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      • KCI등재

        한국 영어학습자들의 before절과 after절의 문장 내 위치에 대한 분석

        박태숙 한국중원언어학회 2019 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.52

        This paper examines how Korean EFL learners position temporal before-clauses and after-clauses in relation to main clauses in English sentences. The previous studies show that English native speakers tend to postpose before-clauses and after-clauses and that they prepose after-clauses denoting a prior event more often than before-clauses in line with the principle of iconicity. In this study, 231 before- and after-clauses in 65 college students’ English writings were analysed in terms of clause ordering. The results showed that 135 before- and after-clauses (58.4%) preceded the main clause while 96 (41.6%) followed the main clause. This suggests that Korean EFL learners tend to prepose these two temporal clauses, which can be interpreted to be the effect of L1 transfer. Sixty-eight before-clauses (56.2%) preceded the main clause in a total of 121 before-clauses, and 67 after-clauses (60.9%) preceded the main clause in 110 after-clauses. This implies that Korean learners of English may apply the principle of iconicity to their use of before- and after-clauses.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 주어절의 한국어 대응 양상 고찰

        文有美(Moon, You-mi) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.101

        This thesis considered aspects of correspondence in Chinese subject clauses and the Korean language. The details are as follows: First, relevant solutions were presented, with a focus on the definitions, characteristics, scope of Chinese and Korean subject clauses, the position of the clauses in grammatical units, and others. Second, it looked at characteristics of the nominalizing endings of Korean subject clauses ‘-(eu)m’ and ‘-gi’ or their dependent noun ‘geot’ as well as predication types of matrix sentences including Korean subject clauses. Third, by choosing example sentences according to classification of types of predicates of matrix sentences including Chinese subject clauses, it selected a sample of Korean and Chinese people and examined aspects of correspondence in the Korean language. As a result, it could be seen that various correspondence forms exist when Chinese subject clauses are translated into the Korean language. There were cases where forms of Chinese subject clauses were completely consistent with those of Korean ones; when predicates of Chinese matrix sentences realize modals (e.g. auxiliary verbs, requesting and imperative verbs, relative verbs, influential verbs), forms of correspondence in the Korean language were forms of clauses indicating condition, purpose, reason, etc. Finally, it makes suggests as follow-up studies on Chinese and Korean subject clauses as follows: 1. Consideration of aspects of correspondence in Korean subject clauses against the Chinese language 2. A syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic contrastive analysis of predicates of matrix sentences including Chinese and Korean subject clauses 3. A contrastive analysis of main predicates constituents of Chinese and Korean subject clauses 4. Consideration of selection of the case markers ‘-eun/-neun/-i/-ga’ in terms of forms of translating Chinese subject clauses into the Korean language 5. An analysis of the characteristics of an Chinese and Korean according to the target language level in terms of forms of translating Chinese subject clauses into the Korean language

      • KCI등재

        한국 영어학습자들의 because, since, as 이유절 사용에 관한 연구

        오치성 ( Oh Chisung ),박태숙 ( Park Tae-sook ) 대한언어학회 2016 언어학 Vol.24 No.4

        This study investigates Korean learners` positioning of because-, since-, and as-clauses in relation to main clauses in causal complex sentences. For this purpose, 156 low-intermediate college students were asked to write English sentences using causal because, since, and as as class assignments. Because-, since-, and as-clauses in their English compositions were analyzed in terms of ordering of causal adverbial clauses and main clauses. The results showed that because-clauses were used most frequently as independent clauses, and that since-clauses and as-clauses were preposed more often than because-clauses. Particularly, students used independent since- and as-clauses, though they were used less frequently than independent because-clauses. These results suggest that Korean learners tend to recognize not only because but also since and as as waynyahomyen in Korean. The transfer of L1, argued in Park & Oh`s (2016) study on because-clauses, is shown to have an effect on the use of ungrammatical independent since- and as-clauses. As for preposed since- and as-clauses, it is indicated that since and as are considered -ki ttaymwuney more often than because. This factor might lead Korean learners to use since- and as-clauses more frequently before the main clause, in comparison with because-clauses.

