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        The Exposure Amount of Paraben from Commercial Toothpaste

        안금선,박용덕,유수민 대한예방치과학회 2014 International Journal of Clinical Preventive Denti Vol.10 No.1

        Objective: Parabens, which have cytotoxic activity, are widely used preservatives in personal care products. In this study, the exposure amounts of paraben during toothpaste usage were predicted by analyze the paraben concentration in commercial dentifrices using high-performance liquid chromatography. Methods: Commercial toothpaste from different manufacturer were extracted in methanol, diluted with distilled water to make concentration 0.5 mg/L. Four parabens (methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben) in toothpaste samples were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography using C18 column and 50% acetonitrile at 20oC, then detected at ultraviolet 256 nm. Results: The analytical method showed good precision and accuracy. Any parabens weren’t detected in toothpastes from one manufacturer, and were detected in toothpastes from other two manufacturer except ethylparabens. The exposed total parabensper one brushing was maximally 1.8 mg. Conclusion: The amount of parabens from toothpaste was predicted to be insignificant compared to other routes (cosmetics,foods); however, it is need to minimize the use of parabens in toothpaste.

      • 도시 치과의료 이용자의 진료내역 및 만족도에 관한 연구

        안금선,유정숙 경복대학 2002 京福論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        1. 치아경조직 질환은 25세미만과 35세미만에 높게 나타났고, 치수 및 근단조직질환은 30세미만, 치은 및 치주질환은 30~35세미만에서 높게 나타났다. 성별로는 남자가 여자보다 전체적으로 높게 나타났다. (1) 전체 내원환자의 상병분포를 살펴보면 치수 및 근단조직(42.5%)으로 내원한 경우가 가장 많았다. 2. (1) 치아경조직 질환의 처치는 즉처(85%)한 경우가 발치(15%)한 경우보다 높게 나타났다. 따라서 치아경조직 질환의 처치는 즉처가 대부분을 차지함을 알 수 있다. (2) 치수 및 근단조직 질환의 처치는 치수치료(81.5%)한 경우가 발치(18.5%)한 경우보다 높게 나타났다. (3) 치은 및 치주질환의 처치는 치주질환수술(치석제거포함)한 경우가 86.8%로 높게 나타났다. 3. (1) 치과진료 만족도는 성별 및 연령별로는 커다란 차이없이 치과진료에 대해 만족한 것으로 나타났다. 상병처치에 따른 치과진료 만족도를 살펴보면 치아경조직질환에서는 즉처한 경우가 발치한 경우보다 높았으나 유의미한 차이는 아니었다. 치수 및 근단조직 질환과 치은 및 치주질환에서는 발치한 경우가 높게 나타났다. (2) 진료비에 대찬 인식은 성별 및 연령별로는 커다란 차이없이 보통이다라고 인식한 경우가 72.8%로 대부분을 차지하였다. 또한 상병의 처치에 따른 진료비에 대한 인식은 치아경조직 질환에서는 발치한 경우, 치수 및 근단조직질환에서는 처치의 대부분을 차지하는 치수치료를 한 경우, 치은 및 치주질환에서는 발치한 경우 진료비가 보통이다라고 인식하였다. 1. The dental hard tissue diseases were more prevalent in the age groups under 25 and 35, and pulp and periapical diseases were more common in the age group under 30. The gingival and periodontal diseases developed more frequently (among those aged 30 to 34. By gender, the male patients had more dental diseases than the females did. (1) Overall, the largest number of the patients(42.5%) suffered from pulp and periapical diseases. 2. (1) For dental hard tissue diseases, immediate treatment(85%) was more utilized than extraction(15%). Therefore, it could be said that this type of diseases mostly resorted to immediate treatment. (2) In the case of pump and periapical diseases, pulp treatment(81.5%) was more often employed than extraction(18.5%). (3) Regarding treatment for gingival and periodontal diseases, periodontal operation(85.8%), which included scaling, was dominant. 3. (1) The patients expressed satisfaction at dental treatment they received, and their gender and age made little notable differences to that. Concerning satisfaction level with the type of treatment, they found immediate treatment more satisfactory, than extraction, for dental hard tissue diseases, but the gap between the two wasn't significant. The extraction gave a greater satisfaction in the case of pump and periapical diseases or gingival and periodontal diseases. (2) The majority of the patients(72.8%) 'esponded they couldn't complain about the medical costs, regardless of gender and age. By type of 상병처치, they felt that extraction was inexpensive for dental hard tissue diseases. Regarding pump and periapical diseases, pulp treatment that is the most common one for these types of diseases didn't cost a lot, and in the event of gingival and peridontal diseases, extraction was not expensive.

