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      • KCI등재

        풀이씨 성조 연구

        구현옥 한글학회 2004 한글 Vol.- No.265

        This paper is based on several surface tones are derived from underlying tone by two or three rules. It studied about tone alteration when one syllable-verb connects with ending suffix in Haman dialect. The underlying tone of ‘ssikkeut’ called binding-form can be given when it is followed by the tone /H/. One syllable- ssikkeut, most of, has /M/, and more than one syllable has /HM1/ or /M2/ but it has /M2/ when it begins ‘으’ or ‘아/어’. The reason its tone /M1/ is that it is placed under first position and that position makes /M/ and /L/ to /M/ by neutralization rule. The verb is divided into two kinds by tone alteration. One is that it remains originated tone always regardless ending suffix, and another is that high and low tone change into another tone depend on ending suffix. 1. The alteration of the tone /H/ following that: 1) The tone of verb stem realizes /M/ when it is placed with ‘-아서, -ㅂ미더(ㅂ니다)/-니더, 니이더, -ㅂ미꺼(ㅂ니까)/-니껴, -더나/-드나, 다아, -는갑다(는가보다)/-는겟다, -는가베(는가봐)/-는게나, -시이소(십시오)/-이소, -거나, -ㅂ시더(ㅂ시다), -거마는’. 2) When ssikkeuts like ‘-ㄹ라모(으려면)/-ㄹ라마, -ㄹ래, -ㄹ라꼬(으려고)’ are followed it is changed into /L/. 3) When the stem ended with ‘오/우’ is connected ‘아/어’, only vowel assimilation is realized and the tone of that is changed into /M/. 4) It realizes /HM1/ or /M2/ optionly with ‘으X, -도록, -기로서(기로서니)’. 2. The alteration of the tone /L/ is somewhat simple than in case of the tone /H/. That is to say, the tone of stem ended with consonants remains as it is and that ended with vowel changes into /H/. 풀이씨는 이어나는 씨끝에 관계없이 일정하게 원래의 성조가 유지되는 경우와 씨끝에 따라 원래의 성조를 유지하지 못하는 경우로 분류된다. /M/형 풀이씨는 씨끝 바꿈에 관계없이 모두 원래의 성조가 유지되나 /H/형은 소수의 경우 성조 변동이 일어나고 /L/형은 대부분 성조가 변동된다. 변동 /H/형 풀이씨 줄기는 성조가 /M/과 /L/로 변동되고 특히 ‘-으X’형 씨끝과 이어날 때 /HM1/~/M2/으로 수의적으로 실현되는데 이런 현상은 점차 확산되고 있다. 변동 /L/형 풀이씨는 /H/보다 성조 변동이 간단하여 닿소리로 시작되는 씨끝이 이어날 때는 줄기의 성조가 그대로 유지되고 홀소리로 시작되는 씨끝이 이어날 때는 /H/로 변동된다.

