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        영월 연이굴 유적의 동물상과 자연환경

        이창원(Changwon Lee) 한국구석기학회 2020 한국구석기학보 Vol.- No.41

        영월 연이굴 유적은 강원도 영월군 상동읍 구래리에 자리한 동굴유적으로, 연세대학교 박물관에 의해 2015년 6월말부터 약 30일간 발굴조사가 이루어졌다. 발굴을 통해 석기와 동물화석을 수습하였고 몇몇 층위에서 약 14,000~17,000 BP에 해당하는 절대연대값을 얻었다. 연이굴 유적은 지금까지 발굴·조사된 다른 구석기시대 동굴유적과 연계하여 분석할 수 있는 자료이다. 이 글을 통해 연이굴 유적에서 출토된 동물화석의 종적 구성을 정리하여 유적이 형성된 시기의 동물상과 자연환경을 밝히고자 한다. 연이굴 유적에서 출토된 동물화석은 총 182점으로 나타났으며, 이 가운데 대형포유류에 속하는 뼈는 83점이었다. 종적 구성은 사향노루(Moschus moschiferus), 노루(Capreolus capreolus), 사슴(Cervus sp.), 산양(Naemorhedus goral), 곰(Ursus arctos), 토끼(Lepus sp.), 뒤쥐(Sorex sp.), 비단털쥐(Cricetulus sp.), 갈밭쥐(Microtus sp.), 박쥐(미분석), 지빠귀(Turdus naumanni)로 이루어져 있다. 최대뼈대수가 가장 많은 종은 사향노루(36점, 43.4%)와 산양(32점, 38.6%)으로, 두 종의 뼈대수가 대형포유류 뼈 전체의 82%를 차지한다. 어린 개체를 포함한 종별 최소마리수는 산양 6마리, 사향노루 6마리, 곰 3마리, 사슴 3마리, 노루 1마리, 토끼 1마리로 총 20마리를 확인하였다. 자른 자국(Cut marks)은 산양, 사향노루, 곰, 사슴의 뼈에서 확인하였으며, 자국이 나타난 뼈의 개수는 30점(20.8%)이다. 자국 유형은 긴뼈의 대롱 부분에 산발적으로 분포한 짧고 얕은 자국이 대부분으로, 자국의 위치와 유형을 고려했을 때 체계적이고 조직적인 도살·해체 행위가 이루어지진 않았던 것으로 보인다. 이 글에서 가장 중점적으로 다룬 대형포유류는 산양과 사향노루이다. 지금까지 발굴·조사된 구석기시대 동굴유적에서 가장 많이 확인된 동물이 사슴과(科) 동물인데 반해 연이굴 유적에서는 산양과 사향노루가 가장 높은 출토 비율을 차지한다. 이러한 차이가 생긴 원인은 각각의 동물이 가지는 서식 특성과 관계된 것으로 보이는데, 이를 분석하면 유적이 형성될 당시의 자연환경을 복원하는 것이 가능하다. 따라서 연이굴 유적 주변의 자연환경은 산양과 사향노루가 살기 적합한 서늘한 기후의 가파른 산악지대였다고 추정할 수 있다. Yeon-I Cave site in Yeongwol is situated in Gurae-ri, Sangdong-eup, Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea and an excavation survey of this cave site was conducted by Yonsei University Museum for about 30 days starting from end of June, 2015. Through this excavation, they collected stone tools and animal fossils, and was able to get the absolute dating data corresponding to around 14,000 ~ 17,000 BP from some layers. Yeon-I Cave site is the data available of new analysis connected with other cave sites in the Paleolithic era, where excavation survey was conducted so far. The purpose of this study is to organize which species are included in the animal fossils excavated from Yeon-I Cave site, by which the fauna and the paleoenvironment at the time when the site was formed can be figured out. As the results from analysis of animal fossils in Yeon-I Cave site, the total number of excavated animal fossils was 182 pieces and 83 pieces out of them were of large mammals. For the species, the fossils were from the species of Moschus moschiferus, Capreolus capreolus, Cervus sp., Naemorhedus goral, Ursus arctos, Lepus sp., Sorex sp., Cricetulus sp., Microtus sp,, Chiroptera(not analyzed) and Turdus naumanni. The NISP was two animals of Moschus moschiferus (36 pieces, 43.4%) and Naemorhedus goral (32 pieces, 38.6%) to account for 82% out of the total animals from large mammals and The MNI including young animals was six Naemorhedus goral, six Moschus moschiferus, three Ursus arctos, three Cervus sp., one Capreolus capreolus, one Lepus sp., that total 20 animals were identified. Cut marks were identified from the bones of Naemorhedus goral, Moschus moschiferus, Ursus arctos, and Cervus sp., and the quantity of bones with cut marks was 30 pieces(20.8%). For the pattern of cut marks, most of them are short and shallow cut marks that are distributed sporadically on a tube part of long bones and taking consideration of the pattern and location of the marks, it seems that such systematical and organized butchering and carcass-processing behaviors were not conducted at the site. The large mammals addressed in priority in this study are Naemorhedus goral and Moschus moschiferus. In general, it shows higher excavation rate of animals belonging to Cervidae in cave sites. On the other hand, Yeon-I Cave site shows the highest excavation rate of Naemorhedus goral and Moschus moschiferus. This difference is inferred for the reason related to the inhabitation features of each animal. if analyze each animals inhabitation features, it is able to utilize in the restoration process of the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment of Yeon-I Cave site. Therefore, it can be estimated that the natural environment around Yeon-I Cave site was included in such steep mountainous areas in cool climate, where was suitable for living of Naemorhedus goral and Moschus moschiferus.

