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      • 어머니의 대화방식과 유아의 일상적 내러티브 발달의 관계

        김지선 한국교원대학교 유아교육연구소 2008 한국유아교육연구 Vol.10 No.-

        본 연구는 우리나라 어머니와 유아 간의 일상적 내러티브 대화에서 자녀의 일상적 내러티브를 이끌어내기 위해 사용하는 어머니의 대화방식과 유아의 일상적 내러티브 발달의 관계를 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 만 4,5세 48명의 유아와 그들의 어머니 48명으로 총 48쌍을 대상으로 하였다. 본 연구의 결과 첫째, 어머니의 대화방식은 ‘정교한 방식’과 ‘반복적 방식’으로 나타났으며, 정교한 방식의 요소는 정교화 진술, 정교화 질문, 평가, 길이 이고, 반복적 방식의 요소는 반복 진술, 반복 질문, 문장 완성형 진술 및 질문, 기억자극으로 나타났다. 유아의 개인적 변인에 따른 어머니 대화방식의 차이를 살펴보면 유아의 연령과 성별에 따라 어머니의 대화방식은 차이가 없었다. 둘째, 유아의 일상적 내러티브 발달 수준을 분석한 결과 유아의 성별, 연령에 따라 유아의 일상적 내러티브 발달은 유의미한 차이가 없었다. 셋째, 어머니의 대화방식과 유아의 일상적 내러티브 발달 수준의 관계를 알아본 결과, 정교한 방식은 각 하위요소인 정교화 진술, 정교화 질문, 평가, 길이에서 통계적으로 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 구체적 경향성을 살펴본 결과 어머니의 대화방식 중 정교한 방식에서 정교화 진술, 정교화 질문, 평가, 길이의 요소 모두 유아의 일상적 내러티브 발달 수준이 4수준에 이르기까지는 증가하는 경향을 보이다가 4수준이 넘어서면 점차 감소하는 경향을 보였다. The present study purposed to examine the relation between Korean mothers’ conversational styles for inducing children’s personal narrative in their daily conversation with young children and the development of young children’s personal narrative and, ultimately, to provide basic materials for exploring mothers’ conversational styles helpful for the development of young children’s personal narrative. For this purpose, research questions were formulated as follows: 1. How is mothers’ conversational styles ? 1-1. What are the major factors of mothers’ conversational styles? 1-2. How different is mothers’ conversational styles according to the personal variables of young children (age, gender)? 2. How is the development of young children’s personal narrative? 3. How is the relation between mothers’ conversational styles and the development of young children’s personal narrative? The subjects of this study were 17 four‐year‐old children (9 boys and 9 girls) and 31 five‐year‐old children (15 boys and 16 girls), so a total of 48 young children at K Kindergarten in Wonju‐si, Gangwon‐do and their mothers, so a total of 48 pairs of mother‐child. In order to identify mothers’ conversational styles for inducing children’s personal narrative, we used the analysis tool used in the research of Resse and Fivush (1993). The tool for analyzing the development of children’s personal narrative was the standard for analyzing the development of children’s personal narrative suggested by Lee Yeong‐ja and Lee Ji‐hyeon (2005) based on the result of Peterson & McCabe and McCabe (1997). All the research process was recorded and transcribed. From transcribed data were obtained frequencies and percentages according to the research questions, and factor analysis was conducted to identify mothers’ conversational style. Difference in mothers’ conversational styles according to children’s personal variables was determined through t‐test, and the development of personal narrative was examined according to children’s gender and age. Lastly, we made trend analysis through one way ANOVA to determine the relation between mothers’ conversational style and the development of young children’s personal narrative. The results of this study are as follows: First, mothers’ conversational styles were found to be ‘elaborative style’ and ‘repetitive style’. The factors of the elaborative style were statement elaborations , question elaborations, evaluation and length, and the factors of the repetitive style were statement repetitions, question repetitions, fill-in-the-blank questions and statement, memory Prompt. As to difference in mothers’ conversational styles according to children’s personal variables, no difference was observed in mothers’ conversational styles according to children’s age and gender. Second, in the results of analyzing development of children’s personal narrative, no significant difference was observed in the development of children’s personal narrative according to gender and age. Third, according to the results of examining the relation between mothers’ conversational style and the development of young children’s personal narrative, the elaborative style showed statistical significance for the quadratic term of all its sub‐factors, namely, statement elaboration (F=5.79, p<.05), question elaboration (F=8.71, p<.05), evaluation (F=4.39, p<.05) and length (F=4.69, p<.05), but the repetitive style was found to be statistically insignificant. When the trends were examined, all the sub‐factors of mothers’ elaborative conversational style, namely, statement elaboration, question elaboration, evaluation and length increased while children’s daily narrative developed level 4 but the rate of their increase slowed down after level 4.

