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      • KCI등재

        통합 문화예술교육의 가능성

        서예원 한국무용예술학회 2011 무용예술학연구 Vol.33 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine the theoretical and practical possibility of Integrated Cultural-Artistic Education. In order to this, first, the concepts and functions of Integrated Cultural-Artistic Education were investigated, second, The Integrated Cultural-Artistic Education Model was presented, third, the cases of field application of Integrated Cultural-Artistic Education were examined. This study was premised the needs of Art Education and suggest Integrated Cultural-Artistic Education as a methods of development various Art Education. Because The Art Education that develop artistic sensibility and cultivate creativity and imagination is increased through integration of various art realms. As a case of Art Education of that not only professional students but also normal students, the purpose of education is in integrated approach in art education. There were two cases of field application of Integrated Cultural-Artistic Education. One was a case of integrated dance and visual art and the other was a case of integrated dance, drama and visual art. There were several problems in the process of application. One was the teaching abilities of teacher . They seemed it was so difficult to be skilled in various arts. The other problem was the difficulty of preparing teaching material.

      • KCI등재후보

        문제해결학습 모형을 적용한 표현활동 수업개선을 위한 실행연구

        서예원 韓國舞踊敎育學會 2009 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.20 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to improve dance classes in Elementary schools. This article was an Action Research so dance teaching planning was made based on Problem solving learning and it was applied to dance class and it had been reflective course to improve education field. The whole schedule was as follows: first, Three creative dance teachings were planned, applied to dance classes and the teacher and I reflected on what she had done. Second, based on the results the same courses were planned. Every dance class was recorded, interviews with students and teachers were recorded and some papers relevant to classes were analyzed as qualitative methods. The research results showed us both of students and teacher were changed. Students changed their cognition about dance classes, realized the joy of creating movements and developed their abilities of creation, problem solving and artistic expression. The teacher got understanded principles of creative dance and movement-problem solving and made practice of teaching methods. Most of all, the most important thing was she got confidence of creative dance teaching. She made constant effort to resolve her own problems about teaching methods. Also she realized it need to assume critical attitude toward own teaching methods

      • KCI등재

        Exploring the Possibilities of Dance and Coding Convergence Education

        서예원 한국무용예술학회 2022 무용예술학연구 Vol.88 No.4

        This study examined the convergence research between dance and other fields of artistic activities and coding education in order to explore the possibility of dance and coding convergence education. Creative coding through the convergence of arts and coding is being emphasized more in terms of development of computational thinking, creativity, and problem-solving ability. The creative convergence of art and coding takes the form of project-based education. In addition, dance and coding convergence education is to develop creative digital competency, and this is the ability to create new solutions and ideas by creatively using digital devices to solve practical problems. For this purpose, the dance and coding convergence education design focuses on practical problems, the principle of learning through making, the principle of reflective thinking, the promotion of creative idea formation, support for each student level and adaptive feedback.

      • 지표 특성 변화에 대한 평형온도의 반응 연구 : EBM 연구

        서예원,추정은,하경자,Seo, Ye-Won,Chu, Jung-Eun,Ha, Kyung-Ja 한국제4기학회 2010 제사기학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Energy Balance Model (EBM) was used to experiment the distribution of surface equilibrium temperature which responds to external forcing associated with the surface characteristics. Surface equilibrium temperature is calculated as sum of incoming solar radiation and latitudinal transport is balanced with outgoing infrared radiation. To treat incoming solar radiation, the source of the earth energy, significantly for energy balance, the experiment for surface equilibrium temperature distribution was performed considering the energy balance with the latitudinal albedo change as well as land and sea distribution. In addition, linear albedo change experiment, arctic albedo 5%, 10%, 15% change experiments and the opposite albedo change experiments between arctic and mid-latitudes were performed using incoming solar radiation as an external forcing. Moreover, with and without ice-albedo feedback experiments were performed. Increasing of arctic albedo is blocked out the incoming solar radiation so that it induces decreasing of latitudinal heat transport. It is strengthened energy transport from low latitudes by keeping arctic low energy states. Therefore the temperature change in the mid-latitudes exhibits larger response than that of arctic due to the difference of transport. The land which has lower heat capacity than sea can be reach to equilibrium temperature shortly. Also land is more sensitive to temperature change with respects to albedo. Thus it induces the thermal difference between land and sea. As a result, the equilibrium temperature exhibits differently as the difference of albedo and heat capacity which are the one of surface characteristics. Surface equilibrium temperature decreases as albedo increase and the ratio of temperature change is large as heat capacity is small. The decreasing of surface equilibrium temperature with respects to increasing of linear albedo is accelerated by ice-albedo feedback. However local change of surface equilibrium temperature decreases non-linearly. 지표 특성 차이에 따라 외부강제력에 대한 차별적인 반응을 보이는 지표 평형온도 분포를 실험하기 위해 에너지 균형 모형(Energy Balance Model, EBM)이 사용되었다. EBM은 입사되는 복사에너지가 각 위도별로 수송되는 에너지와 방출되는 복사에너지의 합과 균형을 이루었을 때의 온도를 산출한다. 지구의 에너지 원천인 태양복사에너지를 전지구 에너지 균형에 있어 중요하게 취급하기 위하여 위도별 알베도 변화뿐만 아니라 해륙의 분포 차이에 따른 에너지 균형을 고려한 지구 평형온도 분포에 관한 실험이 수행되었으며, 입사되는 태양복사에너지량을 강제력으로 하여 위도별 알베도의 선형적인 증감, 극지역 알베도의 5%, 10%, 15% 증감에 대한 반응, 극과 중위도 지역에서의 상반된 증감에 대한 반응을 실험하였다. 그리고 얼음-알베도 피드백의 유무에 대한 실험도 수행되었다. 극지역의 알베도를 증가시키면 입사되는 태양에너지를 차단시켜 위도별 열수송을 감소시키는데 이는 극지역을 저에너지 상태로 유지시킴으로써 저위도에서부터의 에너지 수송을 강화시킨다. 이러한 수송량의 차이로 인해 중위도 지역의 온도 변화는 극지역에 비해 크게 나타난다. 육지는 해양에 비해 열용량이 작기 때문에 평형온도에 도달하는 시간이 짧으며 알베도에 따른 온도변화에 민감하여 해양과의 온도차이를 유발시킨다. 따라서 평형온도는 지표가 가지는 특성인 알베도와 열용량의 차이에 따라 다르게 나타나며 알베도가 증가함에 따라 감소하고 열용량이 작을수록 변화율이 큰 특징이 있다. 얼음-알베도 피드백은 알베도의 선형적인 증가에 따른 지구 평형온도의 감소를 가속화시키지만 국지적으로는 비선형적인 감소를 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        초등무용에서의 문화다양성 교육의 가능성

