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        토양오염피해에 대한 손해배상청구 - 「환경정책기본법」과 「토양환경보전법」을 중심으로 -

        이지원 중앙법학회 2017 中央法學 Vol.19 No.4

        What is recently being highlighted as legal issue in both academic and executive circles is the problem of soil pollution. Soil pollution means losing function of soil’s original state as various substances that are harmful for soil become accumulated. The soil pollution damage through soil pollution can be classified as the damage of soil itself and the secondary damage of life, physical body and property due to such damage. The claim for damages on such soil pollution damage can only be solved with the legal theory on the responsibility of compensation for damages according to the civil lawsuit. In case soil pollution has occurred, first of all, the sufferer may claim compensation for damages due to the illegal activities in accordance with the Article 750 of the Civil Code. In other words, the sufferer may claim for damages on the occurred damage by proving the conditions of general illegal activities. But in order to claim compensation for damages pursuant to the Article 750 of the Civil Code, the sufferer has to prove deliberation and negligence of assailant, illegality of harmful act or the causal relationship between harmful act and occurrence of damage. Accordingly, the sufferer claiming compensation for damages by proving all these things reveal limitations on the protection of sufferer. Therefore, a special legal theory is being developed in proving deliberation and negligence of assailant or causal relationship in order to protect the sufferer in theories and legal precedents. Even in our recent legal precedents, there is an example of acknowledging the compensation for damages liability on the soil pollution damage based on the liability of structure. As the Framework Act on Environment Policy Article 44 provides the ‘strict liability of polluter’ on the environmental pollution, one would be able to claim compensation for damages based on the Framework Act on Environment Policy Article 44 in case the soil pollution damage has occurred. As the Soil Environment Conservation Act Article 10-3 Paragraph 1 provides that “When there has been a damage due to soil pollution, the applicable polluter must compensate the damages and purify the contaminated soil”, the strict liability and liability of purification are provided on the soil contamination damages. The strict liability provision of polluter in accordance with the Soil Environment Conservation Act Article 10-3 can become very useful means for the sufferer. Therefore, damages caused by pollution at workplace are eligible for compensation as long as the causal relationship between the harmful act and the causal damage are proven. However, as mentioned before, this causes many problems. Even if the existing regulations are amended as Article 44 of the “Revision for EPA,” submitted as government bill in May of 2009, it only adds problem on top of another one. Enactment of this Environmental Responsibility Act mainly focuses on compensation to victims for damage, but also has preventive function for infringement. Strengthening environmental responsibility through strict liability in Environmental Responsibility Act not only entrusts environmental protection to regulations, but also corresponds with the general tendency that inserts the market economic measures. That is, through rigorous environmental responsibility, the burden in environment-hazardous production process eventually will lead to development of environmental-friendly production and process. 토지오염은 통상적으로 토양오염을 의미하는 것이 일반적이다. 토양오염이란 토양에 해로운 각종 물질이 누적됨으로써 토양 본래 상태의 기능을 상실케 하는 것이다. 이러한 토양오염피해의 손해배상청구는 기본적으로 민사상의 손해배상책임법리로 해결할 수밖에 없다. 먼저 피해자는 토양오염이 발생한 경우 민법 제750조에 의한 불법행위로 인한 손해배상청구를 할 수 있다. 그러나 민법 제750조에 기하여 손해배상을 청구를 하기 위해서는 피해자가 가해자의 고의⋅과실, 가해행위의 위법성, 가해행위와 손해발생간의 인과관계를 증명하여야 한다. 이에 따라 피해자가 이를 모두 증명하여 손해배상을 청구한다는 것은 피해자보호에 한계를 보여준다. 또한 토양오염피해가 발생한 경우에 환경정책기본법 제44조가 환경오염에 대한 ‘원인자의 무과실책임’을 규정하고 있으므로, 토양오염피해가 발생한 경우에 환경정책기본법 제44조에 근거하여 손해배상청구를 할 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 토양환경보전법상으로는 피해에 대하여 과실책임이 아닌 무과실책임을 지우고 있으며, 공동의 책임인 경우에는 연대책임(부진정연대책임)을 지우고 있다. 이것은 피해자의 구제를 용이하게 하기 위한 것이다. 그리고 토양정화책임과 그에 따른 비용책임에 대하여도 소급책임, 엄격책임, 연대책임을 지게하고 있다. 다만 천재지변과 전쟁으로 인한 경우에는 면책하고 있다. 책임당사자는 오염유발자와 토양오염시설의 소유 또는 점유자 및 운영자, 그리고 그 시설을 양수한 자 및 인수자로 규정하고 있다. 이와 관련하여 책임당사자가 불명하거나 무자력 등으로 인하여 책임을 질 수 없는 경우가 있어 책임당사자의 범위를 확대시킬 필요성이 있다. 이에 대해 2011년 4월의 개정에서는 그 동안 미비한 제도들을 획기적으로 보완하는 규정을 신설 또는 개정하여 한층 진일보하였다. 즉 오염원인자의 범위를 확대하여 원인자책임의 원칙을 더욱 보완하였고, 토양환경평가를 구체화하여 양도·양수당시에 실시된 토양환경평가 결과에 대한 증거가치를 부여함으로써, 토양오염의 책임소재에 따른 분쟁을 해결하고 토양환경평가를 자율적으로 실시하도록 하였다. 이러한 환경책임법의 제정은 피해자에 대한 피해의 보상을 주목적으로 하나, 또한 이것을 넘어서 침해의 예방목적도 가지고 있다고 할 것이다. 무과실책임에 의한 환경책임법을 통한 환경책임의 강화는 환경의 보호를 규제법에만 맡기지 않고, 시장경제적인 장치를 삽입하는 일반적인 경향에 상응하는 것이다. 즉 엄격한 환경책임으로 환경위험적인 생산과정에 대한 부담은 환경 친화적인 생산과 생산과정을 개발하도록 유도하는 것이 된다.

