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        백내장 수술 경향과 굴절상태 - 충북 지역의 안경원 중심으로 조사

        김형수,손정식,유동식 한국안광학회 2013 한국안광학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of age and gender, types of intraocular lens(IOL), and refractive errors in subjects who had cataract surgery. Methods: 2,217 subjects who had cataractsurgery were surveyed at an optometry clinic in Chungbuk from 2010 to 2012. Information about IOL wasobtained from case history, reflective and retroillumination images IOL by auto refracto-keratometer. Refractiveerrors were determined by objective and subjective refraction. Results: The mean age of the subjects was 71.74±10.62 years. The number of cataract surgeries increased from 524 persons in 2010 to 888 persons in 2012. Of thesubjects surveyed, 52 persons (2.3%) were under the 40 years of age, 144 persons (6.5%) were in 50s, 404persons (18.2%) were in 60s, 1,132 persons (51.1%) were in 70s, 485 persons (21.9%) were in above 80s. Cataract surgery was significantly prevalent in more female (1,338 persons, 60.4%) than in male (879 persons,39.6%). Types of IOL were 2,141 persons (96.6%) for monofocal lens, special IOLs such as multifocal,accommodative and toric lens were 76 persons (3.4%). The distribution of refractive errors after cataractoperation were 1,588 eyes (38.5%) for simple myopic astigmatism, 327 eyes (7.9%) for simple hyperopicastigmatism, 601 eyes (14.6%) for mixed astigmatism, 1,240 eyes (30.0%) for myopia, 136 eyes (3.3%) forhyperopia, and 234 eyes (5.7%) for emmetropia. The uncorrected and best corrected visual acuity of the subjectswere 0.55±0.25 and 0.80±0.23, respectively. Conclusions: The prevalence of cataract surgery increased withage until 70s years of age, it was more prevalent in men than women over 60s, and frequency of special types ofIOL were low. Most cataract surgeries left residual refractive errors. Therefore even after cataract surgery it mayneed spectacles for better vision at either distance or near. 목적: 백내장 수술을 받은 대상자에서 성별, 연령별 분포, 사용된 인공수정체의 종류 및 수술 후의 굴절상태를 조사하고자 하였다. 방법: 2010부터 2012년까지 백내장 수술을 받고 충북 소재 안경원에 내원한 고객 2,217명을 대상으로 본 연구를 실시하였다. 문진 및 자동굴절력계에 의한 인공수정체 반사상과 역반사조명으로 수술 여부와 인공수정체의 종류를 확인하였고 타각적, 자각적 굴절검사를 실시하여 굴절상태를 결정하였다. 결과: 대상자의 평균 나이는 71.74±10.62세이었으며, 백내장 수술은 2010년 524명에서 2012년 888명으로 증가하였다. 백내장 수술을 받은나이는 40대 이하 52명(2.3%), 50대 144명(6.5%), 60대 404명(18.2%), 70대 1,132명(51.1%), 80대 이상 485명(21.9%)으로 나타났다. 성별에 따른 백내장 수술 분포는 여자가 1,338명(60.4%), 남자 879명(39.6%)로 여성이 남성보다 높았다. 백내장 수술 시 사용된 인공수정체는 대부분 단초점 인공수정체로 2,141명(96.6%)이었으며, 다초점,조절성, 토릭 렌즈와 같은 특수 인공수정체가 76명(3.4%)으로 조사되었다. 백내장 수술 후 잔여 굴절이상은 근시성단난시 1,588안(38.5%), 원시성 단난시 327안(7.9%), 혼합난시 601안(14.6%), 근시 1,240안(30.0%), 원시 136안(3.3%), 정시 234안(5.7%)이었다. 수술 후 나안시력 평균은 0.55±0.25이었으며 최대교정시력 평균은 0.80±0.23로조사되었다. 결론: 백내장 수술은 70대까지는 증가하는 경향을 보였고, 여자가 남자보다 더 많았으며, 특수 인공수정체의 시술 빈도는 낮았다. 백내장 수술에서 대부분 잔여 굴절이상을 보였으며, 따라서 백내장 수술 후에 원거리또는 근거리 시력 개선을 위해 안경이 필요할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        백내장 수술 후 근거리 가입도 임상 연구

