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        강감찬과 귀주대첩

        김만호 한국중세사학회 2011 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.31

        The purpose of this study is to examine the process of Kang Gam-chan’s entry into politics and his role before and after the Great War at Guiju. The existing studies are only focused on his role as a Great Commander of the Great War at Guiju, and none of them deals with his life and political activity. There are, of course, a few papers dealing with the political character of Kang Gam-chan, but those are not enough to explain his political life and the Great War at Guiju correlatively. Based on the awareness of this problem on current studies, Kang Gam-chan’s entry into politics will be examined in this paper. Kang Gam-chan entered into politics in his age of thirty six, through Poksi(覆試) in which he passed first on the list in 983, the second year of King Sung-jong’s reign. It seems that Sung-jong tried to reinforce royal authority by selecting Kang Gam-chan;unfortunately, it hardly worked. Kang’s activities are notable after the enthronement of Hyeon-jong, and his major political activities before the Great War at Guiju are as follows. First, in the year Hyeon-jong ascended the throne, Kang Gam-chan proposed to build a Nasung(羅城) for protection from the north barbarian tribes. Secondly, Kang was Yebusirang(禮部侍郞) and played the role of Gygonger(知貢擧). When Hyeon-jong acceded to the throne, the political situation of Goryeo was out of joint. It is significant that Kang Gam-chan played the important role of selecting talented people in that fluid political situation. Thirdly, unlike other court officials, only Kang alone insisted on escaping from the palace and going southward in the Second Invasion of the Kitans therefore he protected the Royal Court. In that general crisis, Hyeon-jong followed Kang’s advices and this fact shows the relationship between the Emperor and Kang Gam-chan clearly. Fourthly, after the invasion of the Kitans, Kang Gam-chan contributed to establishment of the ruling order by building Sajikdan(社稷壇) and maintaining formalities as Jungchusa(中樞使). Fifthly, as Ibusanseo(吏部尙書) he distributed part of his land to soothe dissatisfaction of the soldiers in 1016, the seventh year of King Hyeon-jong’s reign. In December 1018(the ninth year of King Hyeon-jong’s reign), during so-called ‘the Third Invasion of Kitan’ period, Kang Gam-chan led the war as Sangwonsoo(上元帥). It seems that Hyeon-jong had prepared the war through general Kang. That Hyeon-jong had prepared the war is clear based on the fact that he appointed Kang Gam-chan to Seogyoungyoosoo(西京留守) in May of the nineth year of his reign, and Seobukmyonhangyoungdotongsa(西北面行營都統使) in October respectively. When Hyeon-jong appointed general Kang to Seogyoungyoosoo, Hyeon-jong himself wrote a Gosin(告身) in which he wrote about Kang Gam-chan’s contributions. After this appointment, Kang was appointed to Seobukmyonhangyoungdotongsa which is responsible for protection of all Northwestern regions. These mean that Hyeon-jong prepared for the invasion of the Kitans through Kang Gam-chan, who is close to Hyeon-jong. Finally, Kang Gam-chan successfully defeated the Kitans in the Great War of Guiju. Based on the internal background, the reasons of the Great Victory at Guiju are as follows:first, Hyeon-jong of Goryeo prepared well for the war through Kang Gam-chan who gained control of the military forces. Secondly, the officials of Goryeo agreed strong policies for the Kitans unlike the first and second invasion period. Thirdly, Kang Gam-chan’s strategic or tactical insight and manipulation of troops were the reasons of the Great Victory. After ‘the Third Invasion of the Kitans’, the relationship between Goryeo and Kitan improved rapidly because both countries were tired of the long wars. Goryeo successfully protected themselves from the invasions of Kitan and the Kitans was promised