      • Ranking surface soil pollution potential of chemicals from accidental release by using two indicators calculated with a multimedia model (SoilPCA)

        Kim, Ki-Eun,Jung, Ja Eun,Lee, Yunah,Lee, Dong Soo Elsevier 2018 Ecological Indicators Vol.85 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Attention should be paid to potential impacts on the soil quality of chemicals initially released into air from accidents as soil pollution by atmospheric deposition can threaten the health of human and ecosystems. The present work aimed to develop and calculate indicators that can be used to score the individual chemicals’ surface soil pollution potential which signifies a measure of external exposure incurred from the surface soil pollution.</P> <P>The average concentration over time and space and the characteristic length of polluted area were derived as the two indicators to represent the level and spatial extent of pollution, respectively. The two indicators can commonly be applied to human and ecosystem. A new dynamic multimedia mass balance model, SoilPCA, was developed to quantify the indicators under the standard environmental conditions of South Korea. The final score for the surface soil pollution potential was calculated by taking the logarithm of the product of the two indicator values. The score was calculated for a total of 150 organic chemicals of three groups (i.e., 50 hydrophobic semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), 50 non-hydrophobic SVOCs, and 50 volatile organic compounds (VOCs)). The score was found to be dictated essentially by the maximum level of pollution in surface soil that is reached no later than 4h after a release stops. This indicates that the rank of the chemicals of the surface soil pollution potential is determined principally during this early period and hardly changes afterward in spite of wide differences in the environmental fate properties among the chemicals. The organic-air partition coefficient divided by Henry’s law constant (K<SUB>oa</SUB>/K<SUB>H</SUB>) is a useful predictor of the surface soil pollution potential of chemicals for each of the chemical groups, showing a positive relationship with the final score. Contrary to the expectation that hydrophobicity would govern the surface soil pollution potential, the non-hydrophobic SVOCs generally tend to show greater surface soil potential than the hydrophobic SVOCs given K<SUB>oa</SUB>/K<SUB>H</SUB>. This tendency is reinforced if no rain is assumed. The VOCs are largely of the lowest pollution potential as expected.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Evaluation of surface soil pollution caused by chemical accident is necessary. </LI> <LI> A multimedia model was developed to quantify surface soil pollution potential. </LI> <LI> Level and spatial extent of pollution were derived as indicators for the potential. </LI> <LI> K<SUB>oa</SUB>/K<SUB>H</SUB> was found to be a key predictor for the surface soil pollution potential. </LI> <LI> The potential is in the order of non-hydrophobic SVOCs > hydrophobic SVOCs > VOCs. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재