        하병호,김기홍 대한시과학회 2023 대한시과학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Purpose : As the elderly population is rapidly increasing every year, the number of cataract patients is also increasing with age. As most cataract surgeries focus on distance vision, there is not much information about near vision. In the case of surgery with a multifocal intraocular lens, there would be side effects such as blurring of vision, so an effective prescription for near addition after cataract surgery is needed. Methods : A total of 42 eyes of 21 adults before and after cataract surgery were measured for refractive errors, corrected visual acuity, addition, and stereoscopic visual acuity. The examination was performed 3 months after cataract surgery, when the refractive power was stabilized. Changes in addition were analyzed according to gender and refractive error. Results : Corrected visual acuity, stereoscopic visual acuity, and addition all significantly increased after cataract surgery. It was confirmed that males had less change in addition than females, and that the greater change in addition was confirmed in hyperopia than in myopia. Conclusion : After cataract surgery, the measured addition is lower than the theoretical addition due to pseudoaccommodation. It is judged that a better visual life can be achieved if the prescription is given considering the various factors that cause pseudoaccommodation. Considering the various factors that contribute to pseudoaccommodation when prescribing addition can lead to an improved quality of life. 목적 : 해마다 고령인구는 급격히 증가하고 있어 연령 증가에 따른 백내장 환자도 증가하고 있다. 대부분의 백내장 수술은 원거리 중심으로 근거리에 대한 부분은 많은 정보가 없다. 다초점 인공수정체를 사용한 수술의 경우시력 흐림등의 부작용이 존재하고 있어 백내장 수술 후 근거리 가입도에 대한 효과적인 처방이 필요한 실정이다. 방법 : 백내장 수술 전 ․ 후의 성인 21명 총 42안을 대상으로 굴절이상도, 교정시력, 가입도, 입체시력 등을 측정하였다. 백내장 수술 후 굴절력이 안정되는 3달 후 검사를 진행하였다. 성별 및 굴절도에 따라 가입도 변화를분석하였다. 결과 : 백내장 수술 후의 교정시력, 입체시력 및 가입도 모두 유의미하게 상승하였다. 남성이 여성보다 가입도변화가 적은 것을 확인하였고 원시안에서 근시안보다 가입도 변화가 크게 나타나는 것을 확인하였다. 결론 : 백내장 수술 후에는 위조절에 의해 이론적인 가입도보다 낮은 가입도가 측정된다. 위조절이 나타나는다양한 인자들을 고려하여 가입도 처방을 한다면 보다 나은 시생활을 영위할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        백내장 진료비 부당·과잉청구에 대한 민사적 쟁점 검토 : 서울중앙지방법원 2021. 1. 26. 선고 2018가합531217 판결을 중심으로

        박형호(Park, Hyung Ho),임웅찬(Lim, Ung Chan),김형진(Kim, Hyung Jin) 한국보험법학회 2021 보험법연구 Vol.15 No.2

