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      • KCI등재

        카이로회담의 교섭과 진행에 관한 연구

        조덕천 한국근현대사학회 2014 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.70 No.-

        Up to now, many studies of the Cairo Conference have tended to focus onunderstanding the conference mainly in terms of Korean matters. This approachhas made it impossible to make a positive study of the conference. Therefore,this study aims to organize the whole process from the initiation to completionof the Cairo Conference. To achieve this aim, this study took advantage of materialsthat China has kept which has not been made public as well as materials thatthe USA has made public. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. The development of the Cairo Conference was mainly conducted by the USAand China. In June, 1943, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt made a suggestionto Chinese Leader Chiang Kai-shek holding a summit of four countries: the USA,the UK, the Soviet Union and China. His suggestion was accepted by ChineseLeader Chiang, bringing about a potentially successful conference between theUSA and China. Then Roosevelt tried to persuade Soviet Leader Joseph Stalinto join in the conference, only to fail because the three countries (the USA, theUSSR and China) were differently situated. At this, Roosevelt discussed with BritishPrime Minister Winston Churchill in late October, 1943, to revise his originalplan into separately holding a conference with China and the Soviet Union. Asa result, the USA and the UK were expected to talk with China in Cairo onNovember 22nd, 1943, and with the Soviet Union in Tehran on November 27th,1943. Thus, it was finally decided that the Cairo Conference, a summit of threecountries: the USA, the UK and China would be held. On November 8th, 1943, the three countries of the USA, the UK, and Chinaset out to prepare for the conference. Each country tried to prepare preliminaryagendas in its own way to bring about the greatest of benefits from the conference. The USA and China each prepared preliminary agendas: Burma Operation andChina Securing its Status as One of the Four Allied Great Powers in the sameterms. On the other hand, the UK focused on European matters instead of Asianones, which strongly conflicted with the agendas of the USA and China. Withtheir own agendas, the summit and delegation of each country headed towardCairo. Participants in the Cairo Conference included the summit, military advisorystaff and other suites of each country, amounting to a total of about 180 to500 people. The Cairo Conference was held from November 22nd, when all the participantsof each country arrived, through to November 26th. On the night of November22nd, a preliminary conference was held to discuss the entire itinerary. The mainconference opened on the morning of November 23rd. The conference was dividedinto the summit and the combined military advisory staff meeting. The key contentsthat the conference mainly dealt with concerned military and political matters,which were all discussed on November 23rd when the main conference was held. The military matters were discussed in the morning session of that day, and thepolitical matters were dealt with in the dinner party between Roosevelt and Chiangon the same day. The contents discussed on that day were reflected in the CairoDeclaration published on December 1st, 1943. In short, the principal parties concerned with the Cairo Conference were theUSA and China. This is highlighted by the process of initiation, preparation andcompletion of the Cairo Conference and the contents of the Cairo Declaration. Even though the conference was not attended by the four countries of the USA,the UK, the Soviet Union and China as originally planned by the USA, it wassubstantially meaningful that the Cairo Declaration was made at the CairoConference.