        토양오염피해에 대한 유지청구권

        김영경(Kim, Young-Kyung) 경희법학연구소 2014 경희법학 Vol.49 No.3

        최근 공장지역이나 광산지역 등에서 각종 중금속으로 인한 토양오염피해가 증가하고 과학의 발달로 다양하고 새로운 오염물질들이 급속히 생성됨에 따라 토양오염에 관한 손해배상책임이나 정화책임이 우리 사회에서 본격적으로 문제시 되고 있다. 이러한 토양오염피해에 대한 민사법적 구제방법은 손해배상청구와 유지청구이다. 토양오염이 발생한 경우에 피해자는 민법 제750조에 의한 불법행위로 손해배상청구를 할 수 있지만 손해배상청구는 사후에 손해의 전보를 구하는 것으로 충분한 피해의 구제가 어렵다. 반면 유지청구는 현재 발생하고 있거나 장래 발생할 염려가 있는 토양오염피해에 대해 그 침 해행위의 예방 또는 배제를 구하는 사전적 구제방법이므로 더 효과적인 구제수단이 된다고할 수 있다. 첫째, 토양오염이 발생한 경우에 피해자는 민법에 의한 유지청구를 할 수 있다. 민법상 유지청구를 행사할 수 있는 법적근거는 불법행위설, 물권설, 인격권설, 환경권설이다. 우리 판례에서는 유지청구권 인정여부에 대해 시간이 지날수록 좀 더 분명한 입장을 보여주고있다. 즉 생활이익의 침해일지라도 사회통념상 수인한도를 초과하는 침해에 대해서는 유지청구권을 행사할 수 있다고 하여 민법 제214조를 근거로 한 물권설에 그 바탕을 두고 있다. 현대사회에서 토지의 상린관계에 따른 인용의무는 당연히 발생하는 것이지만 우리 민법 제214조는 인용의무에 대한 규정이 없다. 민법 제217조 제2항에서 토지 통상적 이용에 의한 침해가 발생한 경우에는 이를 인용할 의무가 있다고 규정하고 있지만 우리 판례는 민법 제 217조와 무관하게 수인한도를 판단하고 있다. 둘째로 토양오염피해가 발생한 경우에 토양환경보전법 제10조의3 규정도 유지청구의 법적 근거가 될 수 있다. 현행 토양환경보전법 제10조의3 제1항은 “토양오염으로 인하여 피해가 발생하였을 때에는 해당 오염원인자는 그 피해를 배상하고 오염토양을 정화하여야 한다”고 규정하고 있는데 오염된 토양에 대하여 유지청구권을 행사할 수 있는 사법상 근거는민법 제214조이다. 따라서 동조에서 규정하고 있는 정화책임이 오염원인자의 사법상 책임인지 공법상 책임인지에 대한 논란이 있다. 이와 관련하여 2012년 8월 23일 헌법재판소에서동 조항에 대한 헌법불합치 결정을 내린 바 토양환경보전법이 일부 개정되었다. 개정의 취지는 사법상 손해배상책임과 공법상 정화책임을 구별하도록 하는 것인데 개정법에서는 동조항을 “오염된 토양을 정화하는 등의 조치를 하여야 한다” 고 규정하였다. 그러나 개정법에 의할지라도 토양오염을 발생시킨 자의 정화책임이 사법상 책임인지 공법상 책임인지 명확하게 구별할 수가 없다. 따라서 여전히 동 조항에서 의미하는 정화책임에 대하여 법 적용 및 해석에 혼란의 여지가 남아있다고 생각한다. Recently, as the Factory area or Mining area, etc. increase soil pollution damages caused by various heavy metals, and development of science generate various new contaminants rapidly, there are problems that the liability of compensation for damages and the responsibility of purification on the soil pollution in our society. The civil legal remedies for such soil pollution damages are liability of compensation for damages and the injunction. When the soil pollution has occurred, the sufferer can claim damages in illegal activities under the Article 750 of the Civil Code, but the liability of compensation for damages is to claim reparation after the incident, so it is difficult to sufficient remedy for damages. Whereas the injunction is a proactive remedy that the claim for prevention or clearance of the violations to the soil pollution which has occurred or concerned with the future occurrence, to be a more effective remedy. First of all, in case soil pollution