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      • KCI등재


        Yan-Fang Zheng,Feng Wang,Kai-fan Ji,Hui Deng 한국천문학회 2013 Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society Vol.46 No.5

        Recurring jets, which are jets ejected from the same site, are a peculiar type among various solar jet phenomena. We report such recurring jets ejecting from the same site above an active region on January 22, 2012 with high-resolution multi-wavelength observations from Solar Dynamics Observatory(SDO). We found that the recurring jets had velocities, lengths and lifetimes, but had similar directions. The visible brightening appeared at the jet base before each jet erupted. All the plasma produced by the recurring jets could not overcome the large coronal loops. It seemed that the plasma ejecting from the jet base was confined and guided by preexisting coronal loops, but their directions were not along the paths of the loops. Two of the jets formed crossing structures with the same preexisting filament. We also examined the photospheric magnetic field at the jet base, and observed a visible flux emergence, convergence and cancellation. The four recurring jets all were associated with the impulsive cancellation between two opposite polarities occurring at the jet base during each eruption. In addition, we suggest that the fluxes, flowing out of the active region, might supply the energy for the recurring jets by examining the SDO/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) successive images. The observational results support the magnetic reconnection model of jets.

      • KCI등재

        Increase in Hypotonic Stress-Induced Endocytic Activity in Macrophages via ClC-3

        Yan, Yutao,Ding, Yu,Ming, Bingxia,Du, Wenjiao,Kong, Xiaoling,Tian, Li,Zheng, Fang,Fang, Min,Tan, Zheng,Gong, Feili Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 2014 Molecules and cells Vol.37 No.5

        Extracellular hypotonic stress can affect cellular function. Whether and how hypotonicity affects immune cell function remains to be elucidated. Macrophages are immune cells that play key roles in adaptive and innate in immune reactions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role and underlying mechanism of hypotonic stress in the function of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs). Hypotonic stress increased endocytic activity in BMDMs, but there was no significant change in the expression of CD80, CD86, and MHC class II molecules, nor in the secretion of TNF-${\alpha}$ or IL-10 by BMDMs. Furthermore, the enhanced endocytic activity of BMDMs triggered by hypotonic stress was significantly inhibited by chloride channel-3 (ClC-3) siRNA. Our findings suggest that hypotonic stress can induce endocytosis in BMDMs and that ClC-3 plays a central role in the endocytic process.

      • KCI등재

        Increase in Hypotonic Stress-Induced Endocytic Activity in Macrophages via ClC-3

        Yutao Yan,Yu Ding,Bingxia Ming,Wenjiao Du,Xiaoling Kong,Li Tian,Fang Zheng,Min Fang,Zheng Tan,Feili Gong 한국분자세포생물학회 2014 Molecules and cells Vol.37 No.5

        Extracellular hypotonic stress can affect cellular function. Whether and how hypotonicity affects immune cell function remains to be elucidated. Macrophages are immune cells that play key roles in adaptive and innate in immune reactions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role and underlying mechanism of hypotonic stress in the function of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs). Hypotonic stress increased endocytic activity in BMDMs, but there was no significant change in the expression of CD80, CD86, and MHC class II molecules, nor in the secretion of TNF- or IL-10 by BMDMs. Furthermore, the enhanced endocytic activity of BMDMs triggered by hypotonic stress was significantly inhibited by chloride channel-3 (ClC-3) siRNA. Our findings suggest that hypotonic stress can induce endocytosis in BMDMs and that ClC-3 plays a central role in the endocytic process.

      • KCI등재

        실생활 한·중 언어문화 표현양상 연구

        정염방(Yan-Fang Zheng) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2017 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.11 No.6