Chinjo(親朝). Kang promoted continuously after the war. He, however, retired f... The purpose of this study is to examine the process of Kang Gam-chan’s entry into politics and his role before and after the Great War at Guiju. The existing studies are only focused on his role as a Great Commander of the Great War at Guiju, and none of them deals with his life and political activity. There are, of course, a few papers dealing with the political character of Kang Gam-chan, but those are not enough to explain his political life and the Great War at Guiju correlatively. Based on the awareness of this problem on current studies, Kang Gam-chan’s entry into politics will be examined in this paper. Kang Gam-chan entered into politics in his age of thirty six, through Poksi(覆試) in which he passed first on the list in 983, the second year of King Sung-jong’s reign. It seems that Sung-jong tried to reinforce royal authority by selecting Kang Gam-chan;unfortunately, it hardly worked. Kang’s activities are notable after the enthronement of Hyeon-jong, and his major political activities before the Great War at Guiju are as follows. First, in the year Hyeon-jong ascended the throne, Kang Gam-chan proposed to build a Nasung(羅城) for protection from the north barbarian tribes. Secondly, Kang was Yebusirang(禮部侍郞) and played the role of Gygonger(知貢擧). When Hyeon-jong acceded to the throne, the political situation of Goryeo was out of joint. It is significant that Kang Gam-chan played the important role of selecting talented people in that fluid political situation. Thirdly, unlike other court officials, only Kang alone insisted on escaping from the palace and going southward in the Second Invasion of the Kitans therefore he protected the Royal Court. In that general crisis, Hyeon-jong followed Kang’s advices and this fact shows the relationship between the Emperor and Kang Gam-chan clearly. Fourthly, after the invasion of the Kitans, Kang Gam-chan contributed to establishment of the ruling order by building Sajikdan(社稷壇) and maintaining formalities as Jungchusa(中樞使). Fifthly, as Ibusanseo(吏部尙書) he distributed part of his land to soothe dissatisfaction of the soldiers in 1016, the seventh year of King Hyeon-jong’s reign. In December 1018(the ninth year of King Hyeon-jong’s reign), during so-called ‘the Third Invasion of Kitan’ period, Kang Gam-chan led the war as Sangwonsoo(上元帥). It seems that Hyeon-jong had prepared the war through general Kang. That Hyeon-jong had prepared the war is clear based on the fact that he appointed Kang Gam-chan to Seogyoungyoosoo(西京留守) in May of the nineth year of his reign, and Seobukmyonhangyoungdotongsa(西北面行營都統使) in October respectively. When Hyeon-jong appointed general Kang to Seogyoungyoosoo, Hyeon-jong himself wrote a Gosin(告身) in which he wrote about Kang Gam-chan’s contributions. After this appointment, Kang was appointed to Seobukmyonhangyoungdotongsa which is responsible for protection of all Northwestern regions. These mean that Hyeon-jong prepared for the invasion of the Kitans through Kang Gam-chan, who is close to Hyeon-jong. Finally, Kang Gam-chan successfully defeated the Kitans in the Great War of Guiju. Based on the internal background, the reasons of the Great Victory at Guiju are as follows:first, Hyeon-jong of Goryeo prepared well for the war through Kang Gam-chan who gained control of the military forces. Secondly, the officials of Goryeo agreed strong policies for the Kitans unlike the first and second invasion period. Thirdly, Kang Gam-chan’s strategic or tactical insight and manipulation of troops were the reasons of the Great Victory. After ‘the Third Invasion of the Kitans’, the relationship between Goryeo and Kitan improved rapidly because both countries were tired of the long wars. Goryeo successfully protected themselves from the invasions of Kitan and the Kitans was promised Chinjo(親朝). Kang promoted continuously after the war. He, however, retired from b...

