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        Effect of Different Vegetable Oils on Growth and Fatty Acid Profile of Rohu (Labeo rohita, Hamilton); Evaluation of a Return Fish Oil Diet to Restore Human Cardio-protective Fatty Acids

        Karanth, Santhosh,Sharma, Prakash,Pal, Asim K.,Venkateshwarlu, G. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2009 Animal Bioscience Vol.22 No.4

        Two experiments in the sequential order were conducted to determine the effects of different dietary lipid sources on the growth and fatty acid composition of rohu (Labeo rohita) and to examine the viability of a return fish oil finisher diet in restoring the human cardio-protective fatty acid profile. In the first experiment, fish were fed either with coconut oil (D1), olive oil (D2), sunflower oil (D3), linseed oil (D4) and fish oil (D5) as the main lipid source in the isonitrogenous diet for 90 days. No significant differences in growth were observed. Among the experimental diets moisture content of fish varied significantly (p<0.05) between the groups. Dietary lipid sources had a profound influence on the fatty acid profile of the muscle and liver as tissue fatty acid profile reflected the dietary fatty acid composition. Increased amounts of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid were observed in tissue of fish fed D4 and arachidonic acid was observed in the tissue of fish fed D3. We have also detected the metabolites of n-3 and n-6 pathway in D4 and D3 groups respectively, which prompted us to conclude that rohu, can desaturate and elongate $C_{18}$ essential fatty acids to $C_{20}$ and $C_{22}$ HUFA. A second feeding trial was conducted using the animals from the five different treatment groups for the duration of 30 days with fish oil rich diet (D5). Feeding with fish-oil rich washout diet resulted in the near equalization of all the other treatment groups tissue fatty acid profiles to that of fish oil (D5) fed group. These results indicate that a finishing fish oil diet can be effectively used to restore the human cardioprotective fatty acid profile in rohu fed with vegetable oils as lipid source.

