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      • KCI등재

        중국의 부상과 한미동맹의 변화: 동맹의 방기(Abandonment) - 연루(Entrapment) 모델적 시각에서

        서정경(徐正京) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2008 신아세아 Vol.15 No.1

          본고의 목적은 한국정부의 대북 편향성이라는 전제하, 중국의 부상이 한미동맹의 변화에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 중국과 한미동맹이라는 양자 관계를 제약하는 외부적 체제요인, 즉 동북아시아에 전통적으로 존재하는 계층적 질서 및 21세기 중국의 부상으로 인한 동북아 세력구조의 변화와 행위자 요인, 즉 중국과 한미동맹간 상호작용을 함께 살펴보았다. 부상하는 중국의 대미국, 한국 인식 및 전략이 어떠한지, 그리고 미국과 한국의 동맹전략이 중국에 대한 고려를 중심으로 어떻게 변화하였는지를 살펴본 후, 실제 한미동맹에 발생하였던 몇 가지 방기와 연루 사례들, 즉 제2차 북핵문제, MD 편입문제 및 한미동맹의 전략적 유연성 문제로 인한 동맹의 안보딜레마 현상을 중국요인과 함께 논의하였다.<BR>  분석결과, 중국은 중국위협론을 잠식시키고 미중관계의 안정을 기하기 위해 북핵문제 해결에 최대한의 협력을 제공하는 한편, 미국과의 경쟁구도에서 보다 나은 위치에 서기 위해 한국에 대한 영향력 확대를 꾀하고 있다. 이러한 중국의 의도 및 외교행태는 한미 양국의 동맹 인식 및 전략에 영향을 미치고 특히 주변국 한국의 안보전략을 끌어당기는 원심력으로 작용함으로써 한미간 동맹의 방기-연루 현상을 초래ㆍ심화시키고 있다. 즉 중국의 적극적 개입 및 한중간 공조로 인한 한미간 갈등의 심화는 동맹 응집력에 일정한 영항을 주며, 한미동맹의 변화를 일정부분 추동하는 요인으로 작용하고 있다. 한국은 중국과의 관계 증진 및 공조를 통해 미ㆍ중간 충돌에 연루될 위험을 낮추려 하였고 전략적 공간의 확대를 기하려 하였으나 이러한 의도는 큰 성과를 얻지 못한 것으로 판단된다.   This article aims at analyzing the shift of ROK-U.S. Alliance affected by China"s rise under the premise of Korea government"s inclination toward pro-N.K. This article tries to explain both external structure factors - traditional hierarchical order in northeast asia, shifts of power distribution caused by China"s rise, and internal unitary factors - interaction between China and ROK-U.S. Alliance. It mainly analyze rising China"s perception and strategy on ROK and U.S. Shifts of ROK-U,S"s alliance strategy and ROK-U.S alliance"s security dilemma cases.<BR>  Through this article we can learned that the rise of China indeed influence and motivate the shift of ROK-U.S Alliance. China provide U.S. with cooperation actively to eliminate the "china threat theory," and tries to draw ROK into it"s sphere of influence with the intention of getting more favorable position within U.S-China"s competition, so it gives rise to and deepens the ROK-U.S. alliance"s security dilemmas-entrapment and abandonment crisis. China"s active intervention to Korea peninsula issues, constructive cooperation with Korea government, and discord between ROK and U.S complicated by China"s intervention undermines the cohesion of ROK-U.S Alliance, and facilitates the shift of alliance. This article also shows us that Korean government"s intention of broadening the diplomatic space using China card doesn"t seem to obtain fruitful outcomes.