      • KCI등재

        함안 방언 월성조 연구

        구현옥 한글학회 2013 한글 Vol.- No.299

        이 연구는 함안 방언에서 월 속에서 정보 초점과 관련된 어절 성조형들의 결합 양상을 기술하는 것이 목적이다. 월 속에서 성조는 말할이가 전달하거나 물어 보려는 내용을 가진 어절 또는 어절의 일부분을 표시하는 정보 초점 기능을 하고 있다. 따라서 특정 어절에 초점이 놓이면서 이어나는 어절이 강조되지 않을 때 두 어절은 결합되고 가운데 놓여있던 휴지(pause)는 사라지게 된다. 그리고 초점 낱말과 비초점 낱말의 성조형 결합은 초점 낱말의 뒤쪽으로만 작용한다. 설명 의문문에서는 /H/형 의문사로 시작되는 어절의 경우에 의문사 뒤에 오는 모든 성조형들은 의문사의 성조형과 결합되어 /H1/ 성조형으로 나타난다. /H/형 의문사가 어디에 위치하든 그것은 정보 초점이 되고 그것을 중심으로 성조 결합이 일어난다. 이렇게 도출된 성조형이 3음절 이상이면 끝 음절이 필수적으로 /M/로 변한다. 뒤따르는 성조를 /H1/로 바꾸는 현상은 부정사 ‘안(/H/)’이 있는 월에서도 확인할 수 있다. ‘안’은 고립해서 쓰이는 경우는 없고 말할이가 물으려고 의도하는 정보의 초점이 되어 이어지는 어절과 결합하여 하나의 음운론적 낱말을 형성한다. 이 때 직접 뒤따르는 어절과는 반드시 성조 결합만 일어나지만 그 다음 어절부터는 성조형의 결합이 일어날 것이냐, 음조형의 약화가 일어날 것이냐는 임의적이다. This paper investigated the patterns of tonal phrase formation correlation with focus on the sentence of Haman dialect. Interrogative with /H/ tone and Negative sentence mark ‘an(안)’ have focus on the sentence so that they can neutralize the following unfocused tonal phrase. Tonal phrase of interrogative with /H/ tone type neutralizes following all unfocused phrase to /H1/ on the interrogative sentence. Then, the last syllable is changed as /M/tone when the neutralized tonal phrase is more than three syllables. Tonal phrase of Negative sentence with ‘an(안)’ neutralizes the next phrase to /H1/, but after phrase is optional either tone pattern-combination or tone weakening. The tone pattern /H1/ on the interrogative with /H/ tone and ‘an(안)’ is due to the purpose of emphasizing. The tone type /H1/ on the above two sentences simplify tone pattern and decrease competence of tone in this dialect. It means the tone in this dialect is undergoing a change.

      • KCI등재

        40대 화자의 음운 현상에 대한 사회방언학적 연구—함안 지역어를 대상으로—

        구현옥 한글학회 2020 한글 Vol.- No.328

        This study analyzed phonological phenomena social dialectologically expressed by speakers in their 40s living in Haman County, Gyeongsangnamdo Province, South Korea. They were classified into subgroups according to social factors. A minority of public officials and those in commercial occupations exhibited differences in their pronunciation of /ㅔ,ㅐ/ when speaking carefully and reading word lists. However, this result was a product of the intentional efforts they made to distinguish between the phonemes given the formality of the situation and due to the influence of education. The pronunciation of /ㅡ,ㅓ/ varied by speaker, but speakers distinguished between them in every environment and women exhibited a higher level of discrimination in their pronunciation, so it is expected to spread further. Pronunciation of the paired final consonants /ㄺ, ㄼ/ in the western region of Haman County is distinctly changing in a way that is preserving the pronunciation of /ㄹ/, which is the opposite of the nationwide trend for this age group. This phenomena is manifested in the Haman County accents of young people losing the transition zone, facilitating the spread of linguistic phenomena throughout the population. The unification in the pronunciation of /ㄹ/ was influenced by the countrywide trend which was led by those in commercial occupations and high school graduates. It is likely that this trend will spread further. Nonetheless, the higher rate at which speakers in the western region of Haman County drop /ㄹ/ than speakers in the eastern region suggests that local characteristics have not completely disappeared. /ㅔ, ㅐ/는 소리가 이어나는 대화나 단락 읽기 환경에서는 변별되지 않고 간접 질문이나 낱말 읽기에서 소수의 제보자의 발음에 부분적으로 차이가 있다. 하지만 격식적인 상황에서 두 음소를 변별하고자 하는 교육을 받은 제보자의 의도적인 노력이 반영된 부분이 있으며 공무원과 상업, 여성에게 보이는 현상이다. /ㅡ, ㅓ/는 화자에 따라 차이가 있지만 모든 발화 상황에서 변별된다. 표준발음을 주도하는 여성의 발음에서 변별이 높은 것으로 보아 앞으로 더 확산될 것이다. /ㄺ, ㄼ/ 겹받침이 서부 지역에서 노년층과 반대로 /ㄹ/을 유지하는 방향으로 바뀌고 있는 것이 두드러진 특징이다. 이 지역어가 젊은 층으로 갈수록 전이 지역 특징을 상실하고 언어 현상이 점점 공통화되고 있음을 보여준다. 개신의 중심에 고졸 상업 화자가 있고 앞으로도 확산될 것으로 본다. 그러함에도 /ㄹ/을 탈락하는 비율이 동부보다 서부에서 높다는 것은 지역적인 특징이 완전히 사라진 것이 아님을 보여준다. 이상의 음운 현상에서 학력 기준 고졸, 직업 기준 상업, 성별 기준 여성이 언어 사용에 민감하고 개신의 중심에 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        랫드에서 cyclophosphamide에 의해 유발된 흉선세포의 apoptosis

