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      • 태권도 지도자의 지도유형이 수련 효과성에 미치는 영향

        이정학(Lee, Jeoung-Hak),김욱기(Kim, Wook-Ki) 경희대학교 스포츠과학연구원 2010 태권도과학 Vol.3 No.2

        본 연구는 태권도 지도자의 지도유형이 수련 효과성에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 효율적 태권도장 운영 및 지도를 위한 수련생의 수련 효과수준을 이해하고 태권도 지도자의 지도방법 및 지도자 유형을 통해 태권도 지도개선 방안 모색을 위한 기초자료를 제공하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 서울, 경기지역을 중심으로 편의표본추출법(Convenience sampling)을 통하여 12개 태권도장을 선정하고 태권도 도장에서 수련하고 있는 수련생 중 초등학교 태권도 수련생을 중심으로 도장 당 30명씩인 총 360명의 설문대상자를 선정하여 총 338부의 최종 유효표본으로 확보하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS/PC ver. 18.0 프로그램을 이용하여 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 태권도 수련생의 학년에 따른 수련 효과성에 대한 차이는 지적효과, 정서적효과, 사회적효과 변인 모두에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 둘째, 태권도 수련생의 수련기간에 따른 수련 효과성에 대한 차이는 정서적 변인에서만 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 셋째, 태권도 수련생의 현급(품)에 따라 수련 효과성에 대한 차이는 정서적 변인에서만 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 넷째, 태권도 지도자의 지도유형과 수련 효과성과 간의 인과관계는 설득형 지도와 참가형 지도유형만이 태권도 수련 효과성에 정적 상관관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 태권도 지도자의 지도유형에 따른 수련 효과성에는 참가형지도자와 설득형지도자가 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect on the type of guidance of a Taekwondo coach regarding the effectiveness in training, to understand the level of effect in training of a trainee to operate and guide an efficient Taekwondo training hall, and to provide the basic data to pursue a plan to improve a guidance of Taekwondo through a guidance method for Taekwondo coach and a type of coach. To achieve such a purpose, in terms of a survey subject, the author selected 12 Taekwondo training halls through the convenience sampling method in Seoul and Kyung-gi region and selected 360 trainees in total as the subject for questionnaire with 30 trainees per training hall among Taekwondo trainees in elementary schools among the trainees practicing at Taekwondo training hall. The number of effective questionnaires, which passed the error test in questionnaires collected and was used for a final data processing, was 338. The data were analyzed by using the Window SPSS/PC 17.0 program and results are as follow. First, the intellectual effect on the effectiveness in training per school year of Taekwondo trainee showed the significant difference in terms of statistics in all the variables of intellectual effect, emotional effect, and social effect. Second, the difference in the effectiveness in training per training period of Taekwondo trainee showed the significant difference in terms of statistics in emotional effect only. Third, the difference in the effectiveness in training per rank of Taekwondo trainee showed the significant difference in terms of statistics in emotional effect only. Fourth, in terms of the causal sequence between the guidance type of Taekwondo coach and the effectiveness in training, only the persuasion-type guidance and the participation-type guidance had the positive correlation on the effectiveness in training of Taekwondo. Fifth, in terms of the effectiveness in training per guidance type of Taekwondo coach, the participation-type coach and the persuasion-type coach showed the significant effect in terms of statistics.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 수련생의 감소원인규명과 경영활성화 방안 모색