      • KCI등재

        영어 when 부사절의 문장 내 위치에 관한 연구

        오치성(Chisung Oh) 한국중원언어학회 2016 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.41

        This paper examines the factors that motivate the positioning of adverbial when-clauses in English sentences. According to Diessel (2005), the positioning of time adverbial clauses is generally influenced by the iconicity principle, which tells that the ordering of the time adverbial clauses and main clauses reflects the actual ordering of their events. According to the iconicity principle, adverbial when-clauses, when compared to after-clauses, should less frequently occur in the sentence-initial position. However, it is shown that the proportion of sentence-initial when-clauses is higher than that of sentence-initial after-clauses, which indicates that there are other factors that motivate the initial occurrence of when-clauses. Using corpus data, this paper examines the relations between adverbial when-clauses and main clauses. The findings of this paper reveal that there are two other factors influencing the sentence-initial occurrence of when-clauses, namely conditionality and immediate sequentiality of the events. It is also shown that conditionality motivates the initial occurrence of the conditional if-clauses and that immediate sequentiality of events motivates the initial occurrence of as soon as-clauses.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트 안의 was-관계문장에 관하여

        김백기 한국텍스트언어학회 2009 텍스트언어학 Vol.27 No.-

        s paper observed a specific type of the relative clause in German, namely “was-relative clauses”, in respect to their functional characters in texts. In particular, this paper focused on the relation between the was-relative clause and the main clause, as well as the relation between the was-relative clause and the context. German grammarians have paid attention to this type of the relative clauses and attempted to explain and describe its characters. But they have treated the relative clauses in isolated sentences and their interests were limited to the formal structure and sentential semantics. Therefore, not many studies have been done on the relative clauses in the contextual level. This paper aims to fill this gap. The was-relative clause fulfills a typical function in texts and provides extra explanation about the main clause. On the basis of these things, the was-relative clause is closely linked with the related context in a unique way. This study should be defined as a textlinguistic work. This approach could also be applied to foreign language education and German text translation.

      • SPECIAL TOPICS IN MARITIME LAW : A Commentary on Chinese Marine Insurance Clauses: Basic Feature, Main Defects and Revision Suggestions

        ( Zuo Xian Zhu ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2014 The Asian Business Lawyer Vol.13 No.-

        This article discusses the basic feature and main defects of Chinese marine insurance clauses based on Chinese judicial practice. With respect to Chinese Hull Insurance Clauses, the covered perils, the exclusions, all risks cover, navigation clause, subrogation clause and so on are deeply studied. With respect to Chinese Cargo Insurance Clauses, all risks cover, exclusions, commencement and termination of cover, duty of the insured are specially analyzed. As a whole, these clauses are in line with internationally-accepted practice. However, although the relevant wording maybe is very similar, there still exist some important differences between Chinese clauses and UK clauses which should be noted. And there are some apparent defects which should be rectified. Especially, the relevant defects or gap of marine insurance law of CMC which will not be revised or filled in the near future, therefore, perfection of insurance clauses appears to be important to achieve the reasonable and foreseeable outcome for the parties to marine insurance contract.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트 안의 was-관계문장에 관하여

        김백기 ( Paig Ki Kim ) 한국텍스트언어학회 2009 텍스트언어학 Vol.27 No.-

        This paper observed a specific type of the relative clause in German, namely "was-relative clauses", in respect to their functional characters in texts. In particular, this paper focused on the relation between the was-relative clause and the main clause, as well as the relation between the was-relative clause and the context. German grammarians have paid attention to this type of the relative clauses and attempted to explain and describe its characters. But they have treated the relative clauses in isolated sentences and their interests were limited to the formal structure and sentential semantics. Therefore, not many studies have been done on the relative clauses in the contextual level. This paper aims to fill this gap. The was-relative clause fulfills a typical function in texts and provides extra explanation about the main clause. On the basis of these things, the was-relative clause is closely linked with the related context in a unique way. This study should be defined as a textlinguistic work. This approach could also be applied to foreign language education and German text translation.