damages has occurred, the sufferer may injunction for damages in accordance with the Civil Code. Legal bases to exercise for the injunction under the Civil Code are theory of illegal activities, theory of real rights, theory of personal rights, and theory of environmental rights. As time passes, in our precedents take more clearly whether or not to admit for the injunction. In other words, even if infringement of living benefits to be exceeded unbearable pain by social norm may exert the injunction even infringement of living benefits and its basis is the Article 214 of the Civil Code ; theory of real rights. In modern society, duty of patience by legal relationship for regulating the use of between adjacent property owners occurs naturally but the Article 214 of the Civil Code has no provision for the duty of patience. Regulations that are required to duty of patience in the event of a breach by the conventional land using as the Article 217 Paragraph 2 of the Civil Code, but legal precedents are judged by the Article 217 of the Civil Code irrespectively. In case soil pollution damages has occurred, the provisions related to the Soil Environment Conversation Act Article 10-3 also can be the legal ground of the injunction. As the existing provision the Soil Environment Conversation Act Article 10-3 Paragraph 1 provides that When there has been a damages due to soil pollution, the applicable polluter must compensate the damages and purify the contaminated soil , a legal ground to exercise the right of the injunction about the contaminated soil is the Article 214 of the Civil Code. Therefore there is controversy on the responsibility of purification for polluter in alignment clause is whether judicial or public. In this regard, the Constitutional Court made a decision incompatible with the constitution in the Article 10-3 Paragraph 1 on August 23, 2012, part of Soil Environment Conservation Act was amended. The amendment defined to distinguish between judicial liability of compensation for damages and public responsibility of purification, and the Amendments prescribes ...should be taken such as the purification of the contaminated soil . But even if the Amendment Act can not clearly distinguish the responsibility of purification of the people that caused soil pollution. So I think that there still remains more confusion in applying the law for the responsibility of purification.

