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      • KCI등재

        Translator in Power Relationships: a Multidisciplinary Analysis of English ‘of’ into Korean

        임동휘 한국번역학회 2008 번역학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        Upon the realization of the significance of a thorough academic research on the English word 'of' and its modification structure for the development of a descriptively and explanatorily adequate linguistic theory and the specification of human insights into natural human language, this paper conducts an intralingual, interlingual, and cross-cultural investigation in the field of translation studies. In the thorough, multidisciplinary investigation by which it means a set of integral approaches made at every possible aspect with the linguistic element situated at the core, rather than a pre-destined theoretical manipulation to make the "minor" linguistic elements fit into a mainstream framework of theory, it proposes that multidisciplinary approaches be an optimal research method not only for language and literature studies but also for translation studies, a new interdiscipline or even multidiscipline that calls for its autonomy more than anything to gain ground in the fields of humanities and the cosmopolitan contexts of the twenty-first-century world. Faced with the theoretical and conceptual predicaments regarding the English prepositions and particles, this paper first obtains a hint from O'Dowd (1998) that raises a significant logical question about the categorial status and function of a P-form, a gereric term that refers to prepositions and particles. And in this logic, this study puts forward its objective to describe and explain the linguistic behaviors of the English 'of', using a theoretical approach that, hypothetically and hopefully, works best towards an integrated theory not only in linguistics but also in translation studies. In this study, thereby, the focus of the investigation is put on research methodology as to how an academic explanation could result in a scientific finding and, for the sake of optimality, an open-ended yet integral approach is adopted.: an inter-/multidisciplinary way. For the proceeding, the English word 'of' is chosen so as to observe the linguistic behaviors in scrutiny, and the British novel Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley is used (in part) to have a particular socio-cultural and historical context of the text in that the word 'of' is freely yet strategically employed. And in order to get the possible principles and variables (and other factors and elements explicitly and implicitly underlying the mental transaction and verbal expression in the work) shed light on and unearthed, the actual translation samples are adopted (rather randomly so as to best minimize any value-driven intervention into the translated work) and cross-examined both intralingually (among the translating data) and interlingually (with the translated data). And by means of the detailed exemplification and explication in a contrastive analysis using the notion of the major-minor forms of language, it shows that at the center of the methodology does translation studies (or translatology) lie (supported by other studies on language, mind, and culture) and that further researches in translation studies, in particular (as a multidisciplinary yet autonomous field of study on translation practices and theories), should help develop other disciplines in humanities and natural sciences, too, including linguistics, literature, cultural studies, psychology, cognitive science, and sociology. This study, subsequently, illustrates and proposes a specific research method as to how a multidisciplinary approach towards an integrated theory in translation studies can help both linguistics-oriented and aesthetics-oriented researches deepen their insights and broaden the perspectives regarding subjects of their own interest. In conclusion, this multidisciplinary investigation into the linguistic property of the English word 'of' and the complex yet very dynamic workings of the translating into Korean shows that every kind of data of actual language use contains both the major forms and minor variables of ...

      • 과정 지향적 번역학과 사고 발화법

        김련희 한국국제회의통역학회 2002 통역과 번역 Vol.4 No.1

        Until recently, product-oriented translation studies have been dominant among scholars. In this approach, translation products are examined in terms of their linguistic aspects. As interest in the cognitive processes of translation has increased, however, process-oriented translation studies have been gaining increasing attention over the last twenty years or so. Translation studies look into what is going on in the brain of a translator while translation. So, unlike the product-oriented translation studies, it looks for psycholinguistic validity. The think-aloud protocols (TAP) method, as an introspective method, is one of the methods adopted by process-oriented translation studies. This paper describes the TAP method - its methodology and the methodological limitations, the findings of previous TAP studies and the implications of the findings for translation education. The TAP method, despite its limitations, has proved to be efficient in tapping into the translation process, thereby making it possible to capture those aspects of translation which could be ignored or lost by the product-oriented approach. The findings of translation studies could help establish a psycholinguistic model of translation. Eventually, it could contribute to changing the course of translation education, in which the product-oriented approach has been dominant, to a more process-oriented approach. It is hoped that more process-oriented studies are conducted using a TAP method.

