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      • 유럽의 교육제도: 영국, 프랑스, 독일의 교육제도를 중심으로

        김운삼 아시아.유럽미래학회 2008 유라시아연구 Vol.5 No.1

        The global world now pays attention to the reformation of the higher education. In this era of knowledge industry, the international competitiveness rests much upon the higher education and a development strategy with human resources on its center is necessary for the continuous growth of a nation. Since the globalization the market order has been changed and so have been the educational boundaries between the nations. The higher education, in particular, altered its goal, subject, and method as well as its qualification formalities and evaluation process. These two programs are part of large social reformation of politics, of economy, and of culture that the European Union as one Europe has been through before any other parts of the world prepared to cope with the globalization. These two programs have a significant effect on the recent higher education models, and by way of seeing these programs, we can find some useful way of internalization of universities in Korea. This thesis surveys and analyzes the concept of the internalization and the current condition and movement of internalization of higher of higher education in Korea. This thesis will show as a conclusion that all the EU higher education policies are developed to strengthen the economical and cultural solidarity of the European nations upon mutual understanding and collaboration: the normalization of education, the standardization of evaluation process, and a training program in close relation with employment and market policies. Korean universities can sharpen their international competitiveness in a short period of time if they (re-)consider and actualize the joint or dual degree program with more flexibility and establish intimate network with renowned international institutions. For the internalization of the higher education, a further study on the legal system of joint management, branch installation, and international degree program is required besides secure financial support. Korean universities need to standardize their educational programs according international acceptability and the government should also establish a national as well as international verification system through a qualified organization. Serious research on education needs to be carried side by side with political model of higher education, the core of the human resources development program. The establishment of an international organization that will administer the unified system of world education resources and information according its realizable standard and evaluation method is expected. Networking of local universities with international institutions as well as the information-sharing between the two will be possible through this organization. Administrative and financial reformation and support will increase the competitiveness of Korean universities in the world by developing a new educational system.

      • KCI등재

        해방이후 대학교육 개혁 논의의 흐름 : 1950년대~1970년대를 중심으로

        강명숙 韓國敎育史學會 2005 한국교육사학 Vol.27 No.2

        This paper focused on the discussion about the higher education reform from 1950s to 1970s. This study is seeking for the historical background of today's discussion about the higher education reform, by tracking down trends of debates in each period, and the way they changed, while analyzing the articles from several education magazines. The core issue of the higher education reform was in downsizing higher education by reducing the numbers of universities and students in 1950s, which lead the trend in 1960s, emphasizing the role of university as a sanctuary of learning. However, In 1970s the general opinion changed into the expansion of the education opportunities and strengthening of the professional education as ways to improve higher education. The status, quantity, and the quality of the higher education interact each other to flow by. As the role of university is expected to be in professionals training, recent years, giving more opportunities of education became no more questions. Also the issue of maintaining the quality of higher education was no more related to the issue of numbers of students or universities, and the core argument moved to the method of management of university. However, because the changes of agenda about higher education reform led always by the government as one way without interaction, and because the contents and grounds of argument were always repeated or inconsistent, Debate about higher education reform was not able to change the higher education in reality.

      • KCI등재

        한국 사회의 법과 인권, 민주주의: 이명박 정부 5년에 대한 평가 ; 이명박 정부 교육정책에 대한 평가와 과제 -신자유주의 고등교육정책을 중심으로-