      • KCI등재

        약관조항의 투명성의 원칙(上) : 독일에서의 논의와 우리 약관법에의 도입을 중심으로

        장경환(Chang, Kyung Whan),최광준(Tsche, Kwang Jun) 경희법학연구소 2021 경희법학 Vol.56 No.4

        1. 약관법에서 ‘투명성의 원칙’(Transparenzgebot)은, 약관조항이 고객의 권리와 의무의 내용을 명확하게 규정하여 고객이 그 내용을 이해할 수 있게 하여야 한다는 원칙을 말한다. 독일에서는 구 독일약관법(AGB-Gesetz) 제9조(일반조항) 제1항(우리 약관법 제6조[일반원칙] 제1항에 해당함)의 해석을 통하여 판례와 학설에서 인정되어 오던 투명성의 원칙이 독일채무법현대화법의 제정에 따라 독일민법 제307조에 명문화되었다. 즉, 2002년 독일민법은 (i) 제307조 제1항 제2문을 신설하여 “약관규정이 불명확하고 이해할 수 없는 경우에도 부당한 불이익이 생길 수 있다.”고 규정함으로써 약관조항이 투명성 원칙의 위반으로도 무효로 될 수 있다는 뜻과, (ii) 같은 조 제3항 제2문을 신설하여 (법규를 이탈하거나 보충하는 약관규정에 해당하지 아니하는) “기타의 약관규정”(예컨대, ‘주된 급부의무에 관한 조항’과 ‘넓은 의미의 선언적 조항’)도 이 원칙의 적용대상이 된다는 뜻을 분명히 하였다. (iii) 또한 이 원칙을 특별히 소비자 약관에 한정하여 적용되는 것으로 규정하지 않음으로써 상인(기업) 간의 약관에 대해서도 이 원칙이 적용되도록 하였다. 이처럼 투명성의 원칙이 독일민법 제307조에 규정된 지 상당한 기간이 지났고, 그동안 이 원칙에 관한 독일에서의 논의도 상당히 축적되었다. 이에 이 원칙을 살피고, 우리 약관법에의 도입을 검토하고자 한다. 2. 독일민법 제307조는 투명성 원칙의 위반에 대해 제2항의 하나의 호(제2항 제3호)로서 「의심스러운 경우 부당한 불이익이 있는 것으로 인정할 수 있다」(즉, 무효로 추정한다)고 규정하지 않고, 제1항 제2문으로서 「부당한 불이익이 생길 수 있다」고 규정하였다. 연방의회 법률위원회는 그 이유를 (i) 그간의 판례는 불투명조항을 무효추정에 근거하여 무효로 한 바가 없기 때문이고, (ii) 투명성 원칙의 위반을 무효로 추정하면 다의적 약관조항은 그 내용의 모호성으로 인해 쉽게 무효로 될 수 있고, 작성자불이익의 원칙이 적용될 여지가 없게 되어 고객에게 더 불리하게 될 수도 있기 때문이라고 하였다. 그러나 사견으로는, 작성자불이익의 원칙에 따른 결과와 투명성의 원칙에 따른 결과 중에서 고객에게 더 유리한 것을 인정하는 이른바 ‘최대유리의 원칙’에 따른다면, 다의적 조항을 무효로 추정하여 쉽게 무효로 되게 하더라도 고객에게 특별히 불리할 것이 없게 된다. 따라서 위 ‘(ii)’의 이유는 유지되기 어렵다고 생각된다. 또한 무효추정의 기준을 법률상의 규율이 ‘있는 경우’와 ‘없는 경우’로 나누어 2원적 기준(‘법률상의 규율’과 ‘계약상 전형적인 규율’)으로 구성하는 한, 무효추정의 기준으로서 제3의 기준을 추가하는 것은 무효추정의 체계를 혼란스럽게 하는 점에서도 바람직하지 않다고 생각된다. 따라서 투명성 원칙의 위반에 대한 무효추정의 배제는 그 이유를 ‘연혁적인 이유’(위 ‘(i)’의 이유)와 ‘무효추정의 2원적 기준의 체계’에서 찾아야 할 것으로 생각된다. 결론적으로, 독일민법 제307조는 직접적 내용통제(불공정성통제 또는 효력통제)의 일반기준으로서, 구 독일약관법 제9조 제2항으로부터 승계한 (i) ‘법률상의 규율’(임의법규 및 법원칙; 독일민법 307조 2항 1호)과 (ii) ‘계약의 성질에 따른 규율’(같은 조항 2호)과 더불어, 2002년 독일민법이 새로 명문화한 (iii) ‘투명성의 원칙’(독일민법 307조 1항 2문) 등 3가지를 제시하게 되었다. 앞의 2가지 기준을 위반하는 약관조항은 무효로 추정되고 사업자가 반증책임을 지지만, 투명성의 원칙을 위반하는 약관조항(불투명조항)은 무효추정이 배제되고 고객이 그 조항의 불투명성으로 인한 부당한 불이익의 존재를 증명해야 한다. 3. ‘주된 급부의무에 관한 조항’(이하 ‘주급부조항’이라 함)과 ‘선언적 조항’은 전통적으로 직접적 내용통제의 대상에서 제외되었다(구 독일약관법 8조). 주급부조항(급부기술[記述]조항 및 가격결정조항)의 경우에는 급부와 가격(대가)의 관계는 시장의 법칙과 사적 자치에 따라야 하고 사회질서 위반⋅폭리 등 특별한 사유가 없는 한 직접적 내용통제를 해서는 안 되기 때문이고, 선언적 조항의 경우에는 법규를 표시하는 조항으로서 그 내용이 법규를 이탈하거나 보충하는 것에 해당하지 않기 때문이다. 그러나 독일민법은 제307조 제3항 제2문을 신설하여 ① 주급부조항에 대해서도 투명성의 원칙이 적용되는 것으로 규정하였다. 사업자는 ‘그의 주된 급부의 내용’ 및 ‘주된 급부 또는 독자적인 부수적 급부의 가격(대가)’이라고 하더라도 고객의 이익에 중대한 영향을 미치는 사항으로서 약관에서 이를 투명하게 기술(규정)해야 할 필요가 있기 때문이다. Section 307 (1) sentence 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB) stipulates the so-called “transparency principle” or “transparency requirements” (Transparenzgebot). According to this stipulation, if a clause of “general terms and conditions” (hereafter “GTCs”) is not formulated in a clear and comprehensible manner and if thereby the contractual partner of the GTCs user is to incur an unreasonable disadvantage contrary to the principle of good faith, then the clause of GTCs is invalid. However, there is no such a stipulation in “Korean Act on the Regulation of GTCs” (hereafter “Korean AGB­Gesetz”). In the first part of this paper, the legal situations in Germany will be presented, in the second part of this paper, the legal decisions in Germany will be analyzed, and