      • KCI등재

        번역 연구와 언어 이론

        박정준 국제언어인문학회 2012 인문언어 Vol.14 No.1

        Translation Studies and Linguistic Theories Jung-Joon Park (University of Incheon) There are definitions and theories concerning translation. But they all seem to have one goal in common: good translation. This paper examines modern linguistic theories and their relations to translation methodologies. Futhermore, the paper examines the role of translator under these considerations. The various opinions of linguists and translation theorists presented here shows that meaningful translation is born through the harmonious integration of different definitions. In short, meaningful translation studies form a domain of reconciliation. Translation studies has to be managed and performed under strict guidelines, and to this effect linguistics may offer various possibilities to open new fields of methodologies where translation is concerned. Language has become an indispensable element in our existence, but like the air we breathe we do not recognize its virtues. Linguistic studies analyzes the structure of everyday language, while, literary works - personal artistic works - are the object of analyses for the literary studies. However, literary studies do not directly concern itself with literary creations. In the same manner, translation studies are not directly associated with the actual practice of translation. Because we consider translation as an integral part of the human linguistic activity, methodologies in translation should reflect linguistic methodologies. The paper's intention is to show the variety of possibilities, on how basic linguistic notions and translation theories can be utilized for translation works and its ensuing results. Accordingly, translation studies can be considered as an integral domain, where translation methodologies and linguistic theories are closely connected to each other.

      • KCI등재

        고전번역대학원 설립방안 연구

        남지만 한국고전번역학회 2019 고전번역연구 Vol.10 No.-

        The Institute for the translation of Korean classics has led many translation projects of Korean classics and it has accumulated a lot of achievements, but the limits of these achievements have been revealed. This research proposed the establishment of a graduate school of classical translation studies as a way to overcome these limitations. The establishment of a graduate school of classical translation studies will make the opportunity to overcome the limitations and problems of translation of Korean classics by means of strengthening the capacity of academic research of Korean society related to classical translation. Most of the limitations and problems of translation of Korean classics was related to the lack of preparation of basic researches such as classical theories on the translations of classics. That is why the graduate school of the classical translation studies was discussed as a supplement. The graduate school of the classical translation studies which was suggested in this project, will play a major role in activating classical translation studies into academic field. Korean Chinese-written Classics is the key chain that inherits the historical and cultural traditions of the Korean people. However, it is at a limit that could not be fully utilized due to linguistic and cultural barriers. The graduate school of the classical translation studies will build and cultivate the ability to develop various cultural contents of Korean classics by connecting education and field in research and education. If the establishment of the graduate school of the classical translation studies is complemented with the Institute for the translation of Korean classics, the concrete connection of education and the working field will be realized. It would be a collaborative research system between classical translator and graduate school. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to plan and prepare the establishment the network among the related institute such as Institute for the translation of Korean classics, the graduate school of the classical translation studies and other universities. This network will provide graduate students with various research and training opportunities through research networking with academic institutions in and outside of Korea. 근대 이전 시기의 우리 민족공동체의 기록물은 대부분 한문이다. 현대에 이르러 이 기록들이 현대한국어로 번역되지 않으면 민족공동체의 기억이 단절될 수도 있다. 국고지원으로 고전번역사업을 진행하는 까닭은 이 일이 민족공동체의 기억을 이어가는 행위라는 것을 인식했기 때문이다. 고전번역작업은 다양한 경로로 고전번역자가 양성되었기 가능하였다. 본고는 고전번역이 이어지기 위한 필요조건인 고전번역자 양성문제에 대하여, 특히 최상급의 학술과정인 대학원 과정을 중심으로 검토하려 한다. 우리나라에서 학문적 축적은 학과형태의 학술적 연속성에 기초하기에 협동과정 형태의 운영으로는 번역의 질적 수준을 높이는데 한계를 피할 수가 없다. 독립된 학과형태의 고전번역학 과정이 필요한 이유이다. 이러한 학과 과정은 한학(漢學)이 갖는 학문체계의 통합성을 복원하여, 번역학의 기반에서 학문적으로 재구성해야 하는 학문적 요구에 부응하는 명실상부한 ‘고전번역학’ 과정이 되어야 할 것이다. 이에 대한 해답으로 고전번역사업을 주도하는 한국고전번역원을 중심으로 독립적인 고전번역대학원을 설립하는 것도 가능할 것이다. 현실적으로 독립적인 학문기구로서 고전번역대학원의 설립이 어렵다면, 공동학위제도를 바탕으로 하는 통합적인 협동과정 형태를 상정할 수 있다. 대학의 기존 고전번역협동과정과 한국고전번역원이 ‘한국고전번역학 공동학위과정’을 만들어 고전번역자 자격취득에 관한 부분은 한국고전번역원이 주로 담당하고, 연구를 통한 학위 취득에 관한 부분은 대학에서 주로 담당하는 형태로 고전번역대학원 과정을 운영하는 것이다. 서울과 지방에 있는 대학의 고전번역협동과정을 하나로 연계하여 공동학위과정 혹은 복수학위과정으로 운영하고 거기에 고전번역원의 번역교육과정을 공통과정으로 설정하는 방법이다. 이와 같은 변화에 대응하기 위해, 현재의 고전번역원은 다음과 같은 변화가 요청된다. 첫째, 현재의 연수과정과 연구과정은 학점인정제를 바탕으로 하여 학점교류가 가능한 형태로 변화하여 정규 교육제도에 참여할 수 있도록 해야 한다. 둘째, 2018년 처음 도입되어 직업교육에 가까운 형태로 운용되는 교감표점전문가 양성과정, 편집전문가 양성과정을 온전한 직업교육훈련 과정으로 만들 필요가 있다. 이를 위해 교육부는 물론 고용노동부 등의 충분한 정부지원을 얻어서 내실 있는 교육이 될 수 있도록 해야할 것이다. 고전번역대학원 과정에 대해서는 국가의 정체성확인과 그것을 기초로 국가의 정신문화를 창달하는 기반사업이기에 국가주도의 투자가 요청된다.