      • KCI등재

        Geochemistry of Miocene sedimentary rocks from offshore West Baram Delta, Sarawak Basin, Malaysia, South China Sea: implications for weathering, provenance, tectonic setting, paleoclimate and paleoenvironment of deposition

        Joel Ben-Awuah,Eswaran Padmanabhan,Rajalingam Sokkalingam 한국지질과학협의회 2017 Geosciences Journal Vol.21 No.2

        Geochemistry, paleoweathering, provenance, tectonic setting, paleoclimate and paleoenvironment of deposition of offshore Miocene sedimentary rocks in the West Baram Delta have been examined through multi-element geochemistry and mineralogy. Materials and methods used in the study include ninety four core samples from four subsurface wells, XRF, thin sections and FESEM. Four main groups of samples are identified in the wells: porous sandstones, cemented sandstones, siltstones and mudstones. The sandstones are classified as sublitharenites, litharenites and Fe-rich sandstones based on chemical composition and mineralogy. Variations in compositional trends suggest strong lithological and diagenetic controls on the geochemical composition of the samples. Petrography of the samples indicates that they are composed mainly of quartz, K-feldspar, siderite and clay minerals. The samples are characterized by moderate to high degree of chemical weathering with CIA values between 52–76 and PIA values from 65–100. Provenance analysis of the samples shows predominantly felsic and intermediate igneous provenance with minor mafic contribution. The samples are inferred to have originated from a passive margin tectonic setting that followed the continental collision and rifting stages of the foreland basin development phase of the Sarawak Basin. The paleoclimate of deposition of the samples is interpreted to be warm and humid enhancing the chemical weathering. The paleoenvironment of deposition is predominantly suboxic to anoxic.


        Dale A. Winkler,Peter J. Rose 한국고생물학회 2006 고생물학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Jones Ranch는 미국 텍사스 Twin Mountains층 (Trinity 층군)의 전기 백악기 (Aptian-Albian 경계) 용각류 공룡들이 함께 묻혀있는 독특한 화석지다. 최소한 4개체의 뼈들이 하성 퇴적물 속에 커다란 나무 둥치들과 함께 묻혀있다. 퇴적구조, 화석화과정, 함께 산출되는 동식물 화석군을 보면 계절적으로 건기 때 용각류 시체와 나무들이 함께 썩은 후 운반되어 재배치되어 현재 위치에 온 것으로 해석된다. 함께 산출되는 척추동물화석들은 육성환경과 민물에 사는 hybodont chondrichthyan Lonchidion enitae와 폐어를 포함한다. 본 화석지에 풍부한 식물화적은 멸종된 침엽수인 Frenelopsis ramosissima 이다. 그 당시 Jones Ranch에는 용각류들이 생물의 다양성이 그리 높지 않은 20 미터 높이에 이르는 침엽수림에 살고 있었다. Trinity 층군에서 산출되는 풍부한 발자국화석과 이들 용각류 화석들은 용각류들이 얕은 해안을 따라 발달한 높은 다양성을 가지는 숲과 계절적으로 가문 다양성이 낮은 내륙 숲속 모두에 군집을 이루며 살았다는 것을 암시한다. Jones Ranch is a unique Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian boundary) sauropod dinosaur accumulation in the Twin Mountains Formation (Trinity Group), Texas, U.S.A. Bones of at least four individuals are found together with large logs in a fluvial channel deposit. Sedimentary structures, taphonomic considerations and associated fauna and flora demonstrate that sauropod carcasses and trees decomposed in a seasonally dry stream bed before being transported to, or rearranged at, their final point of burial. Associated vertebrate fauna includes terrestrial and fresh water elements including the rare hybodont chondrichthyan Lonchidion anitae and lungfish. Abundant plant material from the site is referred to the extinct conifer Frenelopsis ramosissima. At Jones Ranch, sauropods dwelt within a low diversity coniferous forest with trees that reached above 20 meters in height. The death assemblage and abundant track sites in the Trinity Group suggest gregarious behavior in a sauropod that occupied both low diversity inland forests drained by ephemeral streams and higher diversity plant communities along the coast of a shallow sea.

