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      • 세계국립극장페스티벌 운영 활성화 방안 연구

        이주영 문화예술콘텐츠학회 2012 콘텐츠 문화 Vol.1 No.-

        Culture is one of the most valuable legacies of human beings and their treasure chest of times. Among many aspects of culture, festivals can unify most cultural activities the best. Performing arts festivals are the most aesthetic and effective as concentrated culture among others in short times. International performing arts festivals have been boosting up mutual understanding, economic growth, and global images between nations in contemporary societies. The National Theatre of Korea(NTOK hereinafter) is symbolic for performing arts of Korea. This study has been done into systematic analysis and revitalization measures of management for <The World Festival of National Theatres> (TWFNT hereinafter), specially programed, managed, and hosted by NTOK since 2007. The summary of the study is as follows; First, TWFNT needs to keep its direction as early planned. This leads to identity and uniqueness of the festival. From audience's point of views, pellucid positioning of festivals' direction is an extremely significant and critical element for confirmation and general management of the programs. An active support and cooperations from government are needed. Second, lacking regular employees, TWFNT office needs to organize and run (a) festival team(s) for professionalism and continuity of the work. By setting up its own human resource management manual, it can maximize employing and using civil festival staff and volunteers. Third, TWFNT needs to strengthen the role of the management council. It should expand the period of appointment for the council members for two years so that the council can cooperate with TWFNT office for actual programming work. Considering programs of the year, TWFNT should increase the number of the council members and build the system for practical unition between TWFNT and the council. Fourth, TWFNT needs to fix programs matching with the direction of the festival in earlier stage. This is very critical for programming as theatre's planned performances and as an international performing arts festival. For quality elevation and thorough checking on the spot, the programs should be chosen after being watched, invitations be posted after a close filtering, and the best ones must be taken strict standards for selection. These are for the organization to obtain enough time, secure finances, and professionalism. Fifth, TWFNT needs to develop advertisement resources continuously and set up executive marketing strategies except for the basic tools in terms of advertisement and marketing. Co-advertisement and co-marketing plans allied with related organs must be set and done in a long run. Integrated marketing plans must be built through proper choices of the programs and concentration