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      • KCI등재

        아파트 거주자의 녹화 개선 방안에 대한 의식분석

        김범수(Kim, Bum-Soo) 한국주거환경학회 2012 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.10 No.2

        This paper aimed to identify the awareness of residents on the green area, the important element in residential environment in apartment complex, and find out the approach to improve such awareness by extensively analyzing the satisfaction of residents in small apartment complexes, whose demand have been recently increasing, on green environment in their residential areas, suitability, and the approaches to activate the use of green spaces and to improve green spaces, as the basic research related to improvement of environment in apartment complexes and awareness on green in those complexes. In accordance with the analysis results, the residents were generally satisfied with the green environment. In particular, the satisfaction on the dimension and quantity of green spaces was high. For the suitability of green environment in apartment complex, the residents considered resting, games or sports as the suitable activities in green areas. According to the analysis results on the awareness of residents on the approaches to activate the green environment in the complexes based on the evaluation on the satisfaction on and suitability of green environment, the residents selected the administrative and financial support as the major approaches for activation of green spaces. For improving the green environment, the major desires of residents were related to the formation of green spaces which could increase the quantity of green spaces and diversify the configuration of green spaces including increase of trees, flowering plants and trees. This paper suggested the following approaches to improve the afforestation in apartment complexes on the basis of the analysis results. The green spaces in apartment complexes are important elements in local green environment as well as the joint property. Accordingly, it is required to introduce the financial and administrative support and the programs for increasing the participation of residents and improving their awareness in the apartment complexes. Since it is estimated that the residents will be more satisfied with the green spaces when the green spaces are more increased and diversified, it is necessary to increase the green spaces intensively around the entrances to the apartment complexes where the visual amount of green spaces can be increased and the major spaces where residents use more than other spaces. The green spaces, the common outdoor space, plays the critical roles in forming the community of residents. Thus, the major activity space in the apartment complexes needs to be designed to enable diverse age groups to use such space.

      • KCI등재

        Charting Sustainable Paths: Balancing Urban Green Dilemmas in East Africa

        Chisika Sylvester Ngome,염춘호 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2024 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.10 No.1

        Urban green spaces are important for sustainable development and sustainable, liveable cities. They provide many critical ecological, social, and economic services that improve quality of life. However, many urban green spaces are rapidly diminishing with the growing human demands. Even though numerous studies have been done in developed countries on the challenges facing green spaces, information on the key challenges affecting the sustainability of urban green spaces in many developing countries is scarce. To address this challenge, this study aimed to explore the cases of six East African states–Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan–to contribute to a better understanding of the strategies needed to promote sustainable urban green spaces. The study utilized the case study research design to explore the context of the six cases. Moreover, a literature review that focussed on socio-cultural, economic, and environmental challenges threatening urban green spaces was used to gather critical information. The study reviewed key information obtained from desktop searches using Google and official documents from other onlines sources. The collected information was later analysed and synthesized qualitatively to establish the insights presented in this study. The results showed that there were pervasive sociocultural, economic, and ecological challenges affecting urban green spaces. The key challenges included encroachment, insufficient funding for maintenance, rapid urbanization, climate change impacts, population growth, and historical conflicts that threaten the continued presence of urban green spaces. However, common patterns and differences exist among the six states, highlighting the need for proactive and integrated urban green space management approaches. Emphasizing community involvement, international partnerships, and awareness campaigns as noteworthy strategies being pursued to address the challenges. Moreover, the findings underscore the importance and role of government support in protecting urban green spaces.These efforts showcase potential models for protecting urban green spaces in other regions with similar contextual characteristics as East Africa. These results implied the need for governments to adopt and support comprehensive strategies for urban green space management, ensuring the well-being of growing populations while preserving the ecological integrity of these vital areas.

