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        호손의 단편에 나타난 소외와 복귀

        박양근(Park, Yang-Keun) 새한영어영문학회 2014 새한영어영문학 Vol.56 No.1

        This paper discusses Hawthorne’s attitudes toward the nature and outcomes of the isolation of artists, scientists, and common people as they are revealed in his short stories. First, the isolation of artists, that is aloofness from the community that characterizes the world of artists. It serves as an effective way for imaginative creation. Artists sometimes try to achieve the “home-return,” but their longing is often misguided. As a result, from Hawthorne’s perspective their alienation turns out to be inevitable. Second, scientists isolate themselves into dreams, which might be attributable to their desire for perfection that often lacks common sense. Scientists, victimized by their failure to make distinctions between illusion and reality, lead woman characters to death. Finally, Hawthorne emphasizes the effects of being away from home and being touched by the crowd. Such isolation and return are related to Hawthorne’s life and his attitudes toward brotherhood with sin. This represents a major characteristic of the American Adam in the physical world. In sum, Hawthorne embodies in his short fiction the double self of isolation and return in the modernizing of American society during the nineteenth century.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        호손의 『브라이드데일 로맨스』에 나타난 전원성과 여성상

        박양근(Park Yang Keun) 새한영어영문학회 2009 새한영어영문학 Vol.51 No.4

        American pastoralism developed through the 19th century novelists, particularly in the work of Nathaniel Hawthorne, whose The Blithedale Romance shows a unique form of American pastoralism. He created a dual characterization in order to display the conflict between ruralism and urbanism based on the organic actions of the characters. The Blithedale Romance uses two female protagonists (Priscilla and Zenobia) and two male antagonists (Hollingworth and Coverdale), who represent Hawthorne’s ambiguity towards the ideal of pastoralism and the reality of industrialism in the 19th century. Although the writer demonstrates a certain nostalgia for purity in nature, he cannot but accept the inevitability of an industrial and commercial invasion. These social conflicts are illustrated by various psychological responses and behaviors of Priscilla, who tries to adhere to the male-dominated society, as well as of Zenobia whose desires are crushed by her cruel male opponents. The two female protagonists are closely connected with Hawthorne’s dual responses toward pastoralism. The Blithedale Romance marks the development of the modern conception of pastoralism. Hawthorne emerges as a major pastoral novelist building a theater of manners on the unoccupied land between the Imaginary and the Real, which is Hawthorne’s terminology to define his dichotomy.

      • KCI등재후보

        호손의 생태학적 사유와 『브라이드데일 로맨스』 쓰기

        박양근(Park Yang-keun) 새한영어영문학회 2004 새한영어영문학 Vol.46 No.3

        The traditional ecological novel in American literature is based on the American concept of nature from the beginning of early colonization. Especially, in the mid-19th century, the conflict between civilization and nature preservation has stimulated the creative minds of writers, who tried to reveal their psychological response in their works.<br/> Hawthorne is one of the most significant but less known writers who contributed to the build-up of the American ecological literature. His ecological thought stems from mystic, psychological, and aesthetic recognition. He created a system of dual characterization in order to display undesired conflict and desired harmony between man and nature. He also employs the use of various backgrounds in order to reveal organic responses to the environment and milieu.<br/> The Blithedale Romance uses one protagonist (Priscilla) and three antagonists (Hollingsworth, Zenobia and Westervelt) and one narrator (Coverdale) in order to represent Hawthorne's ideal of ecological thought. Although the writer demonstrates a certain nostalgia for the purity and humanness evidenced in nature, he cannot but accept the inevitability of an industrial and commercial invasion of the countryside.<br/> These social aspects of the conflict are illustrated by Hawthorne's characters. Priscilla's natural disposition and ecosystem. Coverdale, Hawthorne's narrator, is transformed into another man through writing in spite of ms previous urban disposition. Zenobia drowns herself ultimately due to her artificial passion. Hollingsworth is seen to become impotent because of his selfish economic ambition. However, all the characters represent the confused social transition from ruralism into urbanism, from country into city in the 19th century America. In doing so, Hawthorne's characters and motifs offer themselves as the prototype of other American nature-oriented novels and romances.<br/> The Blithedale Romance, despite certain literary defects, marks a touchstone worth of reinterpretaion in contemporary literature, and Hawthorne emerges as a major ecoliterary novelist building a theater on the unoccupied land between the Imaginary and the Real.

