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      • KCI등재

        Biological Control of a Severe Viral Strain Using a Benign Viral Satellite RNAAssociated with Cucumber mosaic virus

        Magdy Shaban Montasser,Bader Al-Hamar,Radhika Guleri Bhardwaj 한국식물병리학회 2006 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.22 No.2

        Two strains of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) isolated in Kuwait were confirmed their infectivity based on symptomatology and host range on different cultivars of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and squash (Cucurbita pepo). The pattern of symptoms differed for the two CMV strains in tomato and tobacco, showing severe stunting and mosaic symptoms with one strain designated KU2, and almost symptomless with the other strain designated KU1. A satellite RNA 5 (sat-RNA) was found to be associated with the KU1 strain and was characterized as a benign viral satellite RNA. Using reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with sat- RNA specific primers, an amplified PCR product of about 160bp was determined and analyzed by gel electrophoresis. This naturally occurring benign viral satellite RNA was successfully used as a biological control agent to protect tomato plants against the severe KU2 strain. Tomato plants grown in plant-growth chambers, were preinoculated with KU1 containing the benign viral satellite and then challenge inoculated with the severe KU2 strain at different time intervals. All plants challenged three weeks after preinoculation showed nearly complete protection from subsequent infection by the severe strain. This biological control technology using plant viruses was found protective and could be successfully established sooner after the preinoculation.

      • KCI등재

        약제 경감 방제력 적용 고추포장에서 해충과 바이러스병 발생양상 비교

        김태영(Tae-young Kim),장철(Cheol Jang),강현우(Hyun-woo Kang),최재혁(Jae-hyuk Choi),이호욱(Ho-wook Lee),이종원(Jong-won Lee),이대홍(Dae-hong Lee),양승규(Seung-kyu Yang),이선영(Seon-yeong Lee),민철기(Cheol-gi Min),이동운(DongWoon Lee) 한국농약과학회 2021 농약과학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        The results of the control schedule test focusing on viral disease management in the red pepper cultivation area in Cheongsong, Gyeongbuk were as follows: There was no difference according to the type of control schedule or the type of pepper as a result of examining the type of control schedule in relation to the density of insect pests (thrips, aphids, and oriental tobacco budworm) in virus-resistant and general cultivars in pepper fields. The viral infection rate was lower in treated than non-treated tests in the control schedule treatment only at the end of August investigation; and among cultivars, the infection rate of resistant cultivars was lower than that of general cultivars. The yield of red pepper increased by 80.8-103.5% in the treatment with control schedule, and the yield between cultivars increased by 9.6% in resistant cultivars compared to general cultivars. In synthesizing these results, it is recommended to apply a control schedule that can manage aphids and thrips by July for high-yield general cultivars, in addition to considering the use of resistant cultivars and quantitative aspects to reduce damage of pepper by viruses.

      • KCI등재

        HCV-Specific Interleukin-21+CD4+ T Cells Responses Associated with Viral Control through the Modulation of HCV-Specific CD8+ T Cells Function in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients

        Guo-Hua Feng,Fu-Sheng Wang,Ji-Yuan Zhang,Qing-Lei Zeng,Lei Jin,Junliang Fu,Bin Yang,Ying Sun,Tianjun Jiang,Xiangsheng Xu,Zheng Zhang,Jinhong Yuan,Liyuan Wu 한국분자세포생물학회 2013 Molecules and cells Vol.36 No.4

        Interleukin-21 (IL-21)+CD4+ T cells are involved in the immune response against hepatitis B virus (HBV) by secreting IL-21. However, the role of IL-21+CD4+ T cells in the immune response against chronic hepatitis C (CHC) virus infection is poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate the role of IL-21+CD4+ T cells in CHC patients and the potential mechanisms. The study subjects in-cluded nineteen CHC patients who were grouped by viral load (low, < 106 RNA copies/ml, n = 8; high, > 106 RNA copies/ml, n = 11). The peripheral frequency of HCV-specific IL-21+CD4+ T cells was higher in the low viral load group and was negatively correlated with the serum HCV RNA viral load in all CHC patients. Meanwhile, IL-21+ cells accumulated in the liver in the low viral load group. In vitro, IL-21 treatment increased the expression of proliferation markers and cytolytic molecules on HCV-specific CD8+ T cells. In summary, these findings suggest that HCV-specific IL-21+CD4+ T cells might contribute to HCV control by rescuing HCV-specific CD8+ T cells in CHC patients.


        Predictors of mortality in Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)

        Hong, Ki-Ho,Choi, Jae-Phil,Hong, Seon-Hui,Lee, Jeewon,Kwon, Ji-Soo,Kim, Sun-Mi,Park, Se Yoon,Rhee, Ji-Young,Kim, Baek-Nam,Choi, Hee Jung,Shin, Eui-Cheol,Pai, Hyunjoo,Park, Su-Hyung,Kim, Sung-Han British Medical Association 2018 Thorax Vol.73 No.3

        <P>We evaluated the clinical characteristics, cytokine/chemokine concentrations, viral shedding and antibody kinetics in 30 patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), including 6 non-survivors admitted to 3 MERS-designated hospitals. Old age, low albumin, altered mentality and high pneumonia severity index score at admission were risk factors for mortality. In addition, severe signs of inflammation at initial presentation (at hospital days 1-4), such as high inducible protein-10 (p=0.0013), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (p=0.0007) and interleukin 6 (p=0.0007) concentrations, and poor viral control (high viral load at hospital days 5-10, p<0.001) without adequate antibody titres (low antibody titre at hospital days 11-16, p=0.07) during the course of disease, were associated with mortality.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Nitrogen Biofixing Bacteria Compensate for the Yield Loss Caused by ViralSatellite RNA Associated with Cucumber Mosaic Virus in Tomato