      • KCI등재

        이야기치료의 재저작 대화: 기독교상담을 위한 적용 방안

        Kim, Jun 한국복음주의상담학회 2019 복음과 상담 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to provide a method to apply re-authoring conversation of narrative therapy in the context of Christian counseling. To achieve this goal, it first reviews previous studies on Christian counseling’s application of narrative therapy, and explores the possible ways to apply narrative therapy to Christian counseling. It then analyzes key concepts and therapeutic process of re-authoring conversation by investigating Michael White’s “Liam’s case,” which may be considered one of the best examples of re-authoring conversation. Based on the reviews on current Christian counseling’s approaches to narrative therapy and characteristics of re-authoring conversation, the study suggests four principles for using re-authoring conversation in Christian counseling context; it should be consistent with christian worldview, needs to focus on client’s problems in making an alternative narrative, should consider the level of client’s Christian faith and biblical knowledge, and should master biblical themes related presenting problems. Guided by these principles, the study provides Christian perspectives on each step of re-authoring conversation, by employing biblical stories, God’s attributes, and God’s divine plan. Finally, it provides the implications of Christian counseling approach discussed in the present study, which focuses on clinical invervention to solve presenting problems, and suggests empirical studies in future on the clinical effectiveness of this approach. 이 논문의 목적은 이야기치료의 핵심 기술인 재저작 대화를 기독교상담에 적용하기 위한 방안을 고찰하는 것이다. 이를 위해 이 연구는 먼저 이야기치료를 기독교상담에 적용한 선행연구들을 고찰하면서 적용의 방향성을 탐색한다. 이어서 재저작 대화가 이야기치료의 핵심임을 검증하며 관련된 이야기치료의 개념들을 기술하며 재저작 대화와의 연관성을 알아본다. 특히 재저작대화가 어떤 과정으로 전개되는지 Michael White의 대표적인 재저작 대화 사례 ‘라이엄 모자“ 사례를 분석하며 고찰하였다. 이야기치료와 기독교상담적 접근에 관한 연구들과 재저작 대화의 분석에 기초하여 기독교적 관점의 재저작 대화를 위해 네 가지의 방향을 제시한다. 첫째, 기독교적 가치를 지향해야 하며, 둘째, 내담자 문제의 주제에 초점을 맞추어야 하고, 셋째, 내담자의 신앙 수준에 맞는 창의적인 질문을 던져야 하고, 넷째, 문제와 연관된 주제들을 기독교적 관점에서 숙지해야 한다. 이 네 가지의 원칙에 기초하여, ”라이엄 모자의 사례“의 각 단계에 기독교적 적용의 예를 제시한다. 마지막으로, 기독교적관점의 재저작 대화가 내담자 문제 해결을 중심으로 하는 임상적 접근의 유익성을 언급하며, 이와 같은 접근의 효과를 경험적 연구로 검증하는 후속 연구가 필요함을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재