      • 『모죽지랑가』의 형식과 내용, 창작 시기

        서정목 ( 徐禎穆 ) 시학과 언어학회 2013 시학과 언어학 Vol.25 No.-

        One of the most attractive songs among Hyanggas to me is Mojookjirangga. For the time and the motivation of creation, the background of the era, and the historical, political meanings of the song can be investigated nearly close to the historical facts based on already given historical records. The decipherment of this song was nearly completed by Kim, Wanjin (1980, 1985) I guessed that this song was originally 10 lines form Hyangga. Two lines, the third and the fourth, might be missing. In transcribing records, the order of lines might be changed in manuscript. Or the complexity of the manuscript might have caused the engraver to mistake the order of lines in carving the song on a wooden board. The blank after 曰(said), which may be filled with 14 letters, might be the place that the third and the fourth were carved into out of their own places. Finding the mistake at the time of proofreading of the engraved board, the proofreader might have made the plan (a) to shave two lines off this place, and (b) to move the following two lines to this place, then (c) to carve the third and fourth lines at the following place. But only the stage (a) might have been carried out, the stages (b) and (c) might be left unperformed. With this modification, the logical flow of the contents of the song becomes much better; the form of the song can be normally divided in 4-4-2 lines like other ten lines form Hyanggas; sentence-final endings can be found at the dividing points of paragraphs; and the exclamatory vocative word is situated at the head of the ninth line, obeying the law of number of syllables such as 3 lines-6 syllables. Most of researches on this song, following the decipherment of Yang, Joodong (1942, 1965, 1981), show the tendency to believe that this song was created while Jookjirang was still alive. However, the grounds of the argument that this song was created in Jookjirang`s living days, were very weak. The decipherments such as ``the figure which was showing the beauty`` and ``the face was wrinkled`` have some problems. The much-accumulated study of the records of ``Samkookyoosa`` does not coincide with this kind of argument. I have studied decades of years focusing on proving the interpretation that this song was created after Jookjirang`s death, following the decipherment of Kim, Wanjin (1980, 1985). With King Shinmoon`s succession to the throne, there broke out the well-known historical accident, Kim Heumdol`s rebellion, which made a certain circle of nobles from Hwarangdo be killed or expelled, and the Hwarangdo system be abolished. Because of this accident Jookjirang might have lost his political power, and died at King Hyoso period after living in obscurity for 12~3 years. I suggest that this song was created by Deuko, who had been very intimate with the noble Jookjirang in Hwarangdo, in order to be used as an elegy at the day of Thalsangjae, the ending ceremony of the mourning period, after two years from his death.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        독일 “외국인문학”의 발전 과정과 담론 분석

        서정 한국독어독문학교육학회 2011 獨語敎育 Vol.50 No.-

        Seit der Zeit des wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung entwickelte sich in der BRD mit der Migration eine “andere deutsche Literatur”. Sie erhielt von Anfang an die unterschiedlichsten Namen je nach Perspektive: “Gastarbeiterliteratur, Ausländerliteratur, Migrationsliteratur.” Der Begriff “Gastarbeiterliteratur” war aber nicht unproblematisch, weil manche diesen Ausdruck als Kombination von ‘Gast’ und ‘Arbeiter’ negativ sahen. Bei der neuen Literatur deutsch schreibender Autoren nichtdeutscher Muttersprache spricht man in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit, um den Begriff “Gastarbeiterliteratur” zu vermeiden, auch von “Ausländerliteratur”. Die literarischen Texte ausländischer Autoren beschäftigen sich oft mit sehr konkreten Fragen der Integration. Die Konflikte, die sich in konkreten Situationen ergeben, werden in einer Reihe von Texten dargestellt. Ausländische Autoren haben eine Rolle als “Beobachter aus einer von der Gesellschaft distanzierten Außeneiterposition” übernommen. Die deutsche Germanistik interessierte sich lange kaum für die literarischen Texte ausländischer Autoren. Erst die zunehmende Zuwendung zu German Studies und der “interkulturellen Germanistik” als vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft machte Ausländerliteratur interessant. Eine neue kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektive korrigiert das homogene Konzept der deutschen Literatur und Kultur. Der Verdienst der Ausländerliteratur in Deutschland ist, dass die Autoren neue Themen erschlossen und dabei Wert auf literarische Qualität legten. Erst in der gegenwärtigen Phase des Ausländerliteratur entsteht ein neues Bewusstsein von einer multiethnischen Gesellschaft. Ausländerliteratur wird daher auch als “Literatur der Interkulturalität” bezeichnet. Aktuelle literarische Texte ausländischer Autoren, wie etwa das Werk von Said und Nasrin Siege, konzentrieren sich auf Begegnungen mit fremden Kulturen. Der in Deutschland lebende Exilautor Said ist Chronist des Leidens. Die Texte von Said führen sowohl einen literarischen Dialog mit den in Deutschland lebenden Minderheiten als auch mit der deutschen Öffentlichkeit. Siege, die aus dem Iran nach Deutschland kam und mittlerweile in Afrika lebt, erzählt von der besonderen Situationen der Kinder in Afrika und schafft ein lebendiges Afrikabild. 1960년대 이후 외국인 초청노동자 Gastarbeiter 신분으로 왔다가 독일 사회에 뿌리내리기 시작한 이들 가운데 몇몇 사람들이 1970년대부터 창작 활동을 통해 이주자들의 실상을 알리려는 노력을 시작했다. 독자적인 문학그룹 결성과 문학지 창간, 문집 발간으로 시작된 이들의 노력은 점차 독일 문학계에 뿌리를 내리게 되었다. 이후 이들의 문학은 초기 외국인 ‘노동자’문학의 한계를 극복하고 낯선 문화의 중개자로서, 상호접근과 이해의 연결자로서의 역할을 다져갔으며, 민족과 인종, 국적의 차이를 뛰어넘는 보편적 가치와 연대하는 문학적 소명에 부응하고 있다. 이 논문에서는 비록 소수자, 아웃사이더, 관찰자의 시선일지라도 독일 내 외국인 작가들의 문학이 어떤 문제에 주목하면서 발전해 왔는지를 조명하고자 한다.

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