        서예원 한국초등체육학회 2014 한국초등체육학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        본 연구는 교육현장에서 무용의 다문화교육 내용에 대한 소극적 적용을 반성하며, 적극적 의미의 다문화교육으로서의 문화다양성 교육의 가능성을 탐색하였다. 그리하여 우리나라 국가수준의 교육과정에 기초하여 초등학교 5-6학년을 대상으로 하는 무용을 통한 문화다양성 교육 프로그램을 개발하였다. 교육목표는 움직임 표현과정에서 인지, 정서, 감각의 통합적 접근을 통해 문화적 감수성을 기르고 문화적 공존을 실천하는 것이며 그에 따른 구체적 목표가 제시되었다. 교육내용의 선정은 2009개정 교육과정의 내용과 초등학교 문화다양성 교육의 개념이 적용되었다. 그에 따라 다양한 움직임 표현을 통해 타인과 의사소통하고, 개성을 존중하고, 소통하는 무용의 기본 원리를 사용하여 다양성, 문화이해, 평등성, 반편견, 협력, 정체성 등의 개념을 포함하는 교육 프로그램이 제시되었다. 교수방법으로는 즉흥창작, 시각 자료의 활용, 토의 및 토론 학습 등이 사용되었다. The purpose of this study was to examine the possibility of culuraldiversity education as a positively multiculural education in elementary schools. In order to this, The Dance Program of culuraldiversity education was suggested in base of National Curriculum for fifth and sixth grades. Therefore the purpose and validity of the program were suggested and the contents of the program were based on 2009 reform curriculum and elementary multicultural education concepts. Improvisation, visual materials and discussion were suggested as a teaching methods. The Dance Program of culuraldiversity education means the practice of positively multiculural education for both the minority and the majority. So far, the existing dance program of culuraldiversity education were composed of the understanding about Korean culture or the experience of foreign dances. From now on, the Dance Program of culuraldiversity education will investigate the harmony with life as a common community through communication, concord, comprehension, reception and mutual reliance between diverse groups and cultures.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        방과후 교육을 위한 통합형 문화예술교육에서의 무용 프로그램 개발

        서예원 한국무용교육학회 2008 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine the role and possibility of Dance in integrated cultural-artistic education Model for After-school programs and to propose the dance Curriculums. In order to this, the concepts, functions, the goals and the system of contents in Integrated cultural-artistic education were investigated. The Dance Program(20hours) were proposed according to the principles and procedures of Integrated cultural-artistic education model. The Dance Programs were proposed in three spheres, Experience curriculums, Comprehension curriculums and Communication curriculums. Each curriculums were composed with activities of Dance, Music, Art, Animation, Drama, Korean Music, Media, Reading. The Experience curriculum was composed with contents for senses and languages based on Arts. The Comprehension curriculum was composed with contents for understanding for common spheres and each sphere. Communication curriculum was composed with contents for planning, creation and presentation of Arts.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등학교 무용감상 프로그램 개발 연구

        서예원 韓國舞踊敎育學會 2005 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to establish a model of Dance Appreciation Program for improvement of dance education in elementary schools. In order to achieve the aforementioned purpose, this study analysed contents of dance appreciation in the current 7th physical Education curriculum and developed Dance Appreciation Program. This program was suggested in purposes, contents, methods and evaluations. The result of this study are as follows: First, the purpose of this program was suggested in artistic, aesthetic, cultural aspects for intent values as an art education. Second, the content of this program was suggested with 3rd steps. Those were the understanding of dance aspects and forms, explanations of meaning, evaluations of the value of dance. Third, the method of this program was suggested in performing tasks, creating tasks, historical, culcural tasks and cross curriculum links. Forth, the evaluation of this program was suggested in artistic, aesthetic, cultural aspects, too.

      • KCI등재

        창의력과 창작무용학습에 대한 연구

        서예원 韓國舞踊敎育學會 1996 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.6 No.-

        The conclusion is as follows: 1. Creativity, a new and cherecteristic way of thinking, free from any stereotypic or prejudiced view, is closely connected with the quality of individual experiences and the educational environment. 2. Dance is an effective means of communication as well as a good instrument or expression. Creative physical movement of dance helps students to improve body emotion, recognition, and sociality. 3. Dance creation is based on Laban's theory of movement. It consists of four basic elements of movement-space, time, force, and flow. 4. Dance creation can develop student's creativity, so that from the point of view to the development in creativity the dance education is significantly meaningful.

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