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        가사와 시조에 활용된 대화체의 변천과 그 의미

        임재욱(Yim, Jae-wook) 국어교육학회 2016 국어교육연구 Vol.61 No.-

        This paper explores the transition of the dialogic style used in Gasa(歌辭) and Sijo(時調), and its meaning as well. The dialogic style is frequently used in Gasa and Sijo which are representative genres of the Korean classical poetry. The dialogic style used in the Korean classical poetry can be divided into two types. The one is ‘open dialog’ and the other is ‘closed dialog’. In the ‘open dialog’, the narrator independent from the author carries out a highly individual speech, but in the ‘closed dialog’ the in dependent narrator or the individual speech does not appear. Gasa and Sijo in the early period of Joseon Dynasty mainly use the ‘closed dialog’, but in the late period of Joseon Dynasty Gasa and Sijo use not only the ‘closed’ but also the ‘open dialog’. The ‘open dialog’ which appeared in the late period of Joseon Dynasty is similar to the reality reflection that turned up in the history of Korean classical literature in the same period. As the ‘open dialog’ was used, the dialog in the Gasa and Sijo approached to the dialog actually used in the daily life. Especially the ‘open dialog’ in Saseolsijo(辭說時調) accorded with the playfulness which is one of the important characteristics of Saseolsijo. And the ‘open dialog’ can be regarded as a new indicator which shows that Korean classical poetry was developing into the modern literature.

      • KCI등재

        "대화형 정치모델"의 이론적 탐색: 아렌트의 "공공화법"과 바흐친의 "다성악적 대화법"

        채진원 ( Chin Weon Chae ) 서강대학교 사회과학연구소 2010 社會科學硏究 Vol.18 No.2

        본 논문은 민주화 이후 바람직한 대화형 정치모델의 이론적 실마리를 찾기 위한 대안적 모색으로 아렌트(Hannah Arendt)의 `공공화법(公共話法)`과 바흐친(Mikhal Bakhtin)의 `다성악(多聲樂)적 대화법`을 적극 검토하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 아렌트의 공공화법의 특징은 다양한 복수의 사람들이 다양한 차원에서 제기하는 말하기를 통해 형성되는 공적영역(public realm) 또는 콘서트적 행위(action-in-concert)라는 점이다. 그런 점에서 공공화법은 가장 폭넓은 대화공간이자 진리가 아닌 의견표출의 공간이다. 반면 바흐친의 다성악적 대화법의 특징은 다양하고 이질적인 목소리로 구성되는 세계를 정상적인 상태로 본다는 점이다. 또한 바흐친의 대화법은 작가로 상징되는 현실세계의 다양한 사람들(정치인, 교육자, 정당 등)이 자신이 발견하고 창조한 주인공들과 인물들(시민, 학생, 지지자 등)에게 자유의지와 개성들을 부여함으로써 말할 수 있는 조건을 확보하는 것이 특징이다. 아울러 그의 대화법은 작가중심의 단성화된 시각에 입각해 최종적인 결론 대신에 잠정적인 결론을 선호한다는 점이다. In this article, we would like to examine Arendt`s `Public Dialog Method` and Bakhtin`s `Polyphonic Dialog Method` to research for a alternative politics model relate to dialog method. character of Arendt`s `Public Dialog Method` is public realm or action(action-in-concert) that is formed through speaking from multiple level of plural people. so, Arendt`s `Public Dialog Method` is the biggest space of dialog. and, character of Bakhtin`s `Polyphonic Dialog Method` is that world is formed by voice of plurality and heterogeneity is normal. moreover, character of Bakhtin`s thing is concern about guarantee of speaking`s condition that is formed by author(politician, teacher, political party) give a hero(citizen, student, supporter) freedom will and personality. addition, dialog method of Bakhtin`s don`t finalize conclusion by monologic perspective of author.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 생물 수업에서 나타나는 대화적 담화의 수업 맥락과 상호작용 패턴에 관한 사례 연구 : 교사의 말하기를 중심으로