      • KCI등재

        토양오염피해에 대한 손해배상청구의 법리

        전경운(Chun, Kyoung-Un),김영경(Kim, Young-Kyung) 경희대학교경희법학연구소 2013 경희법학 Vol.48 No.3

        최근 학계와 실무계에서 공히 법적 쟁점으로 부각되고 있는 것이 토양오염피해의 문제인데, 토양오염이란 토양에 해로운 각종 물질이 누적됨으로써 토양 본래 상태의 기능을 상실케 하는 것이다. 토양오염을 통한 토양오염피해는 토양 자 체의 피해와 그로 인한 2차적 생명, 신체, 재산상의 피해로 분류할 수 있다. 이러한 토양오염피해의 손해배상청구는 기본적으로 민사상의 손해배상책임법리로 해결할 수밖에 없다. 토양오염이 발생한 경우에 먼저 피해자는 민법 제750조에 의한 불법행위로 인한 손해배상청구를 할 수 있다. 즉 피해자는 일반불법행위의 요건을 증명하여 발생한 피해의 손해배상을 청구할 수 있다. 하지만 민법 제750조에 기하여 손해배 상을 청구를 하기 위해서는 피해자가 가해자의 고의 · 과실, 가해행위의 위법성, 가해행위와 손해발생간의 인과관계를 증명하여야 한다. 이에 따라 피해자가 이를 모두 증명하여 손해배상을 청구한다는 것은 피해자보호에 한계를 보여준다. 이에 따라 학설과 판례에서는 피해자 보호를 위하여 가해자의 고의 · 과실의 증명에서예견가능성설을 인정하거나 인과관계의 증명에서 개연성설을 취하는 등 특수한법리를 전개하고 있다. 둘째로 토양오염피해가 발생한 경우에 민법 제758조의 공작물책임에 관한 규정도 손해배상청구권의 법적 근거가 될 수 있다. 왜냐하면 토양오염을 유발하는오염물질의 상당 부분이 기업설비 등의 공작물에서부터 비롯되므로 공작물책임 은 중요한 책임근거로 활용할 수 있다. 최근의 우리 판례에서도 공작물책임에 근거하여 토양오염피해에 대한 손해배상책임을 인정한 예가 있다. 셋째로 환경정책기본법 제44조가 환경오염에 대한 ‘원인자의 무과실책임’을 규정하고 있으므로, 토양오염피해가 발생한 경우에 환경정책기본법 제44조에 근거하여 손해배상청구를 할 수 있을 것이다. 하지만 환경정책기본법 제44조의 효력 에 대해서는 논란이 있고, 이 규정을 정책선언적 규정으로 본다면 이 규정에 근거하여 손해배상청구를 할 수는 없을 것이다. 넷째로 토양환경보전법 제10조의3 제1항은 “토양오염으로 인하여 피해가 발생하였을 때에 해당 오염원인자는 그 피해를 배상하고 오염토양을 정화하여야 한다”고 규정하여서 토양오염피해에 대하여 원인자의 무과실책임과 정화책임을 규 정하고 있다. 토양환경보전법 제10조의3에 의한 오염원인자의 무과실책임의 규정은 피해자에게는 매우 유용한 구제수단이 될 수 있다. 즉 토양오염으로 인한 피해자는 가해행위와 토양오염손해 사이의 인과관계만을 증명함으로써, 피해의 배 상을 받을 수 있기 때문이다. What is recently being highlighted as legal issue in both academic and executive circles is the problem of soil pollution. Soil pollution means losing function of soil’s original state as various substances that are harmful for soil become accumulated. The soil pollution damage through soil pollution can be classified as the damage of soil itself and the secondary damage of life, physical body and property due to such damage. The claim for damages on such soil pollution damage can only be solved with the legal theory on the responsibility of compensation for damages according to the civil lawsuit. In case soil pollution has occurred, first of all, the sufferer may claim compensation for damages due to the illegal activities in accordance with the Article 750 of the Civil Code. In other words, the sufferer may claim for damages on the occurred damage by proving the conditions of general illegal activities. But in order to claim compensation for damages pursuant to the Article 750 of the Civil Code, the sufferer has to prove deliberation and negligence of assailant, illegality of harmful act or the causal relationship between harmful act and occurrence of damage. Accordingly, the sufferer claiming compensation for damages by proving all these things reveal limitations on the protection of sufferer. Therefore, a special legal theory is being developed in proving deliberation and negligence of assailant or causal relationship in order to protect the sufferer in theories and legal precedents. In case soil pollution damage has occurred, the provisions related to the liability of structure in the Article 758 of the Civil Code also can be the legal ground of claim for compensation of damages. That is because the liability of structure can be utilized as important liability basis as considerable portion of contaminants causing soil pollution originates from structures such as corporate equipments. Even in our recent legal precedents, there is an example of acknowledging the compensation for damages liability on the soil pollution damage based on the liability of structure. As the Framework Act on Environment Policy Article 44 provides the ‘strict liability of polluter’ on the environmental pollution, one would be able to claim compensation for damages based on the Framework Act on Environment Policy Article 44 in case the soil pollution damage has occurred. But there is controversy on the effect of the Framework Act on Environment Policy Article 44 and one would not be able to claim compensation for damages if this provision is seen as a policy declaration oriented provision. As the Soil Environment Conservation Act Article 10-3 Paragraph 1 provides that “When there has been a damage due to soil pollution, the applicable polluter must compensate the damages and purify the contaminated soil”, the strict liability and liability of purification are provided on the soil contamination damages. The strict liability provision of polluter in accordance with the Soil Environment Conservation Act Article 10-3 can become very useful means for the sufferer. In other words, it is because the sufferer from soil pollution is able to receive compensation of damage by proving only the causal relationship between the harmful act and the soil pollution damage.

