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        중국 고대의 ‘사랑’ 개념과 사랑시의 주제 ― 先秦에서 唐代까지의 사랑시를 중심으로

        金俊淵 ( Kim Joonyoun ) 중국어문연구회 2022 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.111

        This paper attempted to analyze love poetry in China and investigate the concept of love in ancient China, the main themes of love poetry, and the typicality and emotions of love poetry by period. For this, a representative poems were selected and a topic modeling study was conducted by analyzing the TF-IDF index. Topic modeling is a statistical model for identifying the subject of a particular text. TF-IDF is a method of approaching the subject of poetry by analyzing the frequency of poetic words. Since there are no separate documents collected only from ancient Chinese love poems, this paper selected 164 love poems several documents by period and made separate documents for TF index analysis. The documents for IDF index analysis were made into 942 poems contained in three documents containing about 300 poems by period. For these poems, I secured a list of the top 50 TF-IDF indices for topic modeling. In ancient China, love is a concept closely related to the social system of marriage. Therefore, it is difficult to explain with modern love theory that values only the emotional aspect. As the theme of ancient Chinese love poems shifted from Pre-Chin(先秦) to Tang(唐) Dynasty, the theme of ‘breakup’ was strengthened rather than ‘passionate love’. Overall, ‘思’ which means ‘missing’, was found to represent the characteristic aspect of ancient Chinese love poetry. Sub-topics of love poetry include ‘Breakup’ and ‘Worry’. This is not because the concept of love has changed, but rather because the perception that love poetry should also be the result of intellectual actions has become stronger. The typicality of love poetry of each period was explored by dividing 164 love poems by period and examining the TF-IDF index. Pre-Chin’s love poems are characterized by many works that sing pure love, and female speakers are the mainstream. Although women appear as the main characters in the love poems of Han-Wei and Six Dynasties, it is evaluated that indirectness or figurativeity has increased in that most of the poets were men. The breakup quickly emerged as a major theme and the description became more delicate. In love poetry of the time, the ingredient of resentment was strengthened, and the theme of betrayal was often mentioned. It is also noteworthy that ‘tears’ was frequently used. Among the top 50 words in the TF-IDF index, those that do not overlap with each period were analyzed to see how the expression representing the emotions of love poetry changed. As a result, the role of ‘heartache(傷)’ in the Pre-Chin, ‘worry(憂)’ in the Han-Wei and Six Dynasties, and ‘resentment(恨)’ in Tang dynasty stood out. Pre-Chin’s love poems often expressed heartbreaking emotions that he/she could not be with his/her beloved. The love poems of Han-Wei and Six Dynasties dealt with the worries of the wife or husband who were engaged in staying alone due to separation or bereavement. The love poems of the Tang dynasty have been embodied several times in which they resent and lament the situation in which love is difficult to achieve amicably.

      • KCI등재

        역할모델로서의 존 던의 완전한 사랑

        이상엽 한국고전중세르네상스영문학회 2006 중세근세영문학 Vol.16 No.1

        According to the dictionary, "Role Model" means "a person whose behaviour in a particular role is worshipped and copied or is likely to be worshipped and copied by others." Some of The Songs and Sonnets show male speaker, or a couple of lovers, who embody 'perfect love' faithfully enough to be role models. These poems include "The Canonization", "Twicknam garden", "A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day", "A Valediction: forbidding mourning", "The Relique", "Negative love", "The Paradox", "Farewell to love", and "The Baite". For one thing, in "The Canonization" I can read such a passage as this, "Beg from above / A patterne of your love!"(37-45; italics mine), which evidently represents a role model as perfect love. Donne's perfect love as a role model seems to be related to a strong desire for engraving his peculiar personality in his works. According to J. E. V. Crofts, most of the sentences of John Donne begin with the pronoun "I" (133). He suggests that for Donne everything begin and end in this manner, which means that throughout his life he is a man self-haunted, unable to escape from his own drama, unable to find any window that will not give him back the image of himself. Even the mistress of his love poems, who must be a real person, remains for him a mere abstraction of sex: a thing given. In this respect I can say that it is not of her that he writes, but of his relation to her; not of love, but of himself loving. After all, every word of Donne is resonant with his voice; every line seems to bear the stamp of his self-assertion.