      • KCI등재

        허베이스피리트호 원유 유출사고 후 태안 만리포 해빈의 천해 어류 종조성 변화

        이정훈 ( Jung Hun Lee ),권순열 ( Soon Yeol Kwon ),홍지민 ( Ji Min Hong ),황학빈 ( Hak Bin Hwang ),이태원 ( Tae Won Lee ) 한국어류학회 2014 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        2007년 12월의 태안 Hebei Spirit 유류 유출지점으로부터 약 10 km 떨어진 액상의 유류 오염 피해를 직접 받은 만리포 조간대 천해역 어류의 종조성 변화를 분석하였다. 어류는 2008년 2월부터 2009년 12월까지 월별로 그믐 사리 간조 때 주야 각 5회씩 지인망으로 채집하였다. 월별 주야간 어류 종조성은 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 2008년에는 총 21종, 1,032마리, 6,544.2 g의 어류가 채집되었고, 2009년에는 31종, 4,206마리, 35,659.6 g의 어류가 채집되었다. 출현한 어류는 소형어이거나 유어들이었으며, 채집량이 많은 어류들은 연안 주거종이었고 계절에 따라 출현하는 회유종은 양적으로 적었다. 출현종 가운데 가숭어 (Chelon haematochelius), 조피볼락 (Sebastes schlegelii), 복섬 (Takifugu niphobles)과 문치가자미(Pleuronectes yokohamae)가 조사기간 중 우점하였다. 2008년의 월별 채집생물량과 종 다양성지수는 2009년에 비하여 유의하게 낮았다. 2008년 2월에서 6월까지는 일부 주거종들 만이 채집되어 출현종수와 채집량이 낮았고, 5월에 가장 낮았으며 7월 이후 채집량이 증가하였다. 2009년에는 봄에 수온이 상승하며 출현종수와 채집량이 증가하여 하계에 최대값을 보이고 가을에 낮아지는 전형적인 온대 천해 어류 종조성 변화를 보였으며, 오염 피해가 적었던 곳과 비슷한 양상을 보였다. 만리포에서 오염이후 초기 몇 달간은 천해어류 출현종수와 채집량이 적었던것은 잔존유류의 영향과 조간대 모래 세척 등의 유류 방제작업에 따른 서식처 교란 때문으로 보인다. 2008년 9월 이후월별 채집량이 2009년의 같은 달 채집량과 큰 차이가 없어 2008년 9월 이후에는 잔존 유류 영향이 어류 종조성에 미치는 영향은 크지 않은 것으로 추정된다. Change in fish species composition after the Hebei Spirit oil spill in December 2007 off Taean were determined by analysis of samples collected in Mailpo beach, 10 km south from the oil spill site and polluted by the crude oil. Fish samples were collected by a beach seine in the shallow water at Malipo beach during the low tide of the new moon from February 2008 to December 2009. Five seine hauls were made during the day and the night in each sampling time. Monthly day and night samples did not show the significant differences in species composition. A total of 21 species, 1,032 individuals and 6,544 g of fish were collected in 2008, and 31 species, 4,206 individuals and 35,659 g of fish in 2009. The species collected were composed of the small-sized fish or juveniles. Abundant fishes were the resident species in coastal water, and the migrants were low in abundance. Among the fish occurred, Chelon haematochelius, Sebastes schlegelii, Takifugu niphobles and Pleuronectes yokohamae were predominated in abundance of both years. Monthly fish abundance and species diversity in 2008 were significantly lower than those in 2009. A few number of resident fish were collected from February to June 2008 showing the lowest in May 2008, and fish abundance increased from July 2008. The number of species and abundance of fish in 2009 were increased in spring as the temperature raised, showed a peak in summer and decreased in autumn. This monthly variation in fish species composition and abundance was similar to those in the non-polluted water in other temperate waters.Low fish abundance during several months after oil spill was considered to be related to the residual oil in the water and habitat disturbance due to oil cleaning activity in the beach. Monthly fish species compositions after September 2008 were similar to those of 2009 suggested that the impact on the shallow water fish by the oil residuals was not too significant at least to the fish species composition after September 2008.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 동해 어족 자원의 수탈과 활용

