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      • KCI등재후보

        소년비행과 부모의 책임

        강경래 한국소년정책학회 2011 少年保護硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        This paper is a preliminary study of limit of parental responsibility. Since 1990s Parenting Order Program increased in UK. Parenting Orders can be given to the parents of young people who offend, truant or who have received a Child Safety Order,Anti-Social Behaviour Order or Sexual Offences Prevention Order. A parent who receives an order will normally be required to attend counselling or guidance sessions for a period of up to three months. They may also have conditions imposed on them such as attending meetings with teachers at their child's school, ensuring their child does not visit a particular place unsupervised or ensuring their child is at home at particular times. These conditions can last for a period up to 12 months. A parent can be prosecuted for failing to keep the requirements of the order. Through the change of the meaning of having a child, the demonstrated that parental responsibility was more and more emphasized. Thus, this study meaning of Parenting Order for juvenile criminals in UK, and then discussed the meaning of and problems in the limit of Parenting Order to juvenile justice in Korea and how to improve it for enhancing the effectiveness.

      • KCI등재

        “포스트-기억 세대”를 넘어서: 연속과 경계 확장으로서의 포스트-기억 세대 담론과 홀로코스트 재현

        강경래 부산대학교 영화연구소 2023 아시아영화연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 2000년대 홀로코스트 담론 지형에서 포스트-기억 세대 개념이 변화 하는과정에대해살펴본다.이시기는독일통일및전후3세대의성장과함께홀로 코스트 재현에 있어 여러 변화를 겪던 시기이다. 마리언 허쉬에 의해 제안된 1990 년대의 포스트-기억 세대 담론은 후세대가 자신의 부모 세대로부터 전수받은 홀로 코스트 폭력에 대한 사적, 문화적 경험으로 인하여 공식 역사와는 다른 기억을 갖게 되는 것을 의미한다. 특히 포스트-기억 세대 담론은 1990년대 등장한 홀로코스트 의 포스트모던적 재현과 상품화 등의 맥락 속에서 홀로코스트 재현이 지닌 윤리적 태도를 계승하는 데 주요한 지점이 되었다. 2000년대 독일 사회에서 등장한 영상 작품들은 이러한 포스트-기억 세대 개념에서 말하는 공백으로 남겨진 과거에 대한 윤리적이고 강렬한 애도의 정서를 넘어선다. 이 작품들은 재현되지 못한 채 공백으 로 남겨진 부모 세대의 기억으로 되돌아가 이를 이해하기보다는 후세대가 지닌 과 거 유산과의 관계 속에서 어떻게 삶을 영위할 것인가에 주목한다. 본 연구는 2000 년대 등장한 작품들 <자작나무 목초지>, <마침내 관광객들이 도착한다>, <히든> 등을 통해 포스트-기억 세대 개념의 변화에 대해 논의한다. 특히 이 논의는 포스트 -기억 세대 개념에 함축되어 있는 “포스트”의 의미 변화와 가해자 행위 및 피해자 담론 변화에 주목함으로써, 기존의 포스트-기억 세대 개념의 의미와 2000년대 이 개념의 변화 및 경계 확장이 갖는 문화적, 윤리적 가치에 대해 살펴본다. This study examines the shifting concept of the post-memory generation in the 2000s. This period coincided with a reunified Germany and the growth of the third generation in the post-war period, which saw a number of changes in Holocaust representation. The post-memory generation discourse, initially proposed by Marianne Hirsch in the 1990s, refers to the fact that Holocaust victims’ family have memories of the Holocaust that differ from official history due to their private memories about the violence inherited from their parents. In particular, the post-memory generation discourse became a key point in the inheritance of ethical attitudes towards the Holocaust representation in the context of the postmodern and commodified modes of the Holocaust representation in the 1990s. The works that emerged in German society in the 2000s go beyond the ethical stance embedded in the early concept of the post-memory generation. Rather than seeking to comprehend the traumatic memory of the parent generation, they focus on how the next generation will live their lives in a close relationship with the legacy of the past. This study discusses how the concept of post-memory generation has changed through discussions of Am Ende kommen Touristen, Le Petite Prairie aux bouleaux, Caché, which emerged in the 2000s. By focusing on the changing meaning of “post” as well as the blurring boundaries between perpetrator and victim, which had been imbedded in the Holocaust discourse, this study examines what the concept of the post-memory generation used to be and how the cultural and ethical value has transformed while expanding its own boundaries in the 2000s.

