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      • KCI등재

        스마트폰 이용에 관한 사용자만족 결정요인 분석

        서윤규 한국기업경영학회 2013 기업경영연구 Vol.20 No.3

        It is no exaggeration to say that 2010 is ‘the year of a smart phone’ in the IT industry throughout the world. Especially, it made a great contribution to increased use of SNS (Social Network Services) such as Facebook, Twitter etc., and enabled the use of the internet using the smart phone at any time, by which has made us experience a new mobile life different from PCs and lap tops. Smart phone gives us a very important and interesting research topics, which is to find and prove the factors influencing the purchase and exchange churn and recommendation intentions. In particular, for the mobile communication providers expecting of the emergence of a new market due to reduced new subscribers in the rapidly pacing IT industrial related management environment. Smart phone with general purpose operating system, various data communication and many types of applications are much functions. it has a various functions such as phone, internet, SNS, and mobile banking etc. This thesis starts with the intention of looking into its effect customers’ selection of smart phone, and the hope of the results being helpful for smart phone companies’ establishment of managerial strategy. The purpose of this study is to search determinants which affect the increase in the user acceptance, satisfaction, Churn and Recommendation Intentions of smart phone and aims to ascertain how portability experience and conversion intention in the mobile phone (smart phone) selection would have an effort on the selection of the firms, achieved in a new competition structure in the same market. The study examined into the trend of each smart phone company as to satisfaction and factors influencing resultant repurchase or churn intention affecting factors and investigates how smart phone users evaluate the quality of the mobile services domestic firms such as SKT, Olleh, and LGU+ provide. It also examines the determinants for the customers’ satisfaction of the mobile services. The smart phone was a new chance to expand their market, and for the users, it provided convenience such as very comfortable and useful functions in that they can deal with routine businesses using internet search like e-mail, banking business, and office program as a computer in hand. In particular Banking Industry believe smart phone will bring fundamental changes in banking services as the internet did, and proactive responded to the change by quickly offering services for various types of smart phone. Given smart phone market mechanism, it is vital to improve commodity design, function or service quality, create new demand, and expand market scale for consumers’ welfare, industry’s constant competition and progress, and significant to work out a strategy to maintain existing customers. Logistic regression analysis results to churn intention, statically significant factors were indicated to be input convenience, SNS convenience, design, and improvement patch. Recommendation intention significant factors were indicated to be application convenience, input convenience, SNS convenience, battery capacity, design, and improvement patch. Expanding the IT market through the smart phone supplied a chance to compete in the new communication market for program producers including service providers, terminal manufacturers, increasing market shares by attracting new customers is getting really tough for the domestic smart phone firms who also face immense competition from smart phone providers, such as apple, motorola and nokia and gave a chance to experience convenient and rapid communication for clients. This thesis tried to confirm criteria of selection related to users’ satisfaction in respect with this service selection. 스마트폰은 기존의 전 세계 이동통신시장의 커다란 변화를 가져왔다. 기존 이동통신서비스는 노키아, 모토로라, 삼성전자 등 휴대폰 제조업체가 제공하는 단말기의 기능에 한정된 서비스를 이용하였다. 스티븐 잡스의 아이폰의 등장은 기존의 이동통신서비스에 대한 기대와 수준을 한층 발전시켰다. 소비자가 원하고 희망하는 서비스에 대한 어플리케이션의 개발과 지원은 서비스 사용자가 생각했던 서비스가 지원되는 사용자 중심의 시장으로 변화되었음을 의미하는 것이다. 스마트폰의 사용은 최근 사회적 이슈나 소통의 핵심이 되고 있는 Facebook, 트위터 등의 사회관계망서비스(social network service; SNS) 사용자 급증에 가장 큰 공헌을 하였고, 언제 어디서나 스마트폰을 이용한 인터넷의 사용을 가능하게 하여 PC와 노트북과는 다른 새로운 모바일 생활을 가능하게 하였다. 특히 빠른 속도로 변화하는 IT관련 경영환경 속에서 스마트폰은 이동통신업체들에게는 신규 가입자 감소에 급감에 새로운 시장의 출현을 기대하던 있어서는 시장확대의 새로운 기회를 제공하였으며, 사용자들에게는 손 안의 컴퓨터로서 이메일 등 인터넷 검색, 은행업무, 오피스 프로그램을 활용한 일상적인 개인적인 업무까지 처리할 수 있게 하였다. 이 연구는 스마트폰 사용에 있어 사용자들의 편리성, 유용성 및 이동통신산업에 미치는 스마트폰의 영향력과 이러한 서비스의 선택과 관련된 사용자의 만족에 영향을 주는 요인들을 확인하고자 하였다. 스마트폰의 선택에 있어 전환의도와 추천의도를 중심으로 이동통신서비스 만족도가 클수록 전환의도는 낮아지고, 추천의도는 높아질 것이라는 가설을 중심으로 학생과 직장인을 중심으로 실증분석하였다.