      • KCI등재

        선교과제로서의 화해와 치유 : 2005 아테네 CWME를 중심으로

        김은수(Kim, Eun-soo) 한국기독교학회 선교신학회 2009 선교신학 Vol.21 No.-

        The Conference on World Mission and Evangelism(CWME) of World Council of Churches(WCC) which was held from May 9th to 16th in 2005 in Athens, Greece. The Conference had a certain important significance. To begin with, this conference was held for the first time since the start of 21st century, simultaneously, it took place at the time when 100 years had passed as the 13th Conference after Edinburgh in 1910. Thus, as we looked back on a century and we can prospect the trend and direction of World Mission in the near future, it is very important. In addition, it has taken place for the first time in Greece, the region where the Orthodox Church traditionally started as main churches and furthermore, the Orthodox Church became a member of WCC in 1961. This means that the Orthodox Church, henceforth, has the responsibility to play an important part in World Mission. With much participation and many movements of nonmemberchurches of WCC, Mission Conference has become broader and more fruitful. Especially in relation with the subject, “Come! Holy Spirit - heal and reconcile”, the representatives of the Pentecostal Church stand in the center of the Holy Spirit Movement and have made a positive contribution. Specifically, they regard the role of the Holy Spirit as the most necessary reconciliation and treatment in the world, and they think Christians are called in Jesus Christ in order to do the work. Accordingly, The main title of conference subject is “Called in Christ to reconciling and healing communities.” namely, today’s Mission is regarded as just reconciliation and treatment. As a task of Mission, the theological base of the Athens Conference recognized Reconciliation and Healing as being twofold. Pneumatology, as seen in the subject, is the important theological basis of the Conference. That the Holy Spirit is the official subject of Ecumenical Conference began from the time when the 1991 Canberra WCC Conference adopted “Holy Spirit, Come ! ―Renew all living things!” Dr. Allan Anderson, who was present as a representative of the Pentecostal Church, estimated that compared with the Canberra Conference, the Athens Conference emphasized Pneumatological Subject properly, they only discussed Holy Spirit in Canberra, they did not invite Holy Spirit, but, Holy Spirit was surely invited in Athens Conference. Secondly, the theological Base of the Athens Conference is ‘missio Dei.’ This Conference tried to search contact the spot related to each other as well as to make certain of the relation between ‘missio Dei’ and ‘missio ecclesiae.’ That is the reason why the church declared the Christian Gospel boldly and it was called to participate in ‘missio Dei’ for fulfilling life. After 1952’s Willingen Conference, ‘missio Dei’ entered on stage as theological abjective by Karl Hartenstein has formed the heart of Ecumenical Mission until now. The Athens Conference left us a few tasks. First, we should make the identity of Ecumenical Mission evident, including all the churches of the world. We should become uneasy about how we can derive Ecumenical cooperation from the diverse features in the Orthodox, Pentecostal, and charismatic Churches. Secondly, the real partnership between Western and Non-Western Churches should be poised rightly. The progress of this Conference is still aiming at Westernization, in its language and style. There is an indication that it is searching Europeanism. Thirdly, There was no research about other religions in relation with the Subject. In this Conference there was no lecture and subject of the whole Conference about interfaith relations. In addition, there existed only the subject of Synaxeis.

      • KCI등재

        Interactional Dynamics and Effects of Online Writing Conference in an EFL Writing Class

        Ho-Jung Yu 한국영어학학회 2011 영어학연구 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate interactional details and effects occurring in online writing conferences. Writing conference is a more effective approach than written commentary, although arguable, in constructing feedback, but details of writing conference is yet to be examined. Writing conference can be implemented online, while variables and similarities in interaction are expected. This study that examined interactional details, effects, and perceptions of online conference might shed light on collaborative online writing conference to support learners' writing development. Participants were four university students, who were quite motivated in taking the course for this study and also in participating in their online conference. Data of this study included their self-revised writing work, transcripts of online writing conference, revised drafts after the conferences, and survey results about the online conferences. The findings disclosed that the instructor and student writers carried online conference collaboratively and the student writers incorporated the online feedback into their revision, feedback interactions could not be linear, and the variabilities of perceiving online conference were observed. Finally, it was implied that online conference could be a feedback method to be implemented when a specific learning context is taken into account.

      • KCI등재후보

        Presence 서비스를 포함한 SIP 기반의 다자간 컨퍼런스 시스템의 설계 및 구현

        조현규,장춘서,정영면,고세령 한국콘텐츠학회 2005 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.5 No.2

