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      • 우리나라 실내원예의 현황과 전망 : 대구시 중산층 아파트를 중심으로

        金恩伶,金賢貞,柳順南 효성여자대학교 자연대학 1988 自然大論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        대구시 중산층 아파트를 중심으로 실내원예 현황에 관해 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 실내에 이용되는 식물유형에는 관엽식물, 선인장 및 다육식물, 관화식물, 분재, 절화순으로 이용되고 있었으며, 분화이외 실내원예에 이용되는 것으로는 건조꽃(Dry flower)이 가장 많았고 수경재배, 테라리움, 디쉬가든, 채소류의 이용순이었다. 2. 평형, 지역별에 있어서 소형아파트에서는 중구가 가장 많은 식물유형과 식물 수를 보유하고 있었으며 중형아파트에서는 남구가 가장 많은 식물유형을 보유하고 있는 반면 식물수는 서구가 가장 많았다. 3. 아파트에서는 베란다에 가장 많은 식물을 두며 이용목적과 배치이유는 장식과 아늑한 분위기 때문에 이용하고 있다. 4. 식물과 자재구입 경로를 보면 꽃집에서 가장 많이 구입하며, 구입액은 평수가 증가함에 따라 높게 나타났다. 5. 식물관리에 있어서 조사한 각의 83%가 분갈이를 하는것으로 나타났는데 48%가 1년에 1~2회 하고 있다. 그리고 관수방법도 식물특성에 관계없이 48%가 2~3일에 1회하고 있는것으로 나타났다. 시비는 81%가 하고 있으며, 주로 깻묵을 많이 쓰고있다. 그리고 병충해 발생시 약 50%가 주위에 물어 보아 집에서 약을 치고있다. 6. 용기는 주로 화분을 이용하며 용토는 거의가 흙을 이용하고 있다. 7. 실내원예에 대한 관심은 거의 가지고 있으며, 주로 월간지와 텔레비젼을 통해서 그 지식을 습득하고 있는것으로 나타났다. 가정에서 식물을 키우기에 가장 어려운점은 병충해 방제법과 관수방법으로 나타났다. 이와같이 대구시내 아파트의 실내원예 현황을 보면 주로 분식물 중심에 비교적 전문지식이 없어 재배, 관리면에서 있어 소홀한 것으로 나타났다. 앞으로 화분이외에도 좀더 다양한 형태 용기 개발이 필요하고 실내에서 초보자라도 쉽게 키울수 있도록 여러가지 사회강좌등이 필요하다고 본다. 불과 얼마전만 해도 의식주 해결에만 극급한 나머지 가정에서 실내원예에 대한 인식과 관심은 별로 없었는데, 경제성장과 더불어 우리의 생활수준도 많이 향상되어 의식주문제에서 벗어나 좀더 다른 방향으로 눈을 돌리게되어 오늘날 실내원예가 많이 보급되어 있으며 앞으로도 계속 발전할 수 있으리라 본다.

      • 보육원 요충감염의 화학요법적 관리에 대한 1년간의 추적 관찰

        김은령,홍성태,조승열 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1982 中央醫大誌 Vol.7 No.1

        After the sigle anthelmintic treatment aganist Enterobius vermicularis, the egg positive rate returns to pre-treatment level within 20∼30 days. Therefore the antipinworm treatment should be repeated when the endemic enterobiasis is desired to be under control. Recently Hong et al.(1980) proposed a scheme of control in which mebendazole was administered to all residents for 4 times each 20-day interval. By the scheme, the pinworm infection was controlled up to 7 months in low endemic orphanages(mean egg positive rates less than 40%). However, in two highly endemic orphanages(55-70%), the infection was controlled only for 3 months. After then up to 7 months, reinfection occurred, but the egg positive rate was brought down to 20%. To observe the effect of 6-month interval repetition of the above scheme on the control of highly endemic enterobiasis in orphanages, this study was undertaken for one year in the hope of complete control. In three orphanages situated in Anyang City, Kyunggi Do(mean egg positive rates of anal swab being 74%, 80% and 84% in respect), 100㎎ single dose of mebendazole were administered to all orphans and their nursing staffs for 5 tomed each 20-day interval. They were followed up each month by anal swab until 6 months after the beginning of the scheme. The egg positive rates became 0% until 110 days after the institution of the scheme. However, the ratesgradually rused to 3.6%∼12.3%, in all of 3 orphanagesuntil 6 months. Then the second scheme of treatment was tried. Mebendazole was administered for 3 times also each 20-day interval. The egg positive rates again dropped to 0% until 270 days. However, the rates abruptly began to rise to 12.1% on 300 dats, 22.7% on 330 days, 24.8% on 360 days. The rising of egg positive rates was about 40 days after introduction of infected but untreated new-comers to all of 3 subjected orphanages. If the orphanages were the closed society, the hyperendemic enterobiasis would be controlled by repeating the scheme every 6 month. The failure to control the enterbiasis in this observation suggests that the reintroduction of eggs from outside was the main factor of recurring endemicity though the pinworms inside the orphanages were almost completely cleared.