      • KCI등재후보

        강감찬 설화의 의미 분석

        최웅(Choi Ung) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2009 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.23

        본 논의의 목적은 강감찬 설화에 담겨진 의미를 분석하여 설화에 반영된 민중의식을 고찰하는 것이다. 주로 강원 영동지역을 중심으로 산재해 있는 강감찬 관련 설화는 실존했던 역사인물이 설화적 인물로 창작되는 과정에서 민중의식이 어떻게 반영되는지를 살펴볼 수 있는 좋은 자료이다. 본 논의에서는 특히 〈한국구비문학대계〉과 〈강원설화총람〉에 실린 강감찬 설화를 중심으로 설화에서 볼 수 있는 이적(異蹟)의 의미를 중점적으로 살펴보고자 하였다. 설화에서 강감찬은 백성을 해치거나 괴롭히는 대상을 가차 없이 퇴치하는 능력자이다. 강감찬은 신통력으로 백성들의 생활에 해로움을 끼치는 대상을 퇴치하고 문제적 상황을 해결함으로써 민중의 공감을 얻어 설화 속에서 신이한 행적을 펼친 영웅이 된 인물이다. 강감찬이 영웅적 존재로서 설화 창작집단의 공감을 얻을 수 있었던 것은 강감찬의 이러한 퇴치 능력 때문이다. 강감찬 설화에 있어 허구의 핵심은 ‘신통력’이다. 강감찬은 문제의 중심에서 문제해결자로서의 구실을 한다. 강감찬이 민중들에게 있어 문제 해결의 대명사로 인식되면서 각 편 설화가 창조되는 과정에서 설화 속 강감찬은 현실의 제약이나 한계를 극복해야만 한다. 극복 방법이 바로 신통력이다. 강감찬에 관련한 설화의 기본 화소는 전국에 광포된 내용이 거의 대동소이하다. 다만, 강릉을 중심으로 영동지역에 전승되는 설화는 이 지역 전승집단에 의해 각색되고 재창조 되었다는 점이 다르다. 일차적인 차이는 강릉에 초점을 맞춘 구체적인 지명에 비중을 둔다는 점이다. 그러나 그들 전승집단과 강감찬의 직접적인 소통 경험은 없어 보인다. 그럼에도 설화 전승집단은 시ㆍ공간의 구체적 명시를 통해 대상인물을 재구조화하여 자신들과 일체감을 이루고 있는 것이다. This paper intends to speculate the popular consciousness reflected on folktales through the analysis of the tales related to General Kang Gam-Chan. Scattered around Gangwon-do of Yeongdong District, Kang Gam-Chan tales are considered favorable resources to examine how the popular consciousness is shadowed in the process of creating a real historic figure into a fictional one. The paper will study mysterious achievements explicit in folktales of General Kang Gam-Chan recorded in Gangwon Seolhwa Chongram and Gubi Munhak Daegye. Kang Gam-Chan of tales is a capable man to rigorously wipe out villains that harm or molest the general public. After subjugating ones harmful to the public with his divine power and solving out troublesome situations, Kang Gam-Chan, in the tales, gains the public sympathy to become a hero with mysterious achievements. It is Kang Gam-Chan's power of ruling out the bad that lets him gain the sympathy from the tale-creating groups as a heroic figure. The fictional essence of Kang Gam-Chan tales is ‘the divine power.’ Working as a trouble-solving broker, he is recognized as the one to solve every trouble who is expected to transcend realistic restrictions or limits. How to do it is in the key of granting him a divine power. The Kang Gam-Chan tales widespread throughout the nation share quite similar basic elements. Yet, the tale of Gangneung has been edited and recreated by Gangneung's folktale group. Considering a general difference, the tale includes a specific regional name Gangneung inside the story although the folktale group and Kang Gam-Chan do not seem to have directly contacted each other. Except for such a minor difference, all folktale groups regard Kang Gam-Chan in the same light by reconstructing the character through the clear statements of time and space.

      • KCI등재

        강감찬과 낙성대에 대한 인식과 평가의 시대적 추이

        김인호 한국중세사학회 2020 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.60

        Kang Gam-chan(姜邯贊) has a historical image as a hero who saved the country from the invasion of the Great. He has been a respected figure in many records since the Joseon Dynasty was created. He is one of sixteen people in Swungweijun(崇義殿). These are all people who have stopped foreign invasion. 『Koryosa』 Kang Gam-chan thermoelectrics are the most basic data. The story that was born is Naksungdae(落星臺) tales. This story shows Kangganchan’s ability to study. Kang Gam-chan is held in Samhyunsa(三賢祠) in the late Joseon Dynasty. Here he is said to have an etiquette. This is according to runners. And there is a legend that Kang Gam-chan gets rid of tigers. This legend has been around since Joseon Dynasty. Respect for Kang Gam-chan continued in the late Joseon Dynasty. He wrote a hero in a book called 『Haedongmeogjangchon(海東名將傳)』. After the Korean Empire, Kang Gam-chan appeared in novels, newspapers and magazines. At that time, there was a strong sense of resistance to foreign countries. So Kang Gam-chan received attention. In the case of fiction, various legends were described. Among them are legends about frogs and tigers. This novel became the basic story of the later Great Mansion. Nakseongdae began to be introduced during the Japanese occupation. In particular, the Dong-A Ilbo reported that Nakseongdae was born by Kang Gam-chan There is a five-story pagoda nearby. Since 1945 the ruins of Kang Gam-chan have been rediscovered. But the idea of ​​a hero who saved the country has not changed.

