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      • KCI등재

        유전자변형 롱과 지연 콩의 알레르기 유발원 비교

        박재현(Jae Hyun Park),정승태(Seung Tae Chung),김재희(Jae Hee Kim),김지영(Ji Young Kim),노건웅(Geum Woong Noh),김동섭(Dong Sup Kim),김형수(Hyung Soo Kim) 대한약학회 2001 약학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        Genetically modified organism (GMO) using reoombinant DNA technique has been expo- nentially increased, however there are still arguments for the safety of GM foods. The objective of this researoh was to compare the allergens of GM soybean(Roundup ReadyTM) with conventional soybeans. Each soybean eBrhacts were prepared as crude extracts, heated extracts, and as heated and simulated gastric fluid (SGF)- digested samples to characterize the stability of allergens to physicoohemical treatment. Positive sern from 20 soybean-sensitive patients and control sera from 5 normal subjects were used to identify the endogenous allergens in soybeans. Specific-IgE binding activities To each soybean preparations were evaluated by ELISA and immunoblot technique. In ELISA result, IgE-binding activities of positive sera to soy crude extracts generally showed two fold higher mean value than those of control sera however there was no significant difference between GM soybean and natural soybean varieties. Extracted proteins form each of the soybean preparations were separated with SDS-PAGE. The band pattern of GM soybean was very similar to those of natural soybean varieties. Immunoblots for the different soybeans revealed no differences in IgE-binding protein patterns, moreover, disclosed five prominent IgE-binding bands (75,70,50,44 and 34 kDa) in crude extracts, four (75,70,44 and 34 kDa) in heated preparations, one (50kDa) in heated and SGF-digested preparations. These IgE binding bands were consistent is previously reported results on the soybean. These results indicate that GM soybean (Roundup ReadyTM) is no different from natural soybean in terms of its allergen.

      • KCI등재후보

        Market Power of Genetically Modified Soybeans Traded Between the United States and Korea

        Eun-Ae Son,Song Soo Lim 한국무역학회 2019 Journal of Korea trade Vol.23 No.6

        Purpose - The purpose of this study was to investigate market power of soybeans exported by the United States to Korea. Particularly, this paper considered dichotomous characteristics of genetically modified (GM) soybeans and non-GM soybeans and conducted empirical analysis of these two segregated soybean markets to understand key tenets of market power in international soybean trade. Design/methodology - The difference in market power between GM and non-GM soybeans was analyzed using Residual Demand Elasticity (RDE) and Residual Supply Elasticity (RSE) models over the period of 2008~2018. RDE and RSE models under an imperfect competition condition were used to estimate market margins and determine whether GM and non-GM exporters or importers exercised market power in the destination market. Findings - Empirical results suggested that the U.S. had a market power on both GM and non-GM soybean exports. GM exports had greater market power than non-GM exports (14% vs. 9%). By contrast, Korea showed an inability to grab market margin or exert market power in soybean imports. Both export supply by the U.S. and import demand by Korea were found to be more responsive to price changes of GM soybeans than to prices changes of non-GM soybeans. This might be due to a self-interested, profit-seeking strategy by the exporter and many concerned consumers regarding potential adverse effects of GMOs in the importing country. Originality/value - This paper fills the literature gap by exploiting market power in both GM and non-GM markets with explicit consideration of price correlations between GM and non-GM soybeans in Korea. A number of existing studies have provided evidence for market power broadly embedded in international commodity trade. However, studies focusing on Korean markets are limited. No study has explored the country’s soybean trade. Furthermore, the majority of prior studies have almost exclusively focused on the market power from a standpoint of exporting countries without discussing importers’ market structure. This paper also sought to understand potentially distinguished patterns of market power between GM and non-GM markets.

      • Analysis of the seed dispersal patterns of wild soybean as a reference for vegetation management around genetically modified soybean fields

        Yoshimura, Yasuyuki,Mizuguti, Aki,Matsuo, Kazuhito The Korean Society of Weed Science and The Turfgra 2011 Weed Biology and Management Vol.11 No.4

        There are concerns that genetically modified soybean might threaten the genetic diversity of the wild soybean populations that are distributed in East Asia because genetically modified soybean has no crossing barrier with wild soybean. A simple and effective method to prevent hybridization via pollen flow is spatial separation between the two species because their hybridization occurs only when they grow in close proximity. Therefore, the invasiveness of wild soybean needs to be known in order to secure the appropriate distances. As wild soybean seeds are dispersed mechanically by pod dehiscence, an experiment was conducted in which white sheets were placed on the ground, concentric circles were drawn around the parent plants, and the number of dispersed seeds within each 0.5 m-wide zone were counted. About 40% of the produced seeds were dispersed and the number of dispersed seeds gradually declined as the distance from the parent plants increased. The model that explained the relationship between the number and distance of the dispersed seeds was produced by using a generalized linear model procedure. More than 95, 99, and 99.9% of the produced seeds stayed within 3.5, 5.0, and 6.5 m after natural pod dehiscence. Knowing these values is useful for evaluating the level of invasive risk by mechanical seed dispersal. The goal of the work is to efficiently and deliberately prevent hybridization by isolating genetically modified soybean fields and wild soybean populations by vegetation management, including weeding and setting up specific-width buffer zones.