      • KCI등재

        Pollution Load Index for Heavy Metals of Agricultural Soils Adjacent to Industrial Complexes in the Jeon-Buk Regions of Korea

        Sorakon Suwanmanon,Ki In Kim 한국토양비료학회 2021 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.54 No.3

        Monitoring heavy metal concentrations in agricultural soils close to industrial complexes plays a critical role in ascertaining the safe agricultural environment in Korea and its product qualities. Objective of this study was to assess the heavy metal concentrations in agricultural soils close to industrial complexes. Fifteen industrial complexes in 7 counties in Jeon-Buk Province (Gochang, Iksan, Jeongeup, Gimje, Imsil, Jangsu, and Wanju) were selected for monitoring soil heavy metal concentrations in 2019. The soil samples were analyzed for 7 heavy metals, including arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) within 500 meter and 1,000 meter radius at each industrial complex boundaries. Heavy metal concentrations in soils ranged from 0.3 to 8.0 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for As, from 0.2 to 1.5 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Cd, from 1.7 to 62.9 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Cr, from 1.4 to 22.5 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Ni, from 4.1 to 26.0 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Pb, from 0.0 to 1.4 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Hg, and from 25.9 to 283.5 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Zn. Heavy metal concentrations in soils were lower than the levels of Soil Contamination Warning Standard (SCWS). The pollution index (PI) values of all seven heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) ranged from 0.1 to 0.4 for top and sub soils indicating that these soils are not polluted. The pollution load index (PLI) values using 7 heavy metals at each county ranged from 0.10 to 0.24 for top and sub soils and the number was categorized into Group 2 which is unpolluted. These results suggested that monitored agricultural soils near industrial complexes in Jeon-Buk province in 2019 were unpolluted by heavy metals and safe for agricultural activities.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluating Pollution Indexes using Heavy Metal Concentrations in Agricultural Soils around Industrial Complexes in the Jeon-Nam Regions of Korea

        Sorakon Suwanmanon,Ki In Kim 한국토양비료학회 2020 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.53 No.4

        The main purpose of this study was to investigate soil contamination using heavy metal analysis in agricultural fields around industrial complexes in the Jeon-Nam regions in Korea. Ten counties in Jeon-Nam province for soil samples near industrial complexes were Gwangyang, Muan, Yeongam, Hampyeong, Haenam, Naju, Jangheung, Boseong, Yeosu, and Damyang. At agricultural field sites soil samples were collected in the spring of 2018 at two soil depths (0-15 cm and 15-30) within a 500- and 1000-meter radius next to industrial complexes before planting. All soil samples were analyzed for the 8 heavy metals including arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cupper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and zinc (Zn). The results showed that the heavy metal concentrations were below the levels of Soil Contamination Warning Standard (SCWS) for agricultural lands (Region 1) which is regulated by Soil Environment Conservation Law (SECL) established by Ministry of Environment (MOE), Korea. Other heavy metal indexes such as soil pollution index (SPI), pollution index (PI), and pollution load index (PLI) were evaluated to determine contamination of soils due to heavy metals. If SPI is less than 1.0, then soil heavy metal concentration is within the levels of soil contamination warning standard. In this study, SPI is less than 1.0 that means soil is not contaminated. Second, PI for the studied soils is less than 1.0, which classified into “Classification index 1” which means uncontaminated soils. Lastly, PLI for studied soils is between 0.10 and 0.24, classified into “Classification index 2” which is unpolluted soil. For interpreting the PI, the heavy metal concentration and background concentration should be used very carefully if the heavy metal concentration in the soil is lower than the background concentration. In this case, PI value of Hg can mislead interpretation if the soil heavy metal concentration is less than the background concentration. For example, Hg concentration for the background concentration is 0.025 ㎎ ㎏<SUP>-1</SUP> and Hg concentration for studied soils ranged from 0.000 to 0.004 ㎎ ㎏<SUP>-1</SUP>. Further research is needed to continue to monitor soil heavy metal distribution near industrial complexes in Jeon-Nam province of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        토양 중 중금속(Ba, Cr)의 분포특성 평가

