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        재벌오너 일가의 소유방정식: GS그룹과 LS그룹의 사례

        김동운 ( Dong-woon Kim ) 한국질서경제학회 2015 질서경제저널 Vol.18 No.2

        본 논문은 GS그룹과 LS그룹에서 오너(허창수·구태회) 일가가 어떤 방식으로 그룹을 소유하고 있는지를 분석한다. 두 그룹은 2005년과 2004년에 LG그룹으로부터 분리되어 형성되었으며, 독특한 방식으로 소유구조 및 가족소유체제를 구축하였다. 오너의 친인척 일가들은 ‘공동적이면서 개별적인 소유구조’를 형성하여 각자의 그룹 내에서 공동보조를 취하는 한편으로 독자성을 유지하였다. GS그룹에서는, 지주회사 ㈜GS는 허씨 1세대 7개 일가가 공동으로 소유하였고, 동시에 4개 일가는 지주회사체제 미편입 주력회사 4개(삼양통상, GS건설, 코스모앤컴퍼니, 승산)를 각각 일가별로 소유하였다. LS그룹의 경우에는, 지주회사 ㈜LS는 구씨 1세대 3개 일가가 공동으로 소유하였고, 그런 한편으로 3개 일가는 지주회사체제 미편입 주력 3개 회사를 2~3개 일가가 공동으로(예스코, 가온전선) 또는 1개 일가가 독자적으로(E1) 소유하였다. 그 결과, 두 그룹 모두에서, 공정거래법상 지주회사체제와는 별도로 3~4개의 실질적인 지주회사체제가 형성되었다. 또 지분에 참여하는 오너 친인척 일가 구성원의 규모가 매우 컸다. GS그룹에는 허씨 ‘1세대 7개 일가, 2세대 21개 일가, 1·2·3세대 57명 구성원’이 그리고 LS그룹에는 구씨 ‘1세대 3개 일가, 2세대 14개 일가, 1·2·3세대 44명 구성원’이 관련되어 있었다. 이들은 시간의 흐름에 따라 개인·일가·세대별로 지분을 역동적으로 보유해 오고 있는데, 미지의 소유방정식에 근거하여 일정한 리듬과 질서 속에서 지분 배분이 이루어지는 것으로 추측된다. 2세대가 우위를 점하는 가운데 일가·개인 간에 지분이 골고루 배분되는 ‘분산적 공동소유’의 전통이 구축되었고, ‘상위세대, 남자구성원 및 직계구성원일수록’ 보다 많은 지분을 보다 빈번하게 보유하였으며, 후세대로의 소유승계는 더디지만 점진적으로 진행되었다. GS그룹과 LS그룹의 소유구조 및 가족소유체제는 다른 재벌들에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 독특한 방식으로 구축되었으며, 그런 만큼 두 그룹의 사례는 재벌의 지배구조 연구에 새로운 관점을 제공해 줄 것으로 기대된다. 반면 본 논문은 두 그룹에 초점을 맞추고 있는 점에서 연구의 한계를 가지고 있으며, 본 연구를 계기로 다른 재벌들의 소유지배체제에 대한 심층적인 사례연구 및 종합연구가 진행되어야 할 것으로 보인다. This study analyzes the ways in which GS Group and LS Group, the two major Korean chaebols(the 8<sup>th</sup> and the 16<sup>th</sup> largest chaebol as of 2014), are owned by the family members. Unlike the cases in most other chaebols, both GS Group and LS Group had a unique, similar but somewhat different, ownership structure and, more significantly, a very large number of family members, belonging to, respectively, the Huh familiy and the Koo family, were involved in the ownership. In GS Group, around half the Group companies were organized into the holding company system and GS Corporation, the holding company, was collectively owned by the six Huh families. The remaining Group companies were divided into four groups headed by each of four key companies and these four companies were owned by each of four of the six Huh families. Similarly, in LS Group, around half the Group companies were owned by LS Corporation, the holding company, which, in turn, was collectively owned by the three Koo families. The remaining Group companies were divided into three groups headed by each of three key companies and, of these three companies, one was owned by all the three Koo families, one by two of the three families, and one by one of the three families. Within a unique ownership structure, a large number of family members participated in the ownership. In GS Group, a total of 57 members from the first, second and third generation were involved in the ownership of GS Corporation and the other four key companies. They belonged to the seven families of the first generation, which, in turn, consisted of the 21 families of the second generation. In LS Group, a total of 44 members from the first, second and third generation were shareholders in one or more of LS Corporation and the other three key companies. They belonged to the three families of the first generation, consisting of the 14 families of the second generation. The ‘segmented’ ownership structure and the ‘collective and individual’ family ownership in GS Group and LS Group are unique enough and it is expected that these cases would give a new insight in the study of the corporate governance in Korean chaebols.