        As developing of the internet and computer technology, more interests are gathered to the conference service which provides capability of multi-party real-time visual conference. In this paper, we have designed and implemented a SIP-based visual conference system which includes Presence service. The elements of this conference system are user system, which has conference UA(User Agent) capability, presence server and conference server. For the presence service, we have adapted publication method which uses SIP PUBLISH message, and with this service various status informations of users are easily acquired. Also invitations and involvements to the conference are easily made through this service. For the conference server which controls establishment and management of multi-party connections, we have included conference event package. This package provides dynamically changing conference informations and users informations through SIP subscription and notification functions. 인터넷과 컴퓨터 기술의 발전으로 다자간에 실시간 회의를 진행할 수 있는 컨퍼런스(Conference) 서비스에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)를 기반으로 하여 Presence 서비스를 포함한 음성과 영상 회의가 가능한 컨퍼런스 시스템을 설계 및 구현하였다. 이를 위해 구성한 시스템의 요소는 컨퍼런스 UA(User Agent)의 기능을 가진 사용자 시스템과 Presence 서버 및 컨퍼런스 서버이다. Presence 서비스는 SIP PUBLISH 메시지를 이용한 Publication 방식을 사용하여 사용자들 간의 다양한 상태 정보 파악과 컨퍼런스로의 초청 및 참여가 쉽도록 구현하였다. 다자간의 연결 설정 및 관리를 담당하는 컨퍼런스 서버에는 컨퍼런스 이벤트 패키지(Conference Event Package)를 포함시켜 동적으로 변화하는 컨퍼런스 정보 및 참여자의 정보를 SIP의 등록(Subscription)과 알림(Notification) 기능을 통해 제공하도록 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        1955년 반둥회의가 유엔체제와 국제법질서에 미친 영향

        임예준(Rim, Ye Joon) 국제법평론회 2015 국제법평론 Vol.0 No.42

        Sixty years have passed since April 1955 when the heads of State from 29 countries of Asia and Africa gathered in Bandung, Indonesia, for the Asian-African Conference. It was the first international conference held solely by Asian and African States, without the Western powers. Sharing the common experience of colonialism and anti-colonialism, these States aimed to resist imperialism and all forms of colonialism through this conference. As mostly newly independent States, they also tried to emphasize the importance of unity and solidarity among themselves to secure political, diplomatic and military independence from both the Eastern and Western Bloc during the Cold War. Above all, it was the first occasion on which they considered problems of common interest and concern to countries of Asia and Africa and discussed ways and means by which their people could achieve fuller economic, cultural and political co-operation. Although the holding of a second conference was derailed due to the deterioration of the relationship between India, Indonesia and the People’s Republic of China, the spirit of the Bandung Conference provided momentum for the solidarity of the Third World within the international community, and proved an important catalyst for the emergence of the Non-Alignment Movement (NAM). Main principles adopted by the Bandung Conference such as political independence through peaceful coexistence and support for national liberation movements became the precondition for membership in the NAM and the foundation for the formation of a worldwide non-alignment reaching beyond the regional confines of Asia and Africa. For such reasons, research concerning the Bandung Conference has been mainly conducted from the angle of diplomatic history within the context of research of the NAM. Going, then, beyond its role as a milestone in the formation of the NAM, what has been the direct influence of the Bandung Conference on the UN system and the international legal order? And further, in juxtaposition to the meaning of this legacy based on the Sprit of Bandung as an abstract notion, what is the significance of the Bandung Conference in respect of the expansion of the international legal community and the development of international law? Through analysis of the content of the Conference’s final communiqué, this article aims to examine the significance of the Bandung Conference from an international legal point of view. In so doing it emphasizes the influence of the Conference on the expansion of the universal order of the international community through acceptance of the principles embodied in the UN Charter.

