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      • KCI등재

        정책결정과정으로서 입법과정의 복잡성과 안정성에 관한 연구

        盧在錫 한국의정연구회 2010 의정논총 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 법학전문대학원제도 도입을 위한 정책추진 과정을 복잡성이론을 적용하여 설명하여 보았다. 1995년 김영삼정부하에서 사법개혁의 일환으로 제기되었던 법학전문대학원 정책이 3대정권에 걸쳐 계속 제기되다 2007.7 노무현정부에 이르러 법대+사법시험으로 연결되는 법조양성체제를 대체하게 된 과정을 복잡성이론으로 분석하여 열린 체계의 ‘자기조직화’로 설명하여 보았다. 복잡성이론은 자연현상과 사회·경제 현실의 복잡성·혼돈·무질서, 비평형성·비선형성 총체성 등을 체제유지, 질서형성의 관점에서 설명하려는 시도로 이러한 현상을 “복잡계”로 보고 자기조직화, 경로의존성, 초기조건에의 민감성, 공진화, 창발성 등의 특성을 통해 설명한다. 일견 복잡계는 혼돈과 무질서로 말미암아 예측할 수 없는 변화(급변)를 하는 것으로 보이지만, 나름대로 ‘질서화’(자기조직화)과정을 거쳐 창발(emergence)현상이 나타남으로써 안정성을 얻게 된다. 복잡계의 질서창출은 외부와의 교섭, 내부 구성요소간의 상호작용을 통해 상향식(bottom-up)으로 형성된다는 점에서 그 안정성이 높다고 하겠다. 지금까지의 복잡계 연구경향은 복잡계의 비결정성, 비선형성을 강조하였으나, 이 연구에서는 특히 복잡계에 내포되어 있는 안정성에 주목하였다.


        극외측 요추부 추간판 탈출증의 임상 체험

        노재석,정환영,이언,강동수,김영보,백광흠 대한신경외과학회 1995 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.24 No.11

        The authors present 12 cases of far lated disc herniation(FLDH) diagnosed and treated in our institution from march, 1992 to February, 1994. In the author's series the incidence of far lateral disc herniation was 5% of all lumbar disc herniations. The average age of the patients was 44 years and there were 7 men and 5 women. The L_(4-5) intervertebral disc level was the most commonly involved level. All patients initially presented with symptoms of radiculopathy. Cases with double herniations at the same level and on the same side seemed to have the most potential source of misdiagnosis and mismanagement, and a careful surgical consideration was needed for such cases. In 4 cases, a combined intraspinal and extraforaminal approach was performed with preservation of facet joints and in 2 cases, paramedian muscle splitting approach was performed. Chemonucleolysis and the usual partial hemilaminectomy were undertaken in 5 cases and in 1 case, respectively. The combined approaches proved to be an effective means of treatment for cases with double herniations, but misdiagnosis of such lesion can lead to an inappropriate and an ineffective treatment and poor surgical results. Furthermore, in the diagnosis of far lateral disc herniation, differentiation must be made from symptoms of conjoined nerve root and congested epidural vein.


        본태성 진전증 환자의 뇌정위적 시상핵 파괴술에 대한 임상적 고찰

        노재석,김영보,이언,박철완,안성기,강동수 대한신경외과학회 1996 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.25 No.1

        Sterectactic ventrolateral thalamotomy has been successful in treating a wide spectrum of involuntary movement disorders, but very little has been reported concerning their application in essential tremor. Twenty three patients with medically refractory disabling essential tremor underwent ventralis lateralis(VL) thalamotomies. The procedure was unilateral in twenty three cases. Contralateral tremor remained abscent or markedly reduced in 22 patients at the time of the most recent follow-up examinations, at a mean of 2.9 months after surgery. Disability was determined by a modified form of an estabilished rating scale for tremor reported by Fahn and was reduced from a mean score of 11 to 3(P<0.0001) after the operation. persistent surgical morbidity was limited to three patients with mild dysarthria and two with a mild cognitive impairment. There were no surgically related deaths. It is concluded that stereotactic VL thalamotomy is a treatment option for medically intractable disabling essential tremor.

