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      • KCI등재

        A Quantum-Cognition Approach to the Study of Second Language Acquisition

        ( Stefano Rastelli ) 서울대학교 인지과학연구소 2016 Journal of Cognitive Science Vol.17 No.2

        In this paper, I want to draw attention to the fact that . following other linguistic disciplines such as Semantics, Natural Language Processing, and Information Retrieval - Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research could also benefit from a quantum-cognition approach. In order to illustrate the potential of a future collaboration between SLA and quantum-cognition, I describe a case-study demonstrating a quantum effect in SLA, namely, the superposition of a grammatical and a statistical rule of noun-article agreement. I argue that a second language (L2) competence - like other phenomena in both nature and the human mind - is measurement-dependent, meaning that we can access it only contextually and probabilistically.

      • KCI등재

        0과 1의 해석학 ―수학, 디지털 및 양자정보, 그리고 주역과 노장

        오태석 ( Oh Tae-suk ) 한국중국어문학회 2018 中國文學 Vol.97 No.-

        This paper mainly put emphasis on the concept of ‘ambiguity’ and ‘ambivalence’, not on ‘clarity’ in regard to information theory. The specific contents are about the humanistic implies of the numbers ‘0 and 1’. I describe it into three parts as follows: ① Many interpretations of humanistic math about ‘0 and 1’ which could be extended to the circle and wave in TaiJI(太極) and its center line and its augural meaning of differential equation; probability; set in regard to George Cantor’s diagonal argument; and exponential function and log function which are related with the concept of information bit. ② A comparison of information theory about ‘0 and 1’ in digital computer’s bit with quantum computer’s qbit. ③ Mathematical semiotics of Yin and Yang in Book of Change(Yi-Jing), and Laozhuang’s view of ‘liangxing(兩行)’, i.e. going two-ways simultaneously from the aspect of information theory. In this paper I maintain 3 points as follows: ⓐ Similarity of ambivalence(兩價性) between 0 that includes nothing and infinity and concept of ‘Wu’(無) in Laozi(老子). ⓑ digital computer’s operating system is alternative algorithm i.e. {0/1}. Meanwhile quantum computer is simultaneously ambivalent taking algorithm i.e. {0&1}, which is based on quantum superposition and quantum entanglement. In other words, digital computer is based on the way of optional choice, and quantum computer runs in two different ways simultaneously. I think quantum computer’s operating system is much similar to the process of “Yang from Yin(陰中陽)” and “Yin from Yang(陽中陰)” in YiJing(易經), which is operated in intrinsically mutual complementary way. ⓒ For hundreds of years Western thoughts made much of rational clarity, and in result the thoughts of ambivalence’ (兩價性) in East Asian traditional thoughts are neglected relatively. I think from the impact of Einstein’s Relative Theories and Quantum Mechanics in early decades of 20th century, people start ringing that rational clarity is not always superior to ambivalence and ambiguity, especially in modern science. In this paper I considered the matter of humanistic implies about ‘0 and 1’ especially from information theory. And I would like to evoke the changing situation in recent recognition on ‘ambiguity’ or ‘ambivalence’, unlike past centuries.

      • Squeezing effects applied in nonclassical superposition states for quantum nanoelectronic circuits

        Choi Jeong Ryeol 나노기술연구협의회 2017 Nano Convergence Vol.4 No.17

        Quantum characteristics of a driven series RLC nanoelectronic circuit whose capacitance varies with time are studied using an invariant operator method together with a unitary transformation approach. In particular, squeezing effects and nonclassical properties of a superposition state composed of two displaced squeezed number states of equal amplitude, but 180° out of phase, are investigated in detail. We applied our developments to a solvable specific case obtained from a suitable choice of time-dependent parameters. The pattern of mechanical oscillation of the amount of charges stored in the capacitor, which are initially displaced, has exhibited more or less distortion due to the influence of the time-varying parameters of the system. We have analyzed squeezing effects of the system from diverse different angles and such effects are illustrated for better understanding. It has been confirmed that the degree of squeezing is not constant, but varies with time depending on specific situations. We have found that quantum interference occurs whenever the two components of the superposition meet together during the time evolution of the probability density. This outcome signifies the appearance of nonclassical features of the system. Nonclassicality of dynamical systems can be a potential resource necessary for realizing quantum information technique. Indeed, such nonclassical features of superposition states are expected to play a key role in upcoming information science which has attracted renewed attention recently.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Spin and Pseudo Spins in Theoretical Chemistry. A Unified View for Superposed and Entangled Quantum Systems

