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        宋殷美 한국일어일문학회 2003 日語日文學硏究 Vol.47 No.1

        本硏究は,日本語における感情の複合動詞の形態別·感情別樣相の把握及び感情の複合動詞の形態別·感情別使用頻度の分析及び考察をするものである.感情の複合動詞は,言語のなかで,形態面と知的意味面および靜的意味面の複雜な組み合い方をもっともよく見せるという點できわめて興味深いものであり,これを明らかにしようとするところに本硏究の意義がある. 感情の複合動詞の形態別·感情別樣相の把握及び實際會話や文章でどの程度使われているかに關するアンケ-ト調査に基づく感情の複合動詞の形態別·感情別使用度を分析した.そして,次のようなことが明らかになった. 形態別分類では,感情動詞と結びついている場合と感情動詞と結合してない場合の二つに分け,感情動詞と結びついている場合には,VIに感情動詞がある場合(a-i),V2に感情動詞がある場合(a-ii),V1.·V2に感情動詞がある場合(a-ⅲ)のように下位分類されることを示した.この分類を通じて,辭書にあまり揭載されてなくても文章ではよく使われるもの,接辭化する動詞や感情の複合動詞にならないもの.全體的に特定な語彙,その他,單獨で使われない語彙を含む複合動詞があることが明らかになった.また,複合語的側面がなくなり,單語全體で感情の意味を持つことが明らかになった. 感情別分類では,感情の複合動詞には,一つの感情を表わすものと2つ以上の感情を表わすものがあることを示した.1つの感情を表わすものには,「愛」,「安」,「惡」,「悔」,「感動」,「驚」,「昴」,「尊」,「恥」,「怖」,「悶」,「優」があり,2つ以上の感情を表わすものには,「愛·尊」,「愛·悶」,「怒·昴」,「驚·昴」,「怒·惡」があった. 日常生活で感情の複合動詞がどの程度使用されているかに關するアンケ-ト調査に基づき,形態別·感情別分類に基づく使用度を分析した. 形態別度數では,感情動詞V1にあるa-ⅰと,感情動詞V1·V2の兩方にないbが'使用度數」,「理解度數」,「話し言葉」,「書き言葉」での度數が高かった. 感情別度數では,マイナス的な感情の方がプラす的な感情より種類と數は多かったが,プラス的な感情を表す「愛」は,他の感情と比べて,「使用度數」と「理解度數」,「話し言葉」と「書き言葉」で多く使われていた.また,つの感情を表すものが二つ以上で複合的な感情を表すものよりはるかに多いことが分かった. 感情の複合動詞の形態別分類のなかで,bはV1·V2全體的に感情活動が存在していないが,感情の複合動詞と分類されることは,興味深く,意味の發展を探る價値があると思われる.

      • 中高等學校 養護室에서의 一次醫療 樣相

        宋銀美,金斗熙 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1986 慶北醫大誌 Vol.27 No.3