        임재홍 ( Chae Hong Lim ) 민주주의법학연구회 2012 민주법학 Vol.0 No.50

        국립대학인 서울대학교의 법인화를 내용으로 하는 ‘국립대학법인 서울대학교 설립 운영에 관한 법률’의 제정과 반값 등록금을 요구하는 촛불시위는 이명박 정부의 고등교육정책과 그에 대한 대중의 저항을 잘 보여주는 부분이다. 국립대학의 법인화정책을 포함한 이명박 정부의 교육정책은 신자유주의 경쟁정책의 연장선상에서 이해할 수 있다. 이명박 후보의 교육공약 중 특징적인 것은 ‘취업후 학자금 상환제’ 정도이다. 그러나 이 역시 학생들의 등록금 부담을 해결하는데 한계가 많다는 것이 드러나고 있다. 이를 제외하면 이명박 정부의 고등교육정책은 김대중 정부나 노무현 정부와 크게 다를 것이 없다. 즉 국립대자율화조치로서 법인화정책, 사립대자율화정책과 부실 사립대 퇴출정책을 그대로 승계하고 있다. 이 글에서는 교과부가 추진하는 국립대 법인화정책과 사립대 구조조정정책을 비판적으로 평가한다. 이를 통해 법인화정책은 국립대를 사립대학으로 만드는 공교육 포기 정책이고, 사립대 자율화정책은 사립대학에 대해서는 더 많은 자유와 특권을 보장하려는 정책으로 공적 관리의 포기 정책임을 드러내고자 한다. 이러한 신자유주의정책에 대한 대중적 저항을 기반으로 공교육을 강화하는 정책을 대안으로 제시한다. 그 출발점은 고등교육비의 국가부담이다. 구체적인 방안으로는 국공립대학 위주의 고등교육 설계 방안으로 ‘정부책임형 사립대학 구축 방안’을 제시한다. In this Paper, I intended to analyze a series of new higher education reform policies of Lee Myung-bak government. They are commonly characterized by ``marketization`` and ``autonomy and accountability`` of higher education. The ``marketization`` was an extensive introduction of competition mechanism in the field of higher education, and ``University autonomy and accountability`` was privatization. Public education system will be threatened if higher education services are included in neo-liberalistic moves. The right to get a good education becomes more and more a question of money. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology emphasized national competitiveness in the 21st century knowledge-based society and the quality of human resources. But in my opinion national human resources development policy did not justify the new higher education reform policies. Because human resources development on the national level does not become the goal of public higher education. We want an education system for people, not for profits, which has been shown at a series of student demonstrations such as “tonsure protests” by university students. This also brought criticisms from the opposition, the Democratic Party. In Korea students have to pay tuitions and fees to colleges or universities. Pay increases have caused chronic controversy. Household spending on higher education has been rising inexorably over the past few years, aside from a temporary dip during the financial crisis. Significant progress is necessary in the restructuring of higher education in Korea. Korean higher education shows several distinctive features when compared with other countries. First of all, the majority of higher education institutions are private. About 87% of higher education institutions are private. About 78% of university students and 96% of professional school students enrolls in private institutions. As private institutions rely heavily on tuition revenue, their fees are considerably high. Even public universities in Korea charge substantial tuition, because governmental support for higher education in Korea is too small. Public financial expenditures on higher education as a percentage of GDP are very low at 0.3%. The net result is that the household sector bears the bulk of the financial burden for higher education. The proportion of governmental subsidies was limited to 22.3%, much lower than the OECD average(68.9%)(Education at a Glance 2011). Partly the rapid expansion of higher education supply has started to exceed the demand. In spite of the outward goal i. e., strengthening the global competitiveness of universities, the policy of the Ministry of Educations, Science And Technology has focused on shutdown of private institutions. The government has launched a campaign to restructure universities by weeding out financially-week private schools and merging state-run ones. The government`s move to weed out underperforming schools is tied to its tuition-cut drive. Korea needs to reform the universities with reviewing ways to lower tuition. But the proper way of higher education reform should begin to subsidizing higher education institution. The government needs to increase financial subsidy rather than weeding out substandard schools to upgrade the quality of higher education. Korea`s public education spending per student was lower than the average of other OECD member states, according to the organization`s 2011 edition of Education at a Glance. Under purchasing power parity(PPP), the conversion index used to compare price levels for different countries, Korea`s public education spending per student stood at $9,081 for higher education schools, lower than the OECD average of $13,717. The government did not invest properly in higher education. We point out that the government needs to spend more on public education.