        심재욱,하원호 숭실사학회 2017 숭실사학 Vol.0 No.38

        일제 강점기 식민지 조선의 막대한 물적ㆍ인적 자원이 일제에 의해 수탈되었음은 잘 알려져 있다. 그런데 수산자원에 대한 수탈은 다수의 관련 연구 성과가 생산되었음에도, 아직도 쌀과 같은 토지 생산물에 대한 수탈에 비해 상대적으로 덜 알려져 있는 실정이다. 강점 이전부터 한반도 해역에서의 어업에 진출한 일본인들은 식민지 권력의 비호, 막대한 자본과 선진적인 漁撈 장비와 어획법을 바탕으로 식민지 수산업의 ‘주인’으로 자리 잡았고. 막대한 수산자원들을 수탈하였다. 일제가 수탈한 수산자원 중 대표적인 것은 바로 정어리이다. 1920년대 중반부터 활기를 띠기 시작한 정어리 어업은 1930년대 후반에 정점을 찍었다. 1937년에는 정어리 어업을 통해 거둔 막대한 어획고를 기반으로 세계 2위의 어획고를 차지할 정도였다. 여기에는 1910년대부터 40년대 초까지 동해 지역에 다량으로 回遊한 정어리 무리의 존재와 1910년대부터 본격적인 궤도에 올라선 일본의 유지공업의 발전이라는 공급과 수요가 상호보완적인 역할을 하고 있다. 당시 일본의 유지공업은 주로 牛脂을 기반으로 하였으나, 제1차 세계대전으로 인한 공급 부족과 가격 상승으로 인해 대체 원료를 찾게 되었다. 이때 주목을 받은 것이 바로 魚油를 기반으로 한 硬化油였고, 魚油 및 硬化油의 생산을 위해 풍부한 지방을 함유하고 있는 정어리가 대량으로 어획되게 되는 것이다. 한편 硬化油 가공공업은 군사적인 측면에서도 매우 중요하였다. 경화유 분해 과정에서 생성되는 글리세린이 바로 화약의 원료가 되기 때문이었다. 1935년 당시 소비된 글리세린의 전체 양 중 절반에 가까운 43%가 다이나마이트 및 해군의 화약용으로 사용되었다. 이와 같은 일본 유지공업의 팽창은 식민지 공업화에도 영향을 주었다. 일본의 신흥 재벌인 日窒콘체른에 의해 朝鮮窒素肥料株式會社, 朝鮮油脂株式會社 등이 설립되어 興南과 淸津에 공장을 건설하였다. 또한 이들 공장에 운영에 필요한 다량의 전기를 공급하기 위해 赴戰江 발전소와 같은 발전시설이 건설되었다. 즉 북한 일대를 주산지로 하는 鰮油業의 발전이 식민지 조선의 유지ㆍ화학공업 및 토목ㆍ전기 산업 발전의 모체를 이루게 되었다. 이러한 일본 자본의 침투는 식민지 권력의 군사산업 육성 정책과 맞물려 진행된 것으로 식민 조선의 공업에 새로운 계기를 이루었다. Exploitation of enormous amounts of material and human resources suffered by the Colonial Choseon during the Japanese Colonial era is a well known fact. However, despite multiple research results related to the exploitation of fishery resources, it is relatively less known compared to the exploitation of land products such as rice. The Japanese who began fishing in the waters of the Korean peninsula prior to the occupation positioned themselves as the owners of the fishing industry in the new colony based on protection from the colonial power, vast amounts of capital, and advanced fishing equipment and techniques. They exploited enormous amounts of fishery resources. A representative fishery resource exploited by the Imperial Japanese is pilchard. The pilchard fishing industry that became active during the mid-1920s reached its peak at the end of the 1930s. Based on the vast catch made through the pilchard fishing in 1937, the fishing amount increased to as much as second place in the world. Here, the existence of vast spawning migration of pilchards in the East Sea region from 1910s to 1940s and the supply and demand from the full-scale development of Japanese oil and fat industry starting from 1910s have resulted in a complimentary reaction. Although the Japanese oil and fat industry at the time was based on beef tallow, an alternative source was needed due to the lack of supply and price hike after the World War I. One thing to note here is the hydrogenated oil based on fish oil, where large quantities of pilchards that contain rich sources of fat was fished to produce fish oil and hydrogenated oil. On the other hand, hydrogenated oil processing industry was also extremely important in terms of their military. This is because glycerin produced during the process of hydrogenated oil decomposition became the source of gunpowder. Almost half (43%) of the entire glycerin consumed in 1935 was used for dynamites and gunpowder for the navy. Such expansion of the Japanese oil and fat industry also influenced the industrialization of the Japanese colonies. With the establishment of Choseon Nitrogen Fertilizer Co., Ltd.(朝鮮窒素肥料株式會社) and Choseon Oil and Fat Co., Ltd.,(朝鮮油脂株式會社) etc., by the emerging Japanese conglomerate Nippon Chisso Konzern, factories were built in Heungnam(興南) and Chungjin(淸津). In addition, in order to supply large amounts of power required for the factories, power facilities such as Bujeon-River(赴戰江) Power Plant was constructed. In other words, the advancement of pilchard oil industry that used the whole North Korean region as its chief producing district became the parent institution of Colonial Choseon’s industrial development in the oil/chemical and civil/electric industries. Such penetration of Japanese capital progressed in line with policies on developing military strength in the colonies and led to new industrial opportunities in the Colonial Choseon.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        흰쥐에서 Etretinate와 어유의 동시투여가 혈장내 Cholesterol치에 미치는 영향

        이국형(Kuk Hyeong Lee),김도원(Do Won Kim),전재복(Jae Bok Jun) 대한피부과학회 1991 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.29 No.2