      • KCI등재

        도심 임대아파트의 에너지 및 상수 소비 특성에 관한 연구

        서윤규,김주영,홍원화,Seo, Youn-Kyu,Kim, Ju-Young,Hong, Won-Hwa 한국주거학회 2009 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.20 No.6

        It has been a serious problem to consume the energy of apartment while increasing to use of heating & cooling System because of residence environmental upgrades. Great attention has been shown to the problem of the rental apartment, so there are few reports of energy consumption about the rental apartment in korea. To solve the lack of housing, our country has supplied an enormous volume of apartments, and these days it occupies 75% of our buildings. As apartments occupy most of our housings, the rate of energy usage from them are also high. On this, setting apartment energy reduction as a target, by researching the actual conditions of energy consumption and drawing a basis data, we can apply this as a way of saving energy, rationalization of the scale of energy supply facilities and a standard when planning facilities. To grasp the present condition of energy usage of the urban rental apartment, this research analysed the use of electricity, gas and water monthly and annually of a rental apartment that is located in Daegu. The results showed that in 2003 the electricity usage was 1,198MWh but 1,315MWh in 2007, which means 9% of electricity usage increases every year. The average of water usage was $85,072\;m^2$ per year and typical energy consumption unit was $604.2\;MJ/m^2$ on $74.4\;m^2$ of area and $448.8\;MJ/m^2$ on $105.8\;M^2$. By showing the usage of energy and water of the urban rental apartment, understanding the tendency and preparing an typical energy consumption unit standard through this research, apartments should use energy more efficiently.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 주택연금(Reverse mortgage)제도에 대한 사용자 만족 결정요인 분석

        서윤규 ( Yunkeuy Seo ) 명지대학교 금융지식연구소 2015 금융지식연구 Vol.13 No.2

        주택연금제도의 활성화를 위한 방안으로 제도이용에 관심이 큰 잠재 수요고객인 노년세대의 주택연금제도의 선택기준 즉, 제도이용에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 요인을 확인하고자 하였다. 특히 노후에 주택연금을 사용할 것인지에 대한 사용의도와 추천의도를 확인하기 위하여 주택연금 활용의 편리성, 경제성, 안전성의 분야로 구분하여 분석하였다. 편리성에는 저당권제한완화, 가입조건완화, 담보부동산 확대, 보증료 인하 등의 변수를 사용하였고, 경제성에서는 노후예상생활비, 월 소득, 월 생활비 등 그리고 안전성에서는 건강상태, 연금노후보장규모, 노후자금준비정도, 주택연금홍보 등의 변수로 분석하였다. 실증분석 결과 사용의도에서는 편리성의 변수인 재산세감면, 저당권제한완화, 보증료인하와 경제성 변수인 월 생활비 그리고 안전성 변수에서 노후자금준비정도가 사용의도에 영향을 주는 요인으로 확인되었으며, 추천의도에서는 재산세감면, 저당권제한완화, 보증료인하의 편리성 변수와 월 소득과 노후예상생활비의 경제성변수가 통계적으로 유의한 결과를 보였다. 안전성에서는 선택된 변수가 없었다. The core of this study is to find out the most influential factors using the institution, which are the criterion that the potential customers, namely, the old generation, use, when they exploit the reverse mortgage loan which is in the beginning steps. Specifically, to confirm the intention of use and recommendation about accepting the reverse mortgage loan in later year, the degree of convenience, economic feasibility, stability is categorized and analyzed. In the light of Factor Analysis in the result of Empirical Analysis, regarding convenience, the exemption of the property tax, the mitigation of mortgage limitation and discount of early guaranty premium are chosen as variables. Regarding economic feasibility, the life-cost per month, the predicted life-cost of the later year, and the monthly income are culled as variables. Regarding stability, the scale of coverage of the later life and the degree of preparation of the money for later life are identified as variables. The result of the analysis shows that the exemption of the property tax, the mitigation of mortgage limitation and discount of early guaranty premium which are variables of convenience are influential factors, affecting the intention of use. In relation to the intention of recommendation, the exemption of the property tax, the mitigation of mortgage limitation and the discount of early guaranty premium betray statistically significance. The above results revealed that the convenience of enrollment, the monthly income, and the degree of preparation of the money for later life are most important factors in intention of use, and that in the recommendation of introduction the convenience and the predicted life-cost for the later year are the most decisive factors.