        이영오(Lee, Young-Oh),김영주(Kim Yeong-Ju) 세계태권도문화학회 2015 세계태권도문화학회지 Vol.- No.11

        The purpose of this study is to identify the cause of decrease in the number of private Taekwondo trainees and explore Taekwondo studio revitalization plan in accordance with the findings. First, Korea Taekwondo Association needs to create a task force team to develop programs which men and women of all ages may participate and to initiate a revitalization support plan. Second, Taekwondo instructors who own Taekwondo studios consider that the lack of programs for adults and teenagers is the cause of low participation in Taekwondo training by adults in Korea. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify the programs provided by Taekwondo studios in order to motivate continuous Taekwondo training and to capture the interests of potential students’ parents and trainees. Third, in order to change the declining trend of Taekwondo training population, Taekwondo instructors should come up with a strategic plan for survival. Meanwhile, Taekwondo-related organizations should actively support Taekwondo studios to increase the market share of Taekwondo in sports market and to extend Taekwondo training period of trainees. In addition, to make Taekwondo more popular, it is needed to attract new trainees and transform Taekwondo into a media-friendly sports game. Fourth, to promote prolonged training period, it is necessary for trainees to change their goals into a more learning-oriented-perspective. Also, educational objectives motivation training even after level-advancement-examination needs to be established. Fifth, it is necessary to transform Taekwondo from training-centered-education to a reinforcement program for physical education classes in schools.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Effect on Training Satisfaction and Training Continuation in the TAEKWONDO Gym Training Program

        Minjae Gil J-INSTITUTE 2021 International Journal of Martial Arts Vol.6 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data for the leaders of Taekwondo to plan effectively their training programs by practically analyzing the training satisfaction and training contin-uation of the trainees according to the training program for the trainees who are practicing Taekwondo. Method: The subjects are elementary school 4-6 graders, middle school students, and high school stu-dents who are training Taekwondo in Jeon-la Province, and the total number of subjects are 305, and the data was processed through frequency analysis, independent t-test, One-Way ANOVA, correlation analy-sis, and linear regression analysis, and the result is as follows. Results: First, regarding the satisfaction of training according to gender, women was higher than men at Taekwondo and body strength(p<.01), (p<.05). Regarding the satisfaction of training according to training period, the trainees who trained for less than 1 year was higher than the trainees who trained for more than 3 years at personality and leadership(p<.05). Regarding the satisfaction of training accord-ing to the objective of training, It was higher than the development of character at body strength(p<.05). Second, regarding the continuation of training according to having official grade, the trainees who have the official grade was higher than the trainees who was delayed at the will of conveying the know-how(p<.05). Regarding the continuation of training according to training period, the trainees who trained less than 1 year was higher than the trainees who trained more than 3 years at the will of conveying the know-how(p<.05). Third, regarding to the correlation between satisfaction and continuation of training according to Taekwondo training program, satisfaction of training showed statistically meaningful posi-tive effect to continuation of training(p<.001). Fourth, regarding to satisfaction of training according to Taekwondo training program, Taekwondo, body strength, and leadership showed statistically meaningful positive effect at every lower grade factor of continuation of training, and personality showed statistically meaningful positive effect at the will of recommendation and the will of conveying know-how. Conclusion: Regarding to the correlation between satisfaction and continuation of training according to Taekwondo training program, satisfaction of training showed statistically meaningful positive effect to continuation of training. regarding to satisfaction of training ac-cording to Taekwondo training pro-gram, Taekwondo, body strength, and leadership showed statistically meaningful positive effect at every lower grade factor of continuation of training, and personality showed statistically meaningful positive effect at the will of recommendation and the will of conveying know how.

      • KCI등재후보

        태권도장 지도자의 교육프로그램에 대한 인식과 발전방향

        김수정,이승호 한국웰니스학회 2011 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        Due to quantitative increase, the fierce competition between Taekwondo gyms,??inactive qualitative enhancement of education and facilities, compared to quantitative increase, and limited training??programs aggravate the recession of Taekwondo gyms. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze the??Taekwondo instructor's perception of Taekwondo education program, and to provide the basic data for the development of??Taekwondo education programs. Summarizing Taekwondo instructor's perception of education program ,??first, the most important thing of gym training was thought to be characteristic training, which can be conducted in??differentiated training programs in accordance with the stages of training. Also, because young trainees lose??interest easily, a variety of programs should be required for continuous training, and Taekwondo was thought to be more??valuable when martial arts are emphasized. On the basis of these thoughts, the direction for the development of??the future Taekwondo training program is summarized as follows. First of all, the systematic program for??character training suitable for Taekwondo should be developed and performed. Considering the low birth rate, the??trainees should be extended from elementary school students to adults and senior citizens, and the development??of the differentiated program proper for it should be required. In addition, the training should help to form a??healthy self-concept rather than focusing on Taekwondo techniques simply. At last, to differentiate from other sports??programs, Taekwondo training program as a martial art suitable for elementary school students should be??continuously developed.

