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      • 티벳 라싸의 도시 발달과 문화 경관

        김학훈 청주대학교 학술연구소 2011 淸大學術論集 Vol.17 No.-

        Since Tibet is located in the high plateau and ruled by Communist China government, it is not easy to access Tibet in terms of transportation and information.. The purpose of this study is to investigate the geography, history, and religion of Tibet and to find out the characteristics of urban development and cultural landscape of Lhasa. The legacy of the Tibetan culture is revealed only through the understandings of natural environment and Buddhism of Tibet. Especially Lhasa has left many valuable cultural heritages as a site of rise and fall of Tibetan dynasty based on Buddhism. The legacy of the Tibetan culture is revealed only through the understandings of natural environment and Buddhism of Tibet. Especially Lhasa has left many valuable cultural heritages as a site of rise and fall of Tibetan dynasty based on Buddhism. Urban development of Lhasa started from the historical background of Tibetan Buddhist culture. After the annexation of Tibet by China in 1950, many Chinese rushed into Tibet and changed the economic bases of the city. Also they damaged traditional cultural landscape of Lhasa by constructing new buildings. In the way of social change in Tibet, the Tibetan culture should not be hurt from now on and Tibet people should receive favors instead of exclusion

      • KCI등재

        윅(Evariste-Regis Huc, 1813-1860)신부가 바라본 1846년 겨울의 티베트 라싸(拉薩)

        심혁주(Sim Hyuk Joo) 서강대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 서강인문논총 Vol.0 No.48

        본 글의 목적은 19세기 프랑스의 천주교 신부 윅(Evariste-Regis Huc, 1813-1860)이 본 티베트 라싸(拉薩)의 사회와 풍속을 추적하는데 있다. 이유는 그를 통해 그보다 앞서 티베트 진입에 성공했던 서구의 선교사, 식물학자, 지리학자, 여행가들이 간과했던 티베트의 다양성과 실상을 밝히고자 함이다. 윅 신부는 조셉 가벳(Jopseph Gabet, 1808-1853)신부와함께선교를목적으로1844년8월3일, 중국여행을시작한이후, 18개월의 여정 끝에 1846년1월 29일 티베트의 심장 라싸에 도착했다. 그리고 2달후, 당시 티베트의 주장대신(駐藏大臣) 기선(琦善)으로부터 추방당해 사천(四川)의 타전로 (打箭爐)로 이동해야했다. 짧은 체류 기간에도 불구하고 윅 신부는 당시 라싸의 풍속과 사람들에게 매료됐다. 라싸는 생각 밖으로 외부와 왕성한 교류를 진행했던 무역도시였고 부녀자들의 희귀한 얼굴화장(赭面), 수많은 라마승과 불교사원의 거대함, 계층화된 사회적 분위기, 시신을 개에게 먹이로 주는 위구(餵狗)의 풍속과 문화에 깊은 인상을 받았다. 본 글은 윅 신부가 출현하기 이전까지의 상황을 주지하면서 윅 신부의 관찰과 경험을 근거로 근대 이전 티베트 사회의 실상을 엿 보고자 한다. 이를 통해 전통시대 티베트 사회의 특수성을 파악하고 나아가 근대이후 우리가 인식하고 있는 티베트에 관한 보편적인 이미지와는 어떤 이동(異同)이 있는지를 알고자 한다. The objective of this text is to trace the society and customs of Lhasa (拉薩) in Tibet, seen from the perspective of Évariste Régis Huc (1813-1860), a 19th-century French Catholic priest, to reveal the diversity and real circumstances of Tibet that were overlooked by preceding Western missionaries, botanists, geologists, merchants, and Eastern explorers who succeeded in entering Tibet. On August 3, 1844, Father Huc set out for China with Joseph Gabet (1808-1853) on a mission trip, finally arriving in Lhasa, Tibet, on January 29, 1846, after an extraordinary 18 months of travel. Two months after his arrival, Father Huc was deported to Tasienlu (打箭爐) of Sichuan (四川) by Quishan (琦善), the resident minister of Tibet at the time. Despite his short stay, Father Huc was fascinated by the people of Lhasa and their customs in that time. Lhasa was a trading metropolis that unexpectedly had considerable exchanges with the outside world; the rare makeup of the women (赭面), numerous lamaseries, the immensity of the Buddhist temples, the hierarchical social atmosphere, and the custom and culture of feeding corpses to dogs made a profound impression on him. This text relates the state of affairs before the appearance of Father Huc, and the reality of Tibetan society established before the modern era, based on the observations and experiences of Father Huc. Through such information, we seek to understand the characteristics of traditional Tibetan society and to recognize how they differ from the post-modern perception of them.

