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      • KCI등재

        A Legal Consideration on Port State Jurisdiction and Port State Control in respect of the Prevention of Vessel-Source Marine Pollution

        최정환,이상일 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2019 法과 政策 Vol.25 No.3

        Traditionally, the responsibility for securing the ships’ safety and the protection of the marine environment falls under a flag state flying its flag under international law. However, with the introduction of FOC regime, flag state control has weakened over the last few decades and this circumstance had resulted in severe maritime accidents and pollution incidents. Thus, the international community have been tried to contribute to the protection of the marine environment through the port states’ regulation under the recognition of that the flag state could be difficult to solve the issue of comprehensive regulation for the prevention and reduction of marine pollution. Under the LOSC, a port state may exercise legislative and enforcement jurisdiction over the ship that violated international rule and standards in their maritime zone and may institute proceedings over a foreign vessel that violated international rules and standards and IMO conventions relevant to marine pollution in the high sea or EEZ of another state. Port state control allows a port state to take proper measures over foreign vessels (e.g. ships’ detention or a port embargo) by verifying as to whether the ships comply with international rules and standards in respect of the safety of ships, certification and training of seafarers, crew competence and working conditions, in order to ensure maritime safety and protect the marine environment in their maritime zone. As a naturally acknowledged coastal states’ jurisdiction or sovereignty in the territorial sea under customary international law, besides, port state control enables a port state to fundamentally control vessel-source marine pollution by targeting ships’ physical defect or human defect as a prior measure. In contrast, port state jurisdiction based on Article 218 of the LOSC is not concerned with ships’ construction, equipment and design, but the violation of discharge standards referred in ’generally accepted international rules and standards’. Such port state jurisdiction seems to have a different viewpoint from traditional rule for maritime jurisdiction. In practice, port state control can be more effective measure than port state jurisdiction because port state control has low disturbance for international shipping and can play a role as a priori measure in preventing marine pollution. However, it should be kept in mind that a port state should actively exercise port state jurisdiction of the post-regulation level along with the exercise of port state control of a precautionary level to protect the marine environment of the global ocean and regional sea areas by preventing accidental discharges or operational discharges from ships beforehand. This study looks at in-depth the legal basis for port state jurisdiction and port state control as well as contents related to them. Further, this study wishes to refer to the contribution of port state jurisdiction and port state control to combat vessel-source marine pollution.