      • KCI등재

        국회 청문회의 영향요인에 관한 연구

        노재석 한국의정연구회 2019 의정논총 Vol.14 No.2

        This study seeks to analyze the influence factors on public hearings provided by the standing committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. The analytical framework was designed by using Walter J. Oleszek’s study. He described seven influence factors on public hearings of U.S. Congress but l classified four higher level factors and then set twelve sub-factors. Four higher level factors include the committee chair, committee members, bipartisanship, and the preparation and investigation made prior to the public hearings. The committee chair factor is composed of interests of constituencies, political attitude (personal ideas and belief) and leadership among committee members. Interests of constituencies encourage the committee chair to conduct the public hearing passionately as testified by examples of public hearings by standing committees of the National Assembly. Committee members are evaluated by participation rate of hearings and quality of questions at the hearing. Member’s good participation rates influence the incentive factors of public hearings. Sincere agreements of the public hearing between parties are factors that act as incentive factors of the hearings. Standing committees of the National Assembly neglected issuing documents of the conclusion of the public hearings, as usual. To effectively achieve the purpose of the public hearings, the standing committees should revise the bad practices and arrange the results of the conclusion of the public hearings on paper. 이 연구는 Walter J. Oleszek의 청문회 영향요인 분류를 원용하여 한국 국회의 청문회에영향을 미치는 것으로 추정되는 영향요인 분석틀을 고안하고 제20대 국회에서 개최된 3건의 회의록을 분석하여 영향요인을 검증하였다. 사례분석은 청문회 회의록과 관련 자료를대상으로 하였다. Walter J. Oleszek 7대 영향요인 중 위원장요인, 위원요인, 정당요인, 청문회준비·진행요인의 4대요인을 대분류요인으로 하고 하위요인으로 12개의 세부요인을 설정하여 분석의 틀을 구성하였다. 대분류요인인 위원장요인의 세부요인으로 지역구요인은 청문회 촉진요인으로 작용하지만, 위원장의 이념·소신 등 정치적 입장이나 리더십은 청문회에 미치는 영향이 크지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 위원요인 증 위원의 높은 회의출석률과 주제충실형 발언은 청문회 촉진요인으로 작용하였으나, 낮은 출석률과 정치성 발언은 방해요인으로 작용하였다. 정당요인 중 정당합의의 긴밀성이 촉진요인으로 작용했으며, 청문회준비·진행 요인 중 전문조사요원의 미충원, 사전조사 미실시, 요구자료 응답률 미정리, 준비기간의 적정성 미흡은 방해요인으로 작용하였다.

      • KCI등재

        초음파 분무 열분해법을 이용한 고체전해질용 Lithium Lanthanum Titanium Oxide 제조

        노재석,양민호,이근재 한국분말재료학회 2022 한국분말재료학회지 (KPMI) Vol.29 No.6

        Lithium lanthanum titanium oxide (LLTO) is a promising ceramic electrolyte because of its high ionic conductivity at room temperature, low electrical conductivity, and outstanding physical properties. Several routes for the synthesis of bulk LLTO are known, in particular, solid-state synthesis and sol-gel method. However, the extremely low ionic conductivity of LLTO at grain boundaries is one of the major problems for practical applications. To diminish the grain boundary effect, the structure of LLTO is tuned to nanoscale morphology with structures of different dimensionalities (0D spheres, and 1D tubes and wires); this strategy has great potential to enhance the ion conduction by intensifying Li diffusion and minimizing the grain boundary resistance. Therefore, in this work, 0D spherical LLTO is synthesized using ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP). The USP method primarily yields spherical particles from the droplets generated by ultrasonic waves passed through several heating zones. LLTO is synthesized using USP, and the effects of each precursor and their mechanisms as well as synthesis parameters are analyzed and discussed to optimize the synthesis. The phase structure of the obtained materials is analyzed using X-ray diffraction, and their morphology and particle size are analyzed using field-emission scanning electron microscopy.