      • 티베트 해외 이주민 사회의 형성과 정체성 인식

        박장배(Jang-Bae Park) 이주사학회 2010 Homo Migrans Vol.2 No.-

        Today, there are Tibetan Refugees of 130,000 persons in the World. Most of them, 100,000 persons live in India. They have the Tibetan Government in Exile in Dharamsala of India. Tibetan Refugees came from Lhasa Revolt in 1959 in Central Tibet ruled by Socialist China. At that time, Tibetan Elite and Chinese Elite have had very different national Identities. Tibetan have the Identities of the Buddhist State, but Mainstream Chinese have those of Socialist State. Tibetan have pursued the Ideal of the ‘One Tibet’, but Mainstream Chinese have seek the dream of the ‘One China’. They have had the different national Identities. Lhasa Revolt was not the Result of the different Identities, but Radical Change as ‘Democratic Reform’. Tibetan Diaspora Communities in India have had the Tibetan Buddhism and Dalai Lama and Tibetan Government in Exile. Tibetan Diaspora Communities are a Minority Nationality of India and so on. Tibetan Diaspora have failed in the Return into Tibet, Tibetan Buddhism was spreading in the World. Living in Exile was reinforcing some Identities, was weakened some of them. Dalai Lama is the Hub of Tibetan Diaspora Communities and One Symbolic Capital. But a lot of Tibetan Diaspora Communities were poor, the Role was not so big.

      • KCI등재후보

        세계사의 맥락에서 본 20세기 초 내륙아시아 조사 활동 : 스벤 헤딘과 오타니 고즈이

        시라스 조신 국립중앙박물관 2015 미술자료 Vol.- No.87

        The late 19th to early 20th century was the prime time for the expeditions in Inner Asia. Along the routes taken by the expeditions from Europe, America, and Japan, a great amount of new historical and archaeological materials were unearthed. A large part of Inner Asia, such as Eastern Turkestan and Tibet then was within the Qing dynasty’s territory. Even though the Qing was in decline, the foreign expedition teams could not freely choose their expedition routes. The complex international relations ensued from the imperial powers’ pursuit for expansion into Inner Asia and the Qing’s effort to resist them resulted in many restrictions on entering certain regions. In previous scholarship, little attention has been paid to this complex situation behind the Inner Asian expeditions. This essay examines the restrictions on Sven Hedin and Ōani Kozui’s expeditions to Inner Asia based on the newly found materials that had been preserved in Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. The first section of the essay discusses the conflicts between Britain, Russia, and Qing over Tibet. In 1904, the British Empire invaded Tibet and signed the Treaty of Lhasa, and succeeded in preventing Russia’s exertion of power over Tibet. In 1906, in an effort to reconcile with the Qing, Britain signed the Convention between Great Britain and China Respecting Tibet. Then in 1907, Anglo-Russian Convention was concluded between Britain and Russia, both agreeing not to intervene with Tibet. The last section looks into the restrictions that Ōani Expedition suffered during their second and third expeditions. In 1909-1910, Ōani requested to the British Indian Government permission to travel through Karakorum Pass and to conduct research in Nepal and Tibet, only to receive a series of rejections. Afterwards, Ōani visited Britain and declared that his expedition team would go to Inner Asia via Russia and would not conduct research in Tibet. However, Ōani later on changed the research plan of one of his members, Aoki Bunkyo, and ordered him to sneak into Tibet without any official authorization from the British Indian Government.

      • KCI등재

        티벳의 생활양식과 종교적 경관구성

        김일림 ( Il Rim Kim ) 한국사진지리학회 2009 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Tibet is one of five Chinese autonomous districts, it is located towards the Himalayan northeast. At first Tibetan Buddhism must be considered to be Tibetan of Tibet to understand Tibet culture. The Tibetan Buddhism came from India nation in the eighth century and, the now it be sorted by four denominations; Nyingma Sect, Sagya Sect, karqyu Sect, Gelug Sect. The Gelug Sect that Dalai Lama is a chief is the denomination where a power resists most. The Tibetan Buddhism is made mixing through melting aboriginality faith, it has unique characteristic only for Tibet areas called the incantation characteristics, Lama`s respect, a living Buddha and the politics and the religion syncretism. The Tibetan Buddhism the first place order chief Dalai Lama, The second place Panchen Lama, it is the third place karmapa. It is the chief whom the Dalai Lama leads Tibet and capital Lhasa, and advance. Dalai Lama is selected by a living Buddha. As for the Panchen Lama of the second place order, he is a chief of Shigatse. A share of the Tibetan Buddhism to symbolize Tibet by the inflow of the Han race became slightly low in Tibet now and, the Buddhism faith of traditional Tibetan decreases progressively.

      • KCI등재후보

        설비보전 유효도 개선을 위한 컴포넌트 신뢰도 스트레스 시험의 비교

        전영록 대한설비관리학회 2004 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        This study considers a comparison of highly accelerated stress testing (HAST) with conventional reliability programs. Highly accelerated life tests (HALT), highly accelerated stress screens (HASS), and highly accelerated stress audits (HASA) are three major parts of HAST and accelerated methods which use stresses higher than the field environments to expose and then improve design and process weakness. HALT, HASS, and HASA techniques are explained comprehensively, HALT, HASS and HASA are compared with reliability growth tests(RGT), reliability stress screening (RSS), and sample RSS, respectively. HASTs are practical and efficient methodology to improve products reliability dramatically.

      • KCI등재

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