      • 새만금의 고환경과 매장문화재 유존가능성

        이영덕 원광대학교 마한백제문화연구소 2016 馬韓, 百濟文化 Vol.27 No.-

        Paleoenvironment of Saemangeum and Probable Relict of Buried Cultural Property Lee,Yeong-Deok‘ ‘Saemangeum Reclamation Project’ started in 1991 and 33.9 km-long seawall, as part of the project,was constructed in 2010 connecting Gunsan,Gogunsan Archipelago and Buan Frorn 2008 to 2009 when the seawall was almost completed,an earth surface investigation began in the reclaimed land inside the seawall in preparation for excavation of buried cultural property. Altbough the investigation discovered no relict,the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage continued to conduct 3 times underwater excavation Surveys on the sea of Yami Island within the Saemangeum Seawall. Besides,question have been raised several times asking about the probability of cultural property buried in the reclaimed land of the seawall. The present paper tries to make depth approaches to developing a theory of probability that cultural property rnight be buried inside the reclaimed land in reference to the articles published in the past. First,it is needed to exmine the possibility of relict by means of paleogeomorphological analysis. ]udging from the examples of Southeast seacoast regions,there may probably exist the relics of the early Neolithic Age there. Furthermore,it may be said that the bones of mammoths collected on the waters of Wangdeung lsland can attest to the probable relict 。f the Paleolithic Age on the seabed in the West Sea. Second,it seems necessary to approach to this issue from the viewpoint of coastal route. Since the shell mounds to come under the later period of Neolithic Age or Bronze Age were discovered on the Gogunsan islands and 2 pieces of red peach were collected from the seabed of Yarni Island,it can be assumed that they were lost or sunken together with the boats which were sai!ing through the route. Besides,it can also be estimated that the relics were left from worship ceremonies to the sea,during marine transportation,or from pilllage by Japanese pirates,taking place along the coastal routes that had been continususly used since the age of Three States. The changes in the internal area of Saemangeum Seawall art still progressing. It is therefore requested to pay continued attention to the possibility of relict of buride cultural property in the land to be rechlaimed inside Saemangeum Seawall and thus to take systematic measures for improvement in this connection. ‘새만금간척사업’은 1991년에 착공되어 2010년까지 군산, 고군산군도, 부안을 잇는 33.9㎞의 방조제가 축조되었다. 방조제에 의해 육화된 새만금 내부개발지의 매장문화재 조사는 방조제가 거의 완공될 무렵인 2008~2009년에 걸쳐 지표조사가 진행되었다. 지표조사 결과 내부 개발지에서 확인된 유적은 없었다. 그러나 새만금 방조제 안쪽인 야미도 해상에서 국립해양문화재연구소에 의해 3차에 걸친 수중발굴조사가 이루어진 바 있다. 또한 새만금 내부개발지의 매장문화재 유존가능성은 수차례에 걸쳐 제기된 바 있다. 이 글은 기존에 발표된 내용을 근간으로 세부적인 접근을 통해 새만금 내부개발지의 매장문화재 유존가능성에 대한 필자의 견해를 피력하였다. 첫째, 고지형 분석을 통한 유적 유존가능성의 파악이 필요하다. 동남해안 지역의 사례를 통해 볼 때 신석기시대 조기 단계 유적 유존 가능성이 있으며, 왕등도 해역에서 채집된 맘모스 뼈의 존재는 서해해저에 구석기시대 유적의 존재 가능성도 있음을 암시한다고 할 수 있다. 둘째, 연안항로에 대한 인식이 전제된 접근이 필요하다. 고군산군도에도 신석기시대 후기~청동기시대에 해당하는 패총이 확인되며, 야미도 해저에서 수습된 홍도 2점은 항해 과정에서 유실이나 침몰 등을 상정할 수 있다. 그리고 삼국시대 이후 지속적으로 이용되어온 연안항로는 바다에 대한 제사나 조운, 왜구의 약탈 등 다양한 형태로 새만금 내부개발지에 남겨졌던 것으로 판단된다. 새만금 내부개발지의 변화는 아직도 진행형이다. 향후 간척지 내부의 개발과정에서 매장문화재의 존재 가능성에 대한 지속적인 관심과 제도적인 개선이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        고대 문명사회 재해석을 위한 고환경 인벤토리 구축 방안