        내러티브 도입 발화 서두에 분포하는 언어표현 - 한일어 일상대화를 중심으로 -

        장윤아 ( Jang Yun-ah ) 한국일어일문학회 2021 日語日文學硏究 Vol.117 No.-

        本研究では、韓国語の日常会話と日本語の日常会話でナラティブを導入する話者の発話の冒頭で繰り返し観察される言語表現の種類、機能、使用様相を分析した。 本稿の分析結果は以下のようにまとめられる。 (A)日韓同様に特定の言語表現が繰り返し観察される割合が高く、その中で一人称代名詞が最も高い使用割合を占めている。 (B)韓国語の会話では、計7種類の言語表現が観察されており、一人称代詞、「근데,「야」,「아」の順で使用割合が高い。日本語の会話に比べ、韓国語の会話では特定の言語表現を使用しない割合が高く、それぞれの表現を単独的に使用する割合が高い。 (C)日本語の会話では、計10種類の言語表現が観察されており、一人称代名詞、「なんか」、「でも」「あの·いや」の順で使用割合が高い。韓国語の会話に比べ、日本語の会話では特定の言語表現を使用する割合が高く、それぞれの表現を組み合わせて使用する割合が高い。 言語表現の使用様相に見られる日韓差異は、ナラティブ導入発話の直前に生じる沈黙の有無と導入方法の違いが大きな影響を与えていると言える。 This study conducted a research on the type and function of linguistic expression that is repeated at the beginning of verbal outputs by the speaker who phases in narrative to daily conversations in Korean and Japanese and conducted comparative analysis on the usage of linguistic expression. The analysis result of this study is as below. (A) At the beginning of verbal output phasing in to narrative in Korean and Japanese conversation, the specific linguistic expression was repeatedly observed in a high portion of the verbal outputs, and the usage of the first-person pronoun was the highest. (B) In Korean conversation, total 7 types of linguistic expressions in total was were observed, and the first-person pronoun had the highest portion followed by 「근데」,「야」,「아」. Compared to Japanese conversation, Korean conversation had higher portions of not observing specific expression, and higher portions of each expressions used independently. (C) In Japanese conversation, 10 types of linguistic expressions in total was were observed, and the first-person pronoun had the highest portion followed by 「「なんか」「でも」「あの· いや」. Compared to Korean conversation, Japanese conversation had higher portions of using specific expressions, and also had higher portions of complexly using various expressions. The difference between Korean and Japanese conversation seems to have a significant influence on the difference of phasing in to narrative and the silence observed before the phasing in to narrative.

      • KCI등재

        치유 내러티브로서 공감적 대화에 관한 연구 - <이슬람 정육점> , <푸른 사자 와니니>와 연계하여 -

        한찬희,진솔 한국아동문학학회 2023 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.47

        This study illuminates the meaning and value of empathetic conversation from the perspective of cure and growth, and explores the possibility of empathetic conversation triggered by literary works. In discussions of empathetic conversation, empathy tends to be considered a secondary element that follows or modifies conversation, but a conversation lacking empathy is a monologue disguised as a conversation, even if it takes the form of an apparent conversation. It's just that. Empathy is not one of many elements involved in conversation. If a true conversation has been established, it must always be seen that empathy is present, and empathy is not different from the act of facing the voice of another and turning one's gaze in the direction it suggests and beckons, that is, conversation (converse-action). Empathy can be seen as a restatement of the practice of conversation from the perspective of psychology, and at this point, empathetic conversation needs to be newly understood as meaning a conversation that is conversational rather than one of various conversation methods or techniques. The act of having a conversation or participating in a conversation is a special act reserved only for humans. It should be seen that humans can acquire human qualities and attitudes only through conversation, and thus conversation can be said to bring about cure and growth in the fundamental sense of human formation. So what contributes to sparking a conversation worthy of conversation? This study paid special attention to literary works called the art of speech and writing. Literary works full of metaphors and symbols can serve as a delicate voice that helps readers cure and grow by sparking empathetic conversation between the reader and the text. In this study, we looked at the possibility of empathetic conversation triggered by literary works, focusing on Islamic Butcher Shop (Hong-gyu Son, 2010, Literature and Jisungsa) and Blue Lion Wanini (Hyun Lee, 2015, Changbi). Empathetic conversation triggered by literary works will encourage readers to reflect on their current lives and redefine their existing voices, thereby promoting cure and growth in the fundamental sense of human formation.

