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      • KCI등재

        오피스빌딩 내 상업시설의 임대료 결정요인에 관한 연구 -위계선형모형의 활용-

        김기준 ( Kim Kijun ),김우경 ( Kim Wookyung ),문형준 ( Moon Hyoungjoon ),신종칠 ( Shin Jongchil ) 한국부동산분석학회 2018 不動産學硏究 Vol.24 No.3

        The commercial facility is one of the important amenity facilities in office building. Recently, office building owners and managers are eager to enhance income stream from their commercial facilities by strengthening shopping and restaurant tenants. Since the retail potential commercial facilities in office buildings are influenced by the office building characteristics, trade area characteristics around office building, and so on, management strategies of commercial facilities could be different from office building to office building. Despite of these changes, there is little research on commercial facility in academic society. For these reasons, this study aims to examine the rent determinants of retail stores in commercial facilities. This study categorizes influencing factors into character of the office building, trade area, management, individual store. For empirical research, we analyze the rents of 393 retail stores at 38 commercial facilities of office buildings in Seoul. This study uses the hierarchical linear model to consider the effects of hierarchical influencing factors on rents including both office building level and individual store level. The results of the empirical analysis are as follows. Firstly, this study confirms office building characteristics including gross leasable area and building owner type, have considerable influence on store rents in the commercial facility. Secondly, this study finds trade area characteristics such as distance to subway station, road width, and pedestrian traffics around office building, have significant effects on store rents. Thirdly, this study discovers management characteristics such as the number of floors the commercial facilities occupy and management decision to operate commercial facility as an independent shopping mall, affect store rents in the commercial facility. Finally, this study shows the individual store characteristics such as store size, floor level that the store locates, whether the store has access to main pedestrian movement in the commercial facility, whether the store has signage outside of office building, and categories of tenant business, significantly influence on store rents.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 오피스빌딩의 관리비수입의 영향요인에 관한 연구

        고현림(Ko, Hyun Rim),김진화(Kim, Jin Hwa),백민석(Baik, Min Seok),신종칠(Shin, Jong Chil) 한국도시행정학회 2014 도시 행정 학보 Vol.27 No.2

        오피스빌딩의 임대료와 매매가격과 관련해 영향요인에 대한 많은 연구가 진행되어 왔다. 상대적으로 오피스 빌딩의 관리와 관련해서는 연구가 많지 않고 행해진 연구의 경우도 비용적 관점에서 연구가 진행되어 왔다. 그런데 국내 오피스시장에서 테넌트들은 관리비 명목으로 매월 일정한 금액을 지불하는 정액제 고정관리비징수방식을 적용하는 경우가 많다. 국내 오피스시장에서 오피스 빌딩의 건물주는 테넌트에게 징수하는 관리비를 통하여 추가적인 수입을 얻을 수 있기 때문에 오피스 빌딩의 관리비와 관련해서는 비용적 측면의 접근방법뿐만 아니라 수입적 측면의 접근방법도 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 서울시 오피스 빌딩을 대상으로 관리서비스를 제공한 대가로서 얻게 되는 수익이라는 관점에서 관리비수입에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 검토하였다. 실증연구에서는 관리비수입을 종속변수로 하고 오피스빌딩의 입지특성, 빌딩특성, 소유 및 운영특성을 독립변수로 하여 이들 특성들을 순차적으로 추가함으로써 이들 특성들이 관리비수입에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과 오피스빌딩의 입지특성 중 오피스권역은 관리비 수입에 유의적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 지하철역과의 거리는 가까울수록, 이용가능한 지하철역의 수가 많을수록 관리비수입이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 오피스 빌딩특성과 관련해서는 오피스빌딩의 연면적과 총 층수가 클수록 관리비 수입이 높고, 철골철근콘크리트구조의 오피스빌딩의 경우가 관리비수입이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 소유 및 운영특성과 관련해서는 오피스빌딩의 소유주체가 법인인 경우와 전문관리회사가 오피스빌딩을 관리하는 경우 관리비수입이 높은 것으로 나타났다. Most of research on office building focused on rental income or sales price of office building. Many authors tried to find the factors affecting rental income or sale price of office building. In Korean office market, most of tenants pay not only rent but also monthly management fee for their office space. Management fees earned by office building owners that manage their properties could be another source of income in Korea. This study analyzes factors affecting management fee income in the Seoul office market. By using location characteristics, office building characteristics and owner and management characteristics as independent variable, this study tries to find which characteristics have impacts on management fee income. This study shows that the location characteristics such as office node, the number of the subway station, subway accessibility, have influence on management fee income. This study also confirms office building characteristics including gross leasable area, the number of floors, and office building structure have significant effect on management fee income. Lastly, this study finds ownership and management characteristics such as corporate ownership and management by professional management company have a positive influence on management fee income.