        오세덕,이지영,김희백 韓國生物敎育學會 2010 생물교육 Vol.38 No.4

        Teachers act to guide meaning making on the social plane by initiating interaction and responding to students in particular ways, both of which are often centrally mediated by oral language. This study investigated teachers' talking and teacher-student interactions in a eighth-grade science classroom. Three science teachers with different backgrounds participated in this study, and eight classes were examined in terms of interactive/noninteractive and dialogic/authoritative dimensions. We analyzed characteristics of discourse context and teachers' talking by focusing on dialogical discourse, and also categorized teacher-student interaction patterns within dialogic discourse based on initiate-respondfeedback (IRF) patterns. This qualitative case study revealed that dialogic/interactive discourse usually appeared when teachers asked open-ended questions, provided appropriate examples, elaborated on a student's talking, and postponed immediate evaluation. The interaction patterns in dialogic discourse showed some variation compared with the original IRF pattern in authoritative discourse. The patterns changed in a way so as to provide students with opportunities for self-evaluation and reflective thinking, as well as various opinions. Based on these data and findings, we propose effective ways by which a teacher can use language that critically affects students' understanding of scientific knowledge and their in-class participation.

      • KCI등재

        Dialogic Discourse in Terms of Race and Nature in William Faulkner's Go Down, Moses

        Chang, Kyong-Soon 한국현대영미소설학회 2003 현대영미소설 Vol.10 No.2

        Go Down, Moses is a confluence of the major controversial Southern issues, in particular, in terms of race and nature. Throughout this polyphonic novel, issues concerning race and nature in the Southern community are closely related to each other, revealing the problems of the self-other relationship. William Faulkner deals with the voices of others which are unheard and oppressed in Go Down, Moses. I, however, think that his attitudes toward these matters are self-contradictory, which makes his text dialogic. The ownership of slaves parallels the ownership of land in Go Down, Moses. Also, the theme of hunting is intermingled with the self-other relationship in terms of race and nature in this dialogic text. Faulkner in Go Down, Moses shows his obsession with the past which reminds me of his guilty conscience and his nostalgia for something absolute and transcendental. His nostalgia expressed by his obsession with the absolute word and thus with "authoritative discourse" has its origin in the obsession with the glorious past based on slavery, which is contradictory with his guilty conscience. I will explore how Faulkner struggles to try to hear the voices of others in terms of race and nature while he aspires to "authoritative discourse." Bakhtinian dialogism is employed to analyze these polemical subjects in this study.

      • KCI등재

        시적 담론의 탈 중심화-셰이머스 히니의 『현장답사』

        김재준 ( Jae Joon Kim ) 21세기영어영문학회 2011 영어영문학21 Vol.24 No.1

        Seamus Heaney`s Field Work, as the title implies, is excavatory. "Vowels ploughed into other: opened ground", the first line of the first sonnet of "Glanmore Sonnets", Which seems to be intentionally placed in the center of this collection, is suggestive of Heaney`s changed poetic consciousness in the many poems of Field Work, which was published after the announcement of his independence as a artist from the troubles of the Northern Ireland. His poetic consciousness removed from the narrow range of the poetic land and ploughed into new, various, other, opened ground. The dominant and important change of heaney`s poetic self in Field Work is from the mythologized and monologic of North to the social and dialogic. The poetic discourse created by the conversational and opened poetic self of Field Work is not stayed by the speaker`s utterance but various voices enter into dialogue with the speaker and become viable participants in the text. Although Haney creates the texts, he attempts to wield no authority in them. Heaney`s speaker is distinguished from ones in other collections before Field Work by his autonomy to evade, or confront, address, explore, and recollect the many other autonomous voices in the text. The discourses fluctuate because the speaker who is always in conversation with himself or others often makes discursive shifts which reveal his artistic consciousness. The on-going drama of diverse voices including silences operating in the poems of Field Work make the end of the poems unbalanced, indeterminate, and opened.

      • KCI등재

        『황금 사과』에 나타난 맥레인 형제의 대화적 내러티브

        장경순(Kyong-Soon Chang) 한국영미어문학회 2010 영미어문학 Vol.- No.97

        The setting of The Golden Apples, a polyphonic text, is called Morgana, which is an imaginary town Welty makes up. Morgana is located in Mississippi, the deep South. The Southern community of Morgana keeps the traditional social ideology of patriarchy and most of the characters of The Golden Appels fall under the direct or indirect influence of patriarchal tradition. Male and female characters do not get along in the male-centered community of Morgana and they are in conflict with each other. In particular, Randal MacLain and Eugene MacLain have difficulty in managing their married lives like their parents. The twins have a troubling relationship with women and their problems are revealed through Welty's unique narrative. Welty's complicated and multilayered narrative structure reflects characters' complex inner world and Welty allows characters to have their own voices in the multifaceted narrative that includes fragmentation, illusion, uncertainties, and endless reflections. The twins' consciousnesses are interrelated with others' such as the ones of women, nature, and a foreigner. This study explores especially "The Whole World Knows" and "Music from Spain" in The Golden Apples to understand the twins' complicated thoughts and to hear the concealed voices of others through Bakhtinian dialogism. In addition, the twins' dialogic narrative is examined.