      • KCI등재

        영국 녹지 정책과 녹지 평가 발달에 대한 이해: Green Flag Award를 중심으로

        남진보,김남춘 한국환경복원기술학회 2019 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Green spaces are recognised for the benefits. They bring to the quality of people’s lives. However, since the 1980s there has been a general increase in poorly-managed green spaces. In an attempt to address this issue, green space policy has changed its focus on green space management through the gradual introduction of green space evaluation tools, such as the Green Flag Award (GFA). The GFA, as an established green space evaluation tool in the UK, reflects a shift in policy drivers of green spaces management. However, there is a lack of research investigating the contextualisation between a wide range of policy contexts and such green space evaluation tools (the GFA in this study). The aims of this study are therefore to explore the development of green space evaluation since the late 1990s, with respect to the growth of the GFA and its impact on other evaluation tools across the UK and several countries. To address the aims, this study employs in-depth literature reviews on UK green space policy mainly conducted by government. In addition, case studies are presented, focusing on the GFA and independent green space evaluation tools intrinsically derived from the GFA in the UK’s cities and Nordic countries. Results show that based on the awareness of the severity of declining standards of green spaces, newly emerging policy arrangements have been adopted to address negative issues, which affect the standard of green spaces such as the transfer of responsibility for green space management, the implementation of Compulsory Competitive Tendering and ongoing budget cuts. Significantly, the GFA’s indicators reflect the emerging changes of economic and social contexts associated with green spaces management where, in particular, the prospect of continuous budget cuts, which encourages communities to become involved in green space management. The GFA has widely contributed to leading such UK’s cities and other countries to be able to create their independent green space evaluation tools in different approaches based on stakeholders’ (mainly community) involvement in the decision-making process of green space evaluation. In conclusion, this study implies that successful green space evaluation tools do embody the value of green spaces and address drivers of emerging green space management with correspondence to the context of policy arrangements. Importantly, stakeholders have an opportunity to be involved in a partnership in the decision-making process through some green space evaluation tools. It is hoped that for well-managed green spaces this study will contribute valuable knowledge to our existing understanding of green space management in an era of austerity.