      • KCI등재

        태평양회의와 홍진

        김용달 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2022 東洋學 Vol.- No.87

        This study examines Hong Jin’s activities before and after the Pacific Conference(Washington Conference) and his role in the Pacific Conference. From the end of the Korean Empire to the 1910s, Hong Jin worked as a prosecutor in Chungju and as a lawyer in the northwest, including Pyongyang, and built connections and delays. During the 3.1 Movement period, he organized a national competition using his wide network and delay to carry out the movement to establish the Hanseong government. He selected key figures such as ministers of the Hanseong government, representatives of the 13th province, and equator, using the personal connections and delays he had accumulated over the years. After exile in Shanghai, Hong Jin quickly rose to prominence as a national leader, becoming a member of the Provisional National Assembly and chairman, and secretary-general of the Pacific Conference Diplomatic Support Association, this growth was supported by the accumulated human assets and character, and the help of Ahn Chang-ho, who led the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea in the early days, also acted. During the Pacific Conference, Jin Hong performed various support activities through the Diplomatic Support Association and the Provisional National Assembly. Inside the Provisional National Assembly, the provisional government helped the government select the Korean delegation, passed the provisional budget, and sent the “Petition for Independence” to the Pacific Conference in the name of 25 lawmakers. Outside of the Provisional National Assembly, he served as the secretary of the Diplomatic Support Association and held speeches to inspire the will of independence and raise funds for support. He further supported the Korean delegation to the Pacific Conference by issuing the ‘Declaration’ and publishing the newspaper ‘Shenzhen’. However, international powers including the United States refused to recognize Korea’s independence and even refused to participate in the Korean delegation. The subsequent situation resulted in the weakening of the nationalist forces as well as the Provisional Government, which focused on the Pacific Conference. The role and status of theProvisional Government weakened, and the issue of convening the Provisional National Assembly, which had been quiet during the Pacific Conference, resurfaced. At the Conference of Representatives of Far East National Revolutionaries(Far East People’s Congress) held in Moscow at the same time against the Pacific Conference, the Lenin government approved the Provisional Government and supported the Korean independence movement on the basis of the National Unification Front of the Comintern to promote the