      • KCI등재

        강감찬 설화에 나타난 민중의식과 정치적 지도자의 이미지

        김명옥(Kim, Myung-ok) 건국대학교 스토리앤이미지텔링연구소 2020 스토리&이미지텔링 Vol.19 No.-

        이 글은 역사가 기록하지 못한 강감찬의 위정자로서 삶을 역사와 민중 ‘의식의 역사’를 통해 살폈다. 설화에서 그는 원한을 갚아주고, 민중을 위해 제대로 일하지 않은 아전을 혼내준다. 민중의 삶을 위협하는 거대한 존재부터 그들을 괴롭히는 사소한 것까지 모두 퇴치한 것이다. 이렇듯 설화는 그를 민중을 위한 민중의 지방관으로 여기고 있었다. 강감찬이 민생 안정을 위한 방법은 신이한 것들이다. 이것은 민중이 강감찬을 자연과 감응하고 소통하는 천인합일관적 인물로 인식하는 것인데, 그에 대한 신뢰와 존경의 표현으로 해석했다. 설화에 나타난 강감찬의 신이성은 역사적 사실에서 기인한 것이다. 거란의 잦은 침략으로 불안한 삶을 살았던 민중은 귀주대첩으로 그 불안이 해소되었고, 이것은 강한 신과 같은 능력이 없으면 불가능하다고 여겼던 것이다. 그래서 민중은 강감찬을 하늘에서 여우의 몸을 빌려 내려온, 지혜가 뛰어난 인물로 상징화한 것이다. 강감찬은 민중에게 초자연적인 능력을 발휘하여 민중의 일상적인 삶을 지켜주고 돌봐주는 위정자로 인식되고 있었다. 이것은 기록과 기록 사이를 메우는 강감찬에 대한 ‘의식의 역사’인 것이다. This article looked into the life of Kang Gam-chan as an administrator whose history has not been recorded through history and people’s “history of consciousness.” In the fables, he solves people’s grudges and gives town officials an awful time for not fulfilling their responsibilities to the people. He wipes out everything from the huge beings that threaten the life and livelihood of the people to the more trivial matters that afflict them. Thus, in the fables, he has been regarded as a people’s provincial official. However, the methods employed by Kang Gam-chan to stabilize people’s lives are mysterious (=divine) and extraordinary. This is interpreted as an expression of trust and respect for Kang Gam-chan, recognized by the people as a being of unity with Heaven and Man, who could respond to and communicate with nature. The mysterious (=divine) and extraordinary nature of Kang Gam-chan in the fables are often cited as historical facts. The people, who lived an uneasy life due to frequent invasions of the Georan, were relieved from the anxiety by the great victory in Gwiju; this victory was considered impossible without harnessing a strong godlike power. Thus, the people symbolized Kang Gam-chan as a man of great wisdom who borrowed the fox’s body from heaven. Kang Gam-chan is perceived as an administrator who uses his supernatural powers to protect and care for people’s everyday life. This is the “history of consciousness” of Kang Gam-chan, which fills the gap between records and records.