        大邱市內 한 男子中學敎와 한 實業系 男子高等學敎의 學生들을 對象으로 傷病에 對한 應急處置 狀況을 中心으로 養護室 利用 樣相을 分析해 보았다. 年中 1回 以上 養護室을 訪門한 學生은 全 學生의 約 18% 內外이며, 이들의 平均 訪門 頻度는 年間 5回 內外이다. 1日 平均 患者數는 中學敎는 13名 高等學敎는 17名이다. 學期別로는 2學期보다 1學期에 患者가 더 많고 月別로는 中學敎에서는 4月 부터 6月 사이에 많고 高等學敎에서는 8月과 6月에 많다. 全學生 100名當 養護室 訪門 회수는 男子中學敎에서는 年間 89 乃室 90回, 高等學敎에서는 95回로서 學年度別로는 3學年이 가장 많고 2學年이 가장 적다. 高等學敎에서는 專門科別로는 機械科에서 訪門頻度가 가장 높다. 한 學級當 養護室 平均 訪門 回數는 中學敎에서는 年間 60∼62回로, 高等學敎에서는 53回로 나타나는데 여기엔 學級當 人員數의 차이가 作用된다. 疾病別 訪門頻度는 損傷이 가장 높고, 다음이 呼吸器 疾患과 消化器 疾患의 順이다. 損傷은 中·高敎에서 다 같이 休息時間에 가장 많이 發生했고, 中學敎에서는 運動場에서, 高等學敎에서는 實習場에서 가장 많이 發生했고, 原因으로는 中學敎에서는 장난이, 高等學敎에서는 授業中 不注意가 가장 많았다. 患者의 病·醫院 後送率은 中學敎에서는 8∼10%, 高等學敎에서는 約 11%다. 즉, 양호 전담 敎師가 있는 學敎에서는 傷病의 약 99%가 養護室에서 治療될 수 있었다. 따라서 各級學敎에 養護專擔敎師를 配置할 것을 主張하는 바이다. The current school health system has been developed since the middle of 19th century. But school health program in Korea has poorly progressed. The rate of the secondary school practicing nursing care was only 14 per 100 in 1983. This survey was carried out to obtain the utilized pattern of infirmary through daily records of nursing care. The subjects are one middle school in 1982 and 1983, and one high school in 1984. About 18% of all students visited infirmary for nursing care for a year. The number of patients per a year was 13-17. The number of patients in the 1st semester was more than that of the 2nd. Students in the 3rd degree most frequently visited infirmary. The most common disease was injury, 33.5-41.4%. About 1% of all patients were referred to local phisicians or hospitals.

      • KCI등재

        상담자의 자해개입 전문성 자기 지각 척도의 개발 및 타당화

        송은미,송미경 한국청소년상담복지개발원 2021 청소년상담연구 Vol.29 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a scale designed to assess counselors' perceptions of their expertise that is required to use effective counseling interventions for clients who self-harm without suicidal intentions. To this end, an initial pool of 162 items was created based on an extensive literature review on prior research and existing scales and results from in-depth interviews. After examination of content validity and face validity and pilot test, a scale comprised of 52 items was developed. A survey with these 52 items was conducted with 214 counselors, and the data were analyzed using factor analyses which resulted in a total of 18 items finally, consisting of 5 factors, including “crisis assessment and exploration”, “emotional support and management”, “promoting changes in cognition and behavior”, “networking resources”, and “self-injury intervention efficacy”. Factor analysis confirmed that the five-factor model was appropriate, and correlation analyses verified the concurrent validity: this new scale was negatively and significantly correlated with the Self-Harm Antipathy Scale(SHAS) and was positively and significantly correlated with the Counseling Coping with Crises Self-Efficacy Scale demonstrating satisfactory validity. Limitations of the study as well as the practical use of the scale developed in this study were discussed. 본 연구의 목적은 자살의도가 없는 자해내담자의 치료적 개입을 위한 상담자의 전문성에 대한 자기 지각을 평정하는 도구를 개발하고 타당화하는 것이다. 이를 위해 선행연구와 기존 척도의 고찰 및 심층면접 결과를 토대로 162문항의 1차 예비척도를 제작한 후, 내용타당도와 안면타당도 검증 및 사전검사를 거쳐 52문항의 2차 예비척도를 제작하였다. 이후 상담자 214명으로부터 자료를 수집하여 요인분석 등의 방법을 통해 최종적으로 위기평가와 탐색, 정서적 지원과 관리, 인지와 행동의 변화 촉진, 자원 연계, 자해개입 효능감의 5요인 18문항으로 구성된 상담자의 자해개입 전문성 자기 지각 척도를 개발하였다. 확인적 요인분석을 실시하여 5요인 모형이 적합함을 확인하였고, 공인타당도 검증을 위해 상관분석을 실시한 결과, 자해내담자에 대한 태도 척도와는 부적 상관을, 상담위기대처 자기효능감 척도와는 정적 상관을 보임으로써 척도의 타당성을 검증하였다. 아울러 본 연구에서 개발한 척도의 활용방안 및 연구의 제한점과 추후 연구과제를 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Natural history of inflammatory bowel disease: a comparison between the East and the West