      • KCI등재

        평생교육시대 고등교육의 역할과단계적 교육방법의 모색: 독서교육을 사례로

        김성연 중앙대학교 다빈치미래교양연구소 2022 교양학연구 Vol.- No.19

        Because higher education in Korea is grounded on the competitive system, it is limited to accept social demand for adult learners or lifelong education as welfare for learning or public goods. In 2016, as part of the government's project to support the lifelong education system in universities, Ewha Womans University installed a college for adult education. At that time, the internal members opposing to joining in the project continued demonstrations severely, which shows the limitation distinctly. To resolve side effects associated with the excessive social cost required for college entrance and the ordering of universities, the opportunity of higher education should not be ‘obtained through competition’ but be provided supportively when demanded. Although the idea of higher education as compulsory education is rather strange to us, in the US, presidential candidates, Obama and Biden, came up with the pledge to change college(technical college) education to free education repeatedly. Considering the reality in Korea that about 70% of high schoolers enter universities already and the Ministry of Education evaluates, authenticates, supports, and inspects private universities, too, we may find that compulsory higher education is no wonder. If higher education is changed to be provided to those in need from the perspective of welfare for learning, universities will be the field for realizing equal opportunity and alleviating polarization, and it will be possible to actualize true society for lifelong learning. What higher education should focus on to realize society for lifelong learning is the desirable connection of different educations in the life cycle: elementary education-secondary education, higher education, and adult education. If secondary education and higher education that existed separately in the past come to be associated with the prior and subsequent education, it will be needed to examine the achievements of prior education and plan the subsequent education. In this standpoint, it is important to investigate the current system of secondary education and decide the roles of higher education. Focusing on ‘Reading’, the subject positioned in a unique place of the secondary curriculum, this study has explored what to be considered to connect secondary education and higher education. This sort of exploration can be the foundation to connect secondary education and higher education organically within the lifelong education system that is being established rapidly. 한국의 고등교육은 경쟁체제를 근간으로 하는 까닭에 학습 복지 혹은 공공재 개념의 평생교육이나 성인학습자에 대한 사회적 요구를 수용하는 데 한계가 있다. 2016년 정부의 대학 평생교육 체제 지원사업으로, 이화여대에 성인교육을 위한 단과대학이 등장했을 때 사업참여를 반대하는 내부 구성원들의 격렬한 시위가 이어진 것도 그러한 한계를 잘 보여준다. 그러나 입시를 위해 소모되는 과도한 사회적 비용과 대학서열화에 따른 부작용을 해소하기 위해서는 고등 수준의 교육기회가 더 이상 ‘경쟁으로 쟁취하는’ 것이 아니라 필요할 때 지원받을 수 있는 것으로 바뀌어야 한다. 의무교육으로서의 고등교육이라는 발상은 우리에겐 다소 낯설지만, 미국의 경우 대선주자 오바마, 바이든이 대학(전문대학)교육을 무상교육으로 바꾸겠다는 공약을 되풀이하여 내걸었던 바 있다. 이미 한국의 고교생 70%가량이 대학에 진학하고, 사립대학도 교육부의 평가와 인증, 지원, 감사를 받고 있는 현실을 생각하면 의무 고등교육이 그리 놀랄만한 일도 아니다. 고등교육이 학습 복지 차원에서 필요한 사람에게 제공되는 것으로 변화한다면 대학은 기회의 평등, 양극화 해소의 장이 될 수 있고 진정한 평생학습사회가 구현될 가능성이 있다. 평생학습 사회 구현을 위해 고등교육이 주목해야 할 것은 초등・중등교육-고등교육-성인교육으로 이어지는 생애주기별 교육의 원활한 연결이다. 과거 분리되어 존재했던 중등교육과 고등교육이 전단계와 다음단계 교육으로 연관된다면, 전단계 교육의 성취를 살펴보고 다음단계의 교육을 계획해야 할 필요가 있다. 이런 관점에서 중등교육의 현행 체제를 살펴보고 고등교육의 역할을 규정하는 것이 중요하다. 이 글에서는 중등 교과과정에서 독특한 위치에 있는 교과목 <독서>에 주목하여 중등-고등 교육과정의 연결을 위해 고려할 점을 탐색해보았다. 이와 같은 탐색이 빠르게 구축되고 있는 평생교육 체제 안에서 중등-고등 교육과정의 유기적 연결에 주춧돌이 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in Ukraine

        Olha, Oseredchuk,Mykola, Mykhailichenko,Nataliia, Rokosovyk,Olha, Komar,Valentyna, Bielikova,Oleh, Plakhotnik,Oleksandr, Kuchai International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.12

        The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education plays a crucial role in education in Ukraine, as an independent entity creates and ensures quality standards of higher education, which allow to properly implement the educational policy of the state, develop the economy and society as a whole. The purpose of the article: to reveal the crucial role of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education to create quality management of higher education institutions, to show its mechanism as an independent entity that creates and ensures quality standards of higher education. and society as a whole. The mission of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is to become a catalyst for positive changes in higher education and the formation of a culture of its quality. The strategic goals of the National Agency are implemented in three main areas: the quality of educational services, recognition of the quality of scientific results, ensuring the systemic impact of the National Agency. The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education exercises various powers, which can be divided into: regulatory, analytical, accreditation, control, communication. The effectiveness of the work of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education for 2020 has been proved. The results of a survey conducted by 183 higher education institutions of Ukraine conducted by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education are shown. Emphasis was placed on the development of "Recommendations of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education regarding the introduction of an internal quality assurance system." The international activity and international recognition of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education are shown.

