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      • Questionnaire survey and anallysis in the effectiveness of internal control and its determinants in Chinese enterprises

        Zhang Ying,Niu Dongxiao 인하대학교 정석물류통상연구원 2009 인하대학교 정석물류통상연구원 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.10

        This paper attempts to provide direct evidence on the effectiveness of internal control and its determinants. Since there are four objectives for internal control according to COSO, we examine the effectiveness of internal control and its determinants from four aspects. Using a sample of 126 Chinese firms collected by questionnaire. we find that; (1) Effective internal control over compliance is more likely for firms that are larger, at maturity state, financially stronger, with more decentralized ownership, with more centralized management mode, with stronger enterprise culture and better management philosophy, with internal auditing of higher quality. The nature of largest shareholder is not significantly correlated to the effectiveness of internal control over compliance. (2) Effective internal control over reporting is more likely for firms that are larger, older, financially stronger, with core centralized management mode, with weaker control power of largest shareholder, with better management philosophy. (3) Effective internal control over operation is more likely for firms that are larger, older, financially stronger, with more centralized management mode, with weaker control power of largest shareholder, with stronger enterprise culture and better management philosophy. (4) Effective internal control over strategy is more likely for firms that are larger and at maturity stage.

      • KCI등재

        Back-Projection을 활용한 홍삼 내부 측정 시스템

        박재영 ( Jaeyoung Park ),이상준 ( Sangjoon Lee ) 한국정보처리학회 2018 정보처리학회논문지. 소프트웨어 및 데이터 공학 Vol.7 No.10

        This study deals with internal state and tissue density analysis methods for red ginseng grade determination. For internal measurement of red ginseng, there have been various studies on nondestructive testing methods since the 1990s, It was difficult to grasp the most important inner hole and inside whites in the grading. So in this study, we developed a closed capturing device for infra-red illumination environment, and developed an internal measurement system that can detect the presence and diameter of inner hole and inside whites. Made devices consisted of infrared lights with a high transmission rate of red ginseng in 920 nanometer wave band, a infra-red camera and a Y axis actuator with a red ginseng automatically controlled focus on the camera. The proposed algorithm performs an auto-focus system on the Y-axis actuator to automatically adjust the sharp focus of the object according to the size and thickness. Then red ginseng is rotated 360° at 1° intervals and 360 total images are acquired, and reconstructed as a sinogram through Radon transform and Back-projection algorithm was performed to acquire internal images of red ginseng. As a result of the algorithm, it was possible to acquire internal cross-sectional image regardless of the thickness and shape of red ginseng. In the future, if more than 10,000 different shapes and sizes of red ginseng internal cross-sectional image are acquired and the classification criterion is applied, it can be used as a reliable automated ginseng grade automatic measurement method.

      • SCOPUS

        The Liquidity of Indian Firms: Empirical Evidence of 2154 Firms

        AL-HOMAIDI, Eissa A.,TABASH, Mosab I.,AL-AHDAL, Waleed M.,FARHAN, Najib H.S.,KHAN, Samar H. Korea Distribution Science Association 2020 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.7 No.1

        This paper aims to empirically study the determinants of liquidity of Indian listed firms. To account for profit persistence, we apply a (pooled, fixed and random) effect models to a panel of Indian listed firms that covers the time period from 2010 to 2016. This study consists of 2154 firms operating in Indian market. Liquidity (LQD) of Indian firms is measured by liquid assets to total assets, whereas bank size, capital adequacy, profitability, leverage, and firm age are used as internal determinants. Further, economic activity, inflation rate, exchange rate, and interest rate are the external factors considered. The findings reveal that leverage, return on assets, and firm age are the essential internal determinants that impact the liquidity of Indian listed firms. Furthermore, among the internal determinants, the results indicate that firm size, leverage ratio, return on assets ratio, and firm age are found to have a significant positive association with firms' LQD, except leverage ratio and firm age has a negative relationship with firms' LQD. From this result, this article has provides helpful ideas and empirical evidence on the inner and external determinants of the companies mentioned in India is very useful to bankers, analysts, regulators, investors and other stakeholders.