        송은미,양석균 대한장연구학회 2022 Intestinal Research Vol.20 No.4

        Over the past decades, there has been a rapid increase in the incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Asia. The natural history of IBD in Asian patients could be different from that in Western patients due to variations in disease phenotypes and genotypes as well as the healthcare environment between the 2 populations. To adequately cope with this disease, it is important to fully understand the potential differences in its natural history among different populations. In this review, we evaluated the differences in the clinical course of IBD between Asian and Western patients with regards to phenotypic progression, hospitalization, major surgery, risk of colorectal cancer, and mortality, mainly based on the results of population-based studies. The findings of our narrative review suggest that the clinical course of Asian patients with IBD, especially ulcerative colitis, is better than that of Western patients, as indicated by the lower rates of major surgery and hospitalization. In addition, similar to Western patients, the clinical course of Asian patients with IBD has been improving as evidenced by the decreasing rates of disease behavior progression (in Crohn’s disease), hospitalization, and major surgery.

      • KCI등재

        한일 양언어에 있어서 감정어휘의 형태별 분류

        宋殷美 단국대학교 일본연구소 2011 일본학연구 Vol.33 No.-

        The Study on the Morphological Classification of the Emotional Word in Korean and Japanese As this study is about the emotional word in Korea and Japan, the cases of samples from many dictionaries and emotional words in various countries are collected. And these collected emotional words are classified morphologically. The morphological classification is mainly divided by the parts of speech and the others, such as word classification and phrase classification and so on. Therefore, the range, the usage of emotional vocabulary and the morphological characteristics could be known through this study which is about the morphological classification of emotional word in Korea and Japanese.

      • KCI등재

        한일 양언어에 있어서 감정어휘의 감정별 분류

        송은미 한국일본언어문화학회 2013 일본언어문화 Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics and the differences oftwo languages by analyzing and reviewing the classification of emotion vocabulariesin Korean and Japanese dictionaries. By meaning, they were classified into 25 semantic items and by emotion, theywere classified into 10 emotional items. In both meaning and feelings, there weremore negative aspect emotion vocabularies than positive ones, and there werevocabularies showing more than two meanings and feelings, although there werevocabularies showing only one meaning and feeling. In meaning changes, emotion vocabularies generally cannot describe the changesin feelings but they can show the emotional change when action verb plays the roleof emotion verb. Regarding the expression of the emotion, there some are cases that the vocabulariesthemselves show feelings and other cases that use comparison, color or body andintestine organizations to show the feeling. This phenomenon is shown in both ofEnglish and Korean. Through this study, the language propensity of Koreans and Japanese to expressemotions was identified, which would reduce misunderstanding out of the differencein customs between Koreans and Japanese. Additionally, this study will help Koreansand Japanese who learn Japanese and Korean as a second language to enhance theircapacity to learn emotion vocabularies and to express their emotions in the counterpart’slanguage.

      • 노인의 레크리에이션 활동 참여가 생활만족에 미치는 영향

        송은미 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.4

        The purpose of this study to analyze and examine relationship of participation of the aged with life satisfaction. The data for this study were collected from 198 questionnaires answered by the aged over 65 years in Kwangju. The subjects were chosen by cluster random sampling and the data were analyzed with SAS 6.12 statistics package. The findings of the study were : 1. Male more participated in recreational activities than female. 2. In comparison of age with participation in recreational activities, there were significant differences. The 71-75 years old group more participated in recreational activities than the other age groups 3. In comparison of monthly spending money with regular participation in recreational activities, there were significant differences. The highest participation group spent more than 250,000 won a month. The old people who spent less than 50,000 won a month less participated in recreational activities. 4. In comparison of existence of participation in recreational activities with life satisfaction, there were significant differences. the old people who were participating in the activities more satisfied with the life than other old people who were not participating in the activities. 5. There were significant differences in life satisfaction according to degree of participation in recreational activities. In case of participating in the activities every day, more satisfactions were observed. 6. Duration of participation was significantly related to life satisfaction. The old people who participated in the activities for more than 2 hours a day showed higher satisfaction. Generally, The more time in participation, the higher satisfaction.

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