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      • KCI등재

        과학기술 혁명 시대와 그리스도교: 종교와 신학의 전망 안에서

        정희완 한국가톨릭신학학회 2018 가톨릭신학 Vol.0 No.33

        The scientific and technological revolution has a real impact on every aspect of personal and social life. The impact on real life and the resulting changes lead to the break up of existing ethical norms that govern the real life of human beings and society. In other words, it calls for a new ethical norm that defines social life. The changes in the ways of living the life brought about by the scientific and technological revolution and the changes in the ethical norms require changes in understanding of life and the world. The scientific and technological revolution eventually calls for changes in life and norms (ethics, morals) and worldviews (the way in which people understand and explain nature and human beings and the world). Religion and theology should play their role in the formation of a new social norm that the scientific and technological revolution demands. Moreover, the technological revolution causes changes and challenges in the life of religion and faith itself. In other words, the scientific and technological revolution has some direct impact on the form and content of religious life. In addition, the worldview conceived by the technological revolution brings conflict with the worldview of the religion. In the revolution of science and technology, human beings seem to be Homo Deus, but in reality they are becoming scapegoats of science and technology. Challenges and problems caused by the technological revolution often go beyond the scope of existing ethical norms. The technological revolution calls for the re-establishment of ethical norms. Christianity has always participated in the formation of social ethics norms. Christianity should help to reflect on the ethical issues raised by the technological revolution from the point of view of faith and to refine social norms. The bigger problem, however, is that the relationship between the technological revolution and Christianity does not simply stay in the dimension of ethics and morality. The scientific and technological revolution can threaten the very existence of Christianity as a religion. Christian doctrine and theology must compete with the scientific and technological revolution (the post-human and trans-human worldview implied by the technological revolution) as a matter of worldview. Christianity as a platform has to compete with cutting edge technology. And the religious practice of Christianity must also compete with the post-human way of life. 과학기술 혁명은 개인과 사회적 삶의 모든 자리에서 실제적 영향을 미치고 있다 실제 삶에 대한 영향과 변화의 . 초래는 그 이전까지 인간과 사회의 실제 삶을 규정하고 통제하는 기존의 윤리적 규범들의 균열을 초래한다. 즉, 사회적 삶을 규정하는 새로운 윤리적 규범을 요청하는 것이다. 과학기술 혁명이 초래한 삶을 살아가는 방식의 변화와 윤리적 규범의 변화는 당연히 삶과 세계에 대한 이해의 변화를 요청한다. 과학기술 혁명은결국 삶과 규범(윤리, 도덕)과 세계관(자연과 인간과 세계를 이해하고 설명하는 방식)의 변화를 요청하고 있다. 과학기술 혁명이 요청하는 새로운 사회적 규범의 형성에 종교와 신학은 그 나름의 역할을 수행해야 한다. 더욱이 과학기술 혁명은 종교와 신앙의 삶 자체에도 변화와 도전을 야기한다. 즉, 과학기술 혁명은 종교적 삶의 형식과 내용에 어떤 직접적인 영향을 미치기도 한다. 또한 과학기술 혁명이 내포하고 있는 세계관은 기존 종교가갖고 있는 세계관과 충돌을 가져오기도 한다. 과학기술의 혁명 속에서 인간은 마치 호모 데우스가 되는 것처럼 보이지만, 실상은 과학기술의 희생제물이 되어간다. 과학기술 혁명이 야기하는도전과 문제들은 기존의 윤리적 규범의 범위를 넘어서는 경우가 많다. 과학기술 혁명은 윤리적 규범의 재정립을 요청하고 있다. 사회적 윤리규범의형성에 그리스도교는 늘 참여해왔다. 당연히 과학기술 혁명이 제기하는 윤리적 문제들을 신앙의 관점에서 성찰하고 사회적 규범의 재정립에 그리스도교는 도움을 주어야 한다. 하지만 더 큰 문제는, 과학기술 혁명과 그리스도교와 관계는 단순히 윤리와 도덕의 차원에서만 머물지 않는다는 사실이다. 과학기술 혁명은 종교로서의 그리스도교의 존립 자체를 위협할 수있다. 그리스도교의 교리와 신학은 세계관의 문제라는 차원에서 과학기술혁명(과학기술 혁명이 내포하는 포스트휴먼적·트랜스휴먼적 세계관)과 경쟁을 해야 한다. 그리스도교는 첨단의 과학기술들과 일종의 플랫폼(platform) 의 경쟁을 해야 한다. 그리고 그리스도교의 종교적 실천은 포스트휴먼적삶의 방식과 또한 경쟁을 해야 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        과학혁명과 바로크 예술: 인생은 꿈이다 에 나타난 새로운 수학과 과학의 개념