        윤정기,김록영,김지인,노회정,유순주,김태승,이명규,윤대근,이홍길,김인자,박경훈,Yoon, Jeong-Ki,Kim, Rog-Young,Kim, Ji In,Noh, Hoe-Jung,Yu, Soon-Ju,Kim, Tae Seung,Lee, Myung Gyu,Yun, Dae-Geun,Lee, Hong-gil,Kim, In Ja,Park, Gyoung-Hun 한국지하수토양환경학회 2015 지하수토양환경 Vol.20 No.7

        This study was performed to provide fundamental data to establish the new soil pollution standards and the soil contamination management plans in a rational manner. The distribution characteristics of new soil contaminants such as barium (Ba) and chromium (Cr) in soils (n=140) were investigated in relation to land-use classification and geological features. Also, the sequential extraction test was conducted to evaluate fate and mobility of new soil contaminants. The soil samples taken from 140 sites were analyzed to survey distribution levels of selected new soil contaminants. The average concentration and range for hazardous metals (Ba, Cr) were Ba 128.946 (26.757~489.587) mg/kg, Cr 30.121 (2.579~132.783) mg/kg. Based on land use classification, the highest Ba concentration was found in factory soils, followed by dry field and park soils, while Cr concentration was highest in rice paddy soils, followed by dry field and factory soils. Within 10 geological units investigated the highest Ba and Cr concentrations were observed in the soils from Okcheon group and metamorphic rocks, respectively. The BCR (European Community Bureau of Reference) sequential extraction was conducted to identify chemical distributional existence of 2 elements of soils from each geological unit. Ba in soils is mainly assumed to exists as reducible form (such as BaSO<sub>4</sub>, BaCO<sub>3</sub>) and Cr in soils mainly is assumed to exist as residual form (such as Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, Cr<sub>x</sub>Fe<sub>1-x</sub>(OH)<sub>3</sub>(x < 1)).

      • KCI우수등재

        A Study on SPI(soil pollution index) in City Land

        Kim, Young-Sik,Kim, Gi-Sun,Song, Mi-Ra Korean Society of Environmental Health 2007 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.33 No.6

        To estimate the soil quality of Miryang area, soil analysis were conducted according to the city and out of city of soil expenses at according to analysis components and heavy metal pollution of irradiation sampling sites. The through soil components the principal element about the 71% $SiO_2\;and\;Al_2O_3$, the pH of field area near the city center was lower than that of the other field area, which indicated that this acidification was probably attributed to the acid rain caused by the traffic exhaust gas such as $SO_x\;and\;NO_x$. Acidification was more severe in the field area than in the farming land. The concentration of five heavy metals such as Cu, Cd, Pb, As and Cr were found to be lower than the standard of soil pollution. An assessment using the SPI(Soil Pollution Index), which was developed to estimate an overall soil quality, was performed. Each SPS(Soil Pollution Score) were evaluated with the results of the data from this study. The soil quality of most area of Miryang land was determined to Class 1, which indicated that the soil was healthy.