      • KCI등재

        철학적 탐구공동체의 구성방법: 대화(Conversation)와 내러티브(Narrative)

        박선영 ( Seon Young Park ),김회용 ( Hoy Yong Kim ) 한국교육철학학회(구 교육철학회) 2010 교육철학연구 Vol.49 No.-

        자유주의와 공동체주의 교육의 효과적인 종합을 구상한 립맨은, 철학적 탐구공동체를 통해 개인 사고능력의 계발과 합당한 공공선의 성취를 동시에 모색한다. 이러한 가능성은 프래그머티즘에 바탕한 탐구공동체의 특성에서 발견된다. 개인과 공동체는 `탐구`라는 활동으로 상호관련 지어져 연속적으로 발전되어 나갈 때 개인 혹 공동체 어느 한 요소만 교육목적으로 고정되지 않고 수단-목적으로 그 역할을 바꾸어나가며 발전할 수 있다 철학적 탐구공동체의 구성은 대화(conversation)를 통해 이루어진다. 철학적 탐구공동체의 내적 특성상 대화는 불확실성이 내재된 고유한 상황에서 체득한 질적 경험(qualitative experience)을 유도하며, 개인에게는 사고와 감정의 종합적인 발달을 이끌어내고 공동체 차원에서는 문제해결에 가장 적절한 해결책을 합당하게 도출할 수 있도록 한다. 그러나 실제 대화가 실천되는 과정에서는 언어훈련과 논리훈련, 텍스트분석에 의존해 철학적 탐구공동체의 내적 특성을 미처 발휘하지 못한 채 사고기술 훈련에만 치우칠 수 있다 나아가 사고의 종합적 발전을 통해 좋은 판단을 학습하는데 목적을 두는 철학적 탐구공동체 교육은 단지 개인과 공동체의 인식론적 변화를 가져다줄 뿐 삶의 의미를 발견하고 자신의 존재론적 변화의 경험 추구라는 본연의 목표와 거리가 생길 우려가 있다. 그러므로, 개인의 구체적 맥락에서 의견을 재구성하고, 개인의 감정적 혹은 비논증적 배경을 설명함으로써 타인에게 깊이 공감할 기회를 주는 내러티브(narrative) 활동이 철학적 탐구공동체의 구성과정에서 병행될 것을 제안했다. 내러티브와 대화가 적절히 구성된 철학적 탐구공동체 속에서 개인은 질적 충만감이 있는 체험을 하게 될 것이다. This paper aims to discuss the role of narrative which can supplement the conversation used in the situation of Community of Philosophical Inquiry for Children. To reveal the nature of conversation and narrative in detail, researchers first identify the theoretical characteristics of community of philosophical inquiry. Matthew Lipman`s Community of Philosophical Inquiry for Children model can integrate the educational purpose of liberalism and communitarianism. While the purpose of liberal education lies at autonomy of individuals, communitarian education aims at achievement of the common good. Therefore, these two educational models inevitably conflict each other in the educational practice. Lipman`s model doesn`t aim at the fixed educational goals because his model is based on Dewey`s thought, pragmatism In the actual practice of conversation, Lipman focused on training the logic of language or thinking skills which are based on the mental acts. In these cases, these conversations do not lead to holistic autonomy and community hardly experience the rational judgement. That`s why narratives should be formed in personal and concrete context. The narratives are characterized as being illogical, emotional. Furthermore, they can create and reconstruct the events in the human life and meaning to a human life. Narrative can help to achieve its intended objectives of philosophical community of inquiry and successfully make up for the activity of the conversation.