      • KCI등재

        새자료 <麴生傳> 연구

        최윤희 동양고전학회 2011 東洋古典硏究 Vol.45 No.-

        본고는 새로이 발굴한 술 소재 가전 <麴生傳>을 소개하고 그 특징과 의미를 고찰하고자 했다. <麴生傳>은 단국대학교 도서관에 소장된 비평본 <紅白花傳>의 뒷부분에 합철되어 있다. 이 작품은 술을 상징하는 국춘이라는 인물이 주인공이지만, 여타의 가전들과 달리 독특한 특징을 지니고 있어 구성적 특징과 표현적 특징으로 나눠 고찰하였다. 구성적 특징으로 <국생전>은 서두, 행적, 평결의 구성이라는 유형에서 다소 벗어나 있다. 서두에서는 국춘과 그의 선계가 소개된다. 특이한 점은 국춘의 선계에 대한 서술이 다른 가전들보다 확대되었다는데 있다. 또한 <국생전>은 국춘의 행적이 거의 기술되지 않았다. 국춘이 태어나게 된 계기와 개명한 이유에 대해 설명하고 그의 성품에 대해 서술한다. 작품의 후반부에 해당하는 평결 부분은 나와 국생과의 관계에 대해 설명하고 있으며, 국생에 대한 나의 훈계로 작품이 이어진다. 표현적 특징으로 <국생전>은 전대 문헌이나 고사를 활용한다는 점에서는 전대의 가전을 잇고 있지만 술 관련 고사를 확장 나열한다는 점, 그리고 이백의 시를 집중적으로 활용하고 있다는 점에서 독특하다. 또한 나와 국생과의 갈등을 대화체로 서술하여 긴장감을 고조시킴으로써 두 사람의 갈등을 상세히 표출하고 있다. 이를 통해 술과 금전과의 관계에 대해 부정적으로 인식하는 작가의 시각을 드러내고 있다. 이러한 <국생전>은 조선후기 가전의 변모 경향을 파악하는 데 중요한 표지가 된다. 고사나 문학작품을 활용함에 있어 술과 관련된, 상식화된 일반적 지식을 나열하는 것은 조선후기 단형 서사체 및 서사에서 나타나는 현상과 일치한다. 또한 대화체를 통한 인물 간 갈등의 고조를 조장하는 방법은 조선후기 소설의 기술 방식에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 양상이다. 요컨대, <국생전>은 가전이 조선후기에 이르러 서사체 및 소설에 경사되면서 흥미적 요소를 강화시킨 경향을 보여주는 작품이라 하겠다. <국생전>의 의의는 여기에 있다. This paper is the study of new works;<Kuk-saeng-chon>. It is a fictitious tale in that alcole is personified. In general constitution of a fictitious tale are made up of story of forefathers, achievements and evaluation. However, the story is characterized in the constitution and representation. Characteristics of constructive aspects are increased ancestral story, very little talk about the accomplishments, described as a conflict with "I" and "Kuk-saeng". Representation of aspects of the characteristics are in three. First, fittaken advantage of the story is history. Second, be used literature in the preceding period, specially using poetry of Li-bo of Tang. Third, there are described as dialogic. Third feature have the effect of strengthening the conflict and straightforward discipline. <Kuk-saeng-chon> in the fictitious tale personify alcole of the 19th century shows the changes in. A lot of people know the old stories are listed in the knowledge of alcole story. The writer pays for the act of drinking is considered negative. He is not high, people would have been the literary skills in the late Choson Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        Dialogic Pedagogy: Teaching English Literature in Korean Classrooms