      • KCI등재

        Theological and Biblical Survey on God as Parent

        Shin, Seung Beom 한국실천신학회 2015 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.45

        God as parent desires relationship with his children. Apparently, his relationship with his children reflects his very nature, which is love.(1 John 4:8, 4:16) God’s love as parent can help humans learn what it means to be a loving parent. God loves his children. He shows the very nature of his love by sending his beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Obviously, his love toward his children is self-giving and sacrificial. In addition, his love includes discipline. Discipline is an integral part of showing God’s love and authority toward his children.(Heb. 12:8) Even Jesus, the beloved Son, was not exempt from discipline.(Heb. 12:2) The author of Hebrews clarifies that discipline is not only the validating mark of sonship(Heb. 12:7), but also a means to strengthening faith and character.(Heb. 12:11-12) Without doubt, the motive of discipline is always love. Both God’s love and his loving discipline are integral parts of God’s parenting. God provides example, direction, and the dynamics for human parents. If one seeks a model for parenting, it seems appropriate to look to God, the ultimate model parent.

      • KCI등재

        Theological and Biblical Survey on God as Parent

        신승범 한국실천신학회 2015 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.45

        God as parent desires relationship with his children. Apparently, his relationship with his children reflects his very nature, which is love.(1 John 4:8, 4:16) God’s love as parent can help humans learn what it means to be a loving parent. God loves his children. He shows the very nature of his love by sending his beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Obviously, his love toward his children is self-giving and sacrificial. In addition, his love includes discipline. Discipline is an integral part of showing God’s love and authority toward his children.(Heb. 12:8) Even Jesus, the beloved Son, was not exempt from discipline.(Heb. 12:2) The author of Hebrews clarifies that discipline is not only the validating mark of sonship(Heb. 12:7), but also a means to strengthening faith and character.(Heb. 12:11-12) Without doubt, the motive of discipline is always love. Both God’s love and his loving discipline are integral parts of God’s parenting. God provides example, direction, and the dynamics for human parents. If one seeks a model for parenting, it seems appropriate to look to God, the ultimate model parent.

      • 창조성의 신애력 신장을 위한 교수-학습방법에 관한 고찰

        김정아 ( Jeong A Kim ) 창조교육학회 2015 창조교육논총 Vol.17 No.-

        This study reflects consideration of increase of faith and love capability in creativity. Faith and love capability in creativity is one of the factors of human abilities for value creation. It is a religious quality achieved by human faith and love, and has relevance to all areas of human``s life. By practicing faith and love capability as a religious quality a human forms ego, creates spiritual culture, and achieve value creation. In order to increase faith and love capability in creation, learners should be taught to devote themselves to others and have selfless love in the field of education. A teaching model of creative education for increase of faith and love capability should be based on the teaching model of ethics, namely, voluntary services. Faith and love capability in education can be achieved by voluntary services teaching how to love nations, people, and humankind, which enables value creation through faith and love. Faith and love capability in creation, thereupon, can be increased by voluntary services.

      • KCI등재후보

        유아 나라사랑 교육 프로그램 모형 개발

        유은정,정희정 한국보훈학회 2014 한국보훈논총 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop a model of early childhood patriotism education program available for early childhood education institutions. After the objectives of education was set up based on recent early childhood education programs, teaching/learning methods and evaluation methods were selected as well. A program model was constructed in this process, and Taba(1962)'s process of curriculum development model and Yoo Sun-young(2014)'s process of development and Ha Mi-kyung(2014)'s process of development were all combined with some modifications to finalize a process of development: literature analysis, survey on the state and needs, program construction, expert consultation and final development of program model. An early childhood patriotism education program model was developed in the above-mentioned process. The educational object of this model was to provide patriotism education for preschoolers to foster their spirit of love for the nation, and it consisted of the following themes: education about national symbol, history, traditional culture, national unification/security, national identity, great Korean people, national pride and practice of love for the nation. According to the semesters of early childhood education institutions, all the education is conducted in the form of a systemized yearly program 16 times in total, twice each in March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December. In terms of teaching/learning methods, cooperative learning by theme- based projects, edutainment-aided learning, hands-on learning by paying a visit to local community and home-assisted learning by task assignment are introduced, and the selected teaching/learning materials are websites, local community and picture books related to the selected themes. Finally, a qualitative evaluation is implemented to find out the level of changes in preschoolers' spirit of love for the nation to determine the effects of the program. Their works, interview videos, reflective journal and home assignments are all collected for analysis. This study is of great significance in that it discussed the importance of early childhood patriotism education and attempted to develop a program model. 본 연구는 향후 미래를 짊어질 유아들이 국가에 대한 긍정적인 정체성을 형성할 수 있도록 유아 나라사랑교육 프로그램 모형 개발에 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 최근 유아교육 관련 프로그램을 토대로 교육목적 및 목표, 교육내용, 교수-학습방법, 평가의 과정으로 프로그램의 모형을 구성하고, Taba(1962)의 교육과정 개발 모형 절차와 유선영(2014), 허미경(2014)의 개발절차를 결합·수정하여 문헌고찰, 현황 및 요구조사, 프로그램 구성, 전문가 협의, 프로그램 모형 최종 개발의 과정을 확립하였다. 개발된 유아 나라사랑교육 프로그램 모형 내용은 다음과 같다. ① 나라사랑 교육을 통해 유아들의 나라사랑 정신을 함양하는 것을 교육목적으로 국가상징 교육, 역사 교육, 전통문화 교육, 통일안보 교육, 국가정체성 교육, 국가위인 교육, 민족 자긍심 교육, 국가사랑 실천의 주제로 교육내용을 구성하였다. 이 교육내용은 유아교육기관의 학기와 연계되어 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12월에 각 2회씩 총 16회의 체계적인 연간 프로그램으로 운영된다. ② 교수-학습방법의 경우 교수-학습과정에는 주제 중심의 프로젝트를 통한 협동학습, 에듀테인먼트 활용학습, 지역사회탐방을 통한 체험학습, 과제부여를 통한 가정연계학습이 포함되고, 교수-학습자료로는 인터넷 홈페이지, 지역사회, 주제관련 그림책이 포함된다. ③ 본 프로그램의 효과에 대한 평가는 유아들의 나라사랑 정신 함양에 있어 변화 정도를 알아보기 위한 질적 평가로서 유아들의 작품, 인터뷰 녹화 영상, 반성적 저널, 가정에 부여된 과제 모두를 수집하여 분석하게 된다. 이러한 모형개발 결과를 토대로 본 연구에서는 향후 프로그램 모형 적용에 따른 교육운영의 효율화 방안에 대해 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘사랑의 실천’을 촉진하는 기독교교육 모형