      • 환경정의 측면의 녹지접근성 분석 연구

        명수정 ( Soojeong Myeong ) 한국환경연구원 2017 수시연구보고서 Vol.2017 No.-

        환경이 야기하는 불평등과 부정의에 대한 관심이 전 세계적으로 점차 증가하고 있다. 환경정의를 구현하기 위해서는 환경혐오시설과 같은 환경의 부정적 요소뿐 아니라 녹지와 같이 다양한 자연의 혜택을 제공하는 긍정적인 요소에 대해서도 공평하게 접근되고 있는지를 이해하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구는 환경정의 측면의 녹지접근성을 파악하기 위해 녹지가 사회취약계층 및 경제적 요인과 어떠한 관계가 있는지를 분석하였다. 녹지접근성 분석은 전국을 대상으로 생활권 내 녹지에 대한 노출만으로도 녹지에 접근할 수 있다는 가정 하에 녹지에 대한 대리변수로 ① 산림녹지, ② 공원녹지, 그리고 ③ 용도지역상 녹지지역과 사회경제적 요인과의 상관관계를 분석하여, 녹지접근성에 대한 분석틀을 개발하고 설문조사를 통해 녹지접근성을 파악하였다. 전국을 대상으로 한 분석 결과는 ① 산림녹지의 경우 전국적으로 65세 이상 노인 비율과 장애인 비율, 기초생활수급자 비율, 그리고 여성가구주 비율이 상대적으로 높은 정의 상관관계를, 15세 미만 인구 비율, 외국인 비율, 편모가구비율은 상대적으로 높은 부의 상관관계를 나타내었다. ② 공원녹지의 경우 65세 이상 노인 비율과 장애인 비율, 여성가구주 비율은 정의 상관관계를, 편모가구 비율은 부의 상관관계를 보였다. ③ 용도지역상 녹지지역 면적의 경우는 65세 이상 노인 비율과 장애인 비율, 기초생활수급자 비율, 여성가구주 비율이 상대적으로 높은 정의 상관관계를 보였고, 편모가구 비율은 상대적으로 높은 부의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 산림녹지의 경우 1인당 지방세 부담과 1인당 지역내총생산(GRDP)과 유의미한 관계를 보이지 않은 반면, 공원녹지와 용도지역상 녹지지역의 경우 1인당 지방세 부담액과 정의 상관관계를 보였다. 특히 서울시 공원녹지의 경우 1인당 지방세 부담과 1인당 GRDP와의 상관관계가 높아 부유한 곳일수록 녹지접근성이 더 높다는 것을 보여 주었다. 설문조사를 통한 녹지접근성 분석틀은 녹지에 대한 물리적 접근과 안정성 및 쾌적성에 대한 ‘녹지 현황’과 ‘활용성’의 2개 범주 아래 총 22가지 문항으로 구성하였다. 그 결과, 녹지가 풍부한 지역 거주자는 녹지에 대한 접근성이 전반적으로 유의하게 높았으며, 녹지에 대한 인식도 더 긍정적인 것으로 나타났다. 다음으로 녹지접근성을 환경정의 측면에서 파악하고자 소득집단을 상중하로 구분하여 녹지접근성과의 관계를 분석하였는데, 소득 수준이 증가할수록 녹지접근성 전반에 대해 긍정적으로 응답하였다. 즉, 소득이 높을수록 녹지가 더 풍부한 곳에 거주하는 경향이 있으며, 녹색체험도 더 많이 하는 경향이 있었다. 본 연구 결과, 우리나라의 녹지접근성은 개발로 인해 녹지가 줄어드는 도시지역의 경우 사회계층과 소득수준에 따른 불평등이 더 발생한다는 것을 보여주었다. 환경정의 측면에서 녹지접근성을 제고하기 위해서는 첫째, 녹지의 혜택에 대한 이해를 높이고, 녹지접근성에 대한 상세 현황을 파악해야 하며, 둘째, 특히 도시지역에서 녹지접근성에 대한 환경불평등이 발생하는 경향을 보이므로 도시 및 지역계획 과정에서 취약계층을 배려하여 녹지를 조성해 나가야 한다. 이를 위해 도시계획상 공원 조성 대상지를 공원녹지로 제공할 필요가 있으며, 도시재생사업 시 도시의 녹색인프라로서의 녹지 조성을 확대할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 제한된 기간에 한정된 자료와 예산으로 환경정의 측면에서 녹지접근성에 대한 다양한 분석은 시도하지 못하였다. 향후 네트워크 분석 등 정교한 기법을 적용하여 생활권의 녹지접근성을 상세히 분석할 필요가 있다. 아울러 이를 다양한 사회경제적 자료와 결합하여 환경정의 측면에서 녹지접근성을 심층적으로 파악하여, 지역 맞춤형으로 취약계층을 배려하는 정책을 추진해야 할 것이다. Inequality and injustice related to the environment is gaining interest globally. In order to materialize environmental justice, it is necessary to find out, as the positive side, whether equal accessibility is guaranteed such as to the green spaces that give a variety of natural benefits, in addition to the negative side, such as the environmental waste sites. The present study analyzed the relationship between the green space on one hand and the socially vulnerable class and the economic status on the other hand, in order to understand the accessibility to the green space in terms of the environmental justice. The analysis of the green space accessability was conducted on the bases of (1) the correlation between the socially vulnerable class and their accessibility to the forest green space, the park-land green space, and the green space within the land-use zone, on the assumption that the accessibility to the green space is measurable by identifying the green spaces in the life space and (2) the development of a framework of accessibility to the green spaces and the questionnaire surveys. In the case of the forest green space, a relatively high positive correlation was observed between the green space ratio in each administrative unit on the one hand and the percentage of the 65-year old and above people, the handicapped people, the receivers of the basic life expenses from the government, and the female household owners on the other hand. A relatively high negative correlation was seen between forest green space and the percentages of below 15-years old and foreigners, and the households of single-mothers. In case of urban park green space, a positive high correlation was observed between the urban park green space and the 65-year old and above people, the handicapped people and the female household owners, while a negative high correlation was seen between the urban park green space and the rate of single mothers. In the case of the green space within the land-use zone, the high correlation was observed between the green space within the land-use zone and the percentage of the 65-year old and above people, the handicapped people, the receivers of the basic life expenses from the government, and the female household owners, while a low correlation was obtained between the green space within the land-use zone and the percentage of single-mothers. In the case of forest, the green space did not show any correlation with the local taxes or GRDP per capita. In the cases of the urban park green space and the green space within the land-use zone, a positive correlation was observed between the green space on the one hand and the local taxes nation-wide and GRDP per capita, in Seoul, on the other hand, indicating that the richer get the higher accessibility to the green spaces. The survey questionnaire consisted of 22 questions on “accessibility” regarding the physical accessibility, safety, and comforts and the “availability.” The residents in the areas of rich green space generally showed a higher accessibility to the green spaces, and their perception was more positive. When the relationship between the accessibility to the green spaces and the three income levels (i.e., high, middle, and low) was calculated, in an effort to identify the accessibility in terms of environmental justice, the higher the income, the more positive the perception was about the accessibility to the green spaces. This can be interpreted as the higher the income, the more likely the people inhabit the green space areas and as the higher the income, the more “green experience” they would get. The present study showed that, in the urban areas where green spaces are reducing because of the development, inequality can occur in the accessibility to the green spaces due to the social strata and income levels. In order to increase the accessibility to the green spaces, two things need to be done. First, the understanding of the benefits from the green spaces should be increased and the status quo of the green space accessibility should be identified. Second, the environmental injustice regarding the accessibility to the green spaces tend to be centered around the urban and local development areas, it is necessary to create green spaces considering the socially vulnerable classes. More specifically, the areas designated as the park on the urban development plans should be given as the green spaces, and green spaces should be increased as the green infrastructures on the urban regeneration plan. The present study could not attempt to do a wider variety of analysis on the accessibility to the green spaces in terms of environmental justice because of the limited data, time and the budget. It is necessary that future studies need to analyze the accessibility to the green spaces, using the finer techniques like network analysis and others. Also, a deeper understanding of the accessibility to the green spaces in the light of the environmental justice, combined with a variety of social and economic data analysis, should be increased, and policies should be made and implemented in order to consider the vulnerable classes, in locally customized models.

