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      • 학술논문 : 특집논문: 한국과 중국 관계개선을 위한 지향점? ; 한,중 수교 20년과 양국의 군사관계 -평가와 전망을 중심으로-

        기세찬 ( Se Chan Ki ) 한국군사학회 2011 군사논단 Vol.65 No.-

        This study attempts to estimate the relations between Korea-China after the Korea-China amity and suggests the way of developments between Korea-China military relations. The relations between Korea-China has been growing throughout all the branches of politics, economics, cultures, and militaries over twenty years. But after 2008, the international situation around Korea-China became even worse due to the global financial crisis, deterioration of North Korea-U.S. relations, and impasse of South Korea-North Korea. As we have seen from the attack against the ROK corvette Cheonan and the shelling Yeonpyeong Island, the two countries failed to keep close contact to deal with those incidents and to sustain strong ties that had shaped since the beginning of the amity based on the growth of trades. Therefore, Korea-China relationship needs to develop not rhetoric but content. Although Both Korea and China have exposed differences over some problems, it is important to build two countries will be advanced to be more practical and cooperative relationship for the benefit of the two countries. To achieve this, the two countries have to have proper plans, preparations, and upgrade military relations beyond economics. We could say Korea-China military relations is a mutual exchange relationship. To develop the Korea-China relations at the practical level, we need to consider overall the relations between U.S.-China and North Korea-China that directly affect the Korea-China relations. We can`t establish the higher level relations, unless China adjusts China-North Korea alliance or the U.S. understands the development of Korea-China relations.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국민정부의 항일유격전에 관한 연구

        기세찬 ( Se Chan Ki ) 고려대학교 역사연구소(구 역사학연구회) 2014 사총 Vol.82 No.-

        1937년 7월 말 화북에서 대대적인 침공을 단행한 이래 일본군은 1938년 말까지 대부분의 전투에서 승리하여 중국 동남해 연안의 주요 도시들을 점령하였다. 중국 국민정부는 일본군의 공세한계점 도달과 전쟁 초기의 경험으로 통해 얻은 일본군과의 전력 격차 등을 감안하여 반격작전이나 정면대결보다는 유격전을 통한 일본군의 지속적인 소모로 전략방침을 바꾸었다. 이를 위해 국민정부는 군 편제를 조정하고, 유격전 전담 전구를 창설하는 등 나름대로 대일유격전 강화를 위해 고심하였다. 국민정부군의 유격부대는 지역별, 임무별로 매우 다양하게 구성되었는데, 대체로 정규유격군, 지방유격대, 특공계통유격대로 구분된다. 국민정부군의 유격전은 각 전구별로 독립적으로 실시되거나 또는 정규전과 유격전을 배합하는 형태를 실시되었다. 유격전 방법 면에서 중국공산당과 가장 큰 차이를 보이는 것은 중국공산당군이 관할 지역에서 습격이나 단순 폭파, 파괴 공작 등 주로 소규모 부대 들을 동원하여 항일유격전을 시행했다고 한다면, 국민정부군은 이러한 활동들과 더불어 대규모전역에서 정규전과 유격전을 배합하는 전술을 추구하였다는 것이다. 전쟁초기 1년 5개월간의 전투를 통해 국민정부군이 막대한 피해를 입었다면, 이후 살아남은 국민정부군은 항일유격전 등을 전개하여 일본군을 지속적으로 소모시키면서 국민정부를 붕괴시킨다는 일본의 전략을 수포로 만들었고, 최종적으로 전쟁의 승리를 가져오는데 큰 기여를 하였다. This study attempts to verify the reality of guerilla warfare and the contribution of won in the war through the study of strategies and the acting of the National Army during the Sino-Japanese war. After Japanese Army invaded China on July 7, 1937, Japan occupied the main cities in the south east of China. However Japan couldn``t achieved the goal of war that collapses or brings into submission of the National Army by decisive attack. Therefore Japan could not help changing their strategies from the lighting war strategy to the long-term war strategy. The Nationalist also shaped their war strategy against Japan. Their strategy was conducting a prolonged war. The Nationalist Government tried to strength the ability of the guerrilla warfare against Japan through the reformed guerrilla warfare forces. To conduct a widespread guerrilla warfare, First of all, the National Army trained officers and non-commissioned officers receiving the Chinese Communist Party``s help. Then following the outbreak of the Pacific War, the National Army trained the special forces to act guerrilla warfare with the U.K. and the U.S. The National guerrilla forces consist of the variety of units according to their missions and the responsible areas. In contrast with the Chinese Communist Party, one of the big differences guerrilla warfare way of the National Army is that while Chinese Communist Party Army have just conducted assailed, simple explosion, and subversive activities under the jurisdiction, whereas the National Army sought to the combination tactics with regular warfare and guerrilla warfare at the large campaigns as well as conducting the guerrilla warfare as like Chinese Communist Party Army. In conclusion, I can suggest that the guerrilla warfare of National Army is the main fighting way. They performed well the War of Resistance regardless of poor that they had.