        백내장은 눈 속 수정체가 혼탁해져 시력장애가 발생하는 질환이고, 백내장 수술은 인공수정체를 삽입하는 방법으로 이루어진다. 백내장 수술 비용은 백내장 수술 전 시행하는 검사비가 얼마인지와 인공수정체를 삽입할 때 단초점렌즈와 다초점렌즈 중에서 어떤 것을 사용할지에 따라 대단히 크게 차이 날 수 있다. 2016년 1월 이전 실손의료보험 약관은 “안경, 콘택트렌즈 등을 대체하기 위한 시력교정술”을 면책사유로 규정하였는데, 금융분쟁조정위원회의 2016년 3월 29일자 조정결정(제2016-3호)은 약관해석상 다초점렌즈 비용에는 위 면책사유가 적용되지 않아 다초점렌즈가 실손의료보험의 보장대상에 포함된다고 판단하였다. 이후 2016년 1월 개정 보험약관에서는 “국민건강보험법 요양급여 대상 수술방법 또는 치료재료대가 사용되지 않은 부분은 시력교정술로 본다”는 문언을 추가하면서 다초점렌즈 비용이 면책사유에 해당하게 되었다. 그러자 일부 안과의원은 여기에 대응하여 실손의료보험의 보장을 받을 수 없는 다초점렌즈 비용을 낮추는 대신, 계측검사와 안구초음파 비용을 높이는 방식으로 진료비를 청구하였다. 그러다가 2020년 9월부터는 초음파 등 검사비용이 요양급여 대상이 되면서 계측검사와 안구초음파 비용을 환자들에게 청구할 수 없게 되었고, 이제 안과의원은 다초점 렌즈비를 다시 대폭 상향하여 청구하고 있다. 이처럼 일부 안과의원은 실손의료보험 약관이 개정되거나 보건당국의 정책이 바뀔 때마다 비급여 렌즈비용과 검사비용을 선택적으로 과도하게 청구함으로써 수익 창출의 수단으로 삼고 있는 것이다. 그런데 최근 서울중앙지방법원 2021. 1. 26. 선고 2018가합531217 판결은 의료기관이 환자와 합의하여 백내장 검사비와 같은 법정 비급여 비용을 자율적으로 정할 수 있기는 하지만, 치료의 경과, 난이도, 비용 책정 경위 등에 비추어 신의성실과 형평의 원칙에 반하여 과도하게 그 비용을 산정한다면 그 중 상당하다고 인정되는 범위를 초과하는 비용은 법률상 원인이 없어 부당이득이 된다고 보았다. 대상판결 사안에서 피고 병원이 다른 병원에 비하여 특별히 고가의 장비를 사용하지도 않았는데 서울지역 평균금액의 20배 가까운 금액을 지급받았다는 점은 선뜻 납득하기 어렵다. 의료분야는 다른 분야에 비해 공익적 개입의 필요성이 특히 더욱 강하게 요구된다는 점을 감안할 때, 대상판결은 신의칙의 계약수정 기능을 적절히 활용하여 사회적으로 타당한 결론을 도출하였다고 평가할 수 있다. 한편, 대상판결은 피보험자가 무자력이 아니어도 보험자가 피보험자의 부당이득반환청구권을 행사하기 위하여 채권자대위권을 행사할 수 있다고 판단하였다. 이는 채권자대위권이 그저 책임재산 보전의 수단에 머물러 있는 것이 아니라, 채권자의 권리실현을 돕는 수단임을 분명히 한 것이다. 채권자대위권을 이렇게 활용할 경우 보험자와 안과 의원 사이에서 실질적인 분쟁 구조에 부합하는 소송이 이루어질 수 있고, 채권자대위권이 안과 의원의 일탈을 효과적으로 견제할 수 있는 수단도 될 것이다. 위와 같은 대상판결의 내용은 백내장 수술시 발생하는 비급여 검사비에만 적용되는 것이 아니라, 의료기관이 임의로 산정하여 청구하는 모든 비급여 비용에 똑같이 적용 가능할 것이다. 끝으로 본고에서는 백내장 진료비를 청구한 안과 의원에게 불법행위책임을 인정할 수 있는지를 검토하였다. 법정 비급여 진료비용을 확정하는 문제가 사적 자치 영역에 해당하더라도 이를 무한히 허용할 수는 없는 점, 안과 의원이 약관과 정책이 변화할 때마다 상당한 이유 없이 안과의 수익을 극대화하는 방향으로 검사비와 렌즈비를 급격히 높이고 있는 점, 실제와 다르게 입원시간을 허위로 기재하여 입원확인서를 발급하고 있는 점, 안과 의원이 발급한 진단서를 매개로 보험자가 보험금을 지급하게 되므로 보험자의 손해와 안과 의원의 행위 사이에 상당인과관계도 인정할 수 있는 점 등을 고려할 때 안과 의원의 보험자에 대한 불법행위책임을 인정할 여지가 충분하다고 판단한다. 하급심 법원은 안과 의원의 불법행위책임에 대해 현재 소극적인 태도를 보이고 있으나, 앞으로 전향적인 입장 변화가 필요하다. Cataract surgery to improve a disease in which the lens in the eye becomes cloudy is performed by inserting an artificial lens. There is a big difference in costs depending on the examination costs and whether a monofocal lens or a multifocal lens is inserted. The insurance company had excluded multifocal lenses from compensation on the basis that the medical insurance policy for loss of life prior to January 2016 stipulated that vision correction surgery to replace eyeglasses and contact lenses was exempted from compensation. The Financial Dispute Mediation Committee decided that the insurance company should compensate the cost of the multifocal intraocular lens as well as examination costs in its mediation decision on March 29, 2016 (No. 2016-3). Thereafter, the standard insurance terms and conditions were revised in January 2016, and added the phrase, The part other than surgical methods or treatment materials subject to medical care benefits under the National Health Insurance Act is considered vision correction surgery and the insurance company decided not to compensate for the cost of multifocal lenses. Then, some cataract surgery clinics have claimed medical expenses in which costs of multifocal lenses were reduced and the costs of ultrasonic and measurement examinations were increased. Since the clinics becomes unable to charge the patients with non-medical care benefit costs for examinations after September 2020 when the Ministry changes its policy of examination costs including ultrasonics to be subject to medical care benefits, the clinics tend to increase costs of multifocal lenses. As such, some ophthalmic clinics arbitrarily change and claim the lens cost and examination cost according to the insurance company s policy revision or policy change, thereby generating profits. Seoul Central District Court’s decision on January 26, 2021 ruled that considering the course of treatment, difficulty, cost setting, if the cost is excessively determined against the law of good faith, the cost exceeding the range recognized as significant is considered to be unfair because there is no legal cause. In this case, it is difficult to readily understand that the defendant hospital was paid close to 20 times the average amount in Seoul even though it did not use particularly expensive equipment compared to other hospitals. Considering the fact that compared to other fields, the medical field requires a particularly strong need for intervention in the public interest, it can be evaluated that the court drew a socially reasonable conclusion by appropriately utilizing the contract modification function of the principle of good faith. On the other hand, the court ruled that even if the insured was not helplses the insurer could exercise the subrogation right of the creditor in order to exercise the insured s right to claim the return of unreasonable profits. This makes it clear that the subrogation right of creditors is not just a means of preserving liability, but a means of helping creditors to realize their rights. If the subrogation right of creditors is used in this way, a lawsuit that conforms to the actual dispute structure between the insurer and the ophthalmologist can be made, and the subrogation right of the creditor will be an effective means to check the deviation of the ophthalmologist. The contents of the judgment will not be applied only to the uninsured examination costs incurred for cataract surgery, but also will be applicable to all uninsured costs that medical institutions arbitrarily calculate and claim. In addition, this study seeks to whether the ophthalmologist who has claimed the cost of cataract treatment is liable for tortious acts. Even if the issue of determining non-covered medical expenses is within the field of private autonomy, it cannot be allowed indefinitely.