        민영기 연세대학교 신과대학 연합신학대학원 2023 신학논단 Vol.114 No.-

        This study proposes a Christian education model that promotes ‘practice of love’, the core of Christian practice norms, using James M. Lee’s social science method. When using theories based on theology, there are limitations in bringing about discernible changes in learners’ behavior. This is because theoretical variables that are far beyond the teacher’s control, such as ‘grace’ and ‘sanctification’, intervene in the teaching-learning process that promotes ‘practice of love’. Lee argues that teaching-learning theory based on social science, which focuses on learning itself, is suitable for application to Christian education because it provides practical help for teachers to work effectively with students in the ‘here and now’ teaching-learning situation. This study sought to demonstrate that social science methods can be effectively used to form a christian identity even if it is a teaching-learning method applied in a limited laboratory situation. In addition, This study tried to argue that such characteristics can overcome the limitations faced by christian education in terms of time and space and effectively lead to change in learners. Accordingly, this study seeks to propose a religious teaching model to promote ‘practice of love’ by structuring learning situations. First, after classifying the objects of love practice according to the degree of intimacy, a total of nine practice goals were set according to the degree of sacrifice required by the practice of love. Next, at each stage, examples of educational content and methods were proposed to advance the ‘practice of love’ to the next stage. Through this, this study aim to demonstrate that even for the most abstract and normative educational goal of ‘practicing love’ in Christian education, the most specific and practical social scientific methods can still be applied as an effective method of Christian education.

      • KCI등재

        Duration Prediction Models for Construction Projects: In Terms of Cost or Physical Characteristics?

        Savas Bayram 대한토목학회 2017 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.21 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to investigate and to validate the ‘Bromilow’s Time-cost (BTC) model’ and the ‘Love et al.’s Time- Floor (LTF) model’ for Turkish public building projects, to check their appropriateness and to compare their prediction performances on project duration. The LTF model formulates the project duration in terms of gross floor area & floor numbers while the BTC model formulated it in terms of cost. Despite the consideration of the different characteristics, both models were inspired from Australian building projects. The study also presents ‘best-fit models’ as a benchmark for the BTC and the LTF models in order to fill the gap in construction duration predictions. The research data were collected from a total of 530 Turkish public building projects which were completed in seven geographic regions by performing an archive search work. 80% of the total data (i.e. from 424 projects) were used to establish the models while the remaining 20% (106 projects) were used for validation. Eight project characteristics of; total construction area, building height, gross floor area, floor numbers, contract sum, actual cost, contract duration and the actual duration were collected. Since there was no central archiving conduction to obtain these characteristics, more than a thousand tender documents were examined, and for 530 documents these characteristics were available. Consequently, it was found that the BTC model is superior to the LTF model, which confirms that ‘cost’ is a more significant predictor of the ‘duration’ than ‘gross floor area’ & ‘floor numbers’. However, the proposed ‘best-fit model’ indicated that the ‘area’ and the ‘height’ are the main predictors of the ‘duration’ as well as the ‘cost’.