        박의준,이영식,구자용 국토지리학회 2008 국토지리학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        고대 문명사회를 대상으로 하는 고환경 인벤토리는 당시의 인문·사회·자연환경에 대한 시공간 통합정보체계로서 기존 관련 연구의 한계를 극복하며 새로운 고대 문명사회 해석의 단초를 제공할 수 있는 구체적인 방법론이다. 우리나라의 경우에는 다양한 방법론에 근거한 고대사 연구가 여러 학문분야에서 활발하게 진행되고 있으나 아직까지도 학문분야별 개별적인 연구가 주를 이루고 있으며, 특히 자연환경과 인문환경에 대한 연구 결과의 효과적인 접목을 이루어낸 성과는 미비한 것이 현실이다. 더욱이 자연에 대한 의존도가 상대적으로 컸던 고대 문명사회의 연구에서 자연환경과 인간의 상호작용을 고대사회 해석의 중심축으로 삼지 않음에 따라 많은 부분의 해석이 추측과 미완으로 남게 되었다. 이에 본 논문에서는 ‘과거 특정한 시공간 좌표 위에서 발현된 고대 문명권을 대상으로 다양한 인문·사회·자연환경 정보를 조사·종합·해석하고 이를 통합적으로 구성한 고환경 인벤토리 구축 방안’을 제시하고자 한다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 ‘고환경 인벤토리’는 크게 ① 자연경관 인벤토리, ② 유적·유물 인벤토리, ③ 역사지표 인벤토리로 구성된다. 각각의 인벤토리는 시공간 좌표가 부여된 디지털 정보로 작성되며, 이는 다양한 과학적 방법론과 공간적 상관성을 분석해주는 GIS 기술로 활용되어, 자연과 인문적 지표의 상호작용을 통해 발현되는 고대 문명사회의 지표를 재해석할 수 있도록 하여 준다. Paleoenvironmental Inventory is the spatial temporal information integrated system reflecting human-environment interaction pattern in ancient civilization society. Until now, many history & archaeology research have focused on social and political aspect of each ancient civilization society. In fact, ancient society is 'nature depend society', so we should sincerely consider a natural environmental condition to analyse the ancient society's human-environment interaction' correctly. The main contents of paleoenvironmental inventory is as follows: ① remains & relic inventory, ② human·social·historical·economical fact inventory, ③ natural environment inventory. These inventories are designed through various scientific and systematic methodology, spatial analysing techniques(GIS), and may assist for restructuring the not only 'human adjustment pattern' in ancient civilization society, but also ancient history analysis.

      • Significance of biogenic silica on paleoenvironmental studies in South Korea

        Orkhonselenge, A.,Yang, D.Y.,Nahm, W.H. Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2008 제사기학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Paleoenvironmental evolution in South Korea is investigated on the basis of fluctuations in biogenic silica content in sediments from Cheollipo coast on western shore. The biogenic silica measurement was done by alkaline extraction technique. The concentration of the biogenic silica in the Cheollipo coastal sediments is generally low, with an average of 1.2 %. The proxy of biogenic silica records in Cheollipo sediments implies the significant difference of bio-productivity on Korean Peninsula in comparison with those in lacustrine sediments in interior terrestrial continent of the Eurasia.