      • KCI등재

        해양환경보호와 항만국 통제

        정진석(Chin-Sok Chung) 대한국제법학회 2003 國際法學會論叢 Vol.48 No.3

        본 논문은 해양환경보호 수단으로서의 항만국 통제의 법적 기초 및 그 내용을 살펴보고자 한다. 선박의 안전기준 및 환경기준에 대한 통제권은 전통적으로 기국에게 있다. 하지만 기국에 의한 자국 선박 통제가 불충분하고 또한 대형해양오염사고가 잇따르면서 선박에 대한 통제는 기국에서 항만국으로 중점이 변하게 되었다. 연안국은 내수에서 영토주권과 그에 따른 완전한 관할권을 가지며 이것이 항만국 통제의 법적 기초이다. 즉, 항만국 통제권은 연안국이 내수에서 국제관습법상 당연히 가지는 권리이다. 항만국 통제의 기본적인 목적은 여러 해상안전 및 해양환경조약들에 규정된 안전기준 및 환경기준의 준수여부를 검사하는 것이다. 이러한 검사의 대상이 되는 선박들 중에는 유조선과 화학제품 운반선처럼 오염위험이 높은 선박이 특히 주의의 대상이 된다. 그리고 통제 항목에는 전통적인 항목인 선박의 구조, 의장, 설비, 선원배승기준 외에도 해양오염방지에 관한 필수적인 선상절차를 선원들이 숙지하고 있는지 여부도 포함된다. 그리고 위법한 오염물질 배출여부도 검사항목에 포함된다. 이러한 점들은 항만국 통제가 해양환경보호에 직접적으로 기여할 수 있다는 점을 잘 보여 준다. 통제검사의 결과 흠결이 있는 선박은 억류 및 출항정지 조치까지도 받을 수 있다. 이러한 항만국 통제는 연안국이 연안관할권 밖의 위반행위도 처벌할 수 있도록 규정한 유엔해양법협약 제218조의 항만국 관할권과 구별되어야 한다. 후자는 배출기준위반이 그 대상인데 반하여 전자는 선박의 물적 결함이 주요 통제 대상이다. 그리고 항만국 통제는 연안국이 국제관습법상 내수에서 누리는 주권 및 관할권의 당연한 결과인 반면에 유엔해양법협약 제218조의 항만국 관할권은 해양관할권에 대한 전통적인 규칙들로부터 급격히 이탈한 것으로서 아직 국제관습법상의 지위를 얻은 것으로 보여지지 않는다. 따라서 항만국 관할권과는 달리 국제관습법상 인정된 연안국의 권리인 항만국 통제는 타국들로부터의 저항도 적게 받는다. 그리고 실제적인 면에서도 항만국 통제는 국제해운에 대한 방해도 적고 해양오염에 대한 예방적인 조치의 성격도 가진다. 따라서 항만국 통제는 해양오염을 방지하기 위한 국제체제의 발달에 중요한 위치를 차지하며 그 실효성은 처음에 생각한 것보다 높다고 하겠다. 안전한 선박이 깨끗한 바다를 만든다. This paper purports to examine the legal basis and substance of port State control as a means of marine environmental protection. The safety and anti-pollution standards of a ship is traditionally subject to the control of the State whose flag it is entitled to fly. However, as flag State control has been less than sufficient and, also, as catastrophic maritime accidents have occurred causing devastating environmental consequences to the immediate areas, there has been a shift of emphasis from flag State control to port State control. Port State control is based on the full territorial sovereignty and plenary jurisdiction of coastal States over their internal waters. In other words, port State control stems from the right of coastal States recognized under customary international law. The basic purpose of port State control is to ensure that ships lying in port comply with the rules and standards laid down in various marine pollution treaties and maritime safety treaties. In selecting ships for inspection, the port State authorities give priority to ships posing a special pollution risk such as oil tankers and chemical tankers. In addition, although port State control is originally directed towards the conditions of a ship or its equipment, the port State authorities may also inspect ships to verify whether or not the master or crew are familiar with essential shipboard procedures relating to the prevention of marine pollution. Port State control also includes the inspection to verify whether a ship has made any discharge contrary to marine pollution treaties. These features of port State control clearly show that it may directly contribute to the protection of the marine environment. Where a ship is found to be deficient, the port State authorities will take enforcement measures including detention of the ship. It should be noted that port State control is not to be confused with the extended port State jurisdiction provided for in Article 218 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. While the latter applies only to a discharge violation, the former basically aims to control ships and their equipment, and crew competence and working conditions. Further, while port State control is a corollary of a coastal State's sovereignty and jurisdiction over internal waters under customary international law, the port State jurisdiction of Article 218 represents a radical departure from the traditional rules on maritime jurisdiction and has not become an institution of customary international law. This means that, unlike the port State jurisdiction, the customary right of port State control will not meet serious protest from other States. In practice, the system of port State control may achieve the goal of preventing marine pollution without impeding maritime traffic flow. It may be said, therefore, that port State control is one of the keys to the development of an effective international regime to protect the marine environment and that its efficiency is higher than originally expected. Safer ships, cleaner seas.

      • Intelligent Prevent the Risk of Carcinoma of the Lung Progression

        Sareh Mohammadi Jaberi,Farzin Piltan,Amirzubir Sahamijoo,Nasri b Sulaiman 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Techn Vol.7 No.4

        Smog hanging over cities is the most familiar and obvious form of air pollution. The effects of inhaling particulate matter have been studied in humans and animals and include asthma, lung cancer, cardiovascular issues, and premature death. There are, however, some additional products of the combustion process that include nitrogen oxides and sulfur and some un-combusted hydrocarbons, depending on the operating conditions and the fuel-air ratio. Tuning the fuel to air ratio caused to control the lung cancer. Lung cancers are tumors arising from cells lining the airways of the respiratory system. Design of a robust nonlinear controller for automotive engine can be a challenging work. This research paper focuses on the design and analysis of a high performance PID like fuzzy controller for automotive engine, in certain and uncertain condition. The proposed approach effectively combines of design methods from linear Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller and fuzzy logic theory to improve the performance, stability and robustness of the automotive engine. To solve system’s dynamic nonlinearity, the PID fuzzy logic controller is used as a PID like fuzzy logic controller. The PID like fuzzy logic controller is updated based on gain updating factor. In this methodology, fuzzy logic controller is used to estimate the dynamic uncertainties. In this methodology, PID like fuzzy logic controller is evaluated. PID like fuzzy logic controller has three inputs, Proportional (P), Derivative (D), and Integrator (I), if each inputs have linguistic variables to defined the dynamic behavior, it has ×× linguistic variables. To solve this challenge, parallel structure of a PD-like fuzzy controller and PI-like fuzzy controller is evaluated. In the next step, the challenge of design PI and PD fuzzy rule tables are supposed to be solved. To solve this challenge PID like fuzzy controller is replaced by PD-like fuzzy controller with the integral term in output. This method is caused to design only PD type rule table for PD like fuzzy controller and PI like fuzzy controller.