      • KCI등재

        남북통합과정에서 자결권 행사의 주체(People)에 관한 연구

        박민 법무부 2024 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.58

        국제법상 자결권 개념을 남북통합과정에 접목시켰을 때, ‘어떠한 규범적 의미를 갖는가?’라는질문은 남북통합과정에서 자결권 행사의 주체가 누구인가의 질문으로 귀결된다. 국제법상 자결권행사 주체로서 ‘people’ 성립요건 및 행사 요건은 실정국제법 영역에서 명시적으로 규율되지 않았기 때문에, 그동안 해당 개념에 대한 규범적 모호성과 추상성에 대한 지적이 있어왔다. 하지만주권국가 체제가 중심이 된 현대 국제사회의 현실에 비추어 보았을 때, 해당 개념은 일국의 국내법 체계 안에서 ‘people’의 범주적 의미를 구체화할 수 있도록 일정한 개방성을 허용하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 본 논문은 남북통합과정에서 ‘people’의 범주적 측면에 대한 논의에 앞서, 국제법상 자결권에대한 쟁점과 자결권 행사의 한계를 1) 자결권과 민주주의 간의 관계, 2) 분리독립 행사의 타당성문제, 3) 제3국의 개입 문제를 중심으로 살펴봄으로써 남북한 통합과정에서 ‘대내적 자결권’ 행사가 갖는 규범적 의의를 ‘남북한특수관계 관점’에서 정립하고자 한다. 남북한 통합과정에서‘people’은 ‘1민족(국가) 2체제’ 라는 남북한 관계 구도에서 ‘1민족(국가) 1체제’로 법적 통합을이루는 과도기적 상황에 있는 ‘한민족(韓民族)’으로 설명할 수 있다. 여기서 한민족은 남북한 관계 구도 안에서 대한민국 국민으로서 남한 주민과 북한 주민을 의미하지만, 우리 실정법 체계에서는 한민족에 대한 정의규정, 북한주민을 자결권 행사 주체로서 인정하는 명시적 규정이 없는현실이다. 자결권 주체를 헌법 제3조와 제4조에 대한 해석에 의존할 것인지에 대한 판단이 필요한 시점에서, 1948 제헌헌법 시절부터 현행 헌법 전문(前文)상에서 명시된 ‘우리(들) 대한국민’은남북한 자결권 행사의 주체로서 ‘people’의 범주에 대한 해석적 지표를 나타내고 있다는 점에주목하여, 우리 헌법은 대한민국 국민으로서 북한 주민의 지위를 인정해왔다는 점을 강조하고자한다. As applying the self-determination under international law into the Inter-Korean unification process, two legal questions that what normative meaning it has and who could be a subject of the right of-self determination come up. Since the legal requirements for people as the subject of the right of self-determination have not been explicitly regulated in the area of international law, there have been criticisms about its normative ambiguity. However, this article would like to suggest that its normative ambiguity needs to be interpreted as providing a certain degree of interpretative openness for a State to regulate a definition of the people under its domestic legal system. Prior to discussing who could be legally subject to an extent of ‘people’ in the Inter-Korean unification process, this article attempts to explicate and emphasize a normative aspect of internal-self determination in the process of integration between South Korea and North Korea by addressing three legal issues: (1) a relationship between self-determination and democracy, (2) a legal validity of the exercising secession, (3) an unilateral intervention by a third state. Then, this article proposes that by adopting a legal perspective so called ‘a special relation between South Korea and North Korea’, a concept of the people needs to be explained as those who are placed in an interim situation where ‘one people (a state) two systems’ is changed into ‘one people (a state) one system’ on the Korean peninsula. However, ironically there is no explicit legal definition provision about ‘one people(Korean people)’ under Korean legal system. Moreover, it is hard to say that a definition about a resident in North Korea(North Korean) under Korean legal system has been clearly and consistently regulated, especially in terms of nationality. This could be considered as a critical legal loophole in establishing a definition of the people who is entitled to exercise the right of self-determination for integration. However, when it comes to the subject of the right of self-determination, this article raises a necessity to take note that “We, the people of Korea” stipulated in the Preamble of 1948 the First Constitution of Korea and the current constitution provides a historical interpretative ground that acknowledges the North Korean as a national of Republic of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Determinants of Liquidity of Listed Enterprises: Evidence from Vietnam