on the chosen programs of the year. Development of progressive management resources is effective for festival contents information to be connected to strategical advertisement and finally to get successful marketing outcomes, such as wider public awareness plans for the theatre and festivals. Marketing partnerships with corporations and institutions from participant countries to the festival are highly precise and efficient in terms of international exchanges. Based on the management of <The World Festival of National Theatres>, this study shows what TWFNT lacks for better management and programs, analyzes the results of the festival, and suggests revitalization methods of it. The result of the study will contribute for the National Theatre of Korea as the capital of performing arts and as the representative theatre in Korea to grow as the international pivot in performing arts culture, to expand its global exchange with excellent performing arts theatres and organizations in the world and to activate the differentiated performing arts festival internationally. 인류의 가치적 소산이자, 시대의 보고(寶庫)가 문화이다. 문화의 다양한 측면들이 있지만, 이를 총체적으로 결집시킬 수 있는 것은 축제이다. 축제의 유형 중 단시간에 가장 심미적이면서도 효과의 정도가 높은 것이 공연예술축제이다. 그 중에서도 현대사회에서 국제공연예술축제를 통해 국가간의 상호 이해 증진, 경제의 활성화, 국가 이미지 제고 등 여러 효과를 증진 시키고 있다. 본 연구는 한국의 공연예술을 대표하는 국립극장이라는 상징성을 바탕으로 극장의 프로그래밍 차원에서 2007년부터 특별기획 되어져 현재까지 시행되어 오고 있는 <세계국립극장페스티벌>의 운영실태를 토대로 운영결과를 체계적으로 분석하고, 활성화 방안을 도출하기 위해 시행되었다. 본 연구에서 도출한 세계국립극장페스티벌 운영 활성화 방안을 요약하여 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 세계국립극장페스티벌에서 초기 설정한 방향성 유지이다. 이는 페스티벌의 정체성이자 고유성으로 직결된다. 수요자 중심 측면에서 볼 때 페스티벌의 방향성이 명징하게 포지셔닝 되는 것은 물론 프로그래밍 확정 및 총괄 운영 전반에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요소로서 정부차원에서도 적극적인 지원과 협력이 요구된다. 둘째, 조직재편 및 인력운영 측면에서는 우선 세계국립페스티벌 사무국의 정규인원이 부족한 바, 전문성 획득과 연속성 확보차원에서 극장 내에 페스티벌(축제)팀을 신설, 운영함이 요구된다. 인력 운용 매뉴얼을 설정하여 자원봉사자들을 비롯한 시민 축제 요원들에 대한 적극 발굴과 활용도를 높여야 한다. 셋째, 운영자문위원회의 역할 강화이다. 위촉기간을 만 2년으로 둠으로써 사무국과 더불어 실질적 프로그래밍 업무에 함께 하도록 창구를 확장해야 할 것이다. 해당년도의 프로그램을 감안하여 자문위원의 구성원 보강을 통해 실질적인 조직위가 구성되는 체계를 구축함이 중요하다. 넷째, 페스티벌 방향에 부합되는 프로그램 조기 확정이다. 이는 극장 기획공연으로서의 프로그래밍 측면과 국제공연예술축제로서의 측면 모두에서 중요한 부분이다. 질적인 고양과 실질적 검증을 위해 가급적 현장을 통한 작품 선정, 면밀한 필터링을 통한 초청작, 우수작에 대한 엄격한 선별과정이 필요하다. 결국은 충분한 시간과 재원확보, 전문성이 근간이므로 조직 차원에서 이를 충족시켜야할 것이다. 다섯째, 홍보 및 마케팅 측면에서는 기본적인 툴 외에 지속적인 홍보 소스 개발 및 마케팅 실행 전략 수립을 기해야 한다. 기관 및 단체들과의 공동(연계) 홍보, 마케팅은 지속적인 발굴과 실행이 요구된다. 해당년도의 프로그램에 맞는 선택과 집중을 통한 통합 마케팅이 필요하다. 극장 및 페스티벌의 인지도 확산 프로그램 운영을 시작으로 페스티벌 콘텐츠 정보가 전략 홍보에 연동되어져, 마케팅의 결과물로 이어지는 단계별 운영 소스 개발이 필요하다. 국제교류 관점에서 참가국들의 기업, 기관과 파트너 마케팅의 추진은 적실성이 높다 하겠다. 본 연구는 <세계국립극장페스티벌>의 운영실태를 토대로 문제점 도출 및 운영결과를 분석함으로써 그 활성화 방안을 제시하고 있다. 이 연구결과는 대한민국 공연예술의 중심이자 대표 공연장인 국립극장이 세계 공연예술문화의 중심으로 성장하며 해외 우수 공연예술단체들과의 교류확대를 진작시켜 차별화된 국제공연예술축제의 장이 활성화 되는데 기여할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        무용페스티벌의 재화적 가치창출을 위한 관람객·출연진 만족도와 경제적 파급효과 분석 -강동스프링댄스페스티벌을 중심으로-