        The authors studied the plasma cholesterol levels in 39 rats (Sprague-Dawley) after 4 weeks administration of etretinate and/or fish oil. The study groups were as follows.'13 rats recieved etretinate only;13, fish oil only;13, both ertetinate and fish oil. Cholesterol levels were determined by standard enzymatic methodology. The results were as follows. Tot,al-cholesterol levels in rats following administration of ertetinate only were increased(p<0.05), but the levels in rats receiving fish oil only and both etretinate and fish oil were markedly decreased(p<0.01). HDL-cholesterol levels in rats following administration of fish oil and both etretinate and fish oil were decreased(p<0.01). The ratio of HDL-cholesterol to total-cholesterol in rats receiving fish oil only and both etretinate and fish oil were increased(p<0.05) because of markedly decreased total-cholesterol levels. (Kor J Dermatol 29(2):167 173)


        Effect of Supplementation of Fish and Canola Oil in the Diet on Milk Fatty Acid Composition in Early Lactating Holstein Cows

        Vafa, Toktam S.,Naserian, Abbas A.,Moussavi, Ali R. Heravi,Valizadeh, Reza,Mesgaran, Mohsen Danesh Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2012 Animal Bioscience Vol.25 No.3

        This study examined the effects of supplementation of fish oil and canola oil in the diet on milk yield, milk components and fatty acid composition of Holstein dairy cows in early lactation. Eight multiparous early lactation Holstein cows ($42{\pm}12$ DIM, $40{\pm}6kg$ daily milk yield) were fed a total mixed ration supplemented with either 0% oil (Control), 2% fish oil (FO), 1% canola oil +1% fish oil (FOCO), or 2% canola oil (CO) according to a double $4{\times}4$ Latin square design. Each period lasted 3 wk; experimental analyses were restricted to the last week of each period. Supplemental oils were added to a basal diet which was formulated according to NRC (2001) and consisted of 20% alfalfa, 20% corn silage and 60% concentrate. Milk yield was similar between diets (p>0.05), but dry matter intake (DMI) was lower (p<0.05) in cows fed FO diet compared to other diets. Milk fat percentage and daily yield decreased (p<0.01) with the supplementation of fish and canola oil. The daily yield and percentage of milk protein, lactose and solids-not-fat (SNF) were not affected by diets (p>0.05). The proportion (g/100 g fatty acids) of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) decreased and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) increased (p<0.05) in milk of all cows fed diets supplemented with oil. The proportions of 6:0, 8:0, 10:0 12:0 and 14:0 fatty acids in milk fat decreased (p<0.01) for all diets supplemented with oil, but the proportions of 14:1, 16:0 and 16:1 fatty acids were not affected by diets (p>0.05). The proportion of trans(t)-18:1 increased (p<0.01) in milk fat of cows fed FO and FOCO diets, but CO diet had the highest proportion of cis(c)-11 18:1 (p<0.01). The concentration of t-10, c-12 18:2, c-9 t-11 18:2, 18:3, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6) increased (p<0.05) in FO and FOCO diets in comparison with the other two diets. These data indicate that including fish oil in combination with canola oil significantly modifies the fatty acid composition of milk.

      • KCI등재

        사료 내 지질원 및 필수지방산이 치어기 황복(Takifugu obscurus)의 성장 및 체조성에 미치는 영향

        유광열 ( Gwang Yeol Yoo ),배승철 ( Sung Chul Bai ) 한국수산과학회 2014 한국수산과학회지 Vol.47 No.4

        We conducted an 8-week feeding trial to evaluate dietary lipid sources on the growth performance and body compo-sition of juvenile river puffer fish Takifugu obscurus. Nine experimental diets were formulated with fishmeal as the major protein ingredients, providing 50% crude protein. The experimental diets contained either beef fallow (BF), soybean oil (SO), rapeseed oil (RO), or linseed oil (LO). Each of these diets was then supplemented or not with 0.5% n-3 HUFA (BFH, SOH, ROH, and LOH), resulting in a total of eight experimental diets. The control diet contained fish oil (FO) as the lipid source. Fish averaging 10.3±0.03 g were fed the experimental diets in randomly selected triplicate groups for 8 weeks. Weight gain and feeding efficiency of fish fed the FO and SOH diets were significantly higher than those of fish fed BF or RO (P <0.05), but these diets did not differ significantly from the other diets. The protein efficiency ratio of fish fed the SOH diet was significantly higher than that of fish fed the BF, SO, or RO diets (P <0.05), but these were not significantly different from the other diets. The specific growth rate of fish fed the FO and SOH diets was significantly higher than that of fish fed the BF diet (P <0.05). Whole body DHA and n-3 HUFA contents of fish fed the FO diet were significantly higher than those of fish fed the SO, RO, or LO diets (P <0.05), but were not significantly different from the other diets. These results indicate that soybean oil and linseed oil could replace up to 100% of fish oil in the diet containing 60% fishmeal for river puffer fish.