      • KCI등재

        빛공해방지법 제정의 법적 의의와 과제

        박종원 ( Jong Won Park ) 한국환경법학회 2012 環境法 硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        The proliferation of outdoor light use has developed into a relatively new area of environmental degradation - light pollution. Light pollution has been discovered to have negative effects on many things, including humans, wildlife, the environment and energy consumption. As a result, some nations are reacting with legislation on light pollution. Until now there has been no legislation aimed to curb light pollution in Korea. As some problems have occurred under the current system, and the countries regulating light pollution was increased, Korea enacted an Act on Prevention on Light Pollution Caused by Artificial Lighting(Light Pollution Prevention Act) in February 2002. The Act will take effect on and after February 2013. I analyze the Act``s purpose and contents of the Act. And I compare it with other countries, including U.S., U.K., France and Japan. Based on these analyses, I find legal significance of the Light Pollution Prevention Act, and present some ways to improve the Act. They are related to the use of term of light pollution, the scope of the regulated lighting equipments, the designation of the light pollution control area, the setting of permissible light emitting level, and so on.

      • KCI등재

        통합환경관리법상 허가제도의 한계와 개선 방안

        김동균 한국환경법학회 2020 環境法 硏究 Vol.42 No.3

        오염물질 배출시설의 설치와 관련한 법체계를 살펴보면, 대기오염물질 배출시설 설치허가 및 신고는 「대기환경보전법」, 소음・진동 배출시설 설치허가 및 신고는 「소음・진동관리법」, 폐수시설 설치허가 및 신고는 「물환경보전법」, 악취배출시설 신고는 「악취방지법」, 특정토양오염관리대상시설 신고는 「토양환경보전법」, 폐기물처리시설 설치승인은 「폐기물관리법」에서 규정하고 있다. 즉, 오염물질 배출시설등의 설치와 관련한 인・허가제도는 오염물질별 다수의 법령에서 규정하고 있다. 이와 관련해서는 그동안 상당한 문제점들이 지적되었다. 먼저, 동일 시설임에도 불구하고 사업자는 매체별 허가 또는 신고를 위해 다수의 중복적인 서류를 준비하여 개별 관할 행정청에 제출하여야 하기 때문에 절차적 측면에서 중복성・복잡성・비효율성 등에 대한 문제가 지속적으로 제기되었다. 그리고 내용적 측면에서는 오염물질 배출허용기준이 지역 및 업종의 특성에 대한 고려 없이 획일적으로 규정되어 있어 규제의 불평등을 초래하는 등 환경개선의 측면에서 일정한 한계가 있다는 점과 개별 법령에서 허가재검토와 관련한 규정을 찾아볼 수 없기 때문에 한 번 허가를 받은 사항은 사후에 변경이 불가능하고 배출공정의 특성 내지 주변 환경여건의 변화에 적절하게 대응하지 못한다는 점이 지적되었다. 이와 같은 법제적・조직적 측면에서의 복잡성과 중복성을 해결하고, 환경에 대한 체계적・통일적인 규제제도를 마련하기 위하여 2015년 12월 「통합환경관리법」이 제정되었으며, 2017년부터 시행되고 있다. 「통합환경관리법」은 하나의 사업장에서 배출되는 모든 오염물질을 통합적으로 관리하는 통합허가제도를 도입하였다는 점에 그 의의가 있으며, 최적가용기법의 도입・적용 및 통합허가 또는 변경허가 후 5년 주기로 허가조건과 허가배출기준을 검토하여 필요한 경우에 이를 변경할 수 있는 허가재검토제도를 도입하였다는 점이 특징적이다. 그러나 현행 「통합환경관리법」은 통합환경관리의 필요성에 근거한 긍정적인 평가와 기대효과에도 불구하고 일정한 한계를 가지고 있다. 특히 「통합환경관리법」의 가장 중요한 내용인 통합허가제도가 대기, 수질 1종 및 2종 대형사업장에 대해서만 적용된다는 점을 지적할 수 있으며, 허가재검토 주기에 영향을 미치는 변경허가의 대상이 광범위하다는 점과 허가재검토 절차의 불명확성 등을 문제점으로 제기할 수 있다. 문제의 해결을 위해서는 통합허가의 대상을 단계적으로 확대하는 것을 고려할 수 있으며, 변경허가 대상의 정비 및 허가재검토의 성격과 그 절차의 명확화를 위한 입법적 정비가 요구된다. 