        문화 융복합 시대를 맞이하여 실생활 속에서 활용되는 한·중국 언어 표현 양상을 비교하는 동시에 이를 통한 한·중 언어문화 콘텐츠를 활성화한다는 취지 아래 Language culture-inment(언어문법과 엔터테인먼트 문화가 융합된 신조어) 현실에서 널리 사용할 수 있는 언어 표현인 부정 접두사 ‘불(부)/不, 비/非’에 관련된 언어를 연구 분석하여 언어생활을 유용하게 하는 한편 한·중 언어문화 활성화에 기여하고자 한다. 文부정은 부정소‘아니’와‘못’이나 용언‘아니하다’와‘못하다’로 부정을 표현하여 사용하는 것을 말하고, 성분부정은 어근에 접두사가 붙어 부정하는 것을 일컫는다. 또한 성분부정도 한국어 의사소통과 표현에서 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있으므로 이에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 성분부정 중에서 앞에 붙는 접사를 부정 접두사라고 하며 한자어 부정 접두사‘불(부)/不, 비/非’를 중심으로 그들의 의미와 결합하여 표현하는 형태, 의미, 문법 기능를 연구하였다. 이로서 한국어 부정 접두사‘불/부’와‘비’는 어근의 의미 속성을 변화시키는 기능을 가지고 활용하여 생활 속에서 사용하고 있다는 사실을 발견할 수 있다. 또 중국어 부정 접두사‘不’와 결합하여 활용되는 어근의 품사는 명사, 형용사이며 특히 형용사 어근과 결합하여 활용될 때는 어근의 품사 변화를 일으키지 않으며 형성된 파생어도 그대로 형용사로 실생활 속에서 활용한다는 점을 알 수 있었다. 더불어‘非’는 명사 어근과 결합하여 활용될 때에는 어근의 의미 속성을 변화시키는 경우와 그렇지 않는 경우로 사용하고 있다는 점으로 나타난다. 이와 같이 연구의 결과를 통하여 의미 측면, 同形同意의 측면, 그리고 파생어 적미사와의 결합 순서까지 그들은 공통점을 지닌 것을 도출하였고 반면에 어근과의 결합 형태에 있어 분명한 차이점을 찾아냈으며 또한 어근과 결합한 후에 일으키는 품사 변화 활용에서도 차이점을 발견하였다. 그러므로 한·중 언어문화의 교류차원에서 올바른 언어표현을 사용하여 생활 속의 만족감을 느끼는 동시에 한·중 민족의 언어문화와 문법교류의 Language culture-inment 콘텐츠 활성화를 통하여 민족 문화의 주체성과 인간의 삶의 질을 함양시킬 수 있다는 의견이다. We communicate through languages and make a positive and negative judgment on affairs in the world. In Korean and Chinese, we can complete component negation through the negative prefix before the roots. In this article, we take the privative ‘No, None’ in Korean and their correspondent Chinese expressions as the center to analyze and investigate in detail. Through the study, we find that the Korean negative prefix ‘No, None’ has the function of changing the meanings of roots. In Chinese, the negative prefix ‘No’ does not have such function when connecting with adjective roots. If the Chinese character ‘None’ has such function when connecting with etyma of nouns, the outcomes will be different with different words. Through the contrast research of negative prefix between Korean and Chinese, the two sides in meanings and in the similar structures and meanings, when connecting with derived ending words, they both have the same points. But in ideology connected with etyma and this lexical change brought by the combination, there are apparent differences. Through the correct grammar use in the culture of Korean and Chinese, we can not only feel the gratification of life but also can improve national culture’s subjectivity cognition through language culture of Korean and Chinese and grammar communication. Meanwhile, in the same culture, they can echo with each other.

      • KCI등재

        한·중 언어문화 표현방식 탐색

        정염방(Yan-Fang Zheng),손대환(Dae-Hwan Son) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2017 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.11 No.2