      • KCI등재

        웹 기반 훈련 발전을 위한 훈련요구 분석 및 개선방안

        박양근(Yang Keun Park),신소영(So Young Shin) 한국직업교육학회 2001 職業 敎育 硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        Because of rapid change in work environment, it`s necessary to have re-training & continuing training. Web-based training is especially good for workers because it can minimize limitation of time & space. We are trying to draw up a plan regarding progress in internet-related training for this we interviewed 21 operators and 705 students in 21 training institutes. We should take into consideration below ten points for successful operation In regard to continuing web-based training. First, it`s important to develop high-quality contents needed in learning than any other things. Second, try to reduce drop-out rate through change in teaching method like multi-media can keep learning motivation continuously. Third, interaction which is one of the strongest point in web-based training should be possible and various. Fourth, need to control learners as a whole through learner managing programme, containing management of academic affairs, progress of classwork, curriculum, evaluation, etc. Fifth, Learner`s motivation depends on passion & interest of teachers so 50 students are suitable to control. Sixth, need to mix on-line & off-line learning. Seventh, If needed, institutional training & testing will be done. Eighth, achievement evaluation should make better use of various evaluation factors such as duration, quiz, discussion participation, report etc and incentives as well. Ninth, need to manage throughly regarding tele-communication system because transmission speed rate error and system stoppage reduce learning motivation. Final, Regular evaluation about training program must be continued and modification and improvement needed programmes.

      • KCI등재

        포크너의 『곰』에 나타난 생태의식

        박양근 ( Yang Keun Park ),배영주 ( Young Joo Bae ) 21세기영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학21 Vol.26 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to examine the ecological consciousness in "The Bear", one of the works by William Faulkner that shows his conspicuous interest in nature. Faulkner`s ecological consciousness began to manifest the local environment of the Southern America where he lived. In the work, the author places a higher value than a mere geological setting on the Southern region, his hometown. Moreover, he is exploring the conditions of historical and social life in the Southern region as a specific place, where agriculture was the major industry. And the natural environment of the dense forest, one of the main features of the area, which arouses ecological consciousness, has an important meaning in his work. "The Bear" reveals Faulkner`s ecological vision in three phases. Firstly, Faulkner depicts Ike as a character who shows the deepest introspection about the relationship with the nature, and as an ecological character who tries to put into action a sense of responsibility for the land and others, which he realized as he lived in the nature. Secondly, considering that Ike, who realized his grandfather`s guilt, gave up inheritance owing to his experiences of the woods and bear-hunting, Faulkner`s ecological consciousness reveals itself more effectively in the relationship between Old Ben and the forest. Therefore, the relationship suggests that relations in Mother Nature are not antagonistic but circular. Lastly, the natural world forms a system with everything interconnected, not disconnected. Thus, for Faulkner the nature is not a closed system to which nobody has access but a fully open communication space. In conclusion, "The Bear" stresses that the nature and human beings harmonize with each other in circular relation, not in confrontational relation. Above all, it can be said that the author`s true insight into the nature shown in the work is the base on which the author`s ecological consciousness can be discovered.

      • KCI등재

        『마블폰』에 나타난 생태의식

        박양근 ( Yang Keun Park ),이치운 ( Chi Wun Lee ) 21세기영어영문학회 2010 영어영문학21 Vol.23 No.3

        The purpose of this thesis is to study the ecological consciousness of Hawthorne in the The Marble Faun. The Marble Faun is a masterpiece which shows Hawthorne`s ecological insight that was backed up by the period of his background while he was staying in Europe and the mental wandering throughout his life during his four great masterpieces. The ecological approach that The Marble Faun displays is regarded to be helpful for overturning the situational development and the motive of change in ecological thinking. The masterpiece is responsible for rediscovering the value of ecological symbiosis. The former part of the masterpiece can be seen as the process of Miryam, Donatello murder in Rome and move to Montebeni recovering natural characteristic and waking up ecological awareness. Hawthorne adopts Montebeni`s natural characteristic for recovering humanity of degenerated Donatello by murdering. The last part of the work goes on with an indirect corruption from also Kenyon and Hilda`s murdering. However, Kenyon gets along with farmers visiting Montebeni and starts to get ecological awareness while enjoying the pastoral environment. In conclusion, even though The Marble Faun was written in the 19th century when environmental corruption and ecological crisis were not as serious as these days, we could identify that Hawthorne was one novelist who evoked ecological awareness through his masterpiece.

      • KCI등재후보

        Application of Discourse Analysis to Literature: Reinterpretation of Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”