        권병웅 ( Byung-woong Kwon ) 한국무용예술학회 2012 무용예술학연구 Vol.38 No.-

        The present study investigated the possibility of the commodification of dance contents, and the market value of the contents. In order to identify it, this study analyzed the results of performance satisfaction surveys conductedat 2012 Kang Dong Spring Dance Festival. The participants of the survey were the cast and the audience of the dance festival. To estimate the economic impact of the dance contents, the study analyzed the economic indirect effects based on the data from the economic direct effects, the inductive effect from an inter-industryrelation table from Korea bank, and the actual purchase condition of nation which was released by the Culture Ministry. The analysis on performance satisfaction of the cast and audience was demonstrated based on 5 likert scales. The mean scores of each item were calculated and compared to one another. In the results of the audience’s satisfaction on the performance, the mean sore of ‘the purpose of the performance’ was 4.36 out of 5, which was relatively high. The mean score of ‘the auditorium environment’ was 4.16, and it is also considered high. The mean scores of ‘program organization’ and ‘event organization’ were 4.28 and 4.18. 89.1% of the respondents showed positive response on the overall performance. The mean score of the performance itself was 4.42 which appearedconsiderably high. 90.7% of the respondents answered that they would like to watch the performance again. In the survey results of the members of the cast, the cronbach’s alpha score of the 14 items of the survey was 0.928, which indicated high reliability of the results. It was concluded from the findings that the cast were positive on Kang-Dong Art Center in terms of promotion strategies, the stage environment, convenient facilities, the technical support, and the management system. However, the cast were not overly satisfied with ‘organization management’ and ‘agreement with the cast,’ and the score was 4 out of 5. 89.1% of the cast responded that they would like to perform again, and 92.4% of them answered that they would like to participate in the event again.The result indicated the cast’s considerable satisfaction on the performance event. The results of both the cast and the audience suggested a great value of Kang-Dong Spring Dance Festival as a cultural item. Furthermore, this study investigated the economic effects of the dance festival in order to estimate its market value. In the results, the net profit was 92,626,000 won which was considered the economic direct effect. The economic direct effect accountedfor 20.3% of the total cost and represented 32.3% of the performance cost. Moreover, 60% of the seats at the dance festival were occupied and 40% of the seats were paid-attendance, which means the festival well triggered the public participation. This festival created economic indirect effect (approximately 3,400,000,000 to 4,880,000,000 won), and also brought about job creation (approximately 2,700,000,000 to 3,880,000,000 won). The number of employment was 34.8 to 50. To fulfill the satisfaction of the cast and the audienceis mandatory in order to make a dance festival successful as a cultural content. One of the factors that make a dance festival become a valuable item in the market might be using ‘story.’ Therefore, it is suggested that commodifying the dance festival should be based on ‘story business.’

      • KCI등재

        축제 무대시설이 만족도와 애착도에 미치는 영향: 2017 인천 애인페스티벌을 중심으로

        김효진 (사)한국조리학회 2019 한국조리학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze how the stage facilities of a festival affect satisfaction and to find out satisfaction of tourists attending a festival has a significant effect on festival attachment. By analyzing what elements of stage facilities of a festival affect tourist satisfaction, it provides useful information to festival-related companies and experts. For data analysis, the statistical program of SPSS 21.0 was used. Frequency analysis to identify demographic characteristics, factor analysis using Varimax to analyze reliability and validity of measurement tools, and simple regression analysis to test research hypotheses were used. As a conclusion, all 9 festival variables have a significant effect on satisfaction. Therefore, in order to improve satisfaction of participants, festival agencies and main organizers have to pay attention to audience space, stage design, sound, light, special effects, stage scale, cleanliness, space structure, and performance information. This is because as an independent variable, satisfaction has been analyzed to have a positive effect on all six dependent variables that explain festival attachment, it is necessary to increase festival attachment by increasing satisfaction of tourists who attend a festival. The model of this study includes the concepts of festival facilities, satisfaction, and festival attachment. In future research, additional data collection and analysis are essential.