      • 유치원의 경험 이야기나누기 활동에서 나타난 만 3세반 유아의 일상적 내러티브 특징 연구

        김홍남 한국교원대학교 유아교육연구소 2013 한국유아교육연구 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 유치원의 경험 이야기나누기 활동에서 나타나는 만 3세반 유아의 일상적 내러티브 특징에 대해 심층적으로 탐색함으로써 만 3세반 유아의 일상적 내러티브 특징에 대한 구체적이고 의미 있는 이해를 도모하고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구에 참여한 유아는 강원도 D시에 소재한 공립단설유치원의 만 3세반 유아 18명 중 종일제 유아 6명이었으며, 본 연구는 2011년 9월 1일부터 12월 10일까지 15주 동안 총 28회 진행되었다. 유치원의 경험에 대한 이야기나누기 시간은 종일제 귀가시간 전(16:00~16:15)에 외부 소음이 적은 조용한 공간인 낮잠을 자는 방에서 진행하였으며, 이야기나누기 시간의 전 과정은 비디오카메라와 MP3로 녹화·녹음되었다. 자료 수집은 동영상 녹화 및 녹음, 연구자의 저널을 통하여 이루어졌으며, 수집된 자료는 자료의 조직화, 영역분석, 자료 분류 및 분류분석, 분석결과의 해석 단계를 거쳤다. 유치원의 경험 이야기나누기 활동에서 나타난 만 3세반 유아들의 일상적 내러티브 특징은 내러티브를 향한 첫걸음, 친구와의 내러티브, 교사와의 내러티브, 변화하는 내러티브로 범주화 할 수 있었다. This study aimed to have specific and significant understanding on the personal narrative of children in the 3-year-old class shown the conversational activities about the kindergarten experience by in-depth exploration of the characteristics of the personal narrative of them. The below research topics were selected for this purpose. 1. How are the personal narrative characteristics shown in the conversational activities of the kindergarten experience ? Children who participated in this study were 6 children in full time class among 18 children at a public kindergarten in D city of Gangwon-do. The research was carried out in 29 sessions for 15 weeks from September 1, 2011 to December 10, 2011. The experience sharing time was executed at a napping room, a quiet space with less external noise before they went home (16:00~16:15). The whole process of the conversational activities were recorded with a video camera and MP3. The data collection was made by means of recording video and sound and journals of the researcher. The collected data had gone data processes including organization, scope analysis, data classification, classification analysis and interpretation of analyzed result. The analysis results on the personal narrative of children in the 3-year-old class shown in the conversational activities about the kindergarten experience were as follows. Their narrative characteristics could be categorized into first step for narratives, talking with friends, talking with teachers and changing narratives. First, children in the H class showed the first step for the personal narrative while sharing conversations about the kindergarten experience. Specifically, they showed personal narrative characteristics including ‘recalls the experience’, ‘find the conversation piece about the experience’ and ‘talking about the experience.’ They felt it difficult to recollect or remember significant experiences in the kindergarten due to the lack of experience and the shortage of memory capacity and linguistic capacity, and also had difficulties in expressing it using suitable vocabularies. Second, children in the H class showed characteristics of sharing experiences with friends while sharing conversations about the kindergarten experience. In particular they showed personal narrative characteristics including ‘positive talking with friends, and ‘negative talking with friends.’ Children in the H class experienced both positive support and negative support in the relation with friends that made them to form self-conception to be social beings. They could build up personal narratives by means of positive and negative stories which they experienced in the activities with friends. Third, children in the H class built up stories with teachers while sharing conversations about the kindergarten experience. Specifically, they showed personal narrative characteristics that could be classified into ‘sir, help me’ and ‘necessity of dialogue.’ Teachers in sharing experience at the kindergarten with children in the H class, helped to make significant meanings on events and activities which children experienced. For this purpose, they endeavored to introduce personal stories naturally and gave them opportunities to contact narrative languages and encouraged them to make experiences into personal narratives. Fourth, children in the H class showed that their personal narrative structure level was changed according to situation while sharing conversations about the kindergarten experience. Specifically, they showed personal narrative characteristics that could be classified into ‘unorganized stories’ and ‘developing stories.’ The personal narrative structure level is not shown regularly, but changed according to feelings of the day and situation of children. Activities sharing conversations about the kindergarten experiences had an positive effect on the development of personal narratives of children.

      • KCI등재

        일상 대화적 내러티브의 구조 연구

        손희연(Son, Hui-Youn) 담화·인지언어학회 2014 담화와 인지 Vol.21 No.1

        This study aims to examine a structure-centered methodology with which to analyze actual dialogue data of languages by observing the text and frame structure of a conversational narrative, and to conduct a case analysis based on Korean language dialogue data. Toward these ends, a theoretical review of the structural properties of conversational narrative was conducted with the focus on the inner textual structure and the discourse organization of narrative conversation. Additionally, the frame structure concept of a conversational narrative was investigated through both its ‘tellability’, which considers whether a story is appropriate to the dialogue context, and its ‘experientiality’, which signifies the story recognition of the participants who intend to talk about the significance or meaning of an experience. From the structure-centered perspective, the opening and closing structure and the story structure of the narrative case were analyzed based on everyday dialogue data from the Korean language. The case analysis results showed that the conversational narrative structure of the Korean language is marked by the construction of an allusive and explicit invitation to a story, which is contrasted by a simpler closing structure, or a ‘commentary structure’. The findings shed light on various structural features of Korean conversational narratives and their meaning, which is brought to bear upon the interaction between the storyteller and the recipient.

