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        시판 전통발효식품에 대한 대전지역 소비자들의 반응 및 구입현황

        구난숙 대한지역사회영양학회 1997 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.2 No.3

        A survey was conducted to investigate housewives' perception and consumption of Korean fermented foods marketed in Taejon. Most subjects know how to prepare Kimchi(seasoned and fermented vegetables), 65-67% can make Kochujang(fermented red pepper soybean paste), Toenjang(Korean style soysauce) and Jang-atchies(pickled basic side dishes), 56% can make Kuk-ganjang(Korean style coysauce), 45% can make Chonggukjang (fermented soybean) and 34% can make Jot-kals(salt-fermented fish products). With decreasing age(p<0.0001), not many other subjects could make other fermented foods besides Kimchi. The percentages of subjects buying fermented foods were 71.5% for Chin-ganjang(Japanese style soysauce), 51.7% Jot-kals, 27.1%Kochujang, 25.7% Chonggukjang, 20.1% Jang-atchies, 10.4% Toenjang, 5.9% Kuk-ganjang, and 3.8% Kimchi. the uounger in age, the higher the tendency to buy marketed Kimchies(p<0.05) and Kochujang(p<0.01). The resons for purchasing fermented foods were convenience (52.9%), lack of preparation knowledge(17.5%), lack of time for preparation(12.5%), and lack of space for food storage(8.2%). Subjects indicated that their reasons for mot buying were as follows : use of additives or unreliability with regard to manufacturing dates(45%), bad taste(21%), unsanitary treatment(16%) and to keep their indigenous taste(14%). They cosidered expiration dates, taste, crpteria and safety as the important standard in selecting marketed foods. Younger subjects insisted on the improvement of sanitary condition and partial change of taste to increase the consumption of fermented foods. However, older subjects thought it best to keep the taste original for more utilization of fermented foods.

      • 중·노년층의 식생활 실태 및 건강한 노년기를 위한 식생활지침

        구난숙 대전대학교 생활과학연구소 1999 생활과학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The nutritional and health status of over middle aged people was analyzed by using published articles in order to suggest the dietary guideline for their elderly life. Many elderly persons are under malnutrition due to skipping meals, unbalanced diet, drinking alcoholic beverage and poverty. Their intake of calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B₂ and vitamin C is under RDA. The percentage having osteoporosis, diabetes, and hypertension is high among elderly people. In middle aged people, intake of calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin B₂ is also under RDA and it is associated with bad dietary habit such as skipping meals frequently and too much fast foods. They are easily exposed on the chronic disease because of drinking alcoholic beverage, smoking, too much fatty foods, and lack of exercise. However, aged Korean have the tendency to maintain their heath by taking certain kinds of nutritional supplement rather than by correcting their bad food habit. The well-balanced diet is very important to enjoy healthy elderly life with high quality. Therefore, it is recommended that the current dietary guideline should be improved for elderly people to utilize practically. The dietary guideline for elderly people is needed to be established by administrative organization and a proper education program should be planned for them to follow easily the guideline in their daily eating life.

      • 대전대학교 학생들의 전통 떡에 대한 인식 및 섭취실태

        구난숙 대전대학교 기초과학연구소 2006 自然科學 Vol.17 No.-

        대전대학교 학생을 대상으로 우리나라 전통 떡에 대한 인지도와 기호도를 조사하였다 120 명의 대 학생들이 직접 설문지에 기록하도록 하여 자료를 수집하였으며, 기재가 불충분한 것을 제외하고 109 명으로부터 수집한 자료를 본 연구에 사용하였다. 대학생들은식생활에서 영양섭취와 즐거움추구를 중요시 하며 , 식품을 선택할 때 맛을 가장 고려하는것으로 나타났다. 전체 응답자의 90%이상이 먹어 본 경험이 있는 전통 떡은 송편 , 인절미, 가래떡, 백설기, 무지개떡, 팥시루떡, 꿀떡, 약식으로 조사되었다 가장 좋아하는 떡은꿀떡, 가장 싫어하는 떡은 팥시루떡으로 응답하였다. 아침식사용으로 먹고 싶은 떡으로는 백설기를, 외국인에게 후식으로 권하고 싶은 떡으로는 꿀떡을 가장 많이 추천하였다.

