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      • KCI등재

        재난의료지원팀 내 1급 응급구조사의 재난대비·대응역량에 관한 연구

        박종찬,이경열,Park, Jong-Chan,Lee, Kyoung-Youl 한국응급구조학회 2019 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to investigate disaster preparedness competence and disaster response competence of paramedics working in emergency medical centers operating a disaster medical assistance teams. Methods: Data of 174 emergency medical technician(EMT)-paramedics were collected from July 15 to August 14, 2018 at regional and local emergency medical centers that operate disaster medical assistant team. Analysis of the data was carried out with IBM SPSS statistics 24.0 software (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). Results: The mean disaster preparedness competence score was $3.57{\pm}0.63$ (out of five). Participants' disaster preparedness competence significantly differed according to type of emergency medical center (p<.000), disaster education experience (p<.000), and education frequency (p=.001). The mean disaster response competence score was $4.09{\pm}0.57$ (out of five). Participants' disaster response competence significantly differed according to disaster education experience (p<.000) and medical assistance experience (p=.045). Conclusion: Emergency medical technician-paramedics without disaster training should first be provided with this training. Further, it is important for EMT-paramedics to know their disaster preparedness and response capacities and strengthen their shortcomings. It is also important to develop education and training programs that properly equip EMT-paramedics with practical competencies.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 재난응급의료 대응체계 구축현황

        김정언,정현수 대한의사협회 2019 대한의사협회지 Vol.62 No.5

        Disasters have frequently been a problem in Korea. Many initiatives have been carried out to mitigate this problem and to respond to disasters properly. The National Medical Emergency Center organized the Disaster Medical Response Center, which operates 24 hours a day. Regional emergency medical centers were designated as hospitals that receive disaster victims. Along with the designated disaster hospitals, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, city and district governments, and community health centers were all assigned standard roles to carry out in case of disasters. Disaster medical assistance teams were developed to respond to disaster events in their regions. This system has enabled a more rapid and systematic response to disaster events, and has standardized disaster-related medical equipment and vehicles to ensure the proper treatment of disaster victims. Although many valuable systems have been developed to respond to disasters, practical training within each institution and community-wide team training are still lacking; therefore, the government needs to further develop and support such programs.

      • KCI등재

        병원재난대책과 재난의학

        임경수 대한의사협회 2014 대한의사협회지 Vol.57 No.9

        In general, the disaster rescue team should do their work within 1 to 2 hours after disaster, and disaster medical assistanceteam (DMAT) should care the victims at disaster site within 3 to 6 hours. Since about 10 years ago, world healthorganization, world meteorological organization, and world congress of disaster emergency medicine emphasized thateach countries should complete the disaster plan on ‘chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosivesʼ (CBRNE)disaster. After these warnings, the most of countries has strengthened the hospital disaster plan, and also organizeddisaster services system such as DMAT, hazardous material information system, and others. In Korea, the most of tertiaryhospitals can not operate hospital disaster plan effectively, and the government did not support hospitals on disasterplan politically and financially. As a result, only a small number of hospitals is operating DMAT, and a few hospitalcompleted CBRNE disaster preparedness such as disaster drill, personal protective equipments, decontamination set. Thepoison information center that control information on hazardous material is not established yet, and most physicianscan not get information on chemicals, biologics and other hazardous materials when CBRNE disaster occur. To operateeffective disaster plan, each hospitals should modernize the disaster plan on internal disaster, external disaster, andCBRNE disaster. The government should support hospitals to keep DMAT and special preparedness on CBRNE disaster. When CBRNE disaster strikes, the poison information center should expand their capability to provide information onthe various kinds of hazardous materials.

      • KCI등재

        전남지역 재난의료대응 유관기관 재난의료대응 지식, 인식 및 교육 요구도 차이 분석

        박명희,정은경 사단법인 한국응급구조학회 2022 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Purpose: This descriptive research study aimed to investigate the knowledge and perception of the natural disaster medical system by relevant disaster medical response teams in Jeonnam region, and provide baseline data for a disaster education program based on analysis of priorities of educational demand. Methods: Online questionnaires were distributed to 200 research participants including paramedics from five fire stations in J province, 22 public health centers, two disaster base hospitals, ERU (Emergency Response Units), and DMAT (Disaster Medical Assistance Team). The questionnaires elicited basic information about respondents, their knowledge and perception on disaster preparation and response, cooperation system, and educational and training needs. Results: The top priority items selected were: other disasters for paramedics, first aid for the rapid response team, and command system for DMAT. Conclusion: Customized education and training programs must be developed to suit each organizational need. Detailed operational guidelines must be established and with them a unified educational curriculum should be put into practice.