        최근까지 한·중 문화 속에 형성된 數詞에 대한 연구가 지속되어 왔지만 대부분은 數나 차례를 나타내 주는 數詞만 논의하는데 그쳐 數詞 기능을 상실하여 쓰이는‘하나, 일’,‘一’만을 초점화 하여 그들의 비 수량 용법에 관한 대조연구가 부족한 실정이다. 그러므로 본고는 한·중 數詞에 관한 선행연구를 종합 수용하면서 현대 한·중 언어 數詞 ‘하나, 일’과‘一’에 관한 비 수량 활용을 대조연구를 통하여 한·중 후학들로 하여금 數詞‘하나, 일’과‘一’의 비 수량 용법을 잘 파악하고 활용하는 한편 또한 대외 한·중 언어문화 교육과 교류의 활성화에 도움을 주고자 하는 데에 그 목적을 두며 한·중 국어에서는 數詞를 양數詞와 서數詞 두 가지로 나누어 다루고 있기 때문에 본 연구에서는 서數詞를 배제하였다. 분석결과 한국고유 문화속의 고유어 양數詞‘하나’는 명사로 쓰이는 경우를 두 가지로 정리할 수 있다. 첫째,‘하나’뒤에 조사‘도’를 덧붙어‘하나도’의 형식으로 부정어(否定語)와 호응하여 부정(否定)의 뜻을 나타낸다. 둘째,‘하나’의 첩어(疊語) 형식인‘하나하나’는 명사로 쓰일 때에는 개별지시의 의미를 드러낸다. 그리고 문장 안에서‘하나’는 부사의 역할도 담당한다.‘하나’는‘최소 정도’라는 의미를 지니고 있기 때문에 부사‘좀’으로 대치하여‘시도나 권유’의 의미를 나타냈다. 뿐 만 아니라‘하나’는 한정적인 의미도 가지고 조사‘만’과 바꿔 쓰이기도 한다. 반면에 한국어 한자어 양數詞‘일’은 한자어 어근이나 단어와 결합하여‘모든, 모두’와 같은 포괄적인 의미와‘매우,아주’와 같은 심화적인 의미를 나타낸다. 중국어‘一’은 數量적인 의미 외에 명사, 대명사, 형용사, 부사의 특성, 심지어 격식으로도 활용할 수 있으며 다양한 의미와 용법을 찾아볼 수 있었다. ‘一’은 명사로 쓰일 때는‘처음, 시작’의 뜻이고, 대명사로 쓰이는 경우에 하나는 개별지시의 의미, 하나는‘某’와 같은 비한정적인 의미 두 가지이다. 형용사로 활용하는‘一’은 사자성어(四字成語) 중에나 부정사(否定詞) 뒤에 후행할 때‘同一, 統一, 一致’의 뜻이고, 사람 신체부위 명사 앞에 선행하여‘滿, 全’의 뜻을 드러낸다.‘一’은 부사적인 역할도 담당할 수 있으며‘迅速, 시도, 권유’, 부정(否定) 등 여러 의미가 나타나고‘조건’을 강조하는 격식으로 쓰이기도 한다. 그리고‘一’은 형용사로, 격식으로도 활용되는데‘하나’와‘일’은 이 두 가지 정도의 쓰임밖에 찾아내지 못하였다. 그러므로 현대 한·중 언어의 數詞가 비 수량적으로 쓰이는 경우가 많았다. 그러나 한․중 언어문화의 정확한 문법 용어를 사용함으로써 생활 속의 만족감을 느끼는 동시에 한․중민족의 언어문화와 문법교류의 활성화를 통하여 민족 문화의 주체성과 공통적인 언어문화의 공감대를 형성할 수 있다. Numbers represent their basic functions by expressing the number or order of things. With the development of language and culture, numerals in everyday life are not only used to express the exact number, but also the related variety of derived meaning and symbolic significance is also widely used. Korean Numerals ‘One’ and Chinese Numerals ‘One’ can not only be used as a number, they can also be clearly reflected in their non-quantitative usage in terms of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, particle, etc. Therefore, the scope of this study completely exclude the ordinal number, it only discusses the number of words Korean Numerals ‘One’ and the non-quantitative use of Chinese Numerals ‘One’. Whether in South Korea or in China numerals have a high frequency of use, so they have some commonalities and differences in the specific usage. In this study, the non-quantitative usage of Korean numerals Korean Numerals ‘One’ and Chinese Numerals ‘One’ was taken as the starting point, and comparative study was made on the meaning of lexical usage and derivation. To date, most of the studies on the numerals in Korea have been limited to simple numbers or order, and the individual studies on Korean Numerals ‘One’ and Chinese Numerals ‘One’ have not been very useful for non-numeric use. Therefore, after a comprehensive study of Korean and Chinese numerals, this study redetermines the non-quantitative usage of Korean Numerals ‘One’ and Chinese Numerals ‘One’ through detailed analysis to help Korean and Chinese students better master the various functions of Korean and Chinese numerals, and do some help on Korean-Chinese foreign teaching and the development of Linguistics.

      • KCI등재

        Long noncoding RNA NEAT1 is involved in the protective effect of Klotho on renal tubular epithelial cells in diabetic kidney disease through the ERK1/2 signaling pathway

        Yan-Lin Yang,Meng Xue,Yijie Jia,Fang Hu,Zongji Zheng,Ling Wang,Ze-Kun Si,Yaoming Xue 생화학분자생물학회 2020 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.52 No.-