      • 구강보건인식도 및 관리실태에 관한 비교조사연구

        안금선 경복대학 1998 京福論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        본 연구는 우리나라 학교구강보건 활동을 재검토, 분석하여 새로운 학교구강보건의 방향을 설정하므로써 학생들의 구강건강을 유지, 증진시키고자 경기도 포천군 관내의 초등학교중 학교구강보건교육을 1회 실시한 후 6개월이 되는 136명을 실험군으로, 학교구강보건교육을 전혀 실시하지 않은 139명을 비교군으로 구강보건지식 수준 및 학교구강보건관리실태를 비교조사한 바 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 실험군과 비교군 학생들의 구강보건지식 수준은 낮았으며 실험군에서는 비교군보다 조금 높게 조사되었다. 2. 불소에 관한 인식에서는 실험군에서 38.2%가 불소를 알고 있었으며 비교군에서는 28.1%가 알고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 3. 충치를 예방할 수 있는지에 관하여는 실험군에서 41.2%가 예방할 수 있다 답하였고 비교군에서는 28.1%만이 예방할 수 있다고 답하였으며, 실험군에서 47.8% 비교군에서 65.3%는 잘 모르겠다로 조사되었다. 4. 실험군의 60.6%, 비교군의 70.5%가 하루 2회 잇솔질하는 것으로 조사되었고 3회 잇솔질은 실험군에서 24.8%,비교군에서 15.5% 로 조사되었다. 5. 잇솔질시기에 관하여는 실험군에서 71.5%, 비교군에서 57.6% 가 식사후로 조사되었다. 6.구강건강 유지 방법에 관하여는 올바른 잇솔질이 실험군 64.2%, 비교군에서 60.4%로 가장 높게 조사되었다. 7. 학교구강보건교육을 위해서는 우선 일선교사와 양호교사에 대해 구강보건 교육이 강화될 필요가 있으며 장기적으로 치과위생사의 학교구강보건실 배치가 필요하다. This study reexamines and analyzes the activity of oral health on school in our country. And as it se s up the direction of new oral health on school, it is to keep and promote oral health of students. There are two groups in this study. One is case group with 136 students coming six months after enforeing the oral health education on school time among primary schools within the jurisdiction of Pochun-gun, Kyonggi-do. And the other is control group with 139 students who have oot enforced the oral health education on school at all. With these, this study was prepared for the comparative research on the degree of knowledge of oral health and the actual condition of management of oral health on school. And the results were as follows. 1. The degree of knowledge of oral health for students in case group and control group was low and case group was a little higher than control group. 2. In the recognition of fluorine 38.2% of case group, 28.1% of control group were aware of fluorine. 3. According to the fact, whether or not they can prevent teeth from decayingm 41.2% of case group and only 28.1% of control group answered that they could. And 47.8% of case group, 65.3% of control group answered that they couldn't. 4. 60.6% of case group, 70.5% of control group brushed their teeth two times a day. And 24.8% of case group, 15.5% of control group brushed their teeth three times a day. 5. According to the time for tooth-brushing 71.7% of case group, 57.6% of control group brushed their teeth after meal. 6. Accoding to the method of the oral health maintenance, the proper tooth-brushing was extremely high for 64.2% of case group and 60.4% of control group. 7. For the oral health education on school, first of all, it is necessary to strengthen the oral health education on teachers in the first line and nurse-teachers. And for the long run, it is necessary to arrange a dental hygienist at the oral health center on school.

      • KCI등재

        구강방사선 실습내용에 관한 분석

        안금선,김효정,Ahn, Geum-Sun,Kim, Hyo-Jeong 한국치위생학회 2011 한국치위생학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine students' difficulties in the process of oral radiography practice, to raise awareness of the importance and necessity of oral radiography and decipher, and to provide some information on effective ways of oral radiography practice. Methods : The subjects in this study were 285 dental hygiene students at K college, who included 153 sophomores and 132 graduates-to-be from June to November, 2010. Results : 1. The parts of the anatomy structure that they found it most difficult to decipher were maxillary molar(25.3%) and lower molar(22.1%). 2. They made during oral radiography was an improper film positioning(35.1%). 3. The part of bisecting technique was adjusting vertical and horizontal angles(53.0%). 4. The part of paralleling technique was positioning XCP in the oral cavity(44.2%). 5. The part of bite-wing technique was adjusting vertical and horizontal angles(38.2%). 6. The part of occlusion technique was positioning film and tube head(36.5%). 7. The part of panorama technique was finding out program setting(42.5%). Conclusions : The findings of the study indicated that in terms of anatomy structure decipher, it's especially difficult to decipher maxillary molar and lower molar, and that film positioning was difficult to do in the process of oral radiography. What difficulties they faced in applying each kind of oral radiography techniques and which part of the oral cavity they found it hard to radiograph were analyzed as well in this study. Given the findings of the study, more intensive practice is required to help students to acquire accurate oral radiography techniques to ensure their successful job performance in the future.