      • KCI등재

        실손의료보험에서 백내장 수술 진료비의 보상책임에 관한 판례 평석 - 서울고등법원 2022. 1. 20. 선고 2021나2013354 판결을 중심으로 -

        김형진 (사)한국보험법학회 2022 보험법연구 Vol.16 No.2

        Cataract is a disease in which the lens becomes cloudy due to aging and causes loss of vision. It is treated with surgery to remove the cloudy lens and insert an artificial lens. There are single vision lenses and multifocal lenses as types of intraocular lenses, which are the treatment materials used at this time. Monofocal lenses have the disadvantage of requiring separate corrective glasses for near vision even after insertion, but they are inexpensive and require medical treatment under the National Health Insurance Act. On the other hand, multifocal lenses have the advantage of correcting both near and far vision, but they are expensive and do not qualify for medical care benefits under the National Health Insurance Act. In this case, while the state determines the price of the salary, the non-insurance price is set by the medical institution, so the medical institution has an incentive to make a profit by arbitrarily setting the cost of treatment for non-insured items. In particular, in the case of non-insured items covered by medical insurance for indemnity insurance, the patient can claim most of the medical expenses from the insurance company as insurance money. There may be cases in which overpayment or overtreatment may occur. In relation to cataract surgery, some eye clinics, mainly in the Gangnam area of ​​Seoul, arbitrarily adjust the cost of examination or multifocal lenses, which are representative non-covered items, according to changes in the health insurance benefit system or medical insurance policy, without reasonable standards. It is confirmed that they are taking advantage of the business by misusing them. For example, in September 2020, when health insurance was applied to the examination fee, it was no longer possible to claim high medical expenses for the examination fee. Excessive indemnity payments are being made in the medical insurance for loss by processing hospitalization and issuing a confirmation of hospitalization, and the damage is being passed on to good medical consumers and insurance organizations. However, in the recent judgment of 2021 na 2013354 of the Seoul High Court on January 20, 2022, the scope of claims for medical insurance for medical loss for insured persons who underwent cataract surgery was limited to the amount of out-of-patient insurance, not hospitalization. Based on the Supreme Court’s general definition, it was emphasized that ‘the substance of hospitalization’ should be provided in addition to the standards of the Ministry of Health and Welfare notification. He also pointed out that the fact that the comprehensive fee-for-service system is applied in cataract surgery is completely different from judging whether or not the patients were actually ‘hospitalized’. As such, it can be said that the above judgment on the criteria for ‘hospitalization’ for cataract surgery is not limited to the clinic in this case, but is also applied to general ophthalmology clinics performing cataract surgery. Although there is regret in the interpretation of the terms and conditions related to the exemption, I hope that the judgment of the subject judgment regarding hospitalization will be an opportunity to suppress unnecessary and reckless cataract surgery. It seems to be a very desirable direction for government ministries, financial supervisory authorities, and the industry to take an interest in the recent cataract surgery and other problems of the surge in medical expenses and to make various efforts and attempts. As a member of society, the court also expects effective and rational judgments that can effectively suppress turmoil in the medical market and protect the rights and interests of good medical care and insurance consumers.

