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      • KCI등재

        프랑스어 고유명사 파생어휘 연구 : 인명(anthroponyme)과 지명(toponyme) 파생을 중심으로

        전재연 한국프랑스학회 2009 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.68 No.-

        Les objectifs de ce travail consistent à examiner et classer les mots dérivés du nom propre (anthroponyme et toponyme), sur le plan lexico- sémantique. Les noms de personnages connus ou historiques (comme des personnages politiques, des écrivains, des philosophes, ou des artistes célèbres, etc.) sont susceptibles à servir de base de dérivation, tandis que le toponyme (comme les noms de pays, de villes et d'autres endroits géographiques) peut presque toujours être la base de dérivation. La dérivation du nom propre est très productive, à la différence de ce qu'on pense normalement de cette question, en ce sens qu'on peut, en fait, trouver de nombreux dérivés, en particulier suffixaux, de noms propres. Les patronymes produisent des verbes et des adjectifs représentant le ou les caratéristiques des référents (les personnages connus et importants énumérés ci-dessus), par tous les moyens de dérivation : suffixation, composition + transformation, et dérivation sémantique (sans aucun processus de transformation). Les suffixes qui servent à dériver des substantifs et des adjectifs à partir du patronyme sont sémantiquement corrélés à leurs propres valeurs. On peut dériver des noms ou adjectifs d'habitants (des gentilés) et des termes geopolitiques en-iser, -isation à partir de la base de toponyme. Les premiers peuvent être dérivés par nombreux suffixes (en particulier -ien, -ais, -ois dans l'ordre supérieur en nombre), mais ces suffixes n'exercent aucune différence interprétative sur eux. Les autres dérivés de toponymes examinés dans cette étude sont, pour la plupart, “repérés dans la presse contemporaine et relèvent du champ sémantique de «violence» ou de «guerre»”, comme le fait remarquer Tolédano & Candel(2002). Ces termes peuvent être suffixés de -iser (-ifier), -isation(-ification) pour se situer dans le domaine historico- politique, avec des extensions dans les domaines culturels et sociaux. Par conséquent, les dérivés de toponymes en -isation(-ification) sont des résultantes de diverses composantes tant politique, économique, sociale, culturelle que religieuse qui règnent un pays ou une région. Ce travail parvient aux résultats suivants : - Le nom propre peut participer, comme les autres termes lexicaux, à la dérivation, et cela montre qu'il a autant de productivité lexicale que les autres catégories. - Par hypothèse, les noms propres n'ont pas de sens à eux seul, mais leurs dérivés ont bien des sens qui sont corrélés à leur base de dérivation, c'est-à-dire le référent des noms propres. -On peut constater, selon l'hypothèse générale sur la dérivation nominale(p.e. Rodriguez(1999)) qu'il y a diverses relations sémantiques entre la base et le dérivé, que ce dernier soit le nom commun ou le nom propre, et que le sens des dérivés est prédictible à partir de leur construction morphologique.

      • KCI등재

        아프리카중심주의(Afrocentrisme) 시각에서 본 프랑스어권 콩고민주공화국 역사의 맥락화: 모부투의 정통성운동과 지명변경을 중심으로

        김광수 ( Gwang Su Kim ) 한국프랑스문화학회 2016 프랑스문화연구 Vol.32 No.-

        L’Afrocentrisme est une methode de recherche qui etudie l’Afrique du point de vue non-europeenne et non-occidentale. Les pays africains apres l``independance ont fait face a un ensemble des defis de l``integration de differents groupes nationaux en un seul pays et aussi du developpement economique. Les leaders des pays africains ont propose l``ideologie nationale ou la philosophie gouvernementale, et ont developpe le Pan- afrocentrisme afin de construire une nation et lutter contre le neo-colonialisme. Le mouvement de l’authenticite, pretendu par Mobutu est apparu a la fin des annees 1960 et au debut des annees 1970. Ce mouvement a ete fonctionne comme un outil ideologique de la nation. Au debut, il a tente de liquider l갽heritage colonial et de repousser la valeur de la coutume europeenne telle que la Belgique et la France. Mais en fait, tout cela a fait renforcer le regime de Mobutu. Les toponymes sont etroitement lies au nationalisme et a l``ideologie. Le changement du toponyme pourrait etre utilise comme une sorte de la strategie afin de construire la nation et de former l``Etat moderne. En particulier, les toponymes de la Republique democratique du Congo, inventes a l``epoque coloniale ont reflete davantage la culture et l``identite du pays colonisateur. Le changement du toponyme, effectue par Mobutu devra etre compris dans le cadre du processus pour la construction de la nation et la conscience historique en integrant la nation et le peuple. Ainsi, le mouvement des changements symboliques des noms des lieux doit e. tre compris dans le cadre du contexte nationaliste et postcolonial. On peut dire que ce travail se base sur la contextualisation historique et culturelle de la Republique democratique du Congo.