        김선욱 한국바로크학회 2023 바로크연구 Vol.6 No.-

        In Life is a dream, Calderón de la Barca, the most prominent playwright of Baroque theater, theatrically demonstrates that the mathematical and scientific methodologies of the old world had been replaced by the new mathematical and scientific methodologies of the 17th century. Life is a dream shows the process in which a new view of science eventually wins in the confrontation between Basilio, who bent on astrology, and Segismundo, based on reason and experience, a new thought tide. Calderón de la Barca illustrates the clash between astrology as an archaic astronomy and the new scientific revolutionary perceptions that opposed it, and ultimately illustrates the transition to a new worldview after the Scientific Revolution. This study examines how the new philosophy of science and epistemology of the Baroque period, which are conflicting in Life is a dream, are incorporated into Calderon's theatrical work. Through the conflict between Basilio and Segismundo, Life is a dream represents the complex process of establishing the new scientific methodology that emerged after the Scientific Revolution. In conclusion, through Life is a dream, Calderón de la Barca criticized the pseudo-science of astrology, King Basilio for misinterpreting the stars using the old science, and showed the public, through the device of theater, the complex process by which the old pseudo-science of Aristotle and Ptolemy was replaced by the new scientific methodology of the Scientific Revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries.

      • KCI등재

        수학자가 참여한 17세기의 과학적 전쟁

        정원 한국과학사학회 2019 한국과학사학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        Early modern Europe went through two distinct types of revolution — scientific and military. Military historians have employed the term, Military Revolution, to account for several significant changes in the seventeenth century, such as advent of new weapons, enlargement of military forces, and extension of battle length. Under these circumstances, it is reasonable to assume a certain degree of correlation between the Scientific Revolution and the Military Revolution, both of which took place in the same place at the same time. This paper features Maurits van Nassau and Simon Stevin to show the interactions between two revolutions. They were patron and client in private, and general and officer in public. Maurits is considered to have brought about the Military Revolution, while Stevin is valued highly as a mathematician that invented decimal fraction system and laid the foundation for the new mathematics through innovating traditional number concept. Maurits is well-known for the ‘scientific war,’ particularly the scientific siege warfare. I suggest that his scientific wars were carried out through systematic deployment of armed forces, detection of the weakest point based on mathematical analysis, calculation of safe attacking routes, and intensive attack on target points. Stevin’s publications on the art of war will show how much they influenced on Maurits’ strategies and tactics. This shows that the clear correlation between science and war, characterized by goal-driven research for warfare tactics, elevated social status of relevant scientists, and strong recognition of victor nations as the centre of science, already started slowly in the seventeenth century.