      • KCI등재

        인도-버마전역과 중국원정군

        기세찬(Ki, Se-chan) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2013 군사 Vol.- No.88

        After the outbreak of the Pacific war, the military alliance was formed among the U.S, China and the U.K. However, the three countries imposed different strategic purposes. As a result, due to strategic differences to counter Japan among those countries and the appointment of Stilwell caused the total defeat of the allied power at Burma less than two months of their engagement against Japan. After 1943 when the war started to turn in favor of the allied forces through the Europe and the Pacific, the U.S., China, and the U.K. made a final decisions that was to concentrate its power on Germany first, and then on Japan. Meanwhile, the initiation and the training of Chinese expeditionary forces, X and Y forces for the allied forces’counterattack in the Southeast Asia, progressed rather quickly under the command of General Stilwell. The formation of X force was superior to any of the Chinese troops in terms of the quality and quantity. The troop’s combat power was comparable to that of Japan and it was to be used as the main force for the counter attack in Burma. The counter operation in Northern Burma started in December 1943 and ended in victories by using Y force as main force in support of X force in January 27,1945. However, the prior strategic focus on Europe by the U.S. and the U.K. and the Northern Burma operation yielded a serious consequence. Due to the Japan’s No. 1 operation, China lost most of its eastern territory and the Chines force was on the verge of collapse. When the Japanese main troops attacked the Chinesemainl and, the China’s most powerful troops were fighting in Burma. It was no doubt that the Teheran agreement of Europe centric strategy made the war in Europe to end more quickly. However, this strategy eventually caused a great disaster in Northeast Asia. In North Eastern Asia ,the Soviet Union could expand its influence in Manchuria while the three countries focused their efforts on Burma. This caused a decisive impact on the Chinese civil war after the war ended.