      • KCI등재

        국회 예산심의과정에서 상임위 수정안이 예결위심사에 반영된 실태분석 - 교육과학기술위원회 심사결과를 중심으로

        盧在錫 한국의정연구회 2015 의정논총 Vol.10 No.1

        이 연구는 2009년도 및 2012년도 교육과학기술부 세출예산안에 대한 상임위 예비심사결과가 예결위 심사결과에 반영된 실태를 분석하고 다음 추론을 검증하였다. 상임위는 증액 위주, 예결위는 감액 위주의 심사를 하고, 상임위 증액심사는 일부 반영되며, 감액수정은 전액 반영되는 경향이다. 상임위와 예결위의 심사결과 일치율은 낮다. 반영실태의 분석을 위해 먼저, 상임위 심사결과와 예결위 심사결과를 각각 회계별, 증감내역별로 통계적으로 분석한 다음, 상임위 수정예산을 예산결정 영향요인에 따라 당파성․이념성․정책혁신성 유형(A형), 정책유지․확대 유형(B형), 지역구 민원성 유형(C형)으로 구분하고 이러한 예산의 성격이 예결위 심사결과 반영에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는가를 분석하였다. 상임위 증액은 일관성이 있으나 예결위 감액심사 경향성은 일관되게 나타나지 않았다. 다른 연구결과에 비춰볼 때 교육과학기술부예산이 갖는 예외적인 현상이라 할 수 있다. 상임위 심사결과 증액사업이 많으면 예결위 심사결과와 일치율이 낮고, 감액사업이 많으면 일치율이 높게 나타났다. 예산유형에 따른 예결위 반영은 일반적으로 C형이 반영률이 높으며, B형, A형의 순서로 반영률을 보이는데, A형 예산은 반영률이 저조하며 여․야가 합의하는 경우 상임위 심사결과와 관계없이 예결위에서 직접 수정하기도 하였다. This study analyzes the Special Committee on Budget and Accounts of National Assembly’s budget deliberation and its actual reflection on the Education, Science and Technology Committee‘s the preliminary deliberation on the budget of the Ministry of Education and Science Technology in 2009 and 2012, and confirms following questions. Revision of budget of Education, Science and Technology Committee (be titled as Standing committee on the below lines) is oriented in increase of budget and tends to be partially applied. On the other hand, that of the Special Committee on Budget and Accounts of National Assembly (be titled as Budget committee on the below lines) is oriented in decrease of budget and tends to be fully applied. The accordance rate of the Standing committee’s revision of budget and the Special committee’s is low. For the analysis of the actual reflection, revisions of budget of two committees are analyzed comparatively. First, revisions of budget of two committees are statistically analyzed according to the types of budgetary expenditure and according to increasing and decreasing lists. The revised budget of the Standing committee is classified according to budget decision influencing factors as: partiality, ideology, policy innovation type (A type), maintenance and expansion of policy type (B type) and civil petitions of local constituency type (C type). Then, the effect of characteristics of budgets on the revision of budget of the Special committee was studied. There exists consistency in Standing committee's increase in budget, but there was no consistent tendency in Special committee's decrease in budget. In comparison to other researches, this is an exceptional phenomenon of the budget of the Ministry of Education and Science Technology. The accordance rate was lower when there was more increase in budget, and it was higher when there was more decrease in budget. The reaction of Special committee according to budget types showed that the accordance rate of the C type is generally high. In the case of the A type, the accordance rate is generally low and when there was mutual agreement between the ruling and opposing parties, Special committee directly modified the budget regardless of the revision of budget of the Standing committee.

      • KCI등재

        국회 예산심의과정에서 상임위 수정안이 예결위심사에 반영된 실태분석

        노재석 한국의정연구회 2015 의정논총 Vol.10 No.1

        This study analyzes the Special Committee on Budget and Accounts of National Assembly’s budget deliberation and its actual reflection on the Education, Science and Technology Committee‘s the preliminary deliberation on the budget of the Ministry of Education and Science Technology in 2009 and 2012, and confirms following questions. Revision of budget of Education, Science and Technology Committee (be titled as Standing committee on the below lines) is oriented in increase of budget and tends to be partially applied. On the other hand, that of the Special Committee on Budget and Accounts of National Assembly (be titled as Budget committee on the below lines) is oriented in decrease of budget and tends to be fully applied. The accordance rate of the Standing committee’s revision of budget and the Special committee’s is low. For the analysis of the actual reflection, revisions of budget of two committees are analyzed comparatively. First, revisions of budget of two committees are statistically analyzed according to the types of budgetary expenditure and according to increasing and decreasing lists. The revised budget of the Standing committee is classified according to budget decision influencing factors as: partiality, ideology, policy innovation type (A type), maintenance and expansion of policy type (B type) and civil petitions of local constituency type (C type). Then, the effect of characteristics of budgets on the revision of budget of the Special committee was studied. There exists consistency in Standing committee's increase in budget, but there was no consistent tendency in Special committee's decrease in budget. In comparison to other researches, this is an exceptional phenomenon of the budget of the Ministry of Education and Science Technology. The accordance rate was lower when there was more increase in budget, and it was higher when there was more decrease in budget. The reaction of Special committee according to budget types showed that the accordance rate of the C type is generally high. In the case of the A type, the accordance rate is generally low and when there was mutual agreement between the ruling and opposing parties, Special committee directly modified the budget regardless of the revision of budget of the Standing committee. 이 연구는 2009년도 및 2012년도 교육과학기술부 세출예산안에 대한 상임위 예비심사결과가 예결위 심사결과에 반영된 실태를 분석하고 다음 추론을 검증하였다. 상임위는 증액 위주, 예결위는 감액 위주의 심사를 하고, 상임위 증액심사는 일부 반영되며, 감액수정은 전액 반영되는 경향이다. 상임위와 예결위의 심사결과 일치율은 낮다. 반영실태의 분석을 위해 먼저, 상임위 심사결과와 예결위 심사결과를 각각 회계별, 증감내역별로 통계적으로 분석한 다음, 상임위 수정예산을 예산결정 영향요인에 따라 당파성․이념성․정책혁신성 유형(A형), 정책유지․확대 유형(B형), 지역구 민원성 유형(C형)으로 구분하고 이러한 예산의 성격이 예결위 심사결과 반영에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는가를 분석하였다. 상임위 증액은 일관성이 있으나 예결위 감액심사 경향성은 일관되게 나타나지 않았다. 다른 연구결과에 비춰볼 때 교육과학기술부예산이 갖는 예외적인 현상이라 할 수 있다. 상임위 심사결과 증액사업이 많으면 예결위 심사결과와 일치율이 낮고, 감액사업이 많으면 일치율이 높게 나타났다. 예산유형에 따른 예결위 반영은 일반적으로 C형이 반영률이 높으며, B형, A형의 순서로 반영률을 보이는데, A형 예산은 반영률이 저조하며 여․야가 합의하는 경우 상임위 심사결과와 관계없이 예결위에서 직접 수정하기도 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        교류 입력측 LCL 필터 구조 전압형 PWM 컨버터의 설계