      • KCI등재

        외국자본의 서울시 대형 오피스빌딩 투자특성에 관한 연구

        김용일,이상엽 한국지역학회 2011 지역연구 Vol.27 No.2

        외국자본의 국내 오피스빌딩에 대한 투자는 1997년 외환위기 이후 국내 기업의부실자산 처리 과정에서 외국자본의 국내 오피스빌딩의 매입이 크게 증가하면서 본격적으로 시작되었다. 그 결과 외국자본은 서울시 오피스빌딩 시장에서 매우 중요한 투자자가 되었다. 이런외국자본에 대한 중요성에도 불구하고 선행연구는 물리적 특성 및 입지적 특성을 고려한 연구가대부분이었다. 이에 본 연구는 외국자본과 국내자본이 서울시 오피스빌딩 투자 시 영향을 미치는 특성을 비교분석하였다. 또한 거시경제변수가 외국자본에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석했다. 이 연구는 1998년부터 2009년도까지 서울시 대형 오피스빌딩 시장에서 거래된 데이터를 사용했으며, 분석을 위해 로지스틱회귀분석과 의사결정나무분석을 활용했다. 분석 결과 외국자본은 CD 유통수익률이 높을 때 외국자본으로 투자하는 경우 도심권역이나 여의도권역의 프라임(Prime)등급의 오피스빌딩에 ABS형태로의 투자를 선호하고, ABS자산이 아닌 자산으로 국내자본으로 투자하는 경우 거래면적이 55,067㎡ 이상인 오피스빌딩을 선호하는 것으로 분석되었다. Since real estate market was opened up in 1999, an inflow of foreign capitals has increased. As a result in foreign capitals have became very important investors in Seoul Office Building market. Nevertheless previous papers on foreign capital for Seoul office building investment have been studied most of the physical and local factors. This study was compared foreign capital with domestic capital preferred characters to Seoul office building investment. Also it was analyzed the relation between fluctuations of Seoul office building market and macroeconomic variables. This study used 151sales data in Seoul office building market from 1998 to 2009. Two analysis models are built by these data set : one is logistic regression model and the other is decision tree model. The results show that foreign investors have more focused on the macroeconomic variables of Seoul office buildings.

      • KCI등재후보

        서울시 오피스빌딩의 임차인 점유가 임대료에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        양승철 한국부동산연구원 2008 부동산연구 Vol.18 No.1

        오피스빌딩은 산업활동을 수행하는 기업체에게 활동공간을 제공하는 부동산 유형이다. 특히 오피스빌딩은 주로 도시에서 산업활동의 공간으로 활용되는데 임차인은 오피스빌딩 점유여부를 기업체 내부의 특성과 오피스빌딩의 특성 등을 감안하여 결정하게 된다. 그리고 오피스빌딩은 이들 임차인의 유형에 따라 임대료가 결정된다. 본 연구는 임차인의 유형을 업무산업과 비업무산업으로 구분하여 오피스빌딩의 임대료에 어떠한 영향을 주는지 분석하였다. 임대료와 업무산업의 임대차는 상호영향을 줄 수 있으므로 본 연구에서는 2단계 최소자승법을 적용하였다. 그 결과 일반최소자승법에서는 점유비율이 오피스빌딩에 영향을 주지 못하였으나 2단계 최소자승법에서는 영향을 주는 것으로 나타나 이들 사이에 상호작용이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 업무산업의 오피스빌딩 임대차는 임대료에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 오피스빌딩의 규모에 따라 상이한 영향을 주는 것을 알 수 있었다. 중형의 경우 긍정적인 영향을 주는 반면 대형에서는 영향을 주지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 감정평가연구 51 Office building supply the space to the economic activities and the demand of office building is the derived demand of economic activities. Therefore the rent is influenced by the occupation of tenants who carry industrial activities. On the other hand rent give an effect to the occupation of office building of tenants. So there are simultaneities between rent and occupation of tenant. This study made empirical analysis for the role of type of business of tenant to the rent of office buildings in Seoul, Korea, by using Two Stage Least Squares(TSLS). In ordinary least squares the type of business of tenant did not affect the rent, but in TSLS it had a affect to the rent of office building. And it was not significant to large size building model, but was significant to medium size buildings.