      • KCI등재

        북한급변사태 대비 국방전략 발전방향

        기세찬 ( Se Chan Ki ) 국방대학교 안보문제연구소 2015 국방연구 Vol.58 No.2

        단기적으로 북한급변사태 발생 가능성은 낮다고 볼 수 있지만, 중장기적으로는 북한 체제의 취약한 구조상 내외부적인 큰 충격이 가해진다면 언제라도 발생할 여지는 남아있다. 그러나 북한급변사태가 발생하더라도 국제사회나 한국이 곧바로 개입할 상황은 되지 못할 것이다. 북한에서 급변사태가 발생하더라도 우선은 최대한 외교적 노력과 국제적 협력을 선행하고 불가피한 상황 하에서 정당한 명분을 가지고 개입이 이루어져야할 것이다. 북한급변사태를 대비해 한국의 국방전략을 발전시키는데 있어서 가장 중요한 요소는 중국군의 개입여부이다. 중국은 북한을 자국의 핵심적 이익으로 보고 있기 때문에 북한지역이 중국에게 적대적인 세력의 영향권 아래로 편입되는 것을 원치 않을 것이다. 따라서 한국은 무리한 개입보다는 국제적인 개입 명분을 확보한 상태에서 개입하는 것이 바람직하며, 이때에도 군사개입의 목표와 규모, 범위를 분명히 하여 불필요한 주변국의 오해를 불러일으키지 말아야 할 것이다. 단, 북한이 중국의 일방적 영향력 하에 들어가도록 내버려 두어서도 안 될 것이며, 정치적·외교적 노력과 함께 주변국의 군사개입을 방지하고 유사시 즉각 활동할 수 있는 한국군 단독의 다양한 군사적 역량을 갖추어 나가야 할 것이다. This study focuses on the imminent collapse in North Korea and the National Defense Strategy of the Republic of Korea (ROK). Whether North Korea``s rapid change would settle down in early stage or expand further, the ultimate goal of the ROK. lies on the establishment of the unified government. In order to achieve this goal, the Korean government must take a careful examination on North Korea``s sudden change in situation. During the early stage of the North Korea``s imminent collapse situation, Korea should prevent from alluding absorption unification. Instead of a direct involvement policy, the Korea government should approach the situation indirectly in order to establish a security, an anticipated intended goal. However, in case the rapid change in North Korea expand further, the direct involvement of Korean government is necessary to create a unified Korean government. In order to respond efficiently to North Korea``s imminent collapse, the most important factor is the Chinese military intervention. The Chinese Government does not want that the North Korea would be controlled under a antagonistic powers. Accordingly the Korean government will need to seek a proper intervention cause and avoid a imprudent intervention. Once the ROK army will intervene in the North Korea``s imminent collapse, the Korean government has to explain clearly a objective, scale and range of the intervention in order to prevent unnecessary misunderstanding of the neighboring countries. The Korean government also should employ a various spectrum of military capabilities.

      • KCI등재

        中日戰爭 中期(1939~1941) 國民政府의 抗戰戰略과 實踐

        기세찬(Ki Se-Chan) 호서사학회 2010 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.56

        This study attempts to investigate the strategies and tactics of the Nationalist Army during the second phase of the Sino-Japanese War. The focus of th study is how the Nationalist changed their war policy and conducted military reform and rearmament after the war was prolonged. At the same time this paper presents how the Nationalist Army conducted their military operations against Japanese. The First Nanyue Military Conference, coming in the wake of fifteen months of defeats and the loss of the economic, cultural, and political center of China was especially significant. Through this conference, Chiang Kaishek stated that the second phase of war is the time to prepare a counter attack. After this conference, the Nationalist Military Council simplified the military command system, unified the military organization, and merged belonged to local clique's army. Their conductions shaped the back of conducting a prolonged war. The Nationalist Army's operations consisted of three stages. The first phase is the stage of defense in depth operation from the fall of Wuhan and Canton to November 1939. The second phase is the stage of counter offensive operation from December 1939 to January 1940. The final is the stage of mobile defensive operation after the winter offensive until the outbreak the Pacific War. In conclusion, I can suggest that the Nationalist performed well the War of Resistance regardless of poor that they had. As a result, the second phase of the Nationalist tactics can be as flexible and comprehensive rather than passive. However, their counter attack and pursuit operations had not gone to plan. It derived from their lack of mobile ability, heavy artillery, and airforce.

      • 태평양전쟁(太平洋戰爭) 초기 연합국(聯合國)의 동맹전략(同盟戰略)과 대일작전(對日作戰)