      • KCI등재

        과학혁명 시대와 복음의 소통 가능성 : 유발 하라리의 종교 전망에 대한 대응

        김선일 한국실천신학회 2018 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.62

        4차 산업혁명은 현재 우리 사회에 큰 관심과 반향을 불러 일으켰다. 빅데이터과 알고리즘을 기반으로 하는 초 연결 사회의 도래는 인간의 생활양식 뿐 아니라, 인간 됨의 의미와 종교의 역할까지 바꾸리라는 전망이 나온다. 역사학자 유발 하라리는 전 세계적으로 주목을 받았던 그의 저서들을 통해 인류의 역사를 사피엔스의 독특성으로 부터 시작해서 미래의 데이터 지배에 이르기까지 조명하고 있다. 그는 데이터가 지배 하는 미래 사회에서 전통 종교들의 기능과 역할은 축소될 것이라고 본다. 이러한 전 망은 데이터 중심의 사고방식과 예측을 확산시키며 기독교의 위상과 변증에도 도전을 줄 것으로 보인다. 본 논문은 유발 하라리의 분석과 전망을 소개하며, 그의 주장에 대한 평가와 기독 교적 대응을 시도한다. 그는 공동의 신화와 이념을 창안하는 인지혁명을 통해 현생 인류로 발돋움한 호모 사피엔스가 농업혁명을 거치며 대 단위 체제를 이루게 되었으 며, 과학혁명의 기술력을 통해서 그동안의 온갖 문제들을 해결하는 호모 데우스로 발전할 것이라고 한다. 그리고 이러한 이동 발전 과정에서 빅데이터와 알고리즘으로 대변되는 과학혁명은 인간 이해와 생활에 획기적인 시대의 변화를 가져오면서 농업혁명 시대에 생성된 전통 종교는 몰락하고, 데이터교라고 하는 새로운 종교적 신념이 출현하리라는 것이 그의 예측이다. 필자는 하라리의 그와 같은 주장이 자리 잡은 배경에는 데이터 기술에 대한 낙관 주의와 인간적 의미에 대한 불충분한 고려, 그리고 아직 도래하지 않은 미래에 대한 성급한 전망이 있음을 지적한다. 오히려 그가 주장하는 새로운 시대에는 협력적 공유 사회의 필요성이 더욱 커지면서 기독교 변증에 새로운 의미가 부여될 것으로 본다. 따라서 본고는 과학혁명시대의 기독교 변증적 대응으로 큰 이야기와 성육신적 참여, 탈 기독교세계(post-Christendom)적 교회의 모색을 제시한다. The Fourth Industrial Revolution has brought great interest and resonance to our society at present. The emergence of a hyperlinked society based on big Data and algorithms has the potential to change not only human lifestyles, but also the meaning of being human and the role of religion. The historian Yuval Harari, through his world-wide attention to the book, is illuminating human history from the unique nature of Sapiens to the future dominance of data. He sees that the functions and roles of traditional religions will be reduced in future society where data dominates. This prospect will spread data-centered thinking and predictions, and will challenge Christianity's position and dilemma. This article introduces Harari’s analysis and prospects, evaluates his arguments, and attempts to present Christian responses. Homo sapiens, who has emerged as a modern human being through the cognitive revolution that invented common myths and ideologies, became a large-scale system through the agricultural revolution and developed into a ‘homo deus’ that solves all kinds of problems through the technology of the scientific revolution. The scientific revolution represented by big data and algorithms in this transition has brought about a revolutionary change in human understanding and life, and the traditional religion created in the agrarian revolution has fallen and new religious beliefs such as data religion will appear, according to his prediction. I try to point out that Harari 's argument is based on optimism about data technology, insufficient consideration of humanness, and hasty prospects for an unfilled future. Rather, in a new era he claims, the need for a collaborative, shared society will become even greater, giving new meaning to Christian apologetics. Therefore, this article suggests a big story, incarnational participation, and post-Christendom Christian community as the Christian apologetic response in the era of the scientific revolution.

      • 과학혁명과 神과학(God Science)

        김진춘 통일사상학회 2018 통일사상연구 Vol.15 No.-

        쿤(T. Kuhn)은 과학혁명의 구조에서 ‘패러다임’이란 용어를 소개하면서 과학은 혁명적인 패러다임의 전환에 의하여 발전한다는 이론을 주장하였다. 본 연구에서는 과학혁명을 3단계 관점에서 살펴본다. 1차 과학혁명은 현대과학에 의한 혁명이다. 1차 과학혁명은 현대과학을 대표하는 양자론과 상대론을 통해 고전과학의 에너지, 물질, 시간, 공간에 관한 혁명적인 변화 를 초래했다. 2차 과학혁명은 新과학(New science)에 의한 혁명이다. 정보를 중심으로 하는 新 과학은 현대과학으로부터 또다른 혁명적 변화를 초래하고 있다. 新과학은 향도파와 토션장・토션파에 기초하는 정보파동・정보장을 중심한 과학이다. 3차 과학혁명은 神과학(God science)에 의한 혁명이다. 神과학은 하나님을 중심한 과학이며, 하나님 관점에서 본 과학이다. 또한 神과학은 하나님을 위한, 하나님을 향 한 과학이다. 神과학은 제3축복의 과학이며, 창조원리에 입각한 과학이다. 그리고 神 과학은 천주적인 과학이고, 이상세계를 향한 과학이다. 과학은 현대과학→新과학→神과학으로 발전되고 있음을 주목한다. 인류의 구세주・메시아・재림주・참부모가 현현하여 복귀섭리완성과 창조이상실현이라는 근본 문제에 대한 토대가 마련되었다. 이 문제가 온전히 완결하기 위해서는 하나님 중 심한 神패러다임(God paradigm)의 도래가 요청되고 있다. 神패러다임은 神과학을 넘어 인문학, 사회과학, 예술문화, 체육 등 모든 분야에 적용되어야 하는 궁극적인 패러다임이다. T. Kuhn introduced “paradigm” in his famous book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. He claimed that science has proceeded by means of revolutionary paradigm shifts. I will discuss about scientific revolutions in three steps. The first scientific revolution was brought about by modern science. This revolution brought revolutionary change through quantum theory and relativity theory in our understanding of energy, matter, time and space based on classical science. The second scientific revolution is being brought about by new science. This revolution based on information is developing new features of energy, matter, time and space. New science has been studied through pilot waves, information waves and field, torsion field and waves, etc. The third scientific revolution is being realized through God science. God science is a science centered on God and a science in view of God. Also God science is a science for God and toward God. It is a science of the third blessing and a science based on the principle of creation. And it is a science of a cosmic dimension and a science for the ideal world of God’s creation. We claim that science has unfolded from classical science, through modern science, new science, and eventually to God science. Since the Messiah, Savior, LSA, and True Parents of humankind came on earth and have established a solid foundation for completing the providence of restoration and God’s ideal world of creation, we need a God paradigm. God paradigm will be extended to every area beyond God science.