      • KCI등재


        김용재 영남퇴계학연구원 2018 퇴계학논집 Vol.- No.23

        It is generally believed that the ‘Evaluation of the Results of Korean Yangming Studies(韓國陽明學)’ over the past few decades has reached a remarkable level. In particular, I have been working on a research project called “Research on Korean Yangming Studies(韓國陽明學)” for two years since 2004 and focusing on “Hagokhak(霞谷學) and Ganghwa Yangming Studies(江華陽明學)” and building a foundation for Korean studies(韓國學). Despite such achievements, however, the most important and fundamental task of studying Korean Yangming Studies(韓國陽明學) remains an unfinished atmosphere. Self-reflection is a necessary part of the Korean Institute of Amenities’ research, which has been sufficiently substantial to meet its remarkable quantitative growth. It is true that not only ‘Hargok(霞谷 鄭齊斗)’ but also many of the studies throughout ‘Korean Studies(韓國學)’ have been conducted using shameless data without careful basic research based on ‘the (first) primary text(元典)’ or ‘Data adopted after comparison(選本)’. In the case of 《Hagokjip(霞谷集)》, the only thing that was translated from ‘Government Agencies(舊 民族文化推進會)’ in the early 1970s is “I to III,” which was part of 《Hagokjip(霞谷集)》. This book is not only the most basic material that can characterize Yangming Studies(陽明學) philosophy of Ha-gok(霞谷 鄭齊斗), but it can also have a profound effect on those who study this field in the future. However, the book, translated in the early 1970s, has very brief explanations and often false translations. Since the book was first translated, there has not been a single revision or supplementation, despite many years to date. This is a sad reality for researchers who study Yangming Studies(陽明學), and a very serious situation for students who study Korean philosophy(韓國哲學). Although the translation is a very valuable piece of material in Korean Studies, there has been no solid comparison or testament to the various books, and none of the books have been translated completely from beginning to end. Since 《Hagokjip(霞谷集)》 is this much, it is not necessary to mention the rest of the data from other Korean Studies(韓國學). Researchers who study ‘Korean Yangming Studies(韓國陽明學)’ continue to offer second or third results based on a paper that others have already studied, without studying the first draft. These are all the