        구현옥,권창희,조준형,정상희,박신자,김윤배,양재만,이영순 한국독성학회 1997 Toxicological Research Vol.13 No.1

        Cyclophosphamide(25, 50 or 100 mg/kg), orally administered to male Sprague-Dawley rats, caused a time- and dose-dependent thymic atrophy. In the light microscopic examination of the atrophic thymus, thymocytes with condensed or fragmented nucleus were multifocally observed in the cortical region, started to increase 8 hr after CPA treatment and reached to the maximal level at 16 hr, although such cells were not seen after 48 hr when the severe depletion of thymocytes were marked. In agarose gel electrophoresis to analyze the DNA changes, DNA extracted from atrophic thymus showed a oligonucleosomal laddering at the corresponding time to morphological changes. In an additional supportive experiment, thymocytes showing morphological changes, nuclear condensation or apoptotic body, exhibited a positive reaction to immunoperoxidase staining using in situ apoptosis detection kit. Separately, agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA from bone .marrow cells was performed to investigate the involvement of bone marrow cells in the process of thymocyte apoptosis. Although DNA laddering was slightly increased 2 and 4 hr after treatment, no clear correlation was inferred. Taken togather, it is concluded that thymocytes showing morphological changes in thymic atrophy induced by cyclophosphamide administration represent an apoptosis having biochemical nature of programmed cell death.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • 화법 지도의 절차 모형 수립을 위한 연구

        구현옥 동아대학교 어학연구소 1998 언어와 언어교육 Vol.13 No.-

        AbstractThe goal of this paper to present an outline for teaching Speech Art, focusing on the practical aspects and guiding student participation.This is a general plan that will take place over a 14 week long semester. The goal of the first 4 weeks of class is to educate students about the necessity of Speech Art education, and to create an atmosphere in which students participate in class activities.From the 5th to the 8th week of class, the teacher explain about preparing and planing for a speech and instruct how to explain about something and express one's own thoughts logically.From the 9th to the 12th week, the teacher groups students together so they can work on improving their speech and communication skills. The teacher also gives instruction on such matters as debating techniques, or simply, how to carry on a normal dialogue with people.During the last 2 weeks of class, the teacher constructively criticizes speech and offers suggestions on how to improve their techniques and styles.As for listening skills, its more effective to teach them at the same time as speech communication is being taught. Let me give the following ideas as examples : Whenever a student finishes making a speech, tell the losteners to summarize the speech. Another idea also might be to let the students ask questions relevant to the topic of the speech, or to let them evaluate its content.The evaluation should be made in a way that makes total scores apparant to the teacher easily. Especially for the skill that need improvement, the teacher must refer to the evaluation easily track the student progress.

      • 음소첨가 현상에 대한 복선음운론적 접근 : 함안 지역어를 중심으로

        구현옥 동아대학교 어학연구소 1995 언어와 언어교육 Vol.10 No.-

        This paper examines fortition in morpheme strings and consonant in sertition in the Ham-an dialect. Fortition occurs in the Ham-an dialect in morpheme strings under the following conditions : first, when subordinate compounds have either of the following syntatic structure : ① ??, ② ??. and second, when subordinate compounds with the structure of ?? 로를)??, focus on ??. Fortition also occurs when a derivation with the structure of ?? results in that derivation's gaining word status. In addition, the Ham-an dialect preserves the stable syllable structure CVC by consonant insertion in the case of unstable syllables such as CVC + VC, CV + CVC, or CV + V.

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