      • KCI등재

        Green network analysis in coastal cities using least-cost path analysis: a study of Jakarta, Indonesia

        김재은 한국생태학회 2012 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.35 No.2

        The rapid urbanization in developing countries is accelerating both the depletion and fragmentation of urban green space, despite the known positive effects of green spaces on the environmental conditions in cities and the quality of life of residents. Consequently, there is a need for practical tools that can support the development of networks of urban green spaces. This article presents a study that used a GIS-based least cost path (LCP) analysis to identify the best alternative for developing an urban green space network in the coastal city of Jakarta, Indonesia, which was based on the evaluation of topography and land use characteristics. Pair-wise analysis was used to reduce the sensitivity in the LCP model. The results showed that the coastal wetlands in the northern part of Jakarta and the agricultural fields in the suburban areas of Jakarta play an important role in connecting the green space network. On the other hand, some green spaces in the central part of Jakarta could not be connected by the LCP model. The method used in this study can serve as a tool to support the identification of networks of potential urban green spaces. It can also provide useful information for sustainable urban landscape planning and management in urban ecosystems. However, the inclusion of socio-economic criteria would further improve the model. The rapid urbanization in developing countries is accelerating both the depletion and fragmentation of urban green space, despite the known positive effects of green spaces on the environmental conditions in cities and the quality of life of residents. Consequently, there is a need for practical tools that can support the development of networks of urban green spaces. This article presents a study that used a GIS-based least cost path (LCP) analysis to identify the best alternative for developing an urban green space network in the coastal city of Jakarta, Indonesia, which was based on the evaluation of topography and land use characteristics. Pair-wise analysis was used to reduce the sensitivity in the LCP model. The results showed that the coastal wetlands in the northern part of Jakarta and the agricultural fields in the suburban areas of Jakarta play an important role in connecting the green space network. On the other hand, some green spaces in the central part of Jakarta could not be connected by the LCP model. The method used in this study can serve as a tool to support the identification of networks of potential urban green spaces. It can also provide useful information for sustainable urban landscape planning and management in urban ecosystems. However, the inclusion of socio-economic criteria would further improve the model.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        환경친화적 유통공간의 소비효용이 재방문의도에 미치는 영향