      • KCI등재

        토마스 쿤의 “과학혁명론”으로 보는 기독교신학 이해

        안택윤(Taek-Yun Ahn) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2012 신학논단 Vol.70 No.-

        This paper is for a comparative study between theology and science in view of the theory of paradigm shifts. Empirical rationalists’ thesis that scientific knowledge which can be justified only by the empirical observation is meaningful has failed in verifying their arguments. And also by the concept of ‘theory-laden observation,’ their thesis of objectivity and neutrality of scientific knowledge fell down. Meanwhile, Thomas Kuhn’s ‘theory of scientific revolution’ which is based on the understanding of the history of science emerges. According to the theory, the science is not developed by the accumulation of knowledge and gradual modification but by the revolutionary replacement of the normal science with a new paradigm of science which is appeared with the crisis triggered by the anomalous data in a certain point. In this process, ‘the incommensur ability’ which is a core concept in Kuhn’s paradigm shift theory emerges. Incommensurability does not mean the in-comparability nor relativism but includes local comparability and continuity in fundamental scientific practices. Accepting Kuhn’s thesis, Hans Kung observes the history of Christian theology in 4-5 stages of the paradigm shift following Kuhn’s basic frame of normal science-crisis-new paradigm. Based on the moderate concept of incommensur-ability mentioned above, Kung articulates the ‘truth’ and the continuity of Christian traditions. It seems that Kung has successfully applied Kuhn’s thesis in theology except some tendency to objectivism due to Christian truth. Paying attention to the concept of incommensurability, one needs to be cautious not to be fell into either rationalistic objectivism or radical relativism in promoting a new theological paradigm for future. This paper is for a comparative study between theology and science in view of the theory of paradigm shifts. Empirical rationalists’ thesis that scientific knowledge which can be justified only by the empirical observation is meaningful has failed in verifying their arguments. And also by the concept of ‘theory-laden observation,’ their thesis of objectivity and neutrality of scientific knowledge fell down. Meanwhile, Thomas Kuhn’s ‘theory of scientific revolution’ which is based on the understanding of the history of science emerges. According to the theory, the science is not developed by the accumulation of knowledge and gradual modification but by the revolutionary replacement of the normal science with a new paradigm of science which is appeared with the crisis triggered by the anomalous data in a certain point. In this process, ‘the incommensur ability’ which is a core concept in Kuhn’s paradigm shift theory emerges. Incommensurability does not mean the in-comparability nor relativism but includes local comparability and continuity in fundamental scientific practices. Accepting Kuhn’s thesis, Hans Kung observes the history of Christian theology in 4-5 stages of the paradigm shift following Kuhn’s basic frame of normal science-crisis-new paradigm. Based on the moderate concept of incommensur-ability mentioned above, Kung articulates the ‘truth’ and the continuity of Christian traditions. It seems that Kung has successfully applied Kuhn’s thesis in theology except some tendency to objectivism due to Christian truth. Paying attention to the concept of incommensurability, one needs to be cautious not to be fell into either rationalistic objectivism or radical relativism in promoting a new theological paradigm for future.

      • KCI등재

        위기 없는 혁명: 코페르니쿠스 혁명을 중심으로

        정동욱,정원호 한국과학철학회 2020 과학철학 Vol.23 No.2

        Our study shows that there was no crisis before the Copernican Revolution. We suggest a model to explain the revolution without crisis: firstly, incompatible paradigms coexist by ignoring conflicts between the paradigms and accumulate problem-solving resources by normal researches; secondly, after accumulation of sufficient resources, someone resolves the long-neglected but well-known conflicts between the paradigms and launches the revolution. This model can explain not only the Copernican Revolution but also other scientific revolutions. 우리의 연구는 코페르니쿠스 혁명에 앞서 어떠한 위기도 존재하지 않았음을 보인다. 우리는 이러한 위기 없는 혁명을 설명하는 모형을 제안하는데, 이 모형에 따르면, 양립불가능한 패러다임들은 그들 사이의 충돌을 무시함으로써 공존하며 각자의 정상과학적인 연구를 통해 문제 풀이의 자원을 축적한다. 충분한 자원이 축적되면 그들 사이의 알려진 충돌들 중 오랫동안 방치됐던 문제를 해결함으로써 혁명을 출발시킨다. 이 모형은 코페르니쿠스 혁명뿐 아니라 다른 과학혁명에도 적용될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        혁명을 꿈꾸었던 한 지식인의 중국연구 ― 丸山昇의 죽음에 부쳐