      • 코로나19 팬데믹 속 태권도 수련의 도덕적 가치

        신명희 ( Shin Myounghee ) 국민대학교 스포츠윤리연구소 2021 스포츠와 윤리 Vol.1 No.2

        최근 코로나19 사태가 장기화됨에 따라 전국의 많은 태권도장들이 태권도 수련에 있어 힘든 상황을 겪고 있다. 이 연구는 현재 전 세계가 몸살을 앓고 있는 신종바이러스 코로나19 팬데믹 상황으로 인해 태권도장들이 직면한 어려움을 고찰하고 이를 극복하기 위한 방안을 태권도 수련의 도덕적 가치 측면에서 모색해보고자 하였다. 이러한 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해. 먼저 코로나19 상황에서 태권도 지도자가 경험하는 갈등을 탐색하였고, 다음으로 태권도 수련의 도덕적 가치에 대해 고찰하였으며, 끝으로 태권도장들의 위기 극복을 위한 새로운 심사 제도의 방향성을 제시하였다. 태권도 수련은 단지 신체의 단련만을 강조하는 것이 아니라 신체활동을 통한 정신의 교육과 심신의 수련을 목적으로 한다. 신체를 건강하게 단련함으로써 강한 정신력과 용기, 절제, 관용, 예의와 같은 도덕적 덕을 함양하는 것이 태권도 수련의 궁극적인 목표이다. 태권도 수련에 있어 심사제도는 코로나19로 인한 어려운 시기에도 태권도장들이 태권도 수련을 이어갈 수 있게 하는 매개체이며, 태권도 수련에 대한 동기와 목표를 부여한다. 또한 승급심사는 수련자의 노력에 대한 정당한 보상을 제공하고 수련자의 도덕적 덕성을 평가할 수 있는 시스템으로 운영되어야 한다. 국기태권도 수련을 통해 얻을 수 있는 도덕적 가치가 강조된다면 코로나19 사태에 봉착한 환경적 어려움에도 불구하고 대한 민국의 훌륭한 문화유산인 태권도를 지켜내고 이어갈 수 있을 것이다. This study attempts to explore the moral value of Taekwondo training and to find the possible ways to overcome the crisis of Taekwondo training due to the Covid-19 pandemic by which a entire world is in a great risk. As the recent Corona19 situation continues, many Taekwondo gyms in Korea having a hard time for more than a year. This study seeks to examine the conflicts expreienced by Taekwondo instructors and moral values intrinsic in Taekwondo training, and propose a new direction (system) for an evaluation of Taekwondo training. The purpose of Taekwondo training consists in the cultivation of mind and body through mental education and physical activities. In this point Taekwondo does not just emphasize the physical training. Through a healthy and strong body, a trainee will obtain strong mind and body. This is the reason why Taekwondo has a moral value that is based on the unity of mind and body. The evaluation system of Taekwondo training, is the goal and motivation for trainees to continue their training even in the current Covid-19 difficulties. The promotion review of Taekwondo training should be operated as a system that can provides a fair reward for the trainee’s efforts and evaluate the trainee’s moral virtues such as courage, tolerance, self-control, and manners. In conclusion, if the moral value that can be obtained through Kukki Taekwondo training is emphasized, it will be possible to protect and continue Taekwondo, Korea's great cultural heritage, despite the environmental difficulties faced by the COVID-19 crisis.

