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      • An analysis of the type of community service investment project for the expansion of speech- language rehabilitation services in Korea

        Kyung Jin Seo,Eun Kyoung Lee,Seong Hee Choi 한국언어재활사협회 2021 Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the type of provision of community service investment projects by method and scale of provision, to expand speech-language rehabilitation programs. Methods: This study was conducted on 17 local governments that are implementing community service investment projects. The services of 17 local governments were categorized by method and scale of provision, their programs were analyzed, and services including speech-language pathologists were identified. Results: When classifying the types of community service investment projects by delivery method, institutional-visited services accounted for the highest rate of 67.4%. Of the 328 community service investment projects, 37 services (11.3%) were provided by speech-language pathologists. Of the 223 institutional visit services, 22 (9.6%) services included speech-language pathologists and speech-language related rehabilitation, and there were no home visit services. Regarding the scale, the highest portion (43.3%) of the total 328 services was ‘group type’. A total of 328 local community service investment projects were implemented by 17 local governments, 37 (11.3%) of which were provided by speech-language pathologists. Among the community services provided by size, 23.1% of the services specified by speech-language rehabilitation and/or speech-language pathologists were provided. Conclusions: The speech-language rehabilitation services were biased toward ‘individual’ and complex services, and the proportion of ‘group type’ services was very small. Accordingly, speech-language rehabilitation services should expand the scope of speech-language rehabilitation services at the ‘group type’ scale nationwide. In addition, delivery methods should be diverse by providing new services in the post-Corona era.

      • KCI등재

        텔레비전 시리즈 드라마 굿 위치에 나타난 입력 기반 대화 공동체의 역할

        정윤정(Yunjeong Chung) 영상영어교육학회 2023 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of the paper is to study EFL students’ reaction toward the concept of a speech community reflected in a TV series. Three non-English major students were recruited for the study. Each student was provided with four different drama clips which represent four different speech communities. Speech communities provide L2 learners with linguistic and cultural knowledge that helps people socialize with others (Schmid, 2016). After the participants went through L1 translation activities which helped them to increase their awareness of what an L2 speech community is, the participants were given two tests (memorization and selection of relevant expressions) and one written interview. The results indicated that the speed of all three participants’ memorization was better after the given instruction and they also selected more expressions on the interview test. In the written interview, all the participants showed positive attitudes about the use of a speech community. Such results have potential pedagogical implications in EFL classrooms. First, the use of a speech community brings abundant context to the relevant scene to help memorization, and provides salience to expressions; consequently EFL students can pick up desirable expressions. Second, the concept of speech community can integrate both cultural and language matters simultaneously. Details will be discussed further in the paper.

      • Analysis on the actual condition of speech-language rehabilitation provision for the community social service investment projects: focused on targeting 17 cities nationwide

        Eun Kyoung Lee,Myoung Soon Lee,Ga Hee Jeong,Tai Woo Kim 한국언어재활사협회 2020 Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders Vol.5 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a policy design and model that could increase the proportion of speech-language rehabilitation and expand participatory services by analyzing community social service investment projects by subject and identifying the proportion of service provision by speech-language rehabilitation. Methods: This study was conducted on 17 local governments conducting community social service investment projects. The services of 17 local governments were classified by target to analyze programs and identify services that included speech-language rehabilitation. Results: In 108 services for children and youth nationwide, 26 services accounted for 24.1% of the total. The service for adults and senior citizens was included in 1 of the 116 services nationwide, accounting for 0.8% of the total. Of the 53 services nationwide for the disabled and mentally disabled, 6 include speech-language rehabilitation, accounting for 11.3% of the total. There are 43 services nationwide for parents, families, husband and wife, and pregnant women, and there are no services that include speech-language rehabilitation. Conclusions: First, when the community service investment project was classified by the subjects, the service area in which the speech-language rehabilitation worker is specified as the providing manpower is concentrated in the child and youth area, and there are few services targeting adults, the elderly, parents, families, couples, and pregnant women. Second, when examining the characteristics of each area to investigate the actual condition of speech-language rehabilitation by content, speech-language rehabilitation workers were concentrated in the psychological and counseling areas, and they rarely provided services in the areas of education, emotion, health, exercise, and leisure.