      • KCI등재

        ‘귀주대첩’과 현종의 청야전술

        임지원 한국중세사학회 2022 한국중세사연구 Vol.- No.70

        The Goryeo-Khitan War was a prolonged war that lasted over ten years, covering almost half of King Hyeonjong’s reign. The battle of Guiju was the most important battle of the war, putting an end to it. Most of the previous studies on the subject focused on the performance of Kang Gam-chan that led the Goryeo forces in the war to examine the Battle of Guiju, but there is a need to figure out the war situations from a more macroscopic perspective since war is a massive clash between two states. Based on this problematic consciousness, this study focused on the roles of King Hyeonjong, who checked the Goryeo forces on the whole through three formal military inspections for approximately a year before the breakout of the last war. He appointed Kang Gam-chan and granted military power to him for the northern part. Once the war broke out, he kept a close watch on the war situations. Once finding out that the Khitan forces marched toward the capital of Goryeo to avoid the main force units of Goryeo, he employed a rather extreme defensive measure to scorch the fields around Gaegyeong. His measure was effective in the strategy of the Khitan that tried to end the war swiftly with its cavalry-led forces. Both Kang’s tactics of reacting to the turning movement of the Khitan forces by dividing the Goryeo forces and King Hyeonjong’s tactics of scorching the field around the capital to fight the Khitan forces were achievements made possible by their reading of Khitan’s movement early and their close liaison between the front and rear. In other words, Goryeo did not win a victory at the Battle of Guiju by simply engaging in actions at the front. They engaged in effective information warfare and defensive strategies at the rear for the victory. As King Hyeonjong succeeded in defending Gaegyeong by employing the tactics of scorching the fields, Goryeo was able to take the lead on the battleground from the Khitans and induce the retreating Khitan forces to battlefields favorable to them. These findings indicate that Goryeo won the Battle of Guiju based on the organic entanglement of its several tactical movements from the start to the end of the war. The present study examined various situations before and after the Battle of Guiju more broadly by reviewing again the rear strategies of Goryeo under the war situations. It is generally said that Goryeo won the last Goryeo-Khitan war lastly punctuated by the Battle of Guiju thanks to the competence of a superb leader named Kang Gam-chan, but a closer look into the war shows that Goryeo clearly provided support and developed organic operations at the rear separate from the Goryeo troops at the front. King Hyeonjong especially played an effective role by deciding to implement the tactics of scorching the field in the defensive warfare of Gaegyeong at the midway point of the war. 현종대에 있었던 고려-거란 전쟁은 임금의 재위 기간의 절반에 가까운 10년이라는 기간 동안 지속된 장기전이었다. 특히 귀주대첩(龜州大捷)은 이 전쟁의 종지부를 찍은 가장 중요한 전투이다. 따라서 종래의 연구에서는 대체로 전쟁을 지휘한 강감찬의 활약에 주목하여 귀주대첩을 바라보았다. 그러나 전쟁이라는 것은 국가간의 거대한 충돌이므로 보다 거시적인 관점에서 전황을 파악할 필요가 있다. 본고에서는 이러한 문제 의식 하에, 국왕 현종의 역할에 주목하여 연구를 진행하였다. 현종은 5차 전쟁이 마무리된 시점부터 6차 전쟁이 발발하기 이전인 약 1년 간의 기간 동안 세 차례의 열병을 시행하여 고려군을 전체적으로 점검하였으며, 강감찬을 중용하여 북방의 군권을 맡겼다. 전쟁 발발 이후에는 전방의 상황을 예의주시하며 거란군이 고려 주력군을 피해 수도를 향해 진격하자 개경 주변을 청야하는 다소 극단적인 수비책을 사용하였다. 이는 기병 중심으로 편제되어 속전속결로 전쟁을 끝내려던 거란의 전략에 유효하게 작용하였다. 병력을 나누어 거란의 우회 기동에 대응한 강감찬의 전술과 수도 일대를 청야하여 거란의 전략을 맞받아친 현종의 전술은 모두 거란의 움직임을 조기에 읽고 전방과 후방 사이의 긴밀한 연락을 통해 이루어낸 성과라고 여겨진다. 즉 귀주대첩은 단지 전방에서의 교전으로 이루어진 것이 아닌 고려 후방에서의 정보전과 방어 전략이 유효하게 작동하는 가운데에서 거둔 성과이다. 현종이 청야전술을 통해 개경 방어에 성공함으로써 고려는 거란의 전장 주도권을 빼앗고, 퇴각하는 거란군을 자신들에게 유리한 전장으로 이끌어 낼 수 있었다. 이처럼 귀주대첩은 개전 초부터 종전까지 고려가 취한 여러 전술적 움직임이 유기적으로 얽혀 이루어진 결과물이라 생각한다. 이번 연구에서는 전쟁 상황에서의 후방 전략에 대한 재검토를 통해 귀주대첩을 전후한 여러 상황을 보다 넓게 살펴보고자 하였다. 일반적으로 귀주대첩으로 대표되는 마지막 고려-거란 전쟁은 강감찬이라고 하는 뛰어난 지휘관의 역량으로 얻어낸 승리로 회자되곤 한다. 그러나 이를 면밀히 살펴보면 전방의 고려 군세와 별개로 후방에서의 지원이나 유기적인 작전 전개가 존재했음을 분명하게 파악할 수 있다. 특히 전쟁 중반에 있었던 개경 방어전에는 청야전술을 결단한 현종의 역할이 주효하게 작용하였다.