      • KCI등재후보

        일본의 소년법개정과 엄벌화

        강경래,서거석 한국소년정책학회 2016 少年保護硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        . 少年法における、罪を犯した少年に対する刑事処分の特則には死刑 の緩和や労役場留置を行わないなど様々なものがある。この中、無期 刑に代替する有期刑と不定期刑は自由刑に関する特則として位置づけ られる。その趣旨は、未成熟な段階にあり、可塑性に富む少年に対し ては、社会復帰の機会をより与えるという教育的な観点、行為時に少 年の場合、人格的な未熟さの故に、成人に比べ刑事責任が減少すると いう刑事責任論からの観点及び年少者に対して過酷な刑罰は避けるべ きという人道的な観点から説明されている。このような少年に対する 刑事処分での特則は、一九二三年施行の大正少年法より導入されそれ 以後続いてきている。 しかし、二〇一四年四月一日「少年法の一部を改正する法律」が成立 し、この少年に対する刑事処分の特則の改正が行われた。改正内容 は、まず、十八歳未満の少年に対する無期刑に代わる有期刑について で、従来の日本少年法第五一条第二項は、「罪を犯すとき十八歳に満 たない者に対しては、無期刑をもって処断すべきときであっても、有 期の懲役又は禁錮を科することができる。この場合において、その刑 は、十年以上十五年以下において言い渡す」とし、その場合、仮釈放については三年が経過したときにできるとしていたのを、第五一条第 二項の刑を「十年以上二十年以下において言い渡す」と改め、また、 仮釈放ができる期間の経過を、三年が経過したときからその刑の三分 の一が経過したときに改めた。 また、不定期刑についてで、従来は、「少年に対して長期三年以上の 有期の懲役又は禁錮をもって処断すべきときは、その刑の範囲内に おいて、長期と短期を定めてこれを言い渡す。但し、短期が五年を 超える刑をもって処断すべき時は、短期を五年に短縮する」とし、 「前項の規定によって言い渡すべき刑については、短期は五年、長 期十年を超えることはできない」としているのを、「少年に対して 有期の懲役又は禁錮をもって処断すべきときは、処断すべき刑の範 囲内において、長期を定めるとともに、長期の二分の一(長期が十 年を下回るときは、長期から五年を減じた期間)を下回らない範囲 内において短期を定めて、これを言い渡す。この場合において、長 期は十五年、短期は十年を超えることはできない」とし、また、 「前項の短期については、同項の規定にかかわらず、少年の改善更 生の可能性その他の事情を考慮し特に必要があるときは、処断すべ き刑の短期の二分の一を下回らず、かつ、長期の二分の一を下回ら ない範囲内において、これを定めることができる。この場合におい ては、刑法十四条第二項の規定を準用する」とした。 いずれも少年法上の少年に対する特則に対するものの、少年犯罪者に 対する厳罰化政策を現れるものである。こうした日本の厳罰化傾向 は、二〇〇〇年代以後発生した少年による凶悪犯罪に対する対策の一 環で、従来の少年法改正は、裁判官先議主義での検察官の役割の強化 (原則逆送制度)と刑事処罰の対象年齢の引下げ、少年院送致年齢の 引下げ等であったが、今回の改正は、少年に対する刑の減刑規定を緩 和させ少年に対する刑罰を強化することにした。 この論文では、日本の改正少年の主な内容である少年に ...

      • KCI등재후보

        인터넷과 아동매춘-일본의 아동매춘관련 유해정보규제정책을 중심으로-

        강경래 한국소년정책학회 2013 少年保護硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        Prostitution of children or child prostitution is the commercial sexual exploitation of children in which a child performs the services of prostitution, for financial benefit. The term normally refers to prostitution by a minor, or person under the legal age of maturity. In many countries there are specific laws against child prostitution which may include people who are older than the legal Age of consent. A customer may negotiate an exchange directly with a prostituted child in order to receive sexual gratification, or through an intermediary (pimp) who controls or oversees the child's activities for profit. The provision of children for sexual purposes may also be an object of exchange between adults. Many children are prostituted over the Internet with the use of webcams to facilitate this abuse, and child pornography may be linked to the prostitution. On the other hand, Although the word enjo kosai (compensated dating) first began appearing in the mass media from the early 1980's, the phenomenon gained prominence in Japanese society through media attention in the mid to late 1990's. Ostensibly, given that young girls appear to have received remuneration for offering sexual favours, it seems reasonable to simply dismiss the movement as a form of child prostitution. In this paper, it is was discussed mainly in regulatory policy for child prostitution regulation of these Japan.

