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        국적법 제도 속에 나타난 '독일국민'의 법적 개념 변화

        권형진 한국독일사학회 2017 독일연구 Vol.- No.35

        Since the birth of the German Empire, a modern nation-state in 1871, Germans have had to experience many changes in the nationality laws that determine their national identity. After the defeat of the First World War German people, who were a subject of the empire, became sovereigns in the Weimar republic. Through the experience of the dictatorship of the Nazi regime and another defeat (of the Second World War), and a process of division and reunification over 40 years, Germany, and the German people had to experience tremendous changes, both arbitrarily and exclusively. The identity of the Germans has, of course, been constantly forced to change in the times. The qualifications of the people based on the concept of the nation-state, which was dominant in the era of the nationalism, must change according to the changes of the times. Therefore, it is historically very important to trace changes in nationality laws that institutionalize various needs of each age. It is the purpose of this paper to study how the German nationality law changed after the birth of the German empire in 1871, and what differentiating characteristics of the nationality system created by each age. This will enable us to systematically explain and understand changes in the concept of people in the german history. At the time of unification to the German empire, each independent federal state with its individual nationality left a deep trail in the German nationality law history. The Law on the Acquisition and Loss of Confederative and State Citizenship of 1870 was the first unified nationality law applied to the federal states in the German region. After the birth of the German Empire in 1871, this law was extended to the newly included states of the southern Germany region, naturally expanding the scope of its legal effect and functioning as the official nationality law of the German empire. In 1913, however, the law of nationality of the German empire was officially made by Nationality Law of the German Empire and States. This law was based on the idea of ​​‘territorialist Jus sanguini’' in the age of imperialism. The Zeit Geist of imperialism, which was emphasized in the Law of 1913, was transformed into a pure-blooded, centralized nationalist character of nationality law system at the Nazi time after the Weimar period. However, the racist nationality law of the Nazi regime did not last very long. In the era of the Cold War, the divided reality of Germany forced the two nations and the people, and so time passed and Germany became reunified. 1871년 근대적인 국민국가인 독일제국의 탄생 이후 독일인들은 자신의 국가적 정체성을 결정짓는 국적법 상 많은 변화를 경험해야 했다. 제국의 신민에서 1차 대전의 패전으로 국민이 주권자가 된 바이마르 공화국을 거쳐 나치정권의 독재경험을 거쳐 또 한 번의 패전, 그리고 40여 년의 분단과 재통일의 과정을 거치며 채 150년이 안된 국민국가 독일은, 그리고 독일국민은 자의적으로든 타의적으로든 엄청난 변화를 경험해야 했다. 독일인이라는 정체성은 당연히 끊임없이 시대적 환경에 변화를 강요당했고 현재도 그렇다. 국민국가가 탄생하던 시대에 지배적이었던 민족개념을 기반으로 한 국민의 자격요건은 시대의 변화에 따라 바뀌어야 한다. 이러한 다양한 시대적 요구를 제도적으로 담아내고 있는 국적법의 변화를 추적하는 것은 역사적으로 매우 중요하다. 1871년 독일제국의 탄생 이후 독일의 국적법이 어떻게 변화했는지, 각각의 시대가 만들어낸 국적법 체계의 차별적인 특징은 무엇인지를 추적하는 것이 본 논문의 목적이다. 이를 통해 독일사에서 국민개념의 변화를 제도적으로 설명하고 이해할 수 있을 것이다. 독일제국으로의 통일 당시 각각의 독립적인 연방국가들이 개별적으로 국적을 가지고 있던 최초의 모습은 이후 독일의 국적법 제도에 깊은 궤적을 남겼다. 1870년의 ‘연방 및 연방국가 국적의 획득과 상실에 관한 법(연방국적법)’은 독일 지역 내의 연방국가들에 대해 적용된 최초의 통일된 국적법이었다. 이 연방국적법은 1871년 독일제국의 탄생과 함께 새롭게 포함된 남부독일지역의 국가들에 대해 확대 적용되면서 그 법적 효력의 영역을 자연스럽게 확장시키며, 독일제국의 공식적인 국적법으로 작동했다. 그러나 1913년 ‘제국 및 연방국가 국적법(제국국적법)’으로 독일제국의 국적법이 공식적으로 만들어진다. 이 제국국적법은 동시대를 지배하고 있던 제국주의에 기초한 ‘영토주의적 혈통주의’라는 사상 위에 만들어진 것이었다. 제국국적법에서 강조되었던 제국주의 시대정신은 1차 대전의 패전으로 그 흔적만을 간직한 채 바이마르 시기를 넘기고 나치의 집권으로 순혈주의적 중앙집권적인 국적법체계로 바뀌었다. 그러나 나치의 인종주의적인 국적법도 그리 오래 가지 못했다. 냉전 시기를 거치며 분단현실은 어쩔 수 없이 두 개의 국가와 국민을 강제했고, 그렇게 또 시간이 흘러 통일을 맞았다. 그렇다고 통일이 된 1990년에도 새로운 통일국가의 국적법을 만들 수 없었다. 지난 과거의 흔적들을 추스르고서야 새로운 국적법 체계를 만들어 낼 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        경제대공황기 브라운스 위원회(Brauns-Kommission) 활동에 대한 역사적 평가