        백인열(In-Yeol Paik),강우성(Wooseong Kang) 한국유통과학회 2018 유통과학연구 Vol.16 No.2

        Purpose – Recently the importance of green consumption and corporate social responsibility has been increasing, thereby enhancing the importance of green consumption space as well. The retail space, as a representative consumption space, is now consuming more energy by introducing bigger retail space, 24-hour operation, cutting-edge equipment, and manless checkout system. Especially for retailers, who are constantly interacting with consumers, not only the economic consideration but also the consumer experience via retail service and physical retail space is crucial for their success. Therefore, this study intends to understand the main factors of motivating consumer perception about green retail space. In addition, we further investigate the mediating and moderating variables to encourage revisit intention and green retail space image. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to test our hypotheses with two models, we conducted a survey using questionnaires. In model 1, 356 respondents were surveyed to determine whether consumers’ green attitudes and behaviors enhance environmentally friendly perception on retail space properties. In model 2, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 69 consumers who have experience in green retail space. Questionnaire surveys were conducted with on-line panels in Korea and analyzed using regression model and Hayes’ PROCESS macro. Results – We found that consumers with green attitude put more importance on the attributes of green retail space. Also, the utility of the green retail space was found to be significant in emotional and social benefits. And, the consumers, who perceived the importance of green retail space, show higher revisit intentions. The emotional and social utilities have significant positive effects on revisit intention through green retail space image. Conclusions – This study demonstrates that a green retail space can induce positive consumer utility, thereby increasing green retail

      • KCI등재

        로지스틱 회귀모형을 이용한 환경정책 효과 분석: 울산광역시 녹지변화 분석을 중심으로

        이성주,류지은,전성우,Lee, Sung-Joo,Ryu, Ji-Eun,Jeon, Seong-Woo 한국환경복원기술학회 2020 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        This study aims to analyze the qualitative and quantitative effects of environmental policies in terms of green space management using logistic regression model(LRM). Landsat satellite imageries in 1985, 1992, 2000, 2008, and 2015 are classified using a hybrid-classification method. Based on these classified maps, logistic regression model having a deforestation tendency of the past is built. Binary green space change map is used for the dependent variable and four explanatory variables are used: distance from green space, distance from settlements, elevation, and slope. The green space map of 2008 and 2015 is predicted using the constructed model. The conservation effect of Ulsan's environmental policies is quantified through the numerical comparison of green area between the predicted and real data. Time-series analysis of green space showed that restoration and destruction of green space are highly related to human activities rather than natural land transition. The effect of green space management policy was spatially-explicit and brought a significant increase in green space. Furthermore, as a result of quantitative analysis, Ulsan's environmental policy had effects of conserving and restoring 111.75㎢ and 175.45㎢ respectively for the periods of eight and fifteen years. Among four variables, slope was the most determinant factor that accounts for the destruction of green space in the city. This study presents logistic regression model as a way of evaluating the effect of environmental policies that have been practiced in the city. It has its significance in that it allows us a comprehensive understanding of the effect by considering every direct and indirect effect from other domains, such as air and water, on green space. We conclude discussing practicability of implementing environmental policy in terms of green space management with the focus on a non-statutory plan.

      • KCI등재

        환경친화적 유통공간의 소비효용이 재방문의도에 미치는 영향

        In-Yeol Paik,강우성 한국유통과학회 2018 유통과학연구 Vol.16 No.2

        Purpose – Recently the importance of green consumption and corporate social responsibility has been increasing, thereby enhancing the importance of green consumption space as well. The retail space, as a representative consumption space, is now consuming more energy by introducing bigger retail space, 24-hour operation, cutting-edge equipment, and manless checkout system. Especially for retailers, who are constantly interacting with consumers, not only the economic consideration but also the consumer experience via retail service and physical retail space is crucial for their success. Therefore, this study intends to understand the main factors of motivating consumer perception about green retail space. In addition, we further investigate the mediating and moderating variables to encourage revisit intention and green retail space image. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to test our hypotheses with two models, we conducted a survey using questionnaires. In model 1, 356 respondents were surveyed to determine whether consumers’ green attitudes and behaviors enhance environmentally friendly perception on retail space properties. In model 2, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 69 consumers who have experience in green retail space. Questionnaire surveys were conducted with on-line panels in Korea and analyzed using regression model and Hayes’ PROCESS macro. Results – We found that consumers with green attitude put more importance on the attributes of green retail space. Also, the utility of the green retail space was found to be significant in emotional and social benefits. And, the consumers, who perceived the importance of green retail space, show higher revisit intentions. The emotional and social utilities have significant positive effects on revisit intention through green retail space image. Conclusions – This study demonstrates that a green retail space can induce positive consumer utility, thereby increasing green retail space image and revisit intention. Thus, in order to increase the image and revisit, retailers should communicate green messages with consumers, enhance green attributes of retail space, and target green consumers. To do so, we suggest that various marketing efforts such as publicity and education are needed to appeal experiential green products and retail space to consumers.

