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      • KCI등재

        사용자의 욕구 · 기억 체계와 디자인의 연관성 : 관련 인지심리 원리 연구

        이정민 ( Jeongmin Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2019 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.14 No.6

        (Background and Purpose) Unlike the industrial era in which machine-centered thinking prevailed, in the present era, corporate interests and consumer desires have changed, which has led to consumer trends in the pursuit of personalization, emotional significance, and psychological value. Therefore, one of the major modern design paradigms is “Human-centered Design.” To adapt to these social changes, designers need to have design knowledge and methodology that are related to user psychology. In particular, cognitive psychological knowledge that assists in structuring and visualizing consumer psychology can be a great asset. Therefore, this study examined the principles of cognitive psychology, which can be useful in design works. The aim of the study was to provide systematic information on cognitive psychological principles, which are necessary for designing high-quality experiences for 21st-century consumers. (Method) The study was conducted using literature reviews and case analyses. Literature related to cognitive psychology, design psychology, design science, and information processing models was examined. In addition, the actual design cases related to each psychological principle were analyzed and presented as empirical data to support the claims of this paper. (Results) This study utilized the classification of information processing model proposed by J. T. Reason, which consists of input function, need system, memory system, intention system, behavior system, and output system. Among these systems, this study focused on the need system, which supports the formation of motivation in design. It also analyzed the memory system, which governs the cognitive processes of short-term and long-term memory, and which also manages the retrievals and regulations of the stored information. Design principles of cognitive psychology related to the need system were presented with the scarcity effect, licensing effect, expectation effect, and Maslow’s need hierarchy. Design cases to which these principles are applied were also analyzed. Design principles of cognitive psychology related to the memory system were presented with the long-term and short-term memory system, picture superiority effect, serial position effect, recall vs. recognition, von Restorff effect, interference effect, mental model, and storytelling effect. Design cases to which these principles for the memory system are applied were also analyzed. (Conclusions) This paper argues that for 21st-century designs that emphasize human-centered thinking, it is not enough to support only the physical function and aesthetic aspect, as the designers in the past era did. Now, it is essential for the designers to meet the various cognitive psychological needs of users and to support good interactions between design and the human brain.

