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        순환기 장애 입원환자의 재원일수에 따른 병원비용 변화에 대한 연구

        강경숙(Kyoung Sook Kang),강혜영(Hae-Young Kang) 전남대학교 간호과학연구소 1996 Nursing and Health Issues(NHI) Vol.1 No.-

        This study was to explore the criteria on early discharge for hospital-based home health care, Hospital cost was analysed according to the period of hositalization.‘Discharge Expenses List’ and medical records of 77 cardiovascular patients discharged from a university hospital in Kwangju from January to March in 1991 were studied. The results were summerized as follows ; 1) Among the patients (76 .6% ) was over fifty years of age, 55.8% of the patients were admitted via emergency room. The group having two weeks or less of hospitalization were over 70% and the range was 3-98 days with an extreme positive sKewness (=3.8). 2) Among the cost items, Laboratory and other tests • Medications • Hospital room • professional serices and Additional Dud, the cost for tests (49 .3% ) w as higher than the others, especialy in hypertensive patients (76.5%). 3) Eighty-three percent of costs for tests and 71.9% of service charge were used within the first week of hospitalization. These results suggest that the patients who are hospitalized for a short period to take tests only(3〜5 days) and who for a period, longer than 2wks could be recommended as the subjects of home health care.

      • KCI등재

        어린이 기호 유가공품 인공감미료 함량 조사

        강경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Kang ),전해창 ( Hye Chang Jeon ),박형숙 ( Hyoung Sook Park ),최태석 ( Tae Seok Choi ),신방우 ( Bang Woo Shin ) 한국동물위생학회 2012 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        In this study, monitoring of food additives as an artificial sweeteners on favorite dairy products of children, which are deal at supermarket, was performed. We analyzed aspartame, acesulfame-K, sodium saccharin, and sucralose from total 206 dairy products which are fermented milk, ice-creams and others. Aspartame was detected from 3 cases of fermented milk. Sucralose was detected from 10 cases of processed milk and 2 cases of fermented milk. The detected concentration was followed [average (minimum ∼maximum)]: aspartame 34.6 mg/kg (2.9∼97.9 mg/kg), sucralose 29.8 mg/kg (5.5∼67.7 mg/kg). The level of intakes of detected sweeteners were evaluated by comparisons with the acceptable daily intake (ADI) data established by the joint FAO/WHO expert committee on food additives. The estimated daily intake (EDI) of aspartame and sucralose per day were 0.37 mg/day, 0.20∼0.32 mg/day. The intake levels were 0.05∼0.8%, which were all within safe levels.

      • KCI등재

        국내 유통 중인 식용란의 중금속 함량 조사

        강경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Kang ),박형숙 ( Hyoung Sook Park ),최태석 ( Tae Seok Choi ),신방우 ( Bang Woo Shin ),이정학 ( Jeong Hark Lee ) 한국가축위생학회 2011 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.34 No.3

        This study was carried out to estimate the heavy metal contents (Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn) in avian eggs sold in Seoul area, Korea from August to December, 2010. The contents of lead, cadmium, chrome, copper, manganese were estimated by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The concentrations of heavy metals (mean±standard deviation, mg/kg) in the avian eggs were as follows: Pb 0.010±0.018, Cd 0.000±0.001, Cr 0.018±0.022, Cu 0.637±0.163, Mn 0.397±0.132. The contents of lead and cadmium in the eggs were lower than that in meat and other foods of previously reported results. Whereas the contents of copper, manganese were similar to the previously previous results. The average daily intakes of lead and cadmium in the avian eggs were 0.1 and 0.8% respectively, as compared with PTWI (Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intakes) established by FAO/WHO Expert Committee for Food Safety Evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        특수교사의 교육용 웹사이트 활용 현황 및 개선 요구에 관한 연구