      • KCI등재후보

        『고도를 기다리며』: ‘시간성의 수사’가 빚어내는 ‘글쓰기’(Writing)로서의 ‘기다림’(Waiting)

        김은령 한국중앙영어영문학회 2005 영어영문학연구 Vol.47 No.2

        This paper examines the characteristics of time in Waiting for Godot based on Paul de Man’ “Rhetoric of Temporality”. The time in Waiting for Godot is not a linear one but a broken and ruptured one that can’t be perceived as the material and objective time by the characters of this play. For these reasons, this play has been viewed as a postmodern play in terms that it doesn’t have “center” and “Godot” is only “non-center” like “a” in “différance” concept of Derrida. However, there is central sign on the stage, which is a “willow” whose traditional biblical meaning is “Christ”. In this point, de Man’s concept of “allegory” is more effective to explain the nature of time in Waiting for Godot. By de Man, the allegorical sign can consist only in repetition of a previous sign with which it can never coincide, since it is of the essence of this previous sign or the origin sign to be pure anteriority. “Godot” in this play can be assumed as the “origin”, and the “repetition” in this paly is not the trace around the “non-center” but “authentic condition of human time”, which means the representation of sign can’t be coincided with the past, the origin. Therefore the “void” can be produced between “Godot” as the “origin” or “pure anteriority” and the sign or the representation of Godot. The subjects have to act fictional “writing” to fill out the void and to keep their existence, but the characters of this play have to act fictional behaviors, “waiting” for Godot. In this sense, “writing” in de Man’s “Rhetoric of Temporality” can be applied to “Waiting” for Godot on the stage.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        선천성 피부 형성부전증에 동반한 이중신우, 뇨관 및 두개골결손(1례보고)

        정창은,기세휘,김은령 大韓成形外科學會 1997 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.24 No.3

        Aplasia cutis congenita represents a congenital absence of all skin layers, and it may occasionally extend through the bone and dura of the skull. Since the first report was described in the extremity by Cordon 1767, and Campbell 1826, approximately over 500 cases have been reported. About eighty five percents of all cases are found in the scalp, with 15 to 30 percents involving the skull as well. Fifteen percents of all cases involve nonscalp locations and are often bilateral symmetrical. It has been relatively rarely reported disorder abroad as well as domestically. It has several clinical subtypes classified by the location and pattern of skin absence, the presence of associated malformation and the mode of inheritance with unknown cause. We had a new born female infant with this disorder, who presented with a full thickness skin defect on scalp and skull defect. No skin defect were reported in other family members, including a first child born several years previously. Chromosomal analysis revealed as normal female karyotype, but she had double pelvis and double ureter of both kidney. The legions healed for five weeks by conservative treatment as moist wound dressing and systemic antibiotic administrations. As a relatively uncommon skin anomaly with congenital anomaly, one case of aplasia cutis congenita involving scalp and skull is reported with the review of reference.

      • KCI등재

        매체 변화에 따른 미학적 경험과 감수성의 변화 고찰: 버크와 료타르의 ‘숭고’를 중심으로

        김은령 한국중앙영어영문학회 2008 영어영문학연구 Vol.50 No.2

        This paper aims to examine the principles and the historical arguments of the sublimity, an affection, which can be experienced through the works of arts and the cultural products in multimedia era. Lyotard argues that it is the time of postmodern, and the term presents the shifted meanings on aesthetical experience in terms of different principles of images and narratives from the traditional ones. And he also presents the sublimity as the dominant aesthetic affection after the avant-garde period, and traces the historical disputes and notions of the sublimity. I think, with Lyotard’s perspective on sublimity, Burke’s notion on the sublime is also very important in aesthetics history in the fact that he was the first theorist that examined the sublime and distinguished it from the beauty. His philosophical inquiry in the sublime suggests that the feeling is contradictory because it causes pleasure and pain, joy and anxiety, and exaltation and depression simultaneously, and I think, the feeling is the same affection that we can experience through the multimedia-based arts and cultural products. In addition to these benefits, Burke’s arguments are very useful to understand and reflect on the relationship between images and words or poetry and paintings, which is very crucial in multimedia era, because he suggests we can experience the sublime through the verbal representation or poetry while we can experience the beautiful through the paintings. He also proposes, I suppose, the sublimity isn't simply the cognitive perception but an affection that can cause the physiological changes of human bodies, and this notion is very helpful to grasp the origins and the principles of the sublimity and to understand the meaning of experiencing arts physically in this digital era. For these reasons, I conclude, to explore the sublimity is essential to interpret the works of arts and the cultural products not only in present time but also for the future.

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