        Yamaguchi, Y.,Nakano, M.,Nagao, H.,Okumura, M.,Yamanaka, S.,Kawakami, T.,Yamaki, D.,Nishino, M.,Shigeta, Y.,Kitagawa, Y.,Takano, Y.,Takahata, M.,Takeda, R. Korean Chemical Society 2003 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.24 No.6

        A unified picture for magnetism, superconductivity, quantum optics and other properties of molecule-based materials has been presented on the basis of effective model Hamiltonians, where necessary parameter values have been determined by the first principle calculations of cluster models and/or band models. These properties of the matetials are qualitatively discussed on the basis of the spin and pseudo-spin Hamiltonian models, where several quantum operators are expressed by spin variables under the two level approximation. As an example, ab initio broken-symmetry DFT calculations are performed for cyclic magnetic ring constructed of 34 hydrogen atoms in order to obtain effective exchange integrals in the spin Hamiltonian model. The natural orbital analysis of the DFT solution was performed to obtain symmetry-adapted molecular orbitals and their occupation numbers. Several chemical indices such as information entropy and unpaired electron density were calculated on the basis of the occupation numbers to elucidate the spin and pair correlations, and bonding characteristic (kinetic correlation) of this mesoscopic magnetic ring. Both classical and quantum effects for spin alignments and singlet spin-pair formations are discussed on the basis of the true spin Hamiltonian model in detail. Quantum effects are also discussed in the case of superconductivity, atom optics and quantum optics based on the pseudo spin Hamiltonian models. The coherent and squeezed states of spins, atoms and quantum field are discussed to obtain a unified picture for correlation, coherence and decoherence in future materials. Implications of theoretical results are examined in relation to recent experiments on molecule-based materials and molecular design of future molecular soft materials in the intersection area between molecular and biomolecular materials.