      • KCI등재

        한국재벌과 지주회사체제: GS그룹과 LS그룹의 비교

        김동운 ( Dong-woon Kim ) 한국질서경제학회 2014 질서경제저널 Vol.17 No.4

        본 논문은 GS그룹과 LS그룹의 지주회사체제 성립과정을 비교 분석한다. 1999년 지주회사제도가 재도입된 이후 2013년까지 지주회사체제를 채택한 재벌은 30개에 이르며 ‘한국재벌과 지주회사체제’를 본격적으로 분석하고 평가하는 학계의 노력이 절실한 상황이다. 본 논문은 그러한 노력의 일환이며, 두 그룹에 대한 연구는 본 논문이 처음이다. 분석 대상은 4가지이다. 지주회사체제가 어떤 단계를 거쳐 구축되었는지, 각 단계에서는 어떤 변화들이 일어났는지, 그룹 전체 계열회사들 중 지주회사체제에 편입된 회사들의 비중은 어느 정도인지, 지주회사체제의 구조는 어떤 모습인지 등이다. 성립과정에 대한 분석은 지주회사체제의 성격을 규명하기 위한 필수적인 과정이며, 이런 인식 하에 LG그룹에서 분리되어 새롭게 형성된 GS그룹과 LS그룹의 사례에 초점을 맞추었다. 분석 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, GS그룹은 2005년 이후 그리고 LS그룹은 2008년 이후 각각 2단계에 걸쳐 지주회사체제를 도입하였다. 둘째, 각 단계에서는 각각 한 차례씩의 인적 또는 물적 분할이 진행되었으며, 그 결과 ‘지주회사 → 지주회사 겸 자회사’로 이어지는 2중 구조의 체제가 구축되었다. 셋째, GS그룹의 지주회사체제 달성 비율은 26~45% 사이에서 증가하는 추세를, 그리고 LS그룹의 비율은 60~54% 사이에서 감소하는 추세를 보였다. 넷째, 2013년 현재 지주회사체제 달성 비율은 GS그룹이 45% 그리고 LS그룹이 54%이며, 공정거래법상 지주회사체제와는 별도로 각각 3개의 실질적인 지주회사체제가 구축되어 ‘4개의 지주회사체제’가 공존하는 기형적인 모습을 보이고 있다. 본 논문을 계기로 GS그룹과 LS그룹에서 지주회사체제 달성 비율이 낮은 상태가 지속되고 있는 배경에 대한 규명 작업이 후속연구로서 진행되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 또, 체제 달성 비율이 낮은 재벌의 경우, 비율을 높이고 그럼으로써 그룹 전체 지배구조의 투명성을 제고시킬 수 있는 방안에 대한 정책적인 논의도 진행될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This paper investigates the ways in which two major Korean chaebols, GS Group (8th largest chaebol as of 2014) and LS Group (16th), have established holding company systems. GS Group, consisting of some member companies of existing LG Group, was created in 2005 and, from the beginning, adopted the new governance system. In 2012, the Group created, in addition to the main holding company (GS Corporation), a second holding company (GS Energy). On the other hand, LS Group, consisting of some other member companies of LG Group, was founded in 2004 and, four years later, was transformed into the holding company system. In 2013, the Group created a second holding company (LS I&D) in addition to the existing one (LS Corporation). As the result, both of the Groups have gradually established their own ‘two-tier holding company systems’ through two stages, although one of the four holding companies, namely LS I&D, was not legally recognized by the Fair Trade Act. A characteristic feature is that, in both of GS Group and LS Group, only about half of all the Group member companies belonged to the holding company system. In GS Group in 2005, one-fourth (26%) of the group member companies were son or grandson companies of the holding company (GS Corporation). However, the percentage has since gradually increased and, in 2013, it recoded the largest ever 45%. By comparison, in LS Group in 2008, nearly two-thirds (60%) belonged to the holding company (LS Corporation), but, in contrast to the case in GS Group, the percentage has since gradually decreased with the result that, in 2013, it became the lowest ever 54%. It is expected that, on the basis of information suggested in the present paper, in-depth studies of corporate governance in GS Group and LS Group will follow. An immediate task is, it is believed, to reveal why, in both of the Groups, the percentage of member companies belonging to the holding company system have remained relatively low. Also, it is expected that case studies or comparative studies of how holding company systems in other major Korean chaebols have been established will be made by scholars.