      • KCI등재

        축제체험과 브랜드자산 간의 영향연구

        이미혜 한국기업경영학회 2012 기업경영연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify the relation of cause and effect between festival experience and brand equity about ‘2011 Boryeong Mud Festival.’This study analyze that which experience factors were need to improve as well as managed. For this study purpose collection, classification, purification and validification of items for construction concept for festival experience and brand equity are performed. Experience and brand equity are regarded as a very important concept on festival practice as well as in academic research because sport event marketers can gain competitive advantage through successful brands. The measurement of experience and brand equity on festival has been a recent phenomenon in the festivals research area. Most available empirical research in sport events has been borrowed its methods extensively from other fields. The research analyzed following detailed matters to accomplish the purpose of this study. Firstly, it investigated the factors of festival experience and brand equity with conceptualizing. Secondly, it analyzed how the festival experience has an effect on the brand equity and among brand equity factors. Using a sample of 295, respondents are required to festival experience and brand equity. Spss 18.0and Amos 18.0 were used for data analysis. The results of this research are as follows: firstly, the think, act, relate of festival experience effected significant on brand equity. secondly, the sense and feel did not have significant effects on brand equity. thirdly, positively effected among factors of brand equity. The some of festival experience show positive effects of the brand equity, such as brand awareness, brand image, perceived quality and brand loyalty. Boryeong Mud Festival pointed out in common that continuos maintenance would be necessary for items, such as pleasantness, uniqueness. Festival experience is major determinant to on attitude of festival participation and to raise the brand equity. Accordingly, it is required to take efforts to continuous managements and improvements on festival experience. Boryeong government should raise their brand equity of festival through Boryeong Mud Festival and should also strengthen the brand equity of festival because the brand equity were positively related to further expansion of festival experience development. And variable programs which participants would experience some special and discriminative activites of festival, were to be developed to fulfill participants’ satisfaction. This study concluded with implications for the festival experience and brand equity a brief outlook for future study. 지역 간 경쟁우위를 도모하기 위하여 축제체험을 전략 수단으로 하여 축제의 브랜드가치를 높여야 한다. 이로서 축제체험과 브랜드자산에 대한 연구가 시기적으로 필요하여 본 연구에서는 이들 간의 영향관계를 연구하고 연구 후 결과를 토대로 전략적 시사점을 제공하였다. 축제체험과 브랜드자산 간의 영향에 대한 연구내용 및 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 축제체험과 브랜드자산에 대한 이론적 연구에서 개념적 접근을 수행하여 이론적 근간 마련과 구성요소를 도출하였다. 둘째, 축제체험중 인지, 감각, 행동, 관계적 체험은 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질에 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 따라서 축제체험이 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질의 브랜드자산을 형성하는데 중요한 영향요소임을 규명하였다. 셋째, 브랜드자산 구성요인 간의 영향관계에서 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질은 브랜드충성도에 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질과 브랜드충성도 간의 영향관계는 현재 참가수요에 이어 향후 잠재수요의 참가에 대한 결과인데 이들 간에는 영향을 미치므로 브랜드 충성도를 높이려면 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지, 지각된 품질 제고에 대한 다양한 전략이 강구되어야 한다. 본 연구는 체험과 브랜드자산을 축제에 적용함으로써 두 변수간의 영향관계만을 실증연구 함에 한계를 지녔다. 이는 축제를 대상으로 한 초기연구였으므로 앞으로 보다 깊이 있고 다양한 차원의 연구로서 다소 미흡하였으므로, 앞으로는 본 연구를 토대로 보다 발전적인 후속연구가 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다

      • KCI등재

        축제 브랜드 진정성에 따른 방문객의 감정적 애착이 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향

        이미혜,성낙숙 한국호텔관광학회 2016 호텔관광연구 Vol.18 No.5

        This study conducted to examine the interrelationships of participants in the Suwon Hwaseong Festival, among a festival brand authenticity, a visitor’s emotional attachment and a brand loyalty. The festival brand authenticity applied three components which are the festival, the personal service and the festival organizer. This survey consists of ten festival brand authenticity questions, seven visitor’s emotional attachment questions and three brand loyalty questions. Each variance is verified validity and reliability, moreover, four research hypothesis is Established. This survey is verified by structural equation modeling analysis. In this study, the festival authenticity and the festival organizer, authenticity had positive effects on the festival brand authenticity and the visitor’s emotional attachment. Thus, the hypothesis 1 and the hypothesis 3 was taken. The hypothesis 2 was rejected because the personal service was inactive. Also, the hypothesis 4 was chosen because the interrelationships between a visitor’s emotional attachment and a brand loyalty had positive effects. As a result of this study, the festival visitors and service on personal, services should be aware of the even more important. Therefore, education and training for festival staff, related direct satisfaction of visitors, should be aware and make an effort to promote sustainable development of the Suwon Hwaseong Festival.