        서광덕 한국중국현대문학학회 2007 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.43

        This study was reviewed on the view points and methodology for the Chinese socialism that was reported by modern Chinese scholar, Maruyama Noboru(丸山昇), who was dead in last 2006. He was already known as a famous Japanese schola studying on the Chinese modern writer, Luxun(魯迅). Maruyama Noboru had deeply interested in the Chinese socialism and steadily stated his views for it. He had written specially on the “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution” and tried to make clear why it had arisen during the Chines modern history, avoiding to focus on only negative sides. Consequently, he had indicated that the problem of Chinese socialism is not only the study subjects of Chinese, but also that of the world peoples who pursuit to socialism. In addition, he had insisted on the basis of the reviews on Chinese socialism that it should be democratic socialism and even scientific socialism based on the reality in the future, not ideological socialism.

      • KCI등재

        과학혁명기와 근대 이행기에 표출된 서양예술음악의 사상과 이론: 사변과 과학의 공존

        박윤경 ( Yoon Kyung Park ) 세계음악학회 2015 음악과 문화 Vol.32 No.-

        This thesis considers the relationship between music and science during the 17th century, the period of which is characterized as the term "the Scientific Revolution". In the chronology of music history, Baroque music has been cultivated by both speculative tradition and more practical empiricist approach. Based the situation of the coexisting old and new perspectives, I attempted to consider music in association with the contemporary scientific field. I maintain my focus on the contemporary empiricist approach and scientific development especially in acoustics and astronomy, and on the influence of the coexistent tendency of traditional and progressive methodology. Therefore I aim to investigate the concept of modernity and a change of way of thinking in the fields of music and science of the transitional period.

      • KCI등재

        쿤의 『과학혁명의 구조』에서 서사와 은유의 역할

        구자현 한국수사학회 2020 수사학 Vol.0 No.37

        In Rhetoric, Thomas S. Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (SSR) which opened the theory of scientific revolutions as one of the major modern views of science and derived many of successive researches in the philosophy of science and related fields has seldom been analyzed. Narrative and Metaphor deserve attention in the analysis of the rhetoric of SSR. The book is fully persuasive by utilizing narratives and metaphors as resources of reasoning. The analysis reveals that the reason why SSR has derived favorable responses from its readers though it includes comprehensive and fundamental assertions is that its narrative of the development of sciences which was constructed from history and psychological experiments fulfills narrative probability and narrative fidelity. And the author of SSR employed metaphors positively in endowing specific meanings for his theses with the terms like paradigm, normal science and scientific revolution. The introduction of metaphors in SSR brings the easiness of explanation by its proper functions as cognitive and persuasive tools on the one hand but causes the ambiguity of notions on the other. The paper shows that the way of reasoning of SSR that utilizes narratives and metaphors in various aspects has greatly succeeded in persuasion. 쿤의 『과학혁명의 구조』는 현대적인 과학관의 핵심을 점하는 과학혁명론을 주창한 책으로 과학철학과 인접 관련 분야에서 많은 후속 연구를 유발하였지만 수사학적 분석 대상이 된 적은 거의 없다. 이 책의 특성을 수사학적으로 분석할 때 서사와 은유는 관심의 초점이 될 만하다. 『과학혁명의 구조』는 서사와 은유를 주된 논증의 자원으로 활용하여 설득의 효과를 충분히 달성한다. 저자가 이 책에 포괄적이면서도 근본적인 주장을 담으면서도 독자들에게 많은 호응을 끌어낼 수 있었던 것은, 역사와 심리학 실험으로부터 서사를 끌어다가 수립한 과학 진행의 서사가 서사적 개연성과 서사적 충실성을 확보했기 때문이다. 또한 저자는 ‘패러다임’, ‘정상과학,’ ‘과학혁명’과 같은 주요 용어들에 그의 주장을 담아내기 위한 독특한 의미를 부여하면서 은유를 적극적으로 활용하였다. 은유의 도입은 인지적, 설득적 도구로서 고유의 기능을 발휘함으로써 설명의 용이함을 가져옴과 동시에 개념의 모호함의 여지를 남겼다. 결과적으로 서사와 은유를 다각적으로 활용한 이 책의 논증 방식은 큰 설득력을 발휘하는 성공 요인이 되었음을 알 수 있다.

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