      • KCI등재후보

        주택연금(Reverse Mortgage)제도 이용의 결정요인 분석

        서윤규(Seo Yun Keuy) 한국부동산학회 2016 不動産學報 Vol.66 No.-

        연구의 가장 큰 핵심은 베이비부머의 은퇴가 본격적으로 시작되는 시점에 그들이 주택연금제도의 선택에서 가장 중요하게 생각하는 결정요인이 무엇인지 확인함으로써 제도의 활성화를 위한 방법을 확인하여 예비 은퇴자들에게는 노후의 안정적인 경제적 기반을 마련하는 기회를 제공하고, 정부에게는 국민의 노후생활 안정을 위해 추진하는 복지정책의 과도한 사용을 억제하여 정부재정계획의 합리적 수립과 효율적 집행이 가능하게 한다는 점이다. 주택연금 제도도입 초기에 잠재 수요고객인 베이비부머 세대를 중심으로 예비 은퇴자들의 주택연금제도의 이용에 있어서 선택기준 즉, 제도이용에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 요인을 확인하고자 하였다. 주택연금제도의 이용계획에 있어서 주택연금 지원제도는 가입조건, 초기보증료, 월지급액, 담보조건, 경제적 만족에서는 노후준비와 지인비교, 그리고 은퇴 후 기대경제 수준에서는 건강상태와 월 소득이 통계적으로 의사결정에 영향을 주는 요인으로 확인되었다. 추천계획에 있어서는 정책적 지원제도에서 가입조건, 대출금리, 월지급액, 경제적 만족에서는 지인비교, 그리고 은퇴 후 기대경제 수준에서는 건강상태만이 통계적으로 의사결정에 영향을 주는 요인으로 확인되었다. 1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The core of this research is to provide the retirees with the chances to arrange the economic conditions of the later lives through confirming the crucial factors which are considered the most important in culling the style of reverse mortgage loan at the time of the full-brownly beginning of the baby-boomers' retirement. and, simultaneously, for the government to make the effective implementation of the policies and the reasonable establishment of financial plans by controlling the excessive use of welfare policies to facilitate the stabilities of the later life in nation-wide. (2) RESEARCH METHOD In the process of performing the survey by way of questionnaires, the most significant variable which the reserved retirees have picked up is whether they can accepting the pension during the rest of their lives, residing in his or her own house, which is suggesting that the reverse mortgage loan can be safely established on the base that the government firmly promises the beneficiaries its guarantee against the possible longevity risk in the reverse mortgage loan. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS This study tries to fathom out the choice-criterion, that is to say, the most pivotal factors in utilizing the policy, centered on the reserved retirees who are the potential customers and at the same time baby-boomers. By means of Factor analysis, the variables which have impacts on the satisfaction level of the reverse mortgage loan are analyzed in three respects: namely the policy-supporting institution(the tax benefits, the early guarantee fees, the interest rate of utilization, the payment of each month, the conditions for the registrations, the mortgage conditions, any kinds of the restrictions), the economic satisfaction(the economic readiness, the preparation for the later life, the pension economy, the comparison between the acquaintance), and the personal later-life state(the income for a month, the sustenance cost for a month, the expected subsistence cost after retirement, the condition of health). 2. RESULTS In the plan of making use of the reverse mortgage loan, the following facts are corroborated. To begin with, the conditions for the registrations, the early guarantee fees, the payment of each month, and the mortgage conditions are the statistically influential factors in decision-making for the policy-supporting institution. secondly, the preparation for the later life, and the comparison between the acquaintances are for the economic satisfaction, and finally the condition of health and the income for a month are for the personal state. In the aspect of the plan for the recommendation, the interest rate of the loan, the conditions for the registrations and the payment of a month are the statistically influential factors in decision-making for the policy-supporting institution, the comparison between the acquaintances is for the economic satisfaction, and the condition of health alone is for the personal state.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        서울 강남 v.s 강북 부동산 매매-전세 가격변화 분석