        기세찬 ( Se Chan Ki ) 고려대학교 역사연구소 2011 사총 Vol.72 No.-

        This study attempts to explore the allied strategy of the Nationalists through analyzing strategy intention and campaigns during the early Pacific War. The Nationalists suggested military alliance to the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union since the Pacific war broke out. As a result, China, the US, and Britain signed a military alliance treaty, then the allied powers agreed to make a combined force and defend Burma. However, the profits of the three countries toward defending Burma were different. To sign a military alliance treaty with the US and Britain, and to match for Japan, China firstly suggested to send a Chinese forces to Burma. However, Britain rejected entering the Chinese forces to Burma. Because Britain worried about Chinese suzerainty on Burma. The US participated actively the combined conference of three countries due to the public opinion. However the US didn`t want to send the US forces to South-East Asia. The US attached move important to European theater. Therefore, the US appointed General Stillwell who had no experience of commanding large units to the chief of staffs of the US in Chinese theater and the commander of China-US combined forces instead of General Drum who had insisted on sending the US troops to Burma. Therefore, the US intention of sending General Stilwell to Burma was not from military purpose but from political symbolism. Different strategies against Japan of the three allied countries imposed negative influence on operations. Chinese forces gained a great victory at the third Changsha campaign against Japanese forces, in contrast to Allied forces failed in Burma. The main important factor that caused different results, a victory in Changsha and lost in Burma, was different adoption of strategy against Japan. The Chinese commanders sought to re-encircle Japanese troops, when the Japanese main troops encircle and attack final objectives. The Chinese high rank officers became to understand Japanese tactics over four years struggle against Japanese forces. However, British and the US military officers couldn`t get chances to learn about Japanese tactics. In conclusion, different thoughts among commanders of Allied Powers caused failures of defending Burma and success of defending China proper. It is true that the US played a pivotal role in the Allied victory in Sino-Japanese War. However, the Chinese forces contributed to the victory significantly, as this paper reveals. The Chinese forces succeeded in defending their homeland without the US troops in their side at the beginning of the Pacific War. In this cause, the role of the Chine forces and it`s strategies and tactics need re-evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        남경국민정부의 국방건설 재검토(1928-1937)

        奇世璨(Ki Se-Chan) 중국근현대사학회 2010 중국근현대사연구 Vol.46 No.-

        This essay has tried to verify a plan and the result of the Nationalist in preparing for an anti-Japanese war through a study of Chinese defense construction before the Sino-Japanese war. First, I studied the military strategies of the Nationalist when threatened by the Japanese in the 1930's. Next, I analyzed three dimensions of the defense construction: army reform and strength of war potential, military education and training, and construction of strategies rear base. First of all, this essay shows that while the Nationalist did negotiation police with japan according to the ‘first pacify the country, then resist foreign enemies’ policy after the Manchuria Incident, the Nationalists were also prepared for war against Japan. The Nationalist military had already devised a definite strategy against Japan by the mid 1930's. The Nationalist army staff headquarters had two types of operation plans; one in case of Japanese war with Chinese and the second in case of war with the United States or the Soviet Union. Essentially, these plans give shape to ‘prolonged strategy’ toward Japan, they also made another offensive plan after the success of the early defense phase. Though the Nationalist planned a ‘prolonged strategy’ against the Japanese, they first of all needed a centralized army and the strength for a potential war. First in the organization of military structure, Nationalist, after the 1932 Shanghai Incident, reestablished Military Affair Conference and pushed ahead the centralization of military organization, established Military Defense Conference and took charge of defense work. This system gave rise to an effect of war time command control. The Nationalist originally planned sixty central divisions reorganized into a standing army and sixty province divisions reorganized into a reserve army. Though the provincial army never came into being as a relief from war, the central army accomplished a total of thirty divisions. This reorganized central army is fashioned after the Germany army as a result of the influence of a German adviser group. The construction of the Navy was unable to be pushed ahead due to a shortage of finance, but the Nationalist gave considerable effort to structuring the Air Force. The Nationalist considered the education of the military office to be of great importance. There were phrase in the education of a Nationalist military officer: central officer middle school, branch school, and an army college. This education resulted in getting out of the private war lord period and establishing a western style army. Also, this essay has focused on civilian military training of the Nationalist for an anti-Japanese war. This military training was accomplished in three parts: military school training, social military, and physical education. This training gave the Nationalist the opportunity to mobilize their people and take part in the war. Without war industries and rear base, it would not be possible to implement the war strategies because of China's long-term goals. So, the Nationalist expanded and improved upon their munition factories while upgrading their war industry factories. They also prepared for long-term war by constructing some rear bases around Sichuan. At the time of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the military reforms begun 1935 required at least a further three years to complete. The basis had been laid for a domestic arms industry, but factories had not yet begun actual production. Arms shipments from Germany had begun to arrive, but Nationalists armies had not much opportunity to train with them and most delivers were yet to come. Although the military power of China was inferior to Japanese, but it would be no doubt that the defense structure of Nationalists improved the warfare ability of Nationalists army.