        Hang Thu DANG 한국유통과학회 2020 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.7 No.11

        The paper examines the influence of internal factors and external factors on liquidity of Vietnamese listed enterprises. The study uses robust regression techniques in the fixed effects linear panel data using data collected from companies listing on the stock market in Vietnam during 2008-2019, with a total of 6,700 observations. Liquidity of Vietnamese listed enterprises is measured by current assets to current liabilities, whereas firm size, capital adequacy, profitability, leverage are used as internal determinants. Further, economic activity, inflation rate, exchange rate, and interest rate are the external factors which are considered. The research results indicate that capital adequacy, return on equity, leverage, economic activity have a positive effect on firm’s liquidity, whereas return on assets and exchange rate have a negative effect on firm’s liquidity and firm size, inflation rate and lending rate have no correlation with firm’s liquidity. Based on the research results, the author suggests that the firms should have optimum current ratio by balancing the current assets and current liabilities in order to avoid a situation of high liquidity or low liquidity. This research seeks to bridge a gap which is present in the body of literature on listed enterprise’s liquidity in Vietnam. The findings may be useful for financial managers, investors, and financial management consultants.

      • KCI등재

        수출기업의 통합적 성과결정요인에 대한 연구

        박현재(Hyun Chae PARK) 한국무역상무학회 2015 貿易商務硏究 Vol.65 No.-

        The main objective of this study is to examine the mediating effect of 'international entrepreneurship' on the relationship between the determinants related to export and export performance. Data was collected from a survey of 200 exporting firms in Gwangju, Korea. The results of the study are as follows ; First, 'international entrepreneurship' are produced a mediating effect when the determinants affect export performance. Second, Resource-based factors and Industry organization factors have a positive impacts on export performance. However, relationship factor as a determinant does not have statistically significant correlation to export performance. Accordingly, in orer to enhance export performance, exporting firms in Korea should try more to prepare for resource-based factors and industry organization factors as determinants. In addition to these, if CEOs of exporting firms are equipped with international entrepreneurship spirits, they can increase the performance of their exporting firms. So they have to manage their exporting firms very strategically so that they can make their firms' export performance better and better.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 술어동사의 텍스트 지배역 연구

        연동숙 ( Dong Sook Yeon ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2010 中國硏究 Vol.50 No.-

        Due to the categorical nature of the Chinese language, the meaning-boundary of a predicate verb in a Chinese text often transcends that of the immediate sentence, dominating several sentences, paragraphs and sometimes even the entire text. Therefore, in order to understand and analyze the structure and information in a Chinese text, it is crucial to accurately determine the meaning-boundary of each predicate verb. The second chapter of this paper classifies predicate verbs that transcend the boundaries of immediate sentences according to meaning, and examines the domination aspect of each predicate verb through examples. The third chapter studies the semantic and formal methods that can be applied to the determination of predicate-verb boundaries, and classifies these into internal-continuation determination methods and external-termination determination methods, then discusses the positional relationship between the two methods and verifies it through the application to actual texts. However, there are numerous instances in which it is difficult to determine the boundary of a predicate verb due to various circumstances, including when the text producer did not use markers that clearly indicate the boundary, when the language is ambiguous, and when the text can have various interpretations. The fourth chapter discusses the issues in determining boundaries and the ambiguity or diversity of boundaries, and examines how the interpretations of an entire text structure differ according to the determined boundary. The chapter also confirms that the boundary determination methods presented in the third chapter can be utilized as a way to eliminate the possibilities of misreading, which go beyond the limitations of permissible interpretation diversity. Understanding predicate-verb boundaries can help Korean learners gain a more accurate understanding of Chinese texts by alleviating related difficulties, improve their reading comprehension, and especially, be of great use in undergraduate and graduate courses on Chinese interpretation and translation.