뿐만 아니라 「통합환경관리법」의 제정 이전에 개별 법령에 따라 허가를 받고 배출시설등을 운영하고 있는 기존사업자들이 유예기간을 준수하여 통합환경관리제도에 편입될 수 있도록 유도할 수 있는 법제도적 정비가 요구된다. Looking at the Korean legal system related to permission on establishment of emission facilities, the 「Clean Air Conservation Act」 provides for reporting and permission on the establishment of air pollutant-emitting facilities, the 「Noise and Vibration Control Act」 prescribes reporting and permission on the establishment of noise and vibration emission facilities, the 「Water Environment Conservation Act」 allows reporting on wastewater discharge facilities, the 「Malodor Prevention Act」 stipulates reporting on malodor-emitting facilities, the 「Soil Environment Conservation Act」 provides for reporting on specified facilities subject to the control of soil contamination, and the 「Wastes Control Act」 stipulates approval for the installation of waste treatment facilities. In a nutshell, permissions on establishment of pollutant discharge facilities are regulated under a number of statutes which can be classified by specific environmental media. In this case, a problem is that despite the same facility, a number of duplicate documents have to be prepared and submitted to individual competent administrative offices for approval or reporting, and individual laws stipulate uniformly the criteria for allowing pollutant emissions without consideration of the characteristics of each region and industry, which results in a certain limit in terms of environmental improvement. In addition, it has been pointed out that since no regulations related to re-reviewing of permission can be found in individual statutes, it is not possible to change once the approval is granted and that it does not properly respond to changes in characteristics of emission processes or surrounding environmental conditions. As part of efforts to the complexity and redundancy in the legal and organizational aspects and to prepare a systematic and unified regulatory system for the environment, the 「Act on the Integrated Control of Pollutant-Discharging Facilities」(hereafter, Integrated Environmental Control Act) was enacted in December 2015 and has been in effect since 2017. The 「Integrated Environmental Control Act」 has carried an important meaning in that it introduces an integrated permission system that comprehensively governs all pollutants emitted from a single workplace, and features the introduction and application of optimal use technique and the environment minister's review of permission conditions and emission standards every five years after the integrated permission or permission change is granted and can be changed if necessary. However, despite the increasing necessity or significance of integrated environmental control, the current 「Integrated Environmental Control Act」 has certain limitations. In particular, it can be pointed out that despite the advantages of the integrated permission system, the scope of permission change affecting the review cycle is extensive and uncertainties of the permission review process can be raised as a problem. The resolution of these problems may be taken consideration into phasing out the scope of the integrated permit, requiring legislative refinement to clarify the nature of the re-examination of permission and its procedures. In addition, prior to the enactment of the 「Integrated Environmental Control Act」, legal and institutional readjustment is required to transfer existing businesses where received permission and have been operating emission facilities before the enactment into the 「Integrated Environmental Control Act」 within the legal grace period.