      • KCI등재

        구강방사선 실습내용에 관한 분석

        안금선 ( Geum Sun Ahn ),김효정 ( Hyo Jeong Kim ) 한국치위생학회(구 한국치위생교육학회) 2011 한국치위생학회지 Vol.11 No.5

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine students`difficulties in the process of oral radiography practice, to raise awareness of the importance and necessity of oral radiography and decipher, and to provide some information on effective ways of oral radiography practice. Methods: The subjects in this study were 285 dental hygiene students at K college, who included 153 sophomores and 132 graduates-to-be from June to November, 2010. Results: 1. The parts of the anatomy structure that they found it most difficult to decipher were maxillary molar(25.3%) and lower molar(22.1%). 2. They made during oral radiography was an improper film positioning( 35.1%). 3. The part of bisecting technique was adjusting vertical and horizontal angles(53.0%). 4. The part of paralleling technique was positioning XCP in the oral cavity(44.2%). 5. The part of bite-wing technique was adjusting vertical and horizontal angles(38.2%). 6. The part of occlusion technique was positioning film and tube head(36.5%). 7. The part of panorama technique was finding out program setting(42.5%). Conclusions: The findings of the study indicated that in terms of anatomy structure decipher, it`s especially difficult to decipher maxillary molar and lower molar, and that film positioning was difficult to do in the process of oral radiography. What difficulties they faced in applying each kind of oral radiography techniques and which part of the oral cavity they found it hard to radiograph were analyzed as well in this study. Given the findings of the study, more intensive practice is required to help students to acquire accurate oral radiography techniques to ensure their successful job performance in the future. (J Korean Soc Dent Hygiene 2011;11(5):783-790)

      • KCI등재

        Lipopolysaccharide 항원에 노출된 발생초기의 림프절내 B 및 T 림프구의 면역학적 변화

        안금선(Ahn, Keum-Sun) 한국산학기술학회 2011 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.12 No.2

        가슴샘 비의존성 항원이며 B 림프구의 분열원로 알려져 있는 lipopolysaccharide(LPS)를 발육초기의 C57BL/6 계 생쥐에 투여한 후 림프조직의 성숙과정에 따른 면역반응의 양상을 발생학적인 측면에서 형태학적으로 규명하고자 본 실험을 시행하였다. 1. 생후 0일과 3일에 LPS를 주사한 군에서는 주사 후 시간경과에 따라서 림프소절의 총수가 대조군에 비하여 증가되 지 않았다. 2. 생후 5일과 7일에 LPS를 주사한 후 2-4주가 경과되었을 때 림프소절의 총수는 대조군에 비하여 유의성있게 증가 하였다. 3. 생후 0일에서부터 1주 사이에 LPS를 주사한 후 1-4주가 경과된 실험군에서는 모든 림프절과 심층피질의 면적이 대조군에 비하여 약 1.5-3배정도 커졌다. 4. 생후 3일, 5일 및 1주에 LPS를 주사한 후 2-4주가 경과된 실험군에서는 면적이 0.1 mm2 이상인 림프소절들이 대 조군에 비하여 증가하였다. 5. 생후 5일과 1주에 LPS를 주사한 후 2-4주가 경과된 실험군에서는 면적이 0.01 mm2 미만인 림프소절들이 대조군 에 비하여 증가하였다. 이상의 실험결과로 미루어 볼 때 LPS의 자극에 의한 새로운 림프소절의 형성능력은 생후 5일-1주에 이루어지며, 또 한 새로 생성되는 림프소절들은 면적이 0.01 mm2 미만인 작은 림프소절들일 것으로 예측된다. This study was designed to clarify the morphometrical change of lymph node, deep cortex and lymph follicles in draining lymph nodes of young mice in response to local injection of lipopolysaccharide(LPS). 1. In the group stimulated with LPS, aged 0 day and 3 days, the number of lymph follicles were not significantly different from those of control group. 2. In the group two to four weeks after injection with LPS, aged five days and one week, the number of lymph follicles were significantly increased from those of control group. 3. In the group one to four weeks after injection with LPS, aged 0 day, three days, five days and one week, the area of lymph node and deep cortex increased about 1.5-3 times more than that of the control group. 4. In the group two to four weeks after injection with LPS, aged three days, five days and one week, the lymph follicles(the area: larger than 0.1 mm2) were increased from those of control group. 5. In the group two to four weeks after injection with LPS, aged five days and one week, the lymph follicles(the area: smaller than 0.01 mm2) were increased from those of control group. In view of these experimental findings, the formation of lymph follicles were induced by LPS stimulation from 5 days to one week after birth. The newley formed lymph follicles area in response to LPS may be less than 0.01㎟.