        김원 ( Won Kim ),김호연 ( Ho Yeon Kim ),강경숙 ( Kyoung Sook Kang ) 한국특수아동학회 2011 특수아동교육연구 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 특수교사들이 어떤 웹사이트를 가장 많이 사용하고 있는지 전반적인 실태를 알아보고, 웹사이트의 선정기준과 활용 정보에 대한 특수교사들의 인식과 교육용 웹사이트에 대한 교사들의 요구사항을 분석하여 웹사이트 개발 및 개선에 대한 기초자료를 제공하고자 국립특수교육원 홈페이지를 통해 인터넷 설문을 통하여 실시되었다. 전국적으로 특수교사 461명이 답변하였으나, 일부 무응답 설문을 9부를 제외한 452부가 분석되었다. 연구 결과로 현재 교사들이 사용하는 교육용 웹사이트 중 가장 많이 사용되고 있는 사이트에 대한 실태를 순위별로 제시하였는데, 그 중 ``손오공의 특수교육``사이트를 가장 많이 활용되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 웹사이트 선정기준과 영역별 활용 정도에 대한 특수교사들의 인식을 변인별로 나누어 분석한 결과, 웹사이트의 내용과 활용편리성이 가장 우선시 되는 선정기준인 것으로 나타났다. 또한 현재 국립특수교육원에서 개발하여 제공하고 있는 교육용 웹사이트 ``에듀에이블``의 교사들의 사용 만족도를 영역별로 알아본 결과 2순위에 있는 만큼 만족스럽지 못하다고 답한 빈도가 40%가 넘었다. 더불어 교육용 웹사이트에 대한 교사들의 요구사항 352개를 영역별로 분석하여 제시하였다. 끝으로 본 연구의 결과를 통해 결론을 제시하였고, 연구의 제한점을 바탕으로 한 후속연구의 제언이 논의되었다. The survey for the current study was implemented to figure out current status and needs regarding educational websites special education teachers have been utilized. This study would be provided and used for basic data and materials in developing and improving websites for special education websites. The data was collected through the homepage of ``the Korea National Institute of Special Education; KNISE`` from June to July of the year of 2010. Totally 452 teachers nationwide were included as the subjects of this study. First of all, this study investigated the current status regarding usage of educational websites including a ranking, criteria of selection, as well as the extent of usage on each area. Based of the results, ``Shon-O-Gong`s Special Education`` was ranked as the number one among websites for special teachers. Second, the subjects considered contents and usabilities most when they select educational websites. Moreover, this study analyzed the degree of satisfactions toward the website ``Eduable`` which was offered by KNISE. Only 50% of the subjects were satisfied on that site. This results revealed that ``Eduable`` needs to be improved in many ways. In addition, 352 items, written in questionnaires as teachers` needs for good websites, were analyzed and presented. Finally ideas of future research were suggested based on the limitations of the current study.

      • Evidence that Glucocorticosteroids Modify the Immune Response by Altering the in vivo Migratory Patterns of Lymphocytes

        Kim, Sang-Jun,Chung, Yun-Shin,Kang, Kyoung-Sook,Chung, Hun-Taeg 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1986 圓光醫科學 Vol.2 No.2

        강력한 항염효과를 지닌 부신피질 호르몬은 면역반응을 抑制하지만 정확한 작용 機轉은 아직 밝혀지지 아니하였다. 이에관한 과거 대부분의 연구는 부신피질 Hormone 제제가 지닌 免疫細胞에 대한 직접 효과를 주로 관찰하였지만, 本 연구에서는 부신피질 Hormone이 임파구 재순환 운동에 미치는 효과를 관찰하였던 바 흥미있는 결과를 얻었다. 부신피질 호르몬의 하나인 Dexamethasone은 임파구나 조직의 혈관 내피 細胞에 영향을 주어 免疫反應을 抑制시키지만, 免疫反應에 직접 참여하는 임파구에는 직접적인 영향을 미치지 아니하였다. Dexamethasone을 순종 마우스에 투여하였을때 동종의 정상 임파구의 役原 감작장소로의 이동이 현저히 감소 하였고, 또한 지연성 과민반응 정도로 임파구 이동 감소와 평행한 감소를 보였다. 이와는 대조적으로 Dexamethasone을 투여한 마우스에 동종의 임파구를 정맥내에 주사하였을 경우 골수로 이동하는 임파구의 수가 정상 마우스에서 보다 3배이상 증가하였다. 또한, Dexamethasone 소량이 계속적으로 분출되게 장치된 controlled drug delivery system을 이용하여 투여하였을 경우 임파구 이동에 미치는 같은 효과가 약량을 100분의 1로 감소시켜 투여하였을 때도 관찰되었던 바 약물을 대량으로 단독 투여하였을 시 보다 계속적으로 소량을 투여할 경우 약량을 대폭적으로 감소 시킬 수 있다는 사실을 시사하는 결과로서 앞으로 임상적 응용이 기대되는 것으로 사료된다. Glucocorticosteroids have proven capable of suppressing both developing and ongoing immune responses via mechanisms that are not fully understood. Most investigations into the mechanisms of glucocorticosteroid-mediated immunosupression have examined the direct effect of these agent on the lymphocyte itself. In this paper, we have analyzed the effects of glucocorticosteroids on the lymphocyte receptive capacity of lymph nodes and bone marrow in mice. These effects appear to be mediated via reversible changes in the capacity of steroid-treated vascular endothelial cells to interact with normal lymphocytes, and are both dose and time dependent. The most striking effects on lymphocyte localization were observed in mice given microgram quantities of glucocrticosteroids over a 6-day period via a continual release pellet. The direct exposure of lymphocytes to these drugs in vitro was shown to have no effect on their subsequent localization potential in vivo. Futher studies revealed that the ability of antigen-sensitized effector lymphocytes to localize into sites of antigen deposition was also markedly depressed in mice pretreated with glucocorticosteroids.Therefore steroids also appear to have effects on tissue associated endothelial cells which prevent the localization of sensitized effector lymphocytes into sites of active inflammation. Our observations have potential clinical implications, both in understanding the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticosteroids more fully, as well as suggesting that low-dose continual-release steroid administration may result in enhanced immunosuppression.

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