      • KCI등재

        심리학 3.0과 미래 학습 : 관계 학습의 원리와 실천 전략

        송재홍 한국초등상담교육학회 2018 초등상담연구 Vol.17 No.3

        최근 심리학의 지평 확대는 근본적으로 행동주의와 인지주의에 기초한 20세기 심리학의 패러다임 관점을 극복하고 맥락주의 은유와 내러티브 관점에 기초한 세 번째 심리학을 탄생시켜 과학적 심리학의 새로운 담론을 형성하고 있다. 주요 담론은 연결주의의 등장과 지능 개념의 확장, 체화된 인지와 정동신경과학의 발흥, 양자 인지와 내러티브 사고의 확산이다. 이 논문에서 연구자는 20세기 후반 이차 인지혁명 이래 새로운 형태로 진화한 후기 과학주의 심리학의 지배담론을 통칭하여 ‘심리학 3.0’이라고 명명한다. 이 용어는 과학주의 심리학의 새로운 변화 물결을 반영할 뿐만 아니라 과학주의 심리학의 대립하는 두 가지 관점을 조화롭게 통합할 수 있는 제3의 관점을 동시에 함축하고 있다. 연구자는 먼저 21세기 후기 과학주의 심리학의 지배 담론을 묶어서 ‘심리학 3.0’이라고 명명하게 된 배경을 기술하고, ‘심리학 3.0’을 구성하는 지배 담론의 전개 양상과 각 담론이 미래 학습의 본질을 이해하고 구현하는 데 어떤 시사점을 던져주고 있는지를 탐구한다. 미래 학습은 읽기와 쓰기를 위한 사고 능력의 향상에 집중된 학문 중심의 교과 학습에서 좀 더 자유로워질 필요가 있으며, 그 대신 존중과 화합을 위한 소통 능력의 향상을 목표로 하는 사람 중심의 관계 학습으로 확장되어야 한다. 이에 연구자는 미래 학습의 요체로서 존중, 소통, 화합의 세 가지 기본요소를 바탕으로 학습자의 사회정서 유능성을 증진하기 위한 관계 학습이 중심이 되어야 한다고 주장하며, 관계 학습의 핵심 원리와 실천 전략을 제안한다. 이는 무미건조한 교육과정 운영으로 사막화된 교수활동 중심의 전통적인 학문 학습 환경을 대신하여 관계 회복을 위한 상담 활동 중심의 새로운 사회정서 학습 환경을 모색함에 있어서 중요한 이정표가 될 수 있다. Currently the extension of psychology has led to essentially new discourses of scientific psychology, leading to the third psychology based on contextualism and narrative perspective rather than the paradigmatic perspective of psychology which had been based on behaviorism and cognitivism. Major discourses of post-scientific psychology include connectionism and the extended conception of intelligence, the ‘embodied cognition’ and the emergence of affective neuroscience, and the quantum cognition and the extension of narrative thinking. In this review, researcher has employed the called ‘Psychology 3.0’ to refer to these new discourses of scientific psychology, which reflected the current wave of changes in psychology as well as in scientific psychology: It means the post-scientific psychology, according to historical periodization of pre-scientific psychology, scientific psychology, and post-scientific psychology; it also refers to the extended cognitive science as the result of the called cognitive revolution, following behaviorism and cognitivism that had been the major discourses of scientific psychology during twentieth century; and importantly, it implies the called third conceptions, including quantum cognition and narrative thinking, which could integrate two opposite concepts of the commuting observables in classical scientific thought system. Researcher have reviewed several aspects of the dominant discourses that constitutes ‘Psychology 3.0’, and discussed the implications of each discourse for understanding and implementing the nature of future learning. Future learning needs to be more liberal in curricular learning centered on reading and writing. Instead, it should focus on relational learning in order to improve individual's social and emotional competence based on three basic elements of respect, communication, and resolution. The researcher have suggested the principles and practice strategies of relationship learning, which is the foundation of social and emotional learning as the essence to future learning. These would be an important milestone in seeking out the new way to improve social and emotional competence as an alternative to the academic learning that might be at stake in the aftermath of the nonsense curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        Research on the Differences of Aesthetic Judgment between Visual and Cognitive Aspects Based on Evolutionary Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