      • KCI등재

        정력자약침의 喘息抑制 및 免疫調節效果에 對한 實驗的 硏究

        임성철,이현 대한침구의학회 2007 대한침구의학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate the asthma-suppressive and immuno-regulatory effect of Lepidii Semen Herbal-acupu ncture(LS-HA) at Joksamni(ST36) on ovalbumin(OVA)-induced asthma in mice. Methods : C57BL/6 mice out of all the experimental groups, except the Normal group and the LS-HA group, were sensitized and challenged with OVA. The mice in the LS-HA group and the OVA-LS-HA group were treated with LS-HA(1%) at Joksamni(ST36). The mice in the OVA-Saline group were injected with saline at Joksamni(ST36). The mice in the OVA-Needle-Prick group were treated with a single prick with an injection needle at Joksamni(ST36). LS-HA, saline injection and needle prick were administered for 8 weeks, three times a week. Results : The lung weight and total cells in lung of the OVA-LS-HA group decreased significantly compared with those of the OVA-Control group. Total leukocytes and eosinophils in BALF of the OVA-LS-HA group decreased significantly compared with those of the OVA-Control group. The collagen accumulation in the lung sections of the OVA-LS-HA group decreased significantly compared with that of the OVA-control group. The concentrations of IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, IgE in BALF and serum of the OVA-LS-HA group decreased significantly compared with those of the OVA- Control group. The numbers of Gr-1+/CD11b+, CCR3+, CD3e+, CD19+, CD3e+/CD69+cells in the OVA-LS-HA group decreased significantly compared with those of the OVA-Control group. The mRNA expressions of TNF-α, IL-5, IL-4 and IL-13 in lung of the OVA-LS-HA group decreased significantly compared with those of the OVA- Control group. Conclusions : These results suggest that LS-HA at Joksamni(ST36) is considered to be effective in treating asthma and to be put to practical use in the future asthma clinic.

      • Identification and Functional Analysis of LsMNPV Anti-apoptosis Genes

        Kim, Yu-Sin,Xiao, Hua-Zhong,Du, En-Qi,Cai, Guo-Shuai,Lu, Song-Ya,Qi, Yi-Peng Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 2007 Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Vol.40 No.4

        Three anti-apoptosis genes, Ls-iap2, iap3 and p49 were found in Leucania separata multiple nuclear polyhedrovirus. Amino acid sequence homology of Ls-IAP2 and Ls-IAP3 with Op-IAP2 and Op-IAP3 from Orgyia pseddotsugata MNPV were 20% and 42%, while that of Ls-P49 is 28% with Sl-P49 from Spodoptera littorolis MNPV. Ls-IAP2 contains one baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domain followed by a RING domain, while Ls-IAP3 contains two BIRs and a RING. Ls-P49 contains a reactive site loop, predicted cleavage site (KKLD$^{74}{\downarrow}$G) that is different from Sl-P49 (TVID$^{94}{\downarrow}$G). Expressed Ls-iap3 or Ls-p49 under presence of actinomycin D in SF9 cells, DNA ladder assayrevealed that Ls- IAP3 or Ls-P49 could block the apoptosis of SF9 cells induced by actinomycin D. Replication of p35 deficient-mutant Autographa californica MNPV in SF9 cells was also rescued when Ls-iap3 or Ls-p49 was expressed transiently. No anti-apoptotic activity was observed for Ls-IAP2. The results showed that both of Ls-IAP3 and Ls-P49 were functional apoptotic suppressors in SF9 cells.