      • KCI등재

        등급별 오피스빌딩의 경과연수가 실질 점유비용에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 서울시 도심(CBD)권역을 중심으로

        조훈희 ( Cho Hoon Hee ),최창규 ( Choi Chang Gyu ) 한국부동산분석학회 2022 不動産學硏究 Vol.28 No.1

        서울 CBD권역의 오피스빌딩은 1960년대부터 개발이 시작되어 현재 노후화가 점차 심해지고 있다. 반면 오피 스빌딩에 대한 투자시장은 점차 활성화되고 있기 때문에 경과연수가 실질점유비용에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구의 필요성도 높아지고 있다. 본 연구는 서울 CBD권역의 오피스빌딩을 등급별로 분류하여 경과연수가 실질점유비용에 미치는 영향에 대해 연구하였으며, 이를 통해 등급별로 오피스빌딩의 투자시기, 전략 등을 판단하는데 중요한 역할을 할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 본 연구는 현실 반영도가 높은 자료 수집을 위해 렌트프리와 전용률이 반영된 실질점유비용을 계산하고, 리모델링을 통해 경과연수와 무관하게 임대료 상승이 일어난 빌딩을 제외하였다. 다중회귀분석 전 변수들 간의 공선성 문제를 해결하기 위해 요인분석을 실시하였으며, 그에 따른 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. CBD권역의 모든 오피스 빌딩의 경과연수는 실질점유비용에 음(-)의 영향을 미친다. 그리고 초대형 규모인 S등급 빌딩의 경과연수가 실질 점유비용에 미치는 음(-)의 영향이 제일 크며, 순차적으로 대형 규모인 A등급, 중형 규모인 B등급으로 규모가 작아질수록 경과연수가 실질점유비용에 미치는 영향력이 감소하는 것을 유의하게 확인하였다. Office buildings in the CBD area of Seoul have been under development since the 1960s and are deteriorating more severely as time passes. On the other hand, the expanding investment market for office buildings has also increased the need for research on the effect of the age after completion of the office building on the effective net occupancy cost (NOC). This study classified office buildings in the Seoul CBD area by grade and studied the effect of age on the real occupancy cost. Consequently, this study is expected to play an important role in determining the investment period and strategies of office buildings. This study calculated the effective NOC, which reflects the rent free period and the exclusive use rate, to collect data that are highly reflective of the real market It excluded buildings that could be affected by building age through remodeling. Factor analysis was performed to solve the issue of collinearity between variables before multiple regression analysis. Results of the analysis indicate that the age of all office buildings in the CBD shows a negative (-) impact on the effective NOC, while the age of super-large S-grade buildings have the largest negative (-) impact on effective NOC. Finally, the effect of building age on the effective NOC decreases as the scale decreases in the order of large-scale grade A and medium scale grade B is confirmed.

      • KCI등재

        거시경제변수와 오피스시장의 수익률 관계에 관한 연구

        서도희(Seo, Do-Hee),김종진(Kim, Jong-Jin) 한국주거환경학회 2015 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.13 No.3

        This study aims to drew factors to give influences of macroeconomics index on income yield rate of office building, and analyze its influences. As input variables of income yield rate of office building constructed in the study had characteristic of time series variation, VECM(Vector error correction model) that is used in factor analysis of multiple time-series data was used. Analysis results of the study is divided to shock response analysis to investigate influence and form of variable by characteristic of analysis model, and prediction error variance analysis to analyze explanatory power of each variable about income yield rate of office building. As the study results, the author suggests implications from viewpoint of investment to office market as follows. First, It appeared that increase of economic growth was an important cause to increase income yield rate of office building. Second, Consumer price index, increase of exchange rate made consumer’s consumption capability shrink and work as unfavorable factor to Korean economy. Third, Increase of gross money supply generally makes consumer’s purchasing power improve and production activity be activated. Fourth, Composite stock price index did not highly affect income yield rate of office building. Fifth, It was also analyzed that corporate bond yield with three years due did not highly affect income yield rate of office building. Finally, It would be difficult to say that index of economically active population highly affects income yield rate of office building. But there is possibility to affect income yield rate of office building so that this needs further study.