socialist forces. Gave me wings The spread of socialism not only in Shanghai but also in Korea expanded and its power expanded. The nationalist forces were divided and weakened. Witnessing the elevated status of Japan at the Pacific Conference, a compromising nationalist(national reformist) force has emerged that has given up absolute independence and pursued autonomy. As a result, the nationalist forces were divided into the non-compromising group, which adheres to the ‘absolute independence’ theory, and the compromise group, which insists on autonomy. The Provisional Government also could not escape responsibility for the diplomatic failure of the Pacific Conference. After the Pacific Conference, from the end of February to mid-March 1922, Prime Minister Lee Dong-nyeong, acting prime minister and foreign secretary Shin Shin-sik, and finance minister Lee Si-young resigned. Hong Jin, who had actively supported the Pacific Conference both inside and outside the Provisional National Assembly, realized his responsibility and resigned as the chairman of the Provisional National Assembly on April 3rd. Syng-man Rhee, the interim president and representative of the Korean delegation, could not escape the responsibility of failure. The pressure to resign f... 이 연구는 태평양회의(워싱턴회의)를 전후한 시기 홍진의 활동과 태평양회의에 대한 그의 역할을 고찰한 것이다. 홍진은 대한제국 말기부터 1910년대에 걸쳐 충주지역에서 검사, 평양을 비롯한 서북지역에서 변호사로활동하며 인맥과 지연을 쌓았다. 3.1운동 시기에는 넓은 인맥과 지연을 활용하여 국민대회를 조직하여 한성정부 수립 운동을 실행하였다. 한성정부 각료와 13도 대표자, 그리고 평정관 등 주요 인물을 선정하는데, 그동안쌓았던 인맥과 지연을 활용한 것이다. 상해 망명 이후 홍진은 빠르게 민족지도자로 부상하여 임시의정원 의원과 의장, 그리고 태평양회의외교후원회 간사장이 되었다. 물론 이런 성장에는 그동안 쌓아왔던 인적 자산과 품성이 밑받침되었고, 초기 임시정부를주도하던 안창호의 조력도 작용했다. 태평양회의 시기 홍진은 외교후원회와 임시의정원을 통해 여러 지원 활동을 수행하였다. 원내에서는 정부를 도와 한국대표단을 선출하고 임시예산을 통과시키고, 25인의 의원 명의로 ‘독립청원서’를 태평양회의에 보냈다. 원외에서는 외교후원회의 간사장을 맡아 연설회를 개최하여 독립의지를 고취하며 후원 자금을 모집하였다. 나아가 ‘선언서’를 발표하고 「선전」이라는 기관지를 발행하며 외곽에서태평양회의 한국대표단을 지원한 것이다. 하지만 미국을 비롯한 국제 열강은 한국의 독립 승인은커녕 한국대표단의 참가도 거부하였고, 결국 태평양회의는 1922년 2월 6일 속절없이 끝나버렸다. 이후의 정세는 태평양회의에 집중했던 임시정부는 물론 민족주의세력의 약화를 초래하였다. 임시정부의 역할과 위상은 약화되어 태평양회의 시기 침잠했던 국민대표회의 소집 문제가 재차 부상하였다. 태평양회의에대항하여 같은 시기 모스크바에서 진행된 원동민족혁명단체대표회의(극동인민대표회의)에서 레닌정부는 임시정부를 승인하고, 코민테른의 민족통일전선에 입각해 한국의 독립운동을 지지하여 사회주의세력의 날개를 달아주었다. 상해는 물론 국내로 사회주의의 전파가 확대되고 세력은 확장되었던 것이다. 민족주의세력은 분열되어 약화하였다. 태평양회의에서 격상된 일본의 위상을 목격하면서 절대독립을 포기하고 자치를 지향하는 타협적 민족주의(민족개량주의)세력이 등장한 것이다. 이에 따라 민족주의세력은 ‘절대독립론’을 고수하는 비타협파와 자치론을 주장하는 타협파로 나뉘고, 결국 타협파는 독립운동전선에서 이탈하면서 민족주의세력을 약화시켜 갔다. 임시정부 또한 태평양회의에 대한 외교 실패의 책임을 벗어날 수 없었다. 태평양회의가 끝난 뒤 1922년 2 월 말부터 3월 중순에 이르기까지 내무총장 이동녕을 필두로 국무총리 대리 겸 외무총장 신규식과 재무총장이시영 등 국무위원이 총사직한 것이다. 원내외에 왕성하게 태평양회의에 대한 지원 활동을 폈던 홍진도 책임을 통감하고 4월 3일 의정원 의장을 사임하였다. 임시대통령이자 한국대표단의 대표장 이승만도 실패의 책임을 피해갈 수 없었다. 1921년 초부터 불거진 사퇴 압력을 태평양회의로 일시 피해 갔지만, 성과 없이 회의가끝나자 사퇴 압력이 가중되었기 때문이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        1910년 에딘버러 세계선교사대회 100년 평가