      • KCI등재

        제주4·3항쟁론과 자결권

        이재승 ( Lee¸ Jaeseung ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2021 一鑑法學 Vol.- No.49

        이 글의 목적은 주한미군정의 법령과 정책이 국제점령법과 자결권에 부합하는지를 밝힘으로써 4·3항쟁론을 보강하는 데에 있다. 이 글은 점령이 법적인 현상인 한에서 점령군과 점령지 주민 사이에 근본적인 대칭성이 존재해야 한다는 사고에서 출발한다. 연합국은 카이로선언(1943년)에서 일본과 한국을 분리하고 한국을 적절한 시기에 독립시키기로 공약하였다. 연합국의 한국점령은 보존주의 원칙에 의해 엄격하게 통제받는 전시점령과는 다른 변형적 점령으로 분류된다. 한편, 변형적 점령에서 점령국은 국제적으로 합의된 점령 목적에 따라 점령지의 정치경제적 기반을 광범위하게 개혁할 수 있다. 다른 한편, 식민지 해방 후 군사점령에서 점령지 주민에 의한 자유로운 정치제도의 형성을 지원할 신성한 신탁이 점령국에게 부과된다. 그런데 미국과 소련은 각자의 점령지역에서 정치적 평정을 단행하고 자국에게 우호적인 정부를 편향적으로 수립함으로써 이러한 신탁을 배반하였다. 이와 같은 배신행위를 문책할 적절한 국제법적 수단이 점령지 주민에게 존재하는지는 명확하지 않다. 점령정책을 통제할 법적 수단이 당시에 존재했다고 하더라도 그러한 장치는 한국 문제에 대해 실제로 작동하지 않았다. 더구나 통제장치로서 역할하리라고 기대된 국제연합은 냉전구도 속에서 미국과 소련의 현실정치를 기정사실로 수용함으로써 점령을 둘러싼 문제점들을 덮어버렸다. 나아가 2001년 헌법재판소는 제주4·3특별법의 시행에 즈음하여 4·3봉기 당시에 아직 정립되지 않은 자유민주적 기본질서와 대한민국의 정체성과 같은 기준을 소급적으로 투입함으로써 이러한 국제법적인 핵심쟁점을 회피하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 4·3봉기에 합당한 명분이 존재했다는 점을 현재적으로 확인하는 작업은 4·3항쟁을 둘러싼 법적 파행을 극복하는 데에 기여할 것이다. 이러한 규범적 파행은 이행기 정의의 시각에서만 적절하게 해결할 수 있기 때문이다. The aim of the article is to strengthen the 4·3 Resistance Thesis by establishing that the statutes and policies of the U.S. Armed Forces in Korea are not compatible with the International Occupation Law and the right of self-determination. This article starts with the idea that the principle of symmetry should dominate the relationship between the occupying forces and the population of the occupied territory as long as occupation is a legal phenomenon. In the Cairo Declaration(1943), the Allies pledged to separate Japan from Korea and to make Korea independent in due course. The Allied occupation of Korea was classified as a transformative occupation, distinguished from a belligerent occupation strictly controlled by the conservationist principle. On the one hand, the occupants should have the power to change widely the political and economic infrastructure of the occupied territories according to the internationally agreed-upon objective of occupation under the transformative occupation. On the other hand, the occupying forces should be given a sacred trust to support the population of the occupied territory to build freely the political institutions in the post-colonial military occupation. However, the United States and the Soviet Union violated the sacred trust by pacifying their political enemies and establishing the friendly governments in their respective occupied territories. It is unclear if legal remedies could be permitted to the population of the occupied territory in the international law in case that the occupying forces would betray this sacred trust and enforce a political order arbitrarily. Even if there would have been a legal mechanism to review the measures taken by occupying forces that infringed on the right to self-determination, such mechanism did not actually work for the problems of Korea. Moreover, the United Nations expected to operate as a mechanism of control skipped international-legal problems related to occupation policies by accepting the result of the Cold War real politics as a fait accompli. Futhermore, in 2001, the Constitutional Court evaded this international-legal issues around the time of enforcement of the Jeju 4·3 Special Act by retrospectively introducing standards such as ‘the free democratic basic order’ and ‘the identity of the Republic of Korea’ that had not been established before the outbreak of the 4·3 resistance. Nevertheless, the effort to confirm that there were appropriate grounds for the 4·3 resistance would also contribute to overcoming the legal ramifications surrounding the 4·3 resistance. This is because such normative disruptions could only be adequately bridged from the perspective of the transitional justice.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Verb Category Switch and the Imperfective Paradox in English and Chinese