      • KCI등재

        0과 1의 해석학-수학, 디지털 및 양자정보, 그리고 주역과 노장

        오태석 한국중국어문학회 2018 中國文學 Vol.97 No.-

        This paper mainly put emphasis on the concept of ‘ambiguity’ and ‘ambivalence’, not on‘clarity’ in regard to information theory. The specific contents are about the humanistic implies ofthe numbers ‘0 and 1’. I describe it into three parts as follows: ① Many interpretations ofhumanistic math about ‘0 and 1’ which could be extended to the circle and wave in TaiJI(太極)and its center line and its augural meaning of differential equation; probability; set in regard toGeorge Cantor’s diagonal argument; and exponential function and log function which are relatedwith the concept of information bit. ② A comparison of information theory about ‘0 and 1’ indigital computer’s bit with quantum computer’s qbit. ③ Mathematical semiotics of Yin and Yangin Book of Change(Yi-Jing), and Laozhuang’s view of ‘liangxing(兩行)’, i.e. going two-wayssimultaneously from the aspect of information theory. In this paper I maintain 3 points as follows: ⓐ Similarity of ambivalence(兩價性) between 0that includes nothing and infinity and concept of ‘Wu’(無) in Laozi(老子). ⓑ digital computer’soperating system is alternative algorithm i.e. {0/1}. Meanwhile quantum computer is simultaneouslyambivalent taking algorithm i.e. {0&1}, which is based on quantum superposition and quantumentanglement. In other words, digital computer is based on the way of optional choice, andquantum computer runs in two different ways simultaneously. I think quantum computer’s operatingsystem is much similar to the process of “Yang from Yin(陰中陽)” and “Yin from Yang(陽中陰)”in YiJing(易經), which is operated in intrinsically mutual complementary way. ⓒ For hundreds ofyears Western thoughts made much of rational clarity, and in result the thoughts of ambivalence’(兩價性) in East Asian traditional thoughts are neglected relatively. I think from the impact of Einstein’s Relative Theories and Quantum Mechanics in earlydecades of 20th century, people start ringing that rational clarity is not always superior toambivalence and ambiguity, especially in modern science. In this paper I considered the matter of26 中國文學 第97輯humanistic implies about ‘0 and 1’ especially from information theory. And I would like to evokethe changing situation in recent recognition on ‘ambiguity’ or ‘ambivalence’, unlike past centuries. 본고 〈0과 1의 해석학〉은 ‘0과 1’의 다양한 인문수학적 함의, 이 숫자들에 기초한 디지털컴퓨터와 양자컴퓨터의 구동방식의 비교, 그리고 주역 음양론과 노장 세계인식의 중요한 특징으로서의 양가성(兩價性)과 양행의 독법을 정보이론의 관점에서 풀어 해석하고자 했다. 제2장에서는 ‘0과 1’의 의미를 0의 양가성, 원과 파동, 확률, 집합론, 그리고 지수⋅로그(log)의 정보 단위로서의 bit와의 관련성 등을 인문수학적으로 고찰하였다. 제3장에서는 0과 1의 선택(0/1)에 기초한 디지털컴퓨터와, 양자역학의 기본 속성인 양자중첩에 기초해 0과 1을 동시에취하는(0&1) 양자컴퓨터의 알고리즘 구동 방식을 비교 분석함으로써 이어 행할 주역 및 노장사유와의 상호 관련성을 가늠할 기초 자료로 삼았다. 제4장에서는 음과 양 혹은 0과 1의 이진법으로 운용되는 동아시아 주역 음양기호학의 괘의 확장과 전개가 방식으로 구동되며, 동시에 0과 1이 복희육십사괘도에서 보듯이 ‘음중양,양중음’의 내적 상관성 속에 움직이는 점, 그리고 노장이 공히 인식한 상도(常道)적 잠재계와가도(可道)적 현상계, 그리고 이 둘의 양면 구동인 양행(兩行) 병작(並作)의 사유가 양자택일적 디지털 컴퓨터보다는 양자컴퓨터와 더 근접함을 보았다. 이상의 고찰을 통해 서구 르네상스 이후 전개된 근대이성 중심의 세속주의(secularism) 및데카르트와 뉴턴 이래 가속화한 분과주의 및 기계론적 이분법의 독점적 지배가 20세기초 상대성이론과 양자역학으로 흔들리기 시작하면서, 장기간 홀시되었던 동아시아 사유의 이중성과 모호성의 양가(兩價)⋅양행(兩行)의 사유가 새로운 조명을 받을 충분한 시점에 이르렀다고논증하였다.

      • KCI등재

        상관관계를 설명할 수 있는가?

        김준성(Joonsung Kim) 한국철학회 2010 철학 Vol.0 No.105

        이 글은 양자역학의 불가해한 EPR 상관관계를 설명할 수 있는지에 대한 것이다. 일반적인 상관관계와 달리 EPR 실험에서 서로 떨어진 두 입자의 스핀의 상관관계는 인과로 설명할 수 없다. 필자는 EPR 실험의 상관관계를 다른 방식으로 설명한다면 그것이 어떻게 가능한지를 논의한다. 그 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, EPR 실험에서의 상관관계가 인과가 개입할 가능성을 어떻게 배제하는지 설명하고, 상관관계를 설명하는 몇 가지 방식을 소개한다. 둘째, 두 스핀의 상관관계를 이해하는 데 상반된 관점인 개별주의와 관계 전체론의 차이를 제시하고, 관계 전체론의 핵심 개념인 중첩과 그것의 의미를 소개한다. 셋째, 중첩이 EPR 현상을 어떻게 논리적으로 일관되게 만드는지, 그것에서 비롯된 인과의 양방성 문제를 어떻게 수용할지를 보여준다. 넷째, 수반에 대한 확률적 해명과 인과적 배경 맥락을 EPR 현상에 응용하여 중첩이 물리적 요인으로서 실재성을 어떻게 갖는지 보여준다. 다섯째, 전통적인 인과 설명과 구별되는 평형 설명을 응용하여 중첩이 EPR 현상에 대해 어떻게 설명의 역할을 하는지를 보여준다. In this paper, I argue that the intriguing but inscrutable correlation between two spins in EPR(Einstein-Podolski-Rosen) experiment could be explained. One in general explains correlation between two distinct events in terms of causality. But any type of causal explanation is not available in EPR experiment. I argue that the correlation in EPR experiment could be explained if we not only exploit the concept of superposition that is the kernel of the relational holism but also articulate equilibrium explanation. First, I expound how the correlation in EPR experiment cannot be explained in terms of causality, and introduce several received explanation for correlation. Second, I compare two different metaphysical theories, particularism and relational holism. I consider superposition for the relational holism in order to figure out correlation in EPR experiment. Third, I show that the superposition factor renders (strong) locality and the prediction of quantum mechanics (the correlation of EPR experiment) logically consistent and also meets the problem of casual symmetry due to the logical consistency. Fourth, I argue that the superposition is not inert as a physical factor by explicating the relation among the superposition, supervenient relation, and causal background contexts in terms of the probabilistic theory of causation. Finally, I show how the superposition factor has an explanatory significance for the correlation in EPR experiment by articulating and exploiting equilibrium explanation that is distinct from traditional causal explanation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국 문학예술의 초월적 시공간