      • KCI등재

        축제 인적서비스가 축제 및 지역이미지에 미치는 영향-논산딸기축제를 중심으로-

        노원중,지진호 한국외식산업학회 2020 한국외식산업학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to find out whether festival human services affect the formation of festivals and regional images. The objects of this study were the participants of the Nonsan Strawberry Festival. 230 questionnaires were distributed and analyzed 227 collected questionnaires with SPSS18.0. The results of this study are summarized as followings. First, Festival human service was found to have an effect on the festival image, and all variables were analyzed to have a significant effect on the festival image. Second, among human service variables, it was analyzed that kindness and customer convenience had a significant influence on regional image. Third, all elements of the festival image had a significant effect on the regional image. In order to successfully operate the festival and form a positive regional image, the organizer of the festival needs to establish a festival strategy by considering the factors of festival human service. In particular, among the factors of human service, the attitude of hospitality of the operating personnel, ability to speak foreign languages, and ability to cope with safety accidents were found to have a positive effect on the image formation of participants.

      • KCI등재

        축제와 지역정체성의 재구성

        고원규(Ko Weon-Gyu) 실천민속학회 2011 실천민속학연구 Vol.17 No.-

        지역 축제는 최근에도 축제의 진위와 기능에 대한 논의가 활발한 영역이다. 이 글은 축제의 원형론에 관한 논의 보다는 축제가 역사 속에서 변화과정을 겪으면서 어떻게 새로이 전통을 재구성해 가는지에 주목한다. 이 글은 특히 개천예술제로 등장해 오랜 기간 동안 예술인들의 명성을 얻는 신인등용문으로서 역할이 쇠락하게 되고, 1990년 전후 유등축제라는 새로운 ‘관광축제’로 이행하는 과정을 면밀히 살펴보았다 새로이 등장한 관광을 목적으로 하는 유등축제는 지역의 전통을 강조하지만 보다 관광객의 요구에 따른 시선이 작용함으로서의 상품화 과정을 겪고 있다. 이러한 축제의 관광상품화는 종래의 ‘예술축제’로서의 기능과 역할과는 다른 축제의 가치와 의미를 추구한 바이다. 유등 축제는 관광객의 시선에 반응한 지역사회의 관광발전 전략과 정부의 축제 정책에 부응하여 전통적 이미지의 상품화 과정을 통해 재구성한 ‘관광축제’라고 할 수 있다. 전략적인 측면에서는 유등축제는 정부의 주도적인 축제 정책에 따른 상품화과정을 통해 새로운 지역이미지를 얻는데 일단은 성공한 것으로 보인다. 그러나 급격한 상품화 과정을 겪고 있는 유등축제는 시각적인 소비를 위한 볼거리로 전락할 수밖에 없다는 우려와 함께 궁극적으로는 지역전통이 이미지화되고, 구경거리가 됨으로서 정체성의 논쟁에 불을 지필 수도 있다. 향후 유등축제는 지역성을 획득하고 그 의미를 정착시켜 나가는 과정에서 지역사회구성원들 사이에 갈등을 겪을 여지가 충분히 있다고 본다. Up until recently, there have been many debates about the authenticity and functionality of regional festivals. Rather than attempting to concentrate on the original theories of festivals, this paper places its emphasis on the changes that festivals have gone through over their history to reconstruct various traditions. It will especially focus on 'Gaecheon Yesul Je', and the processes in which the festival emerges as a prestigious art festival that acts as the gateway for new artists, loses its influence over the years, and transforms itself during the 90s into today's oil lantern festival, which has become a new tourist attraction. The newly emerged 'Yu-deung lantern festival', which was created for tourism purposes, emphasizes the local traditions. However, as the demands of the tourists began to have influence on the running of the festival, the festival is now going through a phase of commercialization. Such commercialization of the festival indicates that the festival is pursuing a different set of values and meanings from the one that the previous art festival used to pursue. The 'Yu-Deung lantern festival' is a festival for tourists that has been reconstructed by going through a commercialization process of traditions in accordance with the local community's reaction to the demands of tourists, as well as the government's festival promotion policy. From a strategic point of view, it can be said that the oil lantern festival was successful in establishing a new local image by product commercialization, following the government's festival promotion policy. However, the rapid commercialization process that the festival underwent has raised concerns that the festival may be reduced to a mere spectacle for visual consumption. This, ultimately, will cause the regional traditions to become part of the image, which is likely to spark a debate over the identity of those traditions. It is very likely that the members of the regional community will face several conflicts in near future, during the phase in which the oil lantern festival attempts to develop and install unique regional characteristics for itself.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Validity on Factors of Festival Satisfaction: Focused on 2017 Love Incheon Festival