        안희열(Heui-Yeol Ahn) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2010 신학논단 Vol.59 No.-

        2010 is the year that is blessed and praised because it is the centennial since 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference was held. To celebrate the conference, the academic research and the opening of the festival in Edinburgh will start on June 2nd, 2010 until the 6th. In Korea, it will be held this year on June 22th until the 25th. Promoter groups are being held to prepare for the Korea Conference. The main character for 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference was John R. Mott(lS65-1955). As a Methodist layman, the chairman of Student Volunteer Movement(SVM), and of YMCA, he traveled the world twice to observe the flow and the direction of the current world missions. In particular, in January until April 1907, Mott experienced Pyengyang Revival Movement when he vis¬ited Pyengyang Jangdaehyeon Church in Korea. Afterwards he held the first World Missionary Conference with the slogan, "The Evangelization of the World in this Generation" in Edinburgh, Scotland, on June 14th, 1910 until the 23rd. Out of the delegates who attended the conference, one thousand-two hundred registered with excitement, and 160 missions or missionary society attended with great response. Thankfully, fifteen Korean representatives attended and reported more about the early Korean churches. The leading figures were Samuel A. Moffett, Horace G. Underwood, James Gale etc. Before the conference was held in Edinburgh, missionary conferences were held intermittently throughout different areas, but never got the attention as the world conference. The first Missionary Conference was held by Alexander Duff in 1854 in New York, afterwards it was held in liverpool in 1860, London in 1888, and with a greater size it was held in New York in 1910. However, in 1910, Edinburgh World Missionary Conference can also be called a "How Mission" conference as well. To achieve the world evangelization, eight subject committee constructed the question, "How should a church carry out a mission effectively?" John Mott and the delegates came down with the conclusion that cooperation and unity is the key necessities for the world evangelization. First of all, this article observes the historical background of 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference, the subject of the conference, the arrangements and operations of the conference. Furthermore, this paper has a purpose to evaluate the eight subjects on Edinburgh World Missionary Conference, to introduce the elements of the positive impact and the adjustments, and to propose the desired direction for the 21st century Korea missions. 2010 is the year that is blessed and praised because it is the centennial since 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference was held. To celebrate the conference, the academic research and the opening of the festival in Edinburgh will start on June 2nd, 2010 until the 6th. In Korea, it will be held this year on June 22th until the 25th. Promoter groups are being held to prepare for the Korea Conference. The main character for 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference was John R. Mott(lS65-1955). As a Methodist layman, the chairman of Student Volunteer Movement(SVM), and of YMCA, he traveled the world twice to observe the flow and the direction of the current world missions. In particular, in January until April 1907, Mott experienced Pyengyang Revival Movement when he vis¬ited Pyengyang Jangdaehyeon Church in Korea. Afterwards he held the first World Missionary Conference with the slogan, "The Evangelization of the World in this Generation" in Edinburgh, Scotland, on June 14th, 1910 until the 23rd. Out of the delegates who attended the conference, one thousand-two hundred registered with excitement, and 160 missions or missionary society attended with great response. Thankfully, fifteen Korean representatives attended and reported more about the early Korean churches. The leading figures were Samuel A. Moffett, Horace G. Underwood, James Gale etc. Before the conference was held in Edinburgh, missionary conferences were held intermittently throughout different areas, but never got the attention as the world conference. The first Missionary Conference was held by Alexander Duff in 1854 in New York, afterwards it was held in liverpool in 1860, London in 1888, and with a greater size it was held in New York in 1910. However, in 1910, Edinburgh World Missionary Conference can also be called a "How Mission" conference as well. To achieve the world evangelization, eight subject committee constructed the question, "How should a church carry out a mission effectively?" John Mott and the delegates came down with the conclusion that cooperation and unity is the key necessities for the world evangelization. First of all, this article observes the historical background of 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference, the subject of the conference, the arrangements and operations of the conference. Furthermore, this paper has a purpose to evaluate the eight subjects on Edinburgh World Missionary Conference, to introduce the elements of the positive impact and the adjustments, and to propose the desired direction for the 21st century Korea missions.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 기업의 화상회의 활용에 관한 기초연구