      • KCI등재

        Current Performance and Tasks of Lifelong Higher Education in Korea and Its Perspectives Based on the Comparative Study of Other Major Advanced Countries' Systems

        주경란 한국성인교육학회 2008 Andragogy Today : International Journal of Adult & Vol.11 No.2

        Our society has been transformed into ‘knowledge society’ since the creation of a new civilization. With the coming of age of the society the paradigm of education has been shifted-‘Andragogy’ has replaced pedagogy. In response to challenges of knowledge society, globalization, low birth rate, and ‘aged society’, etc., Korean Government has implemented various educational reforms, particularly in lifelong higher education since 1996. In this paper Korean lifelong higher education system is analyzed with respect to performance and tasks/problems, and perspectives are suggested. The Credit Bank System, Lifelong Education Centers affiliated with higher education institutions, and distance education system-only Cyber University-are presented. Lifelong higher education systems of major advanced countries are examined in comparative perspective for drawing implications for Korea, and specific future directions are suggested based on this study. The performance of Korean lifelong higher education has been quite successful in opening higher education for the people who did not have access before. The major contributions are as follows: restructuring the higher education system, realization of lifelong education ideology, increased access of higher education, the provision of opportunities for plausible social mobility, university's fulfilling accountability of providing service for the public, etc. This paper concludes with the following future directions and guidelines: 1) For enhancing adult learners' capabilities colleges and universities have to be further opened, become more flexible, and democratic. 2) The educational system, the university selection system in particular has to be reformed as seen in Sweden. 3) Higher education institutions have to enhance accountability of providing more various continuing education. 4) Professional Graduate Schools have to offer a variety of professional continuing education more for professional practitioners in response to the demands of changing labor market. 5) A variety of more practice oriented curriculum and instruction have to be provided in tertiary continuing education. 6) Higher education institution and industry cooperation has to be strengthened. 7) Accreditation system of lifelong higher education has to be established and the institutions have to be assessed regularly. 8) The government-funded vocational programs for the disadvantaged have to be expanded. 9)Various programs on demand and information for the elderly have to be provided. Our society has been transformed into ‘knowledge society’ since the creation of a new civilization. With the coming of age of the society the paradigm of education has been shifted-‘Andragogy’ has replaced pedagogy. In response to challenges of knowledge society, globalization, low birth rate, and ‘aged society’, etc., Korean Government has implemented various educational reforms, particularly in lifelong higher education since 1996. In this paper Korean lifelong higher education system is analyzed with respect to performance and tasks/problems, and perspectives are suggested. The Credit Bank System, Lifelong Education Centers affiliated with higher education institutions, and distance education system-only Cyber University-are presented. Lifelong higher education systems of major advanced countries are examined in comparative perspective for drawing implications for Korea, and specific future directions are suggested based on this study. The performance of Korean lifelong higher education has been quite successful in opening higher education for the people who did not have access before. The major contributions are as follows: restructuring the higher education system, realization of lifelong education ideology, increased access of higher education, the provision of opportunities for plausible social mobility, university's fulfilling accountability of providing service for the public, etc. This paper concludes with the following future directions and guidelines: 1) For enhancing adult learners' capabilities colleges and universities have to be further opened, become more flexible, and democratic. 2) The educational system, the university selection system in particular has to be reformed as seen in Sweden. 3) Higher education institutions have to enhance accountability of providing more various continuing education. 4) Professional Graduate Schools have to offer a variety of professional continuing education more for professional practitioners in response to the demands of changing labor market. 5) A variety of more practice oriented curriculum and instruction have to be provided in tertiary continuing education. 6) Higher education institution and industry cooperation has to be strengthened. 7) Accreditation system of lifelong higher education has to be established and the institutions have to be assessed regularly. 8) The government-funded vocational programs for the disadvantaged have to be expanded. 9)Various programs on demand and information for the elderly have to be provided.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대학교육의 변화와 교양교육의 역할 : 「미국 고등교육의 성과와 생산성 향상방안」 보고서를 시점으로