        Lyu, Xin(류신),Cho, Taig Youn(조택연) 한국디자인문화학회 2019 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        본 논문은 진화심리학과 인지신경과학 이론에 근거해서 진화론에서 미학 원리를 적용하여 시각 층위와 인지 층위의 심미 차이를 탐구하려 한다. 지금까지 대부분 심미 연구는 미의 감성과 정서, 미의 형식 등에 대한 반응이 단순한 주관적인 의식 판단으로 해석하는 단계에 머물러 있다. 그래서 본 논문의 연구 목적은 심미 판단의 인지 층위와 미의식 구조를 고찰하고 심미 의식의 발생 과정을 정리하며, 인지신경과학의 선행연구에 따라 심미 판단의 신경 구조를 분석하고 진화심리학 원리를 이용해 객관방면의 심미와 주관방면의 심미를 연구한다. 또한, 시각 층위와 인지 층위의 심미 판단 및 심미 차이에 대해 자연 과학적인 해석을 한다. 심미의 취향은 심리적 메커니즘이 어떠한 특정 문제를 해결하기 위해 설계한 어댑터, 그리고 인류가 생존하는 환경에 적응하기 위한 중요 능력이다. 심미의 진화는 생물의 진화적 선택 작용 때문에 이루어지며, 군집 본능과 집단 심리의 공통적인 영향 하에 발전과 진화를 한다. 본 연구는 먼저 진화론과 미학 이론을 기초로 인지신경과학을 적용해 심미 판단의 진화와 심미 의식 구조를 설명하고, 진화하는 두뇌 구조가 심미 판단에 끼치는 영향에 대해 분석을 한다. 다음은 감지와 인지의 신경 구조적 관계, 심미 의식과 경험의 관련성 등을 통해 시각 층위의 심미 판단과 인지 층위의 심미 판단의 구조를 찾고 두 층위의 범위와 요소들에 대해 개괄한다. 마지막에 두 층위의 심미 차이 검증적 실험을 해서 두 층위의 심미 판단 차이를 분석한다. 실험 결과가 시각 층위와 인지 층위의 심미 차이는 존재를 검증하였다. 최종적으로 심미 판단은 시각 층위의 심미 판단과 인지 층위의 심미 판단 두 단계로 통괄할 수 있다. 연구 결론은 심미 판단의 두 층위에서의 구조적 프레임을 총괄하였다. 본 논문의 심미 판단의 차이에 관한 연구 결과는 현대 사회에 보편적으로 존재하는 심미 현상에 대해 합리적인 해석을 내릴 수 있으며, 예술과 디자인의 실천을 위한 이론적 도움을 제공하며, 미학 연구에 심미 판단의 인식 구조를 위한 새로운 사고의 방향을 제공할 수 있다. This thesis based on the theory of evolutionary psychology and cognitive neuroscience, with aesthetic theory studies the differences of aesthetic judgment between visual and cognitive aspects in the context of biological evolution theory. Currently, most studies on aesthetic still lie on aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotion, and aesthetic form, which interpret the aesthetic response as only subjective consciousness judgment. So this research aims to clarify the cognitive and aesthetic consciousness structure of aesthetic judgment and analyze the process of aesthetic, and according to prior research of cognitive neuroscience analyze the neural structure of aesthetic judgment. Use the principle of evolutionary psychology to study objectivity aesthetic judgment and subjective aesthetic judgment. And make a natural scientific explanation for the aesthetic judgment and aesthetic differences between visual and cognitive aspects. Aesthetic preference is an adaptive mechanism designed by the psychological mechanism to solve specific problems. Aesthetic judgment is a crucial capability for human survival and adaptation to the environment. It develops and evolves on the choice of biological evolution, and the basis of the combined influence of social instinct and group psychology. In this study, the evolutionary and aesthetic theory is used as the basis, and cognitive neuroscience is applied to explain the evolution of aesthetic judgment and the structure of aesthetic consciousness, and to analyze the influence of evolutionary brain structure on the aesthetic judgment. Then, through the relationship between the neural structure of perception and cognition, the correlation between aesthetic consciousness and experience, summarizes the structure of aesthetic judgment in visual and cognitive aspects, as well as the scope and elements of the two aspects. Finally, two aspects of aesthetic difference verification experiments are carried out to analyze the differences of aesthetic judgment between the two aspects. The experimental results verify the aesthetic differences between visual and cognitive aspects. The final aesthetic judgment can be summarized into two aspects, namely, the aesthetic judgment of vision and the aesthetic judgment of cognition. The research conclusion summarizes the structure of the two aspects of aesthetic judgment. The research results of this paper on the aesthetic judgment can give a reasonable explanation for the aesthetic phenomena prevalent in modern society. Provide theoretical help for the practice of art and design, and provide a new way of thinking for the understanding structure of the aesthetic judgment in aesthetics research.

      • KCI등재

        Research on the Differences of Aesthetic Judgment between Visual and Cognitive Aspects Based on Evolutionary Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