finally, the possibility of introducing the transparency principle into Korean AGB­Gesetz will be examined. The transparency control is of particular importance for the control of agreements regulating the main contractual obligations, which are excluded from the reasonability control pursuant to Section 307 (3) sentence 1 BGB and are only subject to the transparency control pursuant to Section 307 (3) sentence 2 BGB within the scope of Sections 307-309 BGB. The transparency of a GTCs clause must always be distinguished from its interpretation, whereby it can sometimes be difficult to draw the line between the interpretability and non-transparency of a GTCs clause. Compared the contractual result from transparency principle with the one from contra proferentem (Unklarheitenregel), a more advantageous one to the contractual partner of the GTCs user should be granted. The purpose of transparency principle is to protect the contractual partner of the GTCs user at the time of the conclusion and also during the subsequent performance of contract from incorrectly assessing the advantages and disadvantages or the rights and obligations due to unclear or incomprehensible wording of contract. Such a misjudgment involves the risk that the contractual partner enters into a contract he would not have entered into if the clause had been formulated clearly and understandably and therefore the situation had been correctly assessed on this basis. Similarly, misleading wording in the phase of contract implementation can lead to the contractual partner misjudging his legal position and, on this basis, refraining, for example, from asserting rights to which he is entitled. According to the general opinion, the invalidity of a GTCs clause does not result directly from the simple fact that it is not formulated in a clear and understandable manner. Rather, the unreasonable disadvantage of the contractual partner, which leads to the invalidity of a GTCs clause, only results from the fact that an unclear or incomprehensible clause gives rise to the risk that the contractual partner can not enforce the rights to which he is entitled. The German Federal Labor Court (BAG) expressly assumes that the purpose of transparency principle is to prevent the risk that the contractual partner can be deterred from enforcing the existing rights due to an unclear, possibly misleading contractual language. Therefore, a violation of transparency principle does not exist even if the employee has no or only a difficult possibility to understand the relevant clause. Only if the risk exists, that the contractual partner does not exercise his rights due to an unclearly worded GTCs clause, there will be an unreasonable disadvantage within the meaning of Section 307 (1) BGB. The transparency principle imposes a duty on the GTCs user to exercise his formulation authority in a manner to present the rights and obligations of his contractual partner as clearly and comprehensibly as possible in GTCs clauses. In addition to this requirement of clarity and comprehensibility, the transparency principle of Section 307 (1) sentence 2 BGB also includes the requirement of certainty.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 탈종속화(Insubordination)의 한 종류