        권형진 한국서양사연구회 2009 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.41

        The Great Depression that began in 1929 had a fatal effect on the Weimar Republic. The twenty-six-month-long tenure of Heinrich Brüning's Cabinet, which came into power in 1930 amidst rapidly rising unemployment, was a decisive moment in the fate of the Weimar Republic. However, the Brüning government's policies, which exhibited authoritarian practices through presidential rights of emergency, resulted in a failure. This paper is about the deflation policies of the Brüning government, which declared in 1930 that the "most urgent task of my policies is the reform of state finances" (die Sanierung der Finanzen als das Dringendste seiner Politik). The aim is to refute the thesis of Knut Borchardt, that the Brüning government had no choice but to choose the policy of deflation. In particular, by analyzing the activities and reports of the Brauns Commission, formed at a point when the failures of Brüning government's "dual policy" became apparent, I examine whether or not the Brüning government had an intention of creating jobs though the policy of financial deficit. The analysis of and solution to the economic situation of the period, as found in three reports of the Brauns Commission, are as follows. The first report recognizes economic situation of the period, especially the rapid rise of unemployment, and proposes the implementation of measures that can indirectly result in employment. A few examples are the creation of jobs by reducing the weekly work time from 48 hours to 40 hours and the ban on dual labor. The second report investigates in detail job-creating measures in various sectors but makes no suggestion on how to secure the needed budget. The third report examines various ways to resolve the finance problems of unemployment insurance, made difficult by the rise of unemployment. However, by analyzing the reports of the Brauns Commission, we cannot help but to doubt that the Commission fully recognized the economic situation of the period and adequately examined the possibilities. This leads us to ask whether the Brauns Commission was created to evade the political attacks faced by the Brüning Government confronted with a difficult economic situation. 4~6 months were thus wasted in the name of economic recovery. Along with the "size of the budget," a critical element in the success of job creation through public projects is "timing." Key words: Great depression, Heinrich Brüning, Dual policy, Brauns commission, Job creation policy

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Nucleotide Sequence and Analysis of the Genes for Type II Polyketide Synthase Isolated from Streptomyes albus

        권형진,진형종,김수언,이계준,서주원 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 1995 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Streptomyces albus wild type ATCC 21838 produced salinomycin, polyether antibiotic. To clone genes related salinomycin production, a genomic library was screened using actI as a DNA hybridization probe. pWHM 210 was isolated, which contained an approximately 24 kb of insert DNA. A 3.8 kb region in the 24 kb insert DNA was hybridized to actI and the nucleotide sequence of this region was determinied. Two open reading frames found in the same direction were homologous to genes for $\beta$-keto acyl synthase/acyl transferase and chain length determining factor in type II PKS (polyketide synthase). The genes were components of minimal type II PKS genes, highly conserved and showed the strong simiarity to other type II PKS genes known today.