        吳台錫 한국중국어문학회 2020 中國文學 Vol.105 No.-

        This paper is the third article of the project named "Expression of Transcendental space-time in Traditional East Asian Thoughts and Arts". The first is "Perspectives of Time and Space in Western scientific philosophy"(2018), and the second is "Interpretation of scientific philosophy on East Asian view of Space-time"(2019). Chapter One of this paper discusses the concepts of entanglement, locality, flexibility, and probability in terms of space-time in contemporary physics based on the General Theory of Relativity and the Quantum Physics. This chapter mainly reinterprets the correlation of the view of the world between The Book of Change, Taoism, and Buddhism thoughts and Modern Physics. Specially, this discussion focuses on Hidden variable theory of David Bohm and Loop quantum gravity theory of Lee Smolin and Carlo Rovelli. Chapter Two examines transcendence of space and time in Chinese poetry and novels. Chinese poetry has developed not only its metaphoric transcendental feelings from resonance with nature-friendly Chinese culture but also the distinctive usages of aesthetical tunes and meanings of an Chinese language Hanzi. In Chinese novel, it has a distinguishing remark of communication with real world and potential world. I infer that it is very similar to Laozi's parallel view of the world, i.e. the phenomenal world[有, 可道] and the potential world[無, 常道]. The potential possible world could be connected with the real world through the law of cause and effect of sympathy or ethical motivation. I think this is similar to David Bohm's hypothesis of explicate order and implicate order in Humanistic viewpoint. In Chinese novel the potential world is a hidden possibilities in the real world. The characters of these two worlds lead to the ending from cause and effect on the situation of entanglement. Chapter Three explains the meaning of space-time re-arrangement in Chinese paintings. Chinese paintings prefer the representation of mental eye to the visual world. So the Chinese landscape painters like to express his mind with omission, rearrangement, refraction of objects, which are not the same as the perspective and chiaroscuro in Western paintings. The great writer Su Shi(蘇軾) in Song Dynasty created the genre of Literati painting, which was an embodiment of author's soul about the World. In his paintings, there is an core concept of invisible world that is called Wu(無) or Kong(空) in East Asian thoughts such as Taoism and Buddhism; therefore, Su Shi used a black-and white drawing(水墨畵) and preferred negative space in his paintings. The paradoxical transcendental route to Everlasting Truth(常理), I think, this is a distinguishing characteristics in Chinese and East Asian paintings from Western ones. Concerning the transcendence of space and time of East Asian thoughts, literature and art, we can finally say that there are significant points of contact in terms of the perspective approach of the world between East Asian thoughts containing the literary art and modern physics including General Theory of Relativity and the Quantum Physics, despite their definitely different origins. 이글은 '동아시아 전통사유와 문예의 초월적 시공간 표상'이라는 동아시아 시공간 관련 기획의 세 번째 논문이다. 제1편 <서구 과학철학의 시간과 공간론>(2018), 제2편 <동아시아 시공간의 과학철학적 독법>(2019)에 이어, 본고에서는 중국을 중심으로 한 문학과 회화의 시공간 표상의 특징과 의미를 데이비드 봄 ‘숨은변수이론’과 ‘루프양자중력 이론’의 시공간 이해를 과학철학적으로 재해석했다. 제1장은 먼저 20세기 현대물리학의 시공간 개념을 개관하였다. 그것은 중력에 의한 상호 관계적 얽힘 가운데 국지성·가변성·확률성의 특징을 지닌다. 그리고 동아시아 주역, 노장, 불교와 현대물리학 간의 접점적 해석 부분들을 예시 논증했다. 제2,3장은 중국시와 소설 및 회화에 나타난 시공간의 초월적 양상과 의미를 고찰했다. 중국시에서는 세계와 자연에 대한 시인의 특이점적 깨침으로서의 합일, 정경교융의 심미적 공명, 또는 울분과 분만의 자기 정화 등으로 구현된 시공간적 초월의 의미를 논했다. 중국소설에서는 다중세계적 잠재계가 현상계에 대한 은장된 가능성의 세계로서, 이 두 세계의 주인공들이 상호 얽힘 가운데 현상계에 대한 상상 여행의 양상들을 보았다. 선과 여백, 상호 관계성을 중시하는 다중 초점의 중국화는 사물로서의 대상과 마음의 만남의 주관적 표현 장치로서 공간의 자유로운 생략, 재배치, 굴절을 통한 동적 세계인 작가의 세계정신의 표현으로 나타났다. 또 무의 심미를 확장해 傳神과 여백미, 무색의 문인 수묵화의 발전, 허와 실의 비구분적 경계, 이에 근거한 공간 재배치 등 다양한 방식의 융화와 초월적 표상을 만들어 냈다. 결국 동아시아 회화의 특징은 ①작가 정신의 寫意적 표현, ②2차원 캔버스에서 세계에 대한 동적 관찰로서의 散點 투시, ③유가 아닌 무색의 수묵화, ④여백의 의미 부여로 나타났다. 동아시아 문학예술의 초월적 시공간 표상에 대한 과학철학적 고찰은, 현대물리학의 시공간 개념으로 제기된 특성으로서의 비국소성, 상호 얽힘, 시공간의 탄력성과 양행적 세계이해의 시선을 공유한다. 물론 현대물리학과 동아시아 고전사유의 두 분야가 같을 수는 없다. 하지만 본 연구에서 보듯이 세계에 대한 관점 공유와 해석학적 접점이 존재한다는 점에서, 향후 확장과 심화연구의 필요가 있다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 시공간의 과학철학적 독법