      • KCI등재후보

        식민지 조선의 소년범죄자 처우에 관한 고찰

        강경래 한국소년정책학회 2016 少年保護硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        . この研究は、植民地期という社会的背景から現れた近代的な社会問 題としての朝鮮の少年問題を当時の時代的な状況に照らして検討し、 その問題に対する施策としての朝鮮の少年刑務所での少年犯罪者に対 する処遇等を論じた. 韓国での少年犯罪者に対する処遇と関連して植民地期は、少年非行 の問題が新たな社会問題として定着した時期であり、こうした問題の 解決のために新たな制度が生成された時期である。しかし、これとは 異なった意味では、朝鮮時代の法律との断絶の時期であり、また、自 生的な少年保護思想の発展が断絶された時期でもある。すなわち、す でに監獄署では、朝鮮総督府による少年刑務所が設置される前から制 度として定着されてはいなかったが現在の少年刑務所の矯正教育と類 似した教育的な処遇が実施されていたにもかかわらず、朝鮮総督府に よって設置された少年刑務所と運営のための制度等によって前近代的 な拘禁施設として回帰することになった. 一方、この論文では、監獄署における施策を韓国における自生的な 少年保護思想であるとしているが、この理由は、その対象年齢が15歳 以下であることから探している。すなわち、少年基準年齢としての15 歳は、朝鮮時代の律令では、特別な処遇の基準年齢としての意味を 持っており、こうした年齢を基準にして当時の欧米を中心に発展して いた少年教育思想を合わせる形を採りながら進められたことを確認す ることができる. このようにこの研究では、韓国での近代的な少年犯罪者の処遇思想 である教育理念の源流を確認し、また、当時の植民地の状況で制度と して発展することができなかった原因等を植民地政策等から導き出し た. 結果的に少年犯罪者の処遇において植民地期が持つ意味は、少年保 護思想の自生的発展の可能性の断絶と教育主義を後退させた時期であ ると評価することができる.

      • KCI등재

        소년사법모델의 변용과 소년사법제도의 의의

        강경래 한국소년정책학회 2017 少年保護硏究 Vol.30 No.3

        . The juvenile justice system seeks to rehabilitate children, rather than punish them for their juvenile criminal behavior. Since the late 1970s, critics of the juvenile courts have sought to abolish this system, arguing that it has failed in its rehabilitation efforts and in not punishing serious criminal behavior by young people. At the same time, defenders of the juvenile justice system contend that for the vast majority of children, the system is a worthwhile means of addressing problems. They maintain that a handful of violent juveniles who have committed serious crimes should not lead the public to believe that the system does not provide ways of changing behavior. Critics note that the social and cultural landscape has changed considerably since the early 1900s when the juvenile justice system was established. Drugs, GANGS, and the availability of guns have led to juveniles committing many serious crimes, including murder. Critics insist that juvenile courts are no longer adequate to address problems caused by violent, amoral young people. Some argue that the perceived leniency of the juvenile justice system compounds its failure to rehabilitate by communicating to young people that they can avoid serious consequences for their criminal actions. The system engenders a revolving-door process that sends the message that young offenders are not accountable for their behavior. It is not until these repeat offenders land in adult criminal courts that they face real punishment for the first time. Thus, it may be better to punish a juvenile in the first instance, in order to deter future criminal activity. Critics also claim it is wrong for juvenile offenders who have committed violent crimes to be released from the jurisdiction of the juvenile court at age eighteen or twenty-one. Serving a few years in a juvenile correction facility for a crime that if committed by an adult would result in a ten-year sentence is unjust. The punishment for a crime, argue critics, should be the same, regardless of the age of the perpetrator. Because of these deficiencies, critics contend, the system should be dismantled. Juveniles should be given full DUE PROCESS rights, including the right to trial by jury, just like adults. Freed from the juvenile justice system's rehabilitative ideology and restrictions on criminal due process rights, juveniles should stand accountable for their criminal actions. Once a juvenile is convicted, a trial court can determine the appropriate sentence. Should The Juvenile Justice System Be Abolished?

      • KCI등재

        민간 피해자지원조직과 경찰의 협력방안

        강경래 한국피해자학회 2006 被害者學硏究 Vol.14 No.2

        The policy of crime victim support in Korea have made a significant progress for the last few years. It is also true, however, that despite various support systems crime victims do not feel that they are supported sufficiently. In the present situation that the police is establishing a collaborative relation with civil support organizations, this study purposed to identify problems in current crime victim support policies and look for solutions for the problems. The police is most closely related to criminal victims, and its fundamental duty is to protect the victims’ rights and freedom through resolving the situation of damage, reducing losses, and preventing the expansion of damage. Thus, the role of the police is extremely critical in promoting crime victim support policies. However, the duty of maintaining peaceful and stable community is not attributed only to the police. That is, citizens are obliged to consider crime victims’ honor and peaceful life and cooperate in projects for helping them. Foreign cases show that collaboration between the police and civil support organizations is the core of crime victim support policies. The present study examined the meanings of crime victim support by the police and the collaborative relation between the police and civil victim support organizations through cases in the U.K. and Japan. In addition, based on the results, we discussed the possibility and method of collaboration between civil victim support organizations and the police. Conclusions were drawn as follows. First, civil victim support organizations should be networked and the civil support system should be established based on the network as soon as possible. Second, the Council for Crime Victim Assistance installed in the police should make substantial activities. Lastly, specialists in the relevant areas should be raised systematically in order to provide crime victims with high quality services. Crime victims’ needs will be satisfied only when an organic relation is established between the police and civil support organizations in the local and governmental dimension.