      • Norme, pragmatisme et frustration: La traduction des noms propres dans Le documentaire de voyage

        ( Anne-lise Weidman ) 한국통역번역학회 2011 FORUM Vol.9 No.1

        This paper was first presented at a seminar on "The translation of proper names in travel literature". On the basis of a case study of the translation of well-known anthroponyms and toponyms in Walter Hasenclever`s "Exilliteratur" novel "Die Rechtlosen", we show that proper names cannot be translated systematically by commonly accepted linguistic equivalences. On the contrary, as the names themselves often carry strong connotations in the source text and are therefore essential to its underlying meaning, they must first be submitted to a process of interpretation. Their rendering will, therefore, always have a discursive equivalence, even if it may look at first sight like a linguistic equivalence.

      • 2 etait une fois un petit caporal… Ou La traduction des noms propres dans Le roman de Walter Hasenclever: Die Rechtlosen

        ( Colette Laplace ) 한국통역번역학회 2011 FORUM Vol.9 No.1

        This paper was first presented at a seminar on "The translation of proper names in travel literature". On the basis of a case study of the translation of well-known anthroponyms and toponyms in Walter Hasenclever`s "Exilliteratur" novel "Die Rechtlosen", we show that proper names cannot be translated systematically by commonly accepted linguistic equivalences. On the contrary, as the names themselves often carry strong connotations in the source text and are therefore essential to its underlying meaning, they must first be submitted to a process of interpretation. Their rendering will, therefore, always have a discursive equivalence, even if it may look at first sight like a linguistic equivalence.

      • KCI등재후보

        독어의 고유명사에 대한 연구

        정수정 ( Jeong Su Jeong ) 서울대학교 독일어문화권연구소 2008 독일어문화권연구 Vol.17 No.-

        In dieser Arbeit wurde versucht, eine Klassifikation von deutschen Eigennnamen vorzustellen und diese unter morphosyntaktischem und semantischem Aspekt zu untersuchen. Außerdem wurde angestrebt, die Methoden zu erfassen, wie die Eigennamen von einer Ausgangssprache in eine Zielsprache ubersetzt werden konnen. Ein Eigenname ist ein Sprachzeichen, das der Unterscheidung des Namentragers von anderen dient, die ihm in gewisser Weise nahe stehen. Der Eigenname macht somit den Namentrager zu etwas Einmaligem und Individuellem. Bei der Klassifizierung sowie bei der Beschreibung der einzelnen Klassen von Eigennamen stoßt man nicht selten auf Schwierigkeiten, wobei ein Problem darin besteht, standhaltbare Kriterien dafur zu erstellen. Traditionellerweise wurden Eigennamen in drei Gruppen untergliedert, und zwar Antonymen, Toponymen und sonstigen Eigennamen. Was die Semantik der Eigennamen angeht, so wurden zwei kontroverse Ansichten vertreten, je nachdem, ob ein Eigenname eine Bedeutung hat. Nach Mill hat ein Eigenname keine Bedeutung. Er sei ein bedeutungsleeres Etikett, das keine Eigenschaften des Objekts mitbezeichnet. Dagegen vertritt Jesperson den Standpunkt, dass ein Eigenname ein Maximum an Bedeutung hat. Nach Hansack steht ein Eigenname nicht fur einen Gegestand, sondern eine Informationsmenge uber einen Gegenstand. Die Bedeutung ist bei Hansack nunmehr die Gesamtheit dessen, was uber ein Wort indiziert wird. Die Ubersetzung von Eigennamen kann durch die pragmatischen, kulturellen und textuellen Faktoren bestimmt. Als Grundprinzip dafur gilt, dass man beim Ubersetzen der Eigennamen auf textuelle pragmatische Adaquatheit in der Zielsprache hin uberpruft. Eigennamen konnen beim Ubersetzen mithilfe einer Modifizierung sowie einer expliziten Erklarung erganzt werden.