wrong research results that come out without even knowing it was wrong. This situation is as if a researcher reports the wrong research results, and then the next researcher believes only the previously published data, rather than the verification and verification process of the primary text data, and he also regenerates the wrong research results. If researchers who study Confucianism(孔孟儒學) and theology continue to produce false research without solid foundation on the primary electromagnetism, no findings will ever be easy to gain authority and significance. Thus, it is necessary to give authority to the translation(飜譯) and explanation(譯註) of the remaining classics, which are important for the status of ‘Korean Studies(韓國學)’ and for the survival value of ‘Korean Studies’ beyond Korean Yangming Studies(韓國陽明學). 지난 수 십 년간 ‘한국양명학을 연구했던 결과물에 대한 평가’는 대체적으로 괄목할만한 수준에 이르렀다는 것이 중론이다. 특히 필자는 2004년도부터 2년간 “강화양명학에 관한 연구”라는 연구프로젝트를 수행하면서, ‘하곡학’과 ‘강화양명학’을 중심으로 연구하며 한국양명학 연구의 토대 구축에 일정정도 성과를 일궈낸 바 있다. 그러나 이와 같은 성과에도 불구하고 한국양명학을 연구함에 있어 가장 중요하면서도 근간이 되는 『하곡집』』에 대한 과제는 여전히 미완의 대기로 남아있다. 한국양명학 연구가 놀라울 정도의 양적 성장에 부합할 만큼, 합당한 내실을 다져왔는지에 대해서는 자성이 필요한 부분이다. 사실 ‘하곡학’뿐만 아니라, ‘한국학’ 전반의 많은 연구들이 元典을 토대로 하여 세심한 기초적 연구가 이루어지지 않은 상태에서, ‘定本’ 또는 選本에 대한 배려 없이 열악한 자료를 마구 이용하여 연구가 수행되어 왔다는 것은, 부끄럽지만 否認할 수 없는 사실이다. 『하곡집』의 경우, 1970년대 초반, 한국고전번역원의 전신인 ‘민족문화추진회’에서 『하곡집』 일부를 선별하여 번역한 『國譯霞谷集(Ⅰ~Ⅲ)』이 전부이다. 이 서적은 하곡 정제두의 양명정신을 보여주기 위한 가장 기초적 자료에 불과하였으며, 후학 양성에 그나마 영향을 끼쳤다고 평가할 수 있다. 그러나 이 『國譯霞谷集』은 매우 소략한 역주와 곳곳에 나타나는 비문과 오역을 가지고 있으며, 최초 국역집이 출간된 이후, 수십 년의 세월이 지난 지금까지도 수정보완이 단 한 차례도 이루어지지 않았다는 점에서 매우 안타깝기만 하다. 한국양명학 연구에 있어서 매우 중요한 문집이라 할 수 있는 『霞谷集』조차도 板本에 대한 충실한 교감도 없고, 또 그 어떤 판본 하나라도 처음부터 끝까지 완역된 작업이 이뤄지지 못했다면, 여타의 한국양명학과 관련된 문집들에 대해서는 더 이상 말할 필요조차도 없을 것이다. 한국사상을 연구하는 연구자들이 문집 등의 원전자료를 도외시한 채, 연구논문(2차 자료)이나 저서(3차 자료)에만 몰입한 채, 스스로 원전자료 내에서의 가치를 찾아내려 하지 않는다는 것은 沙上樓閣과 같다. 이는 어느 한 연구자가 잘못된 연구결과를 발표하면, 그 후속 연구자는 원전자료에 대한 검증과 고증없이, 앞서 발표되었던 연구결과만을 믿고 또다시 잘못된 연구성과를 줄줄이 이어나가는 愚를 범하게 되는 것이다. 우리나라의 유학사상을 연구함에 있어 원전자료에 대한 토대가 이뤄지지 않는다면, 그 어떠한 연구도 권위와 의의를 부여하기란 결코 쉽지 않다. 따라서 현재 남아있는 문집 자료에 대한 국역과 해석에 권위를 부여할 수 있는 定本化의 확립 문제는 한국양명학을 넘어 ‘韓國學’의 위상과 생존적 가치에도 연결되어 있는 매우 중요한 관건인 셈이다.

      • Networking the English Departments in Asia : What EPASIA Can Do

        Park, Chankil Ewha Institute of English and American Studies 2007 Journal of English and American studies Vol.6 No.-