      • KCI등재

        Total replacement of dietary fish oil with alternative lipid sources in a practical diet for mandarin fish, Siniperca scherzeri, juveniles

        Zohreh Sankian,Sanaz Khosravi,김이오,이상민 한국수산과학회 2019 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.22 No.2

        A 12-week feeding trial was designed to evaluate the effect of total replacement of fish oil (FO) with terrestrial alternative oils on growth, feed utilization, body composition, hematological parameters, and fillet fatty acid profile of mandarin fish juveniles. Four iso-nitrogenous (56% crude protein) and iso-lipidic (13% crude lipid) practical diets were formulated. A control diet contained 6% FO and three other experimental diets were prepared by replacing FO with linseed oil, soybean oil, and lard (designed as FO, LO, SO, and lard, respectively). Each diet was randomly allocated to triplicate groups of 25 fish (1.8 ± 0.03 g/fish) in a circular tank. Complete replacement of FO by three tested alternative oils had no remarkable impact on growth performance, feed utilization efficiency, and morphological and hematological parameters of juvenile mandarin fish. However, daily feed intake was found to be significantly higher for fish fed the SO diet compared with those fed the FO and LO diets. Fish fed LO and SO diets exhibited significantly higher levels of the whole body lipid compared to fish fed diet containing FO. Fillet fatty acid composition reflected dietary fatty acid profile. The highest level of α-linolenic acid, linoleic acid, and oleic acid was observed in fish fillet fed LO, SO, and lard, respectively. Although the eicosapentaenoic acid level of fish fillet fed diet FO was higher than other treatments, no significant difference was found in docosahexaenoic acid content among all dietary groups. The results of the present study clearly demonstrate that the complete replacement of FO in mandarin fish diets is achievable. These findings are useful in dietary formulation to reduce feed costs without compromising mandarin fish growth.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Total replacement of dietary fish oil with alternative lipid sources in a practical diet for mandarin fish, Siniperca scherzeri, juveniles

        Sankian, Zohreh,Khosravi, Sanaz,Kim, Yi-Oh,Lee, Sang-Min The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Scienc 2019 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.22 No.4

        A 12-week feeding trial was designed to evaluate the effect of total replacement of fish oil (FO) with terrestrial alternative oils on growth, feed utilization, body composition, hematological parameters, and fillet fatty acid profile of mandarin fish juveniles. Four iso-nitrogenous (56% crude protein) and iso-lipidic (13% crude lipid) practical diets were formulated. A control diet contained 6% FO and three other experimental diets were prepared by replacing FO with linseed oil, soybean oil, and lard (designed as FO, LO, SO, and lard, respectively). Each diet was randomly allocated to triplicate groups of 25 fish ($1.8{\pm}0.03g/fish$) in a circular tank. Complete replacement of FO by three tested alternative oils had no remarkable impact on growth performance, feed utilization efficiency, and morphological and hematological parameters of juvenile mandarin fish. However, daily feed intake was found to be significantly higher for fish fed the SO diet compared with those fed the FO and LO diets. Fish fed LO and SO diets exhibited significantly higher levels of the whole body lipid compared to fish fed diet containing FO. Fillet fatty acid composition reflected dietary fatty acid profile. The highest level of ${\alpha}$-linolenic acid, linoleic acid, and oleic acid was observed in fish fillet fed LO, SO, and lard, respectively. Although the eicosapentaenoic acid level of fish fillet fed diet FO was higher than other treatments, no significant difference was found in docosahexaenoic acid content among all dietary groups. The results of the present study clearly demonstrate that the complete replacement of FO in mandarin fish diets is achievable. These findings are useful in dietary formulation to reduce feed costs without compromising mandarin fish growth.