        정유경(Chung You-Kyung),황혜진(Hwang Hae-Jin) 한국비서학회 2009 비서·사무경영연구 Vol.18 No.1

        21세기는 정보통신 산업이 발달하여 1인 1PC의 유비쿼터스 시대가 되었고, 기업은 글로벌화와 더불어 빠른 의사결정과 비용절감이라는 과제를 동시에 해결할 수 있는 화상회의를 도입하였다. 국내에서는 LG, 삼성, 포스코, 현대 등 제조업, 기간산업 중심으로 화상회의를 도입하여 글로벌 업무효율 극대화를 추구하고 있으나 화상회의 자체에 대한 학문적 연구가 전무하여 화상회의에 대한 기초연구가 요구된다. 본 연구의 연구 문제는 세 가지로, 첫째 글로벌 기업의 화상회의 인식과 사용실태의 조사, 둘째, 국외 국내간의 기업 내외적인 회의 수단으로서 화상회의의 만족요인 및 불만족 요인 파악, 셋째, 글로벌 기업들의 전 세계와 국내에 퍼져있는 각 지점 간 의사소통 수단으로서 화상회의의 국외 및 국내의 효율적인 활용안 제시를 기초로 한다. 연구 대상은 LG그룹과 삼성그룹의 임직원 300명을 대상으로 설문조사 및 심층 면대면 인터뷰를 실시하였다. 연구결과로는 첫째, 화상회의의 사용 실태 파악으로 현재 시설 수가 부족하며, 시설의 수준 또한 글로벌 수준에 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타난다. 또한 국내/국외 회의에서는 국내 회의보다 국외 회의에 화성회의가 활용되고 있다. 둘째, 국내/국외간 화상회의의 만족요인과 불만족요인은 거의 동일하게 나타났다. 셋째, 효율적인 활용방안의 제안 분석결과는 국내/국외 화상회의에서 네 가지 요인의 개선으로 나타났다. 즉 화상회의 설비관련, 화상회의 품질관련, 화상회의에 관한 홍보/교육관련, 전사적 차원 관련으로 나뉜다. 본 연구는 글로별 기업의 화상회의 활용 연구에 대한 기초 자료로서 국내 글로벌 기업의 화상회의 활용 실태를 바탕으로 하여 화상회의의 기업내 중요성을 인식시키고 화상회의 불만족 요인과 만족요인을 밝혀내며, 글로벌 기업 내 화상회의 활용을 위한 방안을 제시하는데 그 의의를 찾을 수 있다. Globalization has driven business across international boundaries. As such cross-nation business requires communication, video conference has become a core business tool in the global business world. However, research on video conference usage is scarce, yet video conference is a mandatory communication tool in the global companies in Korea. The purposes of this study are as follows. Firstly, to identify current video conference usage in global companies of Korea. Secondly, to identify the satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors of video conference usages. Thirdly, to propose feasible solutions to enhance the effective video conference usage in global companies. Surveys and focus group interviews are used as research tools. To recognize the validity of qualitative research methods, focus group interviews were conducted with 12 employees who have experienced video conference in global companies. Also, open-ended questions were answered by 120 respondents in survey. Firstly, current video conference usage is perceived poor in its usage rate and equipment. Secondly, the quality of video conference is perceived as the most serious dissatisfaction factor with 60.00% in international video conference usage of global conference. Thirdly, based on the answers from interviewees, four solutions were obtained to enhance the video conference usage in both international and national. Eventually, the video conference is doing the core role in global companies as a communication tool. This study can provide global companies with the right direction to enhance their video conference competency to take a leading role in the global business world.

      • KCI등재

        1910년 에딘버러 선교대회의 상황과 선교적 의미

        김은수(Kim,Eun-so) 한국선교신학회 2010 선교신학 Vol.24 No.-

        This paper aims to study the context and the missionary meaning to Edinburgh Missionary Conference in 1910. The 19th century was a very important period in the history of Protestant mission, for there was no time to make the geographical expansion of Christianity thenceforth. Therefore, Kenneth Scott Latourette(1884-1968), a historian who studied the history of Christianity, mentioned the 19th century 'The Great Century'. But there were a lot of issues in the process of the expansion and growth of Christianity because most colonies in all the world were founded by the imperialism of the western Christianity countries just at that time. Not only did the western missionaries show serious disruption and conflict in accordance with the political understanding of their own country, but also the greed and unlawful behaviors done in all the colonies by many white people made serious difficulty to the Christianity mission. In order to solve this problem, the necessity of a meeting with every religious denomination was brought up, so the necessity of the ecumenical missionary conference came to the fore. Besides, in the process of world missionary expansion, the numerous missionary bodies were organized, and they were active positively all over the world. But since they had have the background of the individual church and religious denomination, and worked without cooperation one another, there was a waste of missionary resources as a result of the overlapping of missionary works and the excessive competition in missionary. So, to solve this problem, the ecumenical cooperation was required. In this context, the union movement in missionary was happened, and missionary conference was held from the middle part of the 19th century. Real ecumenical world missionary conference, however, was “The World Missionary Conference” held in Edinburgh of Scotland from June 14 to June 23, 1910. Though the size of this conference was much smaller than London Missionary Conference and New York Ecumenical Missionary Conference in 1900, its leverage was the greater from the point of missionary history. Edinburgh Missionary Conference has some missionary meaning in relation to the world missionary. First, its important meaning is that it was valued as “the birthplace of modern ecumenical movement”. The three kinds of ecumenical movements in Christianity were ‘The International Missionary Council’, ‘Life and Work’ and ‘Faith and Order’, and these movements was originated from this conference. ‘Life and Work’ and ‘Faith and Order’ originated World Church Council. Since the WCC was unified with International Missionary Council in Newdelhi Conference in 1961, it has been the main stream of ecumenical movement until now. Second, it was the western's one way missionary into the non-western. Also, it was the conference confirming their passion and obligation which western Christianity countries should propagate the gospel to non-Christianity countries. This kind of one way missionary, as we know, was over, because this is the time to various two-way missionary, that is, the time to partnership missionary. Third, it had the attitude of positive and imperial missionary. The missionary in Edinburgh Missionary Conference did mean conquering the world by the gospel. The world was understood as a sort of geographical and historical notion, not a theological one. In other words, they thought that this world was divided into Christian countries and non-Christian countries. And they believed that Christian countries should conquer non-Christian countries. Fourth, the necessity of cooperation between native missionary and dispatched missionary was on the rise. The opinion related to the necessity of ecumenical cooperation between native missionary and dispatched missionary, and between missionary council and regional churches produced positive effect. Finally, it was the missionary focused on missionary council, not churches.