      • KCI등재

        LS 전선의 성공적인 구조조정 및 회생전략에 관한 사례연구

        정재휘 한국경영컨설팅학회 2019 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.19 No.1

        This study divides the growth path of LS Cable, a global cable & system company, into growth, restructuring and re-building. Through this analysis, we will examine the appropriate corporate restructuring strategies. As a research method, the main events of LS Cable & System in the analysis period were classified and analyzed by applying the regeneration strategy type of Boyle and Desai `s. As a result, LS Cable & System grew into a global company through quantitative and qualitative growth during its growth period. However, during this period, the debt ratio rose sharply due to large-scale M&A and PMI(Post Merger Integration) failures, resulting in liquidity problems. In addition, the related costs of ethical management failure increased. As a result, LS Cable & System carried out restructuring and downsizing. Since then, LS Cable has conducted business model innovation, thorough quality management and risk management for new growth. The main implication of this study is that the theoretical framework that conceptualized the type of regeneration strategy was used to analyze the case. In practical terms, it explained the importance of implementing a balanced turnaround strategy by explaining the trade-off between the turnaround strategy and core competence. 최근 글로벌 경기침체의 영향으로 많은 기업들이 위기를 맞이하고 있다. 그 중 회생상황에 놓인 기업들은 회생 전략 중 하나인 구조조정을 통해 기업을 재도약시키려 하고 있다. 그러나 무리한 구조조정을 통해 핵심역량을 상실은 이후 재도약의 심각한 제약요인을 작용한다. 본 연구에서는 LS 전선의 성장경로를 성장기, 구조조정기, 재도약기로 나누어 이벤트 분석을 통하여 적절한 기업구조조정의 방식을 고찰 해 보고자한다. 연구방법으로는 Boyle and Desai`s의 회생전략 유형을 적용하여 분석 기간 내 LS 전선의 주요 이벤트들을 분류하여 분석하였다. 분석결과, LS 전선은 성장기에 양적, 질적 성장을 통해 글로벌기업으로 성장하였으나, 이러한 과정 중에 대규모 M&A 및 인수 후 통합 실패 등의 이유로 부채비율이 급증하여 유동성 문제가 야기되었다. 또한 윤리경영실패로 인한 일회성비용증가로 인해 대규모 구조조정 및 감량경영이 필요한 상황이었다. 구조조정기에 사업축소 및 자산매각, 인적분할 등을 통하여 비교적 성공적으로 구조조정이 마무리되고 재무건전성이 안정화되었다. 이후 재도약 및 회생을 위하여 고부가가치 사업으로의 전환과 비즈니스 모델 혁신, 철저한 품질경영 및 리스크 관리 등을 통해 재도약을 실현하였다. 본 연구결과의 주요 시사점은 학술적으로는 회생전략의 유형을 개념화한 이론적 틀을 활용하여 사례분석을 실시하였다는 것이다. 실무적으로는 사업재편 및 축소와 같이 감량경영과 핵심역량 유지 및 강화와의 상충관계를 설명하면서 균형감 있는 회생전략 실행의 중요성을 제시하였다는 것이다.


        The Effect of (1S,2S,3E,7E,11E)-3,7,11,15-Cembratetraen-17,2- Olide (LS-1) from Lobophyyum sp. on the Apoptosis Induction of SNU-C5 Human Colorectal Cancer Cells

        ( Eun-ji Kim ),( Jung Il Kang ),( Nguyen-huu Tung ),( Young-ho Kim ),( Jin Won Hyun ),( Young Sang Koh ),( Weon-young Chang ),( Eun Sook Yoo ),( Hee-kyoung Kang ) 한국응용약물학회 2016 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.24 No.6

        (1S,2S,3E,7E,11E)-3,7,11,15-cembratetraen-17,2-olide (LS-1), a marine cembrenolide diterpene, has anticancer activity against colon cancer cells such as HT-29, SNU-C5/5-FU (fluorouracil-resistant SNU-C5) and SNU-C5. However, the action mechanism of LS-1 on SNU-C5 human colon cancer cells has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we investigated whether the anticancer effect of LS-1could result from apoptosis via the modulation of Wnt/β-catenin and the TGF-β pathways. When treated with the LS-1, we could observe the apoptotic characteristics such as apoptotic bodies and the increase of sub-G1 hypodiploid cell population, increase of Bax level, decrease of Bcl-2 expression, cleavage of procaspase-3 and cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase in SNU-C5 cells. Furthermore, the apoptosis induction of SNU-C5 cells upon LS-1 treatment was also accompanied by the down-regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway via the decrease of GSK-3β phosphorylation followed by the decrease of β-catenin level. In addition, the LS-1 induced the activation of TGF-β signaling pathway with the decrease of carcinoembryonic antigen which leads to decrease of c-Myc, an oncoprotein. These data suggest that the LS-1 could induce the apoptosis via the down-regulation of Wnt/β-catenin pathway and the activation of TGF-β pathway in SNU-C5 human colon cancer cells. The results support that the LS-1 might have potential for the treatment of human colon cancer.