      • 驻华韩国人的韩语使用情况考察

        韩,希昌(Han Hee Chang) 한양대학교 수행인문학연구소 2009 수행인문학 Vol.39 No.2

        Speech communities are the basic units in examining social phenomena caused by language contact. People speaking Korean form a rather large speech community in China, and various other minor groups exist within the Korean speech community. Ethnic Koreans and Korean residents are the two major constituents of Korean speech communities in China. These groups use Korean as their native language while integrating Chinese at work and in their daily lives. However, various differences exist between the two groups. First of all, their nationality differs. Another difference is that Ethnic Korean speech communities have been formed over a long period of time, while Korean residents’ speech communities have a short history. Also, in the case of language variation, the former contains a variety of variations in terms of voice, vocabulary, and grammar. On the other hand, the latter shows variations mostly in vocabulary. By examining language variations of Korean residents’ speech communities in China, the kinds of variations and its origins shall be examined in-depth. Koreans living in China normally use Korean to communicate with one another but their usage is quite different from the Korean used by Koreans living in Korea. A major difference is shown in vocabulary. A variation in vocabulary could roughly be analyzed in two forms; coating Korean-like pronunciation to Chinese vocabulary is one and mixing Korean and Chinese by directly embedding Chinese vocabulary in the Korean language structure is the other. In this case however, Chinese vocabulary adapts the Korean phonetic system and its original tone features become barely noticeable. In such situations, the Chinese vocabulary behaves similarly to loanwords embedded in the Korean language. Again, this mixture of language is divided into habitual and conscious mixture. The conscious mixture is described as a phenomenon easily seen among Chinese language learners (Korean speakers learning Chinese) who use Chinese vocabulary consciously in the Korean language structure to enhancearniir learning and memorization of Chinese. In this case, the learners put great effort to maintain the Chinese phonetic system. Therefore, this study excludes the conscious mixture phenomenon. By analyzing the usage of Korean among Koreans residing in China, the language features shown in their speech and its causes would be discussed more fully.

      • KCI등재

        국내 주요 온라인 커뮤니티의 혐오 표현 사용 양상에 관한 연구

        김재훈,박소현,한경식 한국에이치씨아이학회 2023 한국HCI학회 논문지 Vol.18 No.1

        Despite the positive influence of online communities on facilitating information exchange and communications without spatial and temporal limitations, a high degree of freedom of online expressions also influences the creation and spread of hate speech. Given that the spread of online hate speech can have many negative effects on individuals and society, such as the promotion of cyber-violence, discrimination, and conflict, it is critical to understand types, degrees, and characteristics of online hate speech. Since various online communities have their own community identity and are formed by people with common values and interests, ways of interpreting and sharing specific topics are also likely to vary by community, which could also influence ways of hate speech. Despite such an important aspect, little research has comprehensively analyzed online hate speech from the data in various online communities. In this paper, we report characteristics and patterns of hate speech, based on the data of 183,488 hate expressions from six major online communities in South Korea. Our study results showed that the content dealt with by each community was highly different even for the same topic. In addition, our emotion analysis results revealed significant differences in the degree of hate speech by community. Finally, we discuss possible ways to reduce the creation and spread of online hate speech.

      • KCI등재

        『에마』에 나타난 언어, 권력, 공동체의 함수

        조선정 ( Son Jeong Cho ) 영미문학연구회 2008 영미문학연구 Vol.15 No.-

        This essay argues that Jane Austen`s Emma, in its fresh rendition of the idea of ``mistress`` as governing not only domestic space but also public space of community, presents a new direction of the Austenian marriage plot. Attempting to place the novel and its heroine in the context of later phase of the Austenian female Bildungsroman where the value of community and women`s positive role in it are profoundly appreciated, the essay analyzes the complex nature of community and women`s public role Emma envisions. The essay begins by recognizing the ways in which this highly verbally-charged novel (de)constructs functional matrix of speech battles among characters. While characters, through sharp confrontations and intense competitions of languages, interact with each other in pursuit of power, none comes out victorious in the end. The novel simply continues to reflect collaboration, complementarity, and fundamental interdependency of these competing languages. A sort of subtle equilibrium of power, the essay argues, is maintained throughout, which serves to shift the impulse of the narrative from individual achievement to the survival of community as "a well-oiled machine." Then, the essay moves to illuminate how the struggle for linguistic power originates in class-conflict. What makes Highbury community so peculiar is that it is tacitly class-ridden and yet the fact of hierarchy of class is not acknowledged openly; the existence of class distinction is managed or controlled by means of the social system of benevolence and ethics of caring. The equilibrium of power is thus a necessary solution to erasing or at least silencing the threat of eruption of class-conflict. The essay analyzes the Box Hill episode in detail because it contains some crucial elements revealing how the breakdown of equilibrium would unmask the unstable and vulnerable reality of community. The essay argues that the novel, in its exploration of historical conditions of sustainable community in the wake of emerging crisis of class-conflict, embraces the fundamental limitations of modern community, recognizes the reality of interdependency and further encourages the moral value of personal act of friendship. Lastly, the essay examines how Austen coordinates the discourse of community with the narrative of heroine`s transformation. The marriage plot of the novel verifies the status of Emma, as the one and only mistress of Highbury, which the essay interprets as a significant expansion of the Austenian thematics of feminine subjectivity.