      • KCI등재

        오피스빌딩의 전력부하 및 외관 디자인 분석을 통한 BIPV 시스템 적용가능성에 관한 연구

        홍원화,김동식 대한건축학회 2006 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        Simultaneously, in order to solve a global environmental matter and an energy issue, the application of the renewable energy in the building has been constantly demanded. therefore, we must develop new energy resources which are abundant and substitute for fossil fuels. we must study the application method of the renewable energy in the building. Among renewable energy, the solar energy(photovoltaic system) is clean, inexhaustible and available everywhere around the world. Photovoltaic system has the application possibility in the building. the BIPV(Building Integrated Photovoltaic) system is the integration of photovoltaic into the building envelope, such as the roof or the facade. the use of BIPV system is a new design method in architecture. the aim of this study is to analyze the application possibility of BIPV system in the office building. therefore, we investigated electric power loads and exterior design of office building in the daegu metropolis and judged the integration capability to the office building of BIPV system.

      • KCI등재

        녹색건축인증제가 오피스시장에 미치는 영향분석

        김지현,강병록 韓國不動産學會 2013 不動産學報 Vol.55 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of green buildings on office rent market. A green building, for the purpose of this paper, refers to any building that meets the high standards set forth in Korean government's Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design(G-SEED). (2) RESEARCH METHOD The research method of this study is a multiple regression analysis. We have applied both semi-log regression function and double-log regression function both of which take dummy estimates of rent discrepancy between G-SEED office buildings and non G-SEED office buildings. The dataset was developed by combining information from real estate research centers and a G-SEED appraisal. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The results of multiple regression analysis reveal that statistically significant difference was found between office rent for G-SEED office buildings and non G-SEED office buildings. In other words. the G-SEED has strong positive effect on office rent as property's characteristics and its location have. 2. RESULTS This study shows that office rent market has already given higher value on green building by increasing office rent. We have concluded that G-SEED buildings have been considered as economically and environmentally superior buildings in the office market.

      • KCI우수등재

        사무 건축의 경계 공간 특성에 관한 연구

        펑젠보 대한건축학회 2022 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.38 No.7

        Information and technology are driving the rapid development of cities, and the office space of urban architecture is constantly innovating and evolving. The traditional office building space can no longer meet people's needs, and in response to this situation, architects try to find a solution from the new spatial field of architectural boundaries. As one of the main spatial places of modern office building space composition, boundary space is welcomed by people, but there is a deficiency in the planning of rational and comfortable layout of boundary space in modern office buildings. The purpose of this study is to discover the deep meaning and value orientation of office building boundary space, explore the characteristics of office building boundary space, and try to improve the techniques and strategies of boundary space environment design through theoretical examination and case analysis. First, in order to understand the spatial boundaries of office buildings from a cognitive perspective, the concept of architectural boundaries is summarized based on literature and data research, and then the theory of boundary space is elaborated. Based on the previous studies of boundary space at home and abroad, the elements of openness, connectivity, expansion, composite, transition, connection, ambiguity and permeability are derived as the analysis framework, and the characteristics of boundary space are analyzed through the cases of office buildings, and the corresponding conclusions are drawn. Firstly, through openness, the view of indoor and outdoor spaces of the building can be improved; through connectivity, the distance between two spaces can be brought closer. Secondly, through expansiveness, the use value of space can be improved; through composite, the unreasonable distribution of space can be improved. Thirdly, through transition, it can improve the connection between office space and surrounding environment; through diversity, it can improve the multi-functional requirements of building space. Fourth, through ambiguity, it can promote the mutual use of resources between the space inside and outside the building or between two adjacent spaces; through permeability, it can promote the mutual extension between the space inside and outside the building or between two adjacent spaces. 정보기술과 과학기술의 신속한 발전을 통해 업무의 편의성이 크게 향상되었고 새로운 사무 공간 모델의 등장은 업무의 편리함과 효율성을 증가시켰다. 효과와 이익을 확보하는 동시에 사무 공간이 가져오는 업무 스트레스를 효과적으로 완화시킬 수 있는지는 건축가들이 새롭게 고민해야 할 문제가 되었다. 이러한 환경에 따라 건축가들은 건축 경계라는 새로운 공간적 영역에서 해법을 찾고자 하며, 경계 공간은 현대의 사무 건축 공간으로 구성된 주요 구조 공간 중 하나로서, 건축가들이 경계 공간의 특성에 따라 공간 기능의 편안성을 합리적으로 분배하고 기획해야 한다. 본 연구의 목적은 이론적 고찰과 사례 분석을 통해 사무 건축 경계 공간의 깊은 의미와 가치 지향성을 발굴하고 사무 건축 경계 공간의 특성을 탐구하며 경계 공간 특성이 사무 건축에 미치는 영향과 역할을 연구, 분석하는 것이다.먼저 인지적 측면에서 사무 건축의 공간 경계를 이해하기 위해 문헌과 데이터 연구를 바탕으로 건축 경계의 개념을 정리한 다음, 경계 공간의 이론에 대해 논의한다. 국내외 선행연구를 통해 경계 공간과 관련된 요소를 구하고 사무 건축의 사례를 통해 경계 공간의 특성을 분석하고 상응하는 결론을 도출한다. 경계 공간의 이론을 바탕으로 사무 건축 사례에서 공간 경계의 개방성과 모호성의 표현은 명확하지 않으며, 연결성과 전환성 경계는 사무 공간에서 구현된다. 확장성과 복합성 경계의 디자인은 사무 공간에 사용 가치를 향상시키고, 다양성과 침투성도 경계를 만드는 주요한 디자인 기법이다. 연구 결과, 경계 공간에 대한 이론과 선행연구를 통해 건축 경계의 구조와 특성의 개념을 정립하고 사무 건축 경계 공간의 특성을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 공간 형식을 구성하는 요소의 개방성과 연결성을 통해 사무 공간을 더욱 편안하고 편리하게 사용할 수 있다. 둘째, 확장성과 복합성은 사무 공간의 사용 가치를 높인다. 셋째, 전환성은 사무 공간과 주위 환경을 자연스럽게 연결시키고 경계 공간도 시간과 공간 사이의 교류 영역으로 공간 지각의 다양성을 창조한다. 넷째, 모호성은 형식과 기능의 불확실성을 나타나고 침투성은 공간의 차원을 풍부하게 한다.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 도청사ㆍ부청사 건립의 배경과 성격