        김성연(Kim, Seong Yeon) 다빈치미래교양연구소 2021 교양학연구 Vol.- No.14

        Currently, Korean universities face the problem of ‘productivity’ along with problems of role acceptance as educational institutions that form the stage that follows secondary education. They no longer exist separately from secondary education. The United States, which first sensed such changes in social demands, announced a report titled 「Performance and Productivity Improvement Plans for Higher Education in the United States」, jointly written by the ‘National Center for Higher Policies and Higher Education’ and the ‘National Center of Higher Education Management Systems’ in 2007. This report handled contents that are slightly distant from the essence of education as it tried to identify higher education focused on ‘efficiency’ and ‘productivity’ problems and it presents university evaluation and incentive systems based upon the standards of academic achievement, new student recruitment rates, and student retention rates. The contents of this report are similar to the methods of Korea, which have managed the ‘productivity’ of higher education after 2010 through methods in which educational budgets are paid differentially according to university evaluations and it seems that a lot of the report reflects the university competency evaluations of Korea. When considerations are made that the educational plans of current Korean universities are established upon university evaluations of the Ministry of Education, an observation of this report’s contents will give a look into, not only the directions of higher education in the United States, but also directions for the higher education of Korea. This article attempts to search for implications by making focused observations of ‘connections of secondary and higher education’ and ‘universities as lifelong education institutes’, which are presented as university ‘productivity’ enhancement methods in the 「Performance and Productivity Improvement Plans for Higher Education in the United States」 report. Also, it explored the meanings and roles of higher education in ‘educational pipelines’ designed as secondary-higher-lifelong learning.

      • Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in Ukraine

        Olha Oseredchuk,Mykola Mykhailichenko,Nataliia Rokosovyk,Olha Komar,Valentyna Bielikova,Oleh Plakhotnik,Oleksandr Kuchai International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2023 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.23 No.11

        The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education plays a crucial role in education in Ukraine, as an independent entity creates and ensures quality standards of higher education, which allow to properly implement the educational policy of the state, develop the economy and society as a whole.The purpose of the article: to reveal the crucial role of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education to create quality management of higher education institutions, to show its mechanism as an independent entity that creates and ensures quality standards of higher education. and society as a whole. The mission of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is to become a catalyst for positive changes in higher education and the formation of a culture of its quality. The strategic goals of the National Agency are implemented in three main areas: the quality of educational services, recognition of the quality of scientific results, ensuring the systemic impact of the National Agency. The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education exercises various powers, which can be divided into: regulatory, analytical, accreditation, control, communication.The effectiveness of the work of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education for 2020 has been proved. The results of a survey conducted by 183 higher education institutions of Ukraine conducted by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education are shown. Emphasis was placed on the development of "Recommendations of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education regarding the introduction of an internal quality assurance system." The international activity and international recognition of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education are shown.

      • KCI등재

        Pursuing a university degree or opting for another educational pathway? An analysis of the value of higher education in Germany and South Korea

        Holger Preut 한독사회과학회 2019 한독사회과학논총 Vol.29 No.1

        Making use of Martin Trow’s framework of the transition of higher education – namely, the growth from elite education to mass education and eventually the rise of universal education – this study analyses and compares the extent of growth and the attitudes towards higher education in Germany and South Korea. Since the new millennium, universal education, participation in higher education exceeding 50 percent, has despite free of charge higher education not been realized in Germany - merely a third of the young population possess a university degree. In contrast, despite being costly, higher education in South Korea among the young has since 2005 constantly been universal peaking at 70 percent in 2016. Whilst in Germany vocational training has until recently been held in high esteem, higher education has hardly been challenged as the best educational pathway for young South Koreans. In Germany, both the perception of a secure and financially rewarding vocational training as well as the segregated education system have diverted young Germans, especially low-achieving and lower-class, away from higher education. In South Korea, culturally engrained strong aspiration for academic achievement and social upward mobility supported by social conformity and stigmatization of lower-level forms of education appear to be powerful cultural factors pushing high levels in higher education. Large participation in higher education in South Korea seems to be a result of strong educational aspirations but also due to effective guidance through higher education policies. In recent years new trends have emerged: whilst Germany is experiencing a significant rise in the popularity of higher education, South Korea is facing the consequences of over-education.

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