      • KCI등재

        초,중등 학생의 화법 양성 -교육과정 성취기준에 반영된 담화 유형을 중심으로 ; 국회 담화 분석을 위한 국회의원 화법 인식 조사 -국회의원 면담 분석을 중심으로-

        권순희 ( Soon Hee Kwon ) 한국화법학회 2013 화법연구 Vol.0 No.23

        의회에서 이루어지는 언어활동 분석 및 의회 언어 개념과 향상 방안 등에 대한 연구가 필요하다는 인식을 하였다. 왜냐하면 국회는 대한민국의 정치 지도자가 모인 곳이고, 한국에서 가장 영향력 있는 집단 중 하나이기 때문이다. 또한 의회에서 이루어지는 담화는 방송 등매체를 통해 공개되므로 사회에 그 영향력이 큰 것도 그 중 한 가지이유이다. 국회 담화 분석을 위한 기초 자료 수집 차원에서 국회의원 면담을 통해 국회의원 자신이 화법에 대해 얼마나 인식하고 있는지를 조사하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 국회 담화 화법에 대한 문제점으로 감정 조절을 하지 못하는 문제, 사투리 사용의 문제, 국정 감사 시 권위적이고 일방적인 발화를 하는 문제 등을 지적하였다. 둘째, 화법 개선 방법으로 국회 회의록이나 영상물을 모니터링하여 피드백하는 시스템이 필요하며 국회의원 자신의 언어에 대한 책임의식이 필요하다고 언급하였다. 또한 국회의원 개인의 노력과 더불어 제도적 차원의 개선이 필요하다는 응답도 있었다. 셋째, 국회의원은 화법 연수를 받은 적이 없다. 국회 연찬회 등을 통해 화법 연수가 필요함을 언급하였다. 넷째, 초선국회의원 시절에 비해 재선, 3선을 하면서 전문 용어를 더 잘 사용하게 되고, 토론 능력과 질의 능력이 향상되었다고 인식하였다. 다섯째, 회의 진행시 사회자는 중립성을 지켜야 하며 의사진행 발언의 악용을 개선해야 한다고 인식하고 있었다. 여섯째, 국정 감사 시에 만족스러운 답변이 나오지 않을 경우 추가 질문, 서면 답변 요청, 다른 날을 잡아 국정 감사를 시행하는 등의 노력이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 일곱째, 국정 감사와 청문회에서 여야간의 경쟁 화법과 협력 화법의 사례가 있음을 인정하였으며 당 차원의 협의 진행 과정이 있음을 언급하였다. 이상의 면담 결과를 통해 볼 때 국회 담화는 단순히 국회 구성원을 위한 담화 공동체로서의 위상을 뛰어넘는다. 국회 담화는 정치에 가담한 구성원뿐만 아니라 정치적 영향력 아래 살아야 하는 구성원에게도강력한 영향력을 행사하기 때문이다. 국회 담화 공동체는 정치에 직·간접적으로 참여하는 구성원 간의 상호 적응 및 신뢰 속에 이루어져야 할 역동적인 정치 담화 공동체로서의 위상을 인식할 필요가 있다. 단기적으로는 여당 담화 공동체와 야당 담화 공동체로서의 역할에 충실하게 임하는 것이 당의 이익과 존속을 위해 필요한 일이지만 장기적으로는 국회의원들이 국회 담화 공동체로서의 역할에 충실하게 임할 때 국민으로부터 정치적 신뢰를 받으며 상생하는 모습으로 거듭날 수 있는 것이다. Study on the analysis and improvement plan of speech function and concept in the National Assembly is necessary, because the National Assembly is a legislature assembled by political leaders and one of the most influential groups in Korea. Also it is because discourses in the National Assembly are opened to the public by mass media. Three members of the National Assembly`s speech awareness was investigated by interview. As the results, improper emotion control, speaking in dialect, and authoritative and unilateral speech were blamed as the problem of discourse. For the improvement measures of speech, the necessities of monitoring and feedback system of the minutes and recording, speech training as well as having a sense of responsibility for speech were mentioned. The member of the National Assembly perceived that their discussion and question abilities were improved when they were re-elected comparing to newly-elected. Also they appreciated that chairperson should keep neutrality. They acknowledged that there were competitive speech and cooperative speech during parliamentary inspection of the administration or at a hearing. Discourse of the National Assembly is beyond the discourse community`s status for congressmen, because it has a strong influence on the majority of people as well as politicians. The National Assembly will get people`s trust as the coexisting politicians when the ruling party and the opposition party are faithful to their roles in the discourse community.