        N. H. Dashti,M. S. Montasser,N. Y. Ali,R. G. Bhardwaj,D. L. Smith 한국식물병리학회 2007 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.23 No.2

        To overcome the problem of the yield reduction due to the viral satellite mediated protection, a culture mix of three nitrogen-fixing bacteria species of the genus Azospirillum (A. brasilienses N040, A. brasilienses SP7, and A. lipoferum MRB16), and one strain of cyanobacteria (Anabena oryzae Fritsch) were utilized as biofertilizer mixture in both greenhouse and field experiments. When protected plants were treated with biofertilizer mixtures, the fruit yield of biofertilized plants increased by 48% and 40% in a greenhouse and field experiment, respectively, compared to untreated plants inoculated with the protective viral strain alone. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) analysis of total nucleic acid (TNA) extracts revealed that biofertilization did not affect the accumulation of the viral satellite RNA (CARNA 5) that is required for plant protection against other destructive viral strains of CMV. The yield increment was a good compensation for the yield loss caused by the use of the protective viral strain associated with CARNA 5.

      • KCI등재

        Points to consider for COVID-19 vaccine quality control and national lot release in Republic of Korea: focus on a viral vector platform

        Jung Hun Ju,Naery Lee,김선희,장석기,양미숙,신지현,이은조,Sunhwa Sung,김정환,홍진태,오호정 질병관리본부 2022 Osong Public Health and Research Persptectives Vol.13 No.1

        Due to the global public health crisis caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the importance of vaccine development has increased. In particular, a rapid supply of vaccines and prompt deployment of vaccination programs are essential to prevent and overcome the spread of COVID-19. As a part of the vaccine regulations, national lot release is regulated by the responsible authorities, and this process involves the assessment of the lot before a vaccine is marketed. A lot can be released for use when both summary protocol (SP) review and quality control testing are complete. Accelerated lot release is required to distribute COVID-19 vaccines in a timely manner. In order to expedite the process by simultaneously undertaking the verification of quality assessment and application for approval, it is necessary to prepare the test methods before marketing authorization. With the prolonged pandemic and controversies regarding the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine against new variants, public interest for the development of a new vaccine are increasing. Domestic developers have raised the need to establish standard guidance on the requirements for developing COVID-19 vaccine. This paper presents considerations for quality control in the manufacturing process, test items, and SP content of viral vector vaccines.

      • KCI등재

        Reforming National Response Governance for Prevention of Respiratory Viral Infectious Diseases after the 2015 MERS Outbreak in Korea

        Sang Ok Choi,Ki Woong Cho 위기관리 이론과 실천 2017 Crisisonomy Vol.13 No.10

        2015년 메르스 사태를 검토하면서 호흡기 바이러스 감염병의 국가대응 거버넌스 문제점과 개선방향을 제시하고자 한다. 먼저 거버넌스의 개념을 개관하고, 2015년 메르스 대처하는 과정의 문제점과 메르스 사태 이후 제시된 해결방안을 재조명해 보고자 한다. 2015년 메르스 발생시 문제점은 크게, 시민과 민간 병원의 소극적 참여, 실질적인 환류와 학습의 부족, 국내외 주체간의 의사소통과 이를 중재할 컨트롤 타워 부재, 정부의 정보 공유 제한과 그로 인한 근거없는 소문생성, 그리고 이에 대한 경제적 회복 문제가 있고 이들은 아직도 크게 개선되었다고 보기 어렵다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위한 방향으로 국내외 공공기관, 시민과 민간 의료기관은 물론 언론 등 적극적으로 감염병 국가대응 관리거버넌스에 참여와, 실질적인 환류를 통한 학습, 국내외의 거버넌스 주체 및 기관간 의사소통과 정보 공유를 제시하였다. 또한 컨트롤 타워 확립 및 재난발생 지역과 그 외의 지역의 경제적 문제에 대한 대처방안을 해결하는 거버넌스가 지속적으로 보완 발전되어야 할 것을 제언한다. The 2015 Korean Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) required the government to evaluate the readiness and preparedness of the existing national response system in preparation for the next outbreak of respiratory viral infectious disease. This study reexamines the current national response management governance strategies in Korea to evaluate if it can prevent and respond to a large-scale infectious diseases and suggests directions for future governance. After reviewing the definition of governance, this study revisits various issues and problems occurred during the government’s response to the 2015 MERS outbreak and proposes possible solutions for the national response governance in Korea to adopt to prevent the future outbreak.

      • KCI등재

        유행성각결막염의 발병원인과 치료대책

        오정재,노창래 대한의사협회 2017 대한의사협회지 Vol.60 No.6

        Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is the most common type of infectious conjunctivitis, and is caused by adenoviruses. The mode of transmission is mainly through direct contact with ocular secretions. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is generally diagnosed based on a patient’s clinical features, and additional measures, such as cell cultures, polymerase chain reaction, and rapid antigen detection tests, can further confirm the diagnosis. The most common symptoms include a foreign body sensation, tearing, and photophobia. The symptoms are usually expressed unilaterally in the initial phase, but gradually become bilateral. Frequently occurring complications include pseudomembrane formation and subepithelial infiltrates. Currently, no antiviral agent has been proven effective to alter the natural course of the disease, and treatment merely has a supportive role instead of a curative role. Therefore, preventive measures in medical offices and in the community are the most important methods of controlling the propagation of this disease.

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