      • KCI등재

        건설 현장 내 비점오염원 처리 시설의 제거 특성 평가

        최영화(Choi Younghoa),정설화(Jeong Seolhwa),김창용(Kim Changryong),김효상(Kim Hyosang),오지현(Oh Jihyun) 한국지반환경공학회 2009 한국지반환경공학회논문집 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구는 건설 현장에서 발생하는 비점오염원 발생 특성에 대해서 파악하고, 이에 대한 관리 기술들을 적용하여, 각 시설별 효과에 대해 평가하고자 하였다. 건설 현장의 공사 단계별로 비점오염원의 발생 특성을 보면, 공사 초반 즉, 토양 피복 상태가 교란되어 있는 경우, 강우 시 부유물질 부하량이 높게 나타나며, 강우 강도에 대한 민감도가 공사 후반에 비해 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 건설 현장에서 가설 형식으로 적용할 수 있는 기술로는 부유물질을 제어할 수 있는 Check dam, Silt fence 공법과 강우 시 토사 유실을 원천적으로 제어하는 Geotextile공법을 적용한 결과, Geotextile이 다른 공법에 비해 비점오염원 유출량 제어에 효과적인 것으로 확인 되었다. Check dam과 Silt fence는 공극에 의한 부유물질 제거 기능이 일부 있으나, 전반적으로 일시적 저류에 의한 침강효과로 오염물질을 제거 하는 특징이 있다. 이러한 가설 형식 처리 시설의 경우, 처리 효율이 낮아 주변 민원 또는 수계 오염을 유발할 수 있으며, 이에 부가적으로 가압식 여과 방법을 통해 연계 처리한 결과 만족할 만한 방류 수질을 기대할 수 있었다. 또한, 이러한 여과 방법은 여과 속도와 유입 부하량에 따라 처리 가능한 부하량이 결정되며, 효과적 운전을 위해서는 전처리가 반드시 필요하다. This study was conducted to investigate characteristics of the non-point source pollution under construction and evaluate available pollution control methods. Suspended solid loading is high when soil disturbs by rainfall and this phenomenon is much more severe at the initial stage of construction than at the final one. There are three methods available for erosion and sediment control, which are check dam, silt fence, and geotextile. Check dam and silt fence are for control of suspense solids and geotextile is for preventing soil erosion during rainfall. They can be installed as temporary control facilities at construction sites. From the comparison of those methods, it was found that geotextile method was the most efficient for the runoff control of non-point source pollution. Check dam and silt fence can remove suspense solids by pore spaces to some degree, but the removal of pollutants mainly occurs through sedimentation. Because the temporary control facilities have limited removal efficiency of pollutant, they often cause civil claims and contamination of water environment. Hence, using a pressurized filtration system along with temporary control facilities, highly enhanced treatment efficiency was anticipated. In addition, the loading capacity of these techniques depends on filtration velocity and input loading. And their pre-treatments are necessary for efficient operation.

      • KCI등재후보

        영국의 통합환경관리제도에 관한 연구

        한상운 ( Sang Woon Han ) 한국환경정책평가연구원 2007 환경정책연구 Vol.6 No.3

        통합적 환경관리는 산업생태학의 원리에 맞는 이상적인 환경관리방식으로서 일찍부터 서구 산업국가에서 주목을 받았다. 특히 영국은 1970년대 이후부터 다른 유럽국가에 비하여 비교적 일찍 관심을 갖고 이에 대한 정책을 추진해 왔고, 이러한 노력은 EU의 통합적 환경관리 정책에도 많은 영향을 주었다. 영국의 통합적 환경관리는 1976년 RCEP의 보고서에 의하여 그 중요성이 인식되었고 이후 1990년 환경 보호법에 통합적 환경관리가 규정됨으로써 그 결실을 보게 되었다. 이러한 과정 속에서 법률과 행정체제 및 환경관리를 위한 BPEO의 개념을 정립하고 발전시켜 왔다. 영국의 이러한 노력은 현재 통합적 환경관리를 도입하고자 하는 우리나라의 정책에도 많은 시사점을 던져주고 있으므로 본 논문에서는 이를 자세히 살펴봄으로써 통합적 환경관리에 대한 인식의 폭을 넓히고 향후의 정책방향을 모색해 보고자 한다. The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control(IPPC) has attracted western developed countries for their idealistic environmental prevention concept which corresponds to the principal of Industrial Ecology. Specially the United Kingdom has been interested in those topics earlier than other countries and carried out environmental prevention polices since 1970`s. As a result of these efforts, United Kingdom gave effects EU on developing European IPPC directives. The United Kingdom recognized the importance of the integrated pollution control through the report of Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution(RCEP) in 1976. Further, the United Kingdom developed the report and resulted the Integrated Pollution Control Directives under Environmental Protection Law in 1990. In the process of the legislation, it established and developed the concept of Best Practicable Environmental Option(BPEO) for the regulations, administrative systems, and environmental control. These efforts of the United Kingdom has implications for South Korean policies in adopting Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control system. Thus, this study examines IPPC directives to broaden the understanding of the system and develop policies.