      • KCI등재

        한국 노인의 인구·사회경제적 특성과 미 충족 치과진료와의 관련성

        정은서,안금선 한국치위생학회 2018 한국치위생학회지 Vol.18 No.6

        Objectives: This study investigated the relationship between demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the Korean elderly and their unmet dental care needs, by using the 2015 data from the 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Methods: In total, 1,372 elderly persons aged 65 and over, who responded to the 6th NHANES, were included in the final analysis. Logistic regression analysis was performed in order to identify any relationship between demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and unmet dental care needs. Results: The rate of unmet dental care needs was shown to be less by 0.799 times in the elderly who reside in dong than those who live in eup and myeon (OR: 0.799, 95% CI: 0.679-0.959). Unmet dental care needs were higher in participants with ‘low’ and ‘below average’ than ‘above average’ income, by 1.645 times (OR: 1.645, 95% CI: 1.087-2.366) and 1.172 times (OR: 1.172, 95% CI: 1.108-1.880), respectively. Elderly individuals living alone had a higher rate of unmet dental care needs than those living with their family by 1.157 times (OR: 1.157, 95% CI: 1.084-1.498). Conclusions: Demographic and socioeconomic factors influenced unmet dental care needs, causing inequality. Proper policy support to the vulnerable should be considered in order to enhance the elderly’s access to dental care.

      • KCI등재

        Correlation of Oral Microorganism and Carboxylic Acid in Oral Cavity

        유수민,안금선 대한예방치과학회 2015 International Journal of Clinical Preventive Denti Vol.11 No.3

        Objective: This study analyzed oral microorganisms and carboxylic acids in oral cavity and find the correlations between them. Methods: Twenty two subjects participated this study. The oral microorganism were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction method, and carboxylic acid were analyzed by ion chromatography method. Results: The most abundant oral microorganism and carboxylic acid were Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn) and acetic acid, respectively. There were highly correlated between Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), and Fn, respectively, and considerably correlated between Aa and Prevotella intermedia (Pi), Pg and Pi, Tannerella forsythia (Tf) and Treponema denticola (Td), Tf and Campylobacter rectus (Cr), and Pi and Fn. Parvimonas micra (Pm) was positively correlated with butyric acid, pyruvic acidand valeric acid, while Tf, Pi and Fn was negatively correlated with propionic acid. Conclusion: The amount of oral microorganism and carboxylic acid was successfully determined in oral saliva, and some of them were correlated each other.

      • KCI등재

        Variations and Restoration of Salivary Components by Sugar Intake

        유수민,안금선 대한예방치과학회 2015 International Journal of Clinical Preventive Denti Vol.11 No.2

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to measure the amounts of cariogenic components in saliva after eating sugars and to investigate the variations and restoration of the salivary components as time elapsed. Methods: The saliva was collected at 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes after eating 10% sucrose solution, and analyzed the cariogenic compounds. The sugars (mono- and di-saccharide) was analyzed anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection method, and organic acids (lactic acid, acetic acid, and formic acid) was analyzed with ion chromatography with suppressed conductivity detector method. Results: Sucrose was detected immediately after eating, and rapidly decreased as time passed. Monosaccharides generated from sucrose decomposition were also found in saliva. The clearance of disaccharide was faster than that of monosaccharide. Organic acids (lactic acid, acetic acid, and formic acid) generated from sugar metabolism were also detected, and the lower organic acid with lower molecule were more slowly generated and disappeared. The concentration of lactic acid was peaked at 2 minutes after eating sugars. Conclusion: To prevent the teeth from cariogenic acids, mouth should be cleansed as soon as possible after eating foods, because the organic acids were generated in short times within a few minutes.

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