        Klotho, an antiaging protein, has been shown to play a protective role in renal tubular epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) during the development of diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) participate in the progression of EMT in many diseases. However, the effect of Klotho on lncRNAs during the development of DKD is still unknown. In this study, we found that Klotho overexpression in high-fat diet (HFD)- and streptozotocin (STZ)- induced DKD mice significantly inhibited the expression of lncRNA nuclear-enriched abundant transcript 1 (Neat1). We demonstrated that NEAT1 was significantly upregulated in both bovine serum albumin (BSA)-stimulated HK2 cells and mice with HFD- and STZ-induced diabetes. In addition, we observed that Klotho displays colocalization with NEAT1. Furthermore, overexpression of Klotho can inhibit the high expression of NEAT1 in BSA-stimulated HK2 cells, while silencing Klotho can further upregulate the expression of NEAT1. Silencing NEAT1 in HK2 cells resulted in inhibition of the EMT-related markers alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and vimentin (VIM) and the renal fibrosis-related markers transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF). The effect of NEAT1 on DKD was partly mediated by regulation of the ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Finally, we found that silencing NEAT1 can reverse the activation of EMT and fibrosis caused by Klotho silencing in a manner dependent on the ERK1/2 signaling pathway. These findings reveal a new regulatory pathway by which Klotho regulates ERK1/2 signaling via NEAT1 to protect against EMT and renal fibrosis, suggesting that NEAT1 is a potential therapeutic target for DKD.


        Progranulin Controls Sepsis via C/EBPα-Regulated <i>Il10</i> Transcription and Ubiquitin Ligase/Proteasome-Mediated Protein Degradation

        Yan, Wenjun,Ding, Aihao,Kim, Ha-Jeong,Zheng, Hua,Wei, Fang,Ma, Xiaojing American Association of Immunologists 2016 Journal of Immunology Vol. No.

        <P>Progranulin (PGRN) is a widely expressed, pleiotropic protein that is involved in diverse biological processes, including cellular proliferation, neuron development, and wound healing. However, the role of PGRN in the regulation of pathogen-induced systemic inflammation and the mechanisms involved have not been established. In this study, we show that PGRN-deficient mice display heightened mortality in models of polymicrobial sepsis and endotoxinemia, with increased tissue levels of inflammatory cytokines and reduced IL-10 production. Conversely, administration of rPGRN decreases the susceptibility of PGRN-deficient mice to LPS-induced endotoxemic shock and augments IL-10 production by LPS-activated macrophages in a TNFR-dependent manner. Molecular analysis reveals a direct role of the transcription factor C/EBP alpha in PGRN-regulated IL-10 expression. C/EBP alpha-deficient macrophages produce less IL-10 in response to LPS. Furthermore, mice deficient in C/EBP alpha in hematopoietic cells are highly vulnerable to LPS-induced septic shock. Lastly, the defective IL-10 production by PGRN-deficient cells is primarily due to reduced C/EBP alpha protein stability via the E3 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E6AP and proteasome-mediated degradation. To our knowledge, this study provides the first evidence that PGRN is a nonredundant regulator of systemic inflammation via modulating the levels and activity of C/EBP alpha, IL-10, and the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolysis pathway. The results bear strong and profound implications for PGRN insufficiency and its mutation-associated systemic and organ-specific inflammatory human diseases.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Complete mitochondrial genome of the meadow moth, Loxostege sticticalis (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae), compared to other Pyraloidea moths

        Hong-Fang Ma,Xi-Xi Zheng,Ming-Hui Peng,Hai-Xu Bian,Miao-Miao Chen,Yan-Qun Liu,Xing-Fu Jiang,Li Qin 한국응용곤충학회 2016 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.19 No.3

        The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) is an important topic for comparative and evolutionary genomics, as well as phylogenetic and population genetics. However, there are limited data regarding the mitochondrial genome available of Pyraloidea, one of the largest superfamilies in Lepidoptera. In this report, we present the complete mitogenome of the meadow moth, Loxostege sticticalis L. (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae), which is a serious economic pest of both crops and weedsworldwide, thereby enhancing the available genomic information for Pyraloidea. This circular genome is 15,218 bp in length, containing 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two rRNA genes (rRNAs), and 22 tRNA genes (tRNAs), with a typical gene orientation and order comparable to other sequenced Pyraloidea insects. The genome composition of the major strand exhibits highly AT bias (80.82%), with a slightly positive AT skew indicating the occurrence of more As than Ts. The L. sticticalis mitogenome has a total of 130 bp of intergenic spacer sequences spread over 15 regions, ranging in size from 1 to 48 bp, of which only two are common among the 23 total Pyraloidea moths that have data collected on the mitogenome (one is located between tRNAGln and ND2 with variation change in length and a limited sequence conservation, and the other is located between tRNASer(UCN) and ND1 with a conserved 6 bp motif ‘ATACTA’). The A + Trich region of 331 bp in the genome is comprised of non-repetitive sequences but contains an ATAGN motif followed by a poly-T stretch of 17 bp, a microsatellite-like (TA)11 element preceded by an ATTTA motif, and a poly-A stretch upstream tRNAMet. These conserved structures identified in the A + T-rich region are presented in all of the sequenced Pyraloidea species. We provide a mitogenome-based phylogeny of Pyraloidea species, in which L. sticticalis shares close ancestry to Ostrinia species with substantial evidence. Our phylogenetic analyses strongly divide Crambidae into two sister lineages, one consisting of Pyraustinae and Spilomelinae, while the other contains Crambinae, Acentropinae, Scopariinae, Schoenobiinae and Glaphyriinae. The mitogenome dataset also supports the basal split between Pyraustinae and Spilomelinae.