      • 지명어의 연구방법론 서설

        김정태(Kim, Jeong-tae) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2014 충청문화연구 Vol.12 No.-

        Toponym is characterized by the possibility of approach from various aspects. The possibility of approach from various aspects implies the variety of Toponym inversely. Thus, such various approach to Toponym enables one to discover the true feature and value of Toponym. Toponym is a language. Therefore, philological research and linguistic study must be its basis and prioritized. Through linguistic interpretation, the fundamental form and meaning are reconstructed, and from it, application and expansion of denotation become possible. This is why, denotation expansion and complication of research method can be said to be a task of Toponym study in the future. Then, that will be a time when the true feature and value of Toponym are discovered, and toponymy can be established as an independent academic field. For this, this article, under a condition in which inductive review of existing research method and a search for new and various research method are inevitable, suggests an approach from two aspects as a public sentiment of Toponym research methodology. First is a linguistic approach, and the second is non-linguistic aspect, that is an aspect of related study. The former one is an interpretation of Toponym as a language through linguistic interpretation of Toponym. It is an approach from various aspects such as Phoneme, form, vocabulary and orthography. As a result, intensified interpretation about Toponym in these fields have been continued. Meanwhile, the latter one is a trial to define the nature of Toponym in relevancy of related study based on linguistic interpretation. Eventually, the original form of Toponym is only reconstructed when it is contemplated comprehensively from linguistic aspect. Study about Toponym as a language starts from its interpretation. Furthermore, Toponym demands to be approached and interpreted from the relevancy of related study. Toponym is indeed a subject of comprehensive study which contains various behaviors of our life and a subject of convergence and integration study.

      • KCI등재후보

        문화유산으로서의 지명에 대한 국어 정책적 접근

        김정태 한국지명학회 2014 지명학 Vol.20 No.-

        Traditional toponyms are formed by native groups. The toponyms have been passed down as ‘front toponym morphemes +back toponym morphemes’ to distinguish from such as 'village(마을), valley(골), stream(내)'. Regional cultures and regional dialects could embed them through passing down. Thus the traditional toponyms are reflected in the regional cultures and regional dialects. The dialect reflects in front morphemes imbedding the information of toponym formation productively. In addition, front morphemes don't have the lexical constraints. Being finite, the back morphemes are embedded the regional dialects. However I could confirm that the toponyms fossilized form of archaic or dead words are more conservative comparing to the regional dialects. The regional cultures have been formed in the native's ideas, behaviors, lifestyles. Therefore it results in the toponyms. Such as indigenous beliefs, conceptions of alien religions are not only the toponyms but also people, family backgrounds, cultural remains. livelihood culture. Therefore if the regional dialects are well worth the linguistic resources and the cultural heritages, the toponyms will be worth enough. So we have to collect, manage, and utilie the materials of toponyms. In addition to this, Korean language policy have to support to discover the extinguished toponyms and to preserve them by compiling a database of toponyms. 전래하는 자연지명은 토박이 집단에 의해서 형성된다. ‘마을(村, 洞), 골(谷), 내(川)’ 등 대상을 다른 대상과 구별하기 위해 명칭 표준화에 준하는 ‘전부+후부’의 구성으로 정해져 후대로 전래하는 것이다. 이때 전래하는 과정에 해당 지역의 언어와 독특한 문화적 특성이 반영된다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 전래지명에는 토박이들의 지역어와 지역 문화가 담겨있는 것이다. 지역어의 반영은 전부지명소(전부지명형태소)에서 생산적이다. 전부지명소는 지명 생성에 대한 많은 정보를 담고 있다. 어휘의 사용에 제약을 받지 않기 때문이다. 또한 한정된 어휘가 사용되는 후부지명소에서도 지역어의 반영을 확인할 수 있다. 그렇지만 언어로서의 지명은 지역어와 달리 고어 형태나 사어가 화석으로 잔재해 있는 것으로 보아 지역어보다 더 고착적이고 보수적임을 확인할 수 있다. 지역 문화는 지역 토박이들의 생각이나 행동, 생활양식이 전개되면서 형성된다. 이러한 지역 문화는 지역의 특징 문화로서 지명에 반영된다. 대전 지역의 문화도 지명의 전부지명소에 반영되어 있음을 확인하였다. 이를테면, 토속적이고 전통적인 신앙뿐만 아니라 외래 종교에 대한 신념이나 행위 등이 지명에 반영되어 있는 것이다. 그리고 인물이나 가문, 생업 문화, 유적 문화 등도 지명에 반영되어 문화로서의 한 특징을 이루고 있었다. 문화로서의 지명의 가치이다. 따라서 지역어가 우리에게 풍부한 언어학적 연구 자료를 제공하는 동시에 우리의 민족 문화 유산(자산)으로 보존할 가치가 있다면, 지역어와 지역 문화를 반영한 지명도 그에 상응하는 가치가 충분한 것이다. 우리의 문화유산인 전래하는 지명 자료를 수집, 발굴, 정리, 보존, 활용하는 일은 중요한 시대적 과제가 아닐 수 없다. 이에 국어 정책의 측면에서 국어 문화유산으로서 소멸 위기의 지명을 발굴하여 보존할 수 있도록 지원되어야 한다. 이를테면, 기존의 자료가 정리되고 새로운 자료가 발굴되어야 한다. 나아가 음성 자료를 디지털화하고, 통합 DB로 구축되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Confucian Transformation of Toponyms and the Coexistence of Contested Toponyms in Korea