      • KCI등재

        The Conversion Narrative of a Teenager in His Cultural Context and Crisis

        Lyu, Won-Yuol 한국실천신학회 2012 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.33

        The purpose of this paper is both to fulfill my personal interest in conversion and to explore a part of my identity and the root of the Christian faith of our family. In doing so, the story of a teenager is introduced as an example of conversion, and the teenager is my father who has become a model of the Christian life to the members of our family. Since my father has a unique and special conversion experience, I hope that the story of his conversion will naturally reveal its historical, sociological, and psychological components in the phenomenon of conversion. The paper has a limited concept of conversion. It will basically deal with the Christian conversion, that is, the conversion to Jesus Christ. For the method of the paper, the researcher attempted to follow the method of a sequential stage model of Lewis Rambo. According to Rambo, a stage model is appropriate in that conversion is a process of change over time, generally exhibiting a sequence of processes, although there is sometimes a spiraling effect-a going back and forth between stages. Rambo theorized that religious conversion consists of a process involving seven stages or dimensions such as context, crisis, quest, encounter, interaction, commitment, and consequences. In this paper, the researcher will chiefly focus on the dimensions of context and crisis, which are the significant elements in the conversion narrative of my father. Conversion is always a complicated phenomenon that can be approached in various ways. In order to understand the genuine reason behind conversion, it needs to be seriously considered in light of culture, psychology, history, and the whole context in which a convert is living. It can be a dramatic and radical event. It can be an ongoing process of change in need of lifetime involvement. It is true that the conversion is created totally by the action of God in the case of my father's narrative, but it is also regarded to be created totally by the action of humans in the special cultural context in which a convert lives, thinks, questions, and decides.

      • KCI등재

        이야기치료와의 연계를 통한 문학치료의 발전 방향

        박진 한국문학치료학회 2018 문학치료연구 Vol.46 No.-

        The special research significance of literary therapy is the anthropological possibility of narrative theory in literary therapeutics. First, this essay examined the significance of narrative theory in literary therapeutics centered on the complexity of "narrative"(story-in-depth) and the "subject of narrative." On the other hand, its limits mainly appeared in clinical therapeutic studies caused by medical discourse, pathological viewpoint, expert power and so on. The connection with narrative therapy can compensate for these limits in literary therapy. According to the viewpoint of narrative therapy, participants are the subjects of the narrating act who create their own life stories from innumerable detailed experiences. Narrative therapists are "assistants" in these interactive "re-authoring conversations." Their intention is not to co-construct stories that describe experiences, but to co-construct stories through which people can live in preferred ways. Accepting this viewpoint, literary therapists can help participants more efficiently change their "story-in-depth of selves" which is closely associated with life stories and real lives. Through this transformation, people's own identities and values can be reflected in their story-in-depth. This connection with narrative therapy can extend the meaning of literary therapy as an ethical and social praxis. 문학치료의 연구 성과는 특히 서사의 다층성에 기반을 둔 서사이론의 인간학적 가능성에 있다. 이 글에서는 우선 ‘서사’ 개념과 ‘서사의 주체’ 논의를 중심으로 문학치료학 서사이론의 의의와 잠재력을 검토하였다. 이어서 주로 임상연구에 나타난 문학치료학의 한계에 대해서도 알아보고, 상담치료의 한 경향인 이야기치료의 관점과 실행 양상을 통해 보완의 방향을 찾아보고자 했다. 문학치료의 참여자는 자기서사와 실제 삶의 경험들, 그리고 생애 이야기가 긴밀하게 교섭하는 장이자 그 관계망 속에서 이야기를 만들고 이야기를 살아가는 ‘서사의 주체’이다. 삶의 경험들과 생애 이야기의 관계에 집중하는 이야기치료의 관점을 발전적으로 수용한다면, 문학치료는 참여자의 자기서사가 생애 이야기로 구현되고 그럼으로써 실제 삶을 변화시키는 과정에 더 효과적으로 개입할 수 있을 것이다. 문학치료학은 또한 작품서사와 자기서사의 관계뿐 아니라 치료자와 참여자 사이의 상호작용 관계에도 좀 더 관심을 기울일 필요가 있다. 이를 위해서는 전문가 권력, 정신의학의 담화, 병리학적 관점 등으로부터 거리를 유지하기 위한 노력이 선행되어야 한다. 또한 참여자의 이야기를 잘 듣고 공감적인 지지자로서 함께 참여하는 협력적 대화의 과정이 동반돼야 할 것이다. 그렇게 할 때 문학치료자는 참여자의 자기서사가 변화하고 성장해가는 데 실질적인 도움을 줄 수 있으며, 이 과정에 특히 참여자 자신의 정체성과 가치관이 적극적으로 반영되도록 안내할 수 있다. 그리하여 참여자가 자신이 원하는 삶의 방향을 발견하고 그런 삶을 살아갈 수 있도록 격려한다면, 문학치료는 윤리적이고 사회적인 실천으로서의 의의를 더욱 확장할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        <서재야회록(書齋夜會錄)>에 나타난 대화의 서사전략과 의미