      • 사람과 쥐에서 식이내 n6 와 n3 불포화지방산이 혈장 지질조성에 미치는 영향

        박현서,남정혜,최주선 慶熙大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        To compare the plasma lipid-lowering effect of dietary n6 and n3 polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA) in human and rats, ten college women were divided into 5 groups and treated for 5 weeks with 1 week interval between treatments and subjects serving as their own controls. Male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into 3 groups and fed the experimental diets for 6 weeks. The experimental diets were corn oil diet for n6 linoleic acid, perilla oil diet for n3 α-linolenic acid and fish oil diet for n3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA). Dietary fat was supplied at 30% Cal and modified to give the total amount of satu-rated fatty acid(SFA) and monoenoic acid(MEA)at constant level. In human, there was no significant effect on plasma cholesterol (Chol)level by different PUFA. However, on a gram­for­gram basis, there was a trend that the decrease in plasma Chol was proportionate to the degree of fat unsaturation. HDL―Chol content was significantly increased only in fish oil diet but no change in the relative proportion of its chemical components of HDL. In rat, plasma Chol and HDL―Chol levels were significantly lowered by fish oil than corn oil and perilla oil. Plasma Chol―lowering effect in human and rats was greater by n3 EPA and DHA than n6 linoleic acid. Plasma triglyceride(TG)level in human was significantly lowered only in fish oil diet but no significant effect on the relative proportion of TG in VLDL. Plasma TG in rats was significantly decreased by both perilla oil and fish oil than by corn oil. Therefore, plasma TG―lowering effect was in the order of n3 EPA+DHA>n3 α­linolenic acid >n6 linoleic acid. In conclusion, perilla oil and fish oil which contain n3 series PUFA may have important nutritional benefit in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic disease.

      • KCI등재

        미숙아의 정맥영양제 투여에 의한 간기능 부작용 발생에 있어서 Fish Oil 함유 대 Soybean Oil 함유 지방유제의 영향비교

        권지은,왕선희,박애령,김순주,황보신이,나현오,김은영 한국병원약사회 2017 병원약사회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Objective : Parenteral nutrition (PN) is critical for growth and therapeutic effect in premature infants. However, long term PN is associated with development of PN associated liver disease (PNALD). Since the omega-6 fatty acid in soybean oil fat emulsion could be responsible for promoting PNALD, fish oil fat emulsion has been used to reduce this adverse effect. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of fish oil fat emulsion in reduction of PNALD. Methods : This study was designed for premature infants who were administered PN with fat emulsion for at least 4 weeks, at the Seoul St. Mary’s hospital neonatal intensive care unit. Between September 2013 and February 2014, preterm infants who received PN with soybean oil fat emulsion were classified as the SO group. From September 2014 to August 2015, preterm infants who received PN with fish oil fat emulsion were classified as the FO group. The change of aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) and direct bilirubin (DB), weight, total protein, albumin and triglyceride (TG) were investigated on the first day and the last day of PN administration. Results : The level of AST decreased by 0.5 IU/L in the FO group, and increased 8.5 IU/L in the SO group (P=0.02). The ALT and DB increased to 13 IU/L and 0.18 mg/dL respectively, in the FO group, and 27.5 IU/L and 0.53 mg/dL respectively, in the SO group (P=0.051, 0.247). No significant difference was observed in weight and total protein. However, the change of albumin levels in the FO group was significantly greater than in the SO group (P=0.01). Also, TG levels decreased by/to 90 mg/dL in the FO group and increased by/to 4.5 mg/dL in the SO group (P=0.03). Conclusion : This study suggests that fish oil fat emulsion lowers the risk of PNALD. Subsequently, fish oil fat emulsion was effective in the improvement of nutritional status in preterm infants.

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