      • KCI등재

        전국시대의 전쟁양상과 그 군사사상

        기세찬 ( Ki Se-chan ) 국방대학교 안보문제연구소 2017 국방연구 Vol.60 No.3

        중국의 전국시대는 전쟁형태의 변화라는 전대미문의 변화를 겪었다. 전쟁의 주요 목적이 성과 땅을 빼앗는 것에서 영토의 확대로 바뀌었고, 소국 겸병이 거의 완료됨에 따라 강국 간의 합종과 연횡이라는 복잡한 국제 정세가 출현했다. 이러한 전국시대의 전쟁양상 변화는 사회 전반에 걸쳐 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. 전국시대의 전국칠웅은 부국강병을 목표로 나름대로 개혁정치를 펼쳐나갔으며, 개혁정치를 지속적으로 강력하게 시행한 국가는 번영의 길로 나아갔고, 그렇지 않은 국가는 쇠퇴의 길로 들어섰다. 전국시대의 주요 병서인 『오자』와 『손빈병법』은 급변하는 전국시대의 전쟁양상의 모습을 그대로 반영하고 있다. 『오자』는 전쟁의 원인과 성격을 분석하면서 복잡하게 전개되는 전쟁의 모습을 체계적으로 분류·정리하려 했고, 『손빈병법』은 반전론자들을 비판하면서 전쟁을 사회의 안정을 유지하는 필연적인 현상으로 이해했다. 출토문헌인 『은작산한간』과 『마왕퇴한묘백서』에 전국시대의 전쟁은 이미 ‘병서’가 독점적으로 논의할 문제가 아니라 정치사상에서 가장 중요한 논의의 대상이 되었다. 이 문헌들에는 군사력의 적극적인 사용을 권장하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 이상적인 왕의 모습은 유가적 ‘王者’가 아니라 무력행사를 전제로 한 ‘覇者’였다. 그리고 이러한 패자를 만드는 것이 군사력의 증강과 전쟁의 승리에 있다고 한 점은 부국강병책에 의거해 전국의 시대를 끝내고자 했던 상앙의 변법을 연상케 한다. This study attempts to explore the patterns of warfare and military thought in Warring States Period (453-221 B.C.). The Warring States Period of China had experienced an unprecedented change of the form of warfare. The main goal of warfare changed from taking land and castle to expanding territory. The complicated international situation which was called ‘he zong lian heng(合從連衡) appeared, as the annex of small countries had been almost completed. This change of the pattern of warfare in the Warring States Period had a great impact on the entire society. The Seven Warring Sates initiated their own reformative politics with the goal of achieving national prosperity and enhancing military power. The countries which continually and strongly executed their reformative politics had maintained their prosperity for a long time, while the others which did not had fallen into decline. The ‘Wu-zi’ and ‘Sun Bin’s Art of War,’ the Warring States Period’s main art of war, reflected the pattern of warfare of the Warring States Period. The ‘Wu-zi’ tried to systematically classify the form of complicated warfare, and analyze the cause and nature of warfare. The ‘Sun Bin’s Art of War’ criticized anti-war activists and regarded warfare as the inevitable series of incidents to maintain social stability. In the excavated literatures ‘yin que shan zhu jian(銀雀山漢簡)』’ and ‘ma wang dui han mu bo shu(馬王堆漢墓帛書)’, the warfare in the Warring States Period had already become the issue that was discussed not only in ‘bing shu(兵書),’ but also in political thought. The literatures not only encourage the active use of military power, but also writes that the form of ideal king is not confucian ‘wang-zhe(王者)’ but ‘bai-zhe(覇者)’ based on the use of armed force. In conclusion, the military thought of the Warring States Period also considers the national governing principle as a way to organize and develop the system of state for military victory beyond the simple military issue.

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