      • KCI등재

        다문화시대 인물탄생형 이물교혼담의 가치와 동화 스토리텔링의 방향

        이명현(Lee, Myeoung-hyun) 중앙어문학회 2013 語文論集 Vol.55 No.-

        Korean society has failed to resolve discriminations and prejudices against children from multicultural families in spite of their rising numbers since they are considered to be “wrong” instead of “different” by children from Korean families. The solution of such problems requires perceptual changes to understand each other as well as policy approaches. It is particularly important to help children develop multicultural sensibility when they have no rejection to other cultures. This study examined the fairy tale storytelling plans for the Kang Gam-chan story, one of the Tales about Marriage between Man and Animal with the elements of child birth and growth, from that perspective. The study first interpreted his birth and growth process according to Marriage between Man and Animal and then his hardship and extraordinary abilities demonstrated in the process in the story in a way that would fit the multicultural era. Based on those findings, the investigator proposed a direction for the storytelling of his story into a fairy tale for young children. One of the suggestions was to replace the part where his father had physical relations with 100 women with a new one where his father formed a marital relationship with a fairy banished from the Heaven in an effort to resolve the ethical issues in the story. The study maintained that the storytelling should take a direction toward emphasizing the abilities of Kang Gam-chan that was born out of Marriage between Man and Animal in order to stress the special nature of difference. The study also proposed the rewriting of the story to secure probability in the stage of resolving conflicts and problems and heighten suspense. The storytelling of an Tales about Marriage between Man and Animal into a fairy tale is a job of exploring the multicultural elements inherent in stories and a scheme to help children from multicultural families understand and accept their identity in a positive manner. Such discussions and storytelling attempts will work to have the heritage of Korean story culture respond to social changes and grant a new force of life to it.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 전기 서북한지역의 관방체계

        양시은 ( Yang Si-eun ) 한국중세사학회 2021 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.64

        This paper examines the distribution status of Goryeo fortresses in the northwestern region and the changes in the military defense system from regional base defense to a defense using the great walls installed along the border. Goryeo established an administrative unit for securing military strongholds and local governance by expanding the territory of the North and establishing the Ju-Jin(州鎭) fortresses. The defense strategy of Goryeo, based on the records of invasion of the Khitan, was basically the defense of the stronghold of the region, which was built on major traffic routes to the capital, Gaegyeong(開京). Since Koguryo had already pioneered that routes, many of the Goryeo fortresses, except around the Yalu River, were renovated and used. Although the mountain fortress has the advantage of being easy to defend itself, Khitan was able to advance to the capital without occupying the fortress. The three invasions of Khitan eventually ended with a great victory of the Goryeo army, led by Kang Gam-Chan, but it was an opportunity to awaken the importance of the border. So, Goryeo built a great wall from the Yalu River in the west to Jungpyong-gun in the east in order to strengthen the border and prevent the invasion of enemies. With the construction of a great wall, the defense system in the northern territory has been changed from the regional stronghold defense to the borderline defense using the walls.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 개경의 사찰과 흥국사(興國寺)

        강호선 ( Kang Ho-sun ) 한국중세사학회 2021 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.64

        This study is focus on role of Buddhist temple in Gaegyoung, the capital of Goryeo through looking into Heong’gook-sa Temple(興國寺) and its 5-story stupa which made by Kang Gamchan(姜邯贊). Heong’gook-sa Temple was established in Gaegyoung by King Tae-jo. This temple was located in the middle of the capital and the distance from the royal palace was the closest. In 1021, Kang Gamchan established 5-story stupa and engraved 38-letters on the stupa. This construction of stupa in Heong’gook-sa Temple(興國寺 石塔) was related to King Hyeon-jong’s construction of Hyeonhwa-sa Temple(玄化寺) for his parents who had passed away. This short epigraph shows Bureaucrats’ faith in Buddhism such as disciples Bodhisattva precepts(菩薩戒弟子) title. Heong’gook-sa Temple were mainly places where bureaucrats operated. Especially, on the King’s natal day(節日) bureaucrats held a ceremony to the Buddha for the king and celebrated his birth. In case of drought, bureaucrats prayed for rain to the Buddha in Heong’gook-sa Temple. There were also an official ordination platform in Heong’gook-sa Temple. In the late Goryeo period, important political discussions were underway in Heong’gook-sa Temple, and it was a place where scholars read Confucian texts or prepared civil service examination.