      • Allergenicity Test of Genetically Modified Soybean in Sprague Dawley Rats

        Chang, Hyun Sung,Bae, Youn Kyoung,Lim, Si Kyu,Jeong, Tae Cheon,Kim, Hyung Soo,Chung, Seung Tae,Kim, Dong Sup,Nam, Doo Hyun 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2001 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.11 No.-

        Allergenicity of genetically-modified (GM) soybean was evaluated in male Sprague Dawley rats. To confirm the GM soybean used in this study, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using the chromosomal DNA of soybeans. The PCR result provided the clear discrimination of genetically-modified (GM) soybeans. To evaluate the allergenicity of GM soybean and non-GM control one, the soybean homogenate was sensitized subcutaneously 3 times a week for 3 weeks. The doses of soybean were 0, 2 and 20 mg/kg of soybean homogenate containing 1% Evans blue, no sign of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction was detected. In addition, when the sera were treated in the cultures of peritoneal mast cells, the increase of histamine release by anti-(GM soybean) sera was not observed when compared to that by anti-(non-GM soybean) sera. The present results indicate that the GM soybean might not act as a strong allergen in male Sprague Dawley rats.


        Allergenicity Test of Genetically Modified Soybean in Sprague Dawley Rats

        Chang, Hyun-Sung,Bae, Youn-Kyoung,Lim, Si-Kyu,Jeong, Tae-Cheon,Kim, Hyung-Soo,Chung, Seung-Tae,Kim, Dong-Sup,Nam, Doo-Hyun The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 2001 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.24 No.3

        Allergenicity of genetically-modified (GM) soybean was evaluated in male Sprague Dawley rats. To confirm the GM soybean used in this study, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using the chromosomal DNA of soybeans. The PCR result provided the clear discrimination of genetically-modified (GM) soybeans. To evaluate the allergenicity of GM soybean and non-GM control one, the soybean homogenate was sensitized subcutaneously 3 times a week for 3 weeks. The doses of soybean were 0, 2 and 20 mg/kg in the protein basis. A week after the last sensitization, antisera were recovered from individual animals. When the sera were injected intradermally on the clipped back of unsensitized rats with various dilutions, followed by a challenge with 20 mg/kg of soybean homogenate containing 1% Evans blue, no sign of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction was detected. In addition, when the sera were treated in the cultures of peritoneal mast cells, the increase of histamine release by anti-(GM soybean) sera was not observed when compared to that by anti-(non-GM soybean) sera. The present results indicate that the GM soybean might not act as a strong allergen in male Sprague Dawley rats.


        Monitoring of genetically modified soybean events in sausage products in South Korea

        Kim, J.H.,Song, J.Y.,Hong, Y.,Kim, H.Y. Butterworths ; Taylor Francis ; Elsevier Science 2016 FOOD CONTROL Vol.67 No.-

        <P>The use of genetically modified (GM) ingredients in various types of food products has increased worldwide. In this study, qualitative real-time PCR assays targeting five GM soybean events (RRS, MON89788, A2704-12, A5547-127, and MON87701) were performed to monitor their use in sausage samples. Thirty sausage samples containing soybean ingredients on their label were collected from Korean food markets and analyzed. The endogenous lectin gene of soybean was used as an internal positive control. Real-time PCR showed that the threshold cycle (Ct) values ranged from 28.62 to 33.90 for the 30 sausage samples. Of the 30 sausage samples, 19 samples were negative for the presence of GM soybeans. In the positive samples, the results revealed three GM soybean events [Roundup Ready Soybean (RRS), A2704-12, and/or MON89788] in 11 of the 30 food samples tested. These results demonstrate that sausage products contain different GM soybean events. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.</P>


        Multiplex PCR Detection of 4 Events of Genetically Modified Soybeans (RRS, A2704-12, DP356043-5, and MON89788)

        Jae-Hwan Kim,Young-Ju Seo,Seol-Hee Sun,Hae-Yeong Kim 한국식품과학회 2009 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.18 No.3

        A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was developed for the detection of 4 events of genetically modified (GM) soybean. The event-specific primers were designed from 4 events of GM soybean (RRS, A2704-12, DP356043-5, and MON89788). The lectin was used as an endogenous reference gene of soybean in the PCR detection. The primer pair YjLec-4-F/R producing 100 bp amplicon was used to amplify the lectin gene and no amplified product was observed in any of the 9 different plants used as templates. This multiplex PCR method allowed for the detection of eventspecific targets in a genomic DNA mixture of up to 1% GM soybean mixture containing RRS, A2704-12, DP356043-5, and MON89788. In this study, 20 soybean products obtained from commercial food markets were analyzed by the multiplex PCR. As a result, 6 samples contained RRS. These results indicate that this multiplex PCR method could be a useful tool for monitoring GM soybean.