      • PKM2 Regulates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition and Migration upon EGFR Activation

        Fan, Fang-Tian,Shen, Cun-Si,Tao, Li,Tian, Chao,Liu, Zhao-Guo,Zhu, Zhi-Jie,Liu, Yu-Ping,Pei, Chang-Song,Wu, Hong-Yan,Zhang, Lei,Wang, Ai-Yun,Zheng, Shi-Zhong,Huang, Shi-Le,Lu, Yin Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.5

        Pyruvate kinase isozyme type M2 (PKM2) was first found in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and its expression has been thought to correlate with prognosis. A large number of studies have demonstrated that epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a crucial event in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and associated metastasis, resulting in enhanced malignancy of HCC. However, the roles of PKM2 in HCC EMT and metastasis remain largely unknown. The present study aimed to determine the effects of PKM2 in EGF-induced HCC EMT and elucidate the molecular mechanisms in vitro. Our results showed that EGF promoted EMT in HCC cell lines as evidenced by altered morphology, expression of EMT-associated markers, and enhanced invasion capacity. Furthermore, the present study also revealed that nuclear translocation of PKM2, which is regulated by the ERK pathway, regulated ${\beta}$-catenin-TCF/LEF-1 transcriptional activity and associated EMT in HCC cell lines. These discoveries provide evidence of novel roles of PKM2 in the progression of HCC and potential therapeutic target for advanced cases.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Pinewood Nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, on the Growth of Endoparasitic Fungus Esteya vermicola

        Chun Yan Wang(왕춘연),Chung Ha Lee(이청하),Mi Ra Lee(이미라),Beom Sik Yun(윤범식),Lei Liu(유뢰),Zhen Wang(왕젠),Zhe Ming Fang(방철명),Dong Liang Zhang(장동량),Zheng Li(이정),Chang Keun Sung(성창근) 한국생명과학회 2010 생명과학회지 Vol.20 No.5

        본 논문은 선충 포식성 곰팡이에 대한 선충의 영향을 조사한 연구로, 소나무 기생곰팡이인 E. vermicola에 미치는 소나무 선충의 영향을 체계적으로 분석하였다. 선충 대사물과 선충 균질액 모두 E. vermicola의 성장을 빠르게 촉진하였으나, 선충 대사물이 선충 균질액보다 약간 높은 효과를 보였다. 또한 소나무 선충이 생성하는 휘발성 물질이 E. vermicola 성장에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 새로운 실험방법을 개발하였다. 본 연구결과에 따르면, 선충의 휘발성 물질은 E. vermicola에 아무런 영향을 끼치지 않는다는 재현성 있는 결과를 도출하였다. 본 연구는 소나무 선충의 생물학적인 조절인자로서 E. vermicola을 적용할 수 있는 정보를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. The influence of nematodes on nematophagous fungi has seldom been investigated. In the present study, the influence of pinewood nematode on its endoparasitic fungus, Esteya vermicola, was investigated systemically. Although both nematodal metabolite and nematodal homogenate could stimulate and speed up the growth of E. vermicola, the impact of nematodal metabolite was slightly higher than that of nematodal homogenate. In addition, a method was developed to investigate the influence of volatiles, discharged by pinewood nematodes in their metabolic process, on the growth of E. vermicola. Reproductive results were given and confirmed that nematodal volatiles have no influence on the cell growth of E. vermicola. This study may provide information for the application of E. vermicola as biological control agent of pinewood nematode.

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