역사 Vol.- No.69

        After the agricultural promoting movement of 1930s, Chosun Government-General tried to strengthen dominating power to the rural districts. To secure food resources for the preparation for the war period, Government-General emphasized to produce general crops and dairy products as well as rice. And for this project, it accelerated the training of the rural leading personnel. Also TongYang Colonizing Company(summarized as TongChuck), to respond to the total war system, estabilished Shinkye agricultural farm and peasants drill center in Whanghae-Do in 1933 and educated 'rural leaders' and 'leading personnel' there. In 1943, TongChuck established TongChuck agricultural training center in Whikyung-dong of KyungSung Branch. Letting its staff and tenants' sons enter these facilities, TongChuck tried to infuse the peasant spirit of the Japan empire into them. In this thesis, I examine training centers of TongChuck's each branch,suchasShinkyeagricultural farm and TongChuck agricultural training center in the war period. These training centers and their managing conditions have not been known to us so far. I think that I need to re-examine rural dominating policies of TongChuck in the tatal war period, by explaining how TongChuck trained rural 'leading personnel' and which role it expected them to do, relating to the rural dominating policies of the Government-General. 이 글은 전시체제 하 동척 경성지점의 농업연성시설을 통해 동척이 총독부의 촌락지배정책과 관련하여 농촌 ‘중견인물’을 어떤 방식으로 자체 양성하였고, 그들에게 기대한 역할은 무엇이었는지를 밝혀, 총력전체제에서 동척이 추구한 농촌지배정책을 재조명한 것이다. 동척은 총력전체제에 부응하기 위해 1933년 ‘창립 25주년 기념사업’으로 황해도에 신계농장과 농민도장을 부설하여 ‘농촌지도자’와 ‘중견인물’을 양성했고, 1943년에는 ‘황기 2,600년 기념사업’으로 경성지점 관내 휘경동에 동척농업연성소를 설치했다. 이 시설은 동척사원과 소작인 자제를 입소시켜 ‘황국농민정신’을 주입시키고 동척의 농업시설을 전시체제로 재편성하기 위한 것이었다. 1931년 만주사변 이후 노골화된 일본의 천황제 파시즘은 1937년 중일전쟁 도발을 계기로 식민지에 대한 무차별 동화정책을 확대하여 식민지 수탈정책과 더불어 민족말살정책을 강화하였다. 일본은 조선을 식량과 원료 공급지, 잉여상품의 독점적 판매시장으로서만이 아니라 대륙침략의 병참기지로 활용하려 했다. 동척은 국책회사답게 전시체제를 맞이하여 경성지점을 중심으로 농민도장과 동척농업연성소를 설치한다. 동척농업연성소는 ‘황국농민정신의 연성과 도야’를 기치로 삼아 동척사원과 소작인 자제를 수용, 연성하여 농업생산력을 확충할 것을 설립 목표로 내세웠다. ‘중견인물’의 양성을 통한 ‘식량자원의 증산 확보’와 ‘고도국방국가의 건설’이 동척농업연성소 설립의 목적이었다. 동척은 총력전체제가 요구하는 인적 자원의 함양과 농업기술의 고도화를 위해 연성시설에서 농업지도자와 농촌 중견인물을 양성하려 하였던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        外國證券의 公示規制 立法에 관한 考察 - 美國法과의 比較를 中心으로 -

        이규수 한국상사법학회 2008 商事法硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        These days, the globalization of capital markets has increased with deregulation, liberalization of capital flows and companies enter foreign capital markets to raise capital. Consequently, sometimes companies are required to observe foreign corporation laws or securities laws and it is necessary to consider disclosure rules for foreign securities. In the United States, foreign companies should comply with the U.S. disclosure system although they are subject to somewhat different requirements than domestic companies. However, this system increases disclosure costs and deters effective regulatory competition with foreign markets. And the foreign integrated disclosure system is not effective in regulatory competition with foreign disclosure system. Relaxing disclosure requirements for foreign companies might create an inequity for domestic companies. For the reform of disclosure rules, new theoretical proposals have been suggested arguing that the entire body of current U.S. securities laws should be replaced by a new statutory framework: the issuer choice approach and the issuer nationality approach. On the contrary, the world’s securities regulators suggest the replacement of domestic disclosure regimes with unified disclosure standards to be used in all international offerings: the harmonization approach. In Korea, the government has promoted the plans about globalization of capital markets since 1980’s and recently three foreign companies have listed their securities on Korea’s stock exchanges or KOSDAQ. Although foreign companies are subject to more or less different requirements than domestic companies, generally they should observe the Korea disclosure system according to the current securities laws. To increase international competitiveness by achieving an appropriate balance between attracting foreign companies and protecting domestic investors, it is necessary to modify and reform domestic rules and systems within international standards. These days, the globalization of capital markets has increased with deregulation, liberalization of capital flows and companies enter foreign capital markets to raise capital. Consequently, sometimes companies are required to observe foreign corporation laws or securities laws and it is necessary to consider disclosure rules for foreign securities. In the United States, foreign companies should comply with the U.S. disclosure system although they are subject to somewhat different requirements than domestic companies. However, this system increases disclosure costs and deters effective regulatory competition with foreign markets. And the foreign integrated disclosure system is not effective in regulatory competition with foreign disclosure system. Relaxing disclosure requirements for foreign companies might create an inequity for domestic companies. For the reform of disclosure rules, new theoretical proposals have been suggested arguing that the entire body of current U.S. securities laws should be replaced by a new statutory framework: the issuer choice approach and the issuer nationality approach. On the contrary, the world’s securities regulators suggest the replacement of domestic disclosure regimes with unified disclosure standards to be used in all international offerings: the harmonization approach. In Korea, the government has promoted the plans about globalization of capital markets since 1980’s and recently three foreign companies have listed their securities on Korea’s stock exchanges or KOSDAQ. Although foreign companies are subject to more or less different requirements than domestic companies, generally they should observe the Korea disclosure system according to the current securities laws. To increase international competitiveness by achieving an appropriate balance between attracting foreign companies and protecting domestic investors, it is necessary to modify and reform domestic rules and systems within international standards.

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