      • KCI등재

        Assessment of Heavy Metal(loid)s Pollution in Arable Soils near Industrial Complex in Gyeongsang Provinces of South Korea

        Kim, Yong Gyun,Lee, Hyun Ho,Park, Hye Jin,Hong, Chang Oh 한국토양비료학회 2018 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.51 No.2

        Industrial complex releasing huge amounts of dusts, fumes and wastewater containing heavy metal(loid)s could be a source of heavy metal(loid)s pollution in arable soil. Heavy metal(loid)s pollution in arable soil adversely affect crops safety, subsequently human being. Hence, it is important to accurately assess the heavy metal(loid)s pollution in soil using pollution indices. The objectives of this study are 1) to compare assessment methods of heavy metal(loid)s pollution in arable soils located near industrial complex in Gyeongsang provinces and 2) to determine the relationship between concentration of plant available heavy metal(loid)s and chemical properties of soil. Soil samples were collected from 85 sites of arable lands nearby 10 industrial complex in Gyeongsang provinces. The average total concentration of all heavy metal(loid)s of the studied soils was higher than that of Korean arable soils but did not exceed the warning criteria established by the Soil Environmental Conservation Act of Korea. Only six sites of arable soils for the total concentration of As, Cu and Ni exceeded the warning criteria (As: $25mg\;kg^{-1}$, Cu: $150mg\;kg^{-1}$, Ni: $100mg\;kg^{-1}$). The contamination factor (CF) and geoaccumulation index ($I_{geo}$) of the heavy metal(loid)s in arable soils varied among the sampling sites, and the average values of As and Cd were relatively higher than that of other metals. Results of integrated indices of As and Cd in arable soils located near industrial complex indicated that some arable soils were moderately or heavily polluted. The plant available concentration of heavy metal(loid)s was negatively related to the soil pH and negative charge of soil. Available Cd, Pb, and Zn concentrations had relatively high correlation coefficient with pH and negative charge of soil when compared with other heavy metal(loid)s. Based on the above results, it might be a good soil management to control pH with soil amendments such as lime and compost to reduce phytoavailability of heavy metal(loid)s in arable soil located near industrial complex.

      • KCI등재

        Assessment of Heavy Metal(loid)s Pollution in Arable Soils near Industrial Complex in Gyeongsang Provinces of South Korea

        김용균,이현호,박혜진,홍창오 한국토양비료학회 2018 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.51 No.2

        Industrial complex releasing huge amounts of dusts, fumes and wastewater containing heavy metal(loid)s couldbe a source of heavy metal(loid)s pollution in arable soil. Heavy metal(loid)s pollution in arable soil adverselyaffect crops safety, subsequently human being. Hence, it is important to accurately assess the heavy metal(loid)spollution in soil using pollution indices. The objectives of this study are 1) to compare assessment methods ofheavy metal(loid)s pollution in arable soils located near industrial complex in Gyeongsang provinces and 2) todetermine the relationship between concentration of plant available heavy metal(loid)s and chemical propertiesof soil. Soil samples were collected from 85 sites of arable lands nearby 10 industrial complex in Gyeongsangprovinces. The average total concentration of all heavy metal(loid)s of the studied soils was higher than that ofKorean arable soils but did not exceed the warning criteria established by the Soil Environmental ConservationAct of Korea. Only six sites of arable soils for the total concentration of As, Cu and Ni exceeded the warningcriteria (As: 25 mg kg-1, Cu: 150 mg kg-1, Ni: 100 mg kg-1). The contamination factor (CF) and geoaccumulationindex (Igeo) of the heavy metal(loid)s in arable soils varied among the sampling sites, and the average values ofAs and Cd were relatively higher than that of other metals. Results of integrated indices of As and Cd in arablesoils located near industrial complex indicated that some arable soils were moderately or heavily polluted. Theplant available concentration of heavy metal(loid)s was negatively related to the soil pH and negative charge ofsoil. Available Cd, Pb, and Zn concentrations had relatively high correlation coefficient with pH and negativecharge of soil when compared with other heavy metal(loid)s. Based on the above results, it might be a good soilmanagement to control pH with soil amendments such as lime and compost to reduce phytoavailability of heavymetal(loid)s in arable soil located near industrial complex.

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