        김명선(Kim Myung-Sun),박정대(Park Jung-Dae) 대한건축학회 2008 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.24 No.2

        During the period of colonial Choson, there were a total of 13 To (道) government office buildings, and as few as 12 and as many as 22 Pu (府) government buildings. In the beginning of that period, To and Pu government buildings were mainly housed in pre-existing facilities that had initially been constructed as Togwanchalbu (道觀察府) or the Japanese Lisachung (日本理事廳), as well as other types of facilities. Eight out of the nine newly established Pu's in the 1930's continued to make use of pre-existing buildings. It was towards the latter half of the 1920's that To and Pu offices began to be newly constructed. In the case of To offices, even earlier cases of new construction existed. The main reasons that spurred these particularly early new constructions were the relocation of a To office building to a different city; the relocation of the To government building within the same city; or the loss of a facility due to fire. Additionally, for both To's and Pu's, there were a few instances where older, pre-existing buildings were enlarged or remodeled for continued use. The five main reasons to invest in new construction were, 1) the relocation of a To government building or the new designation of a Pu; 2) the deterioration of a facility or subsequent lack of space due to an increase in activities and employees; 3) the loss of a building due to a fire; 4) the subsequent off-center location of a Pu due to the relocation or growth of the town's administration district; or 5) the desire to provide a building that fittingly reflects the prestige and dignity that a To or Pu was believed to possess. Among these five reasons, the second demonstrated the most need for the new construction of To and Pu government buildings. Many To and Pu officers simultaneously requested that the Choson Government-General grant them permits for new construction, but insufficient funds prevented their demands from easily being met. For this reason, some To and Pu officers would apply for a building permit while also donating funds or land for the construction, which would have been secured as contributions from the townspeople. In this manner, the people of some To‘s and Pu's ended up partially carrying the burden of building construction costs. In the end, new construction for To and Pu government buildings came to realization only after their need reached urgent status, which shows how little the Choson Government-General was active in the construction of To and Pu office facilities. However, records show that the construction of new To offices of Pyongbuk (平北), Kyongnam (慶南), and Choongnam (忠南) were executed at the same time that the operation of these buildings were transferred to key points along the railroad connecting Pusan (釜山) and Manchuria. Also, the construction of Hambuk (咸北) To's office building occurred at the time of its relocation to the military city of Nanam (羅南). Both of these cases demonstrates that the Choson Government-General implemented the construction of To office buildings not in response to local needs, but for the overall interest of imperialist Japan.

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