      • KCI등재

        한국 대중가요 가사 유형화에 토픽 모델링(LDA 및 STM) 적용 실용성 시론 - 70년대 이후 “사랑” 주제어 관련 가사를 중심으로-

        ( Fei Li ) 한국텍스트언어학회 2020 텍스트언어학 Vol.49 No.-

        In Korea, popular songs could be a very important way for people to express their "love" feelings, which inspired many researchers to excavate the hidden connections between humans’ love perception and popular songs with different genres based on the lyrics with "love-centered" keywords. Traditionally, a qualitative analysis of "love-centered" lyrics should focus on several typical instances extracted from the whole samples, generalizing the characteristics of a specific writer or brief period. However, with the development of computer science and statistics, it now provides a new perspective for us to elucidate the true meanings behind the natural language texts without human beings’ subjective interpretations. This quantitative analysis method, on the one hand, can efficiently relieve the manual classification burdens and generate a more precise sorting result even than human beings' doing. On the other hand, the rigidly quantized classification criteria sometimes can also incur several enigmatic conclusions conflicting with people's intuitional judgment. To demonstrate the practicability of it, this paper hence chose to manipulate 5082 Korean "love-centered" lyrics collected from online with 2 kinds of considerably valuable "topic models": LAD & STM, aimed to 1. verify the feasibility of automatically constructing a taxonomy system of "love-centered" lyrics; 2. examine and speculate a diachronic correlation between "love-centered" lyrics and published years. As a result, it is of great necessity to optimize the themes K selection when conducting a topic modeling experiment. And based on a reasonable classification, it is possible to observe a significant regressive trend on different groups of "love-centered" lyrics through years. But because of the performance limitation of topic modelling, there are still some biased cases that can be found, which implies a further improvement not just on technical parameter testing but also on a potential collaboration between quantitative and qualitative analysis.

      • KCI등재

        『김연실전』에 나타난 욕망, 그리고 모순

        이상재 한국문학이론과비평학회 2016 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.73 No.-

        김동인의 『김연실전』은 근대 초기 문학가인 김명순을 모델로 한 소설로 알려져 있다. 이 소설로 인해 김명순은 조국을 떠나 귀국하지 못하고 떠도는 신세가 된 것은 주지의 사실이다. 또한 이 소설이 널리 알려진 것은 소설의 예술성에서라기보다는 소설 내용과 실제 모델과의 관련성 때문이다. 따라서 본고는 『김연실전』에 나타난 욕망과 그에 따른 서술의 모순성을 살펴보았다. 『김연실전』에서 등장인물 김연실의 욕망은 주로 중개자에 의해 이뤄졌다. 즉 자신의 진정한 욕망보다는 타자의 욕망을 욕망함으로써 결국에는 좌절을 겪을 수밖에 없었다. 이 욕망의 본질을 통해서 근대 지식인이 지닌 본질적 한계도 엿볼 수 있다. 또 다른 욕망은 작가 김동인의 욕망이다. 모순된 서술을 통해 그는 ‘근대 문학의 선구자’라는 자신의 욕망을 충실히 드러냈다. 그는 소설을 통해 근대 문학의 한 부분을 차지했던 김명순을 비롯한 여류 작가들을 악의적으로 비판함으로써 그들을 문학계에서 배제하는 논리로 사용하였다. 또한 출판사의 생존의 욕망도 드러났다. 엄혹한 일제시기를 넘어서기 위해서 소설가들에게 독자의 호기심을 자극할 수 있는 통속적 소설 창작을 제안했다. 이것이 1930년대 말부터 유행하게 된 모델 소설의 시작이다. 그러나 이 욕망들의 표출에서 간과할 수 없는 사실은 소설의 실제 모델에게 미치는 영향이다. 『김연실전』에서 드러난 영향력에서 볼 수 있듯이, 실제 모델로 한 소설 창작에 있어서 자유롭게 상상력을 발휘하는 것은 필요하지만 기본적인 서술에서의 논리성을 갖춰야 한다. Kim Dongin’s “Chronology of Kim yeonsil” is known the model novel for Kim Myeong-sun of early modern literature. Due to this novel, Kim Myeong-sun is the fact that she was taken care of drifting away from the motherland. This is because relevance of the content of the novel and the real model. Therefore, this paper examined the contradictions of the narrative through his desire to appear “Chronology of Kim yeonsil”. Through its contradictions, because it can gauge the reality of the desire to work in this novel. Target of Kim Yeonsil’s desire in the “Chronology of Kim yeonsil” was achieved mainly by intermediaries. In other words, she was not bound to failure in the end by desire of the Other's desire. The essence of this desire saw that essentially limits of modern intellectuals. Another desire is the desire of the novelist Kim Dongin. Through a contradictory description, he had realized the desire of “pioneer of modern literature.” In addition through this novel revealed the desire of survival of the publisher. But what is not be overlooked in the expression of this desire is an adverse effect on the real model.

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