        류신,조택연 한국디자인문화학회 2019 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        This thesis based on the theory of evolutionary psychology and cognitive neuroscience, with aesthetic theory studies the differences of aesthetic judgment between visual and cognitive aspects in the context of biological evolution theory. Currently, most studies on aesthetic still lie on aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotion, and aesthetic form, which interpret the aesthetic response as only subjective consciousness judgment. So this research aims to clarify the cognitive and aesthetic consciousness structure of aesthetic judgment and analyze the process of aesthetic, and according to prior research of cognitive neuroscience analyze the neural structure of aesthetic judgment. Use the principle of evolutionary psychology to study objectivity aesthetic judgment and subjective aesthetic judgment. And make a natural scientific explanation for the aesthetic judgment and aesthetic differences between visual and cognitive aspects. Aesthetic preference is an adaptive mechanism designed by the psychological mechanism to solve specific problems. Aesthetic judgment is a crucial capability for human survival and adaptation to the environment. It develops and evolves on the choice of biological evolution, and the basis of the combined influence of social instinct and group psychology. In this study, the evolutionary and aesthetic theory is used as the basis, and cognitive neuroscience is applied to explain the evolution of aesthetic judgment and the structure of aesthetic consciousness, and to analyze the influence of evolutionary brain structure on the aesthetic judgment. Then, through the relationship between the neural structure of perception and cognition, the correlation between aesthetic consciousness and experience, summarizes the structure of aesthetic judgment in visual and cognitive aspects, as well as the scope and elements of the two aspects. Finally, two aspects of aesthetic difference verification experiments are carried out to analyze the differences of aesthetic judgment between the two aspects. The experimental results verify the aesthetic differences between visual and cognitive aspects. The final aesthetic judgment can be summarized into two aspects, namely, the aesthetic judgment of vision and the aesthetic judgment of cognition. The research conclusion summarizes the structure of the two aspects of aesthetic judgment. The research results of this paper on the aesthetic judgment can give a reasonable explanation for the aesthetic phenomena prevalent in modern society. Provide theoretical help for the practice of art and design, and provide a new way of thinking for the understanding structure of the aesthetic judgment in aesthetics research.