      • KCI등재
      • 일본의 갱생보호사업에 관한 고찰

        강경래 한국법무보호복지학회 2016 법무보호연구 Vol.2 No.

        일본의 갱생보호제도는 관민협동을 특징된다. 종래「보호회」라고 불리던 갱생보호 시설은 1888년에 金原明善이 설립한 「静岡県出獄人保護会社」를 시초로 이후 약 100년에 걸쳐서 민간의 독지가와 종교관계자 등이 중심이 되어 출소자와 가석방자 등에게 갱생보호사업을 실시하였다. 일본 형사정책의 역사에서 보호회는 형벌을 받은 자의 사회복귀에 중요한 역할을 담당하여 왔으나 경영상의 곤란과 시설의 노후화, 또한 지역주민으로부터의 배척운동 등으로부터 운영에 어려움을 겪는 경우도 적지 않았다. 이에 1995년 갱생보호사업법 의 제정으로 갱생보호법인제도가 창설되어 「갱생보호시설」로서 종래의 공익법인으 로서의 처우와 비교하여 세제상의 우대조치를 받게 됨으로써 다른 사회복지법인과 함 께 보다 공익성이 높은 법인으로 자리 잡게 되었다. 일본의 경우, 갱생보호시설을 이용하는 자의 대부분이 보호관찰대상자이며, 또한 가석방자의 3분의 1이 건전한 사회복귀를 위하여 갱생보호시설을 이용하고 있는 등, 보호관찰 및 가석방의 실시에서 갱생보호시설은 필수불가결한 존재가 되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 이러한 일본의 갱생보호사업에서 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있 는 갱생보호시설의 운영, 그리고 근거법률인 갱생보호사업법 등에 대해서 개관하였다. Organizations providing rehabilitation services include in Japan: the National Offenders Rehabilitation Commission (a council consisting of a chairperson and four members) within the Ministry of Justice; regional parole boards established within the jurisdiction of each high court (a council consisting of no less than three but no more than 15); and probation offices established within the jurisdiction of each district court. The National Offenders Rehabilitation Commission has the authority to make a recommendation to the Minister for a pardon for a specific person while regional parole boards have the authority to decide whether parole should be granted or not based on a recommendation made by the warden of the penal institution. Probation offices engage in probation and parole supervision, coordination of the social circumstances, urgent aftercare of discharged offenders, the promotion of crime prevention activities, etc. Meanwhile, Halfway houses are institutions that are commissioned, mainly by probation offices, to provide a variety of aid that includes accommodation, meals, employment support, living guidance, etc. to probationers/parolees or those to receive urgent aftercare who have difficulty in becoming independent due to having no residence or no one to rely on. As of April 1, 2012 there were 103 halfway houses nationwide (Source: The Rehabilitation Bureau, Ministry of Justice). In this study, we examined such as management and Rehabilitation Services law is the basis law of Japan's rehabilitation facility.

      • KCI등재

        피로감을 주증으로 입원한 청소년 비알코올성 지방간질환(NAFLD) 환자 치험 1례

        강경래,이민수,정유진,최아련,한동근,강아현,송우섭,이형철,엄국현,Kang, Kyung-rae,Lee, Min-su,Jung, You-jin,Choi, A-ryun,Han, Dong-geun,Kang, Ah-hyun,Song, Woo-sub,Lee, Hyung-chul,Um, Guk-hyun 대한한방내과학회 2016 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.37 No.5

        Objective: To report the clinical effect of Korean medicine treatment in an adolescent patient diagnosed with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) with obesity. Methods: The patient was treated from July 9th, 2014 to August 7th, 2014. He was taking Saenggangeonbi-tang (生肝建脾湯) during the treatment period. He also undertook regular exercise and regulated his diet to reduce body weight. Results: The patient’s AST, ALT, and GGT levels were significantly decreased. Total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL levels were also decreased, and HDL level was increased. His body weight and body mass index (BMI) were decreased. Conclusions: The results suggest that Saenggangeonbi-tang with exercise and regulated diet could be an effective treatment for adolescent NAFLD with obesity in clinics.

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