        Rapid screening of roundup ready soybean in food samples by a hand-held PCR device

        Tung, Hsiang-Yun,Wang, Sue-Hong,Chiang, Yu-Cheng,Tsai, Ming-Shiun 한국식품과학회 2016 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.25 No.4

        Insulated isothermal PCR (iiPCR) method was recently available for rapid on-site detection of roundup ready soybean (RRS; event GTS40-3-2) in food materials and products. Performance of this method was evaluated in this study. The 100% detection endpoint for the RRS by iiPCR was found in samples containing 0.1% RRS, equivalent to the results of the reference real-time PCR (rtPCR). Analysis of nucleic acids of soybean-based processed food products indicated 95% agreement between the iiPCR and rtPCR for RRS detection. By testing soybean milk and tofu samples using simple pretreatment methods, we found that the agreements between iiPCR and rtPCR methods of the aforementioned samples were 80% and 90%, respectively. Replicated tests of all discrepant samples implied that these samples had trace amounts of RRS, suggesting that the iiPCR system is more sensitive than the rtPCR method. In conclusion, the iiPCR technology can be a useful point-of-need tool to help make a timely decision in the consumption of genetically modified organisms.

      • KCI등재

        Rapid screening of roundup ready soybean in food samples by a hand-held PCR device

        Hsiang-Yun Tung,Sue-Hong Wang,Yu-Cheng Chiang,Ming-Shiun Tsai 한국식품과학회 2016 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.25 No.4

        Insulated isothermal PCR (iiPCR) method was recently available for rapid on-site detection ofroundup ready soybean (RRS; event GTS40-3-2) in food materials and products. Performance of thismethod was evaluated in this study. The 100% detection endpoint for the RRS by iiPCR was found insamples containing 0.1% RRS, equivalent to the results of the reference real-time PCR (rtPCR). Analysisof nucleic acids of soybean-based processed food products indicated 95% agreement between the iiPCRand rtPCR for RRS detection. By testing soybean milk and tofu samples using simple pretreatmentmethods, we found that the agreements between iiPCR and rtPCR methods of the aforementionedsamples were 80% and 90%, respectively. Replicated tests of all discrepant samples implied that thesesamples had trace amounts of RRS, suggesting that the iiPCR system is more sensitive than the rtPCRmethod. In conclusion, the iiPCR technology can be a useful point-of-need tool to help make a timelydecision in the consumption of genetically modified organisms.

      • KCI등재

        유전자재조합식품의 인지도 및 수용도에 대한 연차별 비교

        김명희,김재욱,채경연,박세원,김연순,경규항 한국식품위생안전성학회 2002 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        유전자재조합식품의 안전성과 표시에 관한 일반국민의 의식을 2000년과 2001년 5월 9월 사이에 각각 750명과 979명을 대상으로 설문조사하였다. 평균 67.7%의 응답자가 유전자재조합식품에 관한 정보를 접한 경험이 있었다. 유전자재조합식품이 줄 수 있는 최대의 이점은 식량난해결이라는 의견을 나타냈다. 유전자재조합식품에는 90%이상의 응답자가 표시하기를 바랐으며 현재 구입하여 먹겠다는 사람은 18%이었고 기다려보겠다는 관망형이 49%를 넘어서 표시를 희망하면서도 결정을 유보하는 사람의 비율이 많았다. 유전자재조합기술로 개발된 제초제 내성 콩을 먹겠다는 사람보다 같은 방법으로 개발된 비타민 함량이 높은 콩을 먹겠다는 사람이 상대적으로 많은 것으로 보아 제품의 특성을 중시하지 유전자재조합 여부에는 큰 관심을 두지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 우리가 먹는 생물 유래의 식품에 유전자가 있다는 사실을 바르게 알고있는 응답자는 전체의 40% 정도였다. 유전자재조합식품이 위험할 것이라고 생각하는 사람은 지극히 적어서 응답자의 4%정도를 유지하였다. 유전자재조합 옥수수인 스타링크의 뉴스를 접한 경험이 있는 응답자가 66%나 되었던 반면 2001년 7월부터 실시된 유전자재조합 표시제의 시행에 대해 알고있는 소비자는 22%에 지나지 않았다. A two-year survey of consumers' awareness and perception of genetically-modified (GM) foods was conducted during May through September of 2000 and 2001 with a random sample of Korean consumers. More than 68% of the respondents were exposed to some information related to GM foods. The greatest benefit of the development of GM foods was thought to be the remedy for the food shortage in the future. More than 90% of Korean consumers wanted GM foods to be labeled. About 18% of the respondents would buy GM foods voluntarily, whereas over 49% would not until they found out more. Only 40% of Korean consumers were found to realize that food items originated from plants contain genes. More consumers responded that they would not buy herbicide-tolerant GM soybean but buy vitamin-enriched GM soybean. It seemed to be that many Korean consumers do not make decisions of acceptance or rejection of GM foods not on the basis of biotechnology but on the basis of the word(s) used to describe the products, such as herbicide and vitamin. Only 4% of Korean consumers responded that GM foods were the greatest safety-threatening factor of Korean foods.

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