      • KCI등재

        백석 「힌 바람벽이 있어」의 인지체계- 감성기호 정신공간을 중심으로 -

        소필균 한국비평문학회 2019 批評文學 Vol.- No.72

        This study aims to analyze the cognitive system of the poem ofBaek-seok 「On White Wind Wall」from the perspective of amental space of emotional symbols by combining cognitive poeticswith research methodology of semiotics. This study intended toclarify cognitive system moving towards cognitive structure andcognitive orientation of text representing emotional representationduring the process of analysis. Firstly, this study considered that cognitive structure of themental space of emotional symbols of text was connected andexpanded in a consecutive manner. The mental space of emotionalsymbols of cognitive subject represented in the meaning paragraphmanifested in the projected aspect of serial connection andexpansion. In order of ‘loneliness → compassion → longing →love / sadness → consolation’ the sèmes representing the mentalspace of emotional symbols are displayed in the mental spacelattice by being connected and expanded in the figure and groundof ‘White Wind Wall’ and the aspect was drawn by image schema. It was possible to confirm that the base space of mental space ofemotional symbols is ‘loneliness’ and that sémème is created byconnection and expansion of sèmes. The cognitive subject wasmetarecognizing emotional representation of cognitive psychology. Secondly, this poem was considered from the perspective of which cognitive orientation of a mental space of emotional symbolsof text blends and converges. It is because the serial progress oftext led to manifestation of cognitive orientation making the mentalspace of emotional symbols blend and converge with the emotionalrepresentation of cognitive subject. The aspect was confirmedthrough the image schema appeared by the mental space lattice. The mental space of emotional symbols of cognitive subjectmanifests cognitive orientation in which sèmes such as ‘loneliness’,‘compassion’, ‘longing’, ‘love / sadness’ and ‘consolation’ blend andconverge, and cognitive subject accepts the given life and realizesthe essence of life while showing cognitive orientation representingconsciousness of wishing to live as a noble existence. From these two perspectives, consideration of the cognitivesystem of text served as a process of verifying the cognitivestructure revealing the process of serial processing of cognitivepsychology with emotional representation seen in the poem ofBaek-seok as well as poetic features established by the cognitivesystem of cognitive orientation. Moreover, it was possible toconfirm that semiotics achieves mutual consilience with cognitivepoetics by considering elaborate cognitive reaction of emotionalrepresentation of cognitive subject with a mental space of emotionalsymbols appeared in the text. 이 논문의 목적은 백석의 시 「힌 바람벽이 있어」의 인지체계를 인지시학과 기호학의 연구방법론을 접목해서 감성기호 정신공간의 시각으로 분석하는 데에 있었다. 분석 과정에서 정서적 표상을 나타내는 텍스트의 인지구조와 인지지향으로나아가는 인지체계를 밝히고자 하였다. 먼저, 텍스트의 감성기호 정신공간의 인지구조가 연접해서 순차적으로 확산되는 것을 고찰하였다. 의미단락에 나타난 인지주체의 감성기호 정신공간이 순차적으로 연접해서 확산 투사되는 양상으로 드러났다. 감성기호 정신공간을 나타내는의소는 ‘외로움 → 연민 → 그리움 → 사랑/슬픔 → 위로’의 순차로 ‘흰 바람벽’에전경과 배경으로 연접되고 확산되어 정신공간 격자로 드러났으며, 그 양상은 영상도식으로 도출되었다. 감성기호 정신공간의 기저공간은 ‘외로움’이고 의소의 연접과 확산으로 의미소가 형성된다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. 인지주체는 인지심리의정서적 표상을 메타인지하고 있었다. 다음으로, 텍스트의 감성기호 정신공간의 인지지향은 혼합되고 수렴된다는 관점에서 고찰하였다. 그 이유는 텍스트 분석을 순차적으로 진행하다보면 인지주체의 정서적 표상 감성기호 정신공간이 혼합 수렴되는 인지지향으로 드러났기 때문이다. 그 양상은 정신공간 격자로 드러나는 영상도식으로 확인할 수 있었다. 인지주체의 감성기호 정신공간은 ‘외로움’, ‘연민’, ‘그리움’, ‘사랑/슬픔’, ‘위로’ 등의의소가 혼합 수렴되고, 인지주체는 주어진 삶을 수용하고 삶의 본질을 깨달으며 고결한 존재로 살고자 하는 의식을 표상하는 인지지향을 보여주고 있었다. 이러한 두 관점에서 텍스트의 인지체계를 고찰하는 것은 백석 시에 나타나는정서적 표상을 보여주는 인지심리의 순차처리를 드러내는 인지구조와 인지지향의인지체계로 구명되는 시적 특성을 확인하는 과정이 되었다. 또한, 텍스트에 나타난인지주체의 정서적 표상 감성기호 정신공간의 정교한 인지적 작용을 고찰하여 기호학과 인지시학이 상호 통섭하는 하나의 지점을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • 미용심리의 연구동향에 대한 계량서지학적 형태 분석