      • KCI등재

        90세 이상 초고령 환자들의 백내장 수술전·후안수치와 시력에 관한 임상연구

        이정미,신진아,김인숙 한국안광학회 2010 한국안광학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        Propose: Due to the rapid growth of medical technologies and the increasing population of older people, we investigated clinical status of ocular dimensions and visual acuity for pre and post cataract surgeries of people over age 90. Methods: From March 2007 to February 2009, we investigated eighty-two eyes of forty-eight patients who had undergone cataract surgeries at an ophthalmic clinic (Ansung, Kyungi-do), investigated maximum corrected vision, axial length, anterior chamber depth and accompanied ocular diseases before and after the surgeries based on the collected data. Results: As patients aged, axial length unchanged but anterior chamber depth decreased over all due to the increase of intraocular lens thickness, and men tended to have a higher degree than women. Seventy-one (86.6%) of eighty-two eyes showed improved corrected vision than before surgeries and forty-three (52.4%) eyes could see more than visual acuity of 0.5. Conclusions: Patients with the systemic disease and accompanied ocular disease showed low vision less than 0.5 after cataract surgery compared to same healthy age peoples. But the others improved correction visual acuity more than 0.5, so the cataract surgery was surely necessary for people over 90 years old and also the presence of ocular disease could have a great influence on correction visual acuity. 목적: 의료기술의 급속한 발전으로 노인 인구가 급증하고 있는 가운데 90세 이상의 초고령 환자들의 백내장 수술 전·후 안 수치와 시력에 관한 임상상태를 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 2007년 3월부터 2009년 2월까지 경기도 안성 소재에 위치한 안과의원에서 백내장 시행 수술을 받은 90세 이상의 환자 48명, 82안을 대상으로 수술 전·후의 최 대교정시력, 안축장, 전방깊이 및 동반된 안질환 등을 조사하였다. 결과: 안축장 길이는 변하지 않았으나 전방의 깊 이는 연령의 증가에 따라 수정체 두께의 증가로 점차 감소하는 양상을 보였고, 남성이 여성보다 큰 경향을 보였다. 82안 중 71안 (86.6%)에서 수술 전에 비하여 교정시력의 향상을 보였으며, 43안(52.4%)은 0.5이상의 시력을 볼 수 있었다. 결론: 전신질환 및 동반된 안질환을 가진 사람은 건강한 동 연령대의 정상인에 비하여 백내장 수술 후 0.5 이하의 저 시력을 나타내었으나 그 외는 0.5이상의 교정시력을 나타내어 90대의 연령에서도 백내장 수술은 필요하 다고 할 수 있으며, 백내장 수술은 안질환 유·무가 교정시력에 큰 영향을 미친다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        동축절개와 안내렌즈 삽입 백내장 수술 후 굴절이상도의 변화

        김형준(Hyung Joon Kim),문병연(Byeong-Yeon Moon),유동식(Dong-Sik Yu),김상엽(Sang-Yeob Kim),조현국(Hyun Gug Cho) 한국안광학회 2020 한국안광학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        Purpose: To analyze time-dependent changes in refractive errors after cataract surgery using coaxial incision and IOL implantation. Methods: The analysis data were based on medical records of 180 eyes that were treated for more than 180 days after cataract surgery at the S ophthalmic clinic in Gangneung, Gangwon-do, from March 2014 to June 2019. The ocular examinations and surgery were performed by the same optometrist and the same ophthalmologist, respectively. Changes in refractive errors, visual acuity, and corneal astigmatism were analyzed after surgery for 60 eyes each with emmetropia, myopia, and hyperopia, respectively, classified by pre-surgery refraction. Results: Post-surgery spherical power was changed toward hyperopia compared to expected spherical power before surgery. These changes at 180 days after surgery were +0.47 D (p<0.001) in the hyperopic group, +0.28 D (p<0.001) in the myopia group, and +0.09 D in the emmetropia group. Post-surgery, the cylindrical power decreased gradually and in a time-dependent manner in all groups (p<0.001). The visual acuity was the highest at 30 days and slightly decreased at 180 days (0.96 in the emmetropia group, 0.94 in the myopia group, and 0.95 in the hyperopic group). Corneal astigmatism was significantly decreased (p<0.001) in all groups compared to that at pre-surgery. Conclusions: In the healing process after cataract surgery, refractive errors changed toward hyperopia and coaxial incision can result in a decrease in astigmatism.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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