      • 맛에 대한 감도와 MSG 첨가에 따른 맛의 강도 변화

        구난숙 대전대학교 이과대학 기초과학연구소 1997 自然科學 Vol.- No.-

        The recognition thresholds of sucrose, NaC1, citrate. caffeine, and MSG solution were determined and the effects of MSG on four basic tastes were also investigated by the sensory evaluation. The recognition threshold of sucrose was 0.451%, NaCl 0.01%, caffeine 0.005%, citrate 0.004%, and MSG 0.033%. When MSG was added to 10% sucrose solution, the intensity of sweetness significantly decreased by 0.8% MSG. The sweetness of sucrose indicated the decreasing tendency according to the addition of MSG. When MSG was mixed with NaCl solution, the intensity of saltiness significantly increased. With an addition of MSG to the citrate solution, sourness was suppressed. The bitterness increased slightly in a caffeine solution when mixed with MSG.

      • 대전지역 대학생들의 식생활 및 한국 전통음식에 대한 의식 조사

        구난숙 大田大學校 學生生活硏究所 1995 學生生活硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        한국 전통음식에 대한 대학생의 의식을 알아보기 위해 이 조사가 실시되었다 대전지역의 16개 대학교에서 493영의 학생들이 임의 선정되었고 설문지에 직접 기록하도록 하였다. 조사결과 대전 대에는 다른 대학보다 자취생이 더 많았으며 배고픔을 해결하기 위하여 식사를 한다는 학생들이 않았다. 대부분의 학생들은 즐거움을 추구하기 위해 식사를 하는 것으로 나타났다. 응답자의94% 가량이 한국 전통음식이 계승되고 발전되어야 한다고 생각하고 있었다. 그러나 한국 전통음식의 맛이 그들의 기호에 맞게 변화되기를 원하고 있었다. 전통 발효식품 중에서 그들이 가장 좋아하는 것은 김치이었고, 싫어하는 것은 젓갈류와 장아찌로 나타났다. This study was conducted to investigate college students’' perception of Korean traditional foods. 493 students from 6 University in Taejon area were selected randomnly and asked to fill out the questionaires. In Taejon University, there were more self-lodging students and more students took their meals for hunger than in other University. Most students had their meals for pleasure. About 94% students thought that the Korean traditional foods should be succeeded and developed. However, they wanted the taste of Korean traditional foods to be changed for their preference. Among the Korean fermented foods, Kimch'i was the most favorite foods. The fermented fish products and jang-atchi were unfavorite ones.

      • 대전지역 초·중·고등학교의 학교급식 실태 및 만족도 비교

        구난숙,왕수경,임영희,윤은영 대전대학교 기초과학연구소 2001 自然科學 Vol.12 No.1

        대전지역 급식학교 초등학생과 중·고등학생을 대상으로 학교급식 실태와 만족도를 조사하였다. 조사대상자의 92.8%가 피급식자였으나, 학교급식의 선호자는 9.2%뿐 이었다. 35.1%는 식당에서, 64.9%는 교실에서 음식을 먹었고, 40.6%가 전학년이 동시에 급식을 받는다고 하였다. 학교급식의 선호이유로 초등학생은 ‘다양한 식품섭취’(44.0%)를, 중·고등학생은 ‘도시락 지참 불필요’(59.0%)를 가장 많이 응답하였다(p〈0.001). 학교급식물 선호하지 않는 이유로 초등학생은 ‘반찬이 맛없음’(26.9%)과 ‘싫어하는 음식이 많음’(20.5%)과 ‘먹는 장소가 지저분함’(13.5%)을 지적하였다(p〈0.001). 초·중·고등학생이 공통적으로 좋아하는 음식은 쌀밥, 배추김치, 튀김이고, 보리밥, 콩밥, 깍두기에 대한 선호도는 초등학생보다 중·고등학생이 높았다(p〈0.001). 초등학생은 미역국을 중·고등학생은 쇠고기국을 선호하는 경향을 나타냈다. 초·중·고등학생들은 나물류와 국을 가장 많이 남기며, 특히 초등학생은 국을, 중·고등학생은 김치를 더 많이 남기는 것으로 조사되었다(p〈0.001). 급식음식의 양, 식당의 위생상태, 급식비에 대한 만족도는 중·고등학생이 초등학생보다 낮았다(p〈0.001). 조사대상자의 34.5%가 이물질이 있는 음식을 먹어 본 경험이 있었고, 상한 음식에 대한 경험은 초등학생들이 더 많았다. The aspects and satisfaction on school lunch program were investigated to provide basis- information for better foodservice in elementary, middle, and high school by~questionnaires. The survey was conducted in Daejon, and data were analyzed by SAS. Although 92.8% of subject were under foodservice, only 9.2% of them preferred the foods served in school. The subjects took foods in their classroorn(64.9%) or dining ha11135.1%), 40.6% of them had chance to eat foods at the same time. The most favorite reason for foodservice was indicated as variety of foods(44.0%) by elementary school children and no need on lunch bag(59.0%) by middle and high school students(p<0.001). The most unfavorite reason for foodservice was indicated as bad taste of focds(26.9%) or many disliked foods(20.5%1 by elementary school children and many disliked foods(28.0%) or dirty eating place(13.5%) by middle and high school students(p<0.001). The subject liked ssalbap, baechu kimchi, fried foods. The acceptance about boribap, kongbap, kkakduki was higher in elementary school children than middle and high school students(p<0.001). The preference of mieokkuk was higher in elementary school children middle and high school students. The amount of leftover was the most from namul and soup. The main leftover was soup in elementary school children and kimchi middle and high school students. The degree of satisfaction was lower in middle and high school students than in elementary school children about the amount of foods, sanitary condition of eating place, and food fee(p<0.001). 34.5% of them had taken the unwanted materials in foods and more elementary school children had experienced the deteriorated foods than middle and high school students. The results suggest that food preference of subjects should be considered in meal planning and various cooking method should be utilized to enhance taste of foods for better foodservice. Also, the importance of various foods intake must be periodically and continuously taught to them through nutrition education.