        김효진,김병원 (사)한국조리학회 2019 한국조리학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        The specific objectives of this study are as follows. Although there are many factors that determine the satisfaction of the festival, among them, this study aims to analyze the validity and reliability of the variables constituting program and progress, performance facilities, convenience facilities and price factors. This study analyzes the items other than the 10 items that are measured when the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Korea Tourism Organization evaluate local festivals. This study is not limited to 10 items of festival satisfaction, but attempts to understand the various elements of the festival constituting the satisfaction of the festival, thereby increasing the comprehension of the festival experts and the festival practitioners about the elements constituting the festival. The questionnaire was developed to analyze other factors of festival satisfaction in addition to the 10 items of festival satisfaction presented by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. As to other satisfaction of festival, the festival program and the progress consisted of 6 items, the performance facility was 11 items, and the convenience facilities and the price were 9 items. The conclusions of this study are as follows: First, festival uniqueness, variety of program, smooth progress of program, kindness of festival staff, satisfaction of life, and overall satisfaction are all important factors of festival program and process factor. Second, in order to increase satisfaction of the performance facility, it is necessary to pay attention to 11 variables pertaining to performance facility. Third, to improve satisfaction with convenience facilities and prices, all of the 9 variables should be considered as important factors. Finally, implications and future research are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        관광객과 지역주민의 축제참여동기와 만족에 관한 연구 -춘천마임축제를 중심으로-