        When we self-consciously examine the public roles as scholars of English Studies in the Asian context, we have to admit that we are, most of all, translators. We translate, annotate, and explicate the Western classics in English. Our translation is not simply a linguistic transfer from English to our vernacular languages or vice versa, but a cultural translation as well. Translation is not a mechanical process. The final result of the translating process is contingent upon for whom and why that translation is taking place. Translation is inevitably a process of approximation. But if the approximation was motivated by a political intention to sustain a colonial rule, translation is no more a matter of academic debate, but a political issue in itself. Being a translator of a culture, therefore, cannot be an innocent job: We have to decide politically on which side we locate ourselves, those who translate or those who are translated, the colonizer or the colonized. WWW is a new infrastructure where we can participate in the academic communities of English Studies more on an equal footing with Western scholars. First of all, the WWW’s environment and recent IT innovations have made an enormous improvement in the availability of primary and secondary materials. But what is more exciting to us is the new type of academic collaboration the WWW environment has made possible. The Website EPASIA is the very first step we have taken to materialize our professional ambition to make a “networked global partnership” in cyberspace among Asian scholars of English Studies. EPASIA is a multi-purpose academic portal site exclusively for English Studies developed by myself and nine doctoral students of my department. It is an ongoing project, still in the middle of its making, waiting for the contributions from our future partners in other Asian countries. EPASIA’s main features are as follows. a. Global Scope: EPASIA is an Academic Portal Site specialized in English Studies, which was, of course, inspired by Alan Liu’s Voice of the Shuttle. Whereas VOS is a comprehensive portal covering all subjects in the humanities and social sciences, EPASIA is only for English Studies. What is unique about EPASIA, however, is its truly global scope; it covers not only Anglo-American regions (UK, US, Australia) but also many Asian countries such as China, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, the Philippines, India, and Korea. b. Collaborative Networking: EPASIA is also an annotated Webliography (bibliography of academic web contents). EPASIA’s annotations are given by an open-ended, bilateral network of scholars and graduate students in Asia. The contents of EPASIA are thus uploaded and maintained by a networked community of students and scholars who best know the contents in their own professional fields. c. Digital Publishing & Archiving: EPASIA presents an international academic journal of English Studies, published both as a peer-reviewed e-journal and as a paper journal. Print or audio-visual materials produced through international conferences, workshops, and lecture series are collected and archived in the EPASIA database, and some of them are already provided to the general public. Digital mediations of local academic activities will also make Asian scholars a more significant presence in Western academic communities.

      • KCI등재

        고전번역사업의 전망과 과제

        장유승 한국고전번역학회 2023 고전번역연구 Vol.14 No.-

        지난 60년간 고전번역사업은 한국학 발전에 크게 기여했다. 그러나 산업 구조 및 인구 구조 변화에 따라 향후 한국학의 전망은 불투명하다. 한국학의 소외는 고전번역사업의 소외로 이어질 것이다. 한국학은 기존 개념과 범주를 재정의함으로서 활로를 모색하고 있다. 고전번역사업 역시 한국학의 쇄신에 동참하는 한편, 한국학의 범주를 벗어나 새로운 활로를 모색해야 한다. 고전번역사업의 쇄신은 고전, 번역, 사업의 개념과 범주를 재정의하는 것부터 시작될 것이다. 우선 분과 학문의 논리를 벗어나 문학, 사학, 철학에 치우친 사업 대상을 여러 분야로 다양화하고, 문헌의 국적, 형태, 시기, 가치의 경계를 근본적으로 재검토할 필요가 있다. 사업과 교육의 연계를 통해 고전번역 인력 및 한국학 연구자 양성에 기여하는 것도 고전번역사업의 해묵은 과제이다. 이것이 한국학의 경계 허물기에 부응하는 고전번역사업의 경계 허물기이다. For the past 60 years, classical translation Korean classic translation projects have greatly contributed to the development of Korean studies. However, the future prospects of Korean studies are unclear due to changes in the industrial structure and population structure. The decline of Korean studies will lead to the decline of the Korean classic translation projects. Korean Studies is seeking a way out by redefining existing concepts and categories. Korean classic translation projects should also participate in the reform of Korean studies, while seeking a way out of the scope of Korean studies. The renovation of the Korean classic translation projects will begin with redefining the concepts and categories of classics, translations, and businesses. First of all, it is necessary to diversify the project targets that are biased toward literature, history, and philosophy beyond the branch studies into various fields. First of all, the project targets that are biased toward literature, history, and philosophy should be diversified into various fields. It is necessary to review the boundaries of nationality, form, timing, and values of the literature. It is also an old task to contribute to the training of classical translation human resources and Korean studies researchers through the connection between business and education. This is the breaking down of the boundaries of the Korean classic translation projects that meets the breaking down of the boundaries of Korean studies.