        장경순(Kyong-Soon Chang) 한국영미문학교육학회 2020 영미문학교육 Vol.24 No.2

        Most of my students taking English literature courses have tended to be inactive and to have an anxiety about presenting their own views on literary texts. Many students preferred just listening to a lecture passively in their safe zone without being disturbed. I, however, am skeptical about passive learning because students have a better chance of realizing their potential when they participate in class actively. I think dialogic teaching can be a pedagogical alternative to a traditional lecture which allows students to be passive and uninvolved in class activities. Dialogue is not a one-sided but a two/multi-sided communication. And individuals grow through dialogic communications. Therefore, dialogic teaching which welcomes dialogues and communications does not look for only one monologic, authoritative and right answer/truth in classrooms. Dialogic teaching gives students voices and makes them creative as well. This paper deals with the possibility of dialogic teaching in English literature classes for Korean students. Firstly, the cultural backgrounds which make dialogic teaching difficult in Korean classrooms are discussed. In particular, Confucian virtues which can be obstacles to dialogic teaching are examined. Secondly, I explore the dynamics of dialogism which can be applied to teaching English literature, dealing with Paulo Freire’s pedagogy. Thirdly, I go over one of my English literature classes in which Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path” has been discussed. And finally, I examine what the four-step routine is and how it works for dialogic teaching. Dialogic teaching makes students’ potential realized and their voices heard. Students learn how to communicate with each other, acknowledging the self-other relationship in a dialogic classroom. With supporting students’ growth, teachers are transformed as well.

      • KCI등재

        對話體 長時調의 類型과 意味

        변승구(Seung-goo, Byeon) 어문연구학회 2009 어문연구 Vol.60 No.-

        The mina purpose of this study is to reveal the characteristics and meaning contained within by calssifying the types of dialogic style long sijo. If such discussion becomes concrete, it is expected that it can become an opportunity of clearly revealing the characteristics of long sijo. The summary of this is as follows. The classification of types through speaker could be mainly divided into the case in which a narrator exists and the case in which a narrator does not exist. First of all, 'AB' type was revealed most prominently n the case in which a narrator does not exist. Next, in the case in which a narrator exists, it can be divided into the case in which narrator actively intervened and the case in which narrator passively intervened according to the degree of intervention of the narrator as 'ACB'. As for the characteristics of types, it was found that there were much similarities in the classic novel and the form and content of dialogic style of folk song. The types of sentence pattern sought to reveal with what purpose dialogic style is attempting a dialogue. The types are classified into question type, request type , transaction type and threat type, and, in the case of trying to ask something, the question type was revealed the most in literary works and , in the case of attempting a dialogue with the purpose of requesting, the transaction type was revealed the most next to the question type. Meanwhile, there were those that possessed threat type of threatening the other party. The types according to the gender were classified into male-male, male-female, female-female and others. Through this, it sought to verify the composition of gender of the speaker of dialogic long sijo and, furthermore, to estimate the class of author of dialogic long sijo or the class that enjoy it. First, the first speaker being a figure of noble birth was prominent in the male-male type, and, in the case of male-female type, the male speaker revealed was mostly from the class of common people. Also, in the case of female-female type, the most of female speakers being from the class of common people was predominant. In the case of others, it played the role of containing the psychological state of the speaker through humans and impersonalized animals and plants. Lastly as for the meanings of dialogic long sijo, first is that it shows openness of genre of form, and second is that it reveals various colloquial forms, and third is that, it assured popularity through various dialogues of the speaker. The types of dialogic long sijo were classified and their characteristics according to the types were examined thus far. Through thism it was found that dialogic long sijo is choosing various methods of statement by deviating from the simple method of statement by deviating from the simple method of statement of short sijo. Therefore, the discussions on the characteristics of dialogic long sijo should expand not only to the inner aspect of sijo literature but also to the correlation with adjacent genre and to the class in charge and the class that enjoy it in the latter period of Chosun.

      • KCI등재

        Modality and Metaphor of Modality in Constructing the Dialogic Space in Academic Discourse

        ( Ziyuan Xu ) 21세기영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학21 Vol.29 No.4

        Based on M. A. K. Halliday`s modality system in Appraisal Theory and the Theory of Dialogic Space, this paper explores how modality and metaphors of modality are manipulated to the construction of the dialogic space in academic discourse via marking and statistics of the phenomena of modality and metaphor of modality in self-built academic English corpus. The findings of this study reveal that the construction of the dialogic space is subject to the three dimensions of modality and metaphor of modality: orientation, value and polarity. In the orientation of modality, both implicit and explicit expressions can regulate the size of the dialogic space. Although used less frequently, metaphor of modality regulates more degree of freedom in the dialogic space. In terms of the value of modality, it is inversely related to the openness value of the dialogic space. The polarity of modality closes the dialogic space in different degrees.

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