      • 대전대학교 대학생의 글루탐산 나트륨(MSG) 섭취 실태 및 기호도

        구난숙,김현경,박종임 大田大學校 學生生活硏究所 1997 學生生活硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        300 명의 대전대학교 대학생을 대상으로 글루탐산 나트륨 ( MSG ) 에 대한 섭취 실 태 및 기 호도에 대한 설문조사가 실시되었다 조사대상자 중 52 %는 어머니가, 35 %는 타인이, 그리 고 12 . 5 %는 본인이 조리한 음식을 섭취하고 있었으며 음식에 MSG가 사용된다는 학생은 37 %로 나타났다 MSG가 주로 그리고 다량 첨가되는 음식으로 국물 음식과 육류 이용 음 식이 많이 지적되었다 . 조사대상자의 10 %는 MSG 로 인해 중국음식 증후군을 경험하였으 며 , 맛소금으로 간을 맞추는 경우가 여학생은 56 .4%, 남학생은 39 . 6 %였다 . M S G가 첨가 되지 않을 경우 27 .3% 학생은 음식이 맛이 없다고 대답하였고 , MSG가 음식에 첨가되었을 때 음식에 감칠 맛, 느끼한 맛이 느껴진다고 하였다. The survey was conducted to investigate college student' s consumption aspect and preference on monosodium glutamate(MSG). The students have taken foods prepared by their mother( 50%) , other persons(35%) and themselves02.5%L 37% of students utilized MSG in foods . Soups and meats were the food which MSG was much and frequently added 10% of students had experiences in Chinese restaurant syndrome after took foods containing MSG. 56.4% of female and 39.6% of male used matsokum(salt mixed with MSG) to adjust the taste of foods 27.3% of student said that foods without adding MSG had not good taste and MSG gave uami taste to foods.

      • 건강보조식품 시장현황과 소비 실태

        구난숙,박지연 대전대학교 생활과학연구소 1999 생활과학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        This review was prepared by using the articles and books related to the consumer's attitude and market aspects on the health supplementary foods in korea. Twenty five kinds of health supplementary food were regulated by the food law. Based on the total selling money in market, the chitosan products was ranked the first among them and followed by calcium, aloe, squalene, refined fish oil, enzyme food. The total amount of health supplementary foods sold in 1998 was 6,200 million won and was increasing up to 20-40 % every year. The main consumer was in their middle age and purchased those foods by the suggestion of friends or relatives. They took with anticipating to main tain health condition, to prevent disease or to treat disease, and to make their body beautiful. The negative effect frequently encountered was nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dermatitis. Therefore, the company should try to manufacture health supplementary foods with safety and convenience. It is very important the consumer to have proper information to select the correct item according to their health condition and life style. Also it is recommended that consumer could decide the kind and the amount of health supplementary foods by counseling with a specialist.

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