        김지영(Ji-Young Kim),변동일(Dong-Il Byeon),안선미(Seon-Mi Ahn),이정옥(Jeong-Ok Lee),정단비(Dan-Bi Jeong),최가윤(Ga-Yun Choi),최미란(Mi-Ran Choi),최호진(Ho-Jin Choi),김진숙(Jin-Sook Kim) 한국뷰티산업학회 2022 뷰티산업연구 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구는 미용관리 행위가 아름답고 건강한 외모유지를 위한 심리적 표현이며, 자신의 이미지를 표현하기 위한 욕구의 수단으로 자아의 이미지나 외모를 중요시하는 사람들에게 매우 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있음을 바탕으로 설계되었다. 이에 따라 심리적으로도 자아존중감 향상을 통한 스트레스 해소와 개성표현을 충족시킴으로써 삶의 질에 대한 만족도를 높이는 방법의 한 요인이 될 수 있는 미용심리에 대한 연구의 동향 파악을 연구목적으로 하였다. 미용심리에 대한 연구는 1998년부터 논문의 발표가 시작되었으며, 2001년 각 대학에 미용, 뷰티관련 대학원이 설립되면서 연구가 조금 증가하였지만, 미용심리라는 개념이 확산되지 않아 연구 활동은 많지 않았다. 그 후 2003년부터 다소 증가되기 시작해 2021년까지 꾸준히 발표되고 있다. 이와 같은 미용심리 연구의 증가는 미용심리에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있음을 보여주고 있으며, 미용 산업에서 심리적 접근의 발전이 나타나고 있음을 보여준다. 1998년-2009년도는 사회행동 심리와 개인인지 심리의 동시 출현이 78건으로 가장 많았으며 사회행동 심리와 개인행동심리가 64건으로 많았다. 2010년-2022년에는‘사회행동 심리’,‘개인인지 심리’가 895회로 나타났다. 이는 사회행동 심리와 개인행동 심리는 많은 상관관계가 있음을 알 수 있다. 이와 같은 결과로 보아 미용에 관한 개인 심리 및 사회 심리적 접근에 관한 연구 증가 동향은 미용 산업의 발전을 가속화시킬 수 있을 것이며 미용 심리에 대한 기초자료가 될 수도 있을 것이다. This study was designed based on the fact that beauty care is a psychological expression for maintaining a beautiful and healthy appearance, and occupies a very important position for those who value self-image or appearance as a means of desire to express their image. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to understand the trend of research on aesthetic psychology that psychologically, it can be a factor in improving the quality of life and satisfaction by satisfying the stress relief and self-actualization through the improvement of self-esteem. Research on beauty psychology started publishing thesis in 1998, and research increased slightly as the beauty and beauty-related graduate schools were established in each university in 2001, but there were not many research activities because the concept of beauty psychology did not spread. After that, it started to increase slightly from 2003 and has been continuously announced until 2021. Such increase in research on beauty psychology shows that interest in beauty psychology is increasing and shows the development of psychological approaches in the beauty industry. In 1998-2009, the simultaneous occurrence of social behavioral psychology and individual cognitive psychology was the most with 78 cases, followed by social behavioral psychology and individual behavioral psychology with 64 cases. In 2010-2022, ‘social behavioral psychology’ and ‘individual cognitive psychology’ appeared 895 times. It can be seen that there are many correlations between social behavioral psychology and individual behavioral psychology. In view of these results, the increasing trend of research on individual and social psychological approaches to beauty can accelerate the development of the beauty industry and can serve as basic data for beauty psychology.

      • KCI등재

        원융중도사상과 현대심리학과의 관련성 연구 - 천태의 원융사상과 양자인지심리학을 중심으로 -

        이원선 한국불교학회 2019 韓國佛敎學 Vol.89 No.-

        This study purports to explain “The Complete Mean(圓融中道)” of Mahayana Buddhism through the modern science of psychology. This is an attempt to integrate "The Complete Mean” of Mahayana Buddhism into modern thought of Buddhism. Therefore, after explaining “The Complete Mean”, this study examines the quantum cognitive psychology (quantum theory in cognitive psychology) that has emerged as a new study in psychology. In quantum cognitive models, quantum mechanics is applied in the cognitive process. Quantum cognitive models can explain many mental processes that could not be explained by the logic of Classical probability theory. For example, the models explain various pheno- mena that occur in the mind at every instant, showing multi- dimensions of the human mind, and proposing a new perspective about how unrelated things could be compatible. This quantum cognitive theory could help to explain “mutual identity(相即)”, “non-duality(不二)”, and other concepts in Mahayana Buddhism. Thus, the purpose of this study is to integrate “The Complete Mean” of Mahayana Buddhism and modern psychology. Also, it tries to understand the doctrines of Buddhism through quantum cognitive theory, seeking future directions of psychology through Mahayana Buddhism. 대승불교의 원융사상은 한편으로는 아주 익숙하면서도 한편으로는 매우 받아들이기 힘든 사상이다. 수용하기 힘든 이유는, 원융이 현실세계를 가리킨 것이 아니라 상상으로나 가능한 비현실세계를 묘사한 것이라는 오해 때문일 것이다. 그러나 원융은 대승불교로서는 결코 피해 갈 수 없는 사상이다. 그럼에도 원융을 무시하거나 간과하는 분위기라면 원융에 대한 올바른 이해는 이 시대에 쉽사리 가능할 것 같지 않다. 이에 본 연구에서는 대승 불교의 핵심 사상인 원융사상이 비현실세계가 아닌 현실세계의 사상이라는 점을 밝혀 보고자 하였다. 이를 위해, 본 연구에서는 심리학 내 새로운 연구로 떠오르는 양자인지심리학을 통하여 지의의 원융중도설을 교(敎)와 관(觀)의 측면에서 살펴보았다. 양자인지모형은 인간의 인지 프로세스에 양자역학의 주요 이론들을 적용한 것으로서, 기존 고전 인지 모형이 설명하지 못했던 마음의 여러 현상들을 설명해준다. 예를 들어 찰나의 마음에 일어나는 다양한 현상들이나, 인간 마음의 다차원성을 어떻게 이해할 수 있는지를 나타내주며, 서로 관련이 없어 보이는 대상들이 한 찰나의 마음에서 어떻게 호환될 수 있는지에 대한 새로운 시각을 제시한다. 따라서 이러한 양자 인지 이론은 대립되는 대상을 상즉불이(相卽不二), 원융삼제(圓融三諦), 일심삼관(一心三觀) 등으로 보는 대승의 원융사상을 과학적으로 이해하는데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 원융설과 양자인지심리학 연구들을 통해 두 학문 간의 접목과 이해를 시도한다는데 가장 큰 목적이 있다고 하겠다.