      • Enjoyment Factor of Experienced Taekwondo Performers' on Satisfaction and Training Persistence Intention

        ( Jung-gyeon Bae ),( Hyang-kil Lee ),( Hee-jung Kim ) 국제태권도학회 2017 International Symposium for Taekwondo Studies Vol.2017 No.-

        Purpose: Unique ideas and emotions emerge during Taekwondo practice, which makes Taekwondo a representative cultural brand. Currently, Taekwondo organizations continue to revitalize Taekwondo performances as a new cultural product that surpasses its current status as a sport. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate the influence of the enjoyment factors on the satisfaction and persistence intention of Taekwondo performers in Taekwondo performances, to identify the actual conditions and problems of Taekwondo performances, and to increase the satisfaction of Taekwondo performers. Methods: The subjects of this study were university Taekwondo demonstration teams from Seoul City, Uiwang City, Gyeonggi Province, and Jeolla Province in Korea as well as the Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team. Data were processed using frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis with SPSS 22.0. Results: First, it was found that Taekwondo performers’ interest factor had a significant effect on all factors of satisfaction. In addition, social factors had a significant effect on the social side of satisfaction, which is a sub-factor of satisfaction, and the recognition factor had a significant effect on the leader side of satisfaction. The health factor, which is a sub-factor of enjoyment, did not have a significant effect on satisfaction. Second, Taekwondo performers’ social aspect, institutional aspect, and leader’s side of satisfaction showed significant influence on the persistent intention, and the educational aspect had no significant effect on the persistent intention. Conclusions: Therefore, positive emotions, such as enjoyment in participating Taekwondo performances, are the key factors in determining the satisfaction of participation in Taekwondo performance and the intention to continue training. It is important to create conditions that can induce interest and pleasure by inducing participation in Taekwondo performance participation. In order to do this, it is necessary to create a physical environment that provides encouragement of the leader, supportive guidance, provision of training programs, and content that can induce the interest, psychological stability, and comfort of the trainees.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 수련생의 동기유발을 위한 지도방법

        정현도(Jung Hyun-Do) 세계태권도문화학회 2015 세계태권도문화학회지 Vol.- No.10

        Taekwondo, selected as an official event at 2020 Tokyo Olympics, made a remarkable achievement of six-time consecutive selection at summer olympics. While taekwondo successfully settled in global community, local taekwondo training centers in Korea are facing the gravest challenge of decreasing number of trainees due to economic downturn and low birth rate. For this reason, this research draws conclusions as below after investigation of relative literature to help trainers to effectively motivate and therefore engage trainees in Taekwondo training sessions. 1) Parents of trainees need to have a new recognition of taekwondo training. 2) Taekwondo training programs should be diversified. 3) Trainers should teach trainees to set right goals and visions through training. 4) Various events should be provided such as rank promotion tests, outdoor training, field trip, etc. for motivation. 5) A trainer should have good quality and excellent leadership. 6) A training center manager should make efforts to provide proper treatment and substantial benefits for hired trainers. 7) There should be celebrity autograph events by inviting a renowned figure or successful graduate from the center. 8) It is necessary to introduce supplementary programs for taekwondo. 9) A trainer can utilize musical poomsae (forms) using music. 10) A trainer should motivate trainees to keep working on the training by continuous compliment and encouragement. 11) A trainer should teach trainees in a fun way. 12) A trainer should be a qualified counsellor. 13) A training center should have various equipment for training. 14) A training schedules should be considered with care. 15) Loyalty of trainees to the training center should be enhanced.

      • KCI등재

        전국교도관 무도대회 태권도 변천과정 고찰

        빈우성(Woo Seong Bin),신현승(Hyun Seung Sin),곽낙현(Nak Hyun Kwak) 한국사회체육학회 2014 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.56

        The purpose of this study is to examine the transition process of the Taekwondo event at the National Prison Guard Martial Arts Competition. The results of the examination are as follows. First, Taekwondo was first introduced as an official event at the 16th National Prison Guard Martial Arts Competition in 1978. The National Prison Guard Martial Arts Competition was first held in 1949 at the tourney hall of the Prison Guard School with Judo being its only competing event. Judo was added at the 2nd Competition in 1955. The competition was held by separating competitors for the three events of Judo, Kendo and Taekwondo into two separate groups of senior players and junior players. Second, the progression of Taekwondo originated from the training of Taekwondo players and Taekwondo demonstrations through the continued election of Taekwondo as an official event of the National Prison Guard Martial Arts Competition as of the 16th Competition in 1978 through the 48th Competition in 2013. In particular, the creation of scenarios for Taekwondo demonstrations and training for such demonstrations by assembling together prison guards that practiced Taekwondo and conducting collective camp training for two months provided the opportunity to stimulate interest in and development of Taekwondo. Third, Taekwondo was able to position itself as a permanent event through its election as a curriculum at the Legal Research and Training Institute, the special employment of senior martial arts experts and the active organization of martial arts clubs nation-wide. In particular, the appointment of prison guards that were specially hired as martial arts experts to correctional centers nationwide served as the underlying drive for the increase in the number of competitors at the National Prison Guard Martial Arts Competition as well as the cultivation of practical skills by providing systematic martial arts training for each event to prison guards. Furthermore, Taekwondo is becoming a permanent curriculum for judicial correctional officers through the offering of systematic instructions by Taekwondo instructors. In 2014, there are currently about 1,500 Taekwondo trainees that are affiliated with national correctional centers. Among such trainees, there are about 167 senior experts that have a master level, fourth-degree black belt or higher.