        김영표 한국자료분석학회 2013 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.15 No.1

        This study is to examine to draw festival motivation factors, to find the difference between tourists and residents about festival motivation and festival satisfaction, and to check the influencing factor between festival motivation and overall festival satisfaction. For this, factor analysis, t-test, regression analysis were used. 29 motivation factors were used for factor analysis and six festival motivation factors were draw: escape from daily life, sociability, attractiveness, family affinity, mystics, and connected tourism. There is a difference between tourists and residents in six festival motivation factors. But there is no difference between tourists and residents in festival satisfaction. To find the influence level through regression, sociability, attractiveness, family affinity were influencing factors. Attractiveness showed the most influencing factor with .277 of β and 3.898(p<.000) of t value. In conclusion acquired facts from the result of analysis were illustrated to develop Chuncheon Mime Festival. For this, the establishment of a strategy and action plan were suggested: the establishment of master plan, the development of software program, and variety of specified food. 본 연구의 목적은 강원도의 우수축제인 춘천마임축제를 방문한 관광객 및 지역주민을 대상으로 축제참여동기 요인도출, 축제참여동기 요인에 대한 관광객과 지역주민간의 유의한 차이검증, 축제만족도에 대한 관광객과 지역주민간의 유의한 차이검증, 축제참여동기가 축제전체만족도에 미치는 영향정도를 파악하는데 있다. 본 연구에서는 연구분석방법으로 요인분석, t-test, 회귀분석을 이용하였다. 29개의 축제참여동기항목에 대해 요인분석을 실시하여 축제참여동기요인을 이끌어냈다. 축제참여동기로 6개(일상탈출, 사교성, 축제매력성, 가족친화성, 축제신비성, 연계관광) 요인이 추출되었다. 축제참여동기 6개 요인에 대해 관광객과 지역주민의 축제참여동기 차이분석에서는 부분적으로 유의한 차이를 나타냈다. 축제만족도에 대한 관광객과 지역주민간에는 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났으며, 축제참여동기가 축제전체만족도에 미치는 영향을 회귀분석으로 실행한 결과에서는 사교성, 축제매력성, 가족친화성요인이 만족도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이중 가장 높은 영향력을 나타낸 곳은 표준화회귀계수(β)가 .277, t값이 3.898(p<.000)인 축제매력성이었고, 이어 사교성, 가족친화성의 순으로 나타났다. 연구결론에서는 분석결과에서 얻어진 특성을 반영하여 춘천마임축제 발전을 위한 전략과 과제로 마케팅 마스터플랜의 수립, 관광객객과 지역주민들의 만족도를 높이기 위한 프로그램 개발, 다양한 먹거리 메뉴 개발 등을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        지역축제 활성화를 위한 축제프로그램 개발전략 연구

        이완복(Lee, Wan-Bok),박진식(Park, Jin-Sik) 인문콘텐츠학회 2013 인문콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.28

        지역축제 프로그램의 내용은 성공 프로그램의 단순한 모방이 아닌 그 지역의 문화와 지역주민들의 열망을 반영하여 그 지역만이 갖는 독창적인 향토색을 지녀야하며, 주제는 간결하고 기억하기 쉽고 인상적이어야 축제방문객으로 하여금 오래 기억되게 하여 많은 사람들에게 소문낼 가능성이 높아진다. 세계적으로 널리 알려진 영국 에든버러의 군악대축제, 오스트리아 찰스부르크의 음악축제, 독일 뮌헨의 맥주축제로 불리는 10월 축제 등이 주제설정의 대표적인 사례이며, 국내적으로는 이천도자기축제, 진해군항제, 금산인삼제, 진도영등제 등이 지역성을 잘 반영한 경우라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 우수한 축제가 만들어지기까지는 지역주민의 참여가 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 하지만 우리나라의 대다수 지역축제들이 수직적 관계로서의 일방적인 문화행사만을 개최함으로써 지역주민들에게 외면당하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 지역주민의 적극적인 참여를 유도하기 위하여 기존의 독산성문화제 프로그램에 대한 문제점 및 만족도를 파악하고 오산시민이 선호하는 축제프로그램의 유형 및 내용을 분석하여 독산성문화제 축제프로그램 개발에 대한 장기적인 대안을 제시하고자한다. The contents of the festival programs should go further from simple copying of success cases, reflect the local culture and desires of the residents, and thus show the unique local features. The theme should be easy to remember and impressive enough for visitors to retain the memories as long as possible and promote the festival to their acquaintances. There are many examples of successful theme setting home and abroad as for the international festivals, the Edinburgh Military Tattoo of Great Britain, the Salzburg Music Festival of Austria and the Munich Oktoberfest of Germany are famous. The home cases with vivid representations of locality include the Icheon Ceramics Festival, Jinhae Gunhang Festival, Gumsan Ginseng Festival and Jindo Yeongdeung Festival. In those cases, the residents’ participation is critical to the processes of the festival. But in most of the local festivals of Korea, the residents are ignoring the processes as the local government holds the festival one-sided from above to down. In order to make local residents participate in the festival programs, the survey has been conducted to the residents for identify the satisfaction level of the Doksanseong cultural festival programs.

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