        서윤규(Seo Yun Keuy) 한국부동산학회 2008 不動産學報 Vol.33 No.-

          1. CONTENTS<BR>  (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES<BR>  The purpose of this study is to review of Korea real estate market especially Gamnam and Gangbuk, research for demand price elasticity. Demand price elasticity determines Korea real estate market price so the government real estate policy for tax is ineffective. Real estate price increases and instability in Gangnam and other areas act as negative factors against work incentives for the general public, and also serve as factors of social conflicts between the property owners and renters.<BR>  (2) RESEARCH METHOD<BR>  Literature and One-Way ANOVA & Regression analysis<BR>  (3) RESEARCH RESULTS<BR>  The government will have to make it a rule to intervene in it for stabilizing the common people s residential life at the least, positively execute (property fluidity policy" pursuing" supply expansion policies" such as new town construction" and the property market to capital market instead of tax focused policy for existing "demand repression". Only these unceasing efforts can make the price of real estate market stable, which will contribute to providing a fair chance to lead an affluent life for the social members.<BR>  2. RESULTS<BR>  This studies on the relation between the price of Gangnam & Gangbuk s House, Apartment housing market via ANOVA & Regression Analysis. The results of research is as follows. First, the housing price disparity between Gangnam & Gangbuk districts and the policy of Government is not perfect. Second, The real estate market needs more strong property tax and capital gain tax to reduce speculative demand for housing and a price stabilization policy needs to be maintained continuously in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        부동산시장의 버블(Bubble)존재 가능성에 관한 연구

        서윤규(Seo, Yun Keuy) 한국부동산학회 2009 不動産學報 Vol.36 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This study investigates whether there was a apartment housing price bubble in korea in 1987-2008. the purpose of studying housing price, and then to ascertain the bubble which is founded in apartment housing price. The empirical analysis has been done in monthly apartment housing price index during the period from 1987 to 2008. (2) RESEARCH METHOD With monthly data from the kookmin bank, this paper employs standard econometric methodologies: ie. F-test, T-test and Regression analysis (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The real estate is the most important property in the world, but now days real estate market has been decreased since the end of Sub prime mortgage insolvent operation. the world economy get a shock the decreasing of real esrtate market has been a condition of bubble, the shock power is much more. 2.RESULTS This studies on the relation between the price of use value & investment value apartment housing in Korea. Apartment housing market via ANOVA & Regression Analysis. The results of research is as follows. First, the total & Gangbuk apartment housing market has the difference use value & investment value by T-test. Second, we did not completely convinced the possibility of bubble existence in korea apartment housing market. 3. KEY WORDS Bubble, Real estate Market, apartment housing, use value, investment value, excess volatility