        문숙영(Mun, Suk-yeong) 한국어학회 2015 한국어학 Vol.69 No.-

        This paper discusses several characteristics found in Korean insubordination. According to Evans (2007), ‘insubordination’ refers to the conventionalized main clauses use of what appears to be formally subordinate clauses. The objects of this study are the following 6 forms, ‘-deunji’ ‘-eosseumyeon’, ‘-gineun1’ ‘-gineun2’ ‘-gileul’ and ‘-neun/eul subakke’, which have not been classified as sentence-final forms. They have several grammatical phenomena in common. First, they are not always allowed to recover a main clause or main verb, in other words, very restricted main verbs can come after these constructions. This means that the range of meanings of the insubordination construction becomes quite narrow and specific, compared to when they are used as ordinary subordinate clauses. Second, their illocutionary force does not change depending on intonation, unlike what we call ‘banmal(반말)’, and the sentence types of these constructions may often be vague. Third, some of them still cannot take tense endings and they can refer to past events, without taking past tense.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자의 관계관형절 발달에서의 평행 기능 가설과 지각 난이성 가설의 검증

        최은지 ( Choi Eun Ji ) 민족어문학회 2022 어문논집 Vol.- No.96

        본 연구에서는 관계관형절 발달에 관한 여러 가설들 중 평행 기능 가설과 지각 난이성 가설을 검증하고자 한다. 평행 기능 가설과 지각 난이성 가설은 여타의 다른 가설들과 달리 관계관형절의 발달을 주절과의 관련성 속에서 살펴보는 가설이다. 평행 기능 가설은 핵명사의 관계절 내에서의 기능과 주절에서의 기능이 같을 때가 그렇지 않을 때보다 더 쉽게 습득된다는 가설이다. 그리고 지각 난이성 가설은 관계관형절이 주절의 처음 또는 끝 부분에 위치하는 것이 주절의 중간에 위치하는 것보다 인지적 어려움을 덜 주어 더 쉽게 습득된다는 가설이다. 이러한 평행 기능 가설과 지각 난이성 가설을 검증하기 위하여 중국인 한국어 학습자 3명을 대상으로 1년 6개월 동안 수집한 자유 대화 발화 자료에서 관계관형절을 추출하였다. 그리고 이를 핵명사의 관계절 내에서의 기능과 주절에서의 기능을 기준으로 유형 분류하였으며, 그 출현 빈도와 통사적 오류 빈도를 분석하였다. 관계관형절 유형의 전체적인 출현 빈도를 살펴본 결과, 평행 기능 가설을 기각하는 것으로 나타났다. 지각 난이성 가설의 주장 역시 시기별 관계관형절 유형의 출현 및 습득 시기를 살펴보았을 때에 성립되지 않았다. 본 연구는 관계관형절 발달에서 핵명사와 주절의 관계를 중심으로 한국어 학습자 관계관형절 사용과 발달을 살펴보았다는 데에 의미가 있다. The purpose of this study is to verify parallel function hypothesis(PFH) and perceptual difficulty hypothesis(PDH) in the relative clause development. The PFH and PDH which are different from other hypotheses review the relative clause development in the relation with main clause. The PFH insists that learners can learn more easily when the function of head noun in the relative clause and the function of main clause are same than when they are different. The PDH insists that learners can learn more easily when the relative clause is located in the first or end of main clause which relieves the cognitive difficulty than when it is located in the middle. In order to verify these hypotheses, the relative clause is extracted from free talking data collected from 3 Chinese who learn Korean for one year and 6 months. And the type was classified depending on the function of head noun in the relative clause and in the main clause, and the appearance frequency and the syntax error frequency were analyzed. As a result to review overall appearance frequency of relative clause type, it was found the PFH is rejected. When reviewing the appearance and learning period of time, the assertion of the PDH is also rejected. This study is meaningful in that it examines the use and development of relative clause by the Korean learner focusing on the relationship between the head noun and the main clause in the development of the relative clause.

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