      • KCI등재

        현대식 상업포경의 확대와 나치 독일의 남극해 포경

        권형진 한국독일사학회 2019 독일연구 Vol.- No.41

        In 1873 Germany gave up the arctic whaling. Since then, the norwegian and the english whaling industries with advancing modern commercial whaling technology have caught whales from all over the oceans. During the First World War, whale oil became an important raw material of edible fats as well as of nitroglycerin. In particular, whale oil has been the most important raw material of margarine production. Thanks to the cheap price of whale oil, Margarine has become an important source of fat for the Germans. Until the Great Depression, Germany was a major fat importer on the european whale oil market, but suffered from chronic shortages of fats. Despite the Nazi regime's policy of expanding food self-sufficiency and armament, German food problems were not resolved. The autarky policy of food was ineffective due to the military expansion priority policy. Above all, the german self-sufficiency rate of fats in the early nazi times was just over 50%. Focusing on the German margarine industry, which relyed entirely on norwegian whale oil imports, antarctic whaling fleets were launched for the purpose of securing minimal foreign currency and independent whale oil supply. From 1936 to 1939, Germany with her seven antarctic whaling fleets became the world's fourth largest whaling nation after Norway, Great Britain and Japan. But nazi german antarctic whaling was broken off in the wake of the outbreak of World War II and ended finally with the defeat of the war. Nazi German plan for the saving of foreign currency and self-sufficiency of fats through the antarctic whaling failed, but modern commercial whaling in the antarctic, which was full-fledged by Nazi Germany in the late 1930s, was followed after the second world war by countries such as Japan, Norway, the UK, the Netherlands, and the Soviet Union. Further expanded by them. And whales in the antarctic sea were overfished until they became a globally endangered species. Commercial whaling has been banned worldwide since the late 1980s, but Norway, Iceland and Japan have recently resumed commercial whaling. 1873년 독일은 북극해에서의 포경을 포기했다. 이후 포경산업은 노르웨이와 영국이 현대식 상업포경 기술을 발전시키면서 전 세계의 바다에서 고래를 잡아들였다. 1차 세계대전 기간 동안 고래 기름은 니트로글리세린의 원료로서 뿐만 아니라 중요한 지방공급원으로 자리 잡았다. 특히 고래 기름은 가장 중요한 마가린 생산원료로 이용되었다. 저렴한 고래유를 원료로 생산된 마가린은 독일인들의 중요한 지방공급원으로 자리 잡게 된다. 대공황 이전까지 독일은 가장 많은 고래유를 수입해 마가린을 생산하는 국가가 되었지만, 고질적인 지방부족에 시달리고 있었다. 식량의 자급자족과 군비확장을 목표로 하는 나치정권의 정책에도 불구하고 독일인들의 식량문제는 해결되지 못했다. 군비확장 우선정책에 밀려 식량의 자급자족 정책은 실효를 거둘 수 없었다. 무엇보다도 지방의 자급률은 50% 선을 겨우 넘기는 수준이었다. 노르웨이의 고래유 수입에 전적으로 의존하고 있던 독일 마가린 산업을 중심으로 외환절약과 독자적인 고래유 공급을 확보할 목적으로 남극해 포경선단을 만들어 본격적인 현대식 상업포경을 시작했다. 1936년부터 1939년까지 독일은 7개의 남극해 포경선단을 만들어 노르웨이, 영국, 일본과 함께 세계 4대 포경국가가 되었다. 2차 세계대전의 발발로 중단된 나치 독일의 남극해 포경은 패전과 함께 종말을 고하고 말았다. 나치 독일의 남극해 포경이 목적했던 외환절약이나 지방의 자급자족은 실패하고 말았지만, 1930년대 말 나치 독일에 의해 본격화된 남극해에서의 현대식 상업포경은 전후 일본, 노르웨이, 영국, 네덜란드, 소련 등과 같은 국가들에 의해 더욱 확대되었다. 그리고 남극해의 고래는 멸종위기종이 될 때까지 남획되었다. 1980년대 말부터 세계적으로 포경이 금지되었지만 여전히 노르웨이와 아이슬란드, 그리고 최근에 일본이 상업포경을 재개했다.

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