        Jae-yoon Kim 한국언어과학회 2013 언어과학 Vol.20 No.4

        This paper examines the category switch between dyadic accomplishment verbs and activity verbs from the perspective of quantification of the internal argument NP suggested by Ferreira(2005) and claims that the function of determiners in this context has implications for a linguistically motivated solution(Douglas, 2000; Lascartides, 1991) to the ‘imperfective paradox’, i.e., to refine Montague's(1974) proposal by precisely defining Bennett's(1981) so-called mysterious closed intervals and open intervals in terms of functions of internal argument NPs' determiners. This analysis not only attempts to account for the different truth conditions underlying the two categories of verbs and the category switch, but may also provide insight into the relationship among quantification, time, and truth conditions in natural languages.

      • KCI등재

        레이더를 이용한 국제우주정거장 추적 및 궤도결정

        유기영(Ki-Young Yu),정대원(Dae-Won Chung) 한국항공우주학회 2016 韓國航空宇宙學會誌 Vol.44 No.5

        우주파편의 증가는 지구궤도 환경을 날이 갈수록 복잡하게 만들고 있고 우주상황인식(SSA)의 중요성은 날로 높아지고 있다. 우주상황인식의 필수적인 분야인 우주물체 감시 및 추적은 미국과 유럽을 비롯한 세계 각국에서 활발히 연구가 진행되고 있으며, 레이더는 우주 물체 감시 및 추적에 중추적인 역할을 하는 센서이다. 한국은 현재 다목적실용위성 등 다수의 저궤도위성을 운영 중이지만, 위성과 우주물체간의 충돌 감시를 위한 전용레이더는 보유하고 있지 않다. 하지만 한국항공우주연구원 나로우주센터는 발사체 궤적을 추적하기 위한 레이더를 고흥과 제주에 각각 운영하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 나로호 발사체 추적레이더를 국제우주정거장 추적에 사용하기 위해 운용개념을 개발한 내용과 국제우주정거장을 추적한 내용을 기술한다. 또한 추적결과 획득한 레이더 데이터를 이용하여 국제우주정거장을 궤도결정한 내용을 기술하고 TLE와 비교하여 궤도결정의 유효성을 분석하였다. Increase of space debris makes low earth orbit(LEO) environment more complex day by day and space situation Awareness(SSA) is becoming more important. As an essential part of SSA, space object surveillance and tracking is studied by many countries including America and Europe. And radar system forms the backbone of an space surveillance and tracking. Currently, Korea operates many LEO satellites like KOMPSAT but does not have dedicated radar systems which provide collision surveillance between satellite and space debris. Korea Aerospace Research Institute(KARI) NARO space center operates launch-vehicle tracking radar system in GOHEUNG and JEJU, respectively. In this paper, we describe developing operation concept to track International Space Station(ISS) using NARO radar and results of tracking. Then, we describe ISS orbit determination using radar tracking data. Lastly, orbit determination result is compares with TLE for analyzing effectiveness of orbit determination.

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