        The Effect of (1S,2S,3E,7E,11E)-3,7,11,15-Cembratetraen-17,2-Olide (LS-1) from Lobophyyum sp. on the Apoptosis Induction of SNU-C5 Human Colorectal Cancer Cells

        Kim, Eun-Ji,Kang, Jung Il,Tung, Nguyen-Huu,Kim, Young-Ho,Hyun, Jin Won,Koh, Young Sang,Chang, Weon-Young,Yoo, Eun Sook,Kang, Hee-Kyoung The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology 2016 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.24 No.6

        (1S,2S,3E,7E,11E)-3,7,11,15-cembratetraen-17,2-olide (LS-1), a marine cembrenolide diterpene, has anticancer activity against colon cancer cells such as HT-29, SNU-C5/5-FU (fluorouracil-resistant SNU-C5) and SNU-C5. However, the action mechanism of LS-1 on SNU-C5 human colon cancer cells has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we investigated whether the anticancer effect of LS-1could result from apoptosis via the modulation of $Wnt/{\beta}$-catenin and the TGF-${\beta}$ pathways. When treated with the LS-1, we could observe the apoptotic characteristics such as apoptotic bodies and the increase of sub-G1 hypodiploid cell population, increase of Bax level, decrease of Bcl-2 expression, cleavage of procaspase-3 and cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase in SNU-C5 cells. Furthermore, the apoptosis induction of SNU-C5 cells upon LS-1 treatment was also accompanied by the down-regulation of $Wnt/{\beta}$-catenin signaling pathway via the decrease of GSK-$3{\beta}$ phosphorylation followed by the decrease of ${\beta}$-catenin level. In addition, the LS-1 induced the activation of TGF-${\beta}$ signaling pathway with the decrease of carcinoembryonic antigen which leads to decrease of c-Myc, an oncoprotein. These data suggest that the LS-1 could induce the apoptosis via the down-regulation of $Wnt/{\beta}$-catenin pathway and the activation of TGF-${\beta}$ pathway in SNU-C5 human colon cancer cells. The results support that the LS-1 might have potential for the treatment of human colon cancer.

      • KCI등재

        개선된 ICA 기저영상을 이용한 국부적 왜곡에 강인한 얼굴인식

        김종선(Jong-Sun Kim),이준호(June-Ho Yi) 한국정보과학회 2006 정보과학회논문지 : 소프트웨어 및 응용 Vol.33 No.5

        부공간 투영기술(subspace projection)을 이용한 얼굴인식기술의 성능은 이들 기저영상들(basis images)의 특징과 밀접한 관련이 있다. 특히 표정변화와 같은 국부적 왜곡이나 오클루전이 있는 경우의 인식성능은 기저영상들의 특징에 의해 영향을 받게 된다. 부공간 투영기반의 얼굴인식 방법이 오클루전이나 표정변화와 같은 국부적인 왜곡발생에 강인하려면 부분국부적 표현(part-based local representation)의 기저벡터를 갖는 것이 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 국부적 왜곡과 오클루전에 강인한 효과적인 부분국부적 표현방법을 제안한다. 제안한 방법을 LS-ICA(locally salient ICA) 방법이라고 명명하였다. LS-ICA방법은 ICA 구조Ⅰ의 기저영상을 구하는 과정에서 공간적인 국부성(locality)의 제약조건을 부과함으로써 부분국부적 기저영상(part-based local basis images)을 얻는 방법이다. 결과적으로 공간적으로 현저한 특징만을 포함하는 기저영상을 사용하게 되며, 이는 “Recognition by Parts”의 방법론과 유사하다. LS-ICA방법과 LNMF(Localized Non-negative Matrix Factorization)와 LFA(Local Feature Analysis)와 같은 기존의 부분 표현방법(part-based representation)들에 대해 다양한 얼굴영상 데이타베이스를 사용하여 실험한 결과, LS-ICA방법이 기존의 방법에 비하여 높은 인식성능을 보였으며, 특히 오클루전이나 국부적인 변형이 포함된 얼굴영상에서 뛰어난 인식성능을 보였다. The performance of face recognition methods using subspace projection is directly related to the characteristics of their basis images, especially in the cases of local distortion or partial occlusion. In order for a subspace projection method to be robust to local distortion and partial occlusion, the basis images generated by the method should exhibit a part-based local representation. We propose an effective part-based local representation method named locally salient ICA (LS-ICA) method for face recognition that is robust to local distortion and partial occlusion. The LS-ICA method only employs locally salient information from important facial parts in order to maximize the benefit of applying the idea of “recognition by parts.” It creates part-based local basis images by imposing additional localization constraint in the process of computing ICA architecture I basis images. We have contrasted the LS-ICA method with other part-based representations such as LNMF (Localized Non-negative Matrix Factorization) and LFA (Local Feature Analysis). Experimental results show that the LS-ICA method performs better than PCA, ICA architectureⅠ, ICA architectureⅡ, LFA, and LNMF methods, especially in the cases of partial occlusions and local distortions.