        김순배 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2012 Korea Journal Vol.52 No.1

        Toponyms are social constructs, subject to constant change in the social context. As such, toponyms in Korea reveal many variant forms, given the geopolitical location of the peninsula, a crossroad for various cultures. In particular,when Korea adopted Confucianism as the state orthodoxy during the Joseon dynasty, a host of native toponyms were renamed into Confucian ones in order to reflect the dominant Confucian ideology. This phenomenon produced politically and culturally contested toponyms for the same locations, making native toponyms coexist or contend with Chinese-derived or Confucian toponyms. Confucian toponyms represented the Confucian identity and ideology held by Confucian scholars, and signified specific toponymic meanings and territoriality. Even to this day, Confucian toponyms either coexist or conflict with other types of toponyms. This paper examines the transformation of native toponyms to Confucian ones and analyzes the concrete naming process by presenting particular examples. It also reviews various forms of contested toponyms and the mode of Confucian toponyms in contestation or parallel existence with others.

      • KCI등재

        백두대간 고개 지명의 분포와 변천 -설악산과 오대산 일대를 중심으로

        김순배 한국지명학회 2015 지명학 Vol.23 No.-

        Toponym is a important indicator which morphologically and concretely indicates the temporal and spatial depth and width of human activity and its variation. In addition, it provides the detailed clues related to the human perception into natural environment and the change of residential area. Based on that perception, this article aims to investigate the geographical distribution and toponymic change of physical and human toponyms, especially mountain pass toponyms which are situated in Baekdudaegan Mountain Range. In consequence of the examination, the village toponyms comprise 60% out of total objects of toponyms. Therefore, I have identified that the human residence has been actively settled down in the area of Baekdudaegan Mountain Range. In case of generic name, ‘-gol’(골, valley) according to data from the village toponyms, ‘-bong’(봉, mountain peak) from the mountain toponyms, and ‘-cheon’(천, stream) from the river toponyms are mostly found. And more Buddhist toponyms rather than Confucian toponym are dominantly distributed, as well as, the military and transportational toponyms such as the toponyms with generic name, ‘-won’(원, public sector accommodation) are intensively situated in Mun-gyeong City, Gyeongbuk and Goe-san County and Chung-ju City, Chungbuk Province. In instance of mountain pass toponyms, the toponyms with generic name, ‘-jae’(재, mountain pass) are found over 50% out of the total number of data. Meanwhile, I have identified that the mountain pass toponyms are concentrated in 8 spots, and that they have a toponymic unison, especially carried the 5 types of unison. Lastly, I have found out a toponymic phenomenon that the respective residents lived in both side of certain mountain pass had differently perceived the mountain pass toponym in respect of spoken and written language. 지명은 인간 활동과 그 변화의 시․공간적 깊이와 넓이를 형태적이고 구체적으로 확인시켜 주는 중요한 지표가 되며, 자연 환경에 대한 인간의 인식 특성과 거주지 변화에 대한 구체적인 단서를 제공한다. 이러한 인식을 토대로 본 연구는 백두대간 보호지역에 분포하는 자연 및 인문 지명, 특히 고개 지명의 지리적 분포 특성과 지명학적 변천 양상을 조사하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 연구 결과, 전체 연구 지명 2,674개 중 인문지명, 특히 촌락지명이 60% 이상을 차지하여 백두대간 주변에서 인간 거주가 활발하게 이루어지고 있음을 확인하였다. 후부 지명소의 경우, 촌락지명에서는 ‘-골’이, 산지 지명에서는 ‘-봉’, 하천 지명에서는 ‘-천’이 다수 나타나고 있다. 또한 유교지명에 비해 불교지명이 우세하게 나타나고 있으며, ‘-원(院)’과 같은 군사교통 지명이 경북 문경시와 충북 괴산군 및 충주시 일대에 집중적으로 분포하고 있다. 고개지명의 경우 후부 지명소가 ‘-재’인 지명이 50% 이상 나타나고 있으며, 백두대간 중 고개지명이 집중된 8곳에 대한 확인과 함께 고개 지명이 주변 지명과 동일한 전부 지명소를 공유하는 고개 지명의 화동성과 그 5가지 유형을 정리하였다. 마지막으로 20세기 초반, 고개 지명이 고개를 사이로 양 사면에 거주하는 지명 언중들에 의해 각기 다르게 인식되거나 표기되는 양상이 발견되었다.

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