      • Psychological Distress During COVID-19: Its Association With Stress, Emotion Regulation, and Sleep

        Sousa João Carlos Pinto de,Soares Maria João de Castro,Amaral Ana Paula Monteiro,Pereira Ana Telma Fernandes,Santos António Ferreira de Macedo e 대한수면학회 2024 sleep medicine research Vol.15 No.1

        Background and Objective The COVID-19 pandemic has been linked to an increase in psychological distress and mental disorders worldwide. The objectives of this study were to investigate the correlates of psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic and explore whether the relationship between stress and psychological distress was mediated by cognitive emotion regulation strategies and sleep.Methods Four hundred ninety-six university students completed the Mental Health Inventory, the Insomnia Scale, the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, and the Perceived Stress Scale.Results Female gender and younger age were related to stress, sleep difficulties, and psychological distress. Stress was positively correlated with psychological distress and these two variables were associated with sleep difficulties, negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies (both positively), and positive cognitive emotion regulation strategies (inversely). In mediation analyses, there was a statistically significant positive direct/indirect impact of stress on psychological distress. The indirect pathways linking stress to psychological distress were: through an increase in negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies or a reduction in positive ones; through sleep difficulties; and through negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies and sleep. Female gender had a positive impact on sleep difficulty index, negative cognitive emotion regulation, and psychological distress.Conclusions The cognitive-emotional arousal associated with stress, as well as the maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation to cope with stress, may be implicated in the genesis and maintenance of sleep difficulties and distress during the pandemic. Strategies that include stress management, emotional self-regulation, and sleep hygiene should be implemented to promote the mental/psychological well-being of university students in future public health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