      • 한국학자료 외국어서비스 현황과 번역시스템의 필요성

        최희수(CHOI HeeSoo) 중동유럽한국학회 2020 CEESOK Journal of Korean Studies Vol.1 No.1

        Major Korean studies institutions in Korea have been conducting online services by digitizing the Korean studies materials that have been held in the institutions since the 2000s. This is for Korean studies scholars to solve the difficulties of finding and browsing the data. As a result, many Korean studies scholars have benefited from it. However, it is still difficult to use them in foreign countries because of the various characteristics of Korean studies materials - for example, they are written in Chinese characters or are composed of difficult professional terms. The effort to provide the area of the Chosun Dynasty Annals, which was promoted by the National Institute of Korean History, was intended to solve such problems. In this article, I first looked at the status of foreign language information services of the major Korean studies institutions - the National Institute of Korean History, the Seoul National University Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, the Academy of Korean Studies, and the Institute for Translation of Korean Classics. And I would like to suggest a few things about the future direction of the foreign language service of Korean studies materials. As a result, the proposed contents are summarized as follows. First, it suggests a sequential approach in the order of Korean studies terms dictionary - example dictionary - translation rather than whole translation. Second, under the support of the government or public institutions, an open archive was established in which Korean researchers from overseas and Korean specialists from Korea are jointly participating, suggesting that researchers freely translate and comment on terms. Third, I proposed that this work should be able to participate not only in English, which is currently biased in the field of Korean Studies, but also French, German, Spanish, and Russian, which are widely used by the world. We also proposed to use various information retrieval methods using thesaurus such as Europeana case.

      • KCI등재

        The Nida Institute, Its History, Scholarly Focus, and the “Turn to Power” in Translation Studies

        Philip H. Towner,Roy E. Ciampa 대한성서공회 2016 성경원문연구 Vol.- No.39

        In this paper, we will address the question, “What, if anything, does the ‘poly-discipline’ of translation studies, largely developed in secular university contexts by scholars quite allergic to anything related to the Bible have to offer Bible translation?” As in the case of many academic disciplines, Translation Studies has gone through a number of paradigm shifts, or “turns” of direction, as it has grown as a discipline. Those turns include the “Pragmatic Turn” in the 1970’s, the “Cultural Turn” in the 1980’s, and the “Power Turn” from the 90’s on up to the present. This essay will focus on the Power Turn, in which translation has come to be understood as a means of exerting power-social power, cultural power, religious power, and cognitive power. Scholarly critiques described translation in contexts of asymmetrical power relations and conditions of hegemony, and practices in which translation, controlled by those in power has abetted subjugation. Resistant translations produced in response by the colonized or other oppressed classes in society were explorations in the application of power to bring their “otherness” to light. We will also discuss some of the implications of the Power Turn for Bible translation, including questions of power and ethics in the Bible. We suggest that Nida’s innovative approaches to training, his focus on the target audience and their meaning-making voices, and the development of an approach to translation that would empower and incorporate native speakers as translators and eventually as consultants anticipated aspects of the Power Turn. The Nida Institute seeks to emulate Eugene Nida’s commitment to bringing insights from the widest possible range of academic fields and disciplines to bear upon the work of Bible translation, advancing the work of Bible translation. This essay explains how the “poly-discipline” of translation studies has served as a particularly constructive dialogue partner for our work, informing how we think of the task of translation, how we train others to do it, and how we understand the effects and dynamics of translations in culture.

      • KCI등재

        『번역학연구』의 현황과 국내문헌 인용 고찰

        최희섭(Choi Hie Sup) 한국번역학회 2007 번역학연구 Vol.8 No.1

        The Korean Association of Translation Studies was established in 1999. The society began to publish its academic journal just after the establishment. The first volume of the journal, The Journal of Translation Studies, was published on June, 2000. The second volume was published on December, 2000. The fourteenth volume was published on the last day of last year. This means the journal was published biannually. The number of the theses published in each volume varies from 8 to 11. But average 8.98 theses were included in a volume. Before the year 2006, most volumes included 8 or 9 theses and the volumes of last year included 11 and 10 theses respectively. This means the Korean Association of Translation Studies keeps strong editing principle and began to increase the number included just a little last year. The total number of contributors to the journal is 67 and the number of theses published is 125. 43 scholars, that is 64% of contributors, contributed only once, and 14 scholars who contributed more than three times, contributed 62 theses. This means a not so large group of scholars are pioneering translation studies in Korea. The subject of the theses varies from general translation theories to the teaching method of translation. Many theses, namely 42 theses, focused on the translation theory, 15 theses studied literature translation, and 13 theses and 12 theses focused on the teaching method of translation and translation technique. The citation from the journal itself and other journals published in Korea is very encouraging. 20% of the contributors' theses in this journal were cited by the contibutor himself/ herself, and more than 50% of other scholars' theses in this journal were cited by other contributors. Though the journal was established only 7 years ago and only fourteenth volume was published, the citation rate is very high. We need not refer to other domestic books, for the citation from domestic books is more than expected. This means translation studies in Korea began to have autogenous power.

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