      • KCI등재

        Mineralogy, geochemistry, and sources of clay minerals in sediments of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan)

        김수현,안현호,김창환,양기호 한국지질과학협의회 2023 Geosciences Journal Vol.27 No.4

        The provenance of sediments in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan), could be attributed to diverse sources, including the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) and Korean coast. However, the contributions of these sources and their impacts on the composition of clay minerals, the distribution and composition of which can be used to decipher the paleoenvironment and provenance of sediments, remain obscure. Therefore, herein, we aimed to characterize the paleoenvironments and provenance of the sediments from the Ulleung Basin by analyzing their clay mineral compositions using X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopyenergy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. For analysis, sediment cores were obtained during an expedition from March 30 to April 10, 2021, aboard the Onnuri R/V, and these were assigned three provenances: Korean coast, TWC, and a mixture of both. Results showed that clay minerals are abundant in the surface sediments and are dominated by illite (mean = 49.1%). Clay mineral composition changes in a southwest to northeast direction. Sediments sourced from the TWC are poor in smectite and rich in illite. In contrast those assigned a mixed provenance are rich in illite and poor in kaolinite and chlorite. This change is particularly evident toward the Dokdo area (from SW to NE). Moreover, piston core samples from St. 8 and 10 also indicate the presence of plagioclase, microcline, and quartz. We found a rhodochrosite layer in St. 8 samples, at a depth of 3.96 and 4.00 m, which represents the transition from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the Holocene. Our results indicated that the input of smectite in the basin increased from the LGM to the present whereas that of other clay minerals decreased. The smectite originated mainly from the Korean coast and illite from the TWC. Kaolinite and chlorite in the sediments exhibited similar horizontal and vertical patterns, which are attributed to the interaction between climate, ocean currents, and sediment sources. Moreover, Al- and Fe-rich smectites were observed, compositional variations of which could be attributed to source differences. These results are indicative of other sources of smectites in addition to the three provenances highlighted. This study provides a detailed analysis of sediment sources and horizontal and vertical clay mineral composition changes and shows the difference between them. Sediment from the Ulleung Basin was affected by not only aeolian dust but other factors, such as various sediment sources, ocean circulation, and climate change.

      • KCI등재

        Paleomagnetic Records and Mineral-Magnetic Properties of Deep-Sea Sediments in the NW Pacific: Paleoenvironmental Implication

        박정기,김원년,고영탁,이현복,문재운,도성재 한국해양과학기술원 2012 Ocean science journal Vol.47 No.4

        The paleomagnetic records and mineral-magnetic properties of unconsolidated core sediment from the east Mariana Basin of the western Pacific have been analyzed to trace the time-dependent variations in sedimentary environments. Progressive alternating field demagnetization effectively extracts a stable remanent magnetization showing both normal and reverse polarities. Comparison of successive polarity changes, recorded in the sediment core, with reference magnetic polarity time-scale, reveals that the recovered sediment column was deposited since the late Pliocene. From the sediment age model, calculated sedimentation rate during the late Pliocene was 9.8 times higher than that during the Pleistocene. Considering the oceanic environments and geologic setting in the study area, the anomalous high sediment flux during the late Pliocene was probably caused by enhanced current flows, such as North Equatorial Current, associated with atmospheric circulation as well as by debris flows from adjacent sea mounts. In addition, the systematic variation of mineral-magnetic properties indicates periodical fluxes of coarse and magnetically stable particles, on the fine-grained dominant sedimentary environments. Such influxes, however, would not be related to syn-volcanic activities, because the summits of seamounts were totally blanketed by biogenic Pliocene–Pleistocene sediments. It is, hence, reasonable to interpret that paleomagnetic and mineral-magnetic data probably reflect drastic paleoenvironmental changes at the boundary between the Pliocene and Pleistocene, where strong current and atmospheric circulations decreased.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라 선사시대 소과(Bovidae) 화석에 대한 고찰

        조태섭 한국구석기학회 2009 한국구석기학보 Vol.- No.20

        During the Quaternary, the paleoenvironment of Korean Peninsular has been changed several times. The fauna discovered in the prehistoric sites, especially the Bovidae fossil permit to estimate the climatic conditions of the prehistoric Korea. Four species of Bovidae family have been present and its faunal composition has been changed through the Quaternary in Korea. Based on the these fossils, we may notice as follows: 1) Bos primigenius had been present whole the Pleistocene and it has been changed to Bos taurus in Holocene. 2) Bison priscus had been dominant during the Upper Pleistocene but it had been extinct in Holocene. 3) Bubalus sp. had been widely spread in Korea, especially in the North-western part of Korea during the middle Pleistocene and it was disappeared then after. But this animal has been reappeared during the early Holocene period. 4) Bos Taurus was the dominant Bovidae species during the Holocene and it would be related with human activities such as domestication and cultivation. From the changes of Bovidae in Korean peninsular, we may interpret that the climatic condition of the middle Pleistocene of our country would be relatively warm and it became colder during the upper Pleistocene. And it became warm during the early Holocene and it changed to a temperate climate as today.

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