      • KCI등재

        17세기 프랑스 왕립 미술아카데미의 강연(Confèrence) : 근대 미술이념의 형성

        김정락(Kim Jung Rak),이현애 서양미술사학회 2010 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.33 No.-

        The french art of the 17th century could be defined as result from political quarrels between the traditional guild and the academy that was coming up. The royal academy of art founded in 1648 had been systematized treading in the steps of the italian model, At same time it developed the modern system of art that overcame the method of guild to produce and to educate the art. It was fundamental subject and purpose of the academy, that the theory of art must belong to the realm of science and the basic principles for art critic have to be established. For these purposes the conference was a very effective event. The conference offered a place where all members of the academy took apart to state his own art theory in depend on a exemplary work in the past and eventually to bring it to discourse. The conference of the academy which was the most political event among many organizing principles hold for ca. 10 years since 1664. This conference became a important method with which the art could be raising from the manufactural state of the guild to the scientifical one. Namely the conference promoted the members of academy to get more intellectual and theoretical attitude and corresponded to the fundamental idea of academy almost perfectly, Furthermore it was a kind of strategy with which the academy intended to confirm its exclusive authority against to guild or any other institutions. Charles Le Brun himself argued the rigid theory of painting based on the Classicism in the conference. Works of Raffaello and Poussin for example are selected for this purpose. Le Brun made a rank of genres and he chose most of all the historia for the conference. He maintained the possibility of the unifying historical text and the pictorial representation and established a strict dogma in that he conceptualized disposition of picture, correctness of dessin, clarity and harmony of colors as differentaited principles. Though the conference has been established institutionally, problems that emerged during the organizing and the publication of references of the conference become object for the critical study of art history The references to establish the doctrine have been recorded generally by amateur or dilettante. Therefore opinions of those could be involved more or less. Therefore the texts of the french academy which are handed down up to now and regarded as important sources for the art history do not inform original references by the artists, but had became book of regulation with which and taking adventage of their position a few scholars like Testelin or Felibien would give a prominence to the theoretical part of art. The principles and cannons of art acquired by the conference played a important roll obviously to raise the art to the scientific era. And these principles and cannons provided scholars and artists a background for the upcoming of the classicism. In other words for the birth of the Neo-Classicism the academy and its main event, namely the conference, have a most important status. But many problems were caused also by the conference. Above all the armchair character of the reference stressed more principal standpoint then practice of the art and consequently the other diverse styles and phenomenons of art were disregarded. The Quarrel between the Rubenist and the Poussinist since 1667 is a noticeable topic which reveals pros and cons of the conference.

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