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      • KCI등재

        미국 흑인문학의 "인종 가로지르기": 미국인 되기의 정치학과 백인 되지 않기의 윤리학

        김준년 ( Junyon Kim ) 미국소설학회(구 한국호손학회) 2016 미국소설 Vol.23 No.2

        When President Obama made a White House spokesman confirm that he has checked the box that says “Black, African Am., or Negro” in the 2010 census, it signalled that a representative American has declared his racial identity on the basis of a politics of the performative which goes beyond the binary opposition between essentialism and constructivism. In order to examine Obama’s census choice of African American, I come up with a concept of ‘the traversing of race,’ which is borrowed from the theory of fantasy in Lacanian psychoanalysis. I also draw on queer criticism so as to elaborate the concept of ‘the traversing of race’ as a citational performing of one’s ethnic identity. Obama’s ‘traversing of race’ can be compared to the Jewish-American Adam Sandler’s performance of the Chanukah Song series. The hilarious lyrics of Sandler’s Chanukah songs celebrate a Jewish ‘coming-out’ festivity which enables American Jews to overcome their divided subject position between inclusion and distinctiveness. Historically, it is W. E. B. Du Bois’s formula of double-consciousness that is concerned with ‘the traversing of race’ in the earliest politico-ethical context of becoming American and not becoming white. Du Bois’s insight into the future of race in America is helpful in figuring out how mixed-race people should negotiate the politics of identity against the backdrop of multicultural America. Unlike mixed-race characters who can pass for white in the late 19th- and early 20th-century situations, mixed-race characters of what a critic calls “new millenium passing novel” are less or no longer suffering from the identity crisis related to neurosis, depression, or schizophrenia, even though a subtle racism is not over. Seen from this post-racial perspective, new millenium mixed-race people are not necessarily afraid of traversing race. With the overall trope of performativity, Barack Obama’s autobiography, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, successfully signifies the way in which a mixed-race American confirms his ever-ongoing identity.

      • KCI등재

        역-형성되는 인종의 실재성과 SF 장르 속의 포스트휴먼 혼종성

        김준년(Kim, Junyon) 새한영어영문학회 2018 새한영어영문학 Vol.60 No.4

        Race can be back-formed. By back-formation, I mean a particular process of reality configuration which is conceptualized by Brian Massumi who is well versed in the affect theory. The social ills of racism and racial prejudices had long revolved around the biological category of race. Still, race as a political category plays a significant factor in the evolution of humanity. In this sense, I argue that race tends to feed back into itself and to transform its reality, as a result of which it shall become more complex in the posthuman era. To verify this point, I locate two instances of the back-formation of racial reality in several race-related trials in American history and in the case of Barack Obama who transformed a mixed-race boy into the first African-American President of the United States. Also referring to Samuel Delany’s SF novel, Trouble on Triton, as a fictional instance of the racial back-formation, I contend that the queer way of life in the future space of Triton celebrates the posthuman hybridity. Seen from this revisionist perspective, white maleness can be regarded as Bourdieu’s notion of habitus which back-forms the hidden reality of U.S. race relations.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중단된 사랑, 도래하는 공동체: 토니 모리슨의 후기 세 소설『사랑』, 『자비』, 『집으로』를 사유하는 한 방식

        김준년 ( Junyon Kim ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2015 현대영미소설 Vol.22 No.3

        This paper is a critical attempt to reexamine Toni Morrison`s three novels, Love, A Mercy and Home, under the rubric of love and community. In the sense that Morrison is not so much concerned with the romantic relationship of her characters in the novels as with the promise of a communal achievement, the thematic combination of love and community appears to be strange bedfellows. However, I call attention to the uncanny themes that are significant for my purpose, which is to analyze the singular moment of community taking place in the wake of love interrupted. In A Mercy, a black girl of colonial America falls in love with a free black blacksmith, but the slave girl`s infatuation with him is interrupted by what I call the orphan`s complex melancholy. Ironically, the interruption of Florens`s love serves as a delayed rite of passage into her imagined community of mother and daughter. In Love, the love and friendship of two little black girls are interrupted by an evental situation in which one girl becomes a stepgrandmother of the other. The male desire of a wealthy patriarch, Bill Cosey, which has set his granddaughter at life-long odds with his child-bride, is finally ruptured by the truth of the original love between Heed and Christine. Thus their deferred sororal solidarity completes a ghostly community of the living and the dead. In Home, a poor black girl of a small town is fascinated by a young con man from Atalanta. Deserted in the jungle of the big city, her ephemeral romance is interrupted and, what is worse, her womb is destroyed. It is a local quilting community of black women that not only heals Cee`s trauma but also makes her feel at home in it. If anything, the black women`s community Toni Morrison imagines in (the) place of love interrupted may be referred to as a ghostly community which is coming as an uncanny reminder of the “something to be done” in American society.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        자동인형, 로봇, 인공지능의 “낯익은/낯선” 신체화에 내장된 인지적 타자성