      • KCI등재

        재난의료대응체계에 관한 연구 - 다수사상자발생 사고 사례에 대한 병원 전단계 대응활동 분석을 중심으로 -

        신용식 한국방재학회 2016 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.16 No.3

        This research analyzes the cases of emergency medical response to mass casualty incident. Upon mass casualty incident, response activities such as initial severity classification, patient extraction, secondary severity classification and wounded transport are done as previous step of hospital. These response activities are triage, treatment and transport. Many empirical studies analyze that suitable response activities of previous step to the hospital upon many deaths occurrence have important influence in decreasing loss of lives. This emphasizes the importance of systematic EMS activities in previous step to hospitals. This research analyzes adequacy of activities such as severity classification, field first aid and wounded transfer which are pre step activities to hospitals by many death occurrence targeting 3 cases of incident happened in Gyeonggi-Do in 2014 and 2015. Analyzed data utilized operation report of disaster situation room of National Emergency Medical Center and inner document reported to Ministry of Public Safety and Security after being written in Disaster and Safety Headquarters of Gyeonggi-Do. The result of analysis shows that activities of severity classification, wounded first aid and wounded transport were not done systematically upon 3 mass casualty incidents happened in Gyeonggi- Do in 2014 and 2015. 본 연구는 다수사상자 발생에 따른 응급의료대응 사례에 대하여 분석하고 있다. 다수사상자 발생시 초기 중증도 분류, 환자 추출, 2차 중증도 분류, 그리고 부상자 이송의 대응활동이 병원 전단계 활동으로 이루어지게 된다. 이러한 대응 활동을 부상자 분류, 현장 응급처치 및 병원 이송이라 한다. 다수의 경험적 연구들은 다수사상자 발생 시 병원 전단계의 적정한 대응활동이 인명피해를 감소시키는 데 중요한 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석하고 있다. 이는 병원 전단계의 체계적인 응급의료 활동의 중요함을 강조하는 것이다. 본 연구는 2014년과 2015년 경기도에서 발생한 대형사고 사례 3건을 대상으로 하여 다수사상자 발생에 따른 병원 전단계 활동인 중증도 분류, 현장 응급처치 및 부상자 이송활동의 적절성에 대해 분석한다. 분석 자료는 경기도 재난안전본부에서 작성하여 국민안전처 등에 보고한 내부 문서와 중앙응급의료센터 재난상황실 운영보고 자료 등을 활용하였다. 분석 결과, 2014년과 2015년 경기도에서 발생한 3건의 다수사상자 발생 사고에서 중증도 분류, 부상자 처치 및 부상자 이송활동은 체계적으로 이루어지지 못한 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        대규모재해 시 일본의 긴급구조 대응 실태 분석

        최형호,이의평 한국방재학회 2020 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.20 No.3

        This study analyzed emergency rescue responses in large-scale disasters in Japan using White Paper on Japan Fire Service, White Paper on Japan Police, Defense of Japan (Annual White Paper), White Paper on Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in Japan, and Annual Health, Labour and Welfare Report published by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency (FDMA), the National Police Agency (NPA), the Ministry of Defence (MOD), the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLITT), and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), to contribute to establishing emergency rescue responses during large-scale disasters in Korea. When the resources of disaster areas in Japan are inadequate for emergency response during a disaster due to its large-scale, prefectural governors request to mobilize the Emergency Fire Response Team (EFRT) of FDMA, the Inter-Prefectural Emergency Rescue Unit (IERU) of NPA, the Self-Defense Force of MOD, the Technical Emergency Control Force of MLITT, and the Disaster Medical Assistance Team of MHLW. These teams mobilized from the entire country perform emergency rescue activities through strong connection and collaboration under the command of prefectural governors. 우리나라 대규모재해 대응 계획 수립에 기여할 목적으로 일본 소방청, 경찰청, 방위성, 국토교통성, 후생노동성이 매년 발행하는 소방백서, 경찰백서, 방위백서, 국토교통백서, 후생노동백서 등을 활용하여 일본의 대규모재해 시 긴급구조 대응 실태를 분석하였다. 일본은 대규모재해가 발생하여 재해발생 지역의 자원만으로 긴급구조 대응이 어려운 경우에는 재해발생지역의 도도부현 지사가 소방청의 긴급소방원조대, 경찰청의 광역긴급원조대, 방위성의 자위대 부대, 국토교통성의 재해대책파견대, 후생노동성의 재해의료지원팀을 응원 출동하도록 요청하고 있으며, 전국에서 응원 출동한 이들 팀(부대)들은 응원 요청한 도도부현 지사의 지휘 하에 서로 연계하면서 협업을 통해 긴급구조활동을 하는 제도가 정착되어 있다.

      • KCI등재

        원자력발전소 사고와 핵무기폭발 특성을 비교한 의료소요 연구 - 재난의료지원팀 중심으로 -

        박승우(Park, Seung woo),이정대(Lee, Jungdae),임충동(Im, Chung dong),김병직(Kim, Byung gick) 한국군사문제연구원 2024 한국군사 Vol.- No.15

        This study compares and analyzes the characteristics of radiological disasters caused by nuclear power plant accidents and nuclear detonations, and proposes a medical response system for use in the event of a nuclear detonation. The different characteristics of nuclear power plant accidents and nuclear detonations affect casualties differently. A medical system based on the characteristics of nuclear detonations and a consequence management method in Korea has not yet been created. This study proposed a zone approach, the number of disaster medical teams (DAMTs) and recruitment methods, and policy requirements for systematic improvement to facilitate the rescue of survivors and patients in the event of a nuclear detonation. These proposals can contribute to the effective allocation of medical resources and the development of response strategies in such a event.

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