        노재석,최재호 전력전자학회 2002 전력전자학회 논문지 Vol.7 No.5

        In this paper, a design method of LCL filter at the AC input side of a voltage source PWM converter is proposed. Effective method to prevent pollution of the utility caused by high frequency current ripple is to use a AC input LCL filter. The C elements in the filter provide a low impedance path for the high frequency component, preventing them from entering the utility. The resistors in series with the capacitors are used for damping the resonance in the filter. The design examples are shown and the validity of the proposed design method is verified through the PSIM simulation. 본 논문에서는 전압형 PWM 컨버터의 교류 입력측 LCL 필터의 설계기법을 제안한다. 기존의 전압형 PWM 컨버터에서 전원계통으로 흘러 들어가는 스위칭 고조파전류를 억제하기 위해 교류 입력측에 LCL 필터를 설치하는 것은 매우 경제적이고 효과적인 방법이다. 필터 커패시터로 스위칭 고조파전류를 흡수하며 공진을 억제하기 위해 수동 댐핑 저항을 이용한다. UPS용의 LCL 필터 구조 PWM 컨버터의 설계예시를 보였으며 제안한 설계기법의 타당성을 입증하기 위해 PSIM을 이용한 시뮬레이션을 행하였다.

      • 家庭의 生育環境이 兒童의 社會的 問題解決力 發達에 미치는 影響

        張赫杓,盧在石 釜山大學校 學生生活硏究所 1986 硏究報 Vol.22 No.1

        The purposes of this study were to find out the relationship between cognitive aspects (Means-Ends Thinking, Interpersonal Problem Analysis) and behavioral aspects (Social Competence) in Social Problem Solving Ability of children and find out how up-bringing environments of family - parent-child interaction patterns, social class, sibling size-influence Social Problem Solving Ability in middle childhood. To achieve the above Purposes, the following hypotheses were raised: (a) There will be substantial relationships between cognitive aspects and behavioral aspects in children' s Social Problem Solving Ability. (b) There will be significant differences in Social Problem Solving Ability of children according to parent-child interaction patterns. (c) There will be significant difference in Social Problem Solving Ability for children according to social class of their family. (d) There will be significant differences in Social Problem Solving Ability according to sibling size, (e) There will be significant difference in sibling size according to social class. The subjects in the present study were composed of 306 children (males, females) of the sixth grade in an elementary school located in Pusan. The instruments used in this study were: (a) Means-Ends Thinking Test (Shure & Spivack, 1972) (b) Interpersonal Problem Analysis Test (Marsh etc., 1980) (c) Social Competence Nomination Form (Ford, 1980) (d) Social Class Rating Scale (In-Woo Nam, 1983) (e) Questionnaires for Social Interaction Patterns (Hwi Bok Kim, 1981). The findings of the present study were as follows: (a) There were statistically significant correlations between cognitive aspects and behavioral aspects of Social Problem Solving Ability (p<.01). (b) There were statistically significant differences in Social Problem Solving Ability of children according to parent Social Problem Solving Ability of children from person oriented families is significantly higher than that of children from status oriented families (p<.01), (c) Social Problems Solving Ability of children from middle class is significantly higher than that of children from lower class (p<.01), (d) Social Problems Solving Ability of children from small sibling size is significantly higher than that of children from large one (p<.01), (e) There were statistically significant differences in sibling size according to social class (p<.01). According to these findings, it is desirable to develop the training program of Social Problems Solving Ability, which will be effective in enhancing the competence of children. Additional research is needed to clarify other variables which may inflence on Social Problem Solving Ability of children i. e. age, sex, I.Q., etc.

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