        오태석 중국어문연구회 2019 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.96

        This paper examines East Asian Traditional Perspectives on Space-Time in connection with the splendid achievements of contemporary Physics such as Einstein’s Theory of Relatives and Quantum Mechanics. As the second of three articles on time and space, this paper discusses traditional East Asian perspectives of space-time from the meta-science aspect. The three main topics are the Western theories of time and space, the characteristics of the East Asian perspective of space-time, and the space-time representation of the East Asian literature and arts from the convergent perspective of science and humanities. The big change in the way we look at time and space began with Einstein’s theory of relativity. The main concept of this is that time and space are relative and are no more the discrete absolute subject, but rather geometric curvature that energy and density of matters produce. In my opinion, this is not a dichotomy of the formal logic of discrimination and exclusion in Western intellectual history, but rather an epistemological shift to a internal and transcendental dichotomy of mutual harmony. And these internal and transcendental thoughts were already deeply imprinted on the main thoughts of East Asia: The Book of Change, Laozi-Zhuangzi, and Buddhism. This paper is an reinterpretation from the combined viewpoints of the Modern Physics and Traditional East Asian Thoughts. And the interpretation of Ji(卽) as a Collapse of Wave Function, I.e.. immediate presentation from the field of potentiality. In regard to perspective of space-time I inquired into three main texts, i.e., The Book of Change, Laozi-Zhuangzi, and Buddhism and and Nagarjuna ZhongLun(中論) as below. ①The Book of Change: 0 and 1, yin-yang semiotics, The Book of Change, super-dichotomy of yin-yang, equivalent meaning of Taiji(太極) and Wuji(無極).② Laozi-Zhuangzi Taoism: intertextuality of visible and invisible worlds, i.e., Changdao(常道) and Kedao(可道). These are represented as World of Existing(有) and Nothing(無) also. and interpretation of Wuhua(物化) seen in Zhuangzi’s story of ‘Dream of Butterfly’(蝴蝶夢). ③ Perspective of Emptiness(空) in Prajnaparamita(般若) Sutra and Nagarjuna(龍樹) ‘Zhonglun’(中論) in Buddhism, Co-arising and Co-relating of all Things in the World from Indra’s Net. I think tangential thoughts and interpretations in this paper suggest a sort of connecting possibility of open sight between two different modes of thought, i.e., Western Science and East Asian humanities. We need to investigate further in various areas for tangential research like this in the middle of the vision of a cultural integration.

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