      • KCI등재

        영화영어와 Exemplar-Based Learning : 영화 푸시를 중심으로

        이연준 영상영어교육학회 2020 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.21 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is three-fold: 1) to suggest a way to effectively teach movie expressions in the EFL classroom; 2) to explain why movie expressions should be taught; and 3) to show how to select the expressions. Two concepts were imported: exemplar-based sequences and the idea of a speech community. In usage-based linguistics, actual expressions (exemplars) are a starting point for language acquisition. Such expressions should be used in a speech community. In this paper, a movie was regarded as a type of speech community. The American superhero film, Push (McGuigan, 2009), was selected. This paper shows how EFL teachers can conceive of Push as a speech community. All members of the Push community had psychic abilities. Expressions were grouped according to these psychic aspects. This process is believed to create a community of psychics. After the grouping activities were done, each expression serves as a reminder of the psychic world. This paper also shows that language development can take place when EFL students learn grouped expressions. According to exemplar-based sequences, language development can move from actual expressions or exemplars to the abstract schema. We believe that EFL teachers can teach movie expressions systematically and coherently with the help of exemplar-based learning and the idea of a speech community.

      • 论 “言语社区” 构成五要素之一

        张薇(Zhang, wei) 한양대학교 수행인문학연구소 2009 수행인문학 Vol.39 No.2

        According to the principle that “Community the first, language the second”, sociolinguistic research intends to “find the language in the Speech Community”. This article proves that the “area” is the one of the constituent elements of Speech Community but is not at the same level as the other four elements, and So far the present research cannot prove that the non-territorial community can constitute a speech community. Therefore the meaning of area is primarily in geography sense.

      • 인터넷 토론공간에서의 의사소통행위양식에 대한 연구

        이광수(Lee Kwang-Su),김병석(Kim Byung-Suk) 경북대학교 사회과학연구원 2009 사회과학 담론과 정책 Vol.2 No.2

        인터넷과 같은 네트워크 기술의 발전은 인류의 소통 확대를 위한 새로운 공간을 창출하였다. 가상공간(假想空間)이라는 새로운 공간에서 사람들은 다양한 사회적인 활동, 즉 토론과 타협, 여론의 수렴과 전파, 온라인(online) 정치 행위 등을 수행한다. 가상공간은 실재 공간과 구별되지만 참여자 사이에서 실재와 똑같이 일상적인 사회활동이 이루어지는 온라인 공동체가 형성된다. 온라인 공동체에서 익명의 참여자들은 참여자간에 댓글을 통하여 양자간, 일 대(對) 다자(多者),다자 대 다자간 등 여러 형태로 각자의 지식, 감정, 주장을 전달하고 공유하는 의사소통행위가 이루어진다. ‘댓글’은 전자적인 텍스트(electron text)로써 인터넷 이용자들은 텍스트를 통해 동의, 반대, 칭찬, 비난, 조소 등의 실재 공간에서와 똑같은 다양한 의사소통행위양식을 보이고 있다. 본 연구는 온라인 공간에서의 언어행위인 ‘댓글’에 주목하여, 화행론적 분석틀인 단언, 정표, 지시, 언약, 선언이라는 다섯 가지 언어 행위 분류 기준에 따라 ‘댓글’을 통한 인터넷 이용자들의 의사소통행태의 규칙성을 규명하고자 하였다. 연구결과 온라인 공간의 토론과정에서 주요한 의사소통방식은 현재 드러나 있는 사실에 대하여 자신의 의견을 보다 강하게 주장하는 단언행위적 표현과 사실에 대한 자신의 느낌,의견을 감정적 언어로 나타내는 정표행위적 표현이 상대적으로 많았다. 이는 인터넷을 통한 의사소통과정이 단순히 자기 주장만 하거나 감정을 발산하는 현재지향적 의사소통양식을 띠고 있다는 것을 의미한다. 반면에 다른 사람들과의 토론을 통해 공감대를 형성하고 다음 단계로의 진행을 의미하는 미래지향적 결론을 도출해내는 지시행위, 언약행위, 선언행위는 상대적으로 적은 빈도수를 나타냈다. 이는 온라인 토론공간에 게재된 게시물의 언어적 특성에 따라 댓글의 반응도 관련성을 보이고, 동시에 인터넷의 주요 특성 중 하나인 익명성에 따른 임시적이고 무책임한 의사소통형태의 특징이 발견되었다. Virtual communities are opened, and all members of virtual communities are free to discuss and access information, etc. members under opened environment activity perform a various social act. Text is remained by a result of these activities remain. Speech acts consist of speech and written text. There are written text electronically in the virtual community, for text analysis, we applied speech acts theory by Searle( 1969),originator Austin: Assertives, Expressives, Directives, Commissives, and Declarations. Through speech acts analysis, we discovered a type of speech acts and communication of speech acts by members in the virtual community. Research finding is many assertives of members own view and expressives of members’ own feeling and a few of Directives, Commissives, and Declarations. Through a analysis of posting about specific social issues on-line forum, communication among members in the virtual community is isolated, and speech acts is factual, emotional.

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