        송미경 고려대학교 한국언어문화학술확산연구소 2013 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.22 No.-

        This paper inquires closely into the narrative strategy with the conversation and its meaning in Seojaeyahoerok. In this work, the sequence of conversations is follows: (1) between I-Thou(only four spirits) (2) between I-It(a scholar and four spirits) (3) between I-Thou(a scholar and four spirits) As the conversation progresses, the relationship with the characters deepens dramatically These characters look as if they had prepared for death with a peace of mind under the idea of Chuang-tzu. Indeed, they talk about their complaint and resentment frankly and comfort themselves. Shin Gwanghan, the writer of this work, may also try to unburden through writing Seojaeyahoerok. Three-step conversation moves the writer’s unburdening along very smoothly and makes a novelistic interest by combining the relationship between characters with the depth of the conversation. For Shin Gwanghan, writing this work can be a subtle pleasure and a way to self-reassure and self-therapy. On some occasion, the conversation as a novel writing allows the readers to think that he/she is in the narrative story. The readers of Seojaeyahoerok could well come in the communication between I and Thou. Possibly this communication is designed to attract participation from readers by Shin Gwanghan. <서재야회록>에 나타난 대화의 서사전략을 고찰한 결과, 네 정령들만의 ‘나-너’간 대화, 선비와 네 정령들의 ‘나-그것’ 간 대화, 그리고 ‘나-너’ 간 대화가 차례로 전개되는 가운데 등장인물들의 관계가 극적으로 심화되는 양상을 확인할 수 있었다. <서재야회록>의 인물들은 이상적으로 장자(莊子)의 사상에 기대어 죽음을 편안히 받아들이는 듯하나, 실은 불평과 원망을 허심탄회하게 늘어놓으며 스스로를 다독이고 있다. 작가 신광한도 <서재야회록>의 집필을 통해 이러한 식의 회포 풀기를 시도했다. 세 단계로 전개된 대화 서사는 작가의 회포 풀기가 소통으로서의 대화를 통해 자연스럽게 진행될 수 있도록 했으며, 인물들의 관계 형성과 대화의 심화 양상을 접합해 소설적인 재미를 부여했다. 그리고 신광한에게는 <서재야회록>의 집필 중에 이루어지는 소통 과정의 재현 그 자체가 소소한 즐거움이 되었을 것이며, 더불어 자기 위안 및 자기 치유도 가능하였으리라 생각된다. 대화는 독자로 하여금 엷어진 현실과 서사의 경계에서 자신이 마치 서사 안에 존재하는 듯한 착각을 일으키는 기법이기도 하다. 어쩌면 <서재야회록>의 독자들은 작품을 읽는 동안 혹 작가가 조심스레 의도했을 ‘나-너’간 소통에 참여하게 되었을지도 모른다.

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