      • KCI등재

        LS-RAPID를 이용한 토석류 위험도 예측에 관한 연구

        김남균(Namgyun Kim),최재희(Jaehee Choi),전병희(Byonghee Jun) 한국방재학회 2023 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구에서는 LS-RAPID 프로그램을 적용하여 토석류 발생지역의 현장지형자료를 이용한 토석류 퇴적범위 예측의 성능을 평가하였다. 2020년 곡성군 오산면 선세리 일대에서 발생한 토석류 현장을 무인항공기(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)를 이용하여 항공사진측량을 실시하였다. 사진측량자료에서 생성된 정사영상과 고해상도 수치표고모델(Digital Surface Mode, DSM)을 통하여 토석류로 인한 침식과 퇴적상황을 확인하고, 토석류 범람범위를 정확하게 실측하였다. 토석류 시뮬레이션을 위하여 쿨롱의 마찰모델을 기초로 하여 겉보기 마찰각도를 중요한 인자로 하는 LS-RAPID 프로그램을 적용하였다. 시뮬레이션 결과는 지형자료에 따라서 크게 영향을 받았는 것을 알 수 있었다. 피해가 집중되는 퇴적부는 보다 정확한 시뮬레이션을 위해 DSM자료를 적용할 필요가 있었다. 시뮬레이션의 성능 평가를 위해 퇴적범위를 인자로 한 LSSI지수를 적용한 결과 65%로 나타나 매우 우수한 예측성능을 보였다. 결론적으로 LS-RAPID 시뮬레이션을 이용하여 토석류 피해에 대한 예측이 가능하며 신뢰도 높은 재해지도 작성을 위해서는 퇴적부에 대한 DSM자료가 필요하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. In this study, the LS-RAPID program was applied to evaluate the debris flow deposition area using the field surveyed topographical data in the areas of debris flow occurrence. In 2020, aerial photogrammetry was performed using an unmanned aerial vehicle in Seonseri, Osan-myeon, and Gokseong-gun. The erosion and deposition areas owing to debris flow were estimated using the orthographic images generated from photogrammetry and high-resolution Digital Surface Mode (DSM), and the extent of debris flow was accurately estimated. For debris flow simulation, the LS-RAPID program, with the apparent friction angle of the Coulomb's friction model as an important factor, was applied. The simulation results were significantly affected by the quality of the topographical data. It is essential to apply DSM data for obtaining a highly accurate simulation of the deposition area where damage generally occurs. To evaluate the performance of the simulation, the LSSI index with the deposition area as a factor was applied; it was found to be 65%, showing a superior predictive performance. In conclusion, it is possible to predict the debris-flow damage using LS-RAPID simulation, and the DSM data on deposition areas are required to generate a reliable disaster map.

      • KCI등재후보

        재벌 오너 일가의 경영지배:GS그룹과 LS그룹의 사례

        김동운 한국전문경영인학회 2015 專門經營人硏究 Vol.18 No.4

        This paper delineates the ways in which the owner families in two major Korean chaebols, the Huh family in GS Group (8th largest chaebol in 2014) and the Koo family in LS Group (16th), were involved in the management. The two Groups were newly created, respectively in 2005 and in 2004, both from LG Group. (1) The most characteristic feature is that, in both Groups, a unique owner-control governance with both collaborative and individual elements has been established. That is, the key companies in each Group were owned and managed by the owner families together on one hand and by each of the families on the other. (2) In GS Group, a total of seven Huh families participated in ownership and five of them also in management. These five families were all involved in the management of the Group’s ‘holding company GS Corporation’ and, at the same time, four of these families governed each of ‘four de facto holding companies’ outside the holding company system. (3) Similarly, in LS Group, a total of three Koo families participated in not only ownership but also management. They were all involved in the management of the Group’s ‘holding companies LS Corporation’ and, at the same time, two families governed one or two of ‘three de facto holding companies’ outside the holding company system. (4) The owner-control style in GS Group and LS Group appears to have created ‘naturally and inevitably’ in the circumstances where a number of owner families became involved in each Group from the beginning. Given that both Groups have comparatively short histories, the present governance seems to continue to exist for a long period. The unique experience observed in GS Group and LS Group will, it is expected, shed a new light on corporate governance in many other Korean chaebols.

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