      • KCI등재

        고정오염원에서 발생하는 SO₂ 배출량 저감을 위한 효율적인 환경정책수단의 연구

        이영준 한국환경과학회 2004 한국환경과학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        This paper asks the question: what choice of environmental policy instruments is efficient to reduce sulfur dioxide from stationary sources?: In Korea. command and control has been a common way of controlling SO₂-emissions. When compared to the non-incentive environmental policy instrument such as command and control, economic incentive environmental policy instrument has been the advantage of making polluter himself flexibly deals with in marginal abatement cost to develop environmental technology in the long view. Therefore. the application possibility of the incentive environmental policy instrument was studied in this research to realize the countermeasure for controlling of SO₂-emissions. As a result, enforcement of the countermeasure such as flue gas desulfurizer by command and control would be suitable because power generation is performed by the public or for the public in source of air pollution and thus, economic principle is not applied to the polluter. In the source of industrial pollution, enforcement of fuel tax is found to be suitable for the countermeasure for the use of low sulfur oil in terms of the flexibility of demand for the price in the long term. For the permissible air pollution standards applicable to all air pollutant emitting facilities, enforcement of incentive environmental policy such as bubble, off-set, banking policy or tradeable emission permits would be ideal in long terms according to the regional characteristics and the number and scale of air pollutant emitting facilities.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 환경서비스 관련 법제에 관한 고찰 -《오염처리시설운영자격허가관리방법》을 중심으로-

        윤성혜 ( Sung Hye Yun ),김진열 ( Jin Yeol Kim ) 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원 2013 과학기술법연구 Vol.19 No.3

        Service industry is considered as a standard to estimate the level of economic development in modern society. Recently, environmental industry as an emerging industry is growing rapidly following the international trends, more specifically environment protection and sustainable development. Accordingly, China promotes the development of environmental service as the measure to change into the economic development model environmentally friendly in order to correspond environmental issue as well as mitigate internal environmental pollution. Chinese environmental service achieved quantitative growth during the《11.5》period. Based upon the accomplishment, China includes environmental service in the field which have priority to develop first. To do so, the importance of the development of environmental industry is emphasized once again. Consequently, policy objectives about the development of environmental service have been released in the policy statements in a row. The main objective is to privatize, to socialize, and to specialize environmental service during《12.5》period. Besides, China promotes the institutionalization of relevant laws and regulations through newly legislating or amending. As part of its attempt, legislation about the qualification licenses for the operation of environmental pollution control facilities which is core for the development of Chinese environmental service was amended recently. It means that the effort to constitute institutional framework in order to specialize and to privatize pollution control facilities is tried. Thus, the paper investigates how China defines and categorizes environmental service first, and then reviews Chinese development policies relevant to environmental service generally. Based on these, the paper examines the primary contents of Administrative Measures for Qualification Licenses for the Operation of Environmental Pollution Control Facilities which is the core field of Chinese environmental service. With the analysis, it prospects the development of Chinese environmental service related legislations.

      • Bio-Controlling Effect of Oyster Shell on Bacteria in Polluted Soil and Water in Seaside Areas

        Yoo Bin Shin 국제과학영재학회 2016 APEC Youth Scientist Journal Vol.8 No.2

        Water pollution is an alarming environmental problem. One of the largest unknown causes of ocean water pollution is the minimally used oyster shell that was wrongfully disposed of. Therefore, oyster shell waste was used to understand the degree of its effects on water pollution. In doing so, seawater and sea soil obtained from less-polluted and more-polluted areas of the Gwanganlli shore were cultivated with oyster shell or its extract. To measure the rate of bacterial growth, oyster shells were grinded into different sizes then extracted to cultivate bacteria. The growth rate was tested by measuring their absorbance. Finally to test whether oyster shell effectively suppress growth of malevolent bacteria, oyster shell extract was cultivated with 5 different malevolent bacteria. The results show that oyster shell extract is more effective in preventing the growth of bacteria collected from seawater than those collected from the soil. Specifically, oyster shell extract powder greater than 500um most effectively suppressed bacterial growth, but did not selectively inhibit the growth of malevolent bacteria caused by water pollution, instead inhibited entire growth. Moreover, >500um extract 5% solution effectively suppressed the growth of malevolent bacteria. Thus, spraying oyster shell or its extract on polluted shores can effectively suppress the growth of malevolent bacteria.

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