      • 물순환을 고려한 도시녹지 기능 제고 방안

        박은진(Eun-Jin Park),강규이,이현정,좌승희 경기연구원 2007 경기개발연구원 기본연구 Vol.2007 No.11

        We reviewed the function of urban green space for sustainable water cycle system and examined the plan and design of urban space to improve its function for stormwater management. Urban green infrastructures and soil sealings of 31 administration districts and 15 watersheds in Gyeonggi Province were compared and the classification and boundary of urban green space as functional space for stormwater management were discussed. Urbanized blocks in an administration district are considered very important areas for stormwater management due to their high population densities and high levels of soil sealing. The areas of green space ranged widely from 4.4% to 31.5% in urbanized blocks of selected 10 cities. Bucheon, Anyang, and Gwangmyeong were characterized by the larger area of urbanized blocks and smaller green space area comparing to other cities and more effort for expanding green space and improving the function for stormwater management were emphasized for these cities. For a case study, green spaces were classified into 1) parks, 2) gardens in residential and commercial areas, 3) buffer strips and trees along streets, and 4) riparian areas, and the areas and structural characteristics of these green space types were examined for 22 urbanized drainage blocks in Bundang Stream Watershed. In addition, runoff coefficient and hydrograph were compared for 4 drainage blocks with different green infrastructure characteristics. The total area of parks and gardens in apartment complexes were greater than that of other green space types, and the combination of green space type differed with land use of drainage block. The area of vegetation buffer strip was high at the blocks including main streets. However, unpaved soil was very limited along streets and green space was not enough comparing to the area of road paved. Comparison of runoff coefficients and green space characteristics for 4 drainage blocks indicated that runoff was influenced by the area of green space. It also indicated that parks with greater green space area were more effective for stormwater management than smaller patches of gardens. Runoff was also influenced by the area and the distribution of roads and other paved surfaces. Considering the function of urban green space for stormwater management, the major concerns related to the planning and designing of urban green space are 1) green space planning were preceded by development planning without considering the preservation of wetlands and riparian area in watersheds, 2) the standard of green space planning puts more emphasis on the minimum area per capita and recreational use of green space rather than ecological function, 3) traditional stormwater management in urban area transports runoff promptly through drainage pipes to streams without coming into contact with green space. These resulted into the exclusion of green space from stormwater management system and the structural design of green space with which runoff can not be absorbed in urban green space. To improve the function of urban green space for stormwater management, urban green space should be perceived as a functional vital system with the cycles of water and soil for urban sustainability. The design of urban green space should also include natural water cycles so that urban green space can be incorporated into stormwater management system. Inappropriate guidelines for urban green space design regarding stormwater management were examined and the improvement of them was suggested in this study. In addition, the application of stormwater wetlands, rain gardens (bioretentions), grassed swales (bioswales), filter strips, buffer strips, and green roofs was discussed as urban landscapes for stormwater management. We suggest that the change of urban green space criteria, structural improvement of green space along streets, incorporating urban green space for stormwater management system, increasing investment for urban green space managemen

      • KCI등재

        Research on the Accessibility of Urban Green Space Based on Road Network- A Case Study of the Park Green Space in City Proper of Nanjing

        Fan, Yong,Zhao, Ming-yuan,Ma, Lin,Zhao, Lan-yong Institute of Forest Science 2016 Journal of Forest Science Vol.32 No.1

        Accessibility of urban green space, as an important index of evaluating the service level of urban green space, not only shows the resident's access to green space, but also reflects the environment quality of urban living. Since the quantity, area and space distribution of the patches in urban green space directly affect the function of urban green space and the quality of urban environment, the research on the accessibility of urban green space holds great significance to improve the service of urban green space and the living environment quality. Based on GIS software, this research uses the road network and the population distribution data of Nanjing's city proper to conduct quantitative analysis of the accessibility of park green space and the convenience for residents to travel under different forms of transportation. After the case analysis, the author tests the application of road network in studying the accessibility of urban park green space and proposes a GIS-based method to study the accessibility and the rational layout of urban green space.

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