        Park Yang-Keun(박양근) 신영어영문학회 2003 신영어영문학 Vol.26 No.-

        「영 굳맨 브라운」은 호손의 단편 중에서 비교적 난해한 작품중의 하나이면서도 뛰어난 예술성으로 『주홍글자』에 버금가는 문학적 평가를 받아오고 있다. 이 작품에 대한 지금까지의 비평의 주류는 숲 속 여행에서 드러난 주인공 브라운의 죄의식을 밝히면서 작가 호손이 구사한 다원적인 작품기교와 더불어 작가의식을 심리적 또는 사회적인 접근법으로 규명하는 것이다. 그리하여 사회 언어학과 심리학을 바탕으로 문학작품을 분석하는 담화분석(Discourse Analysis)이 적용되는 추세에 따라 본 작품을 담화분석을 통해 분석하여 작품의 난해성이 어디에 있는지를 밝히고 주인공 브라운이 보여주는 심적 행적의 정체를 규명하였다. 「영 굳맨 브라운」은 모두 72단락과 7장면으로 이루어져있으며 발단-해결-가치부여라는 순환적 구조와 사회언어학적 분석의 대상이 되는 화술로 전개되는 단편이다. 내용은 브라운의 등장에서 시작하여 다음날 귀가하는 장면으로 마무리되는 짧은 줄거리이지만 인생의 전 과정이 상징적으로 펼쳐지는 작품의 구조는 담화 구조를 체계화한 데이비스 교수의 담론 모델과 유사하다. 곧 첫 장면은 발단의 단계에 해당되며, 제2장면에서 제5장면까지는 전개화의 단계이고, 제6장면은 해결화의 단계이며 제7장면은 가치평가단계에 상응한다. 나아가 어휘분석과 담론분석으로 브라운의 심적 갈등을 해석하고 주인공의 심야 여행의 동기, 숲 속 여행과정, 귀환의 결말을 분석함으로써 그의 심야여행이 육체적 악몽이 아니라 내적 심리세계가 반영한 정신적 순례임을 규명하였다. 이로써 아내에 대한 믿음은 그가 외양과 실재에 대한 혼돈을 극복한 성숙된 모습의 결과라고 하겠다. 단편은 상징과 이미지, 메타포를 활용하는 장르라는 점에서 「영 굳맨 브라운」의 치밀한 구성과 발화적 애매모호성이 작품의 비평적 가치를 돋보이게 하는 요소임을 재확인하였다. 데이비스 교수의 구조분석법과 할리데이 · 하산의 의미론적 분석법은 작품이 지닌 모호성이라는 문제점을 해명하는 유익한 접근법임에 판명되었다. 어떤 텍스트를 작품분석의 대상으로 선택하든 담화분석은 지금까지의 전기비평이나 사회비평 혹은 심리비평이 지니지 못한 장점을 지니고 있다. 특히 지나치게 정교하게 짜여져 오히려 모호한 해석을 초래하는 작품에서 이 분석법은 보다 객관적인 증거를 제시해주며 작가와 독자, 화자와 청자간의 의사를 원활하게 소통시켜 주는 기능을 지닌다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        『주홍글자』의 A와 등장인물의 상호성

        박양근(Park Yang keun) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2014 인문사회과학연구 Vol.15 No.3

        호손의 첫 작품 주홍글자는 작가의 삶과 문학적 창작력을 보여주는 자아 반영적 작품이다. 그는 어머니의 죽음, 실직과 같은 심적 트라우마를 작품으로 번영하기를 원하였다. 그가 단편 「세일럼」에서 말하였듯이 그의 등장인물들은 예술가가 되고 싶은 욕망의 갈등에서 생겨났다. 『주홍글자』에 등장하는 네 명은 각각 호손의 예술적 양상을 반영하면서 첫 글자 A의 상징과 기록성을 나누어가진다. 데리다의 해석에 따르면 각 주인공은 기호체계로서 헤스터의 변모는 퓨리턴 사회에 대한 호손의 숨겨진 반응을 보여주면 딤즈데일은 성적 욕망과 비슷한 예술적 열정에서 태어났으며 칠링워즈는 인간의 죄의식으로 향하는 복수심에 집착하고 펄은 부성탐색의 결과로 볼 수 있다. 호손은 퓨리턴 사회에서 예술적 욕망을 성취하기를 원하는 것이 첫 작품의 단서가 된다. 세 시장터는 보고, 들어내고, 말하는 작가의 창작 과정을 따라 이동한다면 숲은 헤스터와 딤즈데일을 통해 작가의 내적 대화가 펼쳐지는 공간이다. 각 배경은 등장인물의 개별적 공간이지만 여타 인물들도 의미 있는 계획을 수행함으로써 호손은 예술적 정체성을 확립해나간다. 따라서 『주홍글자』는 작가의 문학적 입문을 "A"의 확장을 통해 이루어낸 작품이라고 평가할 수 있으며 기호학적 접근으로 더욱 그의 예술성을 살필 수 있는 대표작으로 자리한다. The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne's first novel, is known as a self-reflective work of his creativity and life. Hawthorne is a novelist who wants to transform his traumas such as his mother's death and his unemployment of Salem Custom House into autobiographical works. As he once told in his「Salem」, the characters of his works are created from conflicts between his desire to become an artist. Each of the four characters in The Scarlet Letter also reflects Derrida's semiology and Hawthorne's artistic aspects. which are the sources of the initial "A". The transfiguration of Hester can be said Hawthorne's hidden antipathy towards Putitan society. Dimmesdale is created by the artistic passion, which seems like sexual emotion. Chillingworth is made of revengeful and scientific energy towards the human's sinful minds, and even Pearl is born from adultery, which leads to salvation. Hawthorne was bound to explain his artistic achievement through adapting semiological approach in Puritan society. The three market places reveals the writer' creative process of seeing, disclosing and uttering. And forest scene is also a scene of revealing Hawthorne's inner dialogue. While each setting has an unique protagonist of Hester and Dimmesdale, Pearl and Chillingworth also play a meaning role as their partners. In the meanwhile, Hawthorne also obtain the identity of an artist in the end. Therefore, The Scarlet Letter can be evaluated as Hawthorne's first work showing his literary career. And it is an "Art" itself, which sprung from Romantic environments of New England.

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