        김준년 ( Junyon Kim ) 미국소설학회(구 한국호손학회) 2021 미국소설 Vol.28 No.2

        This paper takes three critical positions. First, as a posthuman extension of the cognitive literary and cultural studies, it interrogates the anthropocentric implications in the embodiment of automaton, robot and artificial intelligence. Secondly, as an ethical intervention in technological achievements, it calls into question the pretext of progress and priority. Thirdly, as a minority criticism, it challenges the ruse of white-male domination in the realm of magic and science. In order to make visible the hidden mechanism behind the A.I. and android embodiments, I attempt to connect Jentsch’s and Freud’s old notion of the uncanny with the new concept of the creepy in the New Media. Given these theoretical intersections, I examine the curious conditions of the machine becoming able to see, which range from Moth and Bedbug, Elmer and Elsie, Shaky and Herbert to the fictional HAL 9000 and T-800. Making a case for the machine becoming (un)able to think, I look into both the inside and outside of Kempelen’s Chess-Player, Deep Blue and AlphaGo. Finally, discussing whether or not some androids have crossed the Uncanny Valley and why they can’t cross it, I argue for the highly complex embodiment of androids who dream of a relief in the morning.

      • KCI등재

        인종과 유전: 게놈 시대에 은폐된 인종의 자리

        김준년(Junyon Kim) 한국아메리카학회 2017 美國學論集 Vol.49 No.3

        This essay concerns itself with the insidious return of race in the post-racial era of America. Perhaps most insidious is the way in which the vestigial remains of race come back in the field of health and medicine after the Human Genome Project is completed. Ironically, by redefining race as a biological category written in the genome, biotechnologies have undermined not only the scientific manifesto that human beings are 99.9 percent the same but also a hopeful anticipation that race may not be identified in our genes. Given such circumstances, I attempt to investigate how race is reappropriated in genetics, pharmacogenomics, and DNA-related biotechnology. For this purpose, I look carefully into the birth of BiDil which was approved as the first “race-specific” drug by the FDA in 2005. Conceding that BiDil was legally and commercially constructed as a “race-specific” drug, I come up with the three reasons of why BiDil did not end up in a total fiasco. Then drawing on Michel Foucault’s conceptualization of noso-politics and bio-politics, I elaborate on the discourse of race and public health, which should be reconfigurated in the context of biocitizenship.

      • KCI등재

        국경의 틈새에서 "명백한 운명"을 욕망한 희생양과 사생아 -코맥 매카시의『핏빛 자오선』다시 읽기

        김준년 ( Jun Yon Kim ) 한국영어영문학회 2011 영어 영문학 Vol.57 No.4

        Cormac McCarthy`s Blood Meridian (and the Border Trilogy) can be used as a touchstone with which the limit of American literature is tested. For his text is particularly significant in the sense that its language mixes English with Spanish; its characterization confronts Americans with non-Americans; and its narrative structure traverses the geographical and symbolic borderlands between America and Mexico. In this sense, his novels deserve to be reexamined under the rubric of Chicano/a Studies, Hemispheric American Studies, transnationalism, etc. Rereading McCarthy`s Blood Meridian, this paper attempts to rethink its historical complexity in relation to Manifest Destiny, focusing on the border-crossing motifs of filibustering and scalphunting. For this purpose, I pay due and careful attention to the ways in which the ideology of Manifest Destiny was created, circulated, and manipulated among the 19th century American expansionists and border-crossing agents. Of course, my discussion does not omit the significance of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands in the contemporary Chicano/a Studies and Hemispheric American Studies. In these historical and interdisciplinary contexts, I investigate how the 19th century filibusters like Captain Smith and his followers fall prey to the imperial practice of Manifest Destiny. I would also interrogate whether and how the Glanton Gang`s scalp trade is involved in the capitalist desire of Manifest Destiny.

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