      • KCI등재

        자녀세대의 주택연금제도에 대한 이용만족도 결정 요인 분석

        서윤규(Seo Yun Keuy) 한국부동산학회 2017 不動産學報 Vol.71 No.-

        주택연금제도에 대한 자녀세대들의 제도에 대한 의식과 필요성 등에 대한 분석을 위해서 가장 중요하게 생각하는 주택연금선택에 영향을 주는 구성요소를 확인하였다. 연구의 가장 중요한 핵심은 제도도입 초기에 있는 주택연금을 활성화하기 위하여 제도를 이용하고자 하는 고령의 부모님 세대를 두고 있는 그들의 자식세대를 중심으로 은퇴 후 경제생활의 지원을 위한 주택연금제도의 이용에 있어서 선택기준 즉, 제도이용에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 요인을 확인하고자 하였다. 회귀분석(Regression)에서는 이용계획과 추천계획에 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 주는 변수를 찾고자 하였다. 분석결과 이용계획은 제도적 편리성에서 세금혜택, 각종제한, 담보조건, 개인적 준비정도에서는 경제적 준비, 지인과의 비교 변수, 그리고 제도이용계획에서는 주택연금필요성, 주택연금 만족성 변수가 채택되었다. 또한 추천의도에서는 제도적 편리성은 초기보증료, 세금혜택, 담보조건 그리고 평생거주확신, 개인적 준비정도와 제도이용계획에서는 이용계획과 동일하게 경제적 준비, 지인과의 비교, 주택연금필요성, 주택연금 만족성 변수가 채택되었다. 1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Recent precedent studies on housing pension(reverse mortgage) were mostly those which confirm decisive factors exercising the most significant effects in relation to aged population’s understanding and utilization of pension system and national researches and studies of elderly life’s economic stability and national social welfare level. It is asserted that disagreement with children of factor making the use of the system difficult accounts for a substantial part. It is expected that expectation to inherit parents’ currently residing house in a certain point of future disappears due to the use of housing pension system and deprivation of a chance for inheritance serves as a rejection to the use of housing pension system. (2) RESEARCH METHOD The most important key of the study is to confirm selection standards in using the housing pension system for supporting economic life, that is, factors having the greatest effects on using the system, focusing on their children’s generation having aged parents’ generation. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS As a positive analysis result, in the institutional convenience of the housing pension selected at Factor Analysis, variables of early stage guaranteed fee, tax benefit, all types of restrictions, security conditions, monthly payment and all life residence confirmation were adopted and as private preparatory extent, variables of economic preparation, pension preparation, later life preparation, health condition and comparative parts with acquaintance were adopted and in system use plan part, variables of need of housing pension, satisfaction of housing pension, use plan and recommendation plan were adopted. 2. RESULTS As variables in institutional convenience, economic preparation and comparative variables with acquaintance were adopted as variables in private preparatory extent and need of housing pension and satisfaction with housing pension were adopted as variables in the plan of system use. And in recommendation intention, early stage guaranteed fee, tax benefit, security conditions and confidence for life long resident and private preparatory extent were adopted as variables and economic preparation, comparison with acquaintance and need of housing pension and satisfaction with housing pension were adopted as variables in the same as use plan in the plan of system use.

      • 아파트 세대의 하절기 전력소비 Load-Profile에 의한 전력 표준부하모델 개발에 관한 연구

        서윤규(Seo Youn-Kyu),김주영(Kim Ju-Young),전규엽(Jeon Gyu-Yeob),홍원화(Hong Won-Hwa) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2011 한국건축친환경설비학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.3

        It has been a serious problem to consume the energy all around the world while increasing to use of heating & cooling system because of residence environmental upgrades. Previously used to use electricity more efficiently will be very important. If the peak load can be reduced on the most common use of electricity in peak time, that could significantly reduce fossil fuel to Consumed producing electricity. On this, setting household energy reduction as a target, by researching the actual conditions of electricity consumption and drawing a basis data, we can apply this as a way of saving electricity, rationalization of the scale of energy supply facilities and a standard when planning facilities. Most of basis data was collected by field survey. And it will also help to create a load profile. By showing the usage of electricity understanding the tendency and preparing load profile standard through this research, household should reduce peak-load during daily life.

      • KCI등재후보

        고령화 사회 대비를 위한 역모기지(reverse mortgage)제도 고찰 - 부동산증권화(Real Estate Investment Trusts)를 중심으로

        서윤규(Seo Yun Keuy) 한국부동산학회 2007 不動産學報 Vol.31 No.-

          1. CONTENTS<BR>  (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES<BR>  The purpose of this study is to review the efficiency of reverse mortgage for an aged society in the future. The less a birth rate is a rapid decrease, the more the aged rate is a rapid increase. The more serious problem of increase the rate of aged rate is much more rapid than any other prior aged country in the world. A reverse mortgage means borrowing money against the value of the property. The homeowner receives the monthly loan, or annuity, based on the value of his property. In the event the homeowner dies, the estate sells the property and pays the money owed to the lender before distributing whatever remains to the heirs. The aged is need to help financial support for comfortable economic life.<BR>  (2) RESEARCH METHOD<BR>  Literature and comparative case study<BR>  (3) RESEARCH RESULTS<BR>  Four factors are key to the long-term viability of reverse mortgage system, 1) expected interest rates, 2) borrower longevity, 3) dropout rates, 4) house value appreciation. reverse mortgage programs need to deposits in to securities.<BR>  2. RESULTS<BR>The elderly people who are house rich but cash poor will meet some financial difficulties in the future. This study"s purpose is the efficiency of reverse mortgage system. Korea society seemed to become senescent as the day progressed. So the more aged people will use the reverse mortgage system and put abundant house on the real estate market. If an enormous amount of real property do not sale, the real estate market get into uncontrollable confusion. the solution is real property convert into securities.

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