      • KCI등재

        심리적 제스처의 메타인지적 활용 연구: 『Sweat』 트레이시 인물구축 사례를 중심으로

        고연주 ( Ko Yeon-ju ),조준희 ( Cho Joon-hui ) 한국예술교육학회 2021 예술교육연구 Vol.19 No.3

        메타인지란 어떻게 자신의 인식처리 과정을 이해하고 인지하는가에 관한 정신 활동으로, 스스로 학습하는 능력과 깊은 관련이 있다. 그런데, 배우의 연기는 일생동안 끊임없이 스스로 학습하고 자신을 성찰해나가는 과정이므로, 본질적으로 메타인지적 특성을 내포하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 메타인지 이론을 통해 기존의 연기론을 재인식해봄으로써, 해당 연기론과 배우의 역할창조 과정을 명확하게 이해하고자 한다. 이를 위해 미카엘 체홉 테크닉(Michael Chekhov Technique) 중에서도 정수로 평가받는 심리적 제스처(Psychological Gesture)를 메타인지 이론을 적용해 고찰한다. 심리적 제스처의 전반적인 과정에 메타인지 요소들-주의, 시연과 부호화, 조직화와 인출-을 적용해 분석해본 결과, 메타인지의 관점에서 심리적 제스처는 원형적 동작의 선택, 동작 이미지에 대한 상상의 두 가지 측면에서 메타인지와 높은 연관성을 갖고 있다. 그 결과, 심리적 제스처의 구현에서 메타인지는 원형이라는 무의식적 특성에 의식적으로 접근하여 심리적 제스처를 보다 명확히 이해할 수 있도록 돕고, 상상이라는 총체적이고 집약적인 심리-신체적 사고 과정을 관리ㆍ조절하는 기능을 담당함을 확인할 수 있다. 그래서 심리적 제스처는 수많은 인지 활동을 수반하며 배우의 만족 여부를 기반으로 한 메타인지가 끊임없이 작동되는 과정임을 알 수 있다. 본고는 메타인지를 통해 심리적 제스처를 조망함으로써, 직감적이고 경험적 성격이 짙은 심리적 제스처에 체계적으로 접근을 하여 주체적인 역할창조 전략을 수립하는데 기여하고자 한다. 더 나아가, 메타인지 전략을 실제 『Sweat』의 트레이시(Tracey) 인물 구축 과정에 적용하여 그 결과를 검증하였다. Metacognition is a mental activity about how one understands and perceives the process of one's perception, which is deeply related to one's ability to learn on one’s own. An actor's performance is a process of constantly learning and reflecting on himself throughout his or her life, which inherently implies meta-cognitive characteristics. Therefore, by reexamining the existing acting theory with meta-cognitive theory, we try to clearly understand the acting theory and the role creating process of the actor. This study looks into Psychological Gesture that is evaluated as integers among Michael Chekhov Techniques by applying meta-cognitive theory. Having analyzed cognitive processes used in the overall process of Psychological Gestures - attention, rehearsal and encoding, organization and withdrawal, - we could find that psychological gestures have a high correlation in two aspects: choice of archetype gesture and imagination of motion images. As a result, in the implementation of Psychological Gesture, metacognition consciously approaches the unconscious nature of circularity, helps to understand Psychological Gestures more clearly, and manages and controls the overall and intensive psychological-physical thinking process of imagination. Therefore, Psychological Gestures is a process in which numerous cognitive activities occur and meta-awareness based on actor satisfaction is constantly working. By investigating Psychological Gestures through metacognition, this paper confirms that psychological gestures that are intuitive and experiential can be systematically approached and used as an independent role creating strategy. Furthermore, we anticipate specific questions that can be derived using a list of meta-cognitive strategy questions. These meta-cognitive strategies were applied to ‘Tracey’ of 『Sweat』 that actual production character construction process to validate its results.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Psychological Impact of Comparing Mind in Designs of Retail Stores, Products, and Advertising

        Jeongmin LEE,Wujin CHU 한국유통과학회 2024 유통과학연구 Vol.22 No.8

        Purpose: This study investigates the psychological mechanisms of comparison within the design context of retail stores, products, and advertising. The research aims to expand the understanding of comparison psychology, encompassing social, cognitive, perceptual, and self-comparisons and their application in design practices. Research Design, Data, and Methodology: The study employs a comprehensive review of psychological theories related to comparison psychology. They were selected through extensive research on literature pertaining to design psychology and consumer behavior. The research integrates insights from psychology, marketing, consumer behavior, and design theory, supported by various design examples of retail stores, products, and advertising, to demonstrate the practical applications. Results: The findings reveal that comparison psychology significantly impacts consumer preferences and user experiences. For instance, the assimilation effect and prospect theory highlight how comparisons shape value judgments and design perceptions. Practical examples are used to illustrate the profound influence of comparative judgments in design. Conclusion: The study advocates for a “psychologically-informed approach” to design, promoting designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing and functionally sound but also psychologically aligned. By bridging the gap between psychological theories and practical design implementations, the research provides valuable insights for designers, marketers, and psychologists, enhancing the psychological efficacy of design.

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