      • KCI등재후보

        Exploring the Training Program for the Essential Skills of TAEKWONDO Freestyle Poomsae

        Mincheol Shin,Kwon Jang J-INSTITUTE 2021 International Journal of Martial Arts Vol.6 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore essential technical training plans for Taekwondo free-style Poomsae and present systematic and specialized training plans to instructors. In order to achieve this research purpose, this study was conducted using a qualitative approach. Method: The purpose of this study is to explore essential technical training plans for Taekwondo free-style Poomsae and present systematic and specialized training plans to instructors. In order to achieve this research purpose, this study was conducted using a qualitative approach of literature review and in-depth interviews. Results : First, 1)jump side kick(Leap training using high speed, obstacle crossing training, and repetitive exercise to raise one s leaping foot to the thigh) 2)jump front kick(Training of kicking the first foot at the same time of the leap, the snap kick training in a sitting position, and the training to hit a target) 3)ro-tating kick(Stride training, holding the axis of rotation training, two-way rotation training) 4)consecutive sparring kick(Step training using a jump rope, repeating knee raising training, and various tactical train-ing in actual sparring competitions) 5)acrobatic movements(Handstand training and training for using the strength of the upper body with push-ups). Second, as training for injury prevention, leap, and landing, strength exercises(squats, conventional deadlift, leg press) to improve posture balance and irregular physical training that changes heart rate to check the heart rate of actual competition situations are to be conducted. Third, efforts should be made to create a stable training environment for freestyle Poomsae training by providing equipment and tools such as air mats and landing mats for the athletes to stably train essential skills of freestyle Poomsae. Conclusion: For each of the five essential skills of Taekwondo freestyle Poomsae, an efficient training method suitable for the characteristics of the skill is needed. In addition, players and instructors who train freestyle Poomsae need to improve their posture balance through training on high leaps and landing to prevent injuries. In addition, it is important to create a training environment suitable for the characteristics of the event for effi-cient training of freestyle Poomsae athletes.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 수련이 비만 청소년의 신체구성과 체력 및 비스파틴(Visfatin) 농도에 미치는 영향

        박상갑(Sang Kab Park),권유찬(Yoo Chan Kwon),이태홍(Tae Hong Lee),장재희(Jae Hee Jang),김은희(Eun Hee Kim),박진기(Jin Kee Park) 한국사회체육학회 2010 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.39

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of body composition, physical fitness and visfatin concentration after 12weeks Taekwondo training. Subjects were consisted of twenty obese adolscent men. The taekwondo training was composed of 64% HRR in 1~6weeks, 67% HRR in 7~12 weeks, 60 minutes per day, 5 days per week. The results of this study are as follow BMI and %body fat were significantly decreased and lean body mass was significantly increased after taekwondo training. VO2max(㎖/min) and VO2max(㎖/㎏/min) were significantly training. Grip strength, standing jump long and side step were significantly increased taekwondo training. insulin resistance decreased significantly after taekwondo training. Visfatin was significantly(p<.01) decreased taekwondo training. In conclusion, taekwondo training was shown to positive influence on body composition, VO2max and cholesterol. In particularly, visfatin concentration was decreased after 12 week taekwondo training in obese adolescent men. Therefore, it is maybe thought that taekwondo training was important role for prevent obesity.

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