      • KCI등재

        풍요의 변산(邊山)과 그 형상화

        유정열 국어문학회 2022 국어문학 Vol.79 No.-

        본고는 19세기 말에 창작된 소승규(蘇昇奎)의 「유봉래산일기」(遊蓬萊山日記)가 변산(邊山) 유기(遊記)로서 어떠한 특징을 지니고 있는지를 밝히고자 했다. 이를 위해 작품 속 변산 형상화가 산, 들판, 바다가 어우러진 것과 같은 변산의 특성과 어떻게 연결되는지 등을 유념하며 고찰을 진행했다. 고찰 결과 「유봉래산일기」에서 변산이 자연, 물산, 문화를 풍부하고도 다채롭게 보유하고 있는 ‘풍요의 장소’로서 그려진 점을 확인할 수 있었다. 아울러 작품에 풍요의 이면에 존재하는 변산 주민들의 고단한 삶의 모습 등이 포착된 점도 확인할 수 있었다. 이상의 점들을 고려할 때 「유봉래산일기」는 변산 유람 체험이 담긴 기록인 동시에 변산의 특성이 생생하게 담긴 ‘변산지’(邊山誌)로서의 성격도 지닌다. 덧붙여 귀로에 이루어진 만경강 뱃놀이에 명창 안익화(安益化)가 동참해 노래를 부르는 장면이 있는 점도 작품에서 주목할 만한 부분이다.

      • KCI등재

        고려전기 군인전의 성립과 대거란 전쟁의 영향

        오치훈 한국중세사학회 2022 한국중세사연구 Vol.- No.68

        In the Goryeo Dynasty, there was a full-time soldier who was paid a salary called Guninjeon(軍人田). They inherited their duties as soldiers and Guninjeon to their descendants or relatives in the way of Jeonjeongyeollip(田丁連立). Since this method of succession of military service is very unique, several researchers have been interested and conducting research so far. This paper was written to argue that the war between Goryeo and Khitan influenced the creation of Guninjeon and Jeonjeongyeollip. The Goryeo-Khitan War started in 993 and ended with the Battle of Gwiju in 1019. Due to the war that lasted for about 30 years, problems such as securing armaments and treatment of the dead were highlighted. In the process of resolving the aforementioned problems, Guninjeon was gradually established. As a result, Jeonjeongyeollip and Gubunjeon(口分田) were prepared. Jeonjeongyeollip is a system in which soldiers pass on land(salary) along with their service obligations to descendants or relatives. Gubunjeon was the land paid to the bereaved family when a soldier who had no descendants or relatives died. In this way, the Goryeo Dynasty was able to secure soldiers and improve their treatment. In summary, Guninjeon in Goryeo has changed little by little over a long period of time. There are many factors for the change, but the war between Goryeo and Khitan was the most direct factor. 고려왕조에는 군인전을 지급받는 전업군인이 존재하였다. 이들은 소위 전정연립이라는 방식으로 군인의 직역과 군인전을 자손친족에게 계승하였다. 이와 같은 군인의 직역 계승 방식은 매우 독특한 것이므로 지금까지 여러 연구자들이 관심을 갖고 연구를 진행해 왔다. 이 글은 이러한 군인전의 운영 방식이 정립되는 과정에서 거란과의 전쟁이 적지 않은 영향을 미쳤음을 논증하기 위해 작성되었다. 고려-거란 전쟁은 993년 처음 발발한 이후 1019년 귀주대첩을 끝으로 종결되었다. 대략 30년 가까이 지속된 전쟁으로 인하여 군액의 확보와 전몰자에 대한 대우 등의 문제가 부각되었으며, 이러한 문제를 해결해 나가는 과정에서 고려의 군인전은 점차 정비되어 나갔다. 그 결과 군호가 직역과 함께 토지를 계승하는 전정연립제도 및 군호의 처우를 개선하고 직역 단절에 대비하기 위한 구분전 지급 방안도 마련되었다. 이처럼 고려의 군인전은 오랜 시간에 걸쳐서 조금씩 변화하였다. 변화의 동인